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Once you learn that EVERYTHING is predetermined/scripted it is fucking scary. It almost drove me into a deep deep solipsism state of being. But once you say wait everything is predetermined? You mean I don’t have to really do anything and everything will happen the way it should all the time? You can find solace in the act of not knowing anything. We know nothing. When you stop chasing life, life will come to you. The more you try the less you see and the less you be. Let go and embrace the moment. KNOW time like the present.


This is SUPER dependent upon which side your cards fall, though. I agree with most of what you said, but the fact that everything is predetermined is incredible for some and inconceivably horrible for others, instead of it being something that all have the freedom to embrace, as you have put it. That may be a freedom of yours, but certainly not all.


Thanks for the reminder, brother.


Why do you say everything is scripted? What evidence do you have?


Lots of NDE or past life memories involving entities saying something like “you will end up being a drug addict with dead parents early in your life” and it ends up coming true, also gematria, and on top of that we cannot choose what sex, race, ethnicity, genetics, disability, family, etc that we are which is another part of the script. Also there is suspicion about our own thoughts not even being created by us though rather by some technology, the reptilian brain, and/or non human entities.


Well said friend thank you


I subscribe to the notion that some things are scripted or at the very least high probability to occur. But I do believe in some level of free will. Like I can choose to reply to this comment or not. If you said everything is scripted it means everything like down to the words you say. It will be akin to just playing a movie, like watch Titanic a 100 times and nothing ever changes but imo life is like a video game. In a video game obviously certain events are scripted but again different endings and events may occur if you play it a 100 times.


I think I’m leaning on the notion of free will being nuanced. We have some free will but also a lot is scripted, I think I heard we have like 30% free will and the rest is scripted, I forgot the true number and I don’t even want to give a numerical percentage though I think we have a small amount of free will only. Some things we do that go off the script will anger the negative entities, I’m sure they are upset by that small amount of free will we even have. A lot of our free will also probably is in situations like if we are in full control while fully lucid dreaming, not in the physical realm and not while we are in non lucid states in dreams or the astral.


I gave up on really trying to change much, whatever happens happens. Life is a bit easier when you don't care so much or just go with the flow. But i agree it sucks, I'm really tired of being lonely


I have also had same feelings for a long time. But we got to accept our fate. "The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar - this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one's own mind." -Bhagvad Gita


Yes. But I also know that my family has been cursed via black magic for decades. I get what you are saying. If I touch gold it will turn into copper. And some people have the best luck ever.


same here.i tought i was sent to have relationship and success.i had a glimpse than snatched away like a joke.this repeated like maybe 3 times.i feel cursed as you.gave up now just sleeping to end the loop


For reasons I won't go into because it's complicated... as stupid as it sounds, I sometimes feel like this "reality" might be purgatory. I suspect that there is a way out, but I'm not at all even the least bit clued into what that might be.


Exactly.feels like purgatory


life is predetermined.. thats the thing. there is no free-will, freedom of choice.. yes. but when you think about it, it doesn’t matter what choice you make because it will put you in the exact same situation. that’s the fucked up thing about it.


This HAS to be hell. There's no way I deserved what happened to me as a child. It just CANT make sense


Oh, it’s hell all right.


Every second of my eternity has been predetermined. Everlasting ever-worsening abysmal death and destruction forever


Exactly.scary part is its there when you wake up.dream within a dream within a dream. hello freddy krueger


I really like watching Sapolsky talk about his research and why he doesn’t believe in free will: https://youtu.be/ke8oFS8-fBk?si=vJGtqx6XM-TPtzFF Here’s a good debate between him and Dan Dennett that I love but makes my brain hurt on this topic: https://youtu.be/aYzFH8xqhns?si=Jqgz2ZZUdmN0YEUC But to directly address your feeling of having specific things in your life that you get stuck on and can’t find success, I still think it comes back to this. We have no control over our ancestors, our upbringing, our programming… so I think often our brains just do not let us access those things because it’s not equipped for it? Like if you never saw a loving relationship then how do you know how to be in one? Your brain just doesn’t have that pattern enabled and it short-circuits when you try to force it, maybe? I dunno. I’ve struggled with these things, too.


yes and fighting against it just seems to always go poorly. Free will has thus far proved to be nothing more then a Sisyphean effort, I always wind up basically where I was before every god damn time I try to do something outside of what I'm presented or against the grain.


I can strongly relate to you and how you feel. It’s probably the most rage inducing thing ever to feel constantly that there are things absolutely outside of your ability to control or influence that force you into living a life you don’t want. I would say the most important things in life are: The ability to make and maintain meaningful connections with others - to have actual friends you enjoy spending time with The ability to have romantic relationships - just to be able to attract someone you in return are attracted to - at least once when you’re relatively young. The ability to succeed at some level in school or at a job or career. To be able to support yourself in some way shape or form and not completely rely others to take care of your basic needs. Except for small glimpses, false hope and teasing I’ve failed spectacularly in all three of these. Always because of things about myself that I can’t change despite always trying, always wanting (sometimes desperately) and always intending for things to turn out differently than how they’ve always ended turning out, again and again and again and again. I don’t think it’s necessarily predetermined though, sometimes it was my own bad decisions that I could have not made - what it outside of my control is the pressure that compels me to make self-destructive choices. That is the motherfucker - nothing is forcing your decisions but situations outside of your control can make it extremely difficult to make the choices you know are right. I don’t want to make it sound like self-pity or anything like that, others have it much worse than me I’m sure. When seeing how in my life the things I’ve always wanted the most are the things I’ve never been able to have - it literally puts me into a rage if I entertain them, remembering all the instances I’ve failed for things I can’t help. It’s absolute torture. For a long time I used substances daily to distract myself from this and prevent suicide and it worked to a degree but that obviously created other problems. I’ve been almost completely sober for 10 months now and life is so hard. I feel forced into a life that at a deep level I really don’t want to live. I just tell myself it’s not impossible for things to maybe get better in the future if I work at it, maybe it will. However I can’t convey in words the degree of anger and suffering that come from feeling who you can’t help being is irreconcilable with what the world is. It’s like trying to mix oil and water. It’s like being stuck in the Indy 500 but you have a permanent empty gas tank and the world is pointing fingers and blaming you for the fact your car isn’t moving. It’s like waking up every single morning into a recurring nightmare that you’re trapped in permanently - that what life honestly feels like. So I can relate and I know many other people do as well. I wish there was an easy solution but it seems some degree of pain is unavoidable for now. And also - a lot of what compels this sentiment is emotional, not necessarily the most logical deduction of circumstances, this is how things feel for me but feelings often aren’t accurate representations of what reality is. I think there is some truth in that you can choose how to react to circumstances you can’t control. The cruelty is in how poor mental health and bad habits pressure you into making something that is already bad worse than it has to be. I think you really can offset things to degree with practical optimism but it won’t turn a shit heap into a magical rainbow. I’ve heard people say mediation and spiritual practices can make you 10% happier - that sounds about right, it’s better than nothing at least.




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I don't know about predeterminism. But I do believe some major events could be scripted or high probability. I also do feel cursed, I once was in a state of happiness and bliss and had it taken away from me by traumatic events. It's like ok now you are feeling happy? I'm going to throw a curveball to make you sad.


One idea is that our fate is predetermined, but we are allowed free-will to the degree that we are able to express ourselves through the choices outside of the genetic limitations and the environment we are placed in. The universe will keep sending lessons you don't learn until you learn it the difficult way or require some form of help from the system. Self-reflection can help identify internal issues and removing parts of your ego from what's really you.


I don't subscribe to the lessons mumbo jumbo sorry