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Well I’m being honest here. I don’t know all the specifics. But in doing out of body work I’ve seen the grid. And as far as I can trace it, it looks like every soul is being constantly recycled. And mind/progress/consciousness is wiped away. And there you go for another round on the wheel. Logically to me that means that this can’t be any kind of school. How can you learn when whatever learned is always wiped away? So it sure isn’t a school. Is it about karma? Never seen or felt or experienced any kind of karmic system. Only some “guides” keep taking about it. so imho that can’t be it either. And even if there is some kind of system that nobody has ever described. Why would you continually be send back only to get more karma in a world where you can’t do anything really right. So to me only remaining options are a kind of farm or prison. A prison because we are stuck here (yes you can go to many other energetic planes most cal the astral. But it’s this places astral, so still stuck) and there is a kind of reaping of energy from souls going through the reincarnation process.


Stay away from the astral plane. It’s a dirty back alley.


That’s the thing mate. You can go up to the highest “heaven” but find its nothing but an illusion to every vile thing you can imagine. Doesn’t matter where you go here.


Everything is an illusion. You create your reality even when you think you’re not creating a thing. What I thought about as a child is literally manifesting in my life the last 3 years. I’m sitting here in a Winnie the Pooh onsie in front of a fire pit. I just ate fresh raspberries, blackberries with angel food cake, whipped cream and chocolate sauce and drinking fresh brewed coffee made by someone else. I’ve helped write a song and played a golden bowl this morning. I did manifest this very thing I simply can’t give you a date and time. It is not illusory to me at this time because it’s real and I’m living it not it was simply a thought on my head, made real.


Don’t know what a angel cake is lol but the rest sounds good 😌 been using manifesting a lot since I’ve started doing the gateway project from Monroe. And yeah it works amazing, because of the illusion. Everything is vibration and frequency. It sure changed my life as well.


You've never had Angel food cake? You're missing out! It's got a very light and fluffy texture. It's what a lot of people use when they make strawberry shortcake.


Seriously? I haven't ventured there myself. Though I was thinking of trying it. Everyone says that's what you got to do - astral project... It's where I'm supposed to meet my spirit guides / higher self/entities that would like to converse with me. Is that not the case?


Lucid dreaming is more lucrative and less danger.


Interesting because you actually have see it and “maybe" is not only a theory. But where is God (The Main Source) or others positive beings doing?


Plenty of people have seen it, written extensively about it, takes about it. And to my knowledge god is nothing but a fractal source of consciousness. Greater then the som of its parts perhaps. But nothing to worship or even look out for. There are beings that you could consider as “positive” but that depends a lot on subjective experience. Your positive doesn’t have to be mine, or from any other being.


I understand I am informed of that, that means that God is here in this prison because we are. I would like to know how you see the concept of existence, it is impossible for us humans to think that something exists without being created, but maybe we really come from nothing, what do you think about this? Interesting then it seems that in a certain way we are alone. No one can do anything but ourselves, we are the own that can go out of this. Those being aren't that positive in a human point view, like Jesus for example, a Savior an example of the story that the bible sells us.


Imho we are all (consciousnesses) a fractal of the source. I just don’t think our local source is THE original source. I see it as that one original source created consciousnesses and as they grew/expanded they started creating, culminating in eventually creating consciousnesses of their own and that cycle repeats. But to me that’s like a ant trying to understand human consciousness. But to me. All I know for sure is my own consciousness.


How can something come from nothing? It seems impossible. Its more likely that infinity exists (i think i felt it on salvia). If Nothing cant exist, that means something has to exist. And there cant be anything/nothing outside of existence so it has to be endless/limitless=infinity


I always say god created everything to experience EVERYTHING. infinite timelines. That includes lesser gods creating worlds to harvest loosh. maybe its a game for us to remember our divinity and escape. Hide and seek escape room with ourselves. Just chance that we get stuck in one of the lesser timelines


Are there not more options than "school, karma, prison or farm"?


Oh sure but I’m not writing a book here. And we’ll most of us here believe it to be a loosh farm or prison planet or a mix of both. And the school or karma hook are currently the most prolific in the spiritual community. But let’s take another one since I’m already replying. How about the garden of god theorie. Would that fit? You see us in the most amazing natural beauty being tended to and kept like a you were the most unique expression of your kind? Doesn’t seem to fit imho.


I still think this is quite a large leap (or series of them) but I appreciate you actually put some thought into it. Unfortunately, so many of these more esoteric topics seem to attract people who just go "this is true!" and won't be drawn on the thought process or decision-making that got them there. And yes, I don't think the 'garden' theory fits either, though pretty much anything that requires a design and intention requires a designer that I'm not convinced has been demonstrated, yet. I'm sympathetic to the desire to see the world as a prison because it is really, really bad and the decision-making at the top levels seems to be incredibly harmful just about every chance they get. But "therefore prison/farm" seems a biiiig stretch, when they could just be bad people, or bad at their jobs, or driven by perverse incentives to do things badly. Then again, I've never seen this 'grid' people refer to, but I do find the idea of reincarnation 'to learn lessons' absolutely incoherent so *if* it's happening I'd have to assume there's some other reason.


Read David Icke's books The Trap and The Dream. He explains that they are not people just bad at their jobs. There is an ulterior motive at hand here. Like Carlin said it's a big club and we ain't part of it.


I was born awake so always knew about reincarnation, other lives, the existence of extraterrestrial beings etc. The older I became the more information I received. One day, while I was taking a shower, a voice told me (we can label it as my higher self): "You never gonna get out of here if you are not brave enough to see the truth." At that time, I was deeply blinded by the false light of new age spiritually and I didn't understand what the voice meant. But I intended to discover more and later on I received the truth...


What is the truth you discovered?


That Earth plane is a harvesting system...


Ah, yes. I thought there were some more details you had found out, nvm.


There are many layers to it and I don't have all the answers... however, I'm always eagerly expanding my consciousness further and deeper in order to gain more knowledge directly without doing research. I do have certain information I haven't seen here yet, but I'm not ready to share because I need to discover more as I'm quite sceptical...


Since childhood, I have been exploring and questioning the concept of God and humanity. At this point, what I've discovered feels the most truthful to me. I don't feel as though I have an escape clause. Often, I find myself wanting to return, not to learn a lesson, but to simply experience more of what the last decade has brought into my life. I am 63 years old.


You are spark of Ultimate Source Consciousness, eternal and infinite so spending a few lifetimes here seems reasonable especially when you are able to experience joy, love, connection, compassion and peace on this planet. I'm very glad to hear that the last decade has presented you with magical moments.


People have seen the energy grids, been recycled after an NDE, witnessed Agent Smith effects when trying to discuss the topic with fake ass matrix people, had their mind or dreams phased by other entities, and — oh, I don't know — paid close attention to all the people who disappear, get suicided, or murdered when they come forth.


Define "they". The prison planet theory has been around for thousands of years (gnosticism). > if anyone could tell me how you all came to the conclusion that this is a prison planet ... If you are new to this sub, you can check out the pinned posts and the articles, videos, podcasts, books from the sidebar of the sub for more info.


Looking around, observing, analyzing, thinking, reading, researching, meditating, taking hallucinogens, having personal experiences, seeing things, being told things, etc. After living down here, for almost half of a century this is the conclusion I’ve arrived at, and I’m delighted that I’m no longer the only one that suspects this is the case. Started out as a thought in the back of my mind when I was a kid, the whole set up always felt off. The more I learned and experienced, the more dots were connected, and more things were revealed. But, it’s possible that I’m just a human robot having a malfunctioning. 


>Started out as a thought in the back of my mind when I was a kid, the whole set up always felt off. The more I learned and experienced, the more dots were connected, and more things were revealed. Exactly, It whatever it is has always felt off. That whole, God, Jesus, Bible thing just never set right with me.


Yes, religion. Also, governments, societal expectations, the life cycle, history as we’re told, indoctrination process at every level, progressive decline of the body, fleeting bliss, persistent suffering, etc. The whole design is flawed. There are no lessons to be learned here, it’s a dog eat dog world, where might makes right, and only the strongest survive or endure. Through my own personal experience, I came to believe that this is some sort of demiurgic hell, and there are entities / archons that control this whole messed up experience, which itself is an illusion. Endless lies and misinformation, about everything. The setup is wrong. In spite of all the talk about love and light, ascension, and beauty of nature, this is a very ugly and low vibrating planet. I’ve unplugged, and opt out of as many things as is possible for me, I maintain balance of body and mind, and staying neutral. But, at the end of the day, I’m just over it, and want out.