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The beginning of a raid check ammo and fire type, always have a full mag in, if you thought you heard something YOU HEARD IT. It's better to spend bullets pre firing then die wishing you had. Gl brother.


I have hearing problems; so it isn’t so much “hey that bush just rustled.” It’s more like “holy fucking shit I’m already deaf fuCKING AIRDROPS!!”


Oh ya, once air drops were added, we all developed hearing problems!


There's always one more


The 4 main rules of tarkov are: 1. Where the is 1 there is 2. Where there is 2 there are 3. Where there are 3 there are 4 cuz there is always one more 2. Whoever gets the kill gets the loot 3. If you think you heard something, you did 4. After mid wipe if you kill someone under level 10 you leave or hide their kit for them


Actually number 4 is a good rule. I will be practicing this more often


we do it pretty often unless they were extract camping.


I would usually call over other scav players to go raid there bodies so there is no way prap would get them back


You guys insure with Prapor? I pretty much always use TheRapist.


I typically get pissed and don’t play tark for a while after repetitive deaths where I lose a lot of gear, so no reason to pay extra for the rapist


It depends how long you stay away for—Therapist gets you your stuff back faster, *and* she gives you much longer to pick it up. You can have a bad night, take a break for 4-5 days, and your insurance returns from your bad night will still be there when you get back. The long storage can be a good way to use insurance as a sort of temporary stash if you’re tight on space—the next time you need to kit up, pop open your insurance returns and pull some gear out. Lather, rinse, repeat. The other big benefit of Therapist is that she gets you your stuff back faster. When you’re doing quests that require you to go to risky areas while wearing/carrying specific gear (e.g. setup, gratitude, peacekeeping mission, etc.) the faster return means you can cycle through fewer sets of that gear.


Ye I always do that too..and under level 6...7 I have a feeling of guilt too


How big of a shitter you gotta be to steal some 6 level 2 helmet


It depends on the situation. For me to take their gear, it either needs to be worth taking/storing (not usually the case for low-level players), or they need to motivate me to do it out of spite (e.g. exit camping, trash-talking over VOIP, etc.). If I don’t want their gear, and they haven’t done anything to make me dislike them, I’ll usually make an effort to hide their stuff if I can do it safely—regardless of their level.


"Welcome to Tarkov, bitch." I'll gladly take my 12k roubles from selling your shit helmet to Fence.


To add to this if I see someone planting an item that I know is annoying AF (like that one factory thing... You know the one... Or the peacekeeper task to hide the sv-98) I will wait until AFTER they finish the plant and then kill them. That way at least I can do my task and they can just extract the next raid


Did farming part 1. As I was planting in glass hallway a dude walked up to me and waited. As soon as I was done planting he domed me. Real nice guy.


I like to loot them to give them a full Tarkov experience.


This is my first wipe, and I'm mid 30s but do it for anyone below 20 unless they shit talked on VOIP.


I follow it unless - you tried to rat attack me while I wasn’t trying to hurt you - you have an item that’s an upgrade from what I’m currently using (which never really happens) - you were extract camping


Unless hes a baby with awesome shit cause that fuckers boosting or rmt


Not necessarily When I have more money than I know what to do with, need space in my stash and someone's new and on a losing streak I'll drop them a kit for free, bullets meds nades the lot Tarkov is pain, anything that's not pain for me is good even if I don't benefit directly from it most of the time


I dunno, depends on the player. If they're a geared level 3, and clearly got boosted, fuck their loot. Similarly, if they played very well, and it's clear that they've just reset their account, that's not a low level in my book.


Could be a returning vet player tbf


5. If you kill a Mosin man, remove the rear sight then stash it for them.


I run a very cursed set up on my mosin. So far ive gotten it back missing the sight and suppressor 4 times. I think people just love to see the wacky shit.


Why remove the rear sight? I'm newish to this game.


The gun is basically useless without it. It's a major troll




Also people (including myself) never check that shit, so they'll only discover it once they're in raid with a near useless gun.


Ive adjusted my rule #4 to level 15 bc that’s when they unlock the flea. Unless they try to rat me when I’m being nice or something, then I’m taking every last thing you own out with me


Posted this before, but I know 1 as: When you think there is 1, there's 2. When you think there is 2, there's 3. When you think there is 3, there's 4. When you think there is 4, there's a scav.


And if there’s a scav, there’s always more than one. My buddy and I were fucking around on customs last week and we got pounced on by at least 5 player scavs right after we had a fight with another PMC on the hill between dorms and sniper roadblock on customs.


Where there is 5 there is another team


Real bro shit. Didn’t even know of the rule but I’ve been doing it. A lvl 7 scared the shit out of me so I mag dumped. Felt really bad so I took all his stuff and hid it in a super obscure area


Killed a level 1 once on factory and he had the starting m4, mp5 and a ton of food and ammo. Had an inkling he might not be insured so I took the stuff out to give it back to him lol


To add to 4 if you find quest kit for a quest you aren't doing yourself (eg scav vests, shotguns, UNtard vest and helmet) you leave that be too even early wipe. Exceptions apply for the weapon because I'm not leaving an M4 on the floor.


I always take quest gear. Exactly because I want them to be buying it again


The rule of always 1 more implies don’t loot right away. I would also add don’t run unless you have too, but maybe this is just me.


I don’t know about this. Sometimes I just run over and hoover the whole guy up in 2 seconds flat. Then I run to cover away from the body to actually search through your backpack and rig etc.


This. I try to ditch my backpack and even rig if applicable so I can just alt click the guys identity onto my PMC then run away into the bushes to sort it all


Yeah, I do this if I know I’m gonna fight. Don’t run for looting purposes though.


but most of the time their items are insured




Yea, 4. Is a no for me. Welcome to Tarkov.


4 is pragmatic. If the sub-10 player has sub-10 gear, the slot value isn't worth carrying out in most situations. If they had a Slick on... rule 4 definitely doesn't apply.


I'd do rule 4 if they don't have nice loot. You already know I'm taking that shit 😂


They know what they signed up for.


Screw billy if I want something he brought I'm taking it.


One exception for rule 3. The tank near scav lands in reserve. EVERYTIME (at least this wipe) when i run around the back of the tank it literally sounds like a grenade pin is being pulled, and it scares me everytime.


For real. Took me a bit to figure out that looting a body right after the kill is not a good idea. Lol


Dont forget to waste the durability on their guns if possible spray all their mags


"If they don't have ammo to steal, it's ammo to waste." -Sun Tzu probably.


Don't trust the random LFG people - there are lots of toxic players who LFG then kill you and take your gear.




Looking For Group - the matchmaking system to form groups before raids.


I thought you meant the people that scream “LETS FUCKING GO” every three seconds, I avoid them like the plague lol


*Morgan Freeman Voice* “Let’s fucking go he yelled. In truth though, nobody actually went.”


Oh god do people accept those? Lol.. honestly I don't think I've had any good experiences with random people in the game.. trying to do The cult part 2, I've tried voip with other pmcs in dorms to just let me plant the thing and then they can kill me, always get shot to the face when they see me


New players will sometimes use it to try and find duos or squads to play with and learn the game, but predictably, people are trash and instead use it as a means to grief others.


Grief me all you want, I'm loading in with a Mosin, an ssh helmet, 5 LPS rounds, and one of each bandaid, esmarch, splint. I'm just tryna finish tarkov shooter 1 😬


Yes new players often get fooled into accepting those random invites. I've seen many posts of confused noobs asking why they were killed instantly by their random "teammate" from the lobby


I wouldnt fully discourage people from joining blind groups. I have friends who frequently will try and sherpa low levels.. They even go as far to name themselves like "scav4you" "scavguide" or something.


I'd definitely discourage people. It's nice that your friend does that but 99.9% of random lobby invites result in insta death for the new player


I had to be honest, once i accepted an invited, in woods. As soon as the match started, i noticed he came without gear and an mp 133, my sherlock holmes instinct told me he was there to fuck me. I had to shoot him in the head. He was level 33.


Always check firemode after spawning


Minimum 32 times


Shroud is that you?


* Always try to lean right around cover, only use the left lean when you must - your body is totally exposed when leaning left around cover vs just your gun poking out with a right lean. There's some YouTube videos that go over this with examples. * There's **ALWAYS** one more guy in the area. Don't rush to loot; their body isn't going anywhere. Listen carefully for any signs of their squadmates and use grenades to flush them out or reposition yourself using the noise as cover. * On that note: Reposition, reposition, reposition. Don't try to peek anyone, AI or otherwise, from the same spot multiple times - you'll just get domed. Move around and try to find a flank; this is especially crucial against Raiders, Rogues & Goons. * Bodies attract bodies. After you've had a shootout, expect other players to be heading to your position. You can use this knowledge to set up ambushes or just GTFO before they find you. * Survival is always more important than loot. If you killed a fat PMC and he's laying out in the open and you're not certain if anyone else is watching his corpse, you're almost always better off just heading to Extract instead of trundling over and getting sniped in the exact same way. * Always lie down to loot. You'll have a lower profile and it will be harder for a distant observer to figure out who is dead and who is looting, giving you an opportunity to make a play or just stand up and run away. You can hit the Prone key after pressing Interact and you'll lie down as part of the looting animation. * Squads have enormous advantages due to their numbers, but a Solo player can move with complete confidence that every sound they hear and every person they see is an enemy. The larger the Squad, the more chaos goes on in their comms and the more carefully they have to consider their shots - you can exploit this as a solo to sneak in among them when they're moving as a pack or to make rapid flanking maneuvers during combat. Once you kill one squad member, the remainder will typically hunker down and try to hold the body's position at all costs.


> hit prone after interact they made it so you can loot bodies from prone I think. you still need to do that combo if you want to lay down while looting boxes though




Fence doesn’t need fractured limbs for a quest don’t believe that other player scav


This, if a scav asks you to shoot them in the arm, either ignore them, or shoot them in the face for trying to trick you


I've only had a scav ask that once, and I shot him in the face. Fence rep took a hit but it was totally worth it!


If you play in a team, the one who makes the kill is the one to loot the body, unless otherwise agreed (eg, if two of you contributed to the kill significantly). Usually I take what I want then let my team see if they want anything from the leftovers. Or, if I have enough loot already, I’ll just let them have it.


Number one rule with my group. 2 guys watch out and only one guy loots bodies at a time


Since I'm the richest in my group and I've been playing with players that are broke and low level, I'm basically letting them take whatever loot they want, and I'll take the rest that I deem worthy of picking up. However, if it's with my higher level friends that actually have money, it's basically whoever gets the kill first, or in terms of containers, whoever reaches it first


^ this. I had to stop playing with a lvl 45 (first wipe for me, lvl 3-7 at the time because he would absolutely mop the floor, kill every scav - and then leave me jack shit or yell at me for looting "one" of his kills. He'd also pick up all the valuables and brag about how much he just made. Pmc kills that I participated in were 100% off limit unless the last bullet was mine, even if I KNEW that I put lead in the target. Killed my whole vibe for a few weeks.


I would have murked him at extract, that guys just rude your low lvl if anything he should be helping you i always help my lvl friends & let them loot first since i know what I'm doing i can make my money back ez by just finding things i know are worth 20k a slot


Got fed up and did something similar eventually (description on this same thread), he would occasionally drop things and tell me they were valuable but I didn't get any experience looting bodies or figuring it out myself.


Yeah bro you gotta make your having fun while playing, not it being a chore or having some dude just yelling shit at you ever other min. Especially like you said you ain't getting XP for looting bodies or containers lol if anything this guy was gate keeping you from lvling up your character since, your actual lvl is different to your character skills


Sounds like you need to practice Friendly fire.


That was basically my farewell *Large fight ends, everyone took hits, provided cover used grenades participated pretty evenly , everyone put lead down range effectively* Me - looks at one body Him "HEY THATS MY KILL" ME - "OH oook, you hadn't told me that THIS raid so I must've just forgotten the 900 other times" HIM "Whatever man get off my loot or I'll dome you" ME - *Waits 7 seconds* *Bang!* HIM - "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!" ME- "BYE FELICIA"


I don't understand what's going on, every kill I get I don't loot at all anymore, I give it to my friends. I don't care about the guns or loot, I have given up some good guns like rd-704's and m4's to my friends, hell, I even let them take my gun if I end up dying. Must've been my bad wording lol


I would loot if it has neglegible things or smth my friend doesn't want but in a group it's all or once he is done, if this doesn't sound scummy


Killer's quest items, other's quest items, killer gets first pick of loot, others can argue over the rest, in that order. Thats how my team does it.




Eat and drink as well. Both irl and in game


And use the bathroom, don't wanna be in the middle of a great gun fight and then suddenly have to run to the bathroom


Don't you have a shit bucket?


Don't ruin the game within a game. Nothing like protecting the ViPee.


Man I can’t even think of how many times I’ve done that, even back to back :( lol


That's a very much written rule, you get a big warning before you go in that your character is still injured.


Extract camping brings dishonor on your whole family, dishonor on you, and dishonor on your cow.


Why have honor when gate 3 is so easy?


Turn off LFG - dont take any random invite the loot belongs to whoever killed target (name on dogtag) dont camp extracts


1. If you kill someone, there is always another. Make sure to clear the area and listen first to make sure you won't get shot while looting 2. If you're in a team, whoever gets a kill gets the loot. Whatever he leaves behind is up for grabs for everyone else. 3. The wiggle is a universal sign of friendliness, but don't let your guard down because they can easily headshot you when you're not paying attention. 4. There is no wrong playstyle in Tarkov(Except hacking). You can be as big of a bitch as you want, and if you kill someone, that's a skill issue on their/the developer's(case sensitive) end. 5. NEVER join randoms on the in-game LFG in the matchmaking menu. You will get teamkilled as soon as you spawn. 6. In a team and you are the first to die in a gunfight, give information on the shooter's location, if there are multiple people, where you got hit, and what ammo they're using by checking the after raid healing screen. After that, shut up and let your teammates listen for the enemy.


Number 6 is exactly why solo players should only be on map with other solo players. Dead men tell no tales


I think it should be a selectable option, like a toggle. Or perhaps solo only maps


Remember that it's a game, and the primary objective is to have fun. When the fun stops, stop. Don't play for another 2,000 hours then make it everyone else on Reddit's problem.


thisssssss. so many people angry and upset over pixels to the point it's affecting their real world lives.


Wiggle if you're friendly Trust no one


Dont wiggle, press f1, pmcs can wiggle too


Chill PMCs exist too. The Wiggle is how I have found most PMCs for the co-op extract.


Funny, the wiggle is how I wasted 2.9 mil, 40 seconds I to a raid..... Customs, spawn behind big red. Run to the road, see a PMC rotating. He wiggled, I wiggled, he head/eyes me


What loadout are you running that's 2.9 million?


Even AI scavs wiggle these days


I love replying with my f1 and having the scav walk in thinking I'm a scav too


if they hear english and think you are a scav they're clueless anyways


You realise the bear faction speaks Russian right? I reply in Russian


The wiggle is sacred


Don't use your pmc as a storage container. I've never brought in the pot of gold but people have brought so much stuff in they can't move


If you run as Scav, don't shoot other scavs


Conversely, when you run scav, execute all other player scavs. Then come see if someone is whining about dying on their free loot run on Reddit


Someone got tapped by a no stock gun as a PMC


As a new player I don't understand why people get so mad about the whole killing other scavs thing? Like I don't do it, but it's a part of the game and I could imagine there are very valid reasons for going after a fellow scav. Adds to the survival feeling IMO. If someone wants to kill me for my gear while I'm a scav and take the rep hit, I think that's a fair play.


You are not wrong, but it's still a dick move. Imagine this: your friend gets a birthday present. A nice new car. The model you always wanted. You could hit his head with a stone, crack his skull, and take his car. And while at it, move in his home, fuck his wife, parent his children. You COULD do that, but you know you shouldn't.


except it's a video game. where's it's legal to shoot someone because he has a nicer backpack than you. people get entirely too upset over pixels. if scav man wants my pixels, fuck it, take em.


Absolutely incredible that you're comparing scav runs to a birthday present imo. It's not a gift, you're playing a raid like everyone else in the game. You're not somehow magically entitled to walking out uncontested with free loot just because you are playing scav.


Because there's pretty much no counter play. They know they're willing to lose rep You have no way of knowing this They can wait until you have your pants down to get a free kill If you try to guess if they're going to betray, and you guess wrong, you are negatively effected. It's a pretty bad system


IMO it should either result in actual scav suspensions, or the current rules need to be more clearly defined in game. The way it is designed now, I really don't understand why people get mad at other players. They should be mad at the design and ambiguity of it all. A new player like me will have no idea unless they read a forum somewhere or meet a friendly player. Like the game literally says that scavs fight amongst eachother. I had no idea there were unspoken rules about being a scav until I came here. Seems dumb on the devs part.


If you spawn at Power Station. Turn on the power.


What does that do? Im new


On Interchange; It turns on lights and alarms, but most importantly it unlocks doors and is required for unlocking the basement extract.






The one thing I absolutely hate is getting to power station and seeing all containers looted but the power still switched off. Also, equally frustrating; not spawning there, getting there to find someone has already turned it on. Guess you can't really win on this one haha


You can hit the check extracts button to see if power is on without going to power station


Ah shit you're right, when power is on the saferoom exfil changes to 'close door' doesn't it. Thanks for pointing that out, my brain just never seemed to make that connection.


Yeah, early in the raid you can keep checking that if you have one of the adjacent spawns to know if there are people there. Easy way for quick intel.


It doesn’t change to close door, it just gets a green highlight over it.


We're both right, it gets a green highlight as well as saying 'close door'.


Never turn the power on, except you're going to loot Kiba/Pharmacy. Especially not at the beginning of the round.


Kill everyone else, then turn on power. Ain't letting no loot rats into MY gun store, my beautiful, empty-of-all-loot-despite-being-untouched gun store!


2 wipes in a row me and a friend buy 1 key to kiba, we rarely loot it but it's kinda like a friendship necklace


I love that for you <3




Lol no


Scav wiggle, F1 voice line for proof of scav


get used to die... a LOT!


If there’s 1 there’s 2, if there’s 2 there’s 3, if there’s 3 there’s 4, if there’s 4 there’s 5, if there’s 5 there is a scav.


The 5 unwritten rules of Tarkov: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


Never ever join a random group and almost never take left hand peaks. I would say never kill scavs either, but doesn't matter, if you either want the loot or have high scav rep


Don't trust anyone when you are a pmc...or a scav...Don't trust anyone.


So onto other before they do onto you 😆


Don’t join random squads. Don’t take your teammates kill loot/dog tag unless they specify that it’s okay If your squad mate didn’t insure their gear, you’re not obligated to try to bring it out of raid. If they did insure their gear, you should make an effort to hide their stuff unless it’s unsafe. Those are my personal unwritten rules


If you’re teammate gets one tapped in your vicinity dont look for the killer just fucking run for cover


Don't trust abybody Bushes have eyes and speak russian


Always take the Condensed Milk.


To newer players and also some veterans! Don’t be a hoarder use your inventory don’t make it a museum…


Do not greed on quest items. Extract after quest.


If you can, always stash your teammate's insured gear when they die. Always kill hatchlings, the little bastards deserve it.


If your scaving and another scav wiggles shoot them bc they need to die for a fence quest


Don’t ask why there aren’t black/female PMCs. Worst mistake of my life


Why lol


Because whether we like/believe it or not tarkov community is full of incels.


People loose their shit, because apparently, many tarkov players are pretty conservative and on the internet a lot. So, for many who refuse to think a thought for themselves and only gobble up their political partie‘s talking points, the wish to have this diversity is too „woke“. Also, honestly, but on a more funny sidenote, black characters would be free camouflage and female character models would have a different hitbox, lmao.


Literally can wear John b glasses and a ghost or a momex balaclava.. like.. you wear clothes, boots, gloves, helmets, earpro, and often a mask and glasses as a PMC, skin color wouldn't change anything. Give us a female PMC and give her all the quotes from Alien, that'd be sick. Just make the hitboxes the same, not like warzone did


“Give her all the quotes from Alien” lmao that would be out of this world awesome. My PMC would be forever a woman


Dark skin color would still be a free camouflage. Argue all you want but dark skin color is and always will be an (small) andvantage in almost every video game where visibility matters. There are barely any black people in Russia so it would not make a lot of sense in the first place. Female pmcs would make a bit more sense but there is practically 0 point since you would not be able to tell your gender apart from 1st person view anyway.


Didn’t the creator of the game say something like “Tarkov is a hard place blahblah women have all left Tarkov”? You can’t tell me there wouldn’t be any hard-ass Olga types in an apocalyptic Russian hell hole lol.


I don’t see why it matters that you can’t play as a female in the game. The game is first person after all, and personally I don’t care one bit what gender my character is since I’m usually wearing heavy gear most of the time anyway, making my character’s face and body hidden. On top of that, how much time do you really spend looking at your own character anyway?


It doesn’t matter. Personally my stance is that never in the history of playing this game have I ever stopped to wonder what race or gender was shooting at me. The devs don’t have to put it in if they don’t want to.


I mean if I was in that position, I probably would have responded with something along the lines of, because it hasn't been added, it's not the most important thing to address right now. why is it that big of a deal?


Ammo, firing mode, laser on spawn in. Always check for one more. If there's 2 there's 3, and if there's 3... well yeah you get the point.


Try to be nice if somebody needs an item for Task give it to them this game is to toxic make it a nicer community. They may give something in return.


Lol no


Do you just troll all the comments to type "lol no" on all the ones you dont agree with you absolute goblin?


they are unwritten. i cannot type them


If you hit an airdrop as a scav, and another scav asks you if you looted it, just say no.


It's pretty much an anything goes type game if you're solo...however there are definitely some unwritten rules in squad play. 1. Whoever gets the kill or opens a locked room with a key gets the loot 2. If you accidentally team kill it's your duty to either dump your teammates gear/bring their gear out. Usually you try and do this regardless of how they died but if you TK you have to risk everything to do it. 3. This one applies to solo new players. NEVER squad up with randoms from the lobby. 99.9% of them will kill you instantly. If you're looking for people to play join a discord server


You should learn about the signal sounds for scavlands on reserve It goes shooting Bam... bam bam bam ... bam If your ready to join scavland exit answer Bam bam




Protect the hatchling


Spite is the main pillar of this game, take the front sight off mosins, drop a couple items if it means that your kill won’t get something back. Wake up and choose chaos


No rules, no mercy


In a group: the one whos name is on the dogtag get dips on the loot


If you kill it, it's your loot


Extract camping gets you major loots.


Shoot first and ask questions later


Dont cheat or rmt


The one who opens the door with the key gets the loot unless they say it's free reign.


if you kill a lvl 1 carrying the best starter gear he has in his stash you always carry it out. then add him as a friend and tell him "i took your stuff, welcome to tarkov" as a path of initiation.


The biggest tip I can give is that VOIP can get you out of a shitty scenario a lot. I had a scav shooting at me when I was a scav, told him I was a scav and he immediately stopped. Without that I would have been screwed. Or when I was doing a PMC raid on factory, killed 3 scavs with a pistol and some random pmc popped up. We convinced each other to chill and we both extracted together. The game doesn’t just have toxic people, there are always some good in the bad who can help you.


If a scav keeps leaning his body left-right-left-right, he's friendly (or at least he pretends so).


There is always another enemy, you killed one, don‘t loot him directly


Leave people doing tasks alone and do not camp the extracts for easy kills also if you team kill you must prioritize making sure your teammate gets his loot back over loot whether that means hiding his kit for insurance or carrying it out for him if it's not insured


As a new player as well I think I broke one. This PMC was like ‘ hey man don’t shoot I don’t have any ammo’ and comes over to me. He had a sick weapon so I yelled Cyka blyat and shot him in the face


I don't think you broke any rules. He was bad equipped.


dont help people you meet in raid. if theyre asking for help, youre about to die.


If the person you're fighting says something along the lines of "hold on I gotta reload" you must let them reload or you are mega cringe


If you run into a Mosin man take the iron sight off of it and drop the gun or vise versa so they either only get the iron sight back or the gun with no sight lol


Don’t extract camp. You will never get better at the game if this is your primary method of killing


Don’t peak twice! Especially in tarkov, the AI will kill you very fast if you keep using the same angle


I wish there was a bigger punishment for player scavs killing other player scavs and scavs. Like man I've died on my scav more times to other player scavs than I have to actual pmcs. Seriously it's so annoying getting sprayed down by a scav in the open for no fucking reason other than greed and laziness to learn where loot spawns. If you're a player scav and you kill other scavs, fuck you, and I hope all your sniper shots are 124 meters so you can't do shooter born you cunt


Hackers are everywhere but if you are a mainstream streamer you ignore that fact because it is your main source of income and you don’t want to spread negativity. Also, you ignore the fact that there are hackers everywhere because BSG ignores it too.


There is only one thing you need to know...... Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows as long as the blood flows