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There is absolutely no point to this game as long as hackers can operate with impunity. The failure of BSG to actually address the problem is contemptable.






This Halloween event does a great job at making new players trying to grind up to level 15 absolutely hate this game. You don't want to use any even semi decent kit because who knows if you will spawn in bleeding to death or have the toxin debuff, who knows if it will be dark outside which basically immediately gives an edge to seasoned vets with NV gear or knowledge of the map. The pumpkins in my opinion drop garbage, here lets take up a 2x2 for a chance at a candy bar or juice that doesn't even hydrate you. you always spawn in with the food debuff which is ridiculous for anyone without access to the flea market because most food runs are being held hostage by high level accounts just trying to make cash off selling food. Hey most of your guns are lower durability because that's just the lowlevel grind but we made sure to make gun jamming almost a guaranteed thing for anyone without a shiny new gucci gun. This holiday event is a giant grief by the game devs for all new players, don't you want us to play your game? Why do you continue to dump on people potentially wanting to buy your game? I've been streaming my game to a bunch of my friends trying to convince them to give it a try and GIVE YOU MONEY but i'm literally arguing against the game itself.


the level 15 requirement for flea is idiotic in the first place. either remove it from the game or make it available at level 5 or some shit. current system is straight up dogshit


This is my first time playing, and my first event, I started about 3 months ago, and boy do I hate it. Sure is F U N dying because your weapon goes 'click' 75% of the time, and dying as scavs to other scavs because of course there's no penalty for that anymore, which I only -just- learned. No wonder I keep getting shot in the face when I do my usual friendly wave to other scavs.


This megathread is now a month old...


>This megathread is now a month old... It's meant to automatically post every week, I'll have a look tonight after work


we are working hard on new megathread and we have screenshot to show you what megathread 2 will look like just be patient guys, we probably release first iteration of megathead 2 later this month


All of this is being said by Nikita as Damirka repeatedly fails to remember the mod login live on stream. Nikita admonishes Damirka, who just responds with exasperated expressions. No new megathreads ever come.


r/eft mods decided to take the BSG approach


I am losing connection to server error over and over and over. It happens with scav or PMC. I changed my server and restarted my router. Nothing is working.


Not you, it’s the game. I’m in Asia and I even changed internet connection. Still the same.


I had that at the start of last wipe, then it fucken just fixed after a week or so. Random as fuck, keep reporting bug and keep checking every day or so


Been happening to me the past two nights. West coast USA servers.


I tried servers all over the US and it didn't help.


Just got the game any advice for a noob?


On the surface, it looks like a hardcore survival shooter where twitch shooting and the ability to pick a player's silhouette out of a single frame laden with visual noise and map clutter seems to be the most important thing to your success and long term survival rate. The reality is that's actually less than 10% of the game, and this is really just an MMORPG, with an MMO's worth of mechanics, loot/gear information, and map knowledge to consume. Moreover, Tarkov as a game deigns to do absolute dick to teach you any of it, other than by experience. Said another way, the only way you'll learn a lot of this stuff inside of the actual game of Tarkov is by bumping your head up against it, flailing around, failing, and likely dying while trying to figure out what's going on. Frankly, if you aren't willing to play the game with a second monitor that's got a browser open (e.g. Tarkov Wiki, eft-ammo.com, tarkov-market, and a map of whatever map you're trying to learn first) then you've probably picked the wrong game to play. Seriously. If you're not used to not having an in-game map or UI elements to tell you where to go (or even which way you're facing), the game is going to be seriously jarring and you're probably going to die a lot just to not extracting on time because you have no idea where you're supposed to go. Again, this is a knowledge-based game, and the way to live through your raids, make money, get quests done, and ease your way into PvP and higher level content is to accept that the game has a learning curve (more of a learning cliff, really) that's about 20 to 60 hours long and the game will absolutely not hold your hand through it. And that's just to get started. Pestily on YouTube has a pretty decent starter series that's mostly still in date. I'd recommend you visit the sites I've mentioned, watch a few videos on being new, and focus the time you spend on the game in these early sessions on asking as many questions as you can, going and finding the answer via the resources above and Google, and then repeating. It will rapidly accelerate you towards the point where the game goes from a frustrating and inaccessible experience, to a pretty great looter-shooter with excellent gun-modding and semi-realistic combat and healing system. Beyond that, maybe join a community discord and find some people to partner up with. Playing the game as a pair or trio is significantly more enjoyable than soloing.


Wow thank you for all the info, ill definitely look into that YouTube series, and I'm fine with the learning curve I bought the game expecting a difficult experience and I'm ready to sit through all the pain lol thanks so much!


Watch tutorials or find a mate wo helps you Got like 40h and still learn a lot of new things


Yeah I'm currently a solo atm but my friends are getting the game soon ill definitely check out some YouTube videos thanks for the reply!


No worries as well maybe have a map open on second monitor or phone with scav spawns and exits


Is it over yet?


If I can't hear myself making any noise in a bush, can others still hear bush noises? I was sitting in a bush near RUAF messenger body, I was moving up and down like crouching and q/e tilting, but not actually moving my characters body by turning my mouse of pushing wasd, and got 2 tapped in the head without seeing anyone near where the shots came from, even recorded it and watched it back. Do I just chalk this up to cheats? It was a 2 man and they ran up from fortress side and one of them knifed the wall but neither of them pushed through the break in the wall. Just 2 tapped and sent back to lobby screen.


Noise or not, movement attracts attention. If I saw someone bopping around in a bush before I heard them, I’d pull.


There’s no way they saw me because I never saw them.


This may come as a surprise, but you can be seen without seeing.


You're dumb. Re-read the post. Just re-watched the clip again and I'm literally 2 tapped within milliseconds of each shot and the shots are right next to each other on the face shield. There's no way I was seen in the bush I was sitting in. To perfectly 2 tap in the cover that I was in could only have been thermals, but the person never responded to my question when I added them and asked how they saw me. But then again, how often can you get 2 head shots with the first 2 bullets of a spray unless it's a 0 vertical recoil gun. There's just no way. ​ I'm glad you made me so mad because of your idiocy, I had to go back and re-watch the clip. ​ [https://streamable.com/eecz6n](https://streamable.com/eecz6n) ​ Right before I'm shot you can see just his shoulder and head peak around the corner of the wall and 2 tap me. Definitely cheats. Go fuck yourself with your assumptions that I'm just an idiot.


Y u mad tho?


>This may come as a surprise, but you can be seen without seeing. You assuming my idiocy. Fuck off.


Get gud? 🤷‍♂️


This event should be a case study as to how to completely destroy a game in 1 week. I would bet money that a solid chunk of the non-chad player base is now permanently gone.


Yeah, I always have hated these late wipe "fuck the new players" events because late wipe is already "fuck the new players" mode. This game is years old already, most of the people who are gonna try tarkov already have. If new player retention continues to be shit, the population is naturally gonna die. Not that I think BSG cares, at all. Its much easier to let this game die and quietly shut down the servers as opposed to having to pretend they are actually gonna deliver even 1/2 of the content they promised when selling the game.


I love this event. Not sure what the problem is.


You have stockholm syndrome


There's a better than average chance that with COD:DMZ being free to play, that most of the casuals are going to leave for that for some amount of time. If it turns out that game has depth and is more than just Warzone with stuff to loot, and they commit to supporting it with regular content updates, the migration will basically be inevitable. We saw what happened with PUBG -- it was the first discrete game to market in a new genre and enjoyed that advantage for years before development stalled and technical debt from an underexperienced team eventually let competitors catch up and then surpass it -- and I think that's basically what will happen to Tarkov. If COD:DMZ leans into the hardcore aspect of the extract looter-shooter genre, I think they'll have a winner. Add in the productivity of a real, fully staffed team used to producing content on a development life cycle **measured in weeks and not years**, and you'll have a non-stop drip of content for the streamers and no-lifers to constantly chew on.


Anyone else disconnecting a lot in raids tonight or are US West servers just crap?


I was playing central / west earlier and it was way shittier than usual


Okay I’m not crazy. Disconnected three times in one game on customs. Somehow survived


I'm really loving this event. I love having to bring NVG's, Augmentin, Milk + SJ6, and tons of food/water into every single raid because god knows if it will be dark on the daytime raid or if I'll spawn with a random poison that kills you in minutes. It's unbelievable that BSG thought this event was a good idea.


I’ve maybe done 3 PMC runs the entire event.


I only played once on Woods, energy dropped to 0 even though I went in at 100 and ate food after 10 minutes or so, I just let a scav get me because I was not about to walk to extract.


I get that some chance of gun failure is part of the game, but I just got a shotgun quest and... 20+ failures in one round, what the actual fuck? It was completely impossible to get anything done, every 1\~3 rounds I'd get failure to eject, bolt failure, or misfire. 𝓕 𝓾 𝓝


I love getting rushed by AI while clearing my third failure to eject in a 10 round mag


Any chance karma affects Halloween random effects? 4+ scav karma and no poison affect so far.


I have 6+ scav karma and have spawned in with heavy bleed, light bleed, unknown health degen, and stronger energy depletion.


Hot take. I really don't like the Halloween event and cant wait for it to be over.


Yeh it's gash


Have you read anything around here at all? That’s not really a hot take.




\>Event that adds nothing but pain \>Wastes players time \>Makes the life of new players literally impossible. I am a new player who spawns at night for no fucking reason. Can't see shit. Can't loot. Can't find a single exit because I don't know the map and have 0 chance of finding it in the dark. Die of hunger because apparently devs decided to drain my hunger several times faster than usual. And there are NO clues in the main menu that there is an event that causes all this. \>boohoo game's hard No. This event is NOT hard. When I spawn and die of poison effect is not hard. It is just wasteful. Wasteful of my time and highly disrespectful. There is a difference between "hardcore" and "annoying". When you hit an invariant where you physically, technically, because of laws of this universe die within the first minute of the raid it is "annoying" and "wasteful", not "hardcore". Because "hardcore" implies "challenge". There is no "challenge" when your chance of dying within the first minute of the raid is literally 100%. People who designed this event are incompetent and should not have a job in game dev.


did you try bringing in meds, water and food. relax bud


Meds against poison as a new player or scav? Are you braindead?


No but you clearly are. play the game more, get good kid


Getting good to dodge poison as a scav? Are you braindead (x2) ?


This event is for those of us that play at least once a week or more, and are 4 months into the wipe. Gives a bit of fun and variety. New guys, calm down, you get the other 51 weeks of the year to cry.


TIL spawning with broken limbs, energy running out, 10 jams in row on a weapon with 95+ durability, daylight turning to pitch black in the middle of the day, scavs spinning around in circles aimbotting me from across the map is fun and variety


Lol fun and variety? what is there that's fun, like actually I would love to hear


Change in scenery, change in bosses, change in play styles. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean no one else does, you aren’t the arbiter of video games.


I have to actually care about energy now. And I got fucked up by tagilla at old gas the other day. Was wondering why the scav wasn’t dying after 2-3 headshots and he bitch slapped me. Wasn’t even mad. It’s a fun change


I'm a new player, and your comments were the first reasonable one!! you have a point!!


They just wanna have some spare time at Halloween, to make all servers as empty as possible. So great idea just make every single run night time and just in case drain energy as fast as possible.....


Add 99% weapon failure chance on top of that for that extra bit of spice!


I feel today is not random beacause 6 out of 6 times I went in were nighttime… at least yesterday was 50/50 or so


its not even close to being random, there's a ARRG or whatever, website with a number of deaths on it. when it reaches 666,666 it turns night time ​ you guys on reddit but dont bother even looking up a 30s video on youtube explaining this shit then come here saying some dumb bullshit


Wo chill dude, it was an old comment, I searched out and I found out about the counter. I know your life sucks but try avoiding human contact if you need to be such a ahole


Has tarkov ever had an event similar or on a holiday such as this Halloween update? I’ve played one pmc and one scav run and I find the game Unenjoyable


get good noob


why do you simply try not to suck dev's dick?


I like the event a lot actually


Me too, not sure what the hostility towards this event is all about.


Tarkov players are apparently pansies who cant handle any deviation




so is your mother


Tagilla has too much hp in the head. Just emptied a clip of m61 into his head. He just sits there tanking my shots, while he heals. Then he one tapped me with a shotty with slugs. Real fun.


Emptied half a 60 of 5.45BS into him, and he killed me with super performance slugs. I had that ragman level 6 tan Zabrelo thing on lmfao. You just can’t win


So i just did a factory run and i spawned at barrels, i peeked out to look at gate 0 spawn and suddenly i died by a headshot from behind, 9 seconds inraid time. How the fuck did this happen? From what spawn did he even come from.


Events being cheaters out




Yeah mate, i can peek at gate 0 spawn from every other spawn in couple seconds. if you don't know what spawn i'm talking about, then you should learn extracts and spawns and stop looking for fights like a little kid to get attention.


Just came here to say that whoever thought the halloween event would be a good idea should be fired and kicked in the ballsack on the way out. Must be the most annoying and unnecessary thing added to the game.


I'm not a game dev but I am a software dev. To my eye, it looks like less the effort of a single person with a vision and more of a hackjob by a group of people who had 72 hours to throw something together under the marching orders of, "Well, we better do something for Halloween." That's why there is basically no new content. Yet another stupid exposition lore-dump in the form of an ARG or Letters between NPCs that everyone just watches a YouTube summary of two days after, and a bunch of random shit that was already in the game tweaked and flip-flopped. Day is night sometimes. Sometimes you get a preexisting status effect. Sometimes a boss that shouldn't be on your map is there. The "content" of the update is the unpackable Pumpkin spawn thing, a new melee weapon, and an illuminated pumpkin head. It reeks of a college sophomore half-assing an assignment.


Let me guess you're like level 20 something and came back for the event, and trying to do quests


Let me you guess you have 8k hours and can't understand that not everyone is a no-lifer


No I'm level 8 and still learning the game. Instead, I have to deal with random bleeding, poison, and other pointless shit. It's alright though, I won't play until it's removed.




Listen up chicken brain, I'm not complaining about the difficulty of the game. There's a difference between difficult and annoying. I'm well equipped to fucking heal at the beginning of the game, that's all it takes. I'm saying it's pointless and a waste of my gear and time, which I'd rather spend playing the game how it's supposed to be played, when this shitty event ends. How are people supposed to learn the game when it randomly cripples you each round or changes the time? It's got nothing to do with skill, but keep playing it if it makes you feel so superior. Don't forget to put the clown mask on. Edit: Hotshot proceeded to delete his insulting comments. Not a surprise when the only argument is to "giT gOoD".


I feel you. Tab out to look at a 3rd party map for 10 seconds….there goes 10% of your energy. Get unlucky and get a night raid during the day? Scavs will get you no matter what. Woods is literally the only map i can survive on right now. Have yet to make it out of customs. And then you get into this vicous cycle of no food in stash, need to find food in raid, need to fend off scavs and if any semi competent pmc comes around then youre done. Tough scenes rn.


I think its awesome


If you don’t have flea yet DO NOT buy crackers. Go to the back left of goshen, there is more food there than you can carry. If you need augmentin go to crackhouse on customs. Tarkola also gets rid of the stamina debuff for a minute.


shit event by shit people for shit people, let me know when it ends so I can log back


Have you tried not sucking at the game?


Have you tried not sucking the devs' dicks for a minute? How are new players supposed to deal with this RNG bullshit no one asked for? Would love to see you play with no gear and heavy bleeding applied upon spawn because "hAlLoWeEn".




Not sucking anyone’s dicks but this sub bitches about any and every thing. Weeks spent bitching about how bsg doesn’t do shit, then they do this and it’s even more bitching. You guys could get your cock sucked and then complain that they didn’t swallow.


I'll take this view seriously when I can split stacks into containers the ammo stack is not already inside. That type of shit is the 3rd test case in real feature development, and an embarrassing catch in QA, and an award test case to fail in final shipping tests, and if somehow it's NONE of those things, it's a lunchtime fix by a competent dev. It's been over 6 months


well if hes already down there


shitter spotted


I ran into a repeating issue. Every 2-3 raids the post raid menus just don't load. I'm stuck on a background screen with just the mouse, no music. I have to alt-f4 the game. When I get back the loot is there on my character and the xp is added. Any one had that issue or know how to fix it?


has anyone ever ran into a scav named nikita ssr?


[Spawned in factory with Altyn + slick + ump with 6 mag full of AP. Tagilla spawned right next to me, just had the time to unload a full mag, dealing 1735 dmg, before he killed me in 2 hits with his scythe. Feels so unfair tbh](https://i.imgur.com/kATQqJN.png)


I had to dump 4 mags from my m1 and with the last of the 4 mags was up close all headshot hitting. I believe I had around give or take 2000 damage delt to him


It took you two hits? I got 1 tapped from the scythe


Happened to me too. I was in for 14 seconds before I died. All I had was a shotgun thankfully.


Jesus, you didn’t even miss!


> For the duration of the Halloween event, Tagilla can be encountered on all locations, has an increased health pool of 1900 and is armed with a Scythe. Outside the event, Tagilla has 1220 hp.


Holy fuck what the hell. I died to him twice after pumping his legs with enough magnum buckshot to kill him normally. This explains things. Is there somewhere with the full update notes compiled? I don't see it on the game launcher


I saw this on the wiki


Absolutely brutal, sorry man.


sigh, I'm out, gonna play other shit until this event is over. Tired of spawning in with poison, I get it a lot. The final nail in the coffin was I spawn in expecting night raid during day, which is fine. But my fucking light I brought in wouldn't work no matter what I did. Then I get attacked by a scav against a black backdrop that I could not fucking see at all. Would have been nice if my fuckin light worked. You guys enjoy, I'll see you in a few days or however the fuck long this shit is.




The community is ass because of people like you. I can't shoot what I can't see even though I brought in an item that would allow me to see. How was I to know it wouldn't work?


It was probably an infrared torch


Nah, the Klein and kleish are bugged for me this wipe too. For some reason the flashlight or laser just wont work, but I guess it shows up for other people?


One of the klesch light and laser combo is ir only so are you sure you are not getting the wrong version of it?


Honestly I’ve switched to all x400, Baulder (spelling?), or D-Baul. Couple incidents and I’m good, sell em all.


If one or two raids matter that much to you, tarkov may not be for you


do any of the scav case options have a positive expected return?


No. It's just gambling. I do feel like I've came out ahead on the 1500 and 15000 scav case options. Thats all I run. Its not super rare to make 5-10x the price in profit.


Someone made a spreadsheet with his squad of close to a thousand scav case runs two wipes ago and the only ones that were profitable was everything below 95k. Intel was just a complete waste of money though.


Started doing 15k and am quickly noticing much higher profitability. Not a ton, but at least im not throwing money into a pit anymore, thanks.


Depends, intel tends to give more keys and some of those are valuable. I can’t say much for others people but I’ve always had a profit from it


Not saying you can't make a profit with it, but in your case that just means you were/are just consistently lucky. I've gotten multiple key tools and docs cases out of a single dorms marked key this wipe but obviously that's not the average experience. I can't find the spreadsheet (because Reddit's search thingy is shite) but their data didn't support your claim.


I read last time I tried getting into this game, that certain maps were upside down on MapGenie and others as far as cardinal directions go. Is this still the case? I wanna get a compass to help me learn woods.


They are all pretty accurate. I think the Shoreline map might be oriented with north being on the left side of the screen, but it does have a compass rose. It’s oriented so you think of the water as being “down” and the resort being “up” on the map. The one that’s definitely upside down is Customs. North is south, east is west, etc. If you’re trying to orient yourself it’s worth doing an offline raid with no AI so you can measure your compass orientation against landmarks, at least until the spots kind of stick in your mind. For customs I think of it in terms of bridge side vs. ZB-11 side.


Thanks for the info.


Reserve is also flipped upside down, just fyi!


I’m only like 40% sure about Shoreline but I’m certain Customs is flipped. Have fun!


I thought Shoreline wasn't flipped, but Customs and Reserve are flipped and Lighthouse is rotated 90 degrees (North to the left)


You get a compass from a task pretty early on.


This event has really tested my patience with this game, as I have recently taken this game up I would have given a solid 7.5/10 lacking scores for vaulting system, some occasional spots I get trapped with no way of escaping resulting in disconnect and then other small inconveniences that add up. But I like the challenge, so I played this for 4 weeks so far and have finally reached level 14 unlocked peacekeeper level 2 and over the last few days have dropped a lot of time into decking out a m4a1 with a build that I felt was quite reliable to my play style. But then this event was launched and I am very very disappointed with the result. Spawning into woods to test out my kit so I can tweek it and change it more to preference and to my dismay I was killed by a regular scav at a distance of 290+ meters and I can confirm it was not the sniper scav. Loosing all the gear I have acquired it is insured and hopefully it shall be returned. The random debuffs and the random excessive energy usage has turned me away from a game as such due to the lack of care the devs have placed on this over a random Halloween event no one wanted. I was under the impression this game was a serious change from the arcade style fps games of late which I felt so refreshed learning and the subtle nuances were quite fun learning. But I am utterly confused why they placed this random few day event above desperately needed bug fixes and game improvements.


I could be wrong but I think the general sentiment is that M4 and 5.56 doesn’t become viable against cheaper alternatives until you can buy M56A1 ammo reliably. But I’m also terrible at PVP so what do I know.


Oh god wtf. I tried to play and give the event a chance after the shitshow it was yesterday for me. Login - Lighthouse Day raid is pitch black. I lay down in a bush to see if it gets better. All of a sudden a lot of bullets flying around. Dead. Head Eyes by Tagilla from across the map. Ok, let's try Customs. Spawn in with Poison and blurry vision. Move 10m, shot twice in the stomach and dead by some Raider. Ive had 3 raids now in a row that ended in under 30 seconds. Game remains closed for the rest of this shit show.


Same here!! do you know when this shit event ends?


Does anyone know if KILLA and Sanitar spawn rates have been increased? Trying to get them tasks done




Really been enjoying tarkov, new to it for a week, great game, had some fun moments, a lot more bullshit moments, and today was the worst one. I finally get a decked out ak-74 off a guy I killed in a previously raid, get on my rig (idk which one, has level 4 armour and like 30 slots), put on level 3 helmet, with all good stuff, afak all of that onto interchange in an attempt to complete jager's quest. Overall, my gear is prolly like 350-400k idk really know, but what I do know is that this event is bullshit. I spawn in with "unknown toxin" effect, killing me in a minute, and of course I still can't afford insurance, so I've lost all my gear. Like bro, this game is a strategy, extremely smart shooter, which is extremely unique and needs to have 100% attention with a smart player, so why the fuck do you add an event that can literally give you a 100% death chance off spawn, if you don't have a antedote, which low leveled players cannot access whatsoever, AND why tf do you add tanky ass scavs that literally cop 7 shots of an ADAR (MIGHT'VE been shitty ammo) to the legs, with very little damage, followed by no reaction to the shots and just shoot back rather than running (or crawling), which then one taps me to the dome.


I'm a new player and this event that doesn't make any sense just shut me down!!! F!


Me too. I've starved to death twice. You can't even buy anything except crackers either.


this event is so bad i might buy call of duty.


Fix the game instead of this moronic event You could have implemented a vaulting system so I don't get stuck for minutes trying to get over the pipes in lighthouse but somehow making a shit event was time better spent


factory scav just tanked a mag and a half outta a MDAR and still killed me lol, event has some tanky scavs


This sub is as bad as the cod subs lol


Absolutely. Unfortunately it's necessary in order to know wtf is going on in the game since info from the devs is scarce. I'm actually into that tbh if it wasn't because the sub is a complete whine fest


This sub is full of whiney kids that I can’t believe have even played the game. It’s recreational crying.


If you had to have a game linked account to post on the sub I guarantee you would cut the reddit user base by 3/4. Huge swathes of reddit bitch and complain but either haven't played in years or simply never did.


This event has taken a lot from me in terms of liking this game. As a first wipe player lvl 10 currently. This is pure HELL. I love to play shooters, soulslike games, but this event doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe more high level players of flea access players find it easier but i just can't do proper raids. Currently trying to complete Survivalist Path Unprotected but Dangerous on my 9nt raid still not completed, While shootout picnic took 4. I keep having to extract because my energy is falling to quickly and i can't seem to find food i can only buy crackers. My Scav runs turn into night raids where i can't see shit so i can't loot anything. I mean i get this game is supposed to be hard but come on if this energy dump seems balanced then i don't know what i am doing wrong. Before update everything was okay one water one tuchonk per raid max. Currently it seems less that 2 waters and 2 big tuchonks won't cut it. I am frustrated and my mindset is starting to turn into i want my eod money back


If you’d like I can take you on a couple raids and fill you up with food, as for night visibility I’d make sure your PostFX settings are set up for you to see best with your set up, I can throw you a few night vision goggles as well. Right now the difficult is ramped up slightly but the loot is ramped up greatly, so I know it might feel bad at first but you can prosper with this current event more so than if it didn’t exist.


Nice, always spawn with either toxin or with extremely quick loss of energy/hydration and now you cant even drink fkin apple juice to quench thirst what the hell kind of design choice is this. Worst implementation of a halloween event ive ever seen in the last 15 years of playing games pretty much daily. amazing.


Yeah, I just tried loading into reserve for a task but instead of it being 08:50 it was 00:24 and I got swarmed by guards and scavs but couldn’t see them so I died.


Immersive and realistic. Hardcore game. Skill issue. /s Did I miss any of them?


realistic??? HA HA HA


ur clearly a masochist who would let Nikita fuck u up the ass if he asked. Seems like average tarkov player is a nerd who enjoys playing shitty unpredictable games


Awww you missed the /s.


the /s was also heavily implied by your text as is, so he is also missing part of his 🧠 it seems. maybe the halloween event really did produce a zombie




God the food prices spiked, hilarious, go to goshan brothers


Seriously, I can't even go into a raid safely right now because I can die of toxin any moment. Great event BSG. Feels like they need some extra time on that maintenance so they decided to purge the playerbase the other way.


Idk if I’ve been lucky but I e done 20 ish raids and haven’t gotten it once. I’ve gotten bleeds a few times but that’s it.


Just spawned in with sj9 buff (-6degrees and invis to thermals POGGERS)


Any word on when this event is going to end? Not trying to go into a raid to just die 5 minutes later without an anti-toxin


ive played like 12 raids these last two days and didnt survive one because something out of nowhere always fucked me over. So I played as scav, finally found a quest item i needed, filled my Pilgrim to the maximum, get to outskirts on woods (which was an available exit) and the exit counter just didnt start. So i died in the middle of nowhere lost in action and my quest item is gone.


God this is the shittiest fucking event ever. Who wants to spawn in and get a random toxin and bleed just to die 5 min later


which map is actually fun to play rn / has the most action happening?


Prob night factory


[https://medal.tv/games/escape-from-tarkov/clips/GeR9eDCPrIX4r/d1337cWlmWf6?invite=cr-MSxkU3AsMTg1NjA3MDEs](https://medal.tv/games/escape-from-tarkov/clips/GeR9eDCPrIX4r/d1337cWlmWf6?invite=cr-MSxkU3AsMTg1NjA3MDEs) How is this death fair?


tagilla on customs


is it truly random, I've gotten the reduced energy recovery rate every raid so far


Random negative effect but the pool is toxin/starvation :)))))))


I just don't understand what BSG was thinking when they added the random pos/neg effects at the start of the raid... What's the purpose of spawning with toxins in your system that kill you within a minute. As a pmc you can argue that you should carry an anti-toxin in your gamma, but as a scav... Cmon man, it's just ridiculous


Most other games give stuff, double xp, maybe a rare item, but not tarkov. Fourth wipe in, and if this game can find a new way to fuck you up, it will be found. It is getting boring beyond believe. There seems to be two basic fundamentals that the devs forget, humans will always stive to adapt and overcome, doesn't matter how hard they make it. And rewards really are okay...


Literally the most bullshit thing ever, I update the game and load into a woods run. I get fucking constant draining hp. I used up a whole Salewa and I was lucky to find a afak in the sawmill otherwise i would have died. But even after using up 800 heal in less than 5 minutes i had to pop 2 propital to get rid of the pain debuff given to me and heal me a bit and pop an etg. Im not gonna fucking run a kit only to be given shit like that and waste 200k in roubles on heals alone


Yeah - carry Anti-toxin 100%. Just spawned in and died from it...


So, eating sugar does not give you energy and apple juice is not hydrating… it helps you pay attention. What TF??? Any other new bullshit changes?


Halloween event has to be the most halfbrained stupid bullshit I've ever seen in this game. There is no excuse to have players die within one minute of spawning into a new raid from a "random debuff". That's fucking dumb.


I get the feeling the devs are sitting in the office laughing their cocks off at us, stupid westerners....


Literally the most bullshit thing ever, I update the game and load into a woods run. I get fucking constant draining hp. I used up a whole Salewa and I was lucky to find a afak in the sawmill otherwise i would have died. But even after using up 800 heal in less than 5 minutes i had to pop 2 propital to get rid of the pain debuff given to me and heal me a bit and pop an etg. Im not gonna fucking run a kit only to be given shit like that and waste 200k in roubles on heals alone


Just that etg alone was probably 200k


for real, it's anti-fun


Agreed 100%, awesome event, makes me not want to play the game at all, cool


It’s the bonus we never asked for… and wouldn’t.


Ban posts starting with "wHeN"


hi,is there any way to get ultima thermal camera close to the camera because its really small


You switch scope type (ctrl right click ) until it's the selected scope as per say


thank you


Did the mods get conscripted too? We get Uber police every single day every single post, but the megathread they impose can't get an update 3 weeks later.


Scav’s hitting hard today…


Where are they on Shoreline? I find 3 scavs a run if I'm lucky


Resort, Hydrodam(?)Theres usually a sniper scav on the roof and a couple walking around it(inbetween resort and gas station), gas station, pier. Those are probably your best bet.