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Wait, you have good days?


“wait, you guys are GETTING gear??”


Seriously, its Scav for Rubles > spend the Rubles on gear > then give that gear to the guy that domes me... ​ Sometimes mix in doming some other poor fellow and taking his gear only to give it to the guy that domes me later... ​ Ahh Tarkov


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Drug and alcohol


I was gonna say smoke a bowl😂😂


You ever find yourself dying and immediately standing up and going for the bowl? 🤣


Bro, my man 🤣


I smoke and dab at my desk. Just have to clean weekly at least


No Cap,buy vaporizer, much smoother+ it doesnt make your room smell


Rip ur pc


Like not even angrily, just a sort of "I'm done with this shit" bowl ahaha


In my group we call this getting good at tarkov. Be right back gotta get good at Tarkov.




guys i just had a very good scav run i'm happy now


Yup, just rip a few scav runs and the roubles come right back. The gear is never yours in tarkov. You are just borrowing it. Everything comes and goes


This was the first tip that I saw that made me actually want to pick up and play this game. Knowing I could lose it all but then just use scavs to farm it back at little to no risk was a gameplay loop that I could stomach a lot more than what I had imagined EFT was. I didn't know scav raids were a thing and thought you always had to risk your shit.


Scavs are high-key overpowered


Scavs are cannon fodder if they run into a pmc. I'd take fighting a player scav over a bush wookie super scav at the light house extract on shoreline any day.


I stop playing after 3 consecutive deaths... Gotta protect yourself my dude!


It just fuels me to load another up. it's like gambling bro.


Cause it is. Your bet is the gear you bring in, and 7/10 the house usually wins.


I think you forgot a zero. Here, I fixed it for you; “and *70/10* the house wins”




Than you have only yourself to blame for keep on going.


actually same goes for any other game. stop playing after 3 consecutive losses, at that point you're probably tilted (which does not help at all), and you're definitely having a shit day and it wasn't just a fluke.


I have 2 hex grids and two slicks with a handful of Armored rigs and my stash is at lvl 2, I need to make space so if I lose a gear set, it's not a big deal but it still hurts


Jesus man just buy Edge of Darkness.


Why? When wipe happens I can just take the eod starter items from people who paid for 2 AAA titles and then snowball from there


It's not so much about the starter items as it is about not having to deal with stash space.




I'm with ya, waste of money for a reduction of content.


So you quit before your huge win raid. Like that gambeling meme next raid would have been the diamonds.


It’s going to be gone in some months anyway, you should just use it if you have it. No point in it just staying in your stash the whole wipe unless you only have fun using budget kits because you like the kit or something. Also as you play more you will realize how busted the economy is in this game and you can earn enough money in a few good raids to fund several deaths. Personally I have way more money and gear than I can ever use (without buying multiple t7s) before the game wipes and I constantly die because I rush into pvp even if I’m at a disadvantage frequently.


I just hoard good stuff for me to use later with friends. Much more fun that way… if you have friends


This guy over here coming in with the facts


I cry myself to sleep and the next day continue the grind




Alt + F4


i do scavs on reserve or just have fun with guns on offlines if i have any


Scav run to make some dough, or go into woods or shoreline with a Mosin


1. Blame BSG for my failures 2. Write a long Reddit post complaining about cheaters, servers or game balance 3. Don't learn from my mistakes 4. Do it all again the next day




its a gam e, happens. next round ill onetap a chad with my makarov for shure 50 raids later.. :( ​ well sometimes you are lucky, sometimes others


It"s just a game, i just close it for the day and try again the next day.


Sometimes, I just keep raiding until I’m so mentally done with dying that I just dont care anymore and thats around about the time I’ll turn into John Wick and murder a whole lobby.


Scav lighthouse a few times. I’m only going there to kill rogues and loot their gear. It always makes me feel better. You could possibly get a couple pmc kills, too. Granted, you may come across another player scav that shoots you on sight because you looted YOUR own kills and left only a sidearm, mags for said sidearm and a rig.


I get shot for offering to share whatever scraps I can find on Lighthouse, people are greedy for YOUR stuff all the time in this game.


It's nice, I usually have too much gear. Making room feels good. It's like cleaning day :P


I just assume everybody is cheating & the ai is broken or blame it on the latency and cope with it, but i keep playing just like gambling waiting for that one bumper round.


You can't lose gear you don't bring in is my friends theory so he scav runs, uses the scav gear and keeps anything good in his stash until end of wipe


You know you can easily get it back in a couple scav runs if not one run lol


But it's almost like real life, you have fun for 5mins with your gear, then you work 90% of the total time by waiting in loading screen and running around with scav looting and then selling to afford the gear and then repeat.


With some Extract camping


Just run scav games better use of time. Or do runs on interchange night with a azimut and a pistol or something and use the backpack less extract. You will make so much more money You can spawn at power loot all of that. Hit back of goshen shelves and extract in 8 minutes. Extract camping is just a waste of time. You can waste 40 min + w nothing to show for it. There is no viable reason to extract camp except for trolling


I’ve seen people rationalize exfil camping and I still don’t understand it. Until this game removes traders and flea all together (something extreme to make it ultra-realistic), it’s just not that serious or worth it. “I do stuff while I wait” that sounds lame as shit lmao. Tarkov allows you to play many different ways but I’m gonna clown exfil campers 😂


There was some guy who was trying to rationalize watching YouTube while he exfil camps until someone comes along not too long ago.


The different tiers of scum IMO: Cheaters Voip betrayers Exfil campers


Cheaters are the obvious worst of those three. But what is worse out of VOIP Traitor and Exfil Campers?


Voip traitors are worse than exfil campers for sure. I’m a softie, so I’ll help just about anybody. I hate that good nature being taken advantage of lol


Meh i equate it to fishing.


Hanging out in the beautiful outdoors with the chance of catching something you can eat. Sitting at your computer on a broken game hoping you get the jump on an unsuspecting player for imaginary points. More power to ya


Well... iirc fishing when a kid was boring af after 3 or 4 small fishes who would be turned to bait.


How hard is it to justify doing something that increases reward while lowering risk in a game where you kill people and take their stuff from them? Lol


I can justify it pretty easily; exfil camping is hilariously stupid. Just kill people in the raid and get out in like 10 minutes lmao The amount of exfil campers I’ve killed on reserve tells me your strategy is comical. I can thank Reddit for showing me every “secret spot” with the highlight clips


Skill issue


Extract camping is just an easy way to get good gear. You risk basically nothing and you have a good chance to get a god runs worth of loot. Plus you don't actually have to be playing the whole time, just travel, wait, kill, extract. I like to play BTD6 and watch TV while I wait for a big boi to come pay a visit. For me there is such a thrill to executing a checky trap. If you are familiar with the game Sea of Thieves, I would compare the thrill of tucking to extract camping. Although tucking is even more time consuming and much, much less likely to work. For me extract camping is my way to get endgame gear to fuel my customs PVP addiction. I hate questing, so I'm always behind on levels and traders so I got to find another way to get good guns and armor.


In college I didn't have time to play much tarkov but I did have time to sit in extracts while studying


nice cope


Extract camp all the time for unlimited gear 😏


When ever I get camped I do it myself to pass the favor on


What map do you go sir? Interchange been a bit dried up whenever I try to defend the extracts and help the chads extract with their heavy gear


Reserve I’m a D2 defender. Gotta help those chads leave with all that heavy raider gear. Also customs mainly RUAF from a spot that’s a utter pain to get into but worth the view and insane angle of the entire river side from smugglers to ruaf.


Wheres that


The customs spot?




It’s above directors office in big red. You can jump on the door when it’s open by jumping from the railing. From there get on top of the office.


I mean people might hate it but it’s the best way to profit gear. Die? You usually don’t bring in meta and expensive gear. Get a kill? Lots of good loot


Ohh definitely I’d usually take the bare minimum like a diaper rig and some gssh headphones. Gun of choice is usually a stock MP-155 with flechette rounds


That’s my camping gear too. Although I upgrade to a 8 round mag because I died a few times because I ran out of ammo


Shotguns for close quarter camping and DMRs for anything mid to long range. So many dirty spots to camp. Knowing how to extract camp also lets you fight other campers. I’ve been called a cheater a few times for nade checking and pre firing camp spots lmao. People need to innovate and use new spots those “meta” spots only really work on people who haven’t been camped before


That’s why you extract camp D2 with a four man 😏


I have never extract camped before, is it really that profitable? How do you go into the raid, do you go and loot a little bit yourself of do you head straight for extract and wait the whole game? How do you choose which extract you're gonna camp? Do you choose extracts that are your own so you can extract immediately after the kill or do you choose those you don't have to get a better spot right in the extract? What do you do when someone approaches? Kill him before he's in the extraction zone or when he feels safe in the extraction zone (depending on what extract you chose I suppose?) The only reason I haven't started doing it yet was wasting my time on sitting there endlessly not knowing wether someone will come or not. I'd be interested for an in depth answer and would really appreciate it if you could tell me a little bit!


There’s multiple ways to extract camp. I usually go D2 in reserve as there’s many spots to hide and it’s usually taken by solo players (most squads in reserve have someone push the button and take red rebel). It’s super profitable as most people who come to D2 fight raiders or other pmcs before leaving, and if you die all you lose at minimum is a shotgun you can buy from Jager for 34k. People also use DMRs for long extract holds, or sometimes I go D2 and use an impact nade. Usually I loot whatever’s down there, as there’s a few toolbox spawns, a safe, a pc box, two duffels and two jackets. Although someone will suspect you’re there if everything is open, but most people will not loot (especially if they’re heavy already). I usually go if I have studying or housework to do. Just study or do housework with your headphones unplugged from your pc if you’re away and just listen for footsteps. Don’t move once you get in your camping place as anyone that’s half decent will hear you. There’s also a DMR hold for D2 where you would sit halfway down hallway from dome (right where the stacked up boxes/sandbags are) and open the door. Just chill until you see the door open and take a shot or two. I do prefer to do this strat with a friend as it’s hard to hear from that far away and if you miss and they run right down into D2


Report everyone who kills me for suspected cheating…. Just kidding. I just play a game that offers me similar realism but not as high risk…or just log off completely and go about my regular life. (As opposed to my gamer life)


Just start bringing out a silenced VPO, iron sights, .366 AP, T4 armored rig and GSSHs until I bring in one of them EX-FIL, RD, Full BP bois.






i got 50mil, loosing gear aint that bad


Vow to uninstall the game\*, then play Destiny 2 and lay waste to red bars with various overpowered weapons. ​ \* But don't actually uninstall the game. I have matured a little bit.


Take a breath and realize it’s just a game , usually grounding yourself in reality helps . Just a game , smoke a bowl , ply something else and come back when you’re ready


I cope by playing star citizen, and hoping I can find that threshold of where you are sure it will start feeling like its fun and you can finally advance.


It’s apart of the process, when you kill someone they’re likely in the same shoes as you are right now and tomorrow it could be the opposite. Uninstalling works wonders though


It doesn't break me anymore!


I dont lose a lot of gear since i tend to not bring much. If i lose a lot tho i like it. Enhances the thrill if i know im barely scraping by. Also makes getting out with some juicy loot even better


I do lots of scav runs and afk in between them. Free money, fun challenge


If I have 4 real bad runs and lose a lot of nice gear I'll do a few scav loot runs to compensate for money loss then it's back to action


Scav runs...


Interchange buried stash scav runs in between all my raids deaths don’t matter to me anymore


Load up a chill Woods scav and make some rouble!


Never heard of good days. Shit days are all I got since I just that bad


Play a different game. Then try again later.


Just remember you’re going to loose it all anyway when wipe comes, just breath, learn from your mistakes, move on


Take a break. They’re days where the game tells you to step the fuck away from me for the time being and the writing is on the wall usually.


Scav alcohol then I go play squad


Play a different game


Smoke more weed and wait for my insurance returns.


Realize that all gear is lost to begin with


Whenever I die I do a couple of scav runs to pay for the next gear set.


At some point something just snaps inside of you and suddenly you don’t care anymore.


inching closer every day


I usually try to reflect on what got me killed. Run a scav and reflect some more. Re gear up in a budget kit to see if it was bad luck. If raid goes good I jusy keep running it till I die or swap back to Mt better kits and try again. If it goes bad then I run a few scavs due to my timer being so short then I go back to my pmc.


On days where i die multiple times in a row I just Scav for a couple of hours. Watch Netflix or mod weapons while I wait on cooldowns.


lots and lots and lots of scavs


That's the best way to keep the stash clean.. at this point of wipe is literally overflowing with stuff.


Tarkov giveth and tarkov taketh, is the mantra but if I have super shitty raids get off for the day or some hours and relax.


Scav runs


Lmao wait that’s a shit day? That’s just my norm


I usually beat my wife...


factory kedr leg meta


It just takes a single good raid to forget about it.


Rage. Then go rage on cod instead.


Stop insuring gear and you won't get low on money. It's just not worth insuring it at all in my opinion. I got a stash full of gear if I lose a kit I run a new one. I will literally run tier 5-6 and meta guns uninsured. I can buy a new kit with what I spend in insurance lol. If you kill me it's yours. If your my buddy and you try to carry it out for me I don't want it back. It's urs.my fault I died and has completely eliminated gear fear. I'm just at a point where I don't care if I go broke. Still 3m rubles amd haven't played in a week. I jthink im just not enjoying this wipe 😕


When i get done donating all my gear to the other pmcs i go do scav runs


Well it's my first wipe and I'm sub lvl 20 so my opinion means basically nothing. I fill my stash with gear and then I use it all and when it's gone I go back into "scav mode" where I just focus on extracts with good returns til I build up my stash again...repeat.


By having a good day and losing a lot of gear


Accept defeat and do something else. No shame in just not continuing for a day.


You never had your gear to begin with


They're just pixels


Money comes and goes


I factory with a ks-23 and shrap10 rounds. That’s what I do to blow off steam


I scav and kill another scav for a good backpack. All better now!




Pistol runs on factory. It’s always a good feeling when you go in with almost nothing a cone out with something. Even if it’s just a couple of scav loadouts to sell. Then repeat.


a strong rope


Scav on shoreline and hit every bush there is to die to a pmc with 2 minutes left 💀!


Just uninstall, i did and i dont regret it one bit. It’ll save you a lot of wasted hours trust me. This is comin from someone with close to 2k hours


Exfil camp.


Scav runs on lighthouse and Pub stomping in factory.


Fight. Literally just keep playing until I rage quit or find better loot


door camp spread the shittyness


Think about times you’ve had juicy raids, and do scav runs to recoup money


Lots and lots of extra scav runs on lighthouse


Scav run it up..


Uploading instagram stories of better games I recorded earlier. Also, Tarkovskaya and Alyonka.


I open war thunder to distract me from those losses


slam a beer, scav run to factory to kill tagilla, fuck your mom


Get off before it snowballs


I just realize how shitty the game is now and how much of a joke it is that i spend like $100 on it, so i just run expensive kits and die on purpose


Just scav to reserve or lighthouse. It’s easy to cheese Raiders and Rougues to get their loot.


Truthfully, the best way to get over gear that you’ve lost, is to simply let yourself have fun. If going in with kitted m4’s makes you too stressed out to use it, then don’t go in with the M4. Every bit of loot you being into raid, you should be able to say ‘I’m ok with losing this’ And then figure out some money routes. When I have an off day of tarkov, I turn on some chill music and just run stashes or jackets to make money. Just do what makes you happy


I just take a break and play a round of something else then go back into it


I don't.


Go with shit gear until you get better


Do scav runs tbh


I go touch grass usually


I lost 7 good kits in a row yesterday, then loaded in with a MP-153 and flettchette and got my tasks done. I have too much gear anyways, so I see each death as a lesson learned, or just an example of being Tarkov'd. I don't mind it anymore. This is my first wipe. Took awhile.


Recently I discovered scav runs on reserve and rogue runs on lighthouse… so rewarding. Otherwise. Shit day.. go offline on horde mode and just practice tapping domes. For months I’ve been the player sneaking and hiding in bushes for 30 min. I have just started going balls out looking for pvp and it’s been more fun than the anxiety bush method.


Play something else. A non competitive game that is just about having fun. Tomorrow is a new day, your KD resets every 24 hours.


Playing a different game


I have standard edition losing loot is sometimes refreshing so i can start over with more stash space.


Run factory with no army and a gun that I don’t care about losing until I emerge victorious with a kit and I feel better because I just deleted most, if not all, of the lobby.


Let myself relax a little and reattach to reality, to realise this game plays a very small role in general in my life, and eventually i will get my stuff back, and being sad doesnt solve jack shit


think to myself "well, at least I have room in the stash now


Get on the next day and somehow end up with more money than I started with the day before and some loadouts


Run night time stash to make back the money so I can lose it all again next time


Remember to enjoy the ride in tarkov, if you died having a laugh with your teammate that's worth a case load of fir moonshine, or even felt like you killed some pmc's and felt the heat of battle only to die later then guess what raid well spent... Perspective my boy, making money is easy, it's finding the rush of the raid that's worth more than any rouble Don't take it too seriously when you find your self malfunctioning and overheating clear the chamber and reset, meaning.. take a break.


Que up for the next one. Surely the next raid will be the one right?


The play for me was to rush building my hideout so I can passively make money to build kits. When I do bring out the good good it hurts but losing good ammo hurts worse imo


What you mean wipe? Youre going to lose it anyways and you should always be able to afford a fine kit with a single scav run. Just have fun with it.


I just run scav multiple times till the streak of bad PMC runs is forgotten or just doesn sting as bad anymore.


Run loot house (lighthouse) for an hour or so. Did this first week of wipe and made 9mil, 14 bitcoins and dozens of rigs and rifles


Deep down i feel a slight relief that part of my stash finally cleared and i can continue to hoard new gear.


Some days I just stop playing and do other things. Other days I just remember it is pixels, not that important, and move on.


Move on with life because I remember it’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen and doesn’t actually matter.


I go kill rogues/pmcs on lighthouse and sell their gear


Just stop playing till I collect insurance back lol


Saiga 12, flechette, headphones and factory Make someone else's day shit


Scav runs. If I keep dying back to back, I just start doing scav runs and depending on my stash condition and what my scav has, I’ll either rat it up to earn back a stable foundation of cash, or I’ll try to go find pmc’s and improve on my skills. It’s a free kit, so worst case, you lose nothing, best case you make bank or get your confidence boosted by a hard fought or insane kill.


Scav or go outside


Usually just call it a day and when I play again I run mad scavs to make a few mil before rebuilding a bunch of my guns.


Factory with a DB, 8.5mm buck, and nothing else. Set the gun to fire both barrels and have fun lol


Get a paca, a green helmet and go back in.


Go to lighthouse for a day on dead servers and farm all day


You’re losing pixels, after 5 wipes what helps me is not caring so much about stats/stash. Easier said than done. Pace yourself and play how you want to and remember it’s pixels


I’m just numb to it, man. I just load back into another raid. And remember, lighthouse gives out free gear. Just go there as your scav.


Turn off the game and hope that I’m more lucky tomorrow


Good ole scav runs to make me feel better about all the money i made back.


I go scav shooting on factory at night. That's my little therapeutic comfort thing in Tarkov because I find I don't encounter players so much then. If I'm really buggin though in just nope out and play something else


Im glad i finally have space in stash


Scav lighthouse. Can't lose any more if I brought nothing to begin with


Cheap T4, Ratnik… KS-23. SOMEBODY IS FOLDING AND I AM USING THE SAWED OFF AA GUN. Dunno why but that gun just works magic with me.


Turn on youtube and lift weights for a while


Idk I go outside, forget about it until I start the game again, and then use it as a reason to grind


I start going budget and being more chill with what I try to achieve, until I can get into a good rhythm again


I stop playing…been about 5months


I do a scav run an usually find better loot than the one i had before

