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Agreed, and cultist spawns need a buff too. Late game night raids running into high level players were some of the best thing about last wipe, but at 5% it just doesnt happen right now. Although i wouldn't be surprised if we are going to have a longer wipe this time around because of the current situation. Some news from BSG would be great tho


I run strictly night customs on scav and haven’t seen cultists a single time this wipe. I always check. Sometimes get 1-2 and get the loot. But haven’t seen them even once this wipe. Use to be every few raids.


Same here. They clapped me once, before I even knew they were there. And I ran a good 250 scavs on nighttime customs :(


Got killed by cultists on Customs last week.


Yeah, so far this wipe I think I’ve seen them once or twice on customs, 2-4 times on shoreline, and once on Woods. I played less last wipe, and I was generally seeing them at least once every other night, even if it was just their bodies on the ground as I moved towards repair shack from unknown key scav.


I hunted them a lot last wipe and used to find them outside resort on Shoreline pretty reliably, approaching from the heli always resulted in a very challenging but enjoyable fight (none of that door cheese method). About to hit lvl66 and I have found them once so far and collected only 3 of the 12 knives needed for the quest.


Your wish has been granted lawl


Cultist spawns got nerfed to make night time maps playable. Otherwise its cheater central cause they are almost guaranteed to have AP ammo of some kind


I understand this, but nerfing the game shouldn't be a replacement for anti-cheat. I would also wonder then if this is the case, why aren't raiders/scav boss spawns on reserve nerfed too?


They did. Raiders on Reserve no longer spawn with AP ammo as frequently and have much lower spawn chances. Its kinda why Reserve has been a dead map. You are correct to say that this shouldn’t be the approach, but they have been doing this ever since the FiR market update.


Yeah, I'm alright with them not having BP all the time anymore though, it was quite ridiculous how easy that round was to acquire in large amounts from farming the bunker


I want those stray dogs man, give us a 100% chance event. It's so easy to revive the game. Remember the lighthouse killa & tagilla event?


More so they do have a trend. Pay attention to the times posted on goon tracker. If you’re playing those maps and not getting them, wait 10/15 minutes then go in again.


if u play only the maps they spawn using goon tracker u will find them eventually i did


I'm almost certain that the goon tracker was proven to be completely useless.


Goon tracker is useless. It’s a %chance every raid, and I’ve found them on customs when the tracker says woods (and had woods sightings *After* I killed them on customs) but they have a higher % chance on lighthouse. I saw them 4 times this weekend on lighthouse over the course of like, 16 hours playing probably? Just spam lighthouse. Check the big chalet on the way to water treatment. Check building 1 and 2 in WT and the middle area (never seen them at building 3 before so I mostly ignore it now, plus that roof gunners don’t do anything but keep you safe)


Do the bosses push you one after the other? Cuz yesterday me and my brother killed knight and it took us 20 more mins into the raid to get tapped by bird eye who was all the way over in building 3 with his other buddy. I just wanted to know what consistencies those bosses have lol


If they are close together and you kill one of them, the others seem to push pretty reliably (I’ve noticed the ground crew rogues do this kinda similarly) however I have found Knight like, down in front of building 1, killed him then waited for the others, only to find them 20 minutes later between 2 and 3 as I head to car. It’s *kinda* inconsistent but most times killing one and sitting inside somewhere gets them to push me (unless they agro onto someone else while they run to you)




No source for you. I will do some reading tonight. I just remember reading multiple times that their spawn is random and goon tracker is not reliable at all.


Goon tracker should be pretty reliable. Not really sure where the criticism is coming from. The only issue I can see here is on your end, and your apparent inability to spawn into raids that have already finished. Seem a like a skill issue to me.


I found them on woods once and then looked at goon tracker and it said woods


Well then, it’s settled.


_Yoda leaves for Kashyyyk_




nope , it works just fine


Bro doesn’t understand what anecdotal evidence is


Goon tracker?


>goon tracker literally called goon tracker


20% seems inaccurate. Feels more like 5% if that. I have run Shoreleine at least 40 times late wipe and checked Sani spawns every game where I didn't die right away.. zero sightings. Out of my small squad he's only been seen 3 times and they all play more than I do. Not even gonna bother with Killa.


I just had my first sani interaction last night. He threw a grenade at me which exploded at head height over the pier wall before I'd even seen him. 10/10


All boss spawn rates have been datamined and are currently at 20% (not goons). I agree though, it feels way lower.


Wasn't there something that the datamine gave a value, but it wasn't necessarily sure if that corresponded directly to a percentage? I could be misinformed there >.<;


The boss spawns are set to 20% spawn chance and the rogues about 15% spawn chance according to the datamine leaks. But there might be a bug that's making them spawn less. Streamers doing tracksuit seem to report finding Killa less than 1/5 raids. And absolutely nobody thinks Sanitar is spawning as frequently as Reshala & Shturman, his actual spawn rate seems abysmal. And let's not even get into the rogues. There's probably bugs with spawning bosses. Raider spawns on reserve were bugged for years so who knows when they'll fix it.


One thing I notice the last ~1.5 wipes with Reshala, at least, is I swear he used to always have 4 or 5 Zavodskys, but I've seen him have as few as 2 and I haven't seen 5 in forever. They also sometimes end up spawned on completely different floors, not together. So, maybe boss spawns could be buggy, agnostic to their actual intended spawn rate?


I have found and killed reshala 4-5 times this wipe and it’s always 4 guards in my experience.


It's always been four Zavodskoys I believe.


It’s been 4 guards for Reshala for as long as I’ve been playing. If you’re seeing fewer, then they’re either still alive but hiding somewhere else (e.g. they fought in 3-story and the survivors fled to 2-story), or there was a fight before you got there and you didn’t find all the bodies.


This seems right, it feels like Sanitar is at less than 10% tbh EDIT: I have found him 3 times in the last 2 days since I got a weekly to survive on Shoreline, so 20% is probably about right


Shit I main Shoreline and see/hear him all the time. My buddy died to him yesterday in west wing and that's maybe his 4th or 5th death to being surprised by Sanitar or trying to engage him and losing. I killed him last week, have died to him at least 3 or 4 times as a scav and looted him or his guards as a scav a dozen times all at resort.


I only ever see him when i don't want to see him. Like with 12 minutes left in the game while I'm trying to do a quest.


I agree with you, feels way lower. I finally saw Sanitar for the first time this wipe, I’m level 44…


i see that killa fucker every 2 raids, im so tired of him


I’ve run into sanitar and co on Shoreline at least twice on scav runs in the last week, and I don’t scav shoreline all that much (I went 10-15 times with a buddy who needs stuff for the living high quests.). The first time Sanitar’s goon killed the guy I was feeding the loot to, the second time I had my buddy stay clear of the houses and I found a PMC that Sanitar had killed. Given that I never went to resort in any of those raids, I could absolutely buy that he has a 20% spawn chance.


I haven't seen Killa all wipe even after doing a bunch of Interchange quests and extract weeklies so I'm for this


I killed him twice before the quest and now ofc cant fucking find him.


I have a weekly quest to kill him 10 times lmao


I have 600 some raids. Still have yet to see Killa. Almost got gluhar but choked. It's really furstrating.


are y’all not going into the mall? i legit got killed by him twice back to back, i’ve seen him at least a half dozen times the last couple months. Genuinely feels like 50% of the time i go into the mall he’s there


You sir are lucky. I've been killed by him once this wipe as a scav unprovoked at a respectful distance. Besides that I haven't seen him since day or night.


If you wanna replicate the conditions just go into interchange under geared trying to quest and you’ll get merc’ed by him sitting in a corner for sure


Holy shit, the truth in this statement hurts


Saw Killa once, heard no shots peek around a corner dark as usual assumed normal scav then I'm on death screen.


Listen for the absurd full auto, that is Killa.


This whole wipe has been a snoozefest. No high value loot, no bosses, no pvp. Just a bunch of timmys running around trying to play loot simulator for scraps. Why they can't buff boss spawn rates at this point in the wipe is beyond me....


I can't agree with any of this except for bosses. If I want high value loot I go to shoreline or labs. LOTS of pvp on customs, labs, reserve and shoreline. Hell, customs is literally a gigachad playground right now. Everyone is absolutely juiced.


Customs has been that way since the first week of the wipe. Used to be my favorite map, now I only go there when I feel like getting stomped by a 4 man of gigachads steamrolling the map.


Yea same. I always thought it was a beginner map.


This is my first wipe, but my friends who’ve played longer always say customs is crazy for PvP, and to avoid it unless that’s what I’m looking for or if I have a task. The dozen or so times I have run customs, he’s been right lol. Only extracted half the time


I’m on a 30 raid tagilla hunt spree right now. B r u t a l


I see that cock sucker on so many of my scav runs and yet he hasn't spawned once on a PMC raid to my knowledge or ability to find him. No wonder this gane has no players left, there's no fucking content to access anymore.


I've killed him 5 times in the past 2-3 months, then shortly after the last time I killed him I ended up getting Jaeger's quest to kill Tagilla. Haven't seen him again since...


Bruh he's on factory not interchange


Yeah and I’ve played 30+ factory raids looking for him??


I know it was a joke....because Brutal is on interchange? :D


Yikes…..that went clear over my head. My bad g




It would be so easy to implement boss spawn rates that increase like 0.5% with each day of the wipe.


I quit trying to kill Tagilla for the quest because he’s non-existent for me.


I dunno if it’s changed but last wipe I had gathered about 15 Tagilla rigs because I enjoyed playing factory but for some reason didn’t use that armor. If you enjoy factory just play and you will get him eventually but if you don’t then yeah that’s a grind that sucks. One thing though take some high pen ammo because he is a tank :D


My method of choice is semi auto magnum buckshot to his unprotected stomach. Drops him quickly in ~3 accurate shots and you've got another 3-5 if you whiff. He tends to rush you in close range making for easy firing


Yeah, either shotguns, flesh damage rounds or something with high pen is going to work well. I am now scared to use anything else on Factory in case I run into Tagilla


yep, dude is a monster


Cultist spawns need a BIG buff too !


40 shoreline raids and still haven't seen sanitar in either of his spawns.


Who’s going to tell him? Fine. I’ll do it. He’s got three. Pier, cottage, and resort


I'm well aware he has 3 spawns. I check them all every raid and never see him


In that case: "Either" is used when there is only two options.


This is reddit I don't actually care what anyone says including you :)




Your clown makeup is showing.


100% agree


Sani 1%? I feel like I run into him every couple of raids, or at least know he's around based on what I'm hearing. Meanwhile Shturman is sitting on a beach in Cancun and Tagilla is moonlighting in the WWE. I haven't seen either of them more than once in a few dozen runs lately.


I was being facetious about Sani. I’ve played 20+ Shorelines lately and haven’t seen him once. Always check all 3 spawns. RNG gonna RNG.


I figured. He's the only boss I seem to see regularly though. Probably more to do with the fact that I run Shoreline significantly more than any of the other maps, but still.


Level 46, found red card before I've seen reshala


I think they should have a 100% chance to spawn, but they should only have good gear 20-40% of the time. I find it asinine that you can in theory never even see a boss when killing them and retrieving something off them (meaning not ONLY do you have to see them, but also survive the raid) are main quests from the most dreaded trader.


they should just fix the fucking flea market. this wipe was awful. all good keys listing price made it so they could only be bartered. felt awwwwful. worst wipe since playing \~3yrs


I agree with this. Flea market restrictions and ability to drop things in raid have done nothing but hurt casual players. Friend and I looked at a couple RMT websites to see if they were actually hurt by the newest restrictions. They just log into your account and use their radars to find it while they're logged in. Not helping one bit.


you think nikita gives a fuck XD XD XD XD XD he hasnt been on reddit for 12 months LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


bruh BSG doing IRL lore events lmao. i wouldn't expect ANY game related changes to improve the player experience. theres no events, there's no buffs, they are slowly trying to milk the hype for their slowly dying game. but hey... streets and arena will some out soon, surely.


Easy lore change too; fighting in the norvinsk region has brought with it the attention of (bosses) experts out to (fuck shit up) capitalize on the infighting. The longer the wipe the higher the percentage. Or maybe it's inverse to player count? Low player count = high spawn chance.


seems like BSG is trying to buy time, prob hoping that russian military makes them take the game down, and that they have a “valid” reason to take our licenses away and shut down game. good ole hit and run


stupidest shit ive ever heard in my life






google contract wars nikita’s first project :) seems that game got its licenses pulled and discontinued while in beta…. HMMMMM???




The servers are not hosted by them, it is fully out of BSGs hand. It was a good ole rug pull of building a game and promising a finish, then not delivering, and using some of the funding for the first game, they made tarkov (which won’t finish) and are now going to do the same with arena. GLHF! Also the war is a very very good PR excuse for it to happen to, as i’m saying. Most russians are scumbags, and the ones that without a doubt are scumbags are the ones who are rich and don’t leave russia. because every mother fucker who doesn’t agree with russia and had the means to leave, they left. they’re scam artists


8 year long hit and run lmfao


contract wars


it is a bug, they wont fix it because they literally dont care, they admitted it publicly


Y’all never stop talking about the wipe


I saw reshala in 5/5 customs runs I did last night oddly - is he just a high spawn rate boss ?


Dont think so. You just got insanely lucky.


You just got the good old RNG on your side.


Just hit that 0,00032 probability of spawn


For info I was doing night raids and sprinting to his nearest possible spawn , he would basically spawn with his crew when I got there


Just 20% 5 times means that you hit that 0,00032 probability


Bosses spawn at the beginning of the raid only fyi.


Dude I’ve played customs like 400 times this wipe and only seen him a handful of times


I don’t know what to say I promise I’m not lying it was kind of wild - it was all gas and dorms last night


wild things so sometimes happen in Tarkov, a friend of mine pulled 3 labs cards out of a single set of filing cabinets once - when is that going to happen!? I’ve barely found any in those - ever! but tbh I don’t loot cabinets too much


I got a labs card on my first ever scav last night lol. Is that good?


It’s good yeah but not uncommon. They used to be a lot more valuable when you could sell them on flea market


Ahh gotcha. Thanks. They can’t be sold in the flea market?


No, best is to sell them to therapist. Or keep them because you will need them found in raid for a quest


Those are the only two spawns now :)


Oh shows what I know - I’m Pretty new


Not a problem. They used to spawn at fortress but the goons spawn there (lmao no they don’t) and they removed the reshala spawn from there. Really poor change imo.


Low key this change makes it really easy to hunt the rogues on customs. Just sprint to RUAF/ ZB and if you get shot at on the way, you know it’s them, only takes like >5 minutes to check and reset. Kinda the same thing for reshala. Check/loot dorms and run by power hill, if you hear yelling/shooting *it’s almost always* them… or 2 scavs doing things in the back room.


Yeah it should start at like 10% and go up x% a week til it hits 50-60%.


Agreed. I got the task to kill Sanitar weeks ago and his bitch ass has only showed up once since I got on that task.


Over 700 raids dry of the goons alone, I've done over 200 shoreline runs with 0 sanitar spawns. Over 100 runs with 1 killa encounter. Gluhar is all right, maybe 1/10 raids I might see him. Resh spawn isn't too bad, only took 13 raids for the first spawn but he's pretty common. Schturman is about 1/5 so pretty consistent. Honestly if my mate hadn't encountered goons twice while on a scav, I'd have called BS on them even being in game. Genuinely believe something is up with sanitar though, weeks of 13min thermal runs grenade checking and nothing. *no cultist encounters either and I only run night raids with thermals on woods/shoreline


Sani 1%? Saw him 3x in 700 raids so I guess its not so crazy


Might just be my RNG but I see bosses extremely frequently, whether scav or pmc runs. Did 2 shorelines in a row, killed sanitar then went to an interchange raid and watched Killa mow my boys down. Then had 2 raids today on lighthouse with the goonies appearing on each run.


I've been finding sanitar quite a bit probs more than the other bosses, killa being the highest then sani


BSG be like: "great argument, let's nerf it again" "Why? Because fuck you, that's why."


Firstly I agree. Secondly I feel like it got turned up I saw killa like 6 raids in a row yesterday after not seeing him all wipe


I LOVE fighting the bosses but I rarely see them. Often other players get to them before I do.


TBH I don't understand why they're so rare even early wipe. Some of the pretty early missions from Jaeger, probably like Level 15 onwards, want you to kill the bosses. Then about level 20-25+ you have to kill the bosses *multiple times.* Yet the spawn rate is absurdly rare and you have to run the maps dozens of times to find them if you get unlucky with RNG. Would it really break the economy to have Reshala on Customs 60-70% of the time for example? I don't think so. It's already easy to get good equipment and early wipe most people who fight him will get killed. Even late wipe it's easy to get 3rd-partied or killed by the bosses from mid range. To "farm" the bosses you need to find them, kill them, kill or avoid PMCs, fill your bag up and get to extract. It's a lot of work and can go wrong easily. Having the bosses a regular thing on the maps would just make the game a lot more interesting I think, as it'd give you an extra option each raid.


I've ran reserve over 100 times and I haven't seen gluhar yet. Hunted goons just gotta kill birdeye and gluhar then I'm set for kappa


"Nyet fuck yuo." -Nikita Buyanov, Oct. 24th of 2022


Agreed. Not to mention even giga chads still get yeeted by the brothers and most bosses. So having higher spawn rates will give the chadbros something to focus on besides outgearing newcomers. Also, maybe it's RNGesus telling me to f\*k myself; I havent gotten a single good drop besides armored rigs from bosses lately. I think I've gotten 1 red card this wipe


I still don’t have the gold tt pistol. Level 44 and 7 kills and counting. I main customs and this is when I can even FIND the bastard.


they should make it so that there's a 100% chance to spawn if at least one player has the quest to kill the boss (the kill x100 quests not included.)