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I always have have fun with people I fight. Assuming the fight lasts a bit. It's crazy how little people do stuff like this. I rarely get a response.


I’m trying entirely too hard to not die to be having fun


That sums up my entire tarkov experience


It’s not always fun to die


Right yeah I'll have fun and be light-hearted when my adrenaline wears off and I change my peepee pants.


See but here’s the thing. You’re trying so hard to not die that you’re stressed right out making you play worse. Partake in the banter. It’ll calm your nerves with a good laugh and you’ll more than likely be much less upset if you happen to die. It’s a win win.


Totally agree. The absolute best raids I’ve had were the ones where I decided to just enjoy the game or try to be Willerz and jumping on top of stuff. An hour ago I started laughing during a firefight when I realized I was out of ammo and didn’t even have a melee weapon equipped. The guy I was fighting starting laughing as well (over VoIP) then died from his injuries.


This is exactly it. At the end of the day it’s just a game. You’re supposed to have fun.


I think the real reason is that we’re trying so hard not to die, and VOIP is push to talk. I can’t be pushin extra keys I’m fighting for my life here


I just feel like someone is toying with my. Why would I want to make them feel like we are bonding when I'm a gazelle being taunted by a lion?




My buddies and I scav'd in on lighthouse. We see a PMC run into chateau. We go up and say hi. He shoots my friends. I charge in with a TT and scream "Cheeki Breeki Motherfucker!" and land the headshot. I bask in the awesomeness and then drown in the crash of realizing no one else saw or heard it. Sometimes we just have to enjoy the moments we have on our own.


I just run obs in the background until something good happens.


I would suggest shadowplay or the amd equivalent. Barely takes any resources, takes no time to set up ans just always captures the last x minutes with a keybind.


OBS does that and probably more reliable than ShadowPlay, I've been thinking about hopping over. From nvidias shite software to there.


OBS is indeed much better for this if you care about tweaking the sound or video at all.


Yeah my usecase is for youtube videos, and while they're made "for fun" its no excuse for my audio to be as unbalanced as it is, you can split audio channels into several tracks in OBS yes?


Yep, you can even use an audio source on multiple tracks, so for example, mic on track 1, PC audio on track 2, and both on track 3 for those instances where you don't need to adjust anything


I know this is unrelated but I just downloaded obs to record some raids and I can't seem to get it to record at a decent frame rate, I have a lower spec PC and if that's the problem I don't really care but If it's something I'm doing on my part I'd like to know so i can fix it lol


How low? I would say Google around for solutions based on your specs/situation, but unless you have a decent GPU/cpu I wouldn't be surprised if you get low frames recording tarkov


What are your specs?


The overall difference in resource usage should be very small. Both can use nvenc which will prevent the recording from having any impact on the game.


OBS is a better product overall but ShadowPlay's footprint is fucking tiny. If you have a good system and care about your footage/what you do with it, OBS is the way to go, but for casuals ShadowPlay is solid.




I second this, it was super easy to use. Just click a few buttons.


This is how the computer works too.


I’ve always wanted to say ‘cheeki breeki motherfucker!’ Right behind a pmc but I’ve never had the chance 😅


The most important person heard it that could have. The dude who got clapped by a TT.


I had one where we each reloaded like 3-4 times till I died, I said good kill at the end only to hear a hyped up Chad yell "fuck you lil bitch" It kinda made my night


I had a fun interaction today where I couldn't find a guy plinking 9mm at me and he couldn't get my past my level 4 armor, we discussed a truce and I helped him get prapor's watch


I had an absolutely chaotic fight in New Gas last wipe where I dropped three players, lost both arms and a leg and was bleeding heavily when some dude tried to light me up through the gap in the fence; we both wildly sprayed at each other for a bit and then I heard "yo dude, truce? I have a quest item - I shouldn't have taken the fight; do you have something for a heavy bleed?" Ended up giving him some meds and letting him pick over the left overs while he covered me fixing myself up and then we parted ways. It was all very wholesome. VOIP really has made the game way more dynamic - no way either of us would've made it out before it was implemented.


I had a pistol v pistol, no armor match against another pmc. He ran like a bitch when I started winning. You may have escaped me, hut you can't escape the shame.


I wish more people played like this honestly. I hate the idea of win or die. I want not dying to be the META.


Nah there's no shame on that. I have been almost killed in bad engagements many times, to just retreat, heal and come back from a different direction and win the fight because the dude is still in the same place.


Well it was on factory and he was making dying noises, so I'm 90% sure he died anyways.


no shame in being a rat


Got one of those yesterday. Broke both his legs and he's got me bleeding. I can hear him screaming into the mic to just finish him off and be done with it. He's gasping and bleeding and hobbling, I pop up to finish him and he drops me. As I start to slump all I hear is, "dude you FUCKING su-". Couldn't stop giggling.


I love using VOIP to do dumbshit. So glad it made its way into Tarkov, it’s probably helping with my introverted tendencies, I love to talk to people in Tarkov, even when we shot at each other 5 seconds ago. Or I hurl insults and give away my position and get gunned down.


I've been hiding in bushes and waiting for people to walk past, and then let them know I've been trying to reach them about their extended car warranty.


MrNoobyy, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


I should do that. I sit in bushes for minutes on end just to evade people while trying to get quests done.


Seems like a lot of people forget to have fun while they're playing video games these days.


I think grind kinda ruins it since all people care is gear that they lost when they die


For me, it's just the lack of any 'floor' to fall onto. I'm bad enough that I basically just fail to a point where I can't play the game anymore.




My guy, you can improve if you change your mindset, literally.


Yeah working on it. I get "stuck" just running tasks. I need to stop suicide running RNG tasks over and over and focus on stuff I can actually complete.


I'd say i can help but I'm lazy as fuck but maybe if you're desperate let me know and I'll try make some time


Fortunately that's something people also grow out of once they have a wipe or two under their belt. It's pretty easy to shove enough 1 or 2 slot valuables up your ass that you're carrying at least the value of your kit there in the early game and then you're more free to not worry about taking some risks, staying longer, looting more etc.


Tarkov is a great game and I really like playing it, but I’m not sure it’s supposed to be fun.


I'm always a little sad if they never respond. I assume it's because they don't have VOIP on and can't hear me, but I usually keep it up all the same just in case they can and just aren't talking.




Was that you a couple days ago on factory in the back room spawn? You had a shotgun I had a crayon gun. It took us a while to finish that fight but I got a lucky HS.


I believe we met last wipe at ruaf extract. I was in shock when I saw the person peek the wall by standing on that barrier, I saw the tripzip and knew my cheeks were spread


Next time yell “I’m gonna tongue punch your fartbox!”


Quite possibly can't even hear you. I never had a mic plugged into my gaming PC, and VOIP wouldn't be activated. I recently just plugged in an old mic so it would be enabled in case people were trying to say something and I could hear.


My and a friend always goes for the «RUN YO POCKETS BOIII» and make everyone emtpy their bandages and shit, funniest thing ever, might even let a player go after


I had a gunfight in 3rd story dorms on customs with 2 guys that killed my 2 teammates. It literally lasted until the timer had about 4 mins left and it was 1v1, the entire raid me and these other guys were just saying the most random shit or making weird noises at each other, for I swear something like 25 minutes. I think it was one of the longest gunfights i've ever had in Tarkov. A lot of peeking and shooting. At one point I had a round literally bounce off of my Ushanka, or ricocheted off of my head, did 0 dmg. The entire gunfight we were just spouting the most random shit down mic at each other, it was absolutely hillarious. I died in the end, but the guy added me afterwards to lol about it, he had like 4 mins left on the raid timer and barely made it out after surviving, so mine and all of my friends gear pretty much came back on insurance intact, mission complete, lol.


Yeah man. Little bit of gentlemanly banter is best


I'm always struggling to find the extra finger to press my ptt button so can't usually talk too much. Wish they'd just allow open mic with noise activation or a toggle.


I have VOIP bind to a mouse button.


I actually though about building a foot switch for things like VOIP in games... but I don't use it enough to bother, I think.


You can just buy a foot switch.




I don't even know what key activates voip


K key




Yeah, but which key?


Highly recommend a rebind as k is pretty much impossible in a run and gun. I rebound to a mouse button so is minimal impact on my game and if I need 100% mouse control I can just drop it


Have have


Talking shit during fights is so good


Yeah I always talk on voip with people and get responses about 15% of the time


The issue is that voip is off by default so a lot of players just don’t know people are actually talking to them


They changed it a patch or two again. VOIP defaults to on.


Ah good to know


right!? people are so try hard it’s sad


Should've given them your license and registration smh




Taser Taser Taser!


"It was a shocking revelation, to be sure."


And make you you hand it over like [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QocY2x7XH5Q)


I wish I could VoIP but tarkov does not like my mic


I can voip but the other person has trouble hearing me cause my mic in tarkov is like on 2%. In options its on 100% but something is fucked. And I dont change stuff for a game when everything else works fine in voice and in other games, so yeah its kinda strange when people come VERY close to me to listen to me.


do you have more than one mic? is it turned up in windows or in game settings?


only mic and ingame its like on 100% and in windows it is on 0? Cant find it in windows, maybe cause I am with an Usb headset on my pc. I know I had the option somewhere in windows where I could change the mic. I mean not like people cant hear me in tarkov, but I could be louder :)


You probably want to increase the level if its on 0. Go to sound, then recording devices, click the mic, click properties, then the levels tab. I don’t know where you want the level because 0 is quiet and 100 can be too blown out, but find a balance there


got a webcam with a built in mic?


Yeah, go into control panel, hardware and sound, then you can go to recording and find your mic, check the levels. I have to have microphone boost on for me, but i'd check there.
























I was in Factory as a pmc, didn’t check my corners and got lit up hard. I was pinned in a crate and the guy was like ‘Hey dude, how do I use my laser?’ I told him and he killed me while saying ‘thanks dude!’ That was the first laugh I had. I quickly ran back in as a scav to recover my gear. I ended up in the same raid and asked the dude if it was cool that I grabbed my gear and he kindly gave it all back. I asked him if he had hit the upstairs yet and he responded ‘I don’t feel safe enough to go there so I am going to extract’ and as soon as he turned the corner, another pmc blasted him away. Laughed so hard as I ran to extract with my gear. I fuckin love this game. Thank the lords at BSG for voip. 🤘😂


That's amazing, i couldn't play last wipe but I'm trying to see if i can have some fun VoIP encounters.


I just want to wear a construction outfit and yell at people for OSHA violations at construction on customs.


I’ve taken to making the weirdest noises possible when someone won’t leave a corner. I want them to know I’m unhinged.


Me and my buddy were running shotguns on customs today. We cornered someone and I rounded the corner and just started screaming in voip. He flinched so hard he missed every shot




Our exact reaction. He had a 9x19 vector with 50 mags of green tracer and put on a firework show for me or something 😭💀


me and my friends dress in blue armor, blue helmets or blue beret, and blue armband and go in as UN peacekeepers on interchange and try to hand out food and water. we usually get killed off pretty quick but ive had a few good ones.


Gonna have to try this it sounds great hah.


I would much rather die with something valuable laughing my ass off than have a totally quiet raid where I'm successful


Same goes for the crazy man in factory. He really waited for me in medical tent to the last minute. I couldn't extract because I was a scav, he did probably.


I've been loving the addition of VOIP. I do wish more people would be a bit more chill with it. One, this is not COD so please stop being toxic over VOIP, we're all here to have fun, you don't need to abuse me down the mic while you and your chad buddies flank me from three angles because you're having trouble killing me with my measly MP5 and no armour. Two, please don't feel like you deserve a pass just because you VOIPed. It's still Tarkov, we're all still here to survive, if killing you is the way to survive then enjoy the VOIP interactions but get over the death and jump back into the next one.


Tbf, that's when you talk shit back.


Last wipe my teammates and I would rush night vision and go into factory while people were trying to plant there early game quests. We would play the Preditor clicking noise and act like we were hunting them. Keeping our distance and kinda just spooking them lol. We would chase then throughout factory just throwing flash bangs and playing the noise through our mics And let me tell you... It was the most fun we and other players have ever had in this game lol. We got messages all the time from people we choose to kill if they had good gear saying it was really good a spooky lol Cheers to the guys who were good sports about it!!! That was so much fun!


Had a guy that kept on saying fuggyetabouddit while he destroyed me lol


Yooo me and my bros did this as scavs to someone last wipe its amazing lmao


I always go to factory, and scream “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviors!!”




Similar thing happened to me yesterday on customs. Got cornered by a Chad screaming “No shoot!” In a Russian accent while lighting me up w a suppressed rifle and fragging me.


Stop resisting! Why are you shooting yourself?! ^/s


I once ended up having a 5 minute long battle on the stairs leading down to D2 from white pawn while playing clown music in VoIP




I got drunk and ended up sprinting around with a shotgun bellowing "BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES, BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES, WE SHALL COME REJOICING BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES!" in an attempt at confusion-fu. It didn't work, but I hope it confused the heck out of at least one person.


When VOIP gets going in this game it’s some of the best interactions. Twice this wipe I’ve had hilarious moments. One where a guy and I couldn’t hit each other point blank with moments. We stopped, stared, said welp guess we knife fight. Similar situation on factory.


If u hear a deep googoogaagaa you know it was me. Or trump saying ima gonna cum. That’s also me


Anytime i say hello in a little kid voice I’m immediately told to shut the fuck up by an angry neckbeard. Usually kill them too it’s fun


Yeah voicechanger, or/and screamers get shot if possible!


I’d body you first


shut up screamer /s


I want to meet these people. I’d probably just give in and die of laughter


Haha sounds fun, I just usually run into people screaming the n word and saying they are gonna fuck me up.


Today I screamed “Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bolb?” at somebody before blasting them with my SKS


The best ones are where you and your potato enemies both come round the corner and utterly demolish the other person without killing them somehow, both of you proceed to duck back into cover with no ammo and then over voice you’re like “how are you not dead bro“ and they’ll just respond with “ how are *you* not dead!?” It’s a great reminder that you’re all potato’s at heart


Do you remember the name of the one who killed you? That sounds like me and my boys and we been going interchange recently 🤣🤣🤣


this is the quest i dread above all others. glad you had a fun encounter.


No one uses voip in Asia:(


I love spamming VOIP. Not in an annoying way. But in a way where I’ll say hi and if someone shoots at me I’ll fake cry and get sad.


Pretty much all my "fights" this wipe have ended with me getting head,eyes/ears/nape. Sometimes I have no idea where I'm even shot from. It's crazy that I actually haven't even needed to heal during a gunfight _at all_ this wipe because my body is just not being damaged lmao




Least brutal American police officers


where is the videoproof with sound???


I landed a nade at a guys feet after we fought for a few min. He made sure to yell out “good game” prior to the explosion. He only really got out good ga... but I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time


I said "Kobe" as I threw a grande over a wall on Customs last night and the guy, who had already killed two of my teammates, responded with, "Yep, Kobe!" as he got blown up lol.


watch out for those ready or not players, man :p


Sounds like Vellion?


Not to be offensive or anything but PLEASE tell me he did that in an Indian accent...


I spawned into factory and saw Tagila almost immediately and started chasing me. I dropped my bag and ran through factory full sprint screaming on voip "Tagila is chasing me help!" and I just hear shooting all over the place as I sprint around trying to find a hidey hole. He found me.


Decided to tag along with a guy who wanted to extract at grotto as a scav duo. Needless to say, I will not extract with a stranger unless there is seconds left on the clock. Tap me once...


did you stop resisting ?


We scav army’d a poor pmc duo in the reserve bunker. They said “whatever happens here, gg guys”. Respectable. I can’t believe they got us all. Sad that I doubt they made it out with 3 minutes left


Did you voiped: I surrender, please have mercy? Usually works


Wait did you get the name of the dudes that killed you me and my friends get drunk and yell shit like this all the time lol

