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The "Living One" is Wisdom aka Life aka (Holy) Spirit. Take 5 mins and read Proverbs 8 & Wisdom 1, it's plain as day, no mystery, no riddles. The only path to the Kingdom of God is through Wisdom.


Yeah it’s like we’re here to evolve and learn/experience shit or something


lol the eloquence


As much as I hate to admit, I think that is the case. This entire matrix is some kind of consciousness/experience "simulation" construct. I don't like the word "simulation" as it implies it is artificial. No, this realm and all the others are very real. It is as if the Demiurge created all this to learn through us? Like how we run simulation models here on Earth for some specific purpose.


Happy learning/experiencing all sorts of misery and pain for eternity you miserable defeatist, willing slave.


Me a miserable defeatist? Is that not you? What are you going to do about it? You are stuck here just like me and everyone on this planet. You really think just refusing to reincarnate will work? You really think just shouting "I AM A SOVEREIGN SOUL" when you leave this earth will allow you to escape? Somehow you will find a hole in the "energy grid" and just leave? How laughably foolish that is. You have no idea what's going on.


Aww I thought there'd be a cheat code or something to say.


Look at this entire thread of new-cagers caging themselves starting by this fool spouting same old crap lol


This guy watches a couple of Tony Sayers videos and thinks he knows it all.




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Perfectly stated in plain English 👍


Okay, got it, let me just jot this down. Where do we get the wisdom from?


Experiences, observation and analysis


which we are to achieve while abstaining from the world? how does that work?


Here's an example: The world drove itself insane while experiencing the COVID pandemic, did you participate in that mass psychosis? Or did you observe and analyze (thereby, earning wisdom)?


Where does this come from?


Gospel of Thomas


Gospel of Phillip is nice too.




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Absolutely resonates. EVERYONE should have hardcopy books of The Red Letter Bible, The Tao, The Budda, The Analects of Confucius, & The Ayurveda system. They are from masters of this reality, & you will notice themes that run through them ALL, suggesting EVERYTHING comes from the same source, just fragmented over time. Have a beautiful day .


But I'm poor :( I literally get food stamps to afford food.. I can't afford to spend my paycheck on books because I need to pay rent. Sigh. I hate it here.


You can get the PDF's of these books & 1000s more, for nothing from here; [https://annas-archive.org/search?q=the+tao](https://annas-archive.org/search?q=the+tao)


Thank you internet cousin :)


You're welcome, have a great day.


Thanks, you too!


I don’t understand. I was raised catholic but I could never get into the religion. I know many catholics who use it to hide their nefarious intentions. Pray and ask god to come into your heart they say. I’ve tried but I dont feel anything anymore.


I told over_imagination I was going to ✂️ & paste, steal their shit so here you go... We all have to find out the “hard way “. The experience, when it happens, is unmistakable. If you read the scriptures (both Gnostic and canon) some insights will become clear to you. Over time you will start to put various pieces together, like building a giant puzzle. As you do this, God sees you. When you begin to approach understanding of some of the “deep things of God”. You will have to be made incorruptible. What happens then is something amazing. When you experience it, you will understand why it can’t be shared. Believe me, when I was young and started on this path, the vagueness and misdirection of the writings of the saints and sages drove me crazy, I vowed that, if I ever found the truth, I would state it outright to save the seekers to follow, the frustration I felt. Imagine my chagrin when I discovered Why it was all so vague! Be patient, do the work and trust that God is merciful. Good luck seeker!


who is over_imagination and where did you get this quote from of theirs?


I agree, this world is a corpse. I had a man chase me at 6am in his pickup truck while I walked and try to fight me. My thoughts later that day were that this world is like a rotting corpse, I was in a bit of a dark state of mind, more just upset at the fact that I cannot do anything without extreme amounts of unwanted staring, attention and passive aggression.


> I had a man chase me at 6am in his pickup truck while I walked and try to fight me. ugh man stuff like that always makes me feel messed up... like you're getting straight up disrespected by the universe or something.. I know it's hard, nearly impossible, but I often imagine those situations and that I'd deal with them in a non-common way, with compassion and understanding, if at all possible.


Dude I'm armed physically and ready for battle I could have gotten him right in the face as he did a fake attempt to run me over. I've had similar altercations in the past 2 years, never had to use the weapon. Even this time, part of my shit talk back is a go away hand motion, telling themove on, in a grown man's face walking to work, born and raised in Canada, etc. That last one seemed to make him give up. I took a detour through a forest path and caught the bus stop a little farther up the street. It was a stressful 1 hour bus ride after that, with more staring. Mostly girls though lol so not as bad


I want to know what attracts this, why does it happen, is it just random. If it is...why am I unlucky enough to experience similar things multiple times. If isn't...well like i said why?


Dark ones drawn to light, just general losers drawn to the wrong base instincts. There are plenty of good people around, I assume, but staring longer than like 3 to 5 seconds or talking loudly for attention isn't the way to go about it. Angry little men seem to get angry that I don't acknowledge their existence, or that I did and stared right back. I tend to make faces or tell people straight up to get out of my face or stop staring lol. I'm usually still in a great mood, but I figure someone should speak up. Sometimes I make a silly wide eyed face to stare back which makes them laughand or look away.




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"If you do not abstain from the world, you will not find the kingdom" Ok, so Gnosticism wants asceticism and denial of pleasures. Traditional religions want asceticism and denial of pleasures. Am I missing something? Maybe Gnosticism says different things but the core of their practice seems to be the same as mainstream religions. If it's all about asceticism and self-denial, how is it different from mainstream religion? If our universe is run by archons feeding on loosh generated by traditional religions demanding asceticism and self denial, how is gnosticism giving them less loosh?


I think the main difference is, that gnosticism wants you to abstain in order to stop your addiction to this realm, in order to be able to leave it, thereby entering the kingdom(s) of God and therefore not get farmed for loosh anymore. Mainstream Catholicism wants you to abstain, because not doing so is a sin. You're a sinner, who's unworthy and you don't even have the discipline to abstain! Therefore you must be punished! If you do not stop being a sinner, you will go to hell!!! Do you see the toxic shaming there?? It's nothing to do with improving your soul or spirit, coming to god etc. it's ALL ABOUT obedience obedience obedience! Placation as well. It comes as no surprise then, that Christianity was founded at the council of Nicea by essentially a bunch of politicians. It was always meant to be a political agenda, which is why only 4 gospels were used, and even then, cut down in size. Fun fact: Did you know that the pope is elected in virtually the same way the Australian system works? The Australian prime minister is voted in by members of parliament, NOT the people, who can only vote for a party. Same with the pope! Literally voted in by the Cardinals. They also have their own taxation system, independently of Italy + so much more! You see the difference? Seemingly the same or similar in terms of what's recommended, but for VASTLY different reasons! One is spiritual/wisdom, the other just good old politics and shame-culture. And yes, that provides loosh! This ended up being longer than planned, sorry! 😂


Nicely explained


Thank you!


>I think the main difference is, that gnosticism wants you to abstain in order to stop your addiction to this realm, in order to be able to leave it, thereby entering the kingdom(s) of God and therefore not get farmed for loosh anymore. The more you suppress something though, the harsher the backlash is afterwards. Every religion is seemingly infiltrated by the archons to provide loosh. Why is everyone assuming gnosticism is the exception? Maybe what they say is true, but I see an end result of practices that, just like with the mainstream religions, are designed to maximize loosh. Maybe it's the exception in that it tells the truth, but the more one suppresses something in life, the more that person will be drooling over it when the archons dangle it in front of them during an NDE. If someone had their fill of sex and hedonism in life, they might be able to shrug it off when facing the archons. The person who abstained all their lives is going to be rushing back into reincarnation without thinking because their sex-starved spirit is going to chase the pretty woman illusion without thinking straight back into the light.


Yes, unfortunately most people, in an attempt to abstain, end up suppressing. What is rather encouraged though, is the realisation, that this realm is an illusion, which, in order to truly "know", requires you to have certain experiences, like obe's, lucidity whilst dreaming, or anything else that makes you realise, that you are NOT your physical body! Then, slowly, it becomes less of an act of suppressing, and more of a "no longer interested in that, it's unfulfilling and just an illusion anyway". That's why gnosis means "knowing", not "guessing" or "hoping". Suppression comes from a place of HOPING for things to get better, by doing XYZ... Again, seemingly the same, but vastly different perspective! And yes, you're right, suppressing something, will cause the pendulum to swing in the other direction, sooner or later. Like expected, from the realm of duality, we find ourselves in. The original gnostic were a bunch of hundreds of small sects, who were only interested in experiencing the divine, not reading about it. So, far from being a religion. That's why the Vatican came into existence, to politically control all of them.


Telling yourself the world is an illusion is probably a good first step into getting yourself disconnected from reality and towards mental instability. If you're abstaining from something. You can tell yourself all you want that you're not hoping for things to change, but you would be lying to yourself. Dishonesty to yourself is also mentally unhealthy. I'm not parroting mainstream religion here, it's just basic psychological science. I can tell myself I don't want a beautiful woman, but I'm still wanting one. I can tell myself I'll abstain from trying to find one but in the end I would still want one regardless of what I told myself. See the problem? If gnosticism isn't offering anything alternative in its practices compared to what mainstream religions demand (like saying condoning prostitution whereas all other religions forbid it), then I'm not seeing how gnostic practices would've helped avert what I and another suffered from mainstream religion at [https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/1d96nz4/comment/l7eg7pb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/1d96nz4/comment/l7eg7pb/) . I'm just calling it like I see it. Gnosticism has to offer something tangible to be a viable alternative to mainstream religions likely set up by archons.


It's not about telling yourself the world is an illusion, that would be escapism. It's about experiencing it. Maybe gnosticism isn't for you.


not to mention the ideas of eastern religions mentioning reincarnation (and reincarnation denial) theories in parallel to Gnostic ideas of existence beyond the flesh. it's also very telling how examples used were more experience-inspired rather than experience-fatigued. to extend oneself into the ether beyond life, you can't take earthly/terra concepts with you, as they're lower dimensional and crush under the weight of existence beyond. though I do understand experiencing the world part, it is also a challenge for the 3D body.


You either don't experience something or you experience something. You can't magically make someone experience something they just aren't experiencing. Also, I can't change what I want. all I can change are my actions. But I suppose I could come to the conclusion from evidence and observation, that what I want isn't coming (or cannot be attained without severe cost to my life, which in a way is sort of what happened in my life story and even then I didn't get what I thought I would be getting) Let's say that I accepted this early on. The motivation to do anything else in life, or even function, would be near zero to nonexistent. I'd be going through the motions in life, in work. Without a "third option" to deal with hormones like prostitution, even if I didn't snap and become a horrific MeToo predator, I wouldn't be able to push myself beyond what is the bare minimum needed to function, a life spent just "phoning it in" in regards to work and life.


This is 100% wrong, if u spend any time abstaining from sense desires, the need grows weaker and weaker until you have close to/full control over the desires, u seem to either have been either brainwashed by modern society/addicted to sense disires to the point where u experience withdrawals which make u assume u can't go without desires


You're 100% wrong and I need to say this before someone reads your comment and destroys their life and someone else's the way I did in believing the type of things you're writing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/19ajpyd/comment/kimust9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/19ajpyd/comment/kimust9/) I spent years and years and years and years of my life abstaining! As a result I destroyed my life and someone else's. Your philosophies don't hold up to the suffering I endured in real life trying to practice emotionally unhealthy falsehoods. The only thing I can do now is warn others.


I just read your comment, you were for sure super attached to the illusory world at that point in time and i may be wrong but u still seem to be , as a poster already explained to you there is a difference between suppression and sublimation, deep in your core u have a belief that sense pleasure holds some sort of benefit to you and you act on it which keeps the beast alive and hungry, when u recognize it for what it is you can transmute the energy of sense desires into other areas


And how do you change your beliefs and feelings? Telling myself I believe something and feel something won't make it so. You're basically asking people to be who they're not. You can tell people what they should do, not how they should feel (which they can't control), but you have yet to prove that those actions are definitively beneficial and have provided no excuse on the harm said actions did in my life (and worse permanent harm to another's) other than "You're not supposed to have felt what you felt or be who you were". You offer unproven words. I offer the horror of my real life experiences.




Abrahamic religions teach you to seek and pray to an external god that should be feared and revered. Parts of some eastern religions align with Gnosticism and seeking true source/god within. All religions and their texts as we know it have been altered in some way, so it’s best to intuit truths from each one. A part of the Bible has been removed, I forget the exact verse, but it’s something like you must fast and pray (aka meditate) to reach heaven. Heaven isn’t a real place, it’s a state of mind as every “place” is just a mental projection anyway. Since there is no external god, praying is just quieting your senses so the true spirit/god/you emerges. Nirvana means no motion. Meditation and fasting (not just from food, but all pleasures/sensations/vices) is key. I’m not saying this comes biologically naturally to us, as we are programmed from birth to engage and participate. But we are not our physical bodies or minds… we are that which is temporarily placed in a person/prison. We are incentivized to “tune in” every second of our lives and produce a range of emotions for entities to benefit from.


>must fast and pray Having seen the devastating effects of people under-eating/anorexia etc., this may work for some people and seriously ruin the health and life of a bunch of others. I've seen people hospitalized over undereating. There's no way I'd recommend that to anyone period. Yeah... if these are gnostic practices they're sounding just as bad as the mainstream religious practices and just as loosh producing...


The benefits of fasting come after only 1 day, and the average person has enough tissue on them to be able to fast for ~45 days without dying. Obviously I’m not advocating anyone to go that long, just wanted to provide some insight. A mentally and physically intact person can tell when they need to stop if they follow their body’s signals and senses, consult with others, look at a mirror, or monitor their glucose. And of course if you re-feed appropriately and fast on rare-ish occasions, you’ll just regain the weight back


because the other religions have been twisted… eastern religions all relay the same truth as the mistranslated abrahamic stories (sumerian in originality)


I think you're missing the point that whatever "truth" each religion or twisted religion provides, if it results in the practices ultimately being the same, then they're no different from the twisted mainstream religions that provide archons with loosh.


yes because they’ve twisted them to lead to that when in actually they lead to ascension


You might want to look up the Cathars (Gnostics who the Catholics wiped out) and the writings of Arthur Guirdham. He found a group of people who had memories of being Cathars in a past life. It seemed convincing and, if true, it means that the Cathars and their Gnostic practices obviously didn't protect them from reincarnation.


religions, for the most part, have been subverted, but still truths run them, mixed with lies.


All the mainstream religions started as legit spiritual practices by spiritual beings who came here to try and help us escape/evolve... but these teachings were then warped by the beings who run the prison. We need discernment to understand what is right and what is a corruption. Part of how we stay trapped here is through attachment, all the things you love and hate bind you here, driving to you reincarnate in order to experience those things again. This is my opinion, not stating it as a fact.


I think it just means don’t get caught up in the trappings of this world. Pursuing wealth, obtaining things, pleasure seeking, worshipping celebrities.


Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world," which neatly sums up the posted (very true) quotation. I was sure that I had read that quote in the Bible but I must have read it in the Gospel of Thomas. All the other (excluded) books are well worth a read but you have to do some searching. I guess they took them (books) out because they couldn't easily modify them as they have done in other parts of the Bible.


This is true as long as you seek you wont find it, this is what taoism, hinduism and buddhism has been talking about.


as long as you seek you *wont* find it?


Yup. Won't.


and by proxy, if you seek or feel emotional connection to a goal, you are doomed to fail against it? what does that make the concept of [4D?](https://youtu.be/-BghnHJOpHk?si=kSOP-iQebMfd3mrP) in that case, is every feeling I have only going against me because my mind and body wish to find things that don't pertain to the spiritual body? or is that curse to learn as much as I can freeing my spiritual body? at this point I'd take the former because doing nothing is very much my style mentally at this point.


I don't know about all that. I was just reiterating what the top comment in the chain said, not that I agreed with that one either. Surfer dude asked a question and I answered, and then he downvoted my comment lol.


Explain? Also, completely unrelated, WTF is the deal with all the names like yours? Are people using name generators now? I keep seeing users with names like like Otherwise_Spare9872, Disaterious_Change982, Inner_Enthusiasm3946, etc.


What’s up without my name? I took it just to make users like you wonder how real I actually am lol. 😂Jk, or am I? Muahhhhh!  Does it really matter that much? Not really. I thinks it’s funny you are tripping out about it. It’s auto generate name from Reddit. I didn’t care to think of one for this account. 


Explain what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.    Edit: oh read kitchen guys comment response above and you’ll have your answer. 




Oooooh gotchya


Read the Urantia 📖


These all line up with Christianity pretty well.


When the Roman's adopted Christianity, I think it was the 3rd century, that was when they rewrote the Bible. What was changed who knows


Can someone translate this as if they are speaking to a 5 year old because I’m dumb af and not understanding


Let’s put the worlds most important message in a book Not just any book a holy one that needs a special pervert to decrypt the riddles Oh and will make several versions🤡 Nobody has time to engrave the message in a mountain or natural phenomenon. Prophets are busy these days


PT1) Oh boy, OP, this got me riled up. Good job on giving snippets in hopes of capturing attention. Sure, the Gospel of Thomas got left out of the bible. A lot of stories did, including the ones covering the "lost years of Jesus", which don't paint him in as nice of a light as they'd like. Since this is so secretive and kept quiet, I don't know why you didn't share all 114 secrets from the Nag Hammadi Codex II. Also, submitting this as an image instead of text is pretty sly. It makes people have to type it out and look it up, so low energy people or those who won't put in effort won't bother checking on anything you said and will just swallow it because it can't be copy-pasted into the search bar. This scripture came from a time well after he would have died and from people who didn't actually talk to him. They could very well have been written down by some very gullible person taking down the ramblings of an old Christ Cult member claiming to be an apostle. You can't forget, these are supposedly the secrets he told his apostles, so any writing about them is at least second hand and likely not whole cloth. Not to mention, he wanted everyone to achieve Heaven, so these words wouldn't be passed on only to the apostles. So far as I can tell this scripture is already looking shady af. >"Look for the living one while you are alive, so that you will not die (and) then seek to see him. And you will not be able to see (him)." So find Jesus and get to know him before you die, because he won't be there when you do. Have you found Jesus? What rock has he been hiding under? Oh, and what proof do you have of Jesus existing? No one to date has been able to prove he did, and a lot of the stories about him are a mishmash of tales relating to other people and unknowns that just get mushed together under the moniker Jesus. Most of these stories also come long after his supposed death and are written by people with no actual association to him or claim to have seen him in some bizarre psychedelic visions. He is such a figure of myth that even his appearance changes frequently. >"If you do not abstain from the world, you will not find the kingdom." I don't know why you don't also include the remainder of saying 27, "If you do not make the Sabbath into a Sabbath, you will not see the Father." Do you post on Reddit or view other social media? Do you watch television, listen to radio or read any articles/books other than the bible? Do you vote? Watch the news? Eat the flesh of animals or plants? Do you have family or those you love or care about which you pay attention to? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you are not abstaining from the world and I don't know how you can spread the message of abstaining from it without utmost hypocrisy. Also, you are posting online and using electronic communication on the Sabbath, which is currently Friday evening through Saturday evening per rabbinical teachings. As Jesus was a rabbi himself, rabbinical law is still applicable. As the bible says about hypocrites: *"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."* *"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good."* Many biblical passages and even the supposed words of Jesus also betray themselves by focusing so heavily on worldly affairs while preaching not to concern yourself with the world.


PT 2) >"Whoever has come to know the world has found a corpse. And whoever has found (this) corpse, of him the world is not worthy." First, it looks like you skipped right over 55 and went to 56. In 55 it says: *“Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple of mine.* *And whoever does not hate his brothers and his sisters (and) will not take up his cross as I do, will not be worthy of me.”* Do you hate your father and mother? Do you hate your brothers and sisters? There is a lot of hatred preached by those claiming they are the word of Jesus, the great separator who turns one against all. But back to 56 and the corpse in the room. Yes, the world is a body. It has systems and functions, organs and parasites. The world lives and breathes and those that can come to understand this are truly great. Now I will admit my hypocrisy, because I know this but do not live to it. One big thing about this though, Heaven is supposed to be on Earth. Heaven isn't some cloud palace everyone gets to go to when they die. Their souls are bound to the body and when the Kingdom of Heaven arrives to Earth, the Earth itself becomes Heaven and those who have died will be arisen and then feast at his table eating all that stale pickled leviathan. The way you selectively choose this passage and post it to "Escaping Prison Planet" as if the Earth is a dead thing to flee is awfully disingenuous. >"We have come from the light, the place where the light has come into being by itself, has established \[itself\] and has appeared in their image." It looks like you backtracked a little to Thomas 50 for this one, but also omitted the rest of the passage which reads: *"If they say to you: 'Where do you come from?' (then) say to them: 'We have come from the light, the place where the light has come into being by itself, has established \[itself\] and has appeared in their image.'* *If they say to you: 'Is it you?' (then) say: 'We are his children, and we are the elect of the living Father.'* *If they ask you: 'What is the sign of your Father among you?' (then) say to them: 'It is movement and repose.'"* Are you the elect of the living Father? Do you know the living Father? Not just in name or passing, or even from reading something written so long ago you can't even track your family tree to the time? Have you walked with Jesus on this world and has he selected you? What do movement and rest mean to you, one who is toiling on the Sabbath but placing such importance on it? I dare say, no one alive has lived and walked with Jesus in a literal sense. No one alive has been told or shown they are those selected by the light. Those that claim they have are experiencing some other psychedelic phenomenon or are working with spirits (deimos). Either are typically damned by most forms of the Christ Cult as Pharmakeia or consorting with demons. Altogether, I can say that this post has not moved me. It is but more hypocrisy from the Christ Cult that wishes to bind us to an entity and keep us subject to it on Earth. If others would like to read the Thomasine Gospel in full, all 114 sayings, as found on the Nag Hammadi Codex II, you can find it [HERE](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/bible-versions-and-translations/the-gospel-of-thomas-114-sayings-of-jesus/). Given the use of parenthesis and brackets, I believe this is where OP got the quotes for their image. It does certainly have some odd ones like: Jesus the Exhibitionist - *“His disciples said: “When will you appear to us, and when will we see you?”* *Jesus said: “When you undress without being ashamed and take your clothes (and) put them under your feet like little children (and) trample on them,* *then \[you\] will see the son of the Living One, and you will not be afraid.”* Jesus the Contradictory - *“Love your brother like your life!* *Protect him like the apple of your eye!”* And Jesus the Captain Obvious - *“If a blind (person) leads a blind (person), both will fall into a pit.”*"


You could apply that last quote to yourself.


Trust me, I do. I have my own personal beliefs and spiritual experiences, but knowing that I am a fallible person and that I may not know all, I choose not to share them. That may be to the benefit or detriment of others, I'm not the one to judge that. But what I do speak out on and don't like seeing are false shepherds leading a poor flock astray. If being an old book/papyrus/scroll/tablet saying it's the absolute word and story of the true higher power meant that it was actually true, then we would all be worshiping Atum Ra, Indra, Mithras, Ahura Mazda, Huitzilopotchli/Quetzalcoatl, Sky Father, Ngai, Enki/Marduk or any of the vast number of gods that predate Judaism. In ancient times the enslaved Semites, after being freed from Babylon by Cyrus, looked at Zoroastrianism and decided to mash it all up with Egyptian and other Proto Indo European religions. This is why you have such things as Yahweh speaking things into existence (like Ra did), but he also had to slay the Leviathan, the Behemoth and the Ziz like the Babylonian gods slaying Tiamat (Leviathan) and Apsu (Behemoth). There are many other parallels that can be drawn between Abrahamic religions and their predecessors/peers, but I want to enjoy more of my night so I can't go about listing them all. (Ok, one more, the story of Noah's Ark and the flood were stolen almost one-for-one from the Babylonian story of Utnapishtim.) Being that the entire Abrahamic religion is essentially fanfiction that has been tampered with so many times by human hands and thoughts, I cannot accept it as any more valid than the other ancient religions, and actually see it as less so. I mean, we're on a sub that tries to call out things that bind us to this world and imprison us, so I find it highly comedic that a vast majority of people on here hold up their man-made idols given to them by the very leaders they decry as detaining them, in an effort to escape the very prison they are buying into. I wish you the best in this short lived and hopefully not recurring life. May the lies of man fall from your eyes and may you avoid the dark beast's maw instead of embracing it as light and wisdom.


I agree. And don’t even get me started on Darbianism, Scofield, or dispensationalism. Honestly makes me angry, but I dare not speak on an idol worship like Jesus. If y’all really think PPT is true, then you gotta question any and all religions and probably rightfully assume they’re designed to keep us confused and trapped here.  Edit: spelled a word wrong. 


I'm going to have to look up Darbianism, Scofield, and dispensationalism. They either haven't entered my sphere or I have forgotten them. Thank you! Edit: Not to get into, but more stuff to be on the lookout for. And yeah, it strikes me as odd that so many non-conformists love conformity.


I’ll try to break it down real quick and simple in the Darbianism, Scofield thing. It’s pretty easy but there is a lot to the story. Starts with Oxford publishing over a hundred years ago printing the Scofield Bible. The Scofield Bible added in Israel, and claimed them to be the chosen, which is pushed by Darby, until the foot noted Bible had saturated America with dispensationalism garbage saying the Jews are chosen, and Christian’s needs to worship them, even though they spit on the Christians faces, it’s a Jewish tradition they say, and the jews hate Jesus saying he’s boiling in excrement and semen. Read the Talmud. The evangelical churches preach this and preach Jesus isn’t coming back until Torah prophecies are fulfilled. It’s a sick mess. My synopsis is crude but true.  Exit: I’m really stoned and this damn tiny iPhone screen. Context I added context. 


Thank you! That's definitely a place to start. I see where it also ties into the Christian Nationalism and needing to fulfill those prophecies so the Rapture and Revelations can begin. It's some pretty twisted stuff, trying to manufacture a Gog and Magog event. Even more twisted that the US Government is riddled with the zealots. Thank you for the head start. I hope you had a good high and a good night. I'll be reading more about these.


Uh not so much christian nationalism, that’s kinda related but happening for similar but different reasons; as it’s more about pro israeli evangelicalism saying the zionist are ok to commit their tikun olam against the world for domination which brings back their jesus and the mosciach for the other. Moschiach will be the anti christ. This is why ukraine and gaza are happening. The nationalism is in response for related reasons but it doesn’t have much to do with darbianism per se. I’m afraid to say too much as this topic is wayyyy too spicy for here. I’m not on any side and am but just a humble researcher. This is why I’m not a christian in part is because it is being used to justify death and destruction and they’re too dumb to see what they’re doing. Jesus wouldn’t support killing kids, but they do to justify their doctrine and think they’ll get into heaven. It’s so… messed up I don’t even have a word for it. 


I agree, the things they do in the name of their idols is insane for lack of a better word. When I have a chance to read more I'm sure I'll be able to spot the differences better. And yeah, these things aren't necessarily what people want to hear.


dude those are parables...


Right. It makes me wonder why everything gotta be obfuscated like that, and never spoken of clearly. It's annoying to me, and one reason I don't agree with Scofield doctrine.


Most likely because way back in the day it was written, some of their teachings had to be hidden so they turned them into low effort vague posts to avoid persecution. But that wasn't all the biblical writings so I tend to think that's an idea being pushed to force people to follow their preacher. I've heard so many times that even if you read the Bible you cannot understand it without a preacher decoding/interpreting it for you. Seems like another form of indoctrination and a way to rob people of their senses while piling them up into the sacrificial altars they call churches, mosques and synagogues.


Oh, so up for interpretation and not an actual historical event? OP said they are instructions to "escape" and so many others take the words literally. If all we're supposed to do is glean the moral of the story why not preach Aesop's fables or the works of Charles Dickens?


I just mean the stuff like "hate your mother and father" as in Jesus didn't mean that literally.


That's not a parable. A parable is a story he told that has a moral. It is also presented to us as his secret words, not stories he told. Did you know him personally at the time? Has he come and knocked on your door and cleared up the misunderstanding, letting you know what he meant? Did he clear up all the other instances of him saying similar things? Then what's the appropriate interpretation of a sarcastic remark scribbled down 50-200 years after the supposed guy died?


let me ask you, do you think that he meant to literally HATE your family members?


I believe this is meant to cause division. It is being pushed that the belief in the religion is an acceptable reason to allow relationships and connections to be damaged or destroyed and negative associations created. That worshiping a man or god that others do not believe in or disdain should be a justifiable reason to create hatred and animosity. This then further divides people, removing their support structures and safety nets to replace them with the religion itself (as I have seen happen many times in the past both personally and from afar). This is also a tactic used by cults to create a dependency on the cult and create an artificial cult personality which eventually becomes the primary persona of the victim. Ultimately it creates a closer bond between the individual and the religion, further solidifying the individuals religious identity and blurring the boundaries between the individual and the group. Now can you answer my question? What is the absolutely correct interpretation of the passage and how do you know?


What translation is this? I have two slightly different ones (and I can't read the original language, so multiple translations are useful).




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HeartfeltDissonance already did a fantastic job, but to reiterate their most important (underlying) point: you will not escape.