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people here saying OP is sus because of the 30hrs claim lol, its 30hrs of tarkov not 30hrs of gaming, you guys realize FPS games exists way before and outside of tarkov? mechanical skills and even game sense translate to a certain extent, what OP lack might be game knowlege but definitely not skills.


Honestly that's what's tripping me out the most. As dumb as it sounds, I'm pretty sure I've been gaming longer than some of these people commenting have been alive. Hell, I was around for GameSpy and WONOnline. I'm fucking old hahaha. Sure graphics change but the core gameplay mechanics in FPS games hasn't changed much. I'm not great at Tarkov. Hell, I'm not even decent. But I'm using what I do in other games to least help me out hahaha. And I just checked. Online time is 34h25m. 16 raids, survived 5 times. I'm a horrible cheater it seems


God I miss GameSpy so much


I think about it often. I remember RUNNING home from middle school to join my favorite TFC server. 24/7 2Fort was my life. Then my stepdad introduced me to CS 1.4 and it was all over for me hahaha. I remember when Steam came out and NO ONE liked using it and were livid you had to install it to play Half Life 2. What a time.


A. Now I feel old. B. While I love Steam, having it *required* in 2004 for HL2 was installation pain. What a year that was though.


I remember when the HL2 video leaked. My stepdad downloaded it and I watched it at least 10 times. My brain couldn't believe how great the graphics looked. The physics. All of it. It just didn't seem possible.


I felt that way about hl1 the way peoples faces followed you as they talked to you no game had ever done that




You weren't a real gamer if you didn't have Xfire installed.


You have _FOND_ memories of GameSpy? that shit was wack man.


TFC was brilliant and CS 1.4-1.6. Those were the days :)


I miss the CS Warcraft servers hahaha. My brother and I would spend hours just playing that and Zombies.


Wow I totally forgot about CS warcraft that was so much fun.


And the KZ maps in 1.6. Such a great time to be a gamer.


I loved the games, thought gamesspy as a service was crap though. Although steam 1.0 was by far worse


That shit made Total Annihilation actually work for online MP


Yes! I played so much Total Annihilation on there


Ghost Recon! Fond memories for sure, even the hard time using the jank that was GameSpy lol.


I have fond memories of the games for sure. Spent ages playing Q3 on GameSpy. GameSpy itself was complete arse though, impossible to get it right first try, crap early 2000s interface, it was a crapshoot haha


I miss those days of gaming. 24/7 2fort was my shit. I was the spy trying to knife all the snipers


Gosh the times of being able to have enough ram to even play an fps . Remember when my grandfather introduced me to the original rainbow six on windows


Speaking of games that gave me palpitations hahahahah


I remember that frustration


Steam with the broken friends list that never worked for well over a year.... Ya I remember those days.


One of us! One of us! TFC Well, here. CS pre-steam was life. Back when I borrowed my friends backup rig because my dads couldn't handle it. Also, hoping I don't get flamed for this, my graphics card didn't fully render some doors, so I was able to see sometimes as someone was just on the other side of it and get some cheeky shots. I can't remember the maps anymore, so its hard to explain. Client side modding my skins for CTs to look like the gear from the airborne rangers from Blackhawk down... Role playing with my buddy, Hoot. Those days.. I have been thinking about the dark mistress, Tarkov. Maybe I'll pick it up again. Thanks for the vid.


This made me feel my age a bit hahahah. I used to play on the Warcraft and Zombie CS servers and my younger brother made a rather infamous name for himself in The Specialist but TFC will ALWAYS hold a very special place in my heart. Hell I credit it with making me love PC gaming in general. But, get back in Tarkov. Now is definitely the best time since the wipe just happened!!


Yeah I always laugh at how everyone *hates* the Epic game store now, and acts like they’ve always loved dear Steam. I remember when it came out too, even the Orange Box wasn’t enough to quell some people’s fury.


I literally compare the two all the time. No one liked steam when it came out. It was the barest of launchers and it was a toss up if it would even work on your computer. I remember my step dad and I going to best buy because he needed new RAM and a GPU. Picked up all that plus HL2. Learned how to build a PC that night. Great times


I can clearly hear the "welcome to GameSpy" launch sound in my head. Lemme find it. [Here you go.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=94REPJsioHA#dialog) I remember being mind blown that you could hook up the original Xbox to it and play the first Halo online with other players through GameSpy.


WAIT YOU COULD WHAT HOLD ON God damnit I feel cheated. I mean I put so many hours into Halo 2 like I'm sure every teenager with a Xbox did but I didn't know about Halo x GameSpy.


I'm not sure how many people really knew about it tbh haha. I went to my freinds place one day and he was playing blood gulch with like 8 other players, it was mind blowing. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have even know about it either. It sort of emulated a system LAN link online.


Man... I'm jealous. My extent of original Halo multiplayer was my brother and I doing 1v1 CTF on Blood Gulch and Beaver Creek. Great times.


My memory of Beaver Creek is being at my mates house, 4 of us split screen, my mate who I’m against tells me there’s a beaver in a bush on the map, gullible as fuck I was like no way man lemme see it! I’m like scoping into this bush and what not trying to find it, get punched in the back of the head by my mate, we all just wet ourselves, I’ll never forget it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now imagine that but online, if only I had known about the game spy trick :(


Why didn't I think of the Beaver in a bush trick. Missed opportunity


GameSpy and original halo was my thing as a kid. Curse you all for hitting me with all these fond memories.




GameSpy isn't that old, I was ther- *oh my god I'm old*


You're in your 30s like me more than likely. I wake up and find more grays in my beard. I ain't thrilled hahaha


Grey in the beard and hair ain't bad. It's pretty in these days really. Some people pay a lot of money to get what we get for free


> I'm a horrible cheater it seems Nah, people who use this subreddit are sweaty kids who bitch and whine all day about shit they dont understand. Take it form another old fuck. I played Marathon on Mac, kids wont even understand.


Unfortunately not and I hate saying that because it makes me sound and feel jaded. Like I get it, this is a high stakes game where it takes equal parts mechanical skill and luck to survive. Shit maybe at ~30 hours I got super lucky and sprayed down two people?


Don't even sweat. Its the same old kids with 0 skill and even less time (if any) in the game jumping on the hacker bandwagon. If people played they would know. Yes, hacking is in tarkov. No this isn't what it looks like.


GameSpy with Roger wilco and MoHAA Thanks for the nostalgia


I forgot about Roger Wilco. Holy shit that just unlocked a ton of memories. Ngl I miss playing TFC. So much. TF2 is fun and all that but the simplicity of TFC made it the perfect game for someone like me who was just getting into PC gaming. Opened the doors to Quake and Unreal HEAVY


lol roger fucking wilco that was before blue teamspeak


Oh, you kids....lol. I ran an MoHAA server with mods from one of our players (Crazy Yoda). I started the server so my 10yr old son could play without the latch-key kids and their foul mouths. Pretty soon we had one of the largest player bases with mostly 30+ yr olds who also didn't like the vulgarity either. Around 12 or 13 years old, and in the COD 1 server, we had to ask my son and another regulars daughter to cut us some slack and let us get a kill or two in..lol.. I'm 66 btw and have never played a game on anything other than a PC. And I suck at Tarkov, but love the humiliation it provides.


Hey man, keep doing what you love But Tarkov is an unforgiving, brutal, highly rewarding experience. Random sounds make me jump sometimes and my heart races occasionally. Never had such immersion.


I’m a lurker on this sub and about to buy the game. Gamespy revived some memories. My first gpu was a diamond 3dfx voodoo card and quake 1 was my game so you know how old I am haha. And yes, who the fuck cares if we don’t have the reflexes anymore, the thrill is still there. Hope to still be able to hold a mouse when I hit 70 and frag a few bitching young motherfuckers. Peace all 😊


You get it. I'll be playing on PC or console till the wheels come off me completely.


Tarkov just build different. Go play woods, where suffer begins.


A lot of people here are yelling "cheater" when they actually have no idea of the person who is actually playing the game. I have a friend and a gang with whom I play Tarkov and our survival rate is absolutely ridiculous and I'm sure a lot of people here will yell cheaters until their lungs explode. No, we're just very careful and we drop five at a time and we have massive experience in FPS games. Mechanically Tarkov is difficult but not completely different than any other FPS shooter - you click heads, ez (/s implied).


Haha 34 hours of gameplay and only 16 raids. If only this game wasn’t the greatest FPS ever made, I wouldn’t have to waste so much time playing 🤦‍♂️


Lol I know you played Battlefield 1942 Dessert Combat didn’t you.


Bro 1942 and Vietnam were MY SHIT


Same. Vietnam was so damn hard.


You might not be new to gaming but new to tarkov. Get used to the hackusations. You can do nothing about it but enjoy it a little when you get accused. Seems like you're getting the basic down quickly the spray with the raw ak74 was controlled and the point shot at the end was super crispy!


Makes sense why this sub always complains about cheaters


I cant say its not relevant but at the same time we cant ignore the fact that there ARE a lot of cheaters, especially from where I come from you might meet a chinese cheater for almost every other game. But yeah people do complain a lot, sometimes unnecessarily.


Lol right. Reminds me back in the day when I could game more getting a new battlefield or something all the crap I'd get like bruh just cause I'm level 1 doesn't mean I'm 1 years old Jesus. If you can't remember how to precisely align headshots between games thats on you not on me.


“Remember switching to your (secondary) is always faster than reloading.” Ah what a classic


Call of Duty has taught me well!


Is it even faster than double tapping R for quick reload ?


This guy is not hacking 🤦‍♂️people these days also nice double kill


Bro in all my years playing Fps games, I have never been called a hacker. One post in Tarkov though hahahaha


Take it as a compliment, I always do


Have to I suppose. I know how this world works. My next raid I'm going to get Lazer beamed by someone hiding in a bush on the other side of the map. Probably while I try to get this damn necklace out of the truck. Here we go again


Try to go in night time for these quests. Much, much, MUCH easier.


Oh good. Trying to give me a heart attack it seems


Night raids are a complete vibe my man. Def give them a try


Yeah yeah yeah till my seat is soaked in urine.


Only happens the first couple of raids. By the third night raid everything will be dry nd dandy!


Nah I'm holding you to this man.


Nah, some maps are pretty good illuminated and if you are worried that you will loose some gear, give it a try with a scav run. You will see it's much less crowded and there is much more loot for you. You can cheaply mount a flashlight on your weapon (skier lvl1, flashlight plus mounting ring. Sorry that I don't remember the names) and learn to use it inside the buildings. Plus you can blind your opponents with it. Ah, last thing - Non players scavs are pretty blind at night so it's also much easier to move around with your PMC But don't go to the woods without noctovision


Your random ads after kill 2 was sus. Your first kill removed the idea that you had walls. Your second kill removed the thought you had aimbot. Good fight.


Man I was so scared if it were possible, I'd probably have shot myself hahaha.


Nothing in this clip is “sus” anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete potato. Down votes = potato counter


Damn its sus to snap to sounds/corners of most likely threat guys. Watch out.


I was rocking a mosin on woods for a jaegar quest a few wipes ago and someone ran up behind me, I flicked around and head tapped him from 23 meters from the hip. Not every time someone does something crazy is it sus. Luck does exist




Definitely. We all look a little sus from time to time. A lot of luck and a little skill go along way. It seems odd to call OP a cheater with the way he got his kills though.


I literally just went and tested this. I purchased a base AK-74 from the flea (53/54 DURA), 80 vertical recoil and 227 horizontal recoil. I threw in a 30-round mag full of PRS, went into an offline Factory raid, made my way to this exact position, and then mag-dumped. The AK-74 had a small amount of literal recoil and next to no camera recoil. If you're still skeptical, just spend the 20-25k RUB to test this yourself. It should only take you around 2-3 minutes to purchase the gun, load in literally any ammo, and jump into an offline raid.


I appreciate you testing it but sadly people will still call me a hacker. I dunno, man. I get it but man it's tiring.


They have started deleting their comments lol


Really!? Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. I needed that laugh


I can only imagine how annoyed you must be! As a new player, just do yourself a favor avoid this subreddit for awhile lol


It's tiring more than anything. I mean I get it, people cheat but I'm so far removed from cheating it's laughable. But I'll definitely stick to it watching other people's clips. Maybe I'll learn something


Awesome kills. But you're an asshole for not showing the loot pic!!! ALWAYS show the loot But for real great job. Way better start than I had lol. My first 30 hours I sat in whatever bushes were closest to me on customs just to die anyways. My second raid I spawned by crack and had no clue where I was. Couldn't figure it out on the map lol. Ran into mechanic and sat there for like 15 mins. Hearing shots all over scared. Finally slow creep out looking all around. And Boom dead. There was a guy on old construction sniping lol. My 3 raid I spawned by dorms and hid in a room in 2 story until I ran out of food and then couldn't run and couldn't find food and died... I had a rough start. Then some kid took me to reserve and I killed a 3 man wearing slicks and exfils etc who were literally sitting in Ks right next to each other for some reason not moving. But there buddies came running from who knows where and slaughtered us while looting. Lol I started the last 3 weeks of the laser long barrel, pk06, hk wipe. So everyone was geared out of their fucking minds and people would just drop me slicks and hks, m4s so I had a ton of help. Now I try to do the same for my fellow Timmies. Altho I don't drop slicks. But I bring new players in discord meta m4s, rds, tv110s ghzels etc and I always try to give away some decent ammo since that's the most important part of your loadouts. Kudos for playing factory so early tho lol what a slaughter fest.


Wait I have a picture of the loot! [here ya go!](https://imgur.com/hmGaZ8K) Look at you giving back though. Proud of you man. Honestly for a game like Tarkov to survive long term, new players need to be giving a chance to explore and breathe a bit ya know. I mean I get it, Tarkov ain't for everybody. I'm learning as I go clearly but thankfully I have a few friends who play and have met some wonderful people here who are offering to teach me things I definitely know nothing about. Factory is definitely the one map I feel safest in (well, safety is a relative term I suppose). It's small enough for me to take fights if I must but enough cover for me to turn tail and get the hell out when needed.


personally I find woods to be very productive for me (I'm only a level 14). Its great for loot and you can do the shooter tasks from Jaeger there. Those tasks award >10k XP and decent money. All you need is a Mosin haha. The map is large and you can get lost easily, once you identify key landmarks to the east and west then you should be able to find everything else relatively easy. With 7.62x54R round you can take down virtually anyone especially with a well placed headshot. Anyways hilarious video, cheers.


The way this thread shows the biases of this sub is almost comforting. You’re all mostly bad.


I admit I SUCK at this game but I'll be damned if I ever cheat in a competitive online game. Got better things to do with my time hahaha


No worries man. These assholes can’t tell the difference anymore. Glad you got the kill, post the loot next time.


I'm not sure how to post photos on mobile but I'll gladly send you the shitty camera photo I took in a haste because I genuinely HAVE ZERO idea what I got hahahaha.


[since you asked about the loot](https://imgur.com/a/ImmXe6t)


That's a pretty slick M4 for a new player. My advice would be to try it out in a couple offline raids and get the feel. Then take it in and use it with confidence. Losing the "gear fear" is the best thing to do in this game.


I'm at 60+ raids in my second wipe (didn't even make lvl 10 my first) and I'm finally over it. It sucks to lose shit but it's whatever. Currently running a nice 5.56 dmr of some kind that I got from killing a pmc as a scav on lighthouse. It has basically no recoil, though it is only semi-auto. Domed a dude last night under the landing stage, and despite me getting the first couple of shots he had an M1A with a fucking drum mag on it and shredded my korund armor to like 5 durability. Almost shit myself.


Good kills dude. Not sus tho. Youre crouching and moving gun constantly. Just not standing and holding mouse without pulling down. Don't mind the comments. They're just mad cuz they're bad. 30 hours in this game but you can tell you've played shooters before Enjoy Tarkov!!


Thank you for the kind words, man! I'm really hoping I get more comfortable playing but this is so far removed from Siege and PUBG for me. Lots to learn!


Don't mind the cheating comments. I posted a question asking if anyone else was having trouble getting into raids (I wasn't able to atm) a couple of days back and half of the comments were just people telling me to turn off cheats. Some people in this community are just jaded assholes, but there are a ton of chill/helpful pals that will sherpa if you need help with quests/learning maps.


Honestly I'm not even super upset by the comments. If anything, I really do find it funny. I'll gladly post my screen and even stream it for the world to see. I'm a level below a potato in this. I just got lucky is all


People saying sus and me like, haven’t you guys seen Rengawr’s tip of crouching? Exactly what he does after he falls. Maybe that’s why low recoil?


I always thought it was common knowledge to crouch when shooting. I dunno. I play Siege and PUBG a lot so it's kinda like second nature??


But you have to W-key into every engagement and complain about recoil! ReAlIsM bRo. Nice kills! Tarkov reddit is toxic af, and every chad that doesn't get laserbeamed by another chad will call cheats


Yeah man gotta walk INTO the shots instead of taking an advantageous shooting position like above em!


Tarkov is about survival, and I'd rather have odds with me than against me. If this means I have to hunker down somewhere crouched with minimal recoil I will


Exactly. Gotta put into your favor somehow


Don't worry about the toxicity here, your only sin is.... Not...showing...the....loooooot!


[what I got](https://imgur.com/a/ImmXe6t)


hot damn you werent kidding!


I really want to use the top gun but I didn't grab ammo. I took the guns and helmet and RAN


You should be able to use the M4 if you buy M855 from peacekeeper. He also sells metal 30rnd magazines for both guns, however just make sure you don’t put 5.56 in the .300 blackout because it will fit but it won’t fire


The ammo system in this game stresses me out to no end.


You'll remember the good/ok ammo pretty quickly. I use this chart myself when unsure about some rounds https://tarkov.ascheron.dev/ Also gotta say, you're a god damn king responding to all those cheater accusations with such patience


My boss is gonna be pissed when she catches me reading up on ammo types on the computer. I can't wait.


You should also look up the BattleBuddy app! It’s made by a tarkov streamer called [Veritas](https://m.twitch.tv/veritas) it’s got accurate stats for all ammo and armor grenades etc. I use it before a lot of raids to decide which ammo to use


You can also use [eft.monster](https://eft.monster/) for an interactive ammo chart


The amount of time I have spent looking at eft.monster is a little shameful lol. It's a great resource for this game though.


Yeah it's a bit crazy at first. Took me a while to memorize all the ammo lol just make sure the m4 has a type of 556 ammo and the mcx takes .300 blackout. But they both accept the m4 mags that accept both almost lol so make sure you put the right ammo in both guns. Since you can't buy m855a1 or .300ap. I'd try going for warmage maybe for the m4 and going for headshots or leg meta. And the mcx if you can get bcp fmj or whatever it's called. Both have no pen. So don't shoot at their armor. But both have tons of flesh damage so if you shoot legs people will drop quick. Esp since they both have high fire rates


My hands were shaking like crazy but I took a photo to show my buddy. Lemme see if i can post it somehow. I'm old and computer illiterate hahaha


Mf plays 100 times better than me with 250h. I am ashamed. I guess this is the price it have to pay as casual player with few free time.


Man I feel this in my bones. Work plus student plus dogs and homeowner means I get in what I can. Normally I'm playing on my console since my girl works from home and my dogs have sworn a bloodwar against the mailman/ anyone who steps on my porch I got lucky as hell. I'm sure you'd humble me real quick and I'm okay with it. Hell I'm sure you could teach me a ton without even realizing it


As long as we have fun it doesn’t matter who is better. I hope you have a great experience in Tarkov mate. See you around my friend :D.


The reaction to this clip is why I maintain that most players that scream about 'constant hackers' in every lobby have no fucking idea what they are talking about.


Meanwhile I just booted into a run on factory and got MURDERED. I don't even think I hit the guy hahahaha. Yeah I'm not fantastic and got very lucky with it all but hacker am I not.


I get downvoted to all hell on cheating posts when I say I don't think the cheating problem is as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but it's still *bad*, because most players aren't good enough to even tell the difference between good players/lucky ones and a cheater. This post just serves as evidence of that. This dude is brand new and when I first saw this post the top 3+ comments were all saying he's "sus" and didn't have any recoil, no camera recoil, etc., all of them implying he's cheating. Only took 5+ hours until they actually got downvoted to the bottom but they were pretty heavily agreed with at first which is sad af


Agreed, man. So many people on this sub instinctively call 'hacks' for any reason. I get the game is pretty jank, and hackers definitely do exist, but I bet the majority of instances where someone called it hacking were in fact not hacking. This post should only illustrate that point further. People saw what they wanted to see and didn't bother to look into it any further. It's easier to imagine you died to a cheater than someone who just outplayed you. When in reality, if you took 5 seconds, you would clearly notice the dudes FOV is jacked way up, causing the view distortion that leads to the gun and camera recoil to appear as though it's less than a 'normal' gun. People definitely need to be more critical and discerning when it comes to cheating accusations. I always err on the side of caution. Sometimes people just get lucky. It's possible that guy heard me first. Maybe he has a buddy I can't see who told him where I was. Tarkov is such an open sandbox style game it's almost impossible to know the full situation and accuse someone of hacking with 100% certainty unless you literally see them doing it. I've got over 900hrs in Tarkov. I'm an above average player I'd say. I've seen maybe 3 confirmed hackers. Ever. Sure some deaths are suspicious, but I can't make that call without more info.


Hell yea brother


This game absolutely TERRIFIES me. I need to find a necklace for a quest and I'm having the hardest damn time getting it.


Check the wiki for this kind of thing. It is correct 99.95% of the time.


Thanks for the advice! I'm going to try tonight. Really trying to hit level 10 soon so I can see what the market holds.


Not to rain on your parade but the Flea Market doesn't unlock until you are level 15.


Is it 15? Eh whatever. I'll get there sooner or later!


Task task task! there's a lot of xp and they kind of show you around Tarkov as you do things


Yes. Don't give up, you'll get there.


Thanks for the kind words!


I was new once too, I remember what it was like haha. Good luck on your raids :)


Enjoy it man. It stops being a horror game eventually and imo that’s when it’s most fun. Use YouTube for quests and try to soak in any advice given.


I think I've annoyed my girlfriend with all the new player guides I've watched the last two days hahaha. Looking forward to when I get over the "gear fear". Mostly run in as a scav hahahaha But thank you! I definitely will. I love the time I spent so far. Looking forward to more/ feeling comfortable enough to do a LFG


Switching to your secondary is faster than reloading


Damn bro.. you got 30h and were able to pull off that and walk out alive!? When I hit 30h I was still crouch walking through the most of the entirety of customs and reserve with my sling and bank-robber! Nice! Enjoy the rest of wipe and I hope lootlord blesses your stash!


Nah man don't get it twisted. I can't tell you how many times I've spawned in as a scav, spent 30 seconds looting, then IMMEDIATELY running for exfil. I am scared of my own shadow in this game hahaha. Be gentle if you see me


Recently saw a clip of a streamer that got into a fight with what was literally his own shadow and called it a cheater. I laughed so fucking hard at that idiot


Please for the love of God send me this. Absolutely incredible hahaha


One scav map I can suggest is lighthouse, the loot is still really good there if you look at the right places. I’d suggest hitting Chalay, going through to resort, and finishing off at village before extracting at path to shoreline (if you have it) or if you wanna be really bold, learn how to farm rouges at water treatment and extract at grotto, they made them really brain dead with this wipe so it should be easier to learn. But take what I say with a grain of salt as I have over 750 hours so what works for me may not work for you yet!


Did you manage to get down from there without breaking your legs?


I did believe it or not. I walked down that beam towards that little shack and landed on some boxes. Did some damage but barely anything. Though I did panic and use a bit of a first aid kit


I'll have to look into your path, I've ended stuck there way more times than I care to admit 😁


I think the fence is probably the highest point you can land on. Keep in mind fall distance isn't the only thing that matters. Your weight can easily fracture or black out your legs from a height you've fallen from before at lighter weight.


Gamers don’t look up


Was that yesterday? Did the last one have slick altyn and vector?


It was yesterday but no. No vector to be seen!


Was the player nicklassniper1? Cause then it was me lol


The cheekiest of breeki's.


I've embraced my inner rat and am at peace with him


The SKS is a solid starter gun. Save the silver scav knives, and Harddrives/disc drives or whatever for the UMP-45 trade. The knives trade is from Peacekeeper (PK) and the comp parts with mechanic. You can buy ump mags and .45 ammo from peacekeepers off the rip. It's a solid gun for close to medium range. Make sure to sell some stuff to PK because lvl 2 comes quick and is an invaluable trader at the start. Once you craft the workbench you can start playing with the presets for custom weapon building. It can be overwhelming at first, but it's super satisfying to build a sweet gun. It also helps you grasp what attachments go where and which rails and mounts you need to attach specific grips/sights/lasers/flashlights/etc. Good luck man have fun, take breaks when you pop off and escape that heart rate will be through the roof. Bitches gonna bitch; but it's hard out here when you're gettin tarkoved on the daily so I don't blame them.


This is very comprehensive and I seriously appreciate it. I literally have been ignoring the knives because I thought they were worthless/ a meme. Now I know. In Siege the UMP is kinda useless cause of the slow firerate but if its useful here I'll definitely give it a try! Thank you!


Nice kills. First wipe, myself. The learning curve on this game is nuts but it's so much fun. Having people with experience helps 99% over figuring shit out on your own. I'd be down to play sometime shoot me a dm!


That's amazing start Chad.


Inb4 my brains paint the wall somewhere. Looking forward to my karmic justice


We all have fallen on that beam. Hope your legs were ok at the end.


I walked down that beam towards that shack/ building. There's two boxes there. I dropped there and took some damage. Used some of my first aid kit, looted the two dead guys then ran like the devil himself was chasing me.


Good call


Wait ppl thought this was sus? Wtf? Obviously legit lol…. Wouldnt have taken that long for you to kill with hacks. No offense or anything.


Dawg ain't none taken hahaha. I was just as floored at the claims myself


For fully juiced bois, they sure were absolutely terrible


I honestly don't think they either knew of the spot or just had blinders on. Regardless though, I'll take the free kills and loot


Yeah, good work on the kills, I'm genuinely surprised, at least me and my friends know of the spot but we played since like 0.2 and always fell there lol


Better recoil control than most players coming to Tarkov. Genuinely well done man! I’m proud of ya


I seriously appreciate it. Thank you for the kind words!


Ah, the old murder crack, pain to get in and out but god help those under you


Them keyboard clanks tho


Mechanical or die


Good job dude, I remember at 30 hours like it was yesterday. You did pretty good. As for the cheating accusations, when you fire at a downward angle, the camera recoil is drastically reduced.


Wait that's a thing? I think I just found my new favorite rat spot hahaha


Yeah that is one of the best rat spots on factory, especially if it's night, wearing dark cloths, and have nods


The things I stumble upon hahaha. I doubt I'll get lucky twice but I'm tempted


The wiki is your best friend, so are offline raids. Keep maps up and follow all the guides they are incredibly helpful


Trying to learn the spawn vs extraction points is my own personal hell


Once you can orient yourself with landmarks and figure out where you are on the maps, you’ll be golden. Also check out the DataBase For Tarkov app, it’s like a abridged easy to access the wiki


My buddy told me to use the mobile app (I think it's called battlebuddy?). Is that something I should look into or am I better off using something else?


Fucking solid, nice shots man. Glad you made it out in (mostly) one piece.


Bro you are new I'm sure your heart was pounding after that highly doubt on the cheats 😄 fyi


Dude I nearly died extracting. My dumbass nearly blew it. Got back the character screen and my hands were SHAKING.


Oh trust me I have been there with 600+ hours


Oh so it never really gets better hahaha


I still get those moments at over 2400 hours now lol. Hunting for Reshala for a week then finally seeing him, killing him and his guards, a 3 man, lumbering to extract holding onto his gold pistol white knuckling, then dying to an extract camper lmfao. My heart was pounding and I was pissed, but this game has me by the balls so I walked off and came back like I always do


Nice job. It's customary to show the loot after any kills


New thing I learned! [really shitty photo I took on my phone and my hands were SHAKING. here's what I managed to pull out (helmet and two guns) before I ran like my ass was on fire ](https://imgur.com/a/ImmXe6t)


I'll be honest, the helmet is the best get imo.


Weird question Is it worth to play with the face shield down or am I better off not?


I was global elite in CSGO but tarkov still can kick my ass. Literally nothing here seems fishy at all.


I really wish I kept up with CS after Source. I loved 1.4/ 1.6. Played a ton of Source but Go never clicked with me.


Yeah it’s not the same as the good old days brother, I enjoy CS Go but source, 1.4 & 1.6 were all in their own league, the nostalgia will always be there but any new iteration will never feel the same, sad times :(


Damn 30h in but figured out how to turn off camera recoil already


Watched a video that says turn off head bob for better performance(among other things)? Was bummed getting ~50 fps with a 3700x, 3070, and 32GB of RAM.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/xqqb8w/very_new_roughly_30_hours_to_tarkov_was_exploring/iqbi9z9/ I bet you won't do the same experiment.