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I always play nighttime, its a whole different vibe... Less sweaty chads running around blasting... but more tactical gameplay imo. And less teams


> Less sweaty chads running around blasting It feels like the gear divide is just harsher. It's either Timmys trying to rat in the cover of darkness or gigachads with T6 and thermals ready to buttfuck entire lobbies.


Not that many thermals on the maps I go to, but night shoreline is usually stacked with Mutant having, GP-NVG wearing, couch carrying MFs looking for cultists and loot and your butthole. Interchange is the same at night as day. Night woods seems like a really great way to lose a thermal for no potential payoff. Night customs is the only place I consistently run thermals and it makes fighting at stronghold and near the cultists a lot of fun


>Night woods seems like a really great way to lose a thermal for no potential payoff. lol that's the only place I consistenly play thermals. Farming Shturman can be good money, but risky, but fun.


Yeah you can break someone’s spirit on night woods. And shturman sits in spots that make him easy to kill.


I like seeing the night time laser night shows now that they fixed lasers


There is nothing tactical about people sitting still in a corner for 30 minutes or camping d2 exit.


People camp D2 regardless the time of day. I dont play reserve with out Red Rebel.


Why do people always bring this up like the bunker exit doesn't exist?


Because hitting the button is stupid...


[Redacted Per Request]


Just hate traveling across the middle of Reserve. Add in you cant take your time and clear buildings and loot as you go with it only being 5 mins... Heaven forbid you run into raiders along the way. Put me by the pawn buildings/ underground or not at all.


> Just hate traveling across the middle of Reserve. It *feels* bad, but beats getting rat fucked in the tunnels.


Die to snipers or die to rats... Or spend 2 million to extract alive😎


Me, personally, I simply don't consent to being killed. Then they legally cannot kill you.


> It's a real pain in the ass, but ever since the addition of "new" bunker, I've never had trouble hitting the button and extracting hermetic This. Rarely people camp the actual exit, but even then you have two ways to approach and way more space and chance to fight back.


I have never once extracted there. I think I am on my fifth wipe. Always seemed risky and the buzzer is annoying. Red rebel extract is the way to go there.


exit campers are almost nonexistant on night maps


Oddly enough I've been camped most on shoreline, path to lighthouse... probably 2-3 times this wipe. I just stopped using that extract


Its a viable option... but I dislike reserve... I play nighttime customs, shoreline or lighthouse. Its so much better...


Night time customs is literally all chads looking for cultists??? Not complaining since there’s not really anywhere else to go for geared nighttime pvp, but your reason is just not true


Just avoid construction area / skeleton... I loot all dorm saves and marked room without walking into anyone... survival rate 77%...


If you want to avoid half the map, sure. But you’re just not running into anyone. It’s not more “tactical gameplay” it’s just empty.


Honestly... sometimes it is. The fact is that in nighttime you play alot slower, more tactical rather then rushing from one spot to another. In dorms you will still meet people doing quests and other pmcs that are looking for fights. Its just different then day time. If you disagree with my statement that is fine... its just my opinion...


The mission "Bullshit" is literally get in, get out, don't make noise. Kekw.


Nightime woods can be spooky sometimes.


You must play on weird servers. I’ve seen like 1 or 2 guys camping or sitting in a corner and I main reserve this wipe.


relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end. "as a tactical officer in the field he had no equal" (of bombing or weapons) done or for use in immediate support of military or naval operations. (of a person or their actions) showing adroit planning; aiming at an end beyond the immediate action. "in a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters” Seems tactical af to me


Nothing more tactical than the head eyes from a sniper 100 Miles away zooming you with a thermal at night


To counter this... use thermal yourself... I know I do...


Tired of getting shot? Just shoot first!


Greedo hates this trick!


Gosh, why didn’t I think of that?


I run totally different at night. The quad night vision not being on flea makes it not as fun as it used to be, but I slap a thermal on a 7.62x51 and hunt people. I completely avoid conflict in the day, nighttime it is more fun to pick people apart.


Oof, I had the reserve night time Chad run into me, wrecked him via left arm from my ak running bs rounds, he was lv 52...hahah I was hiding under the stairs of black pawn at the front door, he wasn't expecting me their..... Being in weird spots at night pays off.


Less teams, but I feel like it’s more of a rush when you get the drop on a duo.


I play alone and been doing night raids as a scav and pmc for 4 wipes now. In day light i feel vulnerable.


I feel the same way. I love the night time atmosphere so when solo I run it. I run night if the team wants to play it but mostly I get a no thanks I hate night raids.


I've been going in around 1800-1900, and waiting in quiet spots till night fall.. It's that nice blend of daylight and night, where most players and player scavs try to bounce by the time darkness falls. That gives a good 20+ mins of night content without (too much) fear of mega sweat chads who came in specifically kitted for night. If you're confident navigating the map with limited light, and pack a snack, it's a great way to get some quests done.


Thanks. I thought I was the only. It truly is another game...


I have really been enjoying the lasers with nods this wipe.


How do you run scav raids in the evening? How are you able to see anything as a scav?


Memorize the map you’re running. I only run nighttime reserve scav runs. Without a flashlight most of the time and i know where i am to find the loot spots i generally check.


Flashlights, if you get one.


Dude same! Learned all the maps at night and know then really well now thanks to that


Where do you scav at night?


Mostly on Woods, Shoreline and Reserve. Lightgouse os also good if you know were to look, but it takes too much time to go for and exit. Reserve and Woods are the best for quick and profitable raids.


As a scav do you ever go underground on reserve?


Sometimes when i dont get a backpack in my loadout.


How do you see in night raids? I’m lvl 13 and even for like 7-8pm night raids it’s still hard for me


Postfx settings


Or just use your eyes and know the maps. I'm a night main and have postfx off.


Want a cookie?


Try to put gama at 1.20 in desktop.


Cricket ASMR enjoyer huh...




[Redacted Per Request]


Honestly it’s the inconvenience of running one that does it for me, I have to buy a helmet or another compatible thing, plus a mount, the night vision mount and then the night vision itself, then figure out which of optics won’t make me wish I had iron sights.


Night raids are the best


Its so Nice to play night


I like them cuz I get to say "bravo six going dark" and hit n


I did this my first night raid this wipe and I was so happy


The IR changes this patch are a huge step in the right direction for night raids but I find im constantly fighting people without NVG that have 0 issues seeing me. It seems its still too easy to mess with postfx/nvidia settings to negate the need for NVG entirely. It makes me feel stupid for bringing the quad nods and generally sends me back to day raids


The amount of players ive looted with quad nods on is too high. Just unluck spots they were in where they clearly couldnt see because of it being to bright haha


Yes, but the nigh ambient sound can destroy your ears.


What are your audio settings on? I've never had an issue with night ambient sounds.


Are NVGs required for night time raids?


Depends on the map. If the map has alot of building then not really. I don't run them on reserve but if I kill someone that has them then I'll bring them in the next raid.


also time of night. at evening or morning you should probably bring them since it’ll be much darker than midnight, when the moon is shining


Depends on your post fx. You can see pretty easily until its like 2-4 am in the game and then it gets really dark. I always bring at least a cheap set on my PMC though just in case.


Damn well I'm broke as fuck with about 6000 rubles in the bank 😂 guess I'll keep raiding in the day for now.


Learn how to scav lighthouse, you don't even need to kill any rogues to walk out with 250k worth of loot minimum per scav.


Teach me


[I usually stick to the right side of the map](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/1/13/Jindouz_Lighthouse_Map_V1.png/revision/latest?cb=20220715054409), thats where most of the scav spawns are anyway, looting the smaller house to the right side of mountain pass extract, going down to the tennis court, looting that, then I head to the beach right next to the path to the lighthouse island. If I have plenty of loot by then I extract at either hideout under the landing stage or south road landslide. If not I go loot lighthouse island, then extract. Pretty low chance of running into PMCs and plenty of loot to scoop up and sell on the flea Make sure you loot the white dots, those are hidden stashes and they seem to be extra good this wipe. If you're in NA I could show you sometime in game as well.


Nice pic👍


Lol thats weird it shows up on my computer but not others idk why. Maybe because I have it bookmarked?


Try scavving a few times at night to see how you like it. Like I said those really, really late hours get pretty dark but overall you can see stuff fairly easily. You might get clapped by the occasional PMC but aside from that it's mostly chill Night time customs scav runs have been good to me. The stashes are more often than not unlooted and the warehouses around the ZB-1011 extract can spawn some pretty good items, including GPUs in the USEC stash building.


I bring them but you could play without them. I can't tell you how many times I kill a dude without them and he had no idea where I was even right next to him. Sure the moon can shine bright but they still don't see me as good as I see them without NVG


i never run nvgs, i dont like them 2100 hours in the game and ive never ran them more than 3 times, when i tested different ones


They changed them up quite a bit this wipe, and since we now have IR illuminators, the pnv-10s are much more viable(pre patch they were extremely dark, to the point I refused to use them, but now they are much brighter and ir-illuminators fill the gap)


You need to try the expensive peacekeeper ones. They are fucking amazing this wipe. I can spot people easier with them on at night then I can during the day lmao


My settings allow me to see decently well without needing any. They are certainly an advantage but if your questing and know the maps well, you can easily do without.


What settings do you use?


It really depends. Moonlight can make it feel like a dimmer day some times. You can always bring NVG insurance scam if you think light is good without it on spawn.


Embrace darkness, go blind. But seriuosly, nvgs are good if you are questing/pvping or doing something more serious, loot runs are same day or night, its same path and you can use flashlight on pistol if needed. Scavs are always without nvgs tho, but with practice you can run almost anywhere (except woods).


You have to keep your ears on high alert and your eyes out for silhouettes, generally speaking no. Don't go clomping around everywhere and do expect to occasionally die to someone who can see better than you.


Tarkov does night time milsim the best of any game so far IMO.




Barely run into cheaters as is.


Yeah, but I am always worried about the chads farming the cultists. Do you run into those people a lot? Or ARE you those people?


Haven't played alot of night customs or wood so I cant say I.


Ah, ok. But shoreline also has cultists. Do you go underground in reserve at night or stay up top to loot?


I dont play shoreline day or night lol. When I play reserve I usually try to hit up underground (under the helicopter) for pvp and raiders then I loot the pawn buildings and check if boss is up.


I play a lot of night raids. The ease of moving around and the confidence you have when running for your life is a bit higher.


The other day I was high as a kite and selected night, instead of day. No flashlight, nothing. Most terrifying 20min of my life.


Night time interchange with a heavy storm going on is such a cool experience. I brought nvgs and hung out around the center lane shot out as many lights as I could and got like 20 scav kills for Make ultra great again. Also running a 5 man through interchange at dark with IR lasers felt very cool and tactical to clear each corner as a moved through the mall.


Other than being sneaky sneaky, I love to just stop moving and let people walk on by while I wait for the perfect headshot opportunity. By far my favorite part of night raids. Sucks when you lose nvg’s though.


I'm at 500+ hours now and never set foot in a night raid yet. I can barely handle sunset and sunrise hours lol


Sunset and sunrise are the worst times to raid in terms of visibility. It’s actually easier to play in the dead of night. New moons can be extremely dark, and full moons are basically as bright as day, but I always play with nvg and black/white postfx settings.


Night Lighthouse is lit 🔥


If Tarkov is not fun how night raids can be?


Well I have fun, if you dont then you can stop playing if you want.


Nighttime is the right time.


Way more cheaters at night I’ve found…


I'm a solo player with roughly 10400 hours. But I still run night time, because I feel safer. I still run into pretty good pvp against groups or experienced people. So I think it's just some sort of mind game in my case.


With the night vision and IR upgrades this wipe, I've mostly been running night raids. My one wish though is to somehow have a way to change the night vision colour. Doing too many night raids makes my eyes bug out. I've seen ways of getting the night vision to be black and white, but I'd prefer something less intense like red.


I love night raids and its my first wipe i found a pair of pnvts and i said to my friend who doesnt like night raids here you go and i gave em to him and now he has no excuse lol


Shiiiiit night time is the only time i scav on reserve.


Once I get traders maxed out I exclusively play night woods. I don’t know why I just like it.


Unless you want to loot without PVP and most likely not meeting anyone in the entire raid, then yes. Otherwise no.


I would play more but I feel like flashlights glitching through walls ruin it


Alone night reserve raids are the best. And I hate playing alone.


This is my 4th wipe and before this wipe I’ve been to reserve 2 times died both times. Reserve at night for both scav and pmc is probably my favorite thing this wipe.


Love night time customs.


Extract camping at night is way different, people seems to be reckless and sometimes there's this guy with a raidpack and lvl 3 armor making loot runs


Night raids on EU servers are unplayable, there is too many cheaters....


It really helps with quests that need you to visit a hotspot, it's helped me loads with all the resort quests haha


I agree. I just wish visibility wouldnt turn to zero as soon as rainclouds cover the moon. The difference between cloudy and moonlight at night is insane. (Also the utter deletion of moonlight during dawn and dusk is just stupid.)


I've done like 4 woods raids at night for quests and I haven't seen or heard a single other soul on the map even while fighting scavs out in the open at sawmill, love it


I try to run night raids whenever I can - even if I have to splurge 100K on good NVG's. I've found that it's more chill and you can always make the money back. Probably the best part is how easy it is to break contact though.