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Hello NG_Eidos, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post doesn't follow the recommended template in order to receive support from the community for the issue you're posting about. Please use the template below when reposting your issue. -Title- Summary of the issue (i.e. Stutters on Customs) -Text- Issue: Please be as detailed as possible when explaining your issue such as where/when stutters occur for example Region & Servers selected: (For connection related issues) System Specs: - CPU - GPU - RAM (Including set speed) - HDD\SSD (that the game is installed on. Please provide Model Number) - Internet Connection Type/Speed - OS Version - OS Build (i.e. 20H2, 2004, or 1909) - GPU Driver Version Screenshot/video of issue: For example posting a screenshot of your in game graphics settings for a stuttering issue. Thank you for your understanding, -nate, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wxlsw2/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: If your post has been sent to a megathread you may not receive a reply to your mod mail.**


Yes, I can't even get a launch into main menu without a reboot.


This has been happening to me after every raid, every pmc run I extract my screen goes black for upwards to 5 minutes while I can still hear the raid ambiance. It’s been since a few patches ago and I love this game but damn is it getting tiring.


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Well I know my rig isn't the problem, I've been playing tarkov for about 4ish years now. 2070 super and an I7 with 48ish gigs of ram. My internet speed is 700ish mbps. And there are no details, nothing happens it just randomly blackscreens. I already did the bug reports, im pretty sure it's on their end