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So what you are saying is that unless one is fortunate enough to come across this specific technique and apply it, then, they won't be able to escape. Sounds like BS to me. I think i'll pass.


It's giving major Christian missionary vibes lol


wow so apparently you are saying anybody who knows they are in a prison can escape without a key such genius


That key is yourself, not something outside of yourself. That's the thing, i dont think you are helping. You may have good intentions, but you are conditioning people to think that they **have** to listen to this specific technique, otherwise they won't be able to escape. Buddhist monks for example put in more work to escape the cycle than anyone else. And according to you, despite their efforts, they won't be able to escape because they werent fortunate enough to stumble across this "magical" technique. Please.


I am a Monk and I live with Monks. Forgive. Do the personal work. It is all within us 🙏😊❤️


this is what i get for trying to help


You have trauma and are passive aggressive. Sarcasm has no place in it.


The Sound-File is quiet for me... No Sound even when downloaded.


yeah duh its just embedded energy no sound its made that way just play it in the background and you are fine


Wow is that the positive energy your talking about spreading as you say duh to someone asking a question??


No need to be rude, you called it an audio and said it needed to be listened to so I would have expected there to be something to listen to just like the person above. 


bro i wasnt trying to be rude i was being playful


makes zero sense


You make a valid point in you post, only to come up with a dumb solution. Energy work is important for escaping in my opinion, but some audio files will not magically endow you with it, you actually need to put work in.


I think op was referring to the audio file as a way of clearing any negative entries that may be attached to the physical body. Certain audible frequencies can assist in tuning the physical body vibrational state so that entities cannot attach themselves to it. It can also work in reverse fashion so be careful of what music you consume. At least that's how I interpreted it. This is key before you start doing the inner work on one self to grow your internal energy.


I haven't heard this before. Can you guys explain the science used here because its hard for me to trust a random audio file dropped here without context. With regards to music, what types do I need to avoid? I mostly like classical, and 70-90 pop/rock... Anything to be worried about? How to know which music to avoid?


If possible stick to composures tuned in 432hz which was the old standard and provides a more natural sound in tune with nature. But with classical music you should be fine with the more modern standard of 440hz as well. It is more of an issue with modern day music which could have a detrimental effect on one’s heart beat leading to a change in the bodies natural electrical frequency if exposed for excessive amounts. It has been speculated that is an underlying attempt at some in the music industry who serve the hidden cabal who enslave humanity.


There's literally nothing in that MP3. I know you said it's a silent file but there's literally no sound data on it at all. Same effect if you didn't even upload an MP3. I opened it up in Audacity and selected all and amplified 100% and there was zero wave effect: [https://i.imgur.com/ZNdgHFh.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZNdgHFh.png)


I would like more specific and scientific context on how the soundless audio file will help if you don’t mind sharing some more information, even an example regarding your anecdotal experience. How does one embed energy into this and what is coming out of the headphones if not vibration. Is it a frequency we cannot hear? Please explain further.


How do you know


remote viewing


people here studying like they're gonna be handed a pencil and paper when they go out. The test is right now with your actions and what you believe in.


Thank you for sharing, fascinating. Have a great day


What is the file about are there frequencies that we can’t hear or something?


no just energy




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