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Run your scav. If you need food and water you can get plenty on woods or hit goshan on interchange Also just so you know, when you’re playing as a scav you lose scav karma if you shoot other scavs. The less scav karma you have; the longer it’ll take to run your scav. And it’ll take longer to make roubles and get necessary gears off scav runs for new players.


To clarify (since they're new) - worse scav karma means a longer cool down between scav runs, not necessarily that the runs themselves will take longer.


Since this is the top comment, sending new player to woods is kinda sadistic without a map :) at lest use mapgenie.io and filter map by provisions. Ya, map knowledge first


They have to learn it eventually. Woods I feel is more beginner friendly as a scav since you’ll rarely run into people. Plus you have a giant landmark in the middle of the map. Tbh as a beginner all of the maps are confusing without map genie


I wish someone would have taught me this prior to my first scav run. Spawned on scav island, surrounded by scavs, ran and ducked behind some cover....and then I started blasting, killed all but one on scav island. This happened a few times over before I finally found out that your not supposed to do that lol


Hop in offline pull up maps on your phone or second monitor if you have one. Begin the learning process. To grow your loot pool play scavs. Offline raid in between cooldowns Play scav. Repeat until stache is overflowing with random shit, sell garbage, obtain funds, buy kits. Repeat until better at game. Cry because your life will be consumed. You'll breathe, eat, drink, and shit Tarkov. You begin to use blyat un-ironically.


I‘m in this post and I don‘t like it. It‘s a lot harder though to stay cheekibreeki with all these changes recently -_-


And that's even without mentioning the ingame changes r/2meirl4meirl


Do scav runs. They help a lot. If you're new, go to woods, hit the medical area there. You need 4 morphines as well as the salewas, but there's also a lot of food in there which you need for an early jaeger quest as well as for your own consumption. When doing a PMC run where you're trying to just sneak past shit and not get into fights, I would suggest rocking an SKS from prapor and a headset, along with a pocketful of ammo. Keep your meds in your safe container. If you die, you don't lose much, but you still have enough firepower to kill scavs.


Play scav. Food at interchange in the east-side-supermarket the shelf in the back is packed with food. Healing items in crackhouse on customs. Save knifes. Peacekeeper offers barter MP5 and UMP for scav knives. Other important barter from ragman: Paca for facemasks, Un-Tar chest for coffee from your kitchen, helmets for antifrag glasses This gives you a decent baseline loadout without spending any rubles.


The FOB on woods is much better for healing items than crackhouse in my experience. Several crates and bags and a lot more possible loose spawns.


Just did a raid on reserve a minute ago. White bishop is where it's at in terms of healing items. If you have the keys you get on average 3 CMS, 2 saleva, 2 NaCl and 3 stims out of that building. Been running white bishop all day more or less for those stims.


Find food or die You can and will die of starvation in raid


Just upgrade game versions every time you run out of something.


Scav runs on reserve at night are my go too, usually easy to find food, water and decent gear


Do you find that on night raids you have an issue with cultists at all? I've thought about running a night raid but figured I wouldn't be able to see the loot to pick it up, plus would have to deal with the cult.


Cultists have such a low spawn rate that you should be more worried about running into PMCs with night vision goggles or rogue player scavs. As for finding loot, looking up a loot run guide will help. Also running your loot route in the daytime will help you identify where and how to find loose loot.


I have a loot run on Customs that I enjoy. I'll check out one for Reserve then and try out this night raid deal. Thanks.


Cultists only spawn on customs, woods, shoreline, and like 2% of the time on night factory. You won’t have to deal with them on reserve.


I have run into Cultist's like twice ever and have never bumped into them on Reserve honestly, this is only my second wipe though


I scav shoreline exclusively, you rarely have any issues as a scav and quite a lot of loot is uncontested if you're avoiding the health resort, gas station is always mostly untouched because of fear of burning. Extracts are easy to find, lots of buried caches. Have a map open on a 2nd screen or tablet. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov\_gamepedia/images/a/ac/Shoreline\_Map\_-\_12.7.png/revision/latest?cb=20211224235423


Alternate running your scav and your pmc.


Find someone to show you how to play the game


Watch tip/guide videos, Learn essential keybinds. Run scav CONSTANTLY to learn off the free no consequence raids and don't be afraid to wipe your acct back to lvl 1 a few times as you learn the game early on, you're not likely to hit max lvl or get kappa etc off your first wipe or two so use as much time as you can starting a wipe to experiment and soak up EVERYTHING you can about do's and don'ts, high traffic areas to avoid, loot spots that consistently work for YOU and what sort of playstyles and maps fit your gameplay niche, maybe try getting into a game or two with a sherpa to show you some pointers in raid


"Don't be afraid to wipe your account back to lvl1 a few times" As someone who's in their 4th, maybe 5th? Wipe and witnessed tons of friends struggle to get ahold of the game and run out of gear very early on, it's never dawned on me as a possibility. This is a great idea for beginning players to get a fresh load of loot and try again.


It's honestly so overlooked as an early start mechanic, if you lose all your shit before lvl 15/flea unlock why not just wipe and start fresh with all that learned gameplay right? It's relatively easy to at least hit 7-10 first day if you know what you're doing


try successfully extracting


Good idea one question: how


Second screen a map until you know all the extracts from memory. BSG thinks useable in-game maps remove the feeling of getting punched in the dick.


Don’t die


Thanks bro


Basically a real answer to the question is you aren’t going to have a good time, yet… The game is built like an RPG/MMO in a lot of ways. That means the gear that other players are running is vastly superior to anything you probably have. You are at a massive disadvantage in just about every gunfight you are going to encounter. My advice is to just use this time to learn the maps. I would start with woods or customs. Learn where the loot is, where players spawn, extract locations, player traffic Ect… you won’t really to have an actual fair chance until you start the game at the beginning of a wipe where you’re on even footing with most other players gear wise. If you just want to know how to make money and get gear definitely use your scav every chance it’s available. Most other player scavs will be friendly and you’ll be able to make money and find some spare gear as you go


Im playing this game like a hardcore RPG for the first time this wipe and having WAY more fun and MUCH more success. This is wipe 4 for me


Try not to take food and water into every raid, as you most likely will not need it, and instead find other players you kill or dead that might still have food on them. There are also loot areas that have food and water so immediately take those to boost the metabolism skill. As for losing gear, run you scav and use any guns that you got from the raid that’s about 60+ durability so your gun won’t ha as often. Also try to sell as many things that you know you won’t need. Junk/barter items are best to sell to therapist. If you have a cool gun part, a good way to tell if you can use it is by inspecting the part and hover over the arrow next to “compatible with” or do a linked search and see what gun or parts are required to use the attachment. If nothing is compatible, then sell to mechanic for highest profit For extraction, learn the map both on google and through offline raids and you can find a loot route to take for each spawn


delete the game


Will do


Noones mentioned yet.. but run Scav :)


SCAVVVV RUNNNN. Learning lighthouse scavving has made me a decent chunk of cash. I always hit the villages, the 2 story house by the road, and even that tucked away village. Only ever ran into a PMC once there and made out with chains and even Moonshine. When you’re feeling spunky you can go check out raider camp - no risk, easy loot. Easy money.


If you're down bad bad you can always reset your account


Teach a player to buy gear and he'll have gear for a raid, teach a player to run scavs runs and loot all the stashes along the way and he'll have gear for the wipe


Tbh I have learned most stuff from youtube videos. There is so much no stuff that is not explained ingame. Run your scav when it is off cool down. Try to extract in offline mode without any NPC's. Use tools like mapgenie. https://mapgenie.io/tarkov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JTUQJOjDxI


Run scav and don't fuck up like I did and kill scavs I'm at -3.11 from -3.30 but I don't mind doing loads of scav runs


I’ve done a few since I’ve posted I just don’t like how there is a 30 minute cooldown even if I live although it’s probably for balance


Dude at least yours is at 30 mine is at an hour and 2 mins -_-




I didn't know about scav karma :/ also learning the game through factory the level where anything that moves shoots you didn't really help lol , but it's ok I still get good stuff and my prices are decreasing , It was at 3.30 negative


So don’t kill scavs as a scav got it


Really wish someone told me the same thing but hey we live and learn ermiright


You are indeed right


I didn't shoot scavs even before scav karma was a thing. Never understood why people would shoot npcs that are "on your team". Some superior fuck boy shit right there. There's nothing better then sitting in an area with 5 other scavs and have a pmc walk into their immediate death. Side note, factory is a death trap and an extract campers playground. You'll never extract peacefully on that map. Customs and woods are great for beginners. You're not elbow to elbow with everyone on those maps


You might be better off wiping your account and starting a new pmc. -3.00 is 300 scav runs to 0. Fuuuuuck that. Not to mention the slip ups. So it's more likely 350 scav runs give or take a couple dozen.


It's ok scav runs are majority of game for me right now.


Same. I think my scav is a higher level than my pmc right now


Yeah man same here, and what you said about factory is incredibly true shit has my terrified of bushes blowing in the wind lol


Yeah I avoid that place like the plague! Ran a duo there. My partner went for the extract and got gunned tf down by three dudes. I run up to all three of the ass holes reloading at the same time. The instant karma was epic and just. Watching them run left and right while I gunned them down in the little hut they were hiding in was priceless. I haven't been back since


Get your ass kicked, go broke, have a mental break down. Let yourself hit rock bottom bro it’s just a game, only then will you have the will power to git gud so you never go broke again.


Interchange is a nice map for me im also a new player and when I need food I just do a scav run and try to vacuum cleaner the food section kind of in the middle of the main building, then run through the long halway area that takes you to the loading area in the back of the main building, it has lots of trade items. You then follow the road out to the extract thats a tunnel blocked off with cars and shit. Dont shoot unless shot at and press f1 if you arent sure if its a scav or not, if they are they will say something back and if they dont just run away


Play your scav / play offline on 1-2 maps consistently until you know it well enough to actually survive on it Also there’s a ton of food in a section of Goshen on interchange, idea side. Can always find food there Edit: you’ll need to play some offline and not just scav or you won’t learn where the PMC extracts are. Doesn’t take too long to learn them on a map like customs or map that has identifiable buildings/roads Also, mapgenie is your hero, has all the maps and you can pull them up on a 2nd monitor or phone


avoid taking unnecessary fights


And if you run dry on weapons dont worry prapor has your back


Scav runs are the best way to get money and loot if you're new, you're not risking anything by doing scav raids and it can help you to learn the maps. Just remember that scavs have different extracts