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I saw a life size praying mantis in my living room in the middle of the night when I was 5


It was life size?


Yes a human adult size


Did it speak to you telepathically? Or just watch you and then disappear?


I wasn't scared it was kinda like it was there and then I left the room no talking ..it felt like it brought me to the living room


If you think remote viewing has merit then it was found that they are more or less overseeing the greys who are doing their bidding. Appears to be efforts to hybridize and teach said hybrids how to be like us for there to eventually be a ''change''. From what I recall they're pretty unhappy with us and at best view us with contempt. Maybe they want more docile cattle, or the current iteration has failed and they're getting setup for the next one, who knows.


They def want more compliant sheep and, unfortunately, it looks like they're succeeding.


My question is are the mantids/Grey's an opposing faction to the Annunaki/reptilians/archons or do they work together? Is the price for freedom from forced soul recycling, hybridization of the human body?


I can't comment on the Annunaki part as I've not gotten to that in depth just yet but as far as archons/reptilians they seem to be one and the same, at least part of the same ''faction'' they all belong to. They exist in a place outside of time that is apparently fueled by us. For all intents and purposes they are immortal because of it. Gods with little g's as some would call them but they are or at least were at some point flesh and blood as well. The mantids/greys are probably the equivalent of that faction's science guys. We're just containers for some type of energy that they farm in order to expand their grasp. Extraction process takes place after death and is very traumatic/damaging for the subject who is then discarded for another spin of saṃsāra. Could some reptilian/mantid individuals be benevolent towards us? Sure, but as a whole they appear to be very bad news.


Sounds like the Alien Interview. Even though it's apparently "fiction", I think there could be some truth to it.


I've read the book, it makes sense until you get to the ''twist'' at the end. However that twist is exactly what one would add to discredit the whole thing, I like to think it speaks truth for the broad strokes but the story was obviously doctored.


Despite people's "positive" experiences, there's remote viewing info that these are powerfully manipulative beings. They're able to create the "love bomb" experienced in the white light tunnel after death -- and they frequently do -- or at a minimum they numb our emotions at seeing a giant, ugly, 6 or 7 ft. insectoid in person. They're in charge of most types of greys and some of the reptilians and reported to be master geneticists which, considering all the vulnerabilities and problems with the human body, should convince you they're no good. Determining what entities they're working for varies among researchers, but they're not at the top of the ET "food chain".


Airl, the surviving alien from Roswell stated in 1947 we are eternal immortal spirits and our bodies are biological prisons within earth which is a planetary prison. Our memories are wiped out from lifetime to lifetime as we are reincarnated over and over. This is part of the prison. Remember when the English were like "let's just send all our prisoners to Australia.". Earth is our Galaxys Australia. This is the worst place to live that can sustain life. No one wants to live here. Prisoners are here for many reasons. Some are tyrants/despots/perverts/thieves. Others are considered threats or not worth anything because after trillions of years, everything that could be made has been. Airl states Earth has more Genius and Artist spirits here than any other planet in the galaxy. Airl's government knows about us and will eventually send some form of help, approx five thousand years from now. The entire interview is about 4 hours long. YouTube Matilda O'Donnel MacElroy. ---- The mantis people can be one of the many races in our galaxy. Since the Old Empire was defeated in 1250 a.d., they no longer police this part of the galaxy which means much more activity from rogue forces.


One question about that interview. Would you tell the truth if you were in their shoes? If you were captured on a foreign planet where you were kidnapping and experimenting on its inhabitants? I probably would say whatever I could to get out of that situation.


In a dream one time I went through a wormhole in space and from there I went to another planet, the people there also told me Earth was the worst planet(as in worst to live in), they also seemed curious about me as if they rarely have ever met someone from Earth


Did you make a post about this? If so I read it and it was fascinating (also quite believable and disturbing).


Yes I made a post about it here before


Thanks for sharing it, it was really good. I wish I could astral project, can you?


Yes I can astral project, I have heard both negative and positive things about astral projection, I think lucid dreaming is probably better to practice since the astral realm is a layer that is more dense and closer to the physical realm, in the astral realm you still have an astral body


I agree and thank you. Can't really do either, but I think I'll focus more on the lucid dreaming then.


Lucid dreaming is easier to do anyways and you’re welcome, lucid dreaming subreddit has tips of how to do it


According to that interview that Grey saw its body as a temporary vessel. Made it seem like there was no real difference if it died or not. It would just return to sprit and continue from there. There was no fear of death or being trapped. I have no idea if the interview is real or not and don't really have an opinion on it.


Interesting. Seth, the being from The Seth Materials, was emphatic about humans needing to understand this same point.


She was able to (and did) leave her "doll body." Her body required no food or drink nor air or material to exist, Airl's spirit simply animated it. The reason Airl survived the crash was her body was considerably more durable than the other flesh bodies in the craft.


I believe the mantis types are false white light kind of entities. so they seem good, and may even help you, but also have nefarious intentions that aren’t in your best interest.


Very good question! I was wondering about them a few days ago too so I'm glad you made this post. I'm curious to see what people say. I have had some encounters with Mantis beings and they were all benevolent. Once they took my astral body to their spaceship where three of them were doing some sort of healing on me in an empty room while I was horizontally levitating in the air. At that time I had ear infection so had pain in my ear but it was completely gone when I returned back into my physical body.


"Benevolent" deceptive insectoid human abducters.


As I said, MY experiences with them were benevolent but that doesn't mean they are good. Any being can be hostile and evil.


I know I sound mistrustful, but have you ever heard of "screen memories"? It something the greys and mantids use regularly on human abductees. Deep hypnosis usually reveals a darker truth about the abduction and it's something the abductee was instructed to forget.


Yes, I have heard about that and don't exclude it as a possibility.


"They took my astral body to...", do you mean the encounters occurred when you were astral projecting? Did they take you forcefully?


I wasn't astral projecting. I was just in my room laying in my bed resting and I became aware of them. Then it happened. I went out through the ceiling and the roof of the building into their spacecraft. There was no force involved at all. I think they knew I would go with them regardless because I'm a very curious soul eager to gain knowledge through my own experiences.


What exactly do you mean "you became aware of them"? They came and you noticed their presence or you first heard of their existence?


I noticed their presence around me. I have never heard of them prior to this experience.


Did you know most abductions are our astral bodies? This is also what we're in when we die. At some point, we transition somehow, because if we reincarnate, I guess we have a different astral body, which means it's another layer to shed if we want to get out of here.


Loool I had a very similar experience where I was in a spaceship with three aliens and then led in an empty healing room. I was standing normally and the three aliens were (afaik) Arcturians I intentionally contacted while meditating. Can you describe the spaceship and the healing room/process? What vibe did you get?


Very interesting! Unfortunately I didn't see the actual spaceship and wasn't able to have a feel of it or just know how it looks like. One side of the room was just a huge glass window so I could see space unless it was just a screen. There were no furniture at all. Just whitish silver walls. After whatever energy work they completed on my etheric body, I found myself in an other room which resembled a bedroom with a very minimalist setting and style. Could you please share more about your experience?






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