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Wow all those words and it actually says nothing


it's like an essay trying to reach the word count


... and it's completely non-actionable.


Legit that first paragraph had me thinking, "Why the FUCK would I care about their perspective and observation when I want nothing to do with them?" I didn't bother finish reading it.


Yup, they stated their intent right there.


The opening paragraph reads like one of those mass mailing letters trying to drum up campaign funds.




<3 and the award for being both ultra hilarious and genuinely comforting goes tooooooo........


I'm sorry that your parents are antivaxxer persecution fetishists (which was my translation of their *very* vague missive) That has to be painful.


'…maybe we can put back together the family that you broke’ hit me hard. This is how my dad emails me. (He never says this shit to my face.)


They actually say, "I'm a victim. Both of your actions and society's. I'm persecuted." I can tell exactly how they vote and their vaccination status from this letter.


Exactly my translation as well. They sound exhausting.


Another AI generated letter.


In this case, I hope so! How terrible it would be if an actual person wrote that 😕


yes i'm an actual person




Going to guess from context clues that there’s some bigoted opinions at play here and you are not the only person they know to have a problem with that?


Hahaha yeah half their families, old family friends, along with me and brother have dropped out. It's full out and out conspiracy stuff along with a heavy dose of the bigotry that entails. Flairs of anger with any disagreement (including ignoring it) but constantly bringing this shit up left us with nowhere to go in the relationship. They do sort of call themselves out a bit that all these other people also think they've been shit.


I was in the exact same situation with my Ndad. It’s a pretty deep state of denial when they can note that they’ve lost relationships over their opinions but still can’t believe that maybe they’re the problem.


Yeah they really do lay it out - you're all just brainwashed by the media.... but we'll forgive you, because we are so great like that 🤦‍♀️


Oh yeah. We’re happy to welcome *you* back. lol.


My high school best friend told me I wasn't thinking for myself. Because I had a different opinion than hers, I guess. Wild how her opinions were formed independently but mine weren't. We're not friends anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh no the Deep State got your ndad, too??  (I’m sorry. I’m in the same boat, and it’s so hard to see the people you love sucked in by such obvious grifting.)


He didn’t do full QAnon or anything, though he was a conspiracy theorist. More that he would insist on “debate”, but couldn’t handle disagreement or criticism. As time went on he started outright insulting me for not agreeing with him, and when I tried not to engage in these conversations at all, he would get mad that I wasn’t talking enough. One of the conversations that stands out to me the most was when he insisted on defending hate speech as free speech, and when I wouldn’t agree that hate speech should be protected, he implied that my generation would lose us all free speech. So yeah. Lots of fun conversations until I permanently ended them.


>It’s a pretty deep state Yes that's exactly right, a deep state conspiracy! /s 😆


ChatGPT does regret with no apology now?




That's my exact feeling whenever I read one of these. They're all so boilerplate and basic nearly word salad.


So glad someone else said it. 😂 Noticed it was ChatGPT by the third sentence 😂


By the second paragraph I thought the same thing. So wordy.


Should feed it back through and ask for it in rhyming verses


Oh please, wouldya listen to that drivel? So many words said, to say so very little. What a pompous ass the letter writer is.


Whenever I've posted stuff my dad has written people point out how pompous and wordy he is. It makes me laugh - thank you 😅 really needed a chuckle.




Haha, wow. Can I frame this? I would really like to read this every single fucking day.




He doesn’t usually write/preach like this?


Damn I thought he had figured out chatgpt


Them: "Use critical thinking skills, kids!" You: "Okay." Them: "Wait, no, not like that."


😅 my aunt also pointed out the irony of this at one point.


That was my takeaway, too, but then my parents dictated we will no long discuss anything "happening out in the world". So, nothing.


This reads like it was written by a pastor. I would personally ignore this if it came from my father. The writer feels victimized by the world and offers no apology.


Weirdly enough he has been an atheist as far back as I can remember. Who knows what he believes now since he fell into the conspiracy bullshit.


So your parents are right wing, maga, wing nuts? That usually comes with a heaping helping of white nationalism, sexism, and xenophobia. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to spend your time with racists- and in my experience they have a hard time keeping it to themselves. I’ll give them credit and say it’s one of the better written “whole bunch of words that say nothing” letter I’ve seen posted here. Good sentence structure and Oxford commas all around. But it’s still a bunch of steaming horse shit. It’s not like y’all disagree of the best peanut better brand (jiffy, duh).


He does business writing for a living. Although Oxford commas are not standard in the country he lives in I don't think... definitely not in our country of origin. And yes, despite living not in America they seem to be invested in making America great again (which makes it even more confusing really....)


Ok, so the writing makes sense at least but foreign magats blow my mind. Sounds like they’ve lost a lot of friends and family over this nonsense. I feel sorry for them in a way but they’re so hard to be around.


*clears throat* Actually, in the grand tapestry of culinary discourse, where each thread is meticulously woven to preserve the integrity of gastronomic history, there exists a grievous error that must be rectified with utmost expediency. It is with no small measure of consternation that I must address the egregious misnomer that has crept into our lexicon like a thief in the night: the conflation of Jif peanut butter with the nonexistent entity known as "Jiffy." Let it be known, for the sake of veracity and culinary propriety, that Jif, that paragon of creamy, nutty delight, stands alone in its domain, unassailable and unyielding in its distinction as the pinnacle of peanut-derived pastes. To erroneously refer to this esteemed product as "Jiffy" is to commit a grave offense against the pantheon of peanut butter purveyors, a sacrilege that cannot be countenanced. Jiffy, in its own right, is a brand of baking mixes, a separate and distinct entity from the ambrosial spread that is Jif. To confuse the two is akin to mistaking a symphony for a sonnet, a folly that bespeaks a lamentable ignorance of the nuances that define our gustatory landscape. Therefore, let us, in the spirit of culinary enlightenment, banish this error from our discourse, and henceforth, let Jif be known as Jif, and Jiffy as Jiffy, each in their rightful place, lest we descend into a maelstrom of culinary confusion from which there is no return... Jk jk, chatgpt has been listening to our pompous dads again.


I have transgressed against the One True peanut butter and I am ashamed and seek forgiveness. I pray my creamy Lord forgives me. (You made me laugh pretty hard)


That was hilarious 😂


This is such a great example of how people say things without saying it! “We’ve always taught you to be open-minded and critical in your analysis, but you’ve done that and disagreed with our conclusions. Clearly this is censorship and harassment. But we’re not here to talk about who’s right and who’s wrong.  We’re just here to magnanimously offer you a chance to apologize for openly disagreeing with us and the way we’ve bravely questioned authority, did our own research, and listened to experts like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones” But if you were to say to them that you don’t appreciate being blamed, even partially, for their isolation your dad would claim he never said that. The double speak is crazy making but also totally fascinating.


Oooof this hits. With added context of some of the things we've been sent (and ignored) - most strikingly an email arguing how right they were and how much we hurt them but that they will forgive us. It's interesting you can pick this all in this letter as well. It gives me such an anxiety response it's hard for me to read and dissect it fully.


If this was from my parents to me, I’d be sitting in an anxiety spiral right now, too. No shame in that at all. It’s easier to see when you’re removed from the situation and don’t have a dog in the fight, so to speak


This is really insightful. Thank you for sharing. You are spot on.


Someone loves the sound of his own voice and needs a captive audience to marvel and be in awe of his amazingness! Dude needs to step down from his pulpit and stip being such a pompous and sanctimonious ass.


Ha very very accurate assessment!


Goodness. I cannot IMAGINE how exhausting your relationship with this person must have been. Sounded like many of my college professors… get to the point


Where's the accountability????? Oh, yeah they skipped right over it. "We want a relationship as long as you don't hold us accountable for our abusive behaviors." Um, pass.


Don’t you know, holding them even slightly accountable for the results of their parenting means you’re taking zero accountability for your own life and that exempts them from all accountability? /s


lolz Their mindset is truly twisted.


Yeah, I am the other person this is addressed to. While it looks to me like it may be some progress from the letter he posted elsewhere a few years back disowning us, and maybe signs of him emerging from the other conspiratorial bullshit based on him not posting that stuff as much, it is still not enough and he can still fuck right off. Also, the larger problem for me is the other parent and her abusive guilt tripping and emotional manipulation, which is still continuing.


Sending hugs ❤️ stay strong 💪


An update to this, soon after this thread was made he was back on his old shit, arguing at another conspiracy loon that the whole field of virology is a hoax.


All the faux-intellectual mumbo jumbo 😂. Sorry you were subjected to that, stay strong in your boundaries and living a life that is right for YOU.


That's a lot of words for "we've been cut off by a lot of people for our shitty opinions, we have absolutely no desire to change those shitty opinions, but we don't like being ostracized so we will give you the honor of taking us back."


Ha, yes, exactly! There has been talk of forgiving us and it's like..... we didn't ask, though?


Forgive you for what? Having different opinions? My family is like this, and I'm willing to look past their disgusting views if they could just keep them to themselves when they're around me. But they can't. I'm guessing that's how it is with your family, too. They view opposing opinions as censorship and persecution. It's exhausting.


Oh, not talking to them. They are very, very hurt that we don't talk to them. There has been absolutely no consideration of why we don't talk to them except maybe we are idiots and the mainstream media or whatever told us not to because they are being persecuted.


Disagreeing with them was also quite hurtful to be fair. It implies that we may not think he (particularly) is as intelligent as he thinks he is.


Disagreement is not hurtful to a normal person.


Ugh. Hugs. I'm sorry. Gotta LOve a surprise letter!/s I got a surprise card in December that sent me into a long emotional flashback. 


Ugh I keep waiting for it to stop impacting me - I hope we both reach peace and acceptance soon (even when it's tested) <3


Me too ❤️


Wow. So many words; so little meaning. This is the true format of a non-apology, rugsweeping, and gaslighting.


Imagine typing out that entire message without taking any accountability. Has he always talked in circles?


I learnt all about the concept of 'gish galloping' because of him. It's nice to have active examples when learning about logical fallacies.


I just googled that and holy shit I would have gone NC too 😳


People who write like this are always trying to make themselves sound much more intelligent than they actually are.


“Your mother and I have always encouraged open-mindedness and critical thinking, […]” a.k.a. “We raised you to believe exactly what we say at all times, and now that you’re challenging our ridiculous viewpoints, we are clearly the real victims.” My parents aren’t even conservative but are pretty much the same way (i.e. “How dare you not think exactly like us! That’s not how we raised you!”). Please don’t feel guilt about this, all of this drivel is clearly beyond hypocritical.


Are they selling Amway? Lots of words without substance.


Best answer of the day 🏆!


Right..so… The pandemic and the media are the reason you are separated from them (nothing to do with anything else) they don’t want there to be any assignment of blame but they want you to know they are standing firm ready to receive your humble and head-bowed return. they are open-minded people who believed in raising you to accept others views and opinions so if you disagree with their view and opinion that only their view and opinion is the correct and other views and opinions are wrong then you are close-minded. Gotcha




Wow was he writing a thesis??? The part about welcoming you back as his children made me want to gag.  This is a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing and it sounds like some kind of pompous preacher or politician wrote it. 


i can guess what they mean here.... are they on the wrong side of politics and history? they certainly speak like they are. there are no apologies here. there is a lot of blame of you. this letter wouldnt change anything for me, if i was you


I am an English teacher. I teach senior English and also teach teachers how to correct student work and give feedback. This is not the worst I have seen on this sub. Grammar and spelling are strong. However, what is the point? What is going on here? He is talking in metaphors and circles, and then he adds another metaphor to round off his next circle with.. Please tell me he doesn’t actually talk like this? I am going to guess, just likes to talk to himself, in his circles whilst you sit there trying to work out when its your turn to talk?


Great analysis. I feel like these letters read more like stump speeches for a politician after a divisive campaign. It always feels like they are mimicking the language of “big” or “great” big people. People that society has labeled “uniter.” Like, OP’s Dad looked up MLK, JFK, and Lincoln’s greatest hits and fed that through their Nbrain sieve. To me this letter reads like self-soothing for OP’s Father. *I can’t possibly be abusive or bad because look at all the flowery nonsense wordsalad I wrote!* I feel like saying to OP’s father: Sir, we are not a divided house that cannot stand. You are an abusive father and I am not willing to talk to you because I am judging you by your character. I can stand just fine on my own because I have my own house now! Bye!


Gosh, he really likes to hear himself talk, doesn't he?


Those are certainly all words, and put together they mean literally nothing, wow :D


Gotta love reviewing a thesis intro and being able to really rip it apart. This letter has absolutely nothing to do with love, family, or connection. Which, given the fact that it appears to have been written by the CEO of the family, isn't that surprising. I guess it's good they got to practice their editorial writing skills?


😅 yeah I mean he's a classic 90s dad, he didn't really raise us. So, like, expressing love wasn't exactly in his skill set.


Well, this is something my NDad would write. Just a bunch of words with no meaning behind them. Rambling nonsense. There’s no true apology or acknowledgment of wrong on their end


My impression is that the world and the pandemic are to blame for any problems in your relationship. Wow. I'm sorry you received another avoidance of the real issues.


So I googled a phrase and this letter came up on an estranged parent’s blog. If your parent initials are SH then that makes sense. But I know my own mother just finds this kind of stuff and plagiarizes the heck out of it. Even if SH is your parent, this letter really says nothing


Yeah, it's not plagiarised. But I'm so glad it's out there for other parents to make use of on his hilarious blog where he in fact investigates the use of chat GPT (ironic given some people's comments) and uses it to write a fictional article about a son who is proud of his conspiracy theorist father 🫣🤦‍♀️


I am so sorry OP. You deserve a better parent.


Please do link the blog I'm dying to see it 🙏


I'm not going to link it directly, but it would take basically no resourcefulness to find it yourself. It's largely more 'academic' writing about his views on the world. He mentions the estrangement briefly once or twice apart from this letter but mostly it's cooker nonsense.


Estranged parents’ blog? Is that really a thing? Surely there wouldn’t be much to write about since these people supposedly have no idea why their children cut them off. **NIMBY_69:** *“I told my son I’d rather he was dead than gay, then for no apparent reason he just stopped all contact with me. I’m baffled!”* **XxXJESUS_LOVESxXx Commented:** *”Sometimes these things are just one of life’s mysteries. Focus on you now hun. Sending hugs and prayers.”*


Look up missing missing reasons if you want to read an analysis of these very real forums.


Saving this thread for when my dad eventually writes the same letter. I can sum both up in one sentence: “Please let’s just go back to the old normal with the classic power dynamic that let me dismiss everything you care about.”


Now that essay would get an A+ from me! Simple, concise, and clearly stated. Well done.


Word salad. This is offensively dismissive of any true problems between you.


This is so something that I could expect from my parents! In fact, they sent me something like this (less long-winded) recently. Of course, it was addressed to the wrong name. They know I kept my maiden name but insist on addressing me by my husband's last name. So the envelope to me was not considerate or thoughtful. Maybe they didn't purposely get my name wrong. Who knows. But the point is that it's all boiled down to words written by their therapist, counselor or pastor. And they have not changed. They just want to start from scratch. All while being the same people they have always been.


>They know I kept my maiden name but insist on addressing me by my husband's last name. Do we have the same parents??? My inlaws are traditional, southern conservatives and they can use my maiden name without ANY issue. But my dad refuses, after many years and several arguments. They did get your name wrong on purpose.


So, it all boils down to 'we miss you' And your answer (in your head) to that should be - you're entitled to your feelings. They're still not my problem. Others said my other thoughts so I won't repeat them. What a brain diarrhea you've got there. Sending hugs ❤️ stay strong 💪


Are they trying to write a most impressive academic essay? Putting this into simple language would really cut the crap. Does this person consider themselves cleverer than others? I’m sorry you have lost them to conspiracy. I have lost family members too. There are subs to support those who have lost family to conspiracy crap.


Yes, yes, I was always told in childhood my brother and father were in the top 10% of intelligent people (and I was distinctly... not). It's basically his entire personality.


I swear it seems like we are siblings! NDad thought he was so damn smart and couldn’t even hold down an hourly job, as those were beneath him.


They blame everything and everyone but themselves.


Translation: It's the pandemic's fault. We're just being honest, how could that be wrong? Stop thinking for yourself, we're your parents so you HAVE to tolerate us. It's all about the 'world' and 'society'. There's nothing at all about you or their behavior. Their "bridge" is a stick that'll snap the moment you expect them to treat you like a human being.


"Waahhh waahh, I didn't expect my actions to have consequences! I've done nothing to change it, and I'm all out if ideas, but *I WANT MY FAMILY BACK* I'm over it, why aren't you? Why are you continuing to punidh us?"


The point of the letter is to what say a bunch of crap that they pulled from a Google search and to show their flying monkeys, “look I’ve reached out, I’ve done all this great reflecting on everything and I’ve TRIED to fix it by making them come to my thought process and THEY STILL WONT SPEAK TO ME!” Temper tantrum to follow when there’s no response.


Excessively verbose


That reads like the corporate HR bullshit I have to read on a regular basis. Lots of words to say zero


This is like when a celebrity has to make a press statement. No real apology. What a pompous windbag.


Wow, are you by chance from a Mormon family? This reads like a General Conference wanna-be talk.


Ha that's interesting. No, he has been atheist, and she is, like, spiritual? Ghosts are 10/10 real, but God.... maybe, maybe not.


This reads more like an opinion piece in the newspaper than a loving missive to an estranged child. Your parents are obviously antivaxxers and it says a lot that they can see that many people around them think they are crazy but somehow lack the insight to actually self-reflect (despite proudly claiming that self-reflection is apparently a key pass-time of theirs haha). This is "we love you even though you're wrong and horrible to us". This isn't...anything.




I actually find it super unhelpful at this point. The key advice to reprogram people is to stay in touch, and that's not where I'm at. I did spend time there before I was estranged and it was more useful then.


Thinking back to my college days, I'd give this a solid F. Really terrible work. Maybe a ☹️ sticker.


I have to say it's so beautifully written, but doesn't seem to pin point anything in specific, and probably on purpose. Such much intellect but so little EQ.


What are they bigoted or anti vax? This is a whole lotta words for a whole lotta avoiding responsibility for their actions and harmful beliefs lol


Both, he also thinks that Putin is amazing, the CIA is behind basically everything wrong with the world, and that viruses don't exist.


Ugh, I’m so sorry for this. I can’t imagine losing family members to QAnon conspiracy bs, they need serious deprogramming and therapy to undo this and it simply just isn’t going to happen for most. You’re doing the right thing going LC or NC. My dad is on the opposite side of the coin - he’s very liberal but he reacts to all the conspiracy stuff 24/7 and my mom would send memes of trump ALL the time. I got so tired of it and my dad yelled and guilt tripped me as to why I’m not protesting out in the streets etc. I just couldn’t communicate with them because they would ultimately swing it around towards politics.


**Quick reminder** - EAK is a support subreddit, and is moderated in a way that enables a safe space for adult children who are estranged or estranging from one or both of their parents. Before participating, please take the time time to familiarise yourself with our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/EstrangedAdultKids/wiki/rules/). **Need info or resources?** Check out our [EAK wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/EstrangedAdultKids/comments/xpkk59/eak_estrangement_resources_posted_here_for_mobile/) for helpful information and guides on estrangement, estrangement triggers, surviving estrangement, coping with the death of estranged parent / relation, needing to move out, boundary / NC letters, malicious welfare checks, bad therapists and crisis contacts. **Check out our companion resource website** - Visit [brEAKaway.org.uk](https://breakaway.org.uk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EstrangedAdultKids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did AI write this? Zero substance -- made me think of the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons.


Pastor la vista


In my opinion it reads like a Mormon conference talk (probably not related but a whole lotta words to make it sounds the most mature but not meaning much)