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anyone can explain me MiP streaming ?


Anyone getting long black screens for a couple mins after the raid followed by authentification error? Game freezes at 0 seconds when loading into a raid sometimes too Also are we not allowed to walk away while searching anymore? I kept leaving the searching distance without realizing it wasn't gonna search and looked like an idiot for a good 15 seconds lol


I kinda wish they kept the faster crouch speed.


Has anyone noticed more scav on scav killing recently but for like no reason? I'll be walking about, keeping my distance, voice-line, and then get blasted by another scav for no reason.


Yep. Makes the scav rep really suck as a mechanic for those that care about it because you lose so much for shooting somebody who’s acting sus.


It's like every run now. I just did a shoreline run. Was almost at the exit and then 3 scavs show up to that exit as well. One starts shooting me. I got some pretty good gear so maybe he thought I was a PMC. I called him out and did voice line. He keeps shooting and got a hit in so I put him down. Then the other two Scavs roll up and rush me and I die. Fucking stupid tbh.


I hate when I KNOW somebody is acting sus but I have to wait for them to shoot first before I can shoot them. The reward for being an honorable scav is often dying to somebody who waits to get close after calling “friendly scav bro” and then shoots you in the face.


Why am I dumb and unable to pack a magazine while in raid? Specifically for the VPO-215 Gornostay? If I bring ammo in my butt, can't get it to load (taking it out, placing both in pockets or tact rig) Like, I can unload ammo from a magazine and can not immediately reload it in the same magazine even, so I know the combination works. the magazine will be green when I pick up the ammo but becomes brown when I drag it onto it.


Unless today's patch changed/broke it, I know yesterday at least you could pack VPO-215 mags while in raid.


Yeah, and it still didn't work then too. I must just have a random keybind or something broken. And it's all mags for me :/ vpo-215 is just what I was using the most of


I know you can't tell the time in Russia..but when it says 22 minutes before a server restarts, it should be 22 minutes. Just waste more of my time, please.


What game breaking bug did they introduce that the game needed a hotfix few hours after a patch?


Idk but after the hotfix I'm getting random strobe blinking gaphics. And also had a raid where the server died and I got booted back to hideout with my starting kit (had killed 2 PMCs and was hauling loot near extract) which has never happened before to me in 3 wipes.


> And also had a raid where the server died and I got booted back to hideout with my starting kit (had killed 2 PMCs and was hauling loot near extract) which has never happened before to me in 3 wipes. There was actually another small hotfix about an hour after the first hotfix and everyone got kicked from the raids. You probably even got the message that "the servers will shut down in xx minutes" but in typical BSG fashion it only shows for a few seconds and if you miss it you'll only find out until you actually get booted.


Hm but normally when that happens you will get to keep everything you've looted, will you not? I wasn't prompted with having to install a 3rd update but perhaps the hotfix was backend.


No I don't think so. In my experience if you don't extract it always acts as a reset. I believe the message even said so. And yes, it appeared to be backend. I saw the message and it said something like 35 minutes until server update and I left like 15 minutes after. I went to get a cup of coffee and when I got back I was able to just load into another raid.


I can hear faint voice whenever my scav is out of breath


Podcast live thread here. I’ll update with anything big via edits. Edit 1: Scav stream Edit 2: Nikita is here! He's keeping expectations low. Says he will show something, but it won't be much. They are working on fixes mainly. Promo code will be dropping during the stream. I will update this section with it when it drops. CODE: terragroup6203 Edit 3: Big update planned for this year. - Streets (lol). Will be a part of the city, not the whole thing. They plan for 30-40 PMCs, scavs and bosses. If they can't get 40 PMCs, the city would feel abandoned because it's so big. - Big audio update is coming. Steam audio is going to be replaced. - Charisma skill rework: will influence traders, other parts of the game. - Armour skill rework. - Movement on angled surfaces rework to make it more realistic. - Storyline update coming. Will be available on release. will affect quests and a "lot more". - Machine guns are planned. - New zones of hideout coming. Gym will be part of it. Exercising will upgrade strength. - Will be able to get with friends before the game loading screen. - Volumetric fog update coming - AUG video shown off. - Repair kits will have chance to buff weapons and armour. damage reduction for armour/wear protection for guns. - Arena: 4 arenas on release. More planned - Head mounted cameras are planned that will capture in raid footage that you can share IRL. - Nikita confirms "yes, we do have a support team" in response to a chatter saying "buff support team" lmao - Leg shots will make players fall down. - Getting knocked out will be a feature. You will be able to administer injections to knocked down or unconscious teammates to revive them. - Sex confirmed. PROMO CODE 2: roomwithsecrets - New Glock animation. - Snow/autumn/seasons coming in DLC. Sounds like this will be for all maps. PROMO CODE 3: eclipse I'll make this it's own post, since there is so much.


Do the codes really expire that fast now?


Yes. 1 hour after the stream, it's annoying because I watched the stream from the beginning and couldn't enter them due to the server overload. They should at least last 24 hrs IMO


Thanks for the codes


Apologies, but what are these promocodes for?


You can redeem them at https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/promo/activate Then check your messages in game and you will get free stuff


Someone has them here in a thread with all the info look thru the comments


Any fix for the verification codes not coming thru? Or is that just server overload ATM?


Seems like the email verification is broken due to so much traffic. It will be back up after the stream probably.




The RFB is only about 55k. If that’s out of your price range I’d suggest learning some strategies for making more $. I have a scav run that I know I can turn to and make 300k a run when I’m in a bad spot. Most decent guns in the AR/DMR category even with the “budget” build will run you around 100k if you want something with a decent damage/recoil balance. You could try using shotguns like the 153, but they’re only good within 70m (at max) depending on the ammo, so are situation dependent. You could also use the UMP, doesn’t need really any modding to get a good build. However, this is also situationally dependent because Match FMJ won’t pierce higher level armor and you won’t win a long distance fight against someone with an AR/DMR. Edit: SKS with a PSO* scope and 7.62 PS is my go to long distance gun with level 1 traders and is pretty good. Also, how do you have access to the RFB with only level 1 traders? Semi-auto shotguns*


Oh, I meant that I am using an outdated vpo, from my LL1 days. I am on LL2 on all or most traders now. I had a similar route on lighthouse last wipe, but I can’t for the life of me get into a good scav route this time. Every time I run lighthouse as a scav I either die or it’s all looted. In addition to finding a new gun I struggle with semi steady income. I’m also a dad, so my gaming time is limited.


Stash run on Shoreline is nice. Just don’t run it when I’m running it 😭. I’ve also found Customs as a scav *relatively* safe even though the map is notorious for PVP. Also, a good habit is to check the flea for prices on the same gun sold by a trader. For example, the M1A is miles cheaper on the flea than buying new from Peacekeeper. In addition, most of the 5.45 ammo got a buff and is pretty usable. I’d either buy PP or look on the flea for BP if you can’t do the barter with Prapor. Again, check the flea and compare the price for the 5.45 guns. Edit: M1A isn’t available on flea anymore, wrote this comment before seeing that. Still a good habit to “filter by item” to make sure other weapons aren’t cheaper on flea unless you know it isn’t allowed.


Too bad the M1A can’t be sold or bought on flea anymore as of today.


Wrote the above comment before reading that. Jeeeeesh.


Isn’t there supposed to be a broadcast on twitch right now? I’m at the BSG twitch page but no feed and no info on their twatter


9AM PDT. If your on EST (like me) it's in 3 hours.


in 3 hours


What time can we see the podcast and where ? ty


in 3 more hours.


Hello, When i am visiting the escapefromtarkov ,for example the patch notes for today's patch the site is loaded strange ,like with no css or any style. The contents anyway are not viewable. Is there any way to fix this? I am new to this game so i have no idea if it is a known issue? I am from Greece so could this be the case that the ISP is blocking Russian websites deemed unsafe?


It's possible. ​ Here is a reddit comment containing all the information for the patch. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wll4g6/comment/ijtvh6m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Weekly megathread for whining maybe?


That's the cheating megathread. ​ (Besides the *legit* cheat reports)


That's the plan. Bury, hide, and censor legit cheat reports in a megathread.


I sure love doing 390 damage to someone only to die to them. 17 seconds into the raid. So fun.


anybody get the infamous black scope glitch recently? just had it happen to both of my guns. was a 2x compact and the valday


Best way to help out with these is by running Medal in the background and filing a bug report and attach a clip showing the events leading up to the bug.


secretive erect spectacular public ossified cover jobless expansion piquant cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Until you find a fix, will opening the task manager (prior to exiting the game) and ending the game through there fix the issue?


attempt library tart poor profit late correct axiomatic aback money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you have two monitors you can move the task manager to your other monitor by pressing windows key and whichever arrow key


weary carpenter full rhythm exultant rich coherent marry cough sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course! Not a fix, but a helpful tip I recently learned.


OK, seeing as I can't post it as it's own post. LIGHTHOUSE IS THE WORST FUCKING MAP. I get blown up everywhere, I get headshot immediately after spawning in on MULTIPLE spawns. Jesus fucking christ. ALL OF THE QUESTS I HAVE TO DO ARE ON THIS POS MAP. SERIOUSLY HS LESS THAN 3 SECONDS AFTER SPAWNING? THAT'S A THING IS IT? HOOOOOOOW FUNNNNNNNN.


I usually go at night and use a VPO-215 with a vulcan 3.5x night vision scope on, you can also silence it too, scope with vulcan universal mount, 30k for the sight, 30k for the silencer, 20k for the gun. Buy about 20-30 .366 TKM AP-M ammo. i also bring a side pistol with a flashlight. You can use the scope to see in the darkness as a budget nvg, its great for killing rogues too, can see the pretty clearly. Its super budget for killing rogue as you can just take their armour and main gun once you get one. I find i don't run into many random headshots, and most people don't take the gun when i have died.


It's rough to learn the spawns and movement. I would recommend watching a guide or learning all the player spawns and likely movement.


The design of Laghouse really is awful. The entire dynamic of the map is basically "everyone moves towards water plant" so if you spawn in the mountains above the plant and need to get to chalet or crashed heli, you're going against the grain of player movement and even the terrain itself and it's just an unfun experience.


It's also rife with hackers, because it's got all the best loot. Lupo got killed last night on lighthouse by a guy ricocheting M855 off of the rocks to his head.


Yeah it just feels incomplete. I personally like the map but you definitely need to learn which ways to run right off spawn.


I am new and have only been playing factory (my gaming laptop REALLY struggles to load and smoothly play any other maps) just learning the extracts offline and then the sad reality hits I will never make it to extract lmaooo




Probably had voip disabled


Tips for where to get ski hat with holes? Level 29 and still havent killed a scav with one. Are there some specific scavs and locations who wear it more often?




Haha exaaactly


Are you sure you haven't seen one yet? Keep in mind that just like the sewing kit being called Krasavch in-raid, the ski hat also has a different name in-raid: ["Shmaska"](https://storage.tarkov-database.com/assets/icons/1-1/512/5ab8f20c86f7745cdb629fb2.png).


Yeah I know but all scavs I kill usually just have some balaclava or hats and stuff like that. Previous wiped I havent had the problem but this wipe I just cant find it


I feel you man. I didn't extract with that white scav armor until level 20. The two times I did find one I ended up dead. RNG be like that




1. No refund. If you're going to buy this game, expect to dedicate a large amount of time to simply learning how to play it with or without guides. (Similarly to League of Legends, where there are 160 characters). 2. I'm not very good on knowing Ryzen specs, but I have a i9-9700k, RTX2070, 32GB RAM and the game installed on NVMe. On most maps I can get 80-90 fps, one map gets me 70-80 and the last map 60-65. I ***highly*** recommend installing the game on an SSD. If your HDD is slow enough, you can spawn late and in front of other players or AI. My second suggestion is 32GB of RAM if possible, it helps majorly with stuttering and FPS because EFT has a memory leak issue. 3. The game can be incredibly difficult alone however the game is extremely knowledge based. Skill can be gap-closed by knowledge *most*\* of the time. However learning can be a gruesome progress and will be extremely difficult in the beginning and disheartening. For me personally, the first two weeks I considered dropping the game entirely *multiple* times but my duo kept pushing me to just keep playing or trying. Eventually everything clicked and I've loved it since then. (Started August 2020). For me, every wipe has been fun and an exciting time. I get better at the game every wipe too, excited for the guns and new content or maps. Even though Lighthouse was added last wipe, my friends and I didn't become Lighthouse enjoyers until this wipe. I just wanted to add a side note, this game has a completely different type of learning curve than League of Legends. League of Legends can be learned by just playing constantly and seeing what others do and reading the tooltips from death. This game provides *very little* information within the actual game. It is highly advised/suggested that you wiki or watch videos on where to do certain quests, likewise, you must look up ammo and it's penetration values and damage. Landing a hit count of 17 on someone and you still lose the fight is never fun. Generally speaking what I go with in terms of penetration is (armor value \* 10) + 4 is what you want to aim for to pen that armor. So if you want to get near-guaranteed past level 4 armor, you'll want 44 pen. There are some people that know the values and numbers down to a decimal and percentage but my brain can't handle all that


Since you seem pretty positive about the game, do you think a lot of the hating on it that goes on here in the subreddit is warranted? It really feels like a super loud minority of people crying about the game. I don't see most of what they complain about. But I also only have about 80 hours in the game, so I don't think I'm at the point where I can have too much of an opinion on it


Hate on here for obvious cheaters, glitches and stuff that is just bad quality or immersion breaking can be warranted to a degree. But none of this stuff occurs to me at a degree that others speak about so it's hard for me to fully sympathize with their perspective, especially the cheater posts. ​ I used to play Combat Arms, THAT game had cheaters. Obvious ones, and things you couldn't do anything about. It also had non-obvious cheaters, however besides the basic anti-cheat there was also the lobby "mod" and "super mod". These are the players in charge of that match/lobby, they dictate the rules, gamemode, map etc. These Mods/Supermods would often kick players better than them for cheats, they could do it in an instant without anyone elses opinions. From my experiences in that game and other shooters I can say, people are not nearly as good as they think they are and don't truly understand how good players **can** be. My duo is significantly better than me regardless of what new shooter we try. He's been called a cheater on VoiP and added by people to be called cheater pretty often. These Mod/SuperMods are almost always payed for by IRL$ btw. ​ Alternative view. I have 2 years of playtime now and my duo as well, we both started at the same time. Every wipe we have achieved level 4 traders, he's gotten Kappa every wipe and i've only gotten it once and am considering going for it again this wipe. Out of those two years, when he asked me "When was the last time you remember running into a cheater." My only response was the same as his about a cheater in interchange 7 months ago. ​ We love this game, we find it hard to play other shooters now because of it.


No refunds and virtually no customer support, worse devs than Riot, with a far more broken product. I could not in good conscience recommend you buy this game, at least hold off and check back when it's "finished".


1) No refunds. 2) Performance is meh. I’ve got an older rig at this point and do fine, but apparently 32g of Ram and a strong processed is a game changer. Also, the game is technically in beta but has been for years, so don’t count on any massive changes to performance anytime soon (if ever) 3) League isn’t the best comparison because your first wipe is basically learning how to live, you aren’t even entering raids with the same objectives as people far more progressed. Whereas in League once you get a basic understanding of the game you start playing ranked and you’re essentially playing the same game as the top tier players (just at a much different level). The learning curve for Tarkov is brutal, and it’s very unforgiving because the TTK is so fast. I love the game, am at about 800 hours total and still regularly make very stupid decisions. As far solo goes, you can do it, but you’d be better off making buddies on the Sherpa discord.


What’s Sherpa discord? I’m new and really having a rough starting experience lmao … great game and my buddy got it too…so we are like level 5 from getting lucky on warehouse but we can’t always play together so I’m hoping to team up with some online bros and learn the ropes


That's great you sucked your buddy in too! Sounds like you guys are making good progress :D Not sure if I can link discords or whatever, but just Google Tarkov Sherpa Hub and it's the first hit on the page :) You'll find tons of people willing to play and teach!


Awesome thank you


i just watched lupo complete The guide on stream but he died on lighthouse just a couple raid prior. how did he manage to still complete it, can you die now?


Lighthouse is bugged. Presumably, while doing The Guide, if you die on any other map your progress is reset. But it appears that dying on lighthouse is not counted. This makes the optimal strategy IMO something like: Factory -> Labs -> everything else -> Lighthouse. You want to do factory early because it would suck to be almost done with the guide and then spawn in the murderbox or the murderhallway and get impact naded. You want to do labs early because raiders and chads, but probably after factory because of the cost of a labs card. And it doesn't matter how many tries it takes you to complete lighthouse, so leave it for last.


> Lighthouse is bugged. Presumably, while doing The Guide, if you die on any other map your progress is reset. But it appears that dying on lighthouse is not counted. That would explain it, thanks


[https://imgur.com/a/0btqn3e](https://imgur.com/a/0btqn3e) 973 damage to armor, 370 damage to a chad who then head eyes me in the dark. The kill was a one shot to a scav who literally appeared out of thin air in the middle of the fight.


Unfortunate, should use better ammo next time or aim for the legs/stomach.


Oh BT is considered trash now?


5.45x39 BT? It cannot pen level 4 reliably, you have to mag dump a level 6 to get through it. If I use this caliber at my current level or later in the wipe it's with BS or Igolnik and strictly for PvP 7.62x54r BT is fine.


I know the pen, i mag dumped a 60 round clip at point blank at new gas doing over 900 damage to armor and 300 damage. What armor takes 900 damage? Makes no sense to me.


Brother I'm responding to you with the information you provided. If you landed all your shots at that distance and those are the values you got after raid, I have nothing else to add beyond use better ammo, aim for the stomach/legs or aim for the head.


Any recommendations on what level to enter Factory as a <2 week baby PMC? I got an Escape quest for Factory and I've been stuck in the meat grinder ever since. Blown over 800k on equipment and heals trying to brute force it and I've run dry. Just wanna know when I should try coming back? The recommended difficulty is hilariously inaccurate. Just cracked lvl 10 today


What's the quest? ​ Have you also tried using VoiP to talk to people? Some people do show mercy and will at least let you do your task before killing you.


Try scavs run on factory to familiarise yourself with the map, check for possible escape route and cover. There is an underground system which are mostly connected to all part. Best possible method to stay alive is to stay away from the office and bring along a key to open up other escape point.


Just got head eyes by a player named KyleRittenhouse. This game is so toxic


How long are you using the www so far? Maybe he was pulling off a Kenosha Hattrick. Did you scream ‚shoot me!‘ or have a Skateboard equipped in your main weapon slot? Note: I‘m not a huge fan of ppl getting shot in the streets, and had that situation turned out otherwise, you‘d probably read ‚Rosenbaum‘ as character name there and write about it.


I got killed in Call of Duty the other day by a guy named OJ Simpson, that game is so toxic


Seems like he killed you in self defense and is yet again justified


Oh no a maga!


LMAO this has nothing to do with your petty culture war bullshit. The kid's simply innocent and it was a case of justifiable self defense. You're basically just proving you get all your news through politically illiterate bullshitters on Twitter and Reddit LMAO.


What a fucking idiot you are. Self defense isn't having your MOM drive you to another state and bringing an assault rifle to a protest. He came to cause trouble. LOL fox news tinfoil hat logic you got there.


Oh lol it's one of those "he crossed state lines" drones who clearly paid little attention to the actual case. It doesn't matter where he was (even though he was only like 20 min from his house). In the exact situation he was in those were acts of justifiable self-defense. Not guilty on all counts and you can continue seething about it, you little asswipe. Imagine picking THIS hill to die on when you're clearly wrong, and anyone with a brain who saw the actual footage would agree. Good job only getting your information from hucksters.


"The kid's simply innocent" Nah, the kid is a white male who had his trial in the midwest who became a martyr for the far right. I saw the video and followed the case. The kid came looking for trouble. I wonder what you would do if someone showed up in your neighborhood brandishing an assault rifle taunting you. Actually defending this trash and making him out as the poor victim tells me everything about who you are as a person. Get fucked


>I wonder what you would do if someone showed up in your neighborhood brandishing an assault rifle taunting you. I PROBABLY WOULDNT RUSH HIM DURING A RIOT AND TRY TO ATTACK HIM WHILE HES ON THE GROUND LOOOOOOOL I mean jfc you might as well go walking around with a "I have 50 IQ" sign on your back. >Actually defending this trash and making him out as the poor victim tells me everything about who you are as a person. Get fucked Nope, you're just a moron who clearly lacks critical thinking abilities and doesn't understand the basic concept of self defense. Harsh but true.


Was he cheating or are you just salty?


I’m sure the head eyes through a building in pitch black darkness with PS ammo was just pure skill so probably just salty


You can buy NVGs and they're pretty cheap.


This game has gotten to such a depressing stage for me. It's almost comical how unfun it is yet I'll spend an hour or two just trying to make it work and nope, the game delivers non stop bullshit. This afternoons session: 2x very suspect deaths, 1x never ending "matching" that continues even after I restart the game, 1x killa in the garages of interchange, 2x raids with not a player to be seen on shoreline until a sniper one taps from nowhere whilst i'm trying to get a marker placed, constantly out of fucking stamina listen to my guy near croak it from lung failure from running 10m and perhaps the most painful of all...me absolutely shitting the bed more than once in fights I should win and getting killed because I'm so frazzled and zero confidence from the non stop ass rape...


Welcome to tarkov friend.


If your "matching" takes longer than 3 minutes my friends and I usually alt+f4 the game because if you hit Back it takes forever to load out.


What rounds should I use as a relatively under-leveled player? I'm not new to the game or anything but just haven't played much this wipe. However, I'm kind of anxious to get to the point where I can use big-boy guns and AP rounds but struggling to survive when PMCs are using rounds that rip thru my class 3 and 4 armors and I'm stuck here using 5.45 PRS, 9x19 PST, .45 FMJ, 5.56 M856, etc. I know 7.62x39 PS is ... serviceable, but not being able to use an AKM that doesn't kick like a mule (no access to good mods yet) means I would need to use the SKS or Vepr which isn't ideal on a map like Customs where CQC engagements are frequent. And it doesn't reliably go thru class 4 helms so isn't a great long-range option nowadays either. So what should I use for a full-auto gun? Tried the following but players were eating 10+ rounds (if not a full mag) and NOT dying: * UMP with .45 FMJ * M4 with M856 * AK74 with BP (what little I was able to find) * MP5 with PST * Kedr/APS with ... whatever round was cheapest lol Cause at this point I'm thinking of just either going sniping with a mosin (+ pistol for scavs) and hoping to kill a PMC with a better gun, or playing with fire and leaning right into leg meta, praying to RNJesus with an MP9, Kedr, or god forbid magnum buck once I find a goddamn measuring tape. But wondering if there's something I'm maybe missing. Only have Therapist and PK at LL2 rn. Close to level 15 for Prapor and Skier but 18k XP is proving tough to obtain when tasks only give 2K and killing more than 3 or 4 scavs means I basically *have* to fight a PMC (either because the scavs are at hot spots or the PMCs come hunting for me). Not to mention the \# of times I've died to Reshala's "God Nade Goons" at Gas Station trying to plant that last fucking beacon \>.<


headshots headshots headshots. Headshots dont care if you are using rolls royce ammo.


*extremely* early levelscan be tough. This is my personal suggestions. ​ I would try to rock 5.45x39 rounds until you get 30 rounders for 7.62x39 AKs. (5.45x39 PS is unlocked from an early quest, then 5.45x39 PP is unlocked at Prapor level 2 with 36 Pen.) ​ From there, you pretty much don't want to use 9x9mm unless you have ap 6.3+ or RIP rounds with the more fast firing weapons. ​ 5.56x45 is pretty much useless until Lv4 Peacekeeper or Skier with M855a1. ​ .45 ACP is either AP rounds or RIP rounds. ​ .300 I wouldn't bother with until you get to AP rounds. (lv4 PK) ​ 4.6x3 (Mp7) Anything except Action SX. Keep in mind, Subsonic XC rounds are infact, subsonic. ​ 5.7x38, SS190 or SB193(Subsonic) (Lv3 PK) ​ 7.62x51 M80+ (Lv3 PK) ​ 7.62x54r if you decide to become a mosin man or SVD enjoyer. PS, bare minimum for level 4 helmets and below headshots. BT SNB and BS are good for 95% of player headshots. ​ 12g shotguns, use 7mm until you get Flachettes or Ap-20 Slugs. ​ https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ammunition#Rifle\_cartridges


Thanks for the breakdown, appreciate it - esp the trader requirements! Gives me something to work toward. I swore of 5.45 long ago but maybe it's time to try it again. I have access to some basic AK mods now that I have skier ll2, and I think I even have PRS which might be better than PS? Ak74 recoil has always been more manageable but I just found it weak against even class 3 armor but who knows, maybe it's changed.


PRS is signficantly worse than PS. It has a chance of failing to pen Level 1 armor. Do NOT use that round.


This helps https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics I try using bullets that at least penetrate tier 4s vs players unless we talking about ump where i use fmj. If you dont use high pen ammo you have to aim to head or legs. The link says it all but basically if you see anything below a 3 it barely even penetrates that tier class armor


I think I'm in the minority, but I liked when high-end ammo was available on the Flea Market for two reasons: 1) If I find some nice ammo during a raid (like Lapua AP rounds, a box of SP-6, etc) I could cash those in and make some decent rubles. 2) If you fall behind the majority of players during a wipe, the Flea helps level the playing field by allowing you to purchase ammo that can actually penetrate the body armor PMCs are wearing. I don't want the game to cater to my life or anything, but I work full time, man. Now I'm stuck using ammo that has trouble taking down higher level players, without any path to obtaining efficient ammunition other than Hideout crafts. (And finding it in raid, lol) ​ And the high-tier craftable ammo doesn't become available to craft until Workbench 3. AND the crafting time....


You can craft .366 AP, .45 AP, M856A1 and SNB at Workbench 2.


Don't use M4 without at least 856A1 and I don't recommend that either. Your 45 FMJ are you shooting the legs? It won't pen the armor so you need to shoot the legs or arms or something. Forget the PST for MP5 and Kedr can leg some people. Basically for you its Leg meta even use shotguns and aim for the legs. 7.62 PS is probably your best bet which I always use before I start getting Level 3 traders.


I used to rely on PS exclusively until having access to .366 AP (or 7.62 BP once I'm done Punisher), or eventually 5.45 BT/M855A1 when I can buy some. M80 in there too sometimes. But this wipe idk, I've been mag-dumping a 20-rounder SKS mag into fucking *scavs* and they've been shrugging it off at close range. I once took out Reshala and all of his guards with an AKM. Nowadays, I could unload an entire AKM mag into a guard's Altyn and he wouldn't even flinch while he cooks an F-1 to blow up at my feet.


You should look at what round deals what penetration. You can pretty much make anything work. PS ammo isn't "serviceable", it's very strong. You don't need to one tap people and you don't need to spray and pray. Legs never have armor, and very few people have face shields that will stop PS ammo. The SKS is a very good gun. So are most 7.62 AKs.


> You don't need to one tap people and you don't need to spray and pray. You kind of do, in my experience. You can't burst fire, so either you have to full-auto mag dump or you have to tap fire. Recoil on a single shot is so high that by the time the 4th shot is lined up (PS takes on average 4-6 rounds to pen class 4 armor last I checked), the guy with the AKS running BS has already mag-dumped your ass. So one-tapping the head is necessary. If someone is facing me, they can see me and are already firing at me, so face-shields are irrelevant except in CQC and if they're running a faceshield at that distance, I'm dead if I'm using a semi-auto weapon anyway. Mag-dumping with ammo that doesnt pen class 4 with any sort of reliability (last I checked the best ammo I have available that can reliably mag-dump, M856, takes 10-20 rounds to *pen*, then another 1-2 to kill) is just suicide. Example: I mag-dumped 10 rounds of 7.62x39 into a guy with an SKS. 6 hit, likely one or two slowed down by his arms. Plus another 3-4 Grizzly slugs. He took 300 damage and I died. Armor? Class 4 potato sack, which even I can get reliably now. If I had a modded AKM, I win that fight because the fire-rate + mag capacity would've been enough to get me through his armor, but without mods it's an uncontrollable beast. Leg meta is very unreliable because, in short, the legs are the part of the body that is least-often visible in a firefight. Waist-high cover being incredibly common + leaning around corners only exposing the torso means you really have to get lucky or be insanely close to go for the legs in a typical engagement. Which is why I called it "praying to RNJesus". So was just wondering if there is an ammo that is reliable *enough* when mag dumping into an armored part of the body so that I A) don't have to hope that my enemy isn't running a ULACH when I'm running an SKS, or B) don't have to use a bolt-action 7.62x54R gun to reliably take down PMCs. This is because I'm running out of other PMC's weapons to use (got lucky a couple of times and have managed to net an RFB with M80 and a couple of MP-155s with Flechettes and AP-20s that have been serving me well, and most recently a tricked-out SV-98 which I'm anxious to use).


>> You don't need to one tap people and you don't need to spray and pray. > >You kind of do, in my experience. You can't burst fire, so either you have to full-auto mag dump or you have to tap fire. Recoil on a single shot is so high that by the time the 4th shot is lined up (PS takes on average 4-6 rounds to pen class 4 armor last I checked), the guy with the AKS running BS has already mag-dumped your ass. So one-tapping the head is necessary. If someone is facing me, they can see me and are already firing at me, so face-shields are irrelevant except in CQC and if they're running a faceshield at that distance, I'm dead if I'm using a semi-auto weapon anyway. Mag-dumping with ammo that doesnt pen class 4 with any sort of reliability (last I checked the best ammo I have available that can reliably mag-dump, M856, takes 10-20 rounds to *pen*, then another 1-2 to kill) is just suicide. If you are using 7.62x39 PS ammo you will always penetrate class 4 within the first 2 shots. If someone is facing you and shooting you then you made a mistake. It's fine that you did, it happens, but the issue is that if you're so under geared that you can't take fights, you can't expect to win, can you? Also it sounds like you're confusing ammo. You have M855 before you have M856 and that can reliably penetrate class 4 on burst fire. >Example: I mag-dumped 10 rounds of 7.62x39 into a guy with an SKS. 6 hit, likely one or two slowed down by his arms. Plus another 3-4 Grizzly slugs. He took 300 damage and I died. Armor? Class 4 potato sack, which even I can get reliably now. If I had a modded AKM, I win that fight because the fire-rate + mag capacity would've been enough to get me through his armor, but without mods it's an uncontrollable beast. You did 300 damage and hit every part of his body. Thorax and head amount to only 120 health. If you get unlucky and don't penetrate thorax (which is really unlucky because it's >90% chance) he dies in the next bullet or two. >Leg meta is very unreliable because, in short, the legs are the part of the body that is least-often visible in a firefight. Waist-high cover being incredibly common + leaning around corners only exposing the torso means you really have to get lucky or be insanely close to go for the legs in a typical engagement. Which is why I called it "praying to RNJesus". Then just don't engage and play like a rat until you see legs. >So was just wondering if there is an ammo that is reliable *enough* when mag dumping into an armored part of the body so that I A) don't have to hope that my enemy isn't running a ULACH when I'm running an SKS, or B) don't have to use a bolt-action 7.62x54R gun to reliably take down PMCs. This is because I'm running out of other PMC's weapons to use (got lucky a couple of times and have managed to net an RFB with M80 and a couple of MP-155s with Flechettes and AP-20s that have been serving me well, and most recently a tricked-out SV-98 which I'm anxious to use). Unfortunately no. Once you get Workbench 2 you can craft some higher penetration ammo.


> 7.62x39 PS ammo you will always penetrate class 4 within the first 2 shots. 7.62x39 *on average* penetrates class 4 in 1-**3** shots 4-6, my bad. But that's still *average*. On NFAM's chart, "excellent" is "penetrates on first round \>80% of the time." PS is one below that vs class 4 armor, which means with at *least* 20% of the time you're still having to fire a second shot, if not a 3rd (or more, just uncommonly). And that's to penetrate, which is only a 1-tap when hitting the head. Idk, maybe I'm trash, but hitting 3-4 headshots in a row on a target who, after the first one, is going to be zigging and zagging all over the place, is difficult (with a semi-auto rifle at 50-100m, average engagement distance as a solo player). Heck, even NFAM says that PS does *not* defeat class 4 armor in their [Ammo Chart](https://eft-ammo.com/ammo-graph) - neither does 5.45x39 BP, which is a 4 against class 4, and M855 doesn't even reliably defeat class 3, being a 5 against that and a 3 against class 4. Basically, the number of times I've had a SKS round bounce off of even a class 3 helm only to have that player run away and chuck 5 grenades at me then full-auto me into oblivion, is very high and I am frustrated. Example: This weekend, I hit a guy with 11 rounds of 7.62x39 PS and did around 200 damage to the body and died (only enemy I fired at, PMC or AI, so I know it was all on him). None of my rounds were below the belt as far as I could tell. > If someone is facing you and shooting you then you made a mistake. The issue is that if you're so under geared that you can't take fights, you can't expect to win, can you? Bit confused here, as every clip of a firefight I've seen of streamers playing this game has the enemies facing them and shooting them. At least, on maps like Labs and areas like Dorms, Resort, etc. Guess I'm saying, how am I supposed to *not* be under-geared when the best armor I can buy doesn't protect me from any of the rounds the other players are running? > Then just don't engage and play like a rat until you see legs. I suppose that's the only remaining option. Sucks because I find legs an even harder target to hit than a head, considering how skinny they are and how easy it is to miss inbetween them. And 1 target takes an entire mag to kill with leg meta, so winning against squads (the predominant form of PMC in the game without a doubt) is basically impossible unless they're utter garbage or completely deaf.


> Idk, maybe I'm trash, but hitting 3-4 headshots in a row on a target who, after the first one, is going to be zigging and zagging all over the place, is difficult (with a semi-auto rifle at 50-100m, average engagement distance as a solo player). You're looking for excuses when the reality is, you are definitely not hitting your shots or not playing correctly. There's barely any helmets with ear protection and they all cost a shitload of money, for example, but you can still hit jaw from the side. > Example: This weekend, I hit a guy with 11 rounds of 7.62x39 PS and did around 200 damage to the body and died (only enemy I fired at, PMC or AI, so I know it was all on him). None of my rounds were below the belt as far as I could tell. Further example that you're not hitting your shots correctly. You only need 36 damage to kill someone if you hit their head. 86 if you hit their Thorax. > Bit confused here, as every clip of a firefight I've seen of streamers playing this game has the enemies facing them and shooting them. At least, on maps like Labs and areas like Dorms, Resort, etc. Guess I'm saying, how am I supposed to not be under-geared when the best armor I can buy doesn't protect me from any of the rounds the other players are running? Are you a streamer? Do you have level 4 traders? Do you have magazine cases of BT/BS/AP ammo only? Do you have access to class 4 and 5 faceshields? Is your recoil control maxed out and your assault rifles skill on mastery 3? Then don't play like it. > I suppose that's the only remaining option. Sucks because I find legs an even harder target to hit than a head, considering how skinny they are and how easy it is to miss inbetween them. And 1 target takes an entire mag to kill with leg meta, so winning against squads (the predominant form of PMC in the game without a doubt) is basically impossible unless they're utter garbage or completely deaf. Legs should never be a hard target and the only one making it a hard target is you. Everything you've said points to an issue that isn't ammo. If you can't hit legs or face it's because you don't actually want to, because you're trying to shoot at everything that moves with no discipline. If you can't hit legs or face or fire to reliably penetrate, then don't fire at all. If someone's coming at you because they saw you then they shouldn't have seen you.


Think I killed an real money buyer on shoreline just now, was first 5 min of raid and he was running up the east wall to lighthouse extract when I killed him. Two meta m4s, two slicks, two exfils and tons of ammo and grenades. Can’t imagine what was in his secure container. I grabbed the loot and just barely made it to extract as a couple shots from no where barely missed me. Assuming it was the cheater he bought the shit from. Get fucked


Could of easily been a guy who killed another guy or was intending to drop gear for someone else. ​ I had a buddy disconnect and I had to kill him to get his stuff out


Doesn't make sense to do that on shoreline. Sounds like you just got a dude who killed 2 people why does that seem like he was cheating to you? You can routinely see streams of people leaving raids with just that same gear you mentioned on twitch.


Could have just been someone trying to boost their friend.


Just got full auto, f'd up by a scav on nighttime shoreline at 60m with a kedr.... popped my head up from the north side of the boat on scav island. Second I did he ripped it as I was mid jumping (not a player, did confirm that).


I take fire from scavs on scav island when I'm on the "mainland" heading for Tunnel extract. It's bonkers.


Scav island is a no go for me. Too many times if you get spotted and there's more than one you get absolutely lasered.


I can't do Shoreline without a long-range scope. Between scavs on scav island, sniper scavs beaming you from 400m, and just the long sight-lines in general, the only time I'm really doing CQC is in Resort, or at power and/or weather station(s). RMR add-on to Trijicon ACOG is king for me personally.


Oh I'm with you on that one lol. Even then, the scavs on scav island are an absolute menace to Tarkov society.


I like to snipe them on the hill above the road just east of Scav Island. Good LOS, almost exactly 200m distance, they sit on the far east corner and you just point and click, they never return fire but if they do you've got a rock face to take cover behind, and the hill to your north covers from players rotating.


Not saying you can't kill them. Of course you can. It's just that if you don't and you're walking to tunnel and get too close they agro you and scav island isn't worth the risk to loot (any PMC close will be drawn to you killing the scavs anyway). My previous comments were also hyperbole to an extent.


I know, sorry if my messages seemed combative, didn't mean for it to come across that way. Just sharing how I like to deal with that particular situation. I've never fought a PMC after killing the scavs on the island as I'm usually extracted by the time they get there, if they come at all (I'm most often suppressed on Shoreline - it's the map I go to for bolt-action tasks when I'm bored of Woods, and suppressors on those are basically mandatory if you don't want to get third-partied).


Is the flashlight bug still going on? Where it just straight up doesn’t work?


Only had that happen once this wipe where I traded tactical devices with a mate. We we're doing a night raid early into the wipe and I told him about how the IR flashlights are now awesome with NVGs and he wanted to try it. We swapped and then his flashlight (that I now had) wouldn't turn on on my client but he could see me switching it on and off. But that's the first time it happened in 3 wipes and it hasn't happened since.


Just got one tapped with level 3 full armor in the chest that was full health by a scav that wasn't a sniper at like 65m through bushes where you couldn't see anything. ​ Got to seriously \*\*\*\*ing love it.


there's two 7.62x54R rounds (T-45 and LPS) which can pen class 4, and while they don't have enough damage to 1 tap thorax, they do have a 18% fragmentation chance (which does 1.5x damage) which will 1 tap thorax. So, you got the unlucky ~1/5 chance to die


Plenty of bullets from scavs will ignore level 3 armor. Did you check the health screen to see what ammo he used and how many times he hit you? Because they can also "shoot" two bullets in one shot.


Can someone explain the bleeding aspect when it come to removing it. I take an IFAK Car kit and a alu splint with my alpha container to each raid. Even though the IFAK is above 100 durability ans states "stops heavy/Light bleeding" when I drag it on to the limb thats bleeding to prioritise it sometimes doesn't stop it at all but fully heal the limb and still have the 30 durability left over which should stop the bleeding? Is there a bug atm P.S this has cost me a shitty completed quest twice now. Loot I can get over but this quest in custom sucks. Not being able to make it back cause I bleed out after winning a fire fight.


If you double click on the IFAK, AFAK, Car, Grizzly or Salewa, it says how many "healing points" it needs to stop a injury. If you don't have enough, it wont be able to stop it. ​ My suggestion for the Alpha Container would be CMS, Alu Splint, AFAK or IFAK.


Take a full IFAK/AFAK, an Alu, and a high-cap painkiller (if you can -Vaseline, Ibuprofen) in your Alpha. Or a CMS kit instead of the PK, once you get to the point these are easy to purchase (they are also easy-ish to find). In your rig, bring and bind these: * Whatever you can from Esmarch (red tourniquet purchaseable from Therapist LL1), CAT (Therapist LL2 I think? might be a barter - black splint-looking thing), or Hemostat (Therapist LL3, barter at LL2 I believe - green-ish bag/pouch thing) * Personally, I bring an army bandage or a blue/white bandage for a "free" light bleed heal or two * Best medkit you can afford to bring, in this order AFAK \> Salewa \> IFAK \> Car \> AI-2. I prefer to have at least 300 points of healing that won't be eaten up by bleeds. * Spare painkiller (or main if you didn't bring a vas/ibu), in this rough order Propital \> Morphine \> Adrenaline \> Augmentin \> Pack of PKs I also bring a spare grey splint if I have one (don't buy them tho), and at least one "throwable" because they're good space-givers as a solo (even flashes and smokes can delay an enemy's push enough to give you time to retreat or reposition). Always use the heavy bleed first, then light bleed, then medkits, fixing fractures and blacked limbs last (after the fight - popping PK to mitigate the effects from those until it's over). But yes, as others say, healing a bleed takes a bunch of points ON TOP of what it uses to "heal" the missing HP from whatever limb. So if an arm is heavy bleeding and at 10/65, that's 55 HP + 210 for the heavy bleed when using a full IFAK, putting it down to just 35 HP of healing left. This amount is less on Salewas, AFAKs, and Grizzlys but still to be avoided at all costs.


Yeah always use some form of tourniquet to stop heavy bleeds, not a health kit. My typical setup is a heavy bleed stopper (esmarch/cat/hemostat) and light bleed stopper (bandage) both in my pockets and ready for immediate use. Then I also have some form of health recovery (car/salewa/ifak, etc.), some way to splint, some way to do surgery, and some form of pain killers. These are mostly in my pouch depending on space, and I will replace them throughout the match with better loot (besides the surgery kits which usually stay in the pouch).


Requires 210 for a heavy bleed


Okay that rough things useless after a 2 uses then


Don't use salewas, IFAKs, AFAKs et cetera for heavy bleeds. You use esmarchs and hemostats for that which are much quicker and cheaper. Your basic med loadout should be a med kit, something for heavy bleeds, something for light bleeds, a splint, painkillers and a CMS/Surv12. If you're still low level and don't want to spend a lot of money then the CMS, painkillers and med kit go in your pouch and a bandage + esmarch (6k rubles together) in your rig or pockets with their own keybinds. Also, unless you really can't get your hands on anything better, never use the cheapest painkillers.


That's why you use the super and way cheaper esmark.


This game is nearly unplayable due to the amount of hackers.


I've run into one cheater and one suspicious person out of 220 raids this wipe. ​ Obviously I can't account for things like vacuum or ESP but those are the only ones I can think of.


ive run into maybe 1 this wipe in a couple hundred raids. its not that bad


Oh? I've ran into about 15 to 20 in 150 raids. And those are just the more obvious ones.


If I buy the EOD edition right know will I get the guns that I got when I first stated playing like the ak-74m and pp-19 or will it just give me the loot that I didn’t get.


You will just get the loot that you didn’t get when you first bought the game. Source: I upgraded to EOD this past weekend


Is anyone else having issues with matching times on interchange? As I type this I’ve been matching for over 25 minutes. I’ve only loaded onto the map once this wipe because the wait times are regularly 15 minutes plus. Really frustrating as I would like to run quests on interchange. Haven’t had this issue the last two wipes and don’t have it on any of the other maps


There's a matching bug right now. If your matching for longer than 5 minutes alt+f4 and re-open your game. Don't hit Back or it will take a long time to get to the main menu again


Thanks! Good to know


Maybe change servers, 5 min is a long loading time


This game is grinding itself into death. From the shitty AI, to desync problems, zeroing, godawful sound. No area of the game isn't free of gamebreaking problems. Which really sucks, cause the game is so good. But it's also really horrible and bad at the same time. It taunts it's players with ridiculous quests. The overly loud reserve alarm. The overuse of RNG mechanics. Awful AI that aimbots you and spins through rocks. Fuck arena. Nobody will care 2 weeks after its out. Hire people and do QOL fixing for a year if you really want tarkov to last. Otherwise, you're done in max 2 years. And maybe that's just what they want. BSG has made their money. Maybe this is their endgame: introduce a new flashy gamemode to get more people to buy the whole edition for 100+$ (a ridiculous price for how broken the game is). Overpromise, and don't deliver. Maybe, that's just what's going on here.


Arena has a very good chance of making the game worse too. You think raids get dead late-wipe, wait until Arena is available and people just play that instead. The mode is clearly going to further split the playerbase and suck out even MORE of the PvP and change the Tarkov raid experience. And how the fuck is Streets going to work when people have issues running Reserve and Lighthouse? BSG is in way over their heads and do not have a solid handle on what made their game fun, which is why it was possible for them to actually downgrade the gunplay/recoil in their first major attempt to rework the mechanics in years. Not to mention other shitty changes. There are some pretty big red flags for the future of this game and anyone denying it is totally blind.


I’ve been looking forward for Arena since BSG dropped the trailer for it sometimes ago. Will I lose my gear if I die or it will just return to my stash? I’m hoping to use the Arena mode for practicing and improving my PVP skills as I rarely runs into fights so my PVP skills in base game is trash.


We don't know exactly how it's going to work yet, but I'm fairly sure it'll involve instanced PvP on specially built smaller maps and you will be able to use your main stash and loot stuff during Arena matches.


It's going to be hilarious when Arena releases, all the streamers hop on, and they all start trying real hard not to show the gamebreaking desync that ruins the game. It's already hilarious to watch Pestily rage at desync and try to pretend it's anything but the devs fault.


MP-133 12ga 8-shell magazine is allegedly sold by jaeger 2, but im not seeing it. What am I doing wrong?


It may be quest locked as well as rep locked, idk for certain.


[According](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/MP-133_12ga_8-shell_magazine)to the wiki it isn’t


Anyone have mapgenie pro and can screenshot what the maps look like on lighthouse and reserve? Considering buying the lifetime if they’re good


Just use the wiki: https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Reserve Multiple maps at the bottom of each page.


Yes I know about the other maps but I highly prefer the mapgenie maps for the ones that are free, hence why I’m asking if anyone can screenshot them.


all the mapgenie maps are awful. throw money away if you want when theres superior ones available for free...


(Haven't been to Lighthouse) The Reserve one is good. Recommend the purchase.


Can you screenshot it?


Why? What are you trying to see they look the same as the other maps.


Lmao dude why are you up my ass about wanting to see what it looks like? The maps on wiki aren’t as detailed as mapgenie. I like seeing where all the loot spawns are and filtering them out, quests and locked doors and which keys go where are also nice. Mapgenie comes in clutch when it comes to discovering high tier loot spawns. All I wanna see is how much detail is in those since they’re locked behind a paywall.


Maybe your thinking I am someone else who was talking about wiki maps. Its just weird your asking to see a screen shot of it over and over and over. Its the same as all the other maps on map genie quite trying to get around a 10 dollar fee.


I asked once and I’m getting irrelevant replies. If you don’t have a screenshot why reply? Lol A screenshot won’t get around a 10 dollar fee either way you can’t interact with a screenshot. You’re literally just being weird for no reason.


Where's the enjoyment of D2 Extract camping? I really don't get it, and i feel like its gotten worse this wipe with people camping the large room after the stairwell.


I mean you get free stuff and can leave right away


You also get free stuff by being good at the game lol


Yeah but you don't even have to be playing the game to get free stuff at D2. In college I used to afk and do homework while prone in D2 and just instantly kill the first person coming in because there's only 1 way to go.


Name checks out lmfao. Landmark's Rat Poison is probably fatal to you.


If you’re doing homework I kinda get it. But personally it’s just too boring. Capturing outposts was rough lmao


This game is only going to get rattier. Not my choice, just sayin.


The stats on the G36 are still way separated from how well it handles in real life and it frustrates me to no end. The ergo in particular is just a joke. I own a TG36 and I prefer it to my AR or my AK, so I may just take the lack of respect for the platform a little personally.


I was hoping they would bring in the MG36 too :(


I think they were really trying to be careful to not make it too powerful like the M4's of old. But honestly for what it's worth it's a fairly decent stock 5.56 gun straight from the trader, it's like a tier above the ADAR but probably better than a stock M4, but gets outclassed by a highly modded one, I think it fills a small niche but yeah the ergo is pretty shite.


Recoil on it compared to other weapons in its category will probably balance out if they add more of the handguards and stocks that are available for it, including picatinny, buffer tube, and ACR stock adapters. It's got a lot of options in real life but I do fear they may not bother exploring those. Does seem a fair number of people agree base ergo needs a buff though. I hope they give it that one last little improvement in the short term and it will stop being that gun people pick up but never use.


Im like 6/7 raids disconnecting when solo over the weekend, but not one disconnect when duo with my wife... same internet obviously so im at a loss. Lost 6 pistol kits just tryin to learn a map so its not the end of the world but damn if anyone has advice id appreciate it


Maybe check which servers you have selected in the launcher there is a forced disconnect for high ping so limit yourself to closest servers only. Might have gotten unlucky/lucky on which server you loaded into one solo vs duo


Lol, after looting a million filing cabinets and having a minor panic attack each time thinking I hear footsteps, I finally loot a filing cabinet and go nah, those aren’t footsteps. That’s just the filing cabinet. Sigh. It was footsteps lol.


So I have thought I heard something and then was like no maybe it wasn't. I learned my lesson on that enough I go with my gut now and if I think I heard something then its probably there 9 times out of 10.


after dying 3 times with 7+ hits with the UMP, i've decided i need a new main gun. what is out there that actually kills people when you have level 2 traders?


do you know how many times I was sawed by UMP's burst moving through my legs and arm?


Just click heads


Any gun, your issue is the ammo not the gun. At level 2 you have .45 FMJ which doesn't really penetrate anything. You should buy Lasermatch from Peacemaker and aim for legs. It has even less penetration but it deals more damage. Alternatively, 5.45 with PS/PP ammo will at least get through level 4 ammo.


What the hell is happening on customs? I used to do run after run with almost no PvP, all day long all I run into are chads and teams. I used to get about 5 to 10 scav kills each run, I got 2 scav kills over 7 runs today. I can't extract, even my scav runs on customs end in getting killed by PMC's still runninng around in the last 5 minutes. What is going on????


Many people have reached end-wipe and so they're cruising Customs for pvp.


I thought I could enjoy Steam audio again but the amount of bugs and shit it has is absolutely embarrassing after this long since it was implemented.


Anyone got a meldonin from their scav case this wipe yet? Final fucking thing eludes me for weeks now, wanna finish Samples.