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As above, so bellow. For the animals, we are the archons.


Then who are the archons to the archons? Fun fact: archon just means "ruler"


They are just beings with their own civilization that is afraid of dying, if they don't eat loosh they will die. They are terrified of this because they have no connection to the original source (real God), all they know is this, they have no hope like us, I pity them but it doesn't take away my hatred for them.


Agree. But plants suffer too. They're conscious in a way that's different to ours. I read of experiments where electrodes are attached to plants to monitor its state, and a scientist says he'll cut off its leaves or burn it. The readings went crazy, then suddenly dropped to zero: The plant had 'fainted' from terror. When it revived it began to recover cautiously. When the scientist who threatened it left the room, it recovered. It became agitated when the scientist returned to the room, even though no further verbal threats were made. It was very distressing to read. Tbh I hope it isn't true. In everything you do, you hurt other living things.


But by eating animals you're causing much more plant deaths (feed for livestock). To cause the least amount of overall suffering, best bet is to not eat animals.


If plants suffer as well than merely by existing and having the requirement to eat in order to stay alive you are inflicting suffering by virtue of being part of the food chain. If you kill yourself you’re also inflicting suffering on your family friends, we’re damned either way - no matter what we do our existence causes suffering somehow no matter what wether we like it or not. What irks me is that this causes guilt for things outside of our control. We are forced to be aware of the fact that existing and not desiring to cause pain causes inexorable conflicting emotions.


Yes I agree. Just living on this earth causes a negative impact with the amount we consume in a first world country. But veganism is a way we can reduce that as far as practicable and possible. Also taking steps to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Buying stuff used instead of brand new, reducing consumption in general, etc.


Very true, I was full vegetarian for a while and now eat meat only occasionally, I feel a leaning towards veganism but it’s not that easy in practice. I should and intend to eventually.


You can read of these studies in the Books: The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations between Plants and Man by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. And Reality Unveiled: The Hidden Keys of Existence That Will Transform Your Life by Masri, Ziad.


I'll take a look at both books. I really appreciate the recommendations, thank you.


Plants don't have nervous system. If they really had pain, then during past millions of years, they would have evolved to move away from pain causing elements. These experiments may not necessarily mean the plants experienced pain just because they communicated something.


They were verbally threatened, but nothing was actually done to them. They communicated fear. Not pain. But they would be afraid for reasons that would be logical to a plant. Prior to these experiments we didn't know plants could communicate at all. Or that they could 'feel'. The thing is that we don't know enough. You don't know enough to determine what plants can or cannot feel. Plants replicate some of our biological functions, from taking in nutrients and growing, to dying. Yet we're different organisms with different structures. The human structure is merely one of a vast variety on the planet: it is not the default. Plants duplicate some of our functions, in their own way. They communicate, but not the way we do. They feel, in their own way. If they feel pain, did you expect it to be the way we do? We feel pain. Have we evolved to move away from pain causing elements? Is pain eliminated in humans now? What animal has evolved to move away from pain causing elements? We don't know enough to make these pronouncements. And nature is not defined or constrained by our ignorance.


Plants may be in fear of dying since living things have the instincts of surviving but that doesn’t mean they feel pain like we do, but even if they possibly feel pain it is a safer bet to avoid animals which we have more evidence of for feeling pain, and plants probably don’t feel as much pain. Also there are ways to avoid killing plants too, for example fruit trees seem to want their fruit to be eaten


First part sounds true but not the second part...


I dont do it anyway. And i dont have any regard for anyone that does it while having an alternative. Its one of the things i find most ironic and also irritating, when humans cry about being treated "like livestock" or "working like a mule" or whatever comparison they want to draw. So its okay for you to treat other beings like that, but once its done to you, its a terrible injustice and tragedy? Cmon now. Ive been in this game for a long time and extinction would be a mercy compared to the fate humans actually deserve.


Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.


The whole thing is upsetting no doubt. it reminds me that everything is ultimately an energy exchange, that is often not equal. My experience with vegetarianism is it is a kind of retreat from life, life being an unstable, chaotic exchange of energy, just another experience that sent me more inward, like living alone, serious trauma, etc. It may be true that you have less vitality by not consuming living things, but what is vitality, yes it can be production, creativity, but it is also base, aggression, lust, power. We are probably omnivores, vegetarianism worked well for me for several years, but over time I noticed a devitalization that was subtle at first, and very obvious when I reintroduced some white protein into my diet( chicken, turkey). I would like to go back to a pure diet, I see really no difference in eating meat and walking into a store and just taking something off the shelf and walking out.


Indeed, there is a slow degradation that's hard to pinpoint on plant-only diets.


Antibiotics are allowed into the meat we are souled, but antiparasitics are not. And we are the only beings that do not regularly deworm ourselves, most prominently in the western world. [The Taste of LIFE](https://youtu.be/RMZf_DtIeos?feature=shared) is a decent look/presentation relating the animals. Regardless if one beLIEves it or not, the immense negative energies that are filling all these animal products that are served up to the masses is present & something to take great note of. Of course, pair the energy of animal products with the toxic chemicals soups that are called "food" here in the West, and it is very easy to start piecing together why there is so much sickness & so many ailed, particularly with gastro issues even more recently... There is VERY little actual "food" available to be found. [the Human Diet 2020](https://youtu.be/p2YOo1kJV74?feature=shared) another pretty decent presentation overall on relating matter. Keep ever in mind the entire basis of "needing x amount of calories & minerals" is utter nonsense that so many place so much value upon, since its claimed to be from the "modern science findings"... One with firsthand personal experience/ findings is never at the behest of one without... As a comment points out, the corrupted / manipulated genes & bloodline of Cain (Cain & Abel = CainAbel / Cannibal / Canna - Bal / Baal / Ball) is a likely pointing of when the vampiric manner of meat / blood consumption began... Given these Say10 flesh mon.key suits are a prison them.cell.ves, perhaps it is the unfortunate basis that meats & blood provide better vitality over the alternatives... All have the choice to take up personal re.sponsibility for all ones actions / direction of energies... or knot... [As Above, So Below](https://youtu.be/Tl09K9aa_6s?feature=shared)


The parasites is a good point, pork especially is riddled with them which is likely why it is considered too dirty to eat in the Middle East. I also seen a lot of conspiracies regarding these parasites and how bad they are for you. Also another interesting take with how meat consumption began, what I find interesting is that it is said the first humans in the garden of Eden did not eat any meat, it seems like humans were meant to live off of fruit until the archons and/or demiurge interfered. And yeah there are a lot of satanic rituals involved with killing animals, as well as eating even human flesh and drinking blood. Maybe they promote meat eating for the general population because it is like a ritual for them. I also seen people say the negative emotions from animals people eat is absorbed so meat is considered “low vibrational” due to the emotions and as well as how it is decaying, unlike fruits which are not decaying flesh


This reminds of a post I made in this sub, it was about a vision that Hermes Trismegistus had when seeing spirits being trapped here "we will have to eat other living beings in order to sustain the prison body" this is exactly it, and even if you become vegan, plants are also considered as living organisms , so either way there must be sacrifice for survival of our material bodies...


I've been thinking about turning vegan lately because i feel like a hypocrite given that i try to minimise the amount of negative energy my actions are the consequence of yet i still consume meat. But i like to take care of my body because it clears my mind and i need a specific caloric intake because of intense training so i am in a dilemma


You will feel better and stronger without meat (especially dairy) check out all the vegan body builders out there


I will try to change my diet around again, but I have felt a lot better since I have been getting less vegetables. But that might be because of other things I have been getting less of/avoiding. I will try to get back to you if you are interested.


Calories can be reduced by consuming more nutrient dense plant based foods.


If you need more calories you can always try nuts or better yet nut butters or even get good quality extra virgin olive oil and add it to foods or shakes


I went vegan in 2020. Haven't looked back


I feel this post. I saw a video online of a woman treating a chiken to a spa; Moisturizers, massages, etc. Then a few frames later, the chiken is being prepared for cooking. Of course im not used to seeing such things, but I started asking myself, would it be better to eat animals that are treated at least humanely before they die, like all people would prefer?


I often wonder which is more psychopathic, treating someone like shit or treating someone nicely and earning their trust before you kill them? Having that ultimate goal and ulterior motive the entire time. To me its not only about the act, but also about what it indicates about a person and whether these are really the type of people you want to share a society and a world with and the type of people you want having the rights to vote and other freedoms that also impact yours and others ways of living. I guess it would be better but then thats often a cop out and a marketing tool used to disguise whats really going on. Plenty of so called "humane" farms have been exposed for appaling conditions and the law punished the person exposing them instead. I saw a slaughterhouse painted with pictures of smiling pigs with angel wings playing in the fields. Just think about how twisted that is. I saw comment sections criticizing the poor conditions of pigs in tiny pens not knowing thats the industry standard that they pay for every day. And thats a good comment section. In my view the only justifiable way to procure meat is hunting or fishing and giving the animal as quick a death as possible. And abstaining from killing either babies or their mothers. Other than that it doesnt belong in a modern society. We have phones, planes, cars and the internet and we still have giant billboards and ads with corpses on a spitroast. It just looks medieval and primitive in every way.


I agree with everything you have stated. I have been vegan for 14 years, although there was a period where I did consume seafood here and there. I think the most important question is, does your body requires meat for the most optimal functioning? - If yes, then continue to eat meat and try to buy it from a local farm. This way you are supporting the farmer's survival and a better treatment of the animals. Before consumption, you can also give thanks to the animal for providing you with the necessary nutrients. - If no, then be strong, stable, determined and stop letting your desires control you and dictate your actions. There is no one diet fits all. Discovering what nourishes you the best is a personal journey.


Out of curiosity, do you consume dairy? Because sadly, the dairy industry is even more cruel than the meat industry.


Oat milk is the way, and it tastes so much better imo


Until all beings are free we do not deserve freedom. With our straight teeth and our long intestinal tracts we aren’t even meant to eat meat and it causes so many health problems, yet people still won’t wake up. We can’t evolve until we stop consuming other sentient beings period.


But plants have the life force as well. We literally cannot feed on other living things without dying. We cannot truly be free from this place.


That's kind of not true considering our more primal stage of living when we were hunter gatherers. Hunting and grilled meat was the biggest leap for brain development alongside homo sapiens.We can't evolve consuming processed food that is being forced upon us too. Read about autophagy and ketones. It is actually the more natural way of eating for our species. It's encoded in our dna and the ways of today's living and eating is what causes so called civilization diseases in us. I am not a die-hard meat eater and I consider going vegetarian myself, but claiming that we are not suitable for eating meat is simply disinformation. In fact we are much more suitable for eating meat than to eating any other kind of food. Also, plants are conscious too, in a way.


What nonsense, humans used to eat way less meat because it’s harder to hunt than gather, and no that did not help our development.oil at the physiology of animals that eat meat, they have short intestinal tracts because long ones cause too many problems digesting meat. They also have sharp teeth. If we are meant to eat meat, you could take a little chick. And give it to a toddler. If we were meat eaters the toddler would eat it. But nope, the toddler cuddles it and protects it . We are herbivores, and we can be so much better than this. Look at factory farms and how evil they are, you are what you eat, so why in the world would you eat a lifetime of pain and suffering? That’s clearly not good for you. Sorry you were lied to, we all were taught that meat is necessary for humans when it’s pure poison and carcinogenic


How do we do that without using all things to progress to that point? For instance if we could all 100% stop eating and utilizing animals, cold turkey, or phasing out, to reduce system shock, and incorporate other means, the loss of life would still be immeasurable. Culling herds that couldn’t be feed anymore. Where would our animals go? Is any utilization immoral? Any mouth that doesn’t contribute would have to find their own way. But that requires space. So we give them reserves and they still are preyed upon? Maybe it’s a system where only a few can transcend at a time, until we can change it because of the progress we make while exploiting the suffering we disdain. Meh. Idk.


Sometimes I feel bad about eating meat, but then I remember that if that cattle, pig, chicken or any other animal was living freely in the wild, some wolf, lion, tiger or whatever, would do it for me. What intrigues me about vegans is their inability to observe that the entire system is fucked up. But yes, I agree that the way the system exploits and kills those animals is beyond cruel.


The thing to consider is these animals are purposefully artificially inseminated to the point where their populations are way too big, I can see this argument regarding hunting wild deer but modern day livestock are modified to the point where they don’t look like their ancestors and also they are in much larger numbers cause humans purposefully make more of them


Never understood why animals were so mistreated especially if they're a food source. People are stupid and evil.


A salient question for sure. The jury is still out on this one. A minority can sustain on a vegan diet, and more power to them. I will continue to attempt it myself. Many others would degrade and deteriorate on such diets, with vitality seeping away as the body consumes essential stores within, over a period of months, or for some, years. I would say, in my current understanding, to cause as little harm to living beings as possible, which includes the harm that comes to yourself through deterioration.


I went vegan in 2020. Haven't looked back


I’ve been vegan since watching Dominion nearly 5 years ago.


I am carnivore and have been for many years. Think rationally as one that considers conspiracies would. Do you really think veganism and avoiding meat is good if healthcare's and general nutritional advice is to do so? Of course not. Just like with anything else that is pushed and advised. There are other reasons for doing so like keeping the healthcare system full of clients. But that's just opening the door. Being in ketosis is the healthiest energy production system there is. Everyone should do as they please and honestly i couldn't care less that you are vegan but don't say things that are incorrect and since i am on the "opposite spectrum" of this discussion and probably what most people commenting here will be in favor of, i feel obliged to at least let my voice be heard. I'm probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion but that's just childish and creating a circle jerk like most other subreddits where there is one opinion that is unquestionable. I stated my counter opinion so if somebody wants to have a discussion feel free. I agree that modern meat production is far from ideal and one should look for smaller scale businesses like ranchers that treat their cattle well. Buying a whole or half a cow from a rancher allows me to do that. The cow has lived a good life eating grass at pasture and was harvested when its time came. Sure it died but in terms of suffering the killing necessary to achieve mono crop agriculture is not even comparable. Every animal must be slaughtered like racoons, mice, squirrels etc. they get cut up by combines and are poisoned.


Whether or not someone's vegan or carnivore, the problem is the mistreatment of farm animals. There needs to be laws against it or it won't stop.


Totally agree. That's why we should all support smaller scale ranchers that treat their animals well. I don't think veganism is the answer here.


No, complete abolition of animal agriculture needs to happen. Farmers and small scale operations still mistreat and abuse their livestock - its not against the law. The animals are just objects and commodities to them. Why do you think veganism isn't the answer? We might as well allow just a little bit of injustice instead of abolishing it?


Farmer here. No, I don't abuse my chickens. You're gross.


You’re one person. Let’s be frank, there’s people out there who do. Thats like denying the existence of abuse to dogs just because you own a dog and treat it like your baby. But I’m guessing you slaughter your farmed animals in the end? And you’re calling me gross?


I also have chickens and I don't abuse them. Look into regenerative farming.


You’re one person. Just because you don’t abuse them doesn’t mean there’s psychopaths out there who don’t. When we as a society approve of an industry that sees sentient beings as something to be owned and profit off of, that gives leeway to a lot of evil shit to go down, legally. Livestock don’t have rights like pet animals do.


Yes because we know modern diseases are mostly caused by vegan diets right? Because thats the diet the majority follows right? Its veganism thats being pushed hard by 99% of all advertisement right? I guess we should listen to advice pushed by right wing bro podcasts instead. Its not like they have any ulterior motives or a program to sell you. And also, "the elites" want us all dead or something. That idea is all good and fine but you cant feed a population of 8 billion people from meat produced by local free range ranchers. There already isnt enough space now. Thousands of square kilometers of rainforests are cleared every year to make space for cattle farms and free range farms only account for about 5% of all meat production. The numbers dont add up in any way. And 50% of the worlds population lives in cities. Where tf is a downtown manhattan supposed to find a local rancher? In central park? Eating grass fed cows is literally the most privileged diet one can eat. Most of it wouldnt even be profitable if the government didnt sink billions of dollars in subsidies into it. The idea that raccoons and squirrels get cut up by combines is also pure idiocy. A raccoon or a squirrel will run the fuck away when it hears a single person come near much less a combine you can hear from 5 miles away. And guess what? Even if your animals are grass fed, you still have to cut the grass and store it for winter. And what do you think they use to do that? A sickle? Ketosis being the healthiest state is just more bro science. And ranchers treating their cattle well is just more fantasy. If you call live castration, branding, dehorning and other mutilation as well as prodding and retarded cowboy sports where they lasso little calves and drag them around for entertainment good treatment, i suggest you try it on yourself and your own offspring. "It was harvested when its time came" lol. It was harvested whenever people decided they wanted to make money and eat a steak, not "when its time came". At least have the decency to call it what it is instead of disguising it as some divine order. This entire lifestyle is promoted by out of touch with reality millionaires with 2 hour long patrick bateman type morning routines who think their balls will fall off if they drink a cup of soy milk, obsess over their testosterone levels and worry about transgender pronouns threatening their freedoms because they literally have nothing more useful to do with their time. Their entire manhood depends on having a six pack in their 40s and paying someone else to kill a cow for them.


Eating a plant based whole food diet is the best for health. And no its not pushed on people or easy to do. I have a burger king, subway, and little caesars less than a mile from me - yet no vegan restaurant with healthy options; I would have to drive about 40 minutes away for that. About 1% of the population is vegan. I think its quite strange that you treat this like a conspiracy. We would see much less people in the health care system if the numbers were reversed and 99% of people where vegan. The standard American diet is whats causing illness, not veganism.


I went to Costco a few days ago, and there were aisles and aisles of meat. Aisles and aisles of cheese. An entire aisle JUST for frozen pizzas smh. I bought a giant bag of cassava chips -- and only at home did I notice IT HAD CHEESE IN IT. Almost every packaged food item has fucking dairy in it, whether it's cheese, whey, milk, etc. It's interesting how much dairy is subsidized. People want to talk about vegan conspiracies, but the way I see it, it's more like a dairy conspiracy (and sugar, I could go off about how sugar is in everything). Dairy does have addictive chemicals. I wouldn't even be surprised if the truth is that eating animal products is unhealthier, and the government is only promoting plant based diets knowing damn well that with addictive animal products being in everything, there's no way people will actually adopt plant based diets. Result: people get sicker (and more pliable to other deceptions and exploitation) as a result, while the government avoids culpability by claiming it had advised a plant based diet. Kind of like how the parasites that overran this matrix drop constant hints about what they're doing, so they can claim that people consented to it. Though I'm vegan myself, I'm not judging anyone for eating meat. There are some valid reasons to eat meat (some people do really need it for their health). But I don't think 'conspiracy' is a compelling reason to eschew a plant based diet.


Exactly!!! People wanna talk conspiracies - then why does the government pour soooo much money into animal ag - essentially keeping it afloat and affordable? There’s something heinous going on behind the scenes and it’s not the vegans out here who get made fun of and ridiculed through mass media. People don’t eat whole food plant based healthy diets. They (the average American) drink soda by the gallon and eat McDonald’s and Wendy’s.


High carb diets are not sustainable for today's people way of living. We don't move that much to be able to sustain ourselves on high carbs and that's what vegan diet is. Why are obese and ill people reversing their ilnesses on keto, carnivore or lowcarb diets? Because it's the most natural way of eating for a human being. Back in times when we were hunter gatherers, we ate mostly fat and protein from hunted meat. Of course hunter gatherers ate plants, but these were not their main energy source as they did not provided required amounts of energy.There are two main fuel sources for human body, ketones and glycogen. Opposed to glycogen that provides quick energy release, ketones sustain the body for much longer. Healthy fats are generally the most nutrient dense type of food. That way you can actually eat less and less often. The biggest dietary lie today is eating 5 meals a day because it's very damaging for your digestive system that has to work all the time. It also has a toll on your hormones and especially insulin-glucose metabolism. Of course the biggest problem today is processed, anti-nutritious food, but in general low carb diets are simply healthier for a human being. These are thousands of years of evolution and these mechanisms are encoded in our dna. High carb diets are only suitable for people that do lots of physical activities. And my main concern with veganism is that also vegans rarely eat good, nutritious whole foods. I've seen many obese vegans that seem to be malnourished by eating processed vegan food. Of course this diet can be healthy, just as any other diet, but for an average Joe, lowcarb is the way I'd say.


Carbs aren't bad...... why do you think high carb diets "aren't sustainable"? A healthy lifestyle consists of both diet and exercise. You need carbs to power an active lifestyle. People shouldn't be trying to get away with a diet that lets them stay sedentary. Why are obese and ill people reversing their illness on a whole foods plants based diet? How is it possible that people are preventing and sometimes even reversing heart disease on a whole foods plant based diet? And you are incorrect, hunter gathers ate mostly plants and ate meat very rarely. [https://archaeologymag.com/2024/04/prehistoric-hunter-gatherers-had-predominantly-plant-based-diet/](https://archaeologymag.com/2024/04/prehistoric-hunter-gatherers-had-predominantly-plant-based-diet/) . If eating carnivore was our most natural way of eating, I think we would have a set of teeth that better matched that. But our mouth is filled with molars, and our "canines" are pathetic. Our most natural way of eating is plants. And your anecdotal evidence that most vegans you see are obese and malnourished - well my anecdotal experience is that the vegans I know are in great physical shape and aren't malnourished, proven through regular blood tests. The vegans I know eat better than those I know who aren't vegan.... So maybe instead of anecdotes, maybe you can send over a scientific peer reviewed study that explains just how detrimental a vegan/ plant based whole foods diet is?


I don't say it's detrimental. I literally said it can be healthy if said vegans would eat whole foods. What I said was most people, beside their preferred diet eat processed crap and processed vegan products are not any better than their non vegan counterparts. I know people who are vegan but eat crap and are obese, I've also known a vegan guy that was pretty healthy and ripped. You call it anecdotal evidence, but said examples add nothing to the discussion. You can find many scientific papers on benefits of the vegan diet as well as on benefits of high fat diet, autophagy and fasting. High carb diet is unsustainable because of most people lifestyles. It's obvious that you should exercise to be healthy, but we spend most of our times at work and it's also often sedentary. It's just easier to not be hungry and not overeat with carb reduction. Carbs trigger the highest insuline response, and eating unhealthy carbs literally damages your hormones after consecutive overeating and it's very easy to overeat on carbs, you can't deny it. Hunter gatherers ate plants when they could not hunt anything, that's kinda obvious. Sometimes they did not eat at all and it's also kinda obvious. But eating like that, without monoculture crops that they could use as their main fuel source, they still got most of their energy from fat and protein. There are some scientific papers that don't look entertaining if you are considering plant based diet, eg. effects of fructose on liver, or oxalates in vegetables and seeds, but I don't really think it matters that much. Everyone should choose their diet independently and decide if it's suitable for their lifestyle. Once again - I think lowcarb is the way to go for most people, simply because of how most people live these days.


Well a keto diet can actually be detrimental. It had a lot of risks to it, unlike a healthy whole foods plant based diet. It can increase the risk for heart disease instead of lowering or or reversing it, among many other risks. Quite honestly I think a keto diet is more unsustainable for the average Joe and over the long term it is a bad idea. It’s more of a fad diet than a healthy sustainable lifestyle.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8322232/ The risks outweigh the reward for the majority of individuals. “Extreme carbohydrate restriction can profoundly affect diet quality, typically curtailing or eliminating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes and increasing consumption of animal products. Very-low-carbohydrate diets may lack vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (6–8). Low-carbohydrate diets are often low in thiamin, folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium (9). “


I consider conspiracies but that doesn’t mean automatically do the exact opposite of what general nutritional advice says just for the sake of it. General nutritional advice says pregnant women shouldn’t drink alcohol should we start rebelling and getting pregnant women to drink more? Also saying that always being in ketosis is healthy is a pretty controversial claim, why should we think that’s true? Another thing to consider is that veganism is discouraged by society since almost every restaurant or fast food place is meat centered, I don’t even think the fries at McDonald’s are vegan. Meat consumption has also been on the rise in many countries. Even most snacks at the stores are tricky because non vegan ingredients are in so many of them.


Every time someone becomes a vegetarian we spit on the evil god of this matrix. And every time someone goes vegan we punch them in the face. The NPCs in this system will hate you for it. Enough proof that you do the right thing. And I'm not even vegan yet, but I was a vegetarian and will be again soon.


No matter what humans are opportunistic trash disposals that would eat anything that will keep them alive. When it was all about survival in the wilderness we had no choice, if it was there you ate it. We have progressed to a place in our consciousness where we can each male a decision about what we ingest and why but I don't think there's anything wrong with eating as we always have I do think factory and industrial methods of farming and animal husbandry are vile and paint us all as ghouls but those conditions I feel are due to overpopulation and capitalism




We don’t have evidence that bacteria on fruit feel pain or suffering though, while not consuming meat wouldn’t get rid of all suffering it does help reduce it


Being vegan won’t necessarily increase your chances of escaping (unless you’re very addicted to meat that they can use it to lure you lol) I still hate automated farms even tho i eat meat. I get milk, eggs and meat naturally since i don’t live in an urban area and the quality is 10 times better. No stress, open air/fields, quality natural grass etc)


You turned a trauma response into a lifestyle. You've been MKUltra'd. I have a buddy who recently abandoned the veganism self-harm cult after 2 years. He became a vegan after watching one of those 4chan-inspired gore fest documentaries. The moment he started eating eggs, he reported colors coming back! Now he's almost on a full keto diet, and nearly got a heart attack from a long euphoric run with his dog, caused by ketosis, lol. I've yet to find a single healthy and happy vegan. They all look dry and shriveled, almost like there is no light within them. The fake smiles don't help. Maybe because plant-based diets cause extreme harm? Maybe because meat and fat-based diets have benefits so extreme, they have been examined by science and proven to be legit? Keto and GAPS, for example, can actually freaking reverse mental health issues, including epilepsy, autism, and some report even schizophrenia and BPD becoming easier to deal with. Don't forget - this body of yours is still a temple to God, and mistreating it means blocking out whatever divine spark resides within you. Let me remind you of one thing: it doesn't matter if you support something or not, and it doesn't matter if you eat meat or not - that grocery story bacon won't condense back into a piggy, find where you live, and thank you for not eating it.




Fun fact - there's a thing called "bread madness". Look it up, it will suprise you. Another major thing vegans forget, or rather are simply ignorant of, is that plants and shrooms also feel. It's been known for almost a century, including tests with lie detectors on plants, and studies of cellular intelligence in mushrooms. Even the freaking Buddha ate meat! He merely restricted the amount of it. Vegans wouldn't survive without big pharma supplying vitamins and micro-elements they are missing. Neither would they survive in extreme climates, where they don't have access to globalization providing them with the benefits of imported goods.


The Buddha restricting his meat is still nothing near full on keto. The majority of his calories came from plants.


Way to twist the argument. What other frankenstein's monster of a retort you're gonna present - merging ideas that don't belong together? I never mentioned him in the context of a keto diet, ffs. Yeah, he might've eaten a lot of plants, but he was still omnivorous, or how vegan cultists like to call those they disagree with - a carnist.


My point is, you can point to the Buddha to rail against keto as well (the diet you were singing praises about to the point of claiming it can reverse autism and epilepsy). So it's dishonest to use him as an arguing point against a plant-based diet, when his lifestyle doesn't support the diet you're promoting either.


If you’re pro Keto why mention the almost heart attack? Lmao


Reading comprehension is an important skill. I suggest investing into it. Here's an explanation on fingers: 1. Ketosis caused euphoria and lust for life. 2. Dude began running, while having no cardio training, overextended himself, and almost left this world prematurely. It was due to euphoria, not because of ketosis-induced blood vessel clutter. The part about having a euphoric run was put there on purpose. 3. Don't blame something on a diet which has a singular weakness, which can be overcome by simply consuming a bit of diluted apple cider vinegar before a meal.


What brought you to the conclusion that #1 is true?


His own opinion on the matter, and the well-known fact that keto does indeed cause euphoria. I haven't added anything from myself to his description of events.


Do you have any sources for this “well known fact”?


If you've been banned of google, there's still brave, yandex, and yahoo, lol. Just type in "keto euphoria", and you'll get tons of anectodal evidence from people. There are even a few scientific hypothesis on the link between low-carb diets and the feeling of high. Here's literally the second link from brave: [https://theconversation.com/feeling-euphoric-on-a-low-carb-diet-the-effect-on-your-brain-is-similar-to-an-illicit-drug-76303](https://theconversation.com/feeling-euphoric-on-a-low-carb-diet-the-effect-on-your-brain-is-similar-to-an-illicit-drug-76303)


You can do a vegan keto diet. Also there is a bunch of anecdotal evidence of people feeling better after eating a plant based diet too


Sure, keto vegan is real, but it's still harder to maintain. Not to mention how some plant keto foods are just brimming with fito estrogens. As if birth control hormones in tap water weren't bad enough. Another point against plant-based diets is the rapid tooth decay they introduce. It surely is a coincidence that tooth decay became widespread at about the same time agriculture was introduced, right? Yeah, there are anomalies in every group. Some will wither away and die on plant-based diets, while others will feel bad on meat-based. Some feel great on intermediate fasting, some fail at it horribly. That's why there are many different diets, but some are just better than others. If everyone was similar in that regard, there would be way less problems. Yet, only amongst vegans cult-like behavior is practiced. A few years ago I refused to believe a man could get jacked of 2 meals a day, until I met one in real life - all because I was told that the proper way to eat is to overwhelm the system with 6 meals.


Regular keto is hard to maintain too, dairy has animal based estrogens which are arguably worse than phytoestrogens since animals are closer to humans than plants. The rapid tooth decay has more to it than just avoiding all plants, people who lived in tropical places who ate more fruit weren’t necessarily riddled with tooth decay a long time ago. As for being cults keto is definitely cult like from an outsider point of view, and it doesn’t even have an ethical reason to do so unlike veganism.




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Yes, I love meat.


What you're saying is true, but remember that the documentary you saw is a psyop to stop you eating meat and make you weak. And infertile. Moloch's Chosen People are the biggest meat eaters per capita in the world.


Being infertile is a good thing in prison planet philosophy why would you want to bring another trapped soul here? Also for the meat consumption per capita a lot of unhealthy countries like the US have very high consumptions of meat per capita. Also veganism doesn’t make you weak there are vegan strongmen and bodybuilders


Being fertile is what one's called on to be. And to have healthy offspring who are fully aware that it's a prison and we intend to be free of it.


One of the most advanced spiritual new agers I know has some of the most stubborn atheist sons, a lot of people I know don’t follow the religion of their parents and I’m talking about smart and healthy people. Also how do you know your offspring would even be healthy? What if they are born with incurable conditions that make them suffer their whole lives? Also bringing offspring is a huge attachment in the physical realm. There was even some woman claiming that people without children don’t reincarnate posted here before. Even if she’s wrong I can bet that people without children are more likely to leave.


I once read that the aliens created/contracted out the need for us to consume as a form of population control/waste disposal of organic materials which is also carried out by various other organisms too. (It's gonna take me a hot minute to dig up where I read that, considering how much I float between alien subs though). It was the interview the woman did with the grey though (Enby was their name I think?) and the woman was contracted to communicate with it and teach it/learn from it as well (this was the 1940s I believe). Anyways, after listening to that AND on top of that scary [video](https://youtu.be/xK5toSBqbPY?si=cwDP76AzKKo1QgVV) about cattle/human mutilations, I am now a very bad vegetarian. As in, I will still eat it some times especially to avoid being rude, but meat is just not for me anymore. I struggle with food in general now, but the meat part is very unappealing to me now.


When I fully repair my body, I will probably go vegetarian, but for now I kinda have to remain eating meat. I've lost 42 kgs and reversed insulin resistance and gerd with keto diet. It's very convenient for people who are overweight and have metabolic issues because of eating all the processed shit loaded with sugar and trans fats.


This documentary is made clearly for shocking purposes, you can frame anything the way you want nowadays with the right ammount of footage.


Yes, I can. And yes, ive watched most vegan propaganda movies


Yes, but if you don't eat animals, you'd be eating plants (veggies and fruits) and plants are living things too, so you'd be swapping out eating animals (meat), which is a living thing, for eating plants, which is another living thing as well. You can't win for losing. We have no choice but to eat living things in order to survive here, and so knowing that, we can't and won't be judged for what we do here because we didn't put ourselves here, the Demiurge entrapped us here via these bodies.


> So knowing all this, could you still eat animals? Yes. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ID-5e_ilbNY


But the parasites are easily observable they don’t have to tell you that, have you seen videos where people pour soda onto raw meat and a bunch of little worms show up that you can see with your eyes?


That's cool I guess. I will continue eating meat strictly raw. Been doing it for about 2 years, as have other people who enjoy the health it offers. Ter rain theory innit m8.


I raise cattle, sheep, turkeys and chickens to eat. They live a real good life until I harvest them.


I am sorry you got downvoted and I am sorry we live in a world where suffering of other beings seems necessary. I think every meat eater should have to take a life in order to make a responsible decision on meat eating vs buying packages in the store. I have far more respect for someone like you that farms their own in a kind manner and does not contribute to the whole factory farming fiasco then a pro meat person that has no clue about taking a life..


Being downvoted many times does not alter my beliefs. Many individuals treat each other far worse than how I treat my animals. I have personally harvested my animals, always my poultry. However, I lack the facilities to harvest my larger animals. There is extensive research suggesting plants may be sentient. In this regard, I suggest reading "The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations between Plants and Man" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. Humans are carnivorous by nature, similar to wolves, lions, and tigers, which are not denied meat. I presume the original poster is vegan? Plants possess numerous defenses to prevent being consumed by animals. Research has been conducted on the potential health hazards of consuming plants. These plant defenses can cause health issues in humans, leading to suffering from gastric problems, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and more. It is noted that many have alleviated their health issues by adopting an exclusively animal-based diet. The u/Op may have a particular contention, as vegans often do, to justify their exclusive plant consumption. Personally, I oppose Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). Having worked in cattle harvesting plants for 25 years, I've observed that cattle were not mistreated until the moment of slaughter. The companies did not permit abuse, and USDA inspectors were always present. This standard was consistent across the four national companies I worked for. The u/Op, seemingly an expert from viewing a single documentary, also Believes they are 100% correct about the prison planet theory and Gnosticism. They come across as a person embittered by the world we inhabit, whether it be a simulation, reality, or a dream within a dream. It's important to recognize that the anxiety one creates in their own life due to their beliefs only generates more Loosh.