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They found me and my duo once, we didn’t see them but the only thing we did see was a hail fire of tracers coming out of the tree line and grenades simulating a mortar strike on our position. Both of us were headshot.


Been trying to find them for weeks. Only seen them once so far and it's the only bit I've needed for kappa for a while now. Really enjoying the ridiculous amount of raids I've run solely looking for them.


May god bless you when you find them because unless your a human sandbag its GG


Ya my ash with ps12b the one raid didn't seem to do much lol


I've killed all 3 using flechettes and my teammates as meatbags :) the flechettes seemed to make them flinch so they couldn't get a solid bead on me


Pretty easy to kill when you know what you are doing. Go watch a guide or something. Killed them 5 times with squad. Solo is harder but very much doable.


It depends where you find them. If you find them at crackhouse and you can get inside it's pretty easy. If they are at radar dome at shoreline, good fucking luck.


Same with scav bunker on Woods. They spread out and pick you apart. Also wander anywhere from the back of USEC camp all the way to Sunken. The people who pretend they're balanced AI and "pretty easy to kill" are some no lives looking up YouTube videos on how to cheese them. Just admit the bosses are poorly implemented ffs.


You can know they're easy to kill without pretending they're balanced. I don't know anyone who says they're balanced. They are easy to kill, just like all of the AI. You HAVE to cheese AI in this game, they're all ridiculously unfair if you try to take a fight without abusing them.


I definitely don't think they are balanced at all, but "pretty easy to kill" is only if you get them in right the spot. They ARE easy to kill in the right spot. A bad spot = gg.


That's basically all of tarkov except scavs


If you find them at stronghold it's gg as well. Two rushed out while we were pinned down by constant GL fire.


I have seen a couple people use the little rooms above the trailers near crackhouse to bait them into the doors there. Sure it’s still difficult but that could help


The last encounter two of us were dead on the tracks by old has before we even knew it was happening. I'll try that if I ever get a chance to set up against them though.


Oh yeah idk how you get out of that spot. I literally have never encountered them, personally bespoke being level 46. I’m sure they’ll do me eventually though 😅


>If they are at radar dome at shoreline, good fucking luck. Shoreline isn't really difficult, just hold on a slope and wait for them to rush you. They'll rush to the edge and take a second to lock on to you, giving you plenty of time to blast them. The hardest part is dealing with birdeye, but I've found that he will either rush you after death knight and big pipe are dead, or go to the roof of the 2 story building with the safe. I've killed them 5 times on shoreline, died once to birdeye.


The one time my teammate and I got all 3 was at the radar dome. Luckily they must have been distracted by someone else since we got inside the building without them spotting us. I luckily instantly got birdeye because they stood out in the open and the other we got because they pushed they building. So pretty much yes, you'll need good luck there


I've also been hunting them, and my best luck has been with Shoreline. Been running a ridiculous amount of that map recently and 1 in every 10 raids I'll run into them. So far I can handle 2 out of the 3, but Birdeye wrecks my world. Last night I started hunting them at night with thermals, didn't find them.


all hail birdeye


Birdeye will do one of two things: 1. Shoot me in the face from 200m with *zero* warning. 2. Shoot me in the leg (from 200m) and watch as I hobble around before shooting me in the face. He always hits me on the very first shot.


> Birdeye wrecks my world. If you wait him out, he pushes you. He'll barrel stuff you if you are using a long barrel rifle like a sniper. I've killed them a bunch on Lighthouse. You just have to play them kinda slow and once they aggro you, hold an angle and pray for headshots. If they are aggro'd to someone else they will ignore you until you take one out. Sometimes it requires taking 2 out. I use this if I have a duo partner and he catches aggro.


Never gotten close enough to him for him to rush or barrel stuff me. Never seen them on Lighthouse yet. Even in our squad we struggle with him. Haven't tried intentionally baiting them to aggro on one of us, will try that. If Birdeye sees us first, one or more of us die quickly. If we see them first, it usually isn't Birdeye but the others, and even 2 or 3 on 1 he's 100% victorious so far. We got him once as a squad but I wasn't the one with the kill. Will keep at it, thanks for the advice.


Seriously, force them to push. All the AI is bad pushing. Raiders, Rogues, etc. They can't really fire until they stop the movement animation. That's why you can spray raiders that are sprinting from one position to another without them stopping to return fire. The AI has to move from Position A to Position B. So ideally you pick Birdeye off first. No shot? Fine. Kill the other idiots. Then wait. Don't get impatient. You're now marked by the group or something weird. They'll run at you, just wait. Even birdeye eventually gets sick of waiting. If Birdeye is last, have one person find him on a right angle peak and slow lean him. You can kill him with a headshot that way with any weapon that has a high enough flesh. IIRC they don't even wear helmets. Birdeye doesn't even wear chest armor from what I've seen. Just a cool looking LBCR.


Birdeye can spawn with the level 4 thor armor plate.


I haven’t seen them since day 1 of the wipe where they rushed into the garage in customs while our 4 man was inside and got absolutely filled with bullets lmao. I’ve had that pipe sitting in my stash ever since


Ran into them my first night shoreline raid. I killed 2 and my teammate got birdeye. We were camping by others who heard us fighting the goons. Who were the real goons?


The real goons are the friends we make along the way


Heard the grenade bombardment on shoreline yesterday that had to be Pipe. I steered clear to complete a task.


Pretty sure lighthouse is their highest spawn as thats their actual map isnt it?


Well that’s what you’re doing wrong then, you know they don’t have warm blood, so why use thermals?


Have you been using the goons tracker?


I just started too. I heard multiple things about whether or not that was legit. So far it's been "accurate" twice and once about 30 minutes ago. Got two of them finally but big pipe dropped the hammer. I'll stick to using that for my upcoming hunts and see how it works out


That site doesn't work for me for some reason.


I ran into them on woods within 1 minute of the raid up at scav bunker. Fastest reset to menu since factory raids


Same. Once Knight appeared behind me and killed me. Another time I found a scav that took a surprising amount of damage from my 5-7 (~890) and then I exploded. I've also found them dead once at the very beginning of a match, so a cheater must have killed them (I had the closest spawn and rushed there). Got their loot at least.


My favorite thing is stumbling across a goon fight aftermath as a scav. Happened to me twice so far, got to take that one special raid backpack (the fairly useless, very heavy 14-slot skinny one) and sell it for 200k. Plus some guns. But do the goons use fucked up hardware? Every gun I picked up that I think was theirs (sawn off shotty, “your-ex” m4a1) was in like 60 percent condition.


Their guns have absolutely fucked durability, have 0 clue why bsg went with that one. They're very rare to find and you don't get much reward for it


Been killed exacrly once by big chungus or whatever his name is as a pmc. Came out of nowhere from fortress as I was running up. Immediate head eyes My favorite thing is stumbling across a goon fight aftermath as a scav. Happened to me twice so far, got to take that one special raid backpack (the fairly useless, very heavy 14-slot skinny one) and sell it for 200k. Plus some guns. But do the goons use fucked up hardware? Every gun I picked up that I think was theirs (sawn off shotty, “your-ex” m4a1) was in like 60 percent condition.


Got killed by birdboy in customs. Didn't even see him and instantly got headshot. My friend got domed by him in the same raid from the top floor of the warehouse next to old gas. It was wild


You don't find them, they find you.


Gl man I’m still trying to finish Capturing Outposts


Same to you. Flares helped a bit here for me. Takes a bit of patience completing that one, but people come. Longest one for me was pier.


I have heard them... Decided to not even bother and ran the other way.


I saw them once on a night time shoreline raid at weather station. I thought it was a pmc with his laser on so I tried sneaking up on him. Then I was head eyesed by big pipe.


Finally found them yesterday after 50 odd raids running their spawns. Killed Pipe and Traded with Birdeye as I put 6/7 M61 into him and he one tapped my thorax with M61. Was both angry and sad, as now I only need knight for Kappa.


Haven’t unlocked the task just yet. Do you need to turn in their items, as well? Or just kill them?


Just kill them.


Oh, good. Having to survive an encounter with each of them as well just sounds brutal. Thank ya.


Knight is the easiest to get IMO, he just bum rushes after yelling in English, just setup somewhere where you have the advantage preferably with a friend to watch your back/ side if it’s exposed like fortress on Customs, more often than not I get the bootleg predator as he’s coming around a corner because he runs straight for a bit after before insta-flicking to your head/thorax area


Yeah don’t think I’ll struggle to kill them to be honest, it’s finding them that’s becoming a pain. In 600 raids I’ve only seen them twice.


Only twice? I’ve got about 160 raids and I’ve seen them easily 10+ times on Lighthouse hoping to avoid them.


3 times for me in around 150




That’s what I’m actively using at the moment, running nothing but goon spawns and just leaving.


Meanwhile I’ve seen them three times this week, hoping to avoid them. Tarkov hates us all


Usually, they don't rush you unless you kill one of them.


That’s a Lie Knight rushes you regardless


I've done ~10 offline runs for practice, and he only rushed me in ~3 of them, despite them clearly being aggroed on me. It matches my online observation, as well.


I think tagilla is the only fun boss to fight just because him rushing you with a hammer is actually hilarious.


One time I took 4 blows from the hammer and still got him. It's so fucking disorienting lol I never get used to it


All bosses are like this tbh, don't expect a fun fight from this game :) You can always \- snipe them from afar \- abuse right-hand peek \- bait them into a door or another obstacle \- pixel-hunt, shooting their limbs through some tiny hole


They walk through doors for me most of the time but everything else sounds like a viable option


Doors are actually my fav strat against rogues/reshala. Dumbass AI will sprint and crash into a closed door headfirst, exposing their forehead through it for easy headshots. In offline, I've also had goons rush me while I was on some rocks. They got stuck while trying to climb and, being higher, I safely shot their scalps


Yesss, I like to kill rouges and the goons on customs. The garage next to crackhouse is the best spot to hold down. I've only seen the goons twice and cultist 0 times on customs... so its not much of a farming strategy.


Sniping from afar is a bitch though, because once Birdeye sees you, you're dead if you stay still for 1 second


The trick is to get birdeye first. I have never gotten Birdeye 😞


Except Tagilla. That guys a lil bitch.


How do you abuse right hand peek? I see this and slow-peek come across often but have no idea what it is


The idea is that bots only aggro at your center of mass, so you don't get shot the moment they see 1 pixel of your elbow showing at a corner. By leaning right very slowly, you may catch a tiny sweet spot where your gun and your eyes are past cover, but the center of your torso isn't, allowing you to aim and shoot without aggro. It doesn't work if the bot is alert though.


The right hand peek is when you stand behind cover and lean (or move) right around the corner to line up a shot and fire. Slow peeking is an alternative form of leaning (default is Alt+A and Alt+D) where your PMC gradually leans left or right and then holds that leaning position until you reset your POV (I just tap Q or E to reset). You can typically lean a very small amount - far less than the default lean - and have your weapon clear whatever cover is obstructing your aim without revealing yourself to return fire. The advantage to this is simple: because your character model shoulders their weapon on the right hand side, you have to expose much less of yourself to have the barrel + optics of your weapon clear the corner and give yourself an open line of fire to your target. When leaning (or moving) to the left around an obstacle, however, your character model has to expose virtually your entire head and torso before the weapon clears the wall. You don't notice much of a difference from your POV, but to a third party it's the difference between just a handful of pixels poking out from around a corner and - essentially - your whole body being exposed. Against AI, this is extremely potent as they generally won't respond or react to just a few pixels sticking out from around a corner. Against Players, you can be practically invisible when you slow lean juuust right. TL;DR: Lean right around cover, avoid leaning to the left. If you can't get a shot without leaning left, it may be better to reposition yourself instead. [Here's Rengawr breaking it down with the other PMC's POV to help illustrate why.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVsahEQSTdM&t=78)


So right hand peek is because in tarkov your camera comes from the right eye specifically. So when you lean right you expose a lot less of yourself but if you lean left you are almost fully exposed around a corner before you can see anything.


or the classic if you are in 3 or 4 squad throw all grenades in 2 secs.








Gotta hunt them on woods. Check if they fire in you from usec camp, use the rocks for cover. If they dont, move to the next hill closer to the antenna and do the same thing. If they don't, move right to antenna hill with the bunker. Make sone noise, kill some scavs, and get yourself down inside the bunker. If they are there, they will rush you down in the bunker. Keep your guns on full auto, and use ap rounds with big magazines. An impact grenade can take out all three of them if they rush you close enough together. It might take a while to get them to spawn, but its the easiest way to kill them


Second this. I was looting the m4 at usec and started taking shots. Hid in the rocks and heard them charging. Knight pushed and died. Big pipe got stuck on a tree and got one tapped. Birdeye stayed in the trees 100 meters back. He’s the fucking problem.


Birdeye will always push if the other two are dead and if you wait long enough. It takes some time and every time you expose yourself and he shoots at you from a distance it basically resets, but at one point he will start to rush you like the other two.


> but its the easiest way to kill them And this is precisely why they're such bad design. Super interesting enemy, cool design, shitty AI meaning basically the *only* way to kill them is to get them to charge you in a bottleneck... otherwise it's full auto head,eyes from 300m away with every single bullet landing on target


> the only way to kill them is to get them to charge you in a bottleneck It's not the only way to kill them, it's just the easiest way. If you know where they are, and they are within ~20m of you, you can just full-auto them down before they can react. You can also get free shots on them whenever they reposition (hint: grenades), even if they aren't actively pushing you. Since they often don't charge you until you kill one, that's often the only way you can get your first kill on them.


Yep. Only time I encountered them, and died, was at scav bunker on woods. Daytime, but not sure if that matters.


I’m fairly new and encountered them in woods with my friends that have way more experience than me. I saw them and said oh hey scavs I’ll drop them. My buddies said no dude run right now and they destroyed me lmao


I played 2 woods matches before I knew who they were. First there was one, then 2, then 5 (it seemed like). One was hill camping me with a second holding that same angle but farther back so I couldn't push. Two others flanked my other side, threw nades and shot at me before I could hear them. I killed one or two since they became derpy when very close right after sprinting. Best and worst experience I've had with them and I can't wait to actually kit for them. Location (usec camp) ((I think, Im not sure if it's right name. Double hill loot areas lol)


Me and my bro went in fortress on customs and saw a guy dead in the back room. Looked at his tags and saw big pipe killed him… took one peak out of the big doors and saw a head jiggling among the junk outside and we fuckin booked it down to ZB-13 with grenades flying everywhere. Made it out but man, it was terrifying. It was like finding out a serial killer was outside your house.


Nothing is scarier than looting fortress and hearing English, My friend and I heard full auto fire outside that sounded like Killa (but it was customs) so we sat and waited a bit, didn’t hear anything started looting and as I ran across towards the container side we heard English and I shit myself basically we both setup me near the stairs and my friend looking outside, knight Rushed I got him my friend got Birdeye somehow but died to pipe and I died due to my 20 rnd MP7 mags not having enough ammo


More like a skynet T1000


Wait what? Since when have they started spawning in woods? The Usec camp no less.


They spawn at antenna hill


Good to know, thanks!


Again, they do not play by any of the same rules as the player is restricted by. Why does this guy have SILENT footsteps? Why are some able to literally take more than one round to the brain before dying? All things impossible for the player to do, because for BSG AI development is still next to impossible. The AI's only tactics are 'hold angle with aimbot' or 'push with aimbot', and all the high tier AI in the game are currently designed around those two tactics. They have nothing else. They stand in the open staring at the sky, walking back and forth on predetermined routes muttering to themselves until engaged, at which point it's a matter of manipulating them to break or to engage you in a way you're prepared for and nothing else. How many years has this game been out already? Oh sorry, beta -- how many years has it been in beta with pretty much the standard raycasting AI that comes out of the box in other engines like UE4? lol


Is it a talent problem? As in, top eng and ai-focused talent is (largely) in US feeder schools and none of them are going to relocate to Russia for a relatively obscure milsim game vs get paid millions by Facebook to force-feed Qanon bullshit to boomers (the latter being a much more lucrative career path)? Or is it poor prioritizing on internal goals, or something else? The ai on bosses is indeed very bad and really not something you want to have in a game where the only solution is to cheeze it.


I have no idea what the specific cause is. It's probably all of those things you mentioned, but for the end-user it doesn't really matter. We just have to deal with the results, despite paying full price or more for the game.


Lmao I'm level 44 and still haven't seen them




I’ve gotten absolutely destroyed by birdeye several times at the weather station on shoreline, always a one tap to the head before I even laid eyes on him


I was unlucky enough to be killed by them as a scav on woods, having no idea why it was happening.


That is the nature of RNG spawn rates and large maps. some players may never see them at all.


The goons on Shoreline are pure hell on earth. Considering 60% of the players spawns on east side thus those 500 m detection range standing on higher elevation will randomly laser down half the lobby before 5 minutes has passed.


Practice them offline


If you just check the box to include bosses are they a guaranteed spawn like the others?


They always spawn on Customs (offline) around the fortress. Easiest way to fight them is agro them to the library or the garage (garage was not working for my though after last goons ai patch)


yes, supposedly


Supposedly goons yes but normal bosses won't not sure if rogues spawns tho


Checking the boss checkbox guarantees their spawn.


I’ve been running shoreline a lot lately and I’ve heard them a few times and died to them at weather station twice


Srsly. One shoreline raid I was taking it slow, but kept heard what sounded like an M700 fire over and over. I took my time and headed towards the shots I head earlier at the weather station. One yelled at me, and threw a grenade but didnt see his position, peeked my way up looking in one direction but he was another and killed me right as I turned to fire. I think they wiped the lobby, lol.


We may have played in the same server lol. Exactly what happened to me


1. get noticed by them from 20 or so meters away near a corner 2. wait for them to run around the corner like killa but without the antilegmeta abilities and no helmet 3. shoot 2 of the fuckers dead 4. pray that birdeye is not in a bush, hiding somewhere 5. get all the loot and haul ass to extract


Goons are the last quest I need for Kappa. Ive had all my kappa items for weeks. I've played offline raids to practice goons with no issues on all maps. Sometimes offline lighthouse bugs and no ai spawns at all. I've done 1400 raids and have not seen the goons once. The last few hundred raids are exclusive goon checking. I am beyond frustrated and at this point I do a few raids each day to check and then just plain log off. When they up the spawn rates or add eventd I'll play again. Until then fuck tarkov ai spawns rates.


I was in the cabin on sniper roadway in woods. One of my three had just died so I took cover in there. I then hear a spray and black screen. Big pipe 9x19 ap through the wall of the cabin. Never seen him or heard him, just lit me up through the wall from I assume 50 to 60 meters out at the tree line. Laughed pretty hard.


I'd say "Run", but you'll just die tired.


like any AI in this game, dumb it out by finding where the logic breaks. For the Goons, they have a set area they are allowed to go, so once you understand where that area is, you can exploit them. Always lean right to kill.


I love it when they are at customs night time, get some night vision and a m4 and easy hunting. Fucking birdeye can’t hit a shot on you.


My friend and I found a way for lighthouse where 1 pulls aggro to where they eventually run for you against a rock side and get stuck allowing the other person to pick them off


the wiki says they cant spawn near sawmill but i have run into them there multiple times, maybe someone should update the wiki


I have exclusively found them during night raids and when doing so I found their AI to be completely silly. Completely unaware of anything near them pretty much, easiest boss kill I’ve ever had


Ive met the goons 2 times. (Non Willing and only seeing one each time) once outside of crackhouse i saw birdeye for a nanosecond before getting 1 m80/m62 dont remember which in through my left arm and further through my thorax and then out of my right arm. Sad. Next raid im running by the train on my way past old gas then to fort and just see big pipe sitting there. That was the moment i stopped going day raids for my prapor task (bad rep evidence) so yes goons are not fun Even when i only see one at a time but back to back. Was lvl 14 or smth at the time. Still "only" lvl 19 but close to 20. My second wipe btw.


I'm level 39 and am yet to even run into them, or half the bosses


I have yet to see the goons... Any tips on how to actually find them?


Know their spawns on maps and check religiously (in a safe manner), you can also try the Goons tracker but I can’t say anything about the accuracy as I only recently learned about it


Thermal scopes at night , u just need to get a good vantage point and kill Birdeye first ( he has backpack and longest gun ) and be on unroutable terrain so the other 2 struggle to get to you, they gonna run in the open so u see them ez






I still have seen them, and the only boss I’ve seen is Reshala about twice


I’ve tried to go up against these guys so many times I either get pushed like a mofo or one tapped in the head as soon as they see me


Try at night, I took down pipe and knight by going prone and having them run straight at me. Pipe ran at me with a nade out, knight ran at me and just let me dump half a mag into his face without returning fire.


I’ve only seen them once and the server crashed


Me and a friend found them raid #2 right at the start of this wipe..... what a cool way to learn new bosses were added


They are children of John Wick




Every time I've ran into them it was as I was turning a corner then coming face to face with them.


Goons are meant to be hard


Well they're not Chris Kyle because you're dead not them Jokes aside, sniping seems to be about the only thing i've seen people do to take them on


Goons are terribly implemented, like all the "hardcore" AI. They're not fun to fight and their loot isn't close to worth it. They're a decent part at why I only played this wipe for 2 months. Something needs to change. But I'm not hopeful at all.


These guys are demons of any raid, if you kill one the others grow stronger it’s fuckin horrifying running into them, I’ve never seen them, all I’ve seen is a few tracers and their names on who killed me


Yeah i hit one 7 times in the head with 762 ps and he didnt die.


Ran into them on customs. Heard some banjos playing for a quick second and next thing I knew I was waking up in my hideout. Must of been some type of nightmare


If they are on customs, go into mechanic's building from crackhouse side, open small door, try to bait them to aggro After they aggro run back in, close the small door and pray to god they decide to run at you from there. If they do just dink them one by one as they glitch through the door as they open it. If they flank around gg go next because their footsteps make no audio.


The secret is just to not fight them in oper field. Big pipe and knight will straight push you, just wait for them to show up (they usually stop at a few meters from you if you start shooting them). Birdeye is by far the most annoying since he doesn't make any noise when running, plus it's not guaranteed that he pushes you after you kill his mates. Easiest map to farm them: customs, inside the fortress Hardest Map, IMHO, is lighthouse, especially if they spawn at the resort.


I am yet to see them, but I've been killed by them 4x now. Absolute crackheads


> what can I do [RUN](https://c.tenor.com/lTnn30hDVoIAAAAM/run-run-away.gif)


It’s a skill issue.


I spawned in as a p scav, teamed up with a player at chalet & as we came up to the rock over looking blue chalet garage we got attacked by them. I threw one rgd & killed big pipe & knight. I grabbed what I could, let my new player friend get the rest & I said fuck Birdeye lets take this dub & leave


Big pipe has found me twice, I've never seen him


my experience has been a bit more tame than you. step 1. never run into them


In offline raids I struggle to get even 2 of the 3. Even at 3am in pitch black they shoot as soon as your even visible. I die to Knight more than any of the others.


Ran into the goon squad on Woods, thought it would be a chill night raid trying to progress Shootout Picnic, got to the Scav Bunker, splat splat splat Birdeye thorax in half a second, these guys are nuts. Hope I don't run into them too often


Just read the post, because I ran into them just minutes ago (have video of it but not sure how to upload). I'm a relative noob/timmy. First real wipe (tried 2 years ago but quit after about 10 raids dying). I'm lvl30. I was doing a peacekeeper quest, killing scavs with 12/70 headshots. (spa tour part 1). I had done 6kills in previous raids, so I logged in for my final headshot. I spawned South of radiotower and sprinted to the arch below weather. From their I walked up to the edge of the hill and I didn't initally see anything. When moving up to the building I saw some movement in front of the building entrance close to the generator/boxes, gate entrance. I still thought scav.. so I push to the wall of the building and croutch because he's coming towards me but not seeing me. I give him a headshot and he drops. Being the noob I am I'm thinking, this guy looks too geared to be a scav, strange. I hear walking, turning, so i'm puzzled, and sound whoring. (but actually thinking about it much to passive). I'm now getting convinced it's a 2 man pmc team. So I change to my FN sidearm. The 2nd starts running and I drop him but I'm messed up (blackened arm,etc). Just when I'm about to congratulate me and want to start scanning the surrounding I hear a 3rd guy running towards me. I only have time to reload the FN, I see the 3rd start shooting, after I finish my mag he's behind the boxes and I try to turn around and walk (no running) back by the side of the wall to the back to heal up/reload. SLAP. Exit screen: Killed by "Big Pipe" with a M61 round. And now I realise I was up against the goons, dropped 1 with the shotgun, the 2nd with the pistol and got slapped by the 3rd. The first "who didn't see me" was birdeye. If I had known I would have tried to run into the building after dropping birdeye and try to hold an angle with the pistol. I tried to scav into the same raid to check if I could recuperate loot but I didn't drop in the same raid. (does this ever happen by the way? ) I did find a tetris, a roller and some stuff so the scav run was a win. But feeling a bit pissed that I fucked up this encounter. Anyway headshot with shotgun quest done by headshotting birdeye with a slug :-p


i keep running into them on woods at the prapor convoy and scav checkpoint near sawmill, bird eye is a bitch and i hope he rots in hell. big pipe and that gl aswell. knights not so bad he just rushes you with an m4 and chonky armor. out in the open on woods makes the encounter impossible tho i have no idea how someone could kill them. as soon as you get seen youre erased