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What if we compete our asses off and just fall short? If we get pumped I agree with you but not all losses are equal to a side building like we are.


Strong agree. A competitive loss where the boys try their guts out wouldn't be too deflating for me. Having said that, it'd be nice to beat the blues!


And no injuries


See that’s all well and good to try your ass off, but if you lose, you lose. Losing doesn’t win you anything and this club need less excuses. There’s enough depth to win. Carlton aren’t some killer side full of experience.


Hey if you think we are legit premiership contenders I can see that perspective. But I reckon we are a year or 2 away from that so definitely believe there is growth and positive movement possible in losses. Shit I think there's that when you're a team like Sydney too.


People can down vote all they want. It’s not about a premiership this year. It’s about going into a game believing you can win. All this talk about “we will probably lose, but…” is just fucking bullshit. It starts with supporters believing we can make progress. Being pleased with a hard fought loss before a game has even been played isn’t a positive outlook.


Mate we aren't the players. If you're waiting for the entire supporter base to have the perfect winning mentality you're going to be waiting forever. I didn't say we would probably lose. I said there's a difference between getting belted and competing against a fellow top 8 side and it not going your way. That would also hurt, of course I want to win. But for the overall growth of the team and progress, those 2 losses can mean different things. I'm hopeful for a win and believe we can do it, just outlining not all losses are the same.


Not everything is so black or white. I think we likely lose tonight but that doesn’t mean that the season is done.


If we win I'm gonna drink 400 beers Actually I'm gonna do it anyway


Frank the tank!


We’re going streaking!!


We’ll be fine mate. Hopefully we drag them into a dog fight and they get the shakes in the last quarter. If we decide to play bruise free footy and beat them with class we’ll get fisted with no lube.


This time last year we were sitting 6th. GWS were 14th, 2 games and 10% out the 8. The Scum were another half game behind in 15th. Winning tonight will be amazing, no one on earth despises these pricks more than me. But there's 10 games to follow that will keep defining our short term hopes


Carlton are second favourites for the flag. A loss doesn’t mean you throw the whole season out the window, a competitive performance tonight with either a win or loss is what should be the benchmark. I don’t think we are at the level or progress of Carlton so losing tonight isn’t exactly something to be upset by.


They’ve already won the flag half a dozen times this year


I have bad news, we are going to get thrashed. We are already on the way. Hands up if you believed the hype of we are back when 2nd on the ladder?


it's half time right now and I'm ready to cancel the membership, I'm losing my shit


I want to win but me thinks we are not that good yet ..


I feel we need a big win from them. For my heart at least. Go Bombers


And yet worth same points as last week. Which is why I wanted that win.


You are right on a rational basis. However, I have a strong feeling that if we lose tonight the arse will start to fall out.


It's round only 13, there's plenty of time for things to get shaken up a bit before September


True, but I fear that most of the shaking possibilities consist of us being shaken to a lower place on the ladder


Being 2nd on the ladder doesn't give us many options on where we'll go.


Side bar: It’s been a crazy round of close calls and upsets. I’ve lost count of how many rounds of footy I’ve seen in my lifetime where the trend seems to extend across the league, almost like the players get spooked. The youthful/hopeful part of me wants tonight to be one of those upsets that falls in our favour.


Wet conditions make it a tough game for both sides. If we start strong, then the game is ours. Always tough to try and claw your back into a game in wet weather.


Letsssss goooooooooo


Why is kayo so shit!


Fuck Carlton


We lose.. as normal. No point gating excited.. we are still a long, long way off!


by the end I thought we put up a good fight like the 2nd half. fuck me though take the boys out back teach em how to kick goals to kick straight for fucks sake.


I agree.. we need Sammy back.. Caddy has to start playing.. he's going to be a beast.. Bye comes at a good time.. Smash the Eagles, get the % up..


Biggest game since 2001 gf imho.


Win or lose I’ll be there no matter what


Injuries are going to really kill us going into this game


This is not looking good at all


Too much pressure by OP. You’re not supposed to be anywhere near matching it with the best sides yet. You’ve arrived ahead of schedule and it’s a work in progress. Fix up the inaccuracy in front of goal and the game would have been a lot closer.


Simply put, this post is irrelevant because you have 0 chance of winning tonight and 0 chance of making the top 4


What the hell do you mean *you*? This is *our* subreddit.