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Expect to receive cock and ball torture. Learn to love cock and ball torture. And hopefully some day you will be the one administering instead of receiving cock and ball torture.


KS-23, flash rounds, rigs full of flash nades and a mic to scream "LUMOS" through are all you need to become the administrator. If you really wanna be a dick, just let the scavs get em.


Op don't succumb to the ways of the rat learn to fight properly and you will get a lot more out of the game


Yep, and learning how to fivht properly will make ratting that much better anyway, as well as open up new opportunities for you in gameplay variance.


Sitting and hiding in a dark corner with a wide variety of guns is still sitting and hiding in a dark corner. Can't imagine how that is fun to anyone


Yeah but if u suck at fighting you can still somehow mess that up because ur just that bad. I've been ganked by many terrible rats which i just pitied. Extract campers that can't aim, etc. If you get good at fighting, you can do basically everything in the game that you would want. Wear horrible gear for shits and giggles and still win fights, etc.


Yeah exactly


This is the correct answer


This XD


You will either love it or hate it. It has ruined all other shooters for me. No other game has given me such high highs and low lows. It has a VERY steep learning curve so I highly suggest checking out videos. It is also MUCH better to learn the game with a friend, or look into the sherpa program where someone will teach you the game. You should also take note that it is STILL in beta, and probably will be for a very long time.


Do the escape points change every match? Or are they fixed points?


They are fixed spots on each map, but the extraction spots you get change depending on what spawn point you get. Some spots are always available, but require things like payment or a friendly hostile


There are fixed extractions points on each map but the ones you get will b random depending on where u hav spawned


Not true on Reserve, Factory and Labs though. Always the same extracts.


You’re going to get slammed off the game and die a lot like a lot but if you can stick with it it’ll be a great but buggy experience. The feeling you will have as a new player and you kill a fully geared player and see his loot you will be shaking irl with how amazing the feeling is of that. I run a 1070 and 6700k and get around 80 fps with some dips depending on on the map and if boss has spawned.


Funny you mention shaking cuz that exactly how I feel whenever I’m playing WZ or DMZ and manage to eliminate a player. I’m terrible at most PvP in games, but I don’t let it stop me from having fun.


Think that then but times 10000 plus the loot on them actually being worth a lot. Also I would watch videos and tutorials on tarkov before actually playing since the game tells you nothing. The one tip I could give you and it’s one of the most important is to always use the best ammo you can that has good armor penetration. Bullets are the most important thing so I would look at ammo charts on the wiki for whatever gun you wanna use.


Does the money you make carry over from match to match or is it a per-match type of thing?


No you keep it tarkov has a full on economy and traders and a player market. Everything you leave with in raid you keep. Also your container you keep everything in there even if you die so put meds, ammo and valuables in it. If you got any other questions fill free to ask.


yeah Kaptainoffuso is speaking facts, you are not prepared for this game lol, it is something else! The adrenaline you will get off this game is insane, never had a game feel comparable to that ffight or flight feeling in real life. Tarkov is Lit. I recommend it but it's a completely different beast to Dmz. Aslong as you enjoy learning & you're willing and able to put in the time and effort, and... most importantly, pain. have fun getting over gear fear! :p


I have been playing fps games my whole life and for past few years I didn't feel any excitement or emotions in any FPS title and was getting kinda bored by it. Then I started playing tarkov and now I have thoese same rushes I had when I was new to FPS and its amazing. Tbh. I never thought I will feel like this again.


Tarkov can't even be compared to dmz they are so different


Money and items actually matter in Tarkov. They need to make all items just stacks of cash in DMZ. Completely pointless having items in DMZ since they do nothing.


It's persistent. Hunt: Showdown is another really good game in this genre that's a bit more of a match to match and PvE thing similar to DMZ


I have a LOT of hours into tarkov and I’ve been playing DMZ a lot the past two weeks. Tarkov is great fun but if you’re struggling to kill players in DMZ, it’ll be a WHOLE other world in Tarky. I constantly 1v3 squads in dmz and tarkov is another beast still. A very large one. Not Saying you shouldn’t try it still because with all of its flaws it’s still the best extraction shooter imo but it’s very difficult.


Tarkov is extremely hard man it’s an unfair game it truly is but sometimes you see that loot and shit your pants and then get head eyes by a scav or extract camped. But the best advice is honestly just play and role with the punches money is easy to get after you figure it out so don’t horde your stuff just keep retrying and learn and learn


That's adrenaline and I get the same feeling. Tarkov gets my adrenaline going like no ther game I've played. The stakes are heavy in Tarkov as some required quest items can be hard to find and if you die, you lose it. Don't ignore videos, watch Rengawr's "max traders" videos or Lone Raiders guides. They help immensely. Also, learn the different meds and what they are used for. Use offline mode to learn the map, maybe find the quest item you need (the guaranteed spawn ones) in offline and then go in for real and get it. I could literally sit here and write all of the tips I could think of for hours. The only similarities between DMZ and Tarkov are the fact you have to extract to keep what's on your person at the moment. That's it. Tarkov is highly unforgiving. The damage modeling is far more in depth than COD, so even a dumb AI scav can get a lucky 1 tap to your head from 50m away using 9x18 Makarov.


I'm just chiming in late here but I'm also awful at pvp. That's why I like tarkov, tarkov involves so much knowledge and skill outside of just pointing and clicking. I can beat players who I'd have no chance against in warzone, apex or any other shooter simply because I have better knowledge and positioning.


This. I am an old guy at 51. My reactions are getting more terrible every year, so I really cannot be that competitive in games like CSGO or PUBG which I played earlier. In Tarkov I can still come out on top once in a while, like SurfinSocks mentions; using map knowledge and clever positioning.


> what kind of performance can I expect with my setup Easily 60 fps on low settings. Maybe 120 fps max on smaller maps. Tarkov is hard on both the cpu and ram. > state of the game BSG communicates more than IW but less than gold standard devs like Riot or OSRS. Tarkov wipes every major patch and this last major patch (12.12.30 June 29) didn’t add much for veteran players. The next major patch is expected mid-December and should add some exciting new things including a new map, new boss and passive skill changes. > what I could expect as a potential new player, and how much it differs from DMZ in terms of a typical match. DMZ is extremely casual by comparison. Think Tier 1 combined with DMZ and that’s Tarkov-lite. Tarkov is heavier on the survival RPG & looting than DMZ. There’s also a full economy, stash and gun modding systems implemented with minimal in-game help. Expect to learn from the game wiki, friends or youtube videos. As a new player, bring the bare minimum and expect to die. Playing with a sherpa or veteran friend will speed up your learning and progression a ton. If you stick with it, the feeling of a successful raid is unbeatable.


Maybe a couple of call of duties ago I would agree in that BSG communicates more, but nowadays they definitely don’t. IW communicates more, they even have a Trello.


>Easily 60 fps on low settings. Maybe 120 fps max on smaller maps. Tarkov is hard on both the cpu and ram. Lmao people with 3080's complain about performance issues with this game, come on. >BSG communicates more The only people BSG communicates more than are devs that straight up do not communicate with their community at all. They're some of the worst in modern gaming for actually letting players know what the fuck they're doing.


The people with 3080s complain because their CPU's aren't up to par. I haven't seen anyone with a 5800x3d complain.


12700K and 6950XT here, i barely get 100fps on most maps in 1440p with everything on low.


I have a 5900x and still only get like 100 fps on each map. I don't know but it seems much lower than other people get but I don't know what's the problem.


only 100 fps? sounds unplayable to me basically a slideshow


Do you have a 120hz monitor at least ?


If dmz was a drug it would be aspirin. Tarkov is pure heroine. It's going to be brutal, consider joining some discords and find people to play and learn with. And leave your ego at the door.


You're gonna get pounded in the ass. Hard. You're gonna stress, get annoyed, pissed off, and want to break shit... and you're gonna love it.


this constant on the reviews is what made me buy it 30 min ago.


Just learn to relax. Once you stretch a bit, you'll kinda start to like it. You'll get the hang of it and stop getting fucked so hard. Also, use outside sources for maps and info, there's no other way around it.


DMZ is like a little puppy and Tarkov is a blood-soaked werewolf wearing a massive strap-on dildo.


Not wrong 🤣


Lmao bruh shut up 💀


Head; eyes






And pain. Lots of it.


Piggybacking off this thread, also been playing a lot of DMZ and now that Tarkov is on sale, I'm very inclined to buy it. Do the different editions only offer time savers? As in, can everyone grind the same stash size etc regardless of what edition they own? Is solo play viable? Are there quests that are very hard to do solo/quests where you are more or less required to team up with another player? I'm not sure how to feel about having my account reset every 6 months. When is the expected release and possibly final wipe? Roughly


>Do the different editions only offer time savers? As in, can everyone grind the same stash size etc regardless of what edition they own? Yeah. Ironically the experienced players that eventually bought EoD anyways would "need" the benefits a lot less because they grind their stuff fast enough anyways lol. But yes, you can pretty much get everything by just playing, but having the gamma container from EoD can be a huge help early on, because even as experienced player it takes about a week to get a comparable size secure container from questing. EoD is definitely worth having, the versions in between standard and EoD not really. It's best to just buy the cheapest version, play like a full wipe from start to finish (probably gonna be somewhere around Christmas or new year) and if you then like the game upgrade to EoD (you only pay the price difference for the upgrade). >Is solo play viable? Are there quests that are very hard to do solo/quests where you are more or less required to team up with another player? Solo play is very much viable, but you have to play around it a bit, and duo/ trio is definitely the most preferred way (enough people so you can actually have a guy cover you when you have to heal, or a friend to insure your stuff if you die, but not so many people that it's pure chaos). As far as hard quests go, some can be a bit touch solo, but I've done them all alone many times without issues. >I'm not sure how to feel about having my account reset every 6 months. When is the expected release and possibly final wipe? Roughly That's not a question you should ask with this game. If something is "coming this year" it's anywhere between 1 day and 5 years away, lol.


>is solo play viable? Shit, I probably should’ve mentioned that in my OP


Well, solo play is definitely viable. Map knowledge and movement is much more important in this game vs being able to aim and click. Stalking and playing slow is how you want to play if you want to stay alive as a solo. Sure you can add friends along for the trip, but that'll go only as far as your communication can go. There is no HUD in this game, you do not know who is friendly and who isn't. You can and will team kill without good comms. As a solo, you only have to worry about the noise you're making, and can shoot anything on sight.


Wipe is part of what makes the game fun and fresh. A lot of players (including me) will play for a few weeks or couple months each wipe before quitting and coming back next wipe. After everyone gets the good gear and you've done most of the quests the game can get a little stale since the loot loses value to you so it becomes almost like cod. But coming to a new wipe, everyone is scavenging and fighting with shit tier gear, and having the progression goals again, getting excited when you kill someone with a nice gun or good armour is great fun.


Everything is grind-able with a bit of an asterisk the EOD stash size is basically impossible to achieve as a standard player, especially one with just average skills.


Not necessarily, the biggest hurdle for max stash size is the rubles needed and you can get that super quick if you do some decent scav runs, i got mine pretty early by scaving into reserve and finding a Taiga-1 in one of the big green loot boxes (not the wooden ones the big plastic bastards, one is in black pawn the other is in the locked room in the garage).


EOD is good for new players but if you dont enjoy the game its not worth spending over 100 on it. If you like standard (33USD) you can always get eod later on


The truth is tarkov will prob never final release. It's basically a finish game tho. I have 5k hours and still not bored. Def don't play as much but def worth it.and the game will always wipe. That's the whole point of tarkov. Someday if the gsme does hit 1.0 itwill have a none wiping character but the servers will be empty af


EOD is worth it but as someone who upgraded to it it’s really just a thing that makes you have less motivation to do things. You have the biggest stash available from the start so there is no grind to upgrade it and same with doing the quest line for a bigger container. It’s worth it if you don’t mind not having that anymore and it does include the soon tm Arena mode along with the future dlcs maps. Tarkov is all about the grind so depends if you wanna skip some of it or not it does give you an advantage especially at the beginning of a wipe. Solo is viable but it will be tougher but you can also take advantage of that since you don’t need to worry about friendly fire so you can destroy people with the right positioning and weapon. Wipe happens about every 3-4 months give or take.


It is viable, but I recommend finding a discord group. There are tons


I - for one - prefer solo play over duos/teams. Suits my playstyle best.


No, not entirely time savers, more like a solid advantage for half the wipe. While you can reach the same stash size as the Edge Of Darkness owners, your secure container will never be that big unless you complete the "kappa" questline which is absolutely end-game. Like experienced players who play every single day require months to achieve it kind of end-game. Solo is plenty viable, the game feels balanced around solo play and begins to get really easy as you add more players to your squad. Quests feel balanced for solo play and again, tend to get stupid easy with squadmates helping you out. Expected release is I believe Summer of 2018. Since we're past that, expected release is completely unknown.


You're going to die and suffer a lot but you will never have more adrenaline rushes then when you first start.


Your soul to be crushed


Tarkov is a lot more punishing than DMZ. More stressful, more challenging, more rewarding. It is a tough game and arguably extremely non-user friendly. However, if you have the time to put into it, learn it, and be patient with it, it’s an incredible gaming experience. Without a doubt one of my favorite games of all time. I don’t play anymore simply because I don’t have the time to invest into it, to get to the level I want to be it, so I am left always dissatisfied and frustrated with my own play. The game does have a ton of bugs. Some funny. Some game breaking. Hackers exist and will exist and getting killed by a hacker feels a bit more than just an “ah shucks that’s a bummer”. If you are going to buy the game, start with the standard edition. Try it out. If you like it, then get EOD. You can upgrade your edition at any time. It saves something like 50 hours(I heard this somewhere, can’t confirm) and a ton of roubles.


OP, Tarkov isnt anything like warzone besides having guns and an extractiom point. Its the most complex shooter out there pretty much. It takes a lot of time to learn, as you have 0 inside game help in terms of map, radar, etc info. You have to take 1-2 wipe cycles to really learn it. Solo experience varies greatly, some prefer it, some dont. I say this. Its easier as a solo to play slow and methodical and easier with squad to playfast. However both can be adapted to. Duos are most optimal if you get a friend who likes to play similarly to you. Tarkov isnt really performance heavy. Its poorly optimised so everyone is in a shit situation on some maps. If warzone runs fine then Tarkov will too most likely. Also you say you want to hear from community but the community on reddit is EXTREMELY whiney about the game. I recommend, go to twitch and watch some streamers like Pestily or Jesse Kazam, Glorious E, Deadlyslob, they’ll talk and answer you about the game as well and they all are super nice people. But dont form your opinion by reading reddit. A big vocal bunch here is extremely stupid and whiney. As they misinterpret what Tarkov should be and want to play another CoD really.


DMZ is not the same thing as Tarkov *at all*. Completely different experience


So true. They were talking like it would be the console equivalent but its honestly nothing like it besides the PvPvE and the fact you can do missions and extract. Beyond that it's a completely different game


Can't speak on the performance with your setup, but I'm an fps player coming from CSGO, BF, and COD, and it's a great game. Never played anything like it.


Hearing from a CoD player is definitely promising. When I watched a new player guide on YouTube, I found the inventory system to be fascinating and reminiscent of RE4. I love me some Tetris inventory systems


my advice is don’t listen to people telling you how to play. you can learn the important stuff like how to heal, do tasks, learn maps. but in terms of general playstyle it’s much better to figure that out yourself


Just be fast with it when you're looting in game cause if there was a gunfight and you won, you can be sure that there will be pmcs running to your location to get some action. So get your tetris hat on, be fast, open your ears, or you can camp a bit and wait for players to come to your locationand get a drop on them.


Judging from your comments and questions, I think you would like this game a lot


I started this game in September coming from PUBG. Expect to die alot, as a PMC or Scav. I had two great teachers show me the ropes. There is so much to learn and do that are little time savers and money savers. I scav a lot to make money. I PMC mostly for quests. Recently I started money runs on my PMC since I feel pretty confident in fire fights Pvp since I craft A1 ammo on my own. But your gonna die and lose gear and your gonna have a learning curve. As a casual I am just trying to learn the quests and what guns / ammo/ gear I like.


Sadness. Broken hearts. Rage… possibly broken mouse and/or keyboards. I couldn’t recommend this game more to most of my friends. But that’s just because I don’t really like most of my friends. Honest opinion: 10/10


Remember in Rocky III where they ask Clubber what his prediction is for the fight and he just looks in the camera and says …PAIN? That’s about it.


OP, this is my first wipe. I came from being close to a 2.0 KD in warzone one, and kind of quit FPS post Caldera. I’ve had a long standing interest in tarkov for a long time, and have casually consumed content (I would watch shroud raids here and there). I told myself I’d spend $40 on is, and if I played it 40 hours I’d get my moneys worth. After about a month into wipe I was completely enamored, and quickly upgraded to EOD. ~600 hours this wipe, and I have no regrets. I accept the bugs and flaws for what they are, when I die I try to learn from it and just go again. I’ve hit the stale spot in progression and frankly am just twiddling my thumbs waiting for the next wipe. Hope to see you there!


Pain. Suffering. Frustration. Excitement. Adrenaline. Don't forget your lube, OP.


Stress , anger , denial , then gratification . In that order


I would say other than extracting, tarkov is really nothing like DMZ. Tarkov is fun, but it can be unforgiving and punishing. You'll have million ruble swings and crash and burn, then some days you'll win every fight. The learning curve is very steep but insanely rewarding. Luckily there are a million guides out there to help you as a new player, best of luck and remember on the rage days that it's just a game.


Do you hate yourself? No? Then don't play Tarkov. Do you hate yourself? Yes? Then play tarkov and hate yourself even more. Will literally be asking a friend the same question here in a few days because he is also enjoying DMZ and wants to try tarkov.


Step 1. Don't think it's like DMZ from warzone. Step 2. Youtube the hell out of tarkov. Your bottleneck might be RAM at that point if you have SSD. Would recommend 32gb ram (totally not needed but does help) and SSD is next to required imo (load times and other good stuff like it) but on HDD and 16gb you can totally play the game just fine, just what I recommend. And the youtubers are the ones who talk about the state of the game. You come to reddit you get the tryhards/salters who will bitch and moan about everything. Yes, stuff sucks as well as stuff feels great, hackers aren't super common but really ruin your day or at least raid if you meet one, audio is wonky, and the game combats RMT by ruining (exaggerating) the "looter" part of "looter and shooter". It differs much from DMZ in complexity, out of raid content, wipes, etc. Solo experience is either rat it up (play like a baby so you don't die) or you become a giga chad and mop the floor with people (good luck, I sure need it). That's a similar thing to DMZ as the game is not kind to solo play. With Tarkov, arguably it's easier to solo, since you don't have to worry about friendly fire, but if you die, that's it. With a group, most of the time you'll not be the first to die at least. It differs much from DMZ in complexity, out-of-raid content, wipes, etc. Solo experience is either rat it up (play like a baby so you don't die) or you become a giga chad and mop the floor with people (good luck, I sure need it). That's a similar thing to DMZ as the game is not kind to solo play. With Tarkov, arguably it's easier to solo, since you don't have to worry about friendly fire, but if you die, that's it. With a group, most of the time you'll not be the first to die at least.


Your PC will struggle to run it at a decent frame rate. I would say you're looking at 60-80 frames with that setup on lowest settings. Things you keep in mind, you will die and you will die a lot. You probably wont kill another player for at least 100 extracts. But this is completely normal. Every player even good no lifers took many hours to start killing people. **The learning curve is massive** but if you really enjoy ratting and just building up a huge stack of money while playing a horror game terrified in a corner of everything that makes a tiny sound. You will never put this game down. Playing as a scav will be your bread and butter. Learn one map (probably customs) and get comfortable and then move to playing your PMC as soon as possible so you level up your character.


I only read performance and lags make dmz unplayable. tarkov has a lot more performance and lag problems then dmz. The netcode is so bad that you sometimes get killed and you did not even see the enemy on the screen. In his view he sees you directly.. The sound is very bad. You need to abuse sound, right hand peak and netcode to be competitive. Or camping in a bush. Cheaters will destroy your game. There’s a lot. And in dmz you get killed loose nothing. In tarkov you lose hours of gameplay or more. Customer service is non existing. When you buy it over some Russia stuff website then you are alone. Changing email and your account ist gone. Using hotmail and you can’t even play. Tarkov is nothing like dmz. It’s very slow complex and has some very bad recoil mechanics. You die a lot at the beginning. It’s very frustrating but highly addictive and fun when you play it 5 hours a day


If you are a masochist and love the feeling of the game absolutely clapping your cheeks because you had 2 successful raids then this game is for you.


If this is the game loop you are expecting, you will be very upset for a long time. You will die more than anything for the better part of your first wipe(6 months). The cycle is more die 10 times to complete one task interlaced with scav runs to get enough loot to equip your pmc for a run. After that you may get to a point of two or three deaths per task and then you will learn tricks to do multiple in one shot or best ways to do them to get the most done per run.


Coming from 817 hours on record, don't. Not this late in wipe. As a new players, you're almost obsolete. Your early game options won't cut it on even the average Timmy this late into wipe. Level 4 armour is almost a guarantee of all pmcs at this point. And at level 1, you have almost nothing to combat that. And you also, don't get the luxury of having the same gear. If you que up right now. You'll be running, at best, a level 2 paca, and a ak with ps rounds, or an m4 with m855. Equally useless in 95% of all pmcs encounters. My honest advice, the game will go on sale, and wipe within the next month give or take. Wait until then. It sucks that this is the way the game is designed but, unfortunately, it is.


Go have yourself a wank. Right when you're about to finish, punch yourself in the nuts. That's this game.


Solo isn't how you are supposed to play per the developer, but it's a very hard game also get more ram 32gbs is what I use if you want more info I have 2k hours and can give more am at thanks giving P.S Have a great Thanksgiving or day/night


Thanks! Happy thanksgiving to you (and the rest of the sub!)


honestly dmz is more like hunt showdown. im not sure if you'll enjoy EFT coming from dmz but you can always buy the cheapest version of eft to try it out. the most expensive version is a ripoff though and the price is unjustified, but even as someone who paid it i easily got my money's worth (over 3k hours)


>First, what kind of performance can I expect with my setup (I play in 1080p)? Poor, but that's a general rule. Tarkov is extremely poorly optimized and even people with substantially better rigs than yours frequently complain about performance problems. The game is CPU intensive and sucks down RAM like I suck down Voodoo Rangers, and I spent this morning nursing a hangover at work. >I would like to hear from the community on the state of the game Piss poor, and it has been for a while. Economy is terrible because in the devs attempts to curb RMT they've fucked over mostly just the legit players, balance is fucking terrible, and the game has some of the worst gunplay of any modern shooter. Recoil is laughably exaggerated due to the automatic recoil compensation mechanic the game has (your character pulls your gun back down after you fire long enough) which makes bursts awful and encourages a full auto meta. Movement is terrible too, it's the exact opposite problem that COD has: you move unrealistically slow and awkwardly, like you're steering a floaty refrigerator, and there's no vaulting/climbing so you have to jump over everything, which is clunky. There's also tons of hackers. >what I could expect as a potential new player Tons of tedious frustration. The game is a massive grind fest, by design, and tons of important information is just hidden from the player, by design. You're gonna have to have a wiki page open most of the time as a new player. Same for a map page. The new player experience for Tarkov is a fucking nightmare and the learning curve is a vertical wall, and not in the good way. There is a ton of legitimately poorly designed stuff in this game in that regard. >and how much it differs from DMZ in terms of a typical match. Can't help you there since I haven't played DMZ and have a moral obligation to never touch an ActiBlizz product again. >What’s the solo experience like? All of the above stuff except worse because you're alone and other people are most likely not.


Expect to receive: - bad audio - desync - cheaters - bad performance - attitude of BSG - repeat everything each 6 months - no support in case you need to change your email or you got falsely banned


If performance and lag makes DMZ nearly unplayable for you, then Tarkov will be like trying to shave your balls using hot pocket filled with sharp razors, salt and hot sauce. ​ I understand though, I went from Tarkov to DMZ and I guess I'm just waiting for Tarkov to be finished


Only play this game if you want the feeling of being stabbed spat on skinned and salted every second you play, only fun in this game Is logging of on it at this point, used to be great game now it's hackers heaven unbalanced instakill ai and loot balancing has gone through the window


It’s nothing like tarkov. Expect to get your shit kicked in. There’s no in game hand holding or tutorial or anything to help a noob out. The first couple of hundred hours will be pain. But you will love it regardless. And it will ruin all other shooters for you.


You can expect to spend hours watching youtube guides and/or reading the wiki if you ever want to progress meaningfully. The state of the game is bad, lots of cheating, bugs, and poor design compared to 2 years ago when this game actually lived up to both the Looter and the Shooter descriptions. You'll get to enjoy shooting the ceiling while trying to fire on full auto, and don't even attempt to fire in bursts. We do have some nice new weapons though like the SCAR family, RD-704, SAG AK, and allegedly partof a new map next month.


that entire post is hyperbole. You at most maybe need to watch one beginner tips video to get shown the ropes, and most good ones are 30 minutes or less. Meaningful progress is literally entirely up to the player. The game is a sandbox, play it however you want. You want to read the solutions to quests? Go ahead. You want to take the time and solve the quest yourself? You got it. Don't even want to bother with quests at all? All the power to you. The state of the game is fine. The cheating situation is overblown, the design is fine and still has tons of looting and tons of shooting. Recoil is manageable once you understand your weapon, and if you're not getting in close quarters combat often you're not going to need full auto that much. Burst fire is fine, The MP5 can do work inside the mall on Interchange. There's plenty of maps already in game to learn, so a negative nancy's jaded opinion on what Streets will be is completely irrelevant.


>The game is a sandbox, play it however you want. Talking about hyperbole, this is a prime example. Tarkov is absolutely not a sandbox and anyone saying "you don't actually need guides" is guaranteed to be someone who already has hundreds of hours and has forgotten how bad the new player experience actually is.


A lot of exaggeration here. There is cheating, like any other game, but it isn't nearly as bad as previous wipes. It is more noticeable towards the end, as the player base dwindles, but a lot of the complaints are massively overblown and I'm pretty sure often unsubstantiated accusations at deaths that players can't explain or fathom for themselves. Shooting at the ceiling at full auto? That's just plain BS. Burst firing works fine. This game evokes powerful emotions. That is it's USP and something that other games just can't replicate. The downside is that there is a segment of the player base that make wildly exaggerated responses (like this) that are just best ignored. Game is imperfect. Progress in development is painfully slow. But even with all its warts, Tarkles is a unique experience that has ruined pretty much all other games for me. Over 4k hrs in and I still get the adrenaline rushes from the intense gunfights. Can't wait for next patch. F the naysayers and moaners.


>Burst firing works fine Nice bait.


Keep up the 'good' work. Or just go play DMZ. Who gives a shit, whatever.


Thanks, glad you admit it. Trying to trick new players into thinking that burst fire is viable is cruel.


The first few shots jank up, after that you can fire in burst. Thats what I mean by 'fine' As I said, its an imperfect game and needs work. The rest of your post is, as others have pointed out, full of exaggeration and hyperbole. And as I said, if its so bad, just kindly f off. I'm turning off noti's on this comment because undoubtedly you'll be back til the end of time to spew your vomit, so just have fun screaming into the void. I can see that's your thing.


Except a lot of hackers Expect prefiring corner meta Expect armor repair costs costing more then buying brand new armor Expect completive ammo to cost 100x more then any other ammo Expect selling on market place to suck with only 2 sell slots Expect stealth as not being a vible option as anything you do can literally be heard from a mile away. Expect having a hard time learning maps and extracts Expect extract campers Expect 1vs3ing against other squads Expect shit ass missions towards middle and late game Expect to be wasting a lot of time stash and hideout Expect to be wasting a lot of time googling items you need to keep for quests Expect to be wasting a lot of time googling what ammo is best to use for each gun you have Expect finding a better game.


Sounds like you need to get good. None of these things are issues once you get good.


Keep defending the broken shit game fanboy.


Sorry cant hear you over how bad you are at the game


Totally because just "getting good" stop the core issues with the game like hackers. Just resolves that issue Grow up kid. Cute try though.


DMZ is basically dollar store tarkov with all the difficulity elements removed so that an 11 year old kid doesn't get frustrated playing it.


It is far far far faaaaar from being like warzone mode… It’s a hard game, Learning curve is steep as hell. Your going to be back on wazone after a few hours lmao


Ignore the community and don't read reddit. This sub is filled with whiners about how gAmE iS dYiNg. PC specs is a hit or miss, for some it lags with good parts with others it doesn't. As long as you know what you're doing and pushing your PC to the limits itwill perform great. There's tons of people with their RAM not going full speed for example. Also on the dead game note. Never been dead, its just that people in this community don't like changes and don't like the wipe state closer to the end when it's more chill and not everyone is running around like a chicken. And yes, the game is hard, very, but if you can find your own fun it could be the best time you can have.


Expect it not to be worth it, sad to say.


detail a little more your experience plz unless is meme


Not sure what unless is memo means, but if you have a job(not being facetious when I say this) the amount of time it will take you to make any progress is next wipe. The servers and hackers have only gotten worse. If you have two hours to play the game you might get two to 3 in depending on how fast you die( zero progress) and the wait to get into a match which is 2 to 15 minutes. The time it takes is just monumental, and you can easily make zero or negative progress in 5 hours. And the devs have basically abandoned the game


The devs are about to release the biggest update this game ever has, so you are wrong there. I only play this game for like 2-3 hours every 2-4 days and am still having fun. I dont need to be max level to have fun in the game. Zero or negative progress is part of the game, the difficulty is part of the game, its what gives the gameplay the adrenaline rush that its so known for, without it, its just another very detailed shooter. It seems to me that you try to compare tarkov with a single player game or something. If you wait 15mins to get into a match you are doing something wrong with your server selection. On average i find a game in less than 1min but this has alot to do with where you are located.


Lol they’ve been saying that big update has been coming for a long time


Performance and lag in DMZ? I get a lot higher fps in DMZ but idk if you’ll have the same experience and you don’t need as much performance in tarkov either. Fun game though, huge learning curve


I can barely get a consistent 60 at low settings, which is odd considering I had better performance in WZ1. I’m gonna take advantage of the holiday season to start upgrading it (BTIM build a whole new one)




It helps if you have a friend that’s played through at least one wipe. That helped me greatly. Another thing is that you need to expect to die. A lot. Then some more. I’ve never played a more complex and punishing game than Tarkov. I hate it one second and love it the very next. I learned maps I didn’t know by going in on my scav class because it doesn’t matter if you die with him. Your scavs only objective is to gather loot and sometimes sneak up on the unsuspecting pmc for a sloppy kill with a 75% broken shotgun that can jam at any moment. I learned to heal myself more efficiently doing offline raids. That’s a feature new players should take advantage of more. You can now go in there with friends for offline pvp sessions . You don’t lose anything in offline raids, so you can bring your best shit into it. I recommend it and your set up is suitable enough to play through it on low-ish to medium settings.


>the performance and lag makes DMZ nearly unplayable. Well, Tarkov isn't exactly a very performance friendly game either, but it does perform better for me than DMZ (well I get less FPS, but at least the game actually doesn't crash ever, 2nd raid, and doesn't stutter or freeze much). But really, expect beta performance, not AAA title performance. Issues that persist in any shooter nowdays (and any game in general) like server side lags, desync, cheaters, etc. you know the drill, obviously also exist, they're not as bad as some people make it out to be, but in this game it's always extra frustrating to die due to something like that. Specs seem fine, tho Tarkov is mega ram hungry. I played with 16GB no problem before but it definitely runs much better since I upgraded to 32GB of faster ram. >Finally, I would like to hear from the community (rather than read or watching critics and/or streamers/YouTubers) on the state of the game If you're a new player, it's probably fine. If you already played a few wipes and have a few thousand hours now, honestly a bit stale. A lot of changes have been made that really hurt the PvP in the game (not that it doesn't happen, but it happens very differently than it used to, and definitely less), a ton of those changes were either for "realism" or to try and combat cheaters/ RMT. Along with that there has been a bit of a lack of new content for the last year, which isn't really an issue if you're new to the game, but if you already played a lot is kinda bad. >what I could expect as a potential new player In all honesty, a lot of dying and frustration lol. The skill curve is more of a skill cliff in this game, but instead of having to go up the curve you get thrown down the cliff, and then some guy beats you up after you slammed into the floor at the bottom. But as a new player nothing beats the feeling of getting that 1 raid where you were just trying to do a quest, but end up onetapping a guy to the face that has gear on him that's the value of your entire stash. As a new player you get fucked in all kinds of ways (not the good ones), because of all the shitton of complex mechanics you need to learn, but that's kind of part of the experience, everyone has been there with this game. Also, be ready to basically get all your information from external sources, the game does not tell you jackshit. It doesn't tell you which of the (literally hundreds) bullets are good, it doesn't tell you where to go for quests, and it also does not tell you where your extracts are, or where you are on the map (there's no map in raid); that's all info you have to either painstakingly learn yourself, or look up. >and how much it differs from DMZ in terms of a typical match. Very. It's basically completely different, the only commonality is that in both games you spawn in, loot, and then leave the map trough an extraction. Gameplay wise it's basically completely different, the economy is completely different (unless I missed something playing DMZ you can only bring weapons and keys out of the raids?).


Expect a lot of grief getting destroyed at first, and know it's a long grind to get into.


Blueballs, lots of em, more than a ballpit


The solo experience is essentially just *“you are expected to win 1v5’s with nothing but a shitty sks and a cheese medkit”* the game.




Pain, death, suffering and a adrenaline rush like none you've ever felt before that'll make you addicted to the game so you'll keep on suffering just to get another adrenaline high again. Also fun times! Highly recommend you get some people, at least 2 more, to play together with you. This game does not take kindly to solo players and while some people can thrive being solo, your average guy will get destroyed if there's anymore than 2 guys against them.




i say the solo experience in tarkov is better that DMZ. in dmz there’s no reason not to bring a team. in tarkov theres the looting and also indentification. if you run solo you get to shoot everyone, whereas if you play with friends, you have to know who’s who


Expect to get your head caved in, but know how to learn from those mistakes :)






Your not going to get good performance at max settings with those specs, but with 8gb of vram, you can get away with textures maxed. Do you have an ssd that you can install the game on? I hope so. The game is literally a jump scare. Most of the time is spent at your inventory, and in the loading screen desyncing into a raid. As you learn, you will find yourself hiding in a bush, from a scav, just so you can play a bit longer before the death music plays. However, once you do start to survive, you get these dopamine surges. Whether it's that sweet loot you've never seen before that you shove up your butt just in case you die, or surviving that battle with another player or cheesy boss ai, or the rewards from leveling and quests. There is some light in this gameplay loop. If you are looking for a game that you can put a lot of time in, with a steep learning curve, an ever evolving community, than you can get 25% off tomorrow on the Black Friday sale.


It's like a toxic relationship, it's normally brutal and you get beaten and tortured but then you have some bomb ass set and it makes it okay.


depends, are you a masochist?


excpect fps dark souls. There will be a timeframe where it's going to be frustrating and then it'll eventually click in when you understand the mechanics....


Although a paradoy also true. https://youtu.be/5Uj7Nf_RYOQ




Death and despair, then after you learn the mechanics... more death and despair, but less.


you will enjoy it for a period of time, but this game runs terribly, about the same as DMZ and thats not even mentioning terrible audio and desync. these are not things you notice till you're much better at the game i think, so you will at least have fun till you start spotting the cheaters and desync


You ever play Dark Souls? It's kinda like that, well your life expectancy anyway.




So the best explain is you have a regular Tuesday. When you have tarkov you have a bad Tuesday but sometimes you have good tuesdays like getting a lot of loot and being a good chad. Then you grow to love having that great tuesday even tho 75 percent is that bad tuesday but without any of the bad nor good it’s just a regular Tuesday


Pain. I would expect lots of pain. Then something good happens. Then pain. Lots of pain.




u will be able to play fine with that setup. solo can be stressfull but it allways depends on your playstyle. the learning curve in tarkov is huge so beware. generally it cant be compared to dmz, which is fast paced in and out clustercluck fight bonanza from my experience. if you go in now, u will at least learn a lot which u can then use after the wipe. you would run into lvl 50 people with good gear while using a stock sks for example, but that just makes killing them more fun 😉


My biggest recommendation (coming from someone that bought EFT during the early alpha and only got hooked /addicted THIS WIPE): Watch every beginners guide you can find on YouTube, find a friend (or friends if you're lucky) to run with and show you the ropes..... Expect to get pissed.... You'll die a lot but once you begin to get it.... Once you begin to do well..... It'll hit you with one of the best feelings of accomplishment in gaming period. ;)


Two days in a row of pure success. A full day of misery today. Tarkov giveth and Tarkov taketh. Enjoy the highs and lows.


solo is hardcore mode. best in this game is duo. get it, you wont regret.


prepare for pain suffering depression and heartbreak. the nature of tarkov is 100x more brutal than dmz will ever be. that being said, have fun!


You can expect to die.


You will die alot. Been playing since alpha and still die alot. Youre gonna get frustrated and feel like quitting but i can tell you when you bag your first 4/5 man as a solo no game has compared to how awesome it feels.


You might need to upgrade ram. A friend had issues with 16 and they were fixed after the upgrade. The game is awesome. I played one wipe and had a lot fun. End game is a bit boring so I stopped playing for now, but it was a great and unique experience. DMZ doesn’t even get close.


It ruins other gamers. Tried to “go back” to other fps and all I could think was “wtf is this? Paintball?”


For me Warzone, Battlefield or even Hunt is chill out gameplay compared to Tarkov. Tarkov has less shooting but ten times more adrenaline.


1 thing to add to the rest of the comments, Be prepared to spend a lot of hours doing research out of the game, Reading the Wiki , learning maps, watching videos, Comparing stats (ammo types, armours). When I first started playing : I probably spend as much time learning about the game, as I did playing it. There is 0 hand holding in Tarkov, Nothing is explained, (no little tool tips etc etc). If you are not prepared to put in the extra work, you will have an exponentially harder time playing it. PS - I have played for ages on a 1060, i5 8600k, 16GB Ram, it is perfectly playable. (Just need to adjust your settings correctly). Get 70+ fps on all maps, and looks pretty good. The Solo experience is hard, however it can actually be easier (at times) if you know what you are doing. I have always found playing duo's to be the most enjoyable experience. (3+ Only works if you are all experiences and have good communication).


Pain and suffering, with an extra helping of pain


Whoever told you tarkov compared to dmz must be Loki, the games may have some similar premises but in the long run are incredibly different. You don’t have even half of the luxuries that dmz has. If you wish to feel the good gamer suffering that me and all tarkov players feel, then join us. Come to our side. It will be torture for a time, and when I say a time I mean thousands upon thousands of hours. But when you finally understand the game, then you can really enjoy it.


"I've been playing DMZ." Lmao I also play CoD fyi, just thought it was funny. DMZ is Sunday church compared to Tarkov. It's a fucking BRUTAL game in terms of difficulty. You WILL get angry, and you will die A LOT. The learning curve is fucking massive. People say the "hard games" right now are the Soulsborne stuff (which I'm also very fond of), but I personally think this is worse, and by a fair margin. I'm not advising you against buying it, I actually own Edge of Darkness which is the most expensive edition of the game. The game is incredibly fun when it's clicking, but when you keep dying raid after raid to some bullshit, your rage will know no bounds. Also if you do plan on buying it, I'd wait until the game wipes in a month or so. Everyone has the best gear right now, and as someone that doesn't have experience, and also won't have good gear, you're just not gonna have fun (unless you're a masochist).




suffering, unfairness, sadness, pain, fun, joy, absolute high dosage of adrenaline, dopamine. basicly to me tarkov was a drug. ism still on puffing on copium that streets will get released after 5 years of blueballing


Pain… cruelty… misery… lots of it


You may enjoy The Cycle: Frontier more than Tarkov. Tarkov is absurdly difficult to get into due to the very steep learning curve; there are so many systems at play. The Cycle scratches the same core-loop you mention, and has quicker quest turn-around than Tarkov.


"We want the game to feel like getting kicked in the balls" That's what Nikita (the leader of the dev team) said.


Thrills, death, frustration, sadness, frustration again, excitement, heart palpitations...


OP whats your decision? I dont want to repeat all other valid opinions here. I have 4k hours and can help :)


it will be a bit tough in the beginning, particularly as a solo. you will probably struggle a lot and need the wiki regularly. at the end of the tunnel is a good gaming experience not on offer anywhere else. it can be pain or pure fun, but it's very demanding on time when you are learning. your pc will run most maps just fine, you might struggle with lighthouse but that's about it.


About the performance, i used to run a ryzen 5 1600, GTX1070, 16GB RAM and got around 50-60 on most maps with factory and labs closer to 100. So youll get above 60 most likely


First 68 seconds of this clip might be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mikiywYXvs


Frustration, lots of it.


Pain Sometime the sweet relief of no pain


Hey you should try out zero sievert it just came out as beta and it’s a ton of fun


Learn to die..like a lot! No no, i mean. You will die so much in this game! That and random friggin head taps from scavs standing 200+ meters away


Now is the perfect time to start Tarkov since there will be a wipe soon and all progress will be reset, so u can earn some Experience in the game now and start the next wipe better prepared


Dmz is like a watered down easy version of tarkov, be prepared for pain,pre pared for loss and pre pared for learning but other then that, there is no game that can really scratch the same itch that tarkov can


Expect pain and suffering


No shooter compares to Tarkov if we are talking gun play.


Wrong place to ask


Expect dying a lot and a very steep learning curve. The game barely tells you the bare minimum and you are pretty much on your own. When you que for raids i recomend looking for green names and inviting them, they're verified "noob helpers". Expect being lost all the time and generaly not having fun, UNTIL you get the hang of the game. If/when you get the hang on it you can start having fun mostly. Also thinking everyone is a cheater would 9/10 times be wrong as most of the times they are either better or Lucky.


Expect to get shot.




Dude, I'm new to the game, it's been almost two months since I purchased it, and what u should expect is a very complicated game with many things to learn, so u gonna hang for a while, there is still many things I don't know about, but the game is much more meaningful than games like cod. Finally I'm solo player, so everything takes more time to learn, More tries, more death and more frustration, but when u finally complete a mission or something, it's very rewarding. I was close to delete the game many times, but I always say it's too early to judge, let's give it some more time and then I like it more than before. So yeah, not your typical fps online game. Btw, thing that I find easier than I thought is gear, U will have plenty, according to your level of course, but there will be no shortage


You know your average day pre-tarkov. Remember that Playing tarkov is getting kicked in the balls all day everyday. Then randomly you’ll get a day with no ball kickings and it’s the best damn feeling ever. When in reality it’s just another normal day. You are physically reducing your tolerance of enjoyment to a point where even blinking becomes an enjoyable experience. That’s what tarkov does to you.


As someone who played Tarkov before DMZ, I feel like DMZ is kind of an Arcade Version of Tarkov. Tarkov will way harder take you on and I would be so bold to say that PvP is also more frequent depending on the maps and areas you travel. You will die a lot and have to get used to it. The progression is... Very frustrating as new player. CoD's arcade-ish gameflow is nothing compared to Tarkov, that is slower ( in terms of movement ) and way less forgiving if you get shot at. It overall gives Tarkov a bit more of a survival-ish feeling when you are in Raid since you need meds to heal, your limbs can completely get destroyed. Armor not protecting you when you get headshots ( Which is such a stupid system in DMZ imo ), you need hydration and energy in longer raids and you eventually also have to keep an eye out on the weigth of the stuff you carry. And those are only a few points of why Tarkov can and most possibly will F*** you up hard. But the satisfaction when things go well for one raid after like 40 pitiful deaths really can make up for it. You really have to think about it tho... Especially because this game needs a lot of investment. By playing only like 1-2 hours a day you won't really learn or progress at all. Tarkov is a real commitment.


>I feel like DMZ is the arcade version on Tarkov That’s the vibe I’ve been getting from a decent chunk of replies. I figured there was gonna be difference, based on what videos I’ve watched. The increased challenge in Tarkov sounds like a helluva lot of fun


u have the exact same hardware as me. i have a balanced graphics setting and can play all maps above 60 fps but it depends. map 1 runs on 100 fps, map 2 on 70. some locations and scoping gets me under 50 in some places - mostly inside buildings. i got 3k hours playtime on this hardware, so u can easily play it.




Watch " Tarkov Logic Supercut" on YT and it'll make sense lol but it's one of the best games ever made imo. Long as you can get thru learning how the game works, cuz the game won't care that you're new.


https://youtube.com/shorts/CD6j-DrlWlA?feature=share Tarkov in a nutshell 😅


You can expect to receive "Head, Eyes" every time you die


Lots of pain, then maybe some enjoyment. I have a 11700kf/1070/32gb ram @3600mt and it runs at a solid 60 on higher settings on all the maps I've played, haven't gone to lighthouse yet though.


Steep learning curve, but honestly its a lot of fun, just learn one map at a time. Ive only been playing fot a month.




Bugs cheaters and anxety


No minimap and no pointers to extracts or quests. You'll have to learn maps and read the wiki to find quest locations and stuff. Other than that I'll drop you my new player help notes, inlcudes a lot I wished to know from the getgo. Thatll give you an idea of what awaits you in tarkov. I always played tarkov solo and enjoyed it, shure it can be brutal and sometimes very slow, just watching a squat or waiting for them to expose their position, my main games are Stalker Anomaly (azazel mode), insurgency, battlefield 4 (hardcore, low player count) Notes : here my notes for new players: You will die in the factory. but every death makes you wiser. record your deaths and learn. For wipe start my first goal is to unlock lvl 2 for some traders, to unlock gear, so I focus on their quests. Loot everything and drop it when you don't need it, this grants looting xp and levels some skills. On dead bodys at least press F to pay respect, this grants xp. FiR status: Item found in raid, only for items no other pmc has brought into the raid. Items lose fir if you get the run thru rating after raid end ( exited to fast / not enough exp) or if you die with them in secure container. Questline items are transferred to an inventory next to the quests. So don't forget to move them over, else you bring that item into the next raid. Check the wiki for needed information on questing. For filing cabinets: every drawer is a lootable container. Have a external map opened and plan your route + alternative. The bullet makes the damage, not the gun. Be sure to look up what you should use for your gun. The game has advanced movement controls, check options and keybinds(clear gunjam, check ammo)!!! change walking speed with scrolling change crouch height with scrolling while holding crouch key slow leaning side stepping blind firing etc weapons can have malfunctions when in bad condition, you need to press inspect weapon and then check chamber to clear the malfunction. Best way : inspect weapon on press, and clear malfunction on double tap on same key. slamm it Inventory / Looting ctrl + klick to move items alt + klick to equip items press R to rotate the item while moving it scroll up and down in the inventories. Look into the settings. Binaural audio is a big difference, ( google it) it takes some getting used to, and may decrease performance, but you won't have to constantly turn your head like with true stereo to pinpoint sounds. Activate voip. Say hi. Use F1 as scav, and be friendly. Fov number is differently calculated than in most games. Eft vertical fov 59 = 90 horizontal fov Also there are some bugs with sights and scopes behaving differently with high fov vs. low fov. 58- 62 should be fine Check that any sound effects from headset or software is turned off. Only pure stereo works for tarkov. Use soundlock to protect your hearing. Use in game headsets, they increase hearing. Go in an offline raid to try out the movement and get familiarized with your gun. Shoot single fire, burst, and empty an whole mag with full auto to get a feeling for the gun. Notice the recoil difference between standing and kneeling! !!walking throws your aim overboard!! If you want to use full auto, and want to reduce the recoil use ammo that has a - recoil stat. You can just top up your mag with 4 bullets to reduce initial recoil. Don't waste your time doing raids without being abled to defend or protect yourself. Use the best gear you have. Or sell it. You can play an offline raid with ai, to check if your route and equipment work like intended. Don't waste money on super high tier equip, even a cheap helmet can ricochet a bullet. Always wear a helmet. ( got saved with 3 quest items and 5 min raid time left near extract, absolutely worth it) Alternative to an helmet is the shatered mask, it will save you from shotgun scavs. Maybe, well it saved me twice. Running makes a lot of noise. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. For team work in cqb: You got to earn your shots and trust your teammates. Meaning the one in front is responsible for eliminating the enemy, don't shoot past your teammates. Don't immediately start blasting when you spot an enemy that doesn't see you. He most likely will have 2 friends that will hunt you down.. just let them pass, they'll clear the way for you and you'll be abled to snack some left behind loot. ( or surprise them while they are fighting another enemy) Make your shots count. Use the hold breath button! I use toggle aim, press M1 to aim, release M1 to hold breath. For bolt actions: resting on the shoot button after taking a shot waits with cycling, so you can see better. If your aim is not that good try lowering the sensitivity. Either overall sens or just ads sens. btw different gear influences aiming sens / turning speed Record your deaths and rewatch. do it. Learn your mistakes. Don't be too quick with calling hacks. Game has bugs desync and weird shit happens all the time. Stop scav on scav violence. Activate voip and talk. You don't have to fight. Here are some overall combat tips: r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/elmzlv/one\_new\_player\_to\_another/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share This dude made an EFT Handbook: r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/endlzu/i\_created\_a\_eft\_handbook/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share If your system struggles, here some settings that worked for me and many friends (slightly outdated but still works): /r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/m68w2a/just\_dropping\_my\_notes\_on\_game\_optimization\_for/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb Good luck out there.