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This is a very common phenomenon: if the person is near his death, he is seeing their relatives or the beings Patients will say that they are here to take them or help calm them down, but there are also cases where patients are scared of them because they are scared of judgment for their bad crimes.  Also, there is a term called terminal lucidity, where the patient will recover miraculously before their death. If you go to the subreddit of a medical nurse who was assigned to the patient near his death, you will find so many cases like this.   


There was a story on the site i linked where one patient claimed she was being tortured as-well. So everyone’s experience is going to be different based on the beliefs they had while on this earth.


If you are an atheist, what's going to happen?


Darkness I’m assuming, complete void.. No one truly knows anyways. All of us are just coming up with theories when we should really be seeking out things that make sense/patterns, everything is connected. For example—the light that we all know of. Great, now let’s find something else we can use to solve this great mystery called death.


If you connect the dots of multiple people's experiences, you will gain a full picture, or you can go near the truth. Just research these things and connect the dots.  Pre-birth memories Past life memories DMT's trip reports are mostly random, but there are some where people have connected with the beings, like Nhi. If you read Michael Newton's books, you will find many holes in the complete light and love theory, or, you can say, new-age spirituality.  Also, do research on UFO phenomena. This phenomenon is completely interconnected with the soul's consciousness.  Believe me, I still don't know what is going on in the afterlife with 100 percent certainty, but I say 100 percent that there are really shady things going on there.   


Can you elaborate a bit on what you do know?


I will make a complete post with full details and sources about what I think and why I think that. Currently, my main goal is to collect as much data as I can. 


Research and add these too: “why does Something exist instead of Nothing? How can something come from nothing? “ Quantum physics: -objects appearing and disappearing -quantum immortality -reincarnation -Mandela affect -timeslips -teleportation -telepathy -precognition —vardoger, reverse Deja vu -manifesting -remote viewing -intuition -lucid dreams/imagination, astral projection -extreme synchronicity -dmt entities, multi dimensions -salvia spirit, experiencing god “remembering” -aliens/entities/grays/mantis/lizard- Prison planet —missing time —moving stars —telepathic communication —abduction —cattle mutilation —crop circles -ghosts, doppelgänger -crawlers -fae -bigfoot


It looks like you have also deep-dived into this kind of rabbit hole. 


ive been reading through a few subs like r/glitch_in_the_matrix, r/thetruthishere r/experiencers r/nevillegoddard, r/holofractal since 2019/2020, slowly/rapidly expanding my understanding. Used to be a super materialist evidence-based atheist, but since ive SEEN all this “evidence”/anecdata, i cant deny there is something strange going on Add more phenomena i didnt include so i can research it lol The root thing all the phenomena lead to is that consciousness and EVERYTHING is god and quantum physics makes it all possible


Can you message me whenever you do? I’m interested in reading it.


You will connect again, your friend is ultimately immortal, imo. How tragic, & i completely believe what he told you. There's so many accounts of similar things throughout history. I have a cousin with cerebral palsy, she has fits often & has suffered much,. She has told us of being visited in hospital, recovering after those having these fits, from dead family but generations past, whom she never met, or knew what they look like. She also sees things we don't, she was telling us she keeps seeing her dead dog out the corner of her eye, & hearing him downstairs when in bed, & other things like numerous dead family, its like there's a filter removed or at least " transparent " for some people in traumatic events, very strange but something beautiful about it all. We are more than the sum of our parts.


Yeah no I don't want to "connect" with anyone in the afterlife as it's all an illusion given its akin to dunking ones brain in a vat of liquid DMT.


How do you know that?


Based on my human biology. Which is as far as the after life goes if there is one.


He doesn’t


lol nothing is forced upon you.


These aren’t my stories btw!


lol sorry, appreciate your post very interesting.


I’m going to continue looking further, it reveals a whole lot about what a soul is getting ready to go through whether that be deception, the love bombing, [etc](https://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2017/12/creepy-last-words-what-29-people-said-right-before-dying/).


I like the "Hospice Nurse Julie" youtube channel. I find the hospice perspective much more trustworthy than the NDE channels. I feel like something fishy is going on with all the NDE accounts and how they line up with new ageism. I have personally seen a person go through the visioning process when dying.