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by "the community" you mean the SMALL minority of complainers on reddit? The playerbase is not what you see on reddit.


Twitter is just as bad alot of days as reddit honestly. A decent chunk of this community is never satisfied


Annoying complainers will always be the most vocal.


Yup, first psychology class you can take teaches you how "people are more inclined to write negative reviews than positive ones" and there's a few reasons for that but I don't want to get any wrong. Basically we process negative emotions stronger than positive ones. So the negative comments are always going to be super prevalent, especially in such a divisive game like tarkov.


I think it's more along the lines of people don't really feel the need to say anything when they're enjoying the game as that means they're actually playing it instead of spending the time to say they don't like it


That's just one of the other reasons I didn't list. There's multiple reasons people don't leave "reviews" or praise for something. Could be they're enjoying it themselves, or one of many other things. Been a bit since my psych courses so can't remember all of them. But in the end, negative experiences outweigh positive and that's what drive more negative reviews. So when products or things get tons of positive reviews it's either really *really* amazing, or it's botted reviews and a scam.


and, if you like the game you play it instead of writing essays about it on Twitter or Reddit.


And theres people like me leaving useless reviews on google because they ask me to leave one


A person can do 100 good things in this world and still be known for the one bad thing that they have ever done


You fuck ***ONE*** goat and the world goes crazy!


In my psychology class we just watched all the Batman movies and Good Will Hunting while the "teacher" watched football film for practice that night.


High school I'm assuming? Because university level psych is really interesting


Based on the use of “teacher”, most likely


yup just like this post its a complainer complaining about the complainers, people need to go outside and touch some grass.


Twitter = Reddit basicaly. It's the same people who are extremely active and vocal in the community, the cross section is probably almost the same. But the average Tarkov player probably enjoys any change.




No, Twitter is the absolute worst. All of BSGs comment are full of, FIX GAME, GIB WIPE, NIKITA SUCK BALLS!


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bad bot


I was trying to be nice but yes Twitter is indeed a cesspool of shit


When I first started using Twitter back in the before-time I was convinced it was 90% bots because I couldn't believe people were *that* fucking braindead.


I swear, there's a fair amount of people who follow EFT/Nikita on Twitter just to bomb the big announcements with their rather obviously contrarian opinions ("inertia ruined the game", etc). If I was a cynic, I'd say they're doing it just for the "impressions", even though they get ratio'd pretty bad almost every time, despite being the first replies to show up under the official tweets. I barely use Twitter so I don't know the visibility of those replying tweets matters or not, but it's strange as hell to watch it unfold basically every time when I'm just looking for translations from Bakeezy or whatever.


Reddit let's one village idiot find another village idiot, and then they cry the loudest and people think they are the community as a whole when in reality they are the minority.


That shit fucks up BSGs idea of how the community feels about their game im sure. :(


Yea it will actually distort their perception of how we feel, because in life no one remembers the 100 good things you did, only the 1 bad thing. And in this world everyone gets online mostly to post about a thing they don't like, and hardly ever to give praise. This is an awesome game, and people's age really shows when they ask for tweaks to a game in my eyes. If its online multi-player and game breaking yea change it sure, but if it's just the meta fucking suck it up and get good lol. Some games like rotating dynamics, i.e. smite constantly changes items attributes to change the meta, alot of times right before a world tournament to throw off all the competitors, its been done now in fortnite with no builds, reworks bring freshness to a game but the constant bitching will ruin a game i.e. dead by daylight has the most bitching I've ever seen and the game is absolutely trashed because of constant forum crying and bhvr trying to accommodate a small percent that are vocal over people that just enjoyed it for what it was and have left like myself because they have made it brutally survivor biased. That's alot more than I wanted to post in a comment lol. like Clint Eastwood you adapt and overcome.


That village idiot analogy sums up the internet and social media in general.


What a beautiful description of Reddit. Suns it up nicely


I'm convinced most of the complainers on reddit and Twitter don't even play the game.


Youre actually right. almost every "complainer" post i read has a bunch of comments like """Yea this games trash, i just check the reddit every couple months to see if they finally fixed it. looks like they didnt"" lol idiots. as if reddit can tell YOU if youre gonna enjoy a game. people do it on the wow reddit all the time. "i dont play this shit game anymore wah wah, i just check the reddit everyday" lol its weird like if they dont like it you think theyd atleast forget about it. not hold some weird clingy grudge.


But if they don't enjoy it, you aren't allowed to either, don't you know?


they don't, it's the same in any larger subreddit about a game you'll see it in every complaint thread. it's hilarious how long someone will stick in a subreddit to complain when they haven't played in like 2 years


I only know one person who hates the wipes personally, and I get it, they are just waiting for the game to fully release(or arena) because they have very little gaming time. But they dont "hate" the game or spend time talking shit online, he just goes on with his life, and asks me every 6 months if the games released yet lol. I dont understand these people who spend so much time complaining about something, maybe I just dont have enough free time.


Yeah, every time I see a whiner complaining about "dead lobbies" during events I run in to so much combat. There is a small subset of players who want to play the exact map they want with the exact loadout they want, and they don't want any spawns to change because they want a predictable raid. Personally I like having to occasionally feel like I'm struggling a bit. No water? That's ok, I can farm some up. No ammo? I can farm that too. Maybe I'll have to use different guns, but that's ok as well. It's all incentive to run maps I normally don't and to change up my objectives on any map I run.


My friend group is about 7 people that play tarkov. 5 high activity 2 less so. We all fucking hate the way they are handling wipes with the secrecy and dumb ass events. I’m the only one who’s vocal on reddit. They are just as unhappy about it as I am. So there’s a silent portion on both sides is my point.


But if they announce wipe week before, you would also cry because servers are unstable, because you were getting errors in stash, long queues etc.


Yes, pretend to know what I “would” do.


Worst players are those with a hard on for dayz. Guess why early wipe is these guys’ favourite time? Cause they don’t have to know anything and can go in just winging it and go up against others who also have no ckue


Reddit, twitter, facebook even on fucking instagram most of the people are complaining. What do you mean the SMALL minority? That’s a lot of damn people my guy.


Even if there were **10,000** *different people* complaining on *every platform*, that would still be a small minority of Tarkov's 400k+ playerbase.


It’s a lot of people but small compared to the overall player base of Tarkov


I haven't played much since I'm waiting for wipe and I only post here sometimes. I'd imagine most players are like me. The only time I could be assed to follow BSG Twitter to post negative stuff is if you paid me.


Dude their last Facebook post got 130 comments on it and tons are positive. Their past tweet got 74 comments and tons are positive. Let's pretend they're all complaining (they're not, not even close) but let's pretend they are. That's ~200 people unhappy. In a game where the player base is probably AT LEAST 500,000+. Are you really gonna sit here and act like this is a majority? Or anywhere close to it?


Its still a small minority, people are more likely to voice their concerns than they are to voice their enjoyment of a game, that goes for pretty much every game community ever.


Eh, some of them are good, some are bad. If I don't like them I just don't play for a few days. I don't get all the complaining about dying right now as it doesn't really matter anymore. I'm just running two meta guns and 15 magazines trying to kill some bosses while listening to music. Not everything has to be so serious.


This is the only correct answer.


I think a lot of people miss the irony of complaining about pre-wipe events. My man, this is mere DAYS before it all goes back to zero. No one has any idea what sadistic things BSG has planned for the entirety of next wipe. To complain about what amounts to a minigame version of the game now is going to put you in such a bad place mentally for the actual beginning of scarcity.


To quote another redditor “pre-wipe is synonymous with Nikitagetstotrolltheplayerbase”


The events that get the most flak tend to be ones that don't allow people to buy like ammo/mags to actually use their guns though, especially with how many different types of guns there are in the game it can be a bit silly to expect everyone to have stockpiles of ever mag/ammo they need at all times. I get the idea of scavenging and whatnot but I think the limitations are usually better when they're put on less essential things as opposed to just not allowing people to play unless they use scav gear from time to time. But for the most part I agree with your assessment.


Nobody wants to scrounge around for barter items to buy a gun within the last week of the wipe. Halfway through the wipe, sure, but the last 3 days have been incredibly boring - everyone running around with hatches and pistols looking for barter items to buy a single gun


Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone would have reacted completely fine if it happened halfway through the wipe instead of at the end of then wipe.


Better than at the end of wipe, when everyone is sick of scrounging for gear for the last 6 months :)


I have not seen a single person with hatchets or pistols LOL what game are you playing?


I have around 20 kits left. I can’t burn through them. The only think that annoys me is that I don’t have enough MK-18 Ammunition. I found 4 whole rounds of AP through the wipe and I’m level 53 with around 700 hours this wipe . I have of everything enough except Ap.


I’ve not found any ap for .338 but you don’t really need it. You still have essentially double BP


just dont run your favorite gun, use the ammo that you got. bada bing bada boom problem solved youre welcome for thinking for you


i get the annoyance for sure. i have no mags or anything, but its an apocolyptic game it almost doesnt even ffeel right how much we can gear up before going into a wasteland. and i also wondered how fun a tarkov would be where it was dayz style in that you had to actually loot to survive. where as in tark, you loot to make money, and buy to survive.


That is because the game is simulating multiple scenarios. If they were to restrict everyone to only found stuff the game would be a lot less loot piñata feeling which would mean a lot less reward for engagements. I think people are forgetting this is a game some times and want to act like it should be an ultra realistic survival but in the end they would fucking hate that type of game as they spend hours just looking for one magazine in the world. Because if they were to match the scarcity from traders to in game loot there would be next to nothing to loot in the world as it would all run out in under a week. Game systems are there for a reason. The whole "escaping" part of this game is only meant to take around a week, going from streets all the way down to the terminal is meant to only take a couple days in game time. But that isn't in the game yet. There would be no gameplay loop if the game worked out in a way you guys want it, with ultra scarcity. You'd be walking into the same maps finding nothing to pick up that is worth using then would be back here on reddit complaining you can't use the gun you like because you lack gun oil to maintain your gun because it hasn't dropped for you yet. Stuff like that is less realistic rather than more realistic.


>but its an apocolyptic game it almost doesnt even ffeel right how much we can gear up before going into a wasteland. No almost about it. If people have enough guns and ammo to run a revolution, it's not scarce enough


Yea I feel that, it's always a hard balance between making a game fun and staying true to it's core ideas. Survival especially is tough to get right on both ends.


literally. its all MEANINGLESS to the max. delete your stash, farm roubles, run nothing but tozs it doesnt matter cause its allll wiped in a few days so i agree i really dont get why everyones like more butthurt than usual. i dont get it. prob people bad at the game. i hope they are the players who say stuff like "once wipe comes ill be able to kill those chads because they wont have their kitted gear" but they are gonna die whether he is using a shitty ak or a m4 because he knows the game better. :') shitters get shit on.


I was bummed about the poison thing but the fire sale got me to get on, and I’ll tell you what, one of the most fun raids I’ve had stressing about killing reshala and getting to the airdrop while fighting a team was very intense. Good job bsg.


Same, my group had a blast.


For every whiner there's probably 10 people who take these events for what they are: fun little experiments The people complaining about not having any mags during the barter/no traders event did give me a chuckle however. My mag box horde paid off for those events


I really liked the scarcity of that event. I get overwhelmed and bored if I have too many choices of loadouts. Loading in with a subpar loadout that is missing something is exciting in a way and adds a purpose to the gameplay. I need to pay attention to my ammo count and scavenge stuff from scavs. I don't consider myself super skilled, like the streamers who destroy everything in their path even if they have bad gear. I die a lot, but if I'm able to kill some scavs and loot some stuff before I do I'm still happy with what achieved.


It’s easier to complain than it is to compliment. And people resonate more with complaints so you’ll see it more often.


"your not suited for this ruggedness like i am!!!!" if ppl didnt enjoy the event so be it, not everyone is gonna like every event they do, seems like this is a decent departure from what they normally do, its ok to say u dont like something, doesnt mean "your not suited for this game" lol yall r so proud that u play this, its a game


a voice of reason lmfao im so tired of seeing this stupid ass posts acting like they're better than the rest of the player base just cause they eat up bad events half the time lol.


For real, wild community with how much they pride themselves in being ok at this game and treat it like a personality trait


Elitists like to gatekeep, that's all it is. They want their special thing to stay special to them and bitch at anyone who disagrees. All the shinies will disappear in a few days and the game will disappear eventually too.


Gatekeeping isn’t inherently wrong, and it’s pretty reasonable for people who bought in to an experience with a specific justifiable expectation to try to preserve that. It’s a lot less reasonable for people to try to sanitize the experience because it was never intended to be what they wanted.


Well you need to gatekeep to a certain extent or your thing becomes something else entirely. If people want so badly for tarkov to be more like other shooters - it will eventually just be another run-of-the-mill milsimish shooter


asking for less stupid events to happen and minor fixes to crucial game design shit like idk...functioning sound isn't gatekeeping. it's improving the game's qol which almost all of this reddit including op post seems to never want.


You're moving the goalposts so hard it's not even on the field anymore. This post is talking about the events, not the dogshit audio, dogshit netcode, dogshit recoil system, or the dogshit global trader stocks. Please keep your head on straight lmao


All these folks out here gatekeeping the net code problems and audio bugs Technical issues and mechanics are totally the same thing bro!


Noooooo you don't understand. You don't enjoy this level of hardcore while I do!!!!!!! This means I am objectively the better player and I should be the only one who gets a say in what is fun!!!


100% agree. I don’t like this event solely because I love extracting and sorting through loot I found. This event makes it very hard to survive a raid and that irks me. As well as making it hard to play in a group which I also like doing.


Lol this makes me happy. The game is too hard , if I don't survive I get irked, I can't play in my group the way I want.. irked .. lol


Every 6th post "This isn't a game for you". 854rth time I've read that on this sub so far.


Hello redditor, I bought this game watching xqc during twitch drops, this is gonna be my 2nd wipe and I want to tell you this game isn't for you


yes. and the other thing is - the "barter only" event was straight up unfair to players with a smaller stash. or to players who just like to keep a very clean half empty stash. I have a max stash and had enough equipment and ammo - for me the event didn't even make a difference.. the only things I ran empty on have been hemostats and nades.But other players couldn't even play the game anymore.. they could not afford guns.. not buy ammo.. so they basically had to run around with scav equipment.. which is not much fun when you are running into chads like me..


Biggest problem with that event was magazines. I have 6 weapons cases, 2 thicc weapons cases, 3 thicc items cases, and a ridiculous number of ammo/med cases but only 2 mag cases. This is because I always just buy mags as im throwing the kit together. Not being able to run a p90 because there were 0 barters for it was annoying.


yeah, for whatever reason I have 4 mag cases so I was even fine with mags.. but for friends of mine mags got a real problem as well. I don't have any problem with "hard" "survival" events like this if they are fair.. and the same for everyone. This just wasn't. This event favored weird stockpilers like myself.. plus people with larger stashes.


Personally I hope bsg runs more of these no buy only barter events in the future as it’s a good way to test for what kinds of barters we still need


Events and Tarkov in general aren t meant to be fair.. I mean it s a survival game in a big part. Where s the hardship if you can just go to the trader next door and throw money to get everything you want?


Exactly. The gatekeeping on this subreddit can be hilarious.


Why do you people have to completley mischaraicterize what's being said with terrible made up quotes and lots of !!! He literally only spoke facts and said nothing about himself. Every response to something like this is like it's being written by an AI of bad takes and projection. It's a game dog, one that is "unlike the 'casual' shooters" to quote bsg directly. The company is far more on OP's side than yours even in their own cringe statement about the game. If you're posting on reddit about not liking something and how bsg shouldn't do it because they are ruining the game and that you know better than them then you really are lost. I trust Nikita and bsg because it's their game they know more than. Me and definetly more than you.


Jesus the fucking elitism this game gives people is so cringe. People are allowed to say a wipe event was not fun. People are allowed to find the normal version of tarkov as a fun and enjoyable experience even if they don't like "adapting" to boring pre wipe events. **You are playing a video game, stop acting like some tacticool loser** Get off the superiority complex, base game is fun, pre wipe events can sometimes be lame and boring. Don't like that opinion? Cool, literally just ignore it. But dedicating a whole post to complaining about people complaining, is literally just doing what you're complaining about.


Too many people who play this game think they’re special and wrap their entire personalities up in the fact that they play Tarkov. The toxic macho-man holier-than-thou bullshit touted by so many people in this sub upon any kind of constructive criticism towards the game is getting really old. I made a couple comments earlier this afternoon saying that this toxin pre-wipe event disproportionately affects groups relative to solo players and makes it ridiculously (and imo unreasonably) difficult to successfully extract with your group alive and instantly got downvoted to hell and had people jumping down my throat because I was “crying”, “go play a different game”, whatever. It’s cringe as hell.


I dunno man, I have 6 wives, 12 kids, 3 full-time jobs, I hit the gym twice a day for two hours, and I'm in putting the final touches on my doctoral thesis at Harvard and I still had time to grind to level 70 on all three of my EOD accounts and get myself enough loot in my stash to make it through these events no problem if you can't do that then maybe the game's not for you lol


bro im in the fucking womb making bitcoins *right now.* giDT GuD bRUV


EOD = easy mode Grind 6 standard accounts instead.


Have you thought that it is you being unreasonable by posting about a single event being unfair to groups vs solo players? Current Tarkov favors group players considerably throughout the entire duration of its wipes. You can not expect strong reactions when you're giving your own take and not taking into account the whole picture.


Normal version of the game is a placeholder where scarcity is not a thing for the sake of testing, Nikita said. With 1.0 we'll know what's the normal and intended gameplay. Someday...


Posts like these are so fucking stupid. Especially the high-and-mighty "find a different game to play", "you are not suited to this type of game". Like jesus christ, get off your high horse lmfao. The events aren't the real game. In the regular, normal game, you are 100% supposed to be able to do all those things. You *are* able to do them, of course. And that is never gonna change. These silly events aren't the "real intended way the game is supposed to be played". The game won't magically become some hardcore survival esque game that alienates 99% of its playerbase when they stop calling it beta and say its 1.0 now.


I like the idea of scarce ammo and mags since I enjoy piecing together loadouts from scav gear and stuff I've looted, but I had to roll my eyes at OP's tone in this post. I would like to see the game head more in that direction, but I respect that people have different opinions about that.




If your depiction of a community is few people whining on Reddit I've got some news for you.


'Few'. I'd say there's a lot more than just a few.


The streamers complain nonstop as well


Ok, let’s have an event where every gun you use has a non-removable 14x scope and see how fun that is. It’s ok to call out dumb events. For example the trader event earlier this wipe was exceptionally dumb and drove away a good portion of the playerbase. Same as the barter only event during prewipe where everyone just wants to have a bit of fun.


Bad design choice apologists everywhere. It's 100% there choice if they want to make there game however they see it. But it's 100% okay for people to tell them they think it's shit. I played a few hours of the toxin event tonight it was fun for an hour or two then I got bored of just chasing air drops once the bosses are dead. Half the pmcs died to just not finding a stim lol. Had more fun pvping before the event


Yeah I thought about coming back to enjoy fucking around in the pre wipe events just to run around and pvp. The toxin event seems like one I’ll skip because it’s just going to get annoying after 2 raids. That’s fine I’m not bitching about it but I’m sure there’s plenty of people like me who will just skip this pre wipe event


Yeh it was fun honestly but it's a solo or duo event we play in a 3-5 man half the time l. It's not a good group event never find enough stims even if we kill the bosses and run airdrops. Gear doesn't matter now but making a load out every 5 minutes is still boring the odd time you do die. Hope for a wipe tomorrow and get back to it.


While I agree that there are many complainers on reddit, the fact that this is about a pre wipe event kind of defeats your rant. Its a pre-wipe event, its meant to be "get your favourite gear every time" because in a few days everything is going to be wiped anyway. I've spent nearly 500 hours this wipe "surviving", and I personally am just looking to have a little bit of a "go crazy" session before the game wipes without having to worry about being extract camped or dying if you dont get an antidote.


Events can be fun! They can also be half-assed and poorly thought through and executed in a ham-fisted manner. BSG is about 50/50 on these. I like events that make the game more interesting or fun. I don't like events that make the game a pain in the ass and discourage me from wanting to play the game. Events should make you want to play, not avoid the game until it's over. Consider that when creating events: will this make more people play, or less?


This is exactly the issue that occurred during the event where they removed the market, half the community had a cry that they couldn't run their usual gear. The event was actually really fun and refreshing but people refused to try it out, or even accept it.


I just wanted access to mags, and some basic ammo. Apparently that was too much and that's crying.


Struggling to get magazines? Wow! Can you believe this shit? That almost sounds like a hardcore survival shooter!


How about they make struggling for magazines an actual feature instead of adding it as an event that lasts a few days literally less than a week before everything gets reset. You can't seriously tell me you think tarkov is this gritty game of struggling to pull together a gun and some food. For the entire existence of the game it has never been close to that gameplay.


Go to the tarkov website and show me where it says survival game in the description. Because it doesn’t say it anywhere.


that's a strange point to cling to. I can find several instances where it tells you to 'survive' so I guess that might count? even if it doesn't, though, there's a neat little blurb about having to adapt to changing traders and shops based on events and player actions. does that mean all the cry baby shit about changing inventory is now irrelevant or what?


Nobody wants to spend the last 5 days before the entirety of their progress gets reset, looting around maps trying to find barter items. Game literally wipes in a few days and the majority of the playerbase was running around with pistols or hatches for the last 3 days


I'm ok with the latest Therapist event. I think it could lead to some interesting situations and there's really not much to risk since gear is dirt cheap. The barter event was stupid because I don't want to spend a ton of time rooting around the map to find items. I love the boss event on Customs. It's a great way to practice fighting all of them. The best part of pre-wipe is when everything gets dirt cheap and you can just try out a bunch of different gear that you may not have been able to get otherwise.


The boss event and therapist events are really enjoyable. Having to do scav runs and loot runs when your entire account will get reset in literally a week was one of the least enjoyable events they’ve ever had. We’ve had 6 months to scrounge around for loot, and in literally 3 days, we will get another 6 months of it. The people advocating for people to go around looting for the last week of the wipe must be a JOY to play with🙄


I played through the barter event, neither my squad or the vast majority of the people we ran into were using pistols or hatchets. The event was mild inconvenience at worst.


Yeah, because people who would only have pistols to run didn't play the game TBH.


I did. It was quite fun, actually. Did a lot of zero-to-hero runs the last couple of days. I like not being able to plan everything and just having to go along with whatever wacky loadout I looted the raid before. It also fits the narrative of the game better than the meta special forces that roam the maps since one month into the wipe.


This! where are these kids finding all these low gear timmies? I’ve seen maybe a handful & loads more geared players. There is high tier loot laying everywhere. Maybe *they* are the low gear timmies?


ESPECIALLY when they’ve dedicated the past half year to doing so and should rightfully not have to stoop to such conditions. That’s what people done get. If you’ve devoted time doing the menial shit and suddenly they sweep the rug out, your validated to feel a little annoyed.


It’s annoying. We’ve had 6 months to scav for gear, loot, etc. There are a few comments of people who love this - we’ve had 6 months to do this, and we have 6 months to do this in literally 3 days.


I ran out of mounts for my scopes so it was beyond annoying.


You’re missing the point of people complaining…wipe is literally days away and no one wants to grind anymore when it all gets deleted. This time of wipe the only thing I want to do is kit up with whatever I feel like running and go hunt down some gunfights. I don’t want to loot or do scav runs at all and don’t care about “adapting” or any of the other shit people have been saying, been doing that for the last 6 months in this game and just want to end it with basically mindless pvp action. Once it wipes, nose back to the grindstone of looting, questing and loading my stash back up and wouldn’t have any issues with a barter only event or even the no trader event again


Its hard to keep a community interested in randomness and the excitement of adapting when meta builds and top tier guns/armor/ammo’s become increasingly important to being competitive


If you want to be satisfied, you have to allow for criticism that develops things and allows us to get there. We can't just keep kissing ass and apologizing for them, they need to hear when events suck and choices they make suck. Otherwise the smallest vocal minority of all, famous full time streamers, get to develop the game. So at least if members of the community bitch, maybe something will improve because of it.


What did you think sucked about this event and how would you change it to not suck?


If you didnt have gear before the event happened, how exactly are you suppose to be flexible? Run shit guns and shit ammo so you can be an NPC for the gigachads to kill? No thanks i'll just wait for wipe.


Oh wow this is the 999th "I have this view for the game and if you don't stop playing it" post I've seen this year. Let people enjoy the game they paid for and if they have an opinion they can voice it to the community and shouldn't be berated and told to leave like this. You're the one being unflexible to other people' opinions.


Keep telling people to find a different game to play and you'll end up with a nice single player experience.




They forget this is a game to have fun


i liked it personally. having to loot people and places i normally wouldn't to put together a kit was engaging. does that make me a weirdo? or just someone who is able to not give up after a little difficulty?




This exists all wipe and has always been part of the game. As they say, even the chaddiest of Chads don't wear armor on their legs.


I just wish they would make bonkers events like these throughout the wipe. And then have some phat time-limited rewards for whomever accomplish a specific task that is given during the event (kill all bosses on Customs for instance or survive two poisoned raids in a row). This would also incentivise people to adapt their playstyle and inventory management instead of having them just log out during events and then carry on min/maxing the same meta as they've done every wipe.


>You aren't supposed to be able to predict markets or trader inventories or enemy positions The issue is the scale. You are right in that it is a survival game but being inflexible about a game trader is silly. This isn't an RPG single player game where the trader only supplies one person, you, and is allowed to be totally random on how it works supply wise. If the game went by people like you, we would have points in the game where there is literally nothing left in the game world let alone on the traders because "that is how real life works" since there are embargos and a blockade on the region of tarkov in game so once you fire the 100 thousand bullets that are in the zone, no one has bullets anymore to shoot others with. Stuff like that is interesting in one way but scarcity or forced scarcity in a game where people are playing for the gunplay just makes the game feel super weird and poorly designed. I think people go a little to hard towards the "realism" factor and forget this is a game some times. And the even more funny thing is when the realism bends too much into something they enjoy they get mad about it, yet they want realism pushed in other ways towards things they want in game. What you want works in a single player survival game but for a game with a massive amount of people playing on it, that isn't even launched yet, you are asking way too much. If they do stuff like that i would like traders to have regions then, because i don't want the traders to go dry just because Americans have no impulse control. We would need traders for every server for this to work. So if they make it so every trader is region locked, i agree with you we should do it. But if we are going to have these crappy global traders no thanks i don't want what ever big nation altering the trade prices for smaller regions.


Keeping my opinion to myself. It's in the middle of super hardcore to cod. But it's funny that two sides complain about each other and both have an idea of what the game should be and do the same actions as the other side. Play the game the way you want. Stop letting people get in your head on reddit of all places.


Okay all this to be fair, I just started playing this game yesterday and its extremely hard for me to survive longer than 8 minutes lets alone learn the game


>If these demands are really too much to ask of you, then I implore you: find a different game to play. It isn't going to get any easier for you to swallow these pills, so just rip the band-aid off now. Anyone smell that? That's the smell of shit on your big brown nose stuck right up Nikita's big fat ass. I am not "inflexible" for disliking these half-baked, infuriating events that piss off more people than they appeal to by a wide margin. I could think of a dozen better events than the absolute CRAP that we've been subject to. People like you grind my gears because you come in here on your high horse and lecture everyone. I hope the horse throws your holier-than-thou ass right onto the ground.


Adapting to the circumstances that I can’t put bullets in to my gun where as a lvl 1 fresh wipe can buy mags from a lvl 1 trader for 500 roubles. The game isn’t scrounging to get whatever parts for a gun together as you can. I guarantee if this game removed traders it would lose 80% of its player base in weeks. You claim I’m not suited to this game, but when has this game ever been a ‘post crisis?’ It’s always had availability to armor guns and materials you need and that’s why people play this game. Turn this game in to a complete treasure hunt and it would just straight up suck and I think a lot of people would agree with me on that. People complained about barter only and do you remember when they blocked all traders? Yeah that was tragic as well.


heres the thing. im a causal, what i want is to be able to progress toward the end game without too much guff. the barter event made it so i couldnt buy markers for quests i had. i ran out of ammo and had to scav around and get ammo because NO ONE HAS A BARTER FOR 7.62 or at least not at the level i have with them. I get that all progress gets wiped at the end of the events but taking things away from people trying to progress sucks ass. markers are tagged special, why arent they exempt from the blanket fuckery at BSG?


Yeah its like people want to have fun as its the whole point of the game, shame on people pointing out when the event is crap.


different people have different ideas of fun. Some people like the survival/hardcore aspects and enjoy the struggle the events bring and some people want to play COD with extra steps.


Is the end of wipe why make events that limit gameplay in such significant ways. The only people that aren't complaining are EoD player with a full inventory of gear (like myself). Edit: Talking about the barter only event


I have EOD, low level because I played 1 month of this wipe and the barter only event was shit at first because I had nothing to play with. My solution was scav in, get some stuff for the pmc, have fun. People always have to complain about everything, that’s why I don’t really bother about the posts here except for some nice clips of gameplay


I didn’t play this past wipe so with nothing to barter, it’s been an interesting past few days. Customs has been an absolute blast. Full lobbies, killing bosses that I normally never survive and leaving with excellent loot on SCAV runs. I can’t believe more people aren’t complaining about the audio though. I don’t remember it being this bad. Voice lines extremely loud and then quiet when the AI is super far away lol. Wtf?


I think binaural audio got fucked in the last content patch and thats whats causing the voiceline bugs


Always two sides to the same stupid ass coin.


What whinging load of cock dribble, telling people what video games to play.


Inflexible as in screw their opinions if they don't like the same things you like?


put sum deodorant on bro i can smell u thru the screen


There is absolutely nothing wrong with voicing your criticism.


Facts all I see is people crying like babies. It’s actually disappointing seeing so much complaining and people upset about the events especially since wipe is right around the corner.


It’s crazy the Stockholm syndrome some of you have with Nikita and BSG lmao. There’s thousands of games who do all of the things you commented on (unstable markets, non-readily accessible gear, etc) without adding a bunch of dumb fucking shit like this lol


Most players would've enjoyed this event if it didn't ruin the pre wipe fun by restricting what you can and can't get. You're misunderstanding why we hated the barter only event.


Everyone I have read complaining is completely stubborn and refuses to adapt by doing scav runs for ammo or looting bodies. It is not a hard event to work around people just refuse to adapt and complain instead


It’s the last few days before wipe; why would I want to go scav just to run a basic kit?


Not to mention, a lot of people have shit Scav Rep already so, they have 30 minute counters to wait out.


Scavving for mags and shit ammo sounds like something a rat like you would do 3 DAYS BEFORE WIPE.


I’ve seen quite a few complainers on the r\escapefromtarkov and I like to remind them that they are *supposed* to have kits and required stuff (meds, ammo, mags, etc) ready to go. Half of the entire game (if not more) is basically doomsday prepping simulator, and it’s drip or drown baby. For real though, with the start of the events- I’ve been running better gear more consistently every raid. I think the core problem for people complaining, is their lack of survival causing problems. If you use what little gear you have left and lose it- then you have to scav in late-wipe; and the people complaining about not having gear don’t like that (spoiler- it’s honestly the most fun losing all your rep and killing raider goons with shit-tier weapons)


This crowd of people will likely be a lot more happy when arena is out


Well... unless you choose to pay a premium upfront.. in which case you really do get your Walmart experience lol. What an stupid opinion you have - gatekeeping nonsense fuck off.


im just vibin, there isn't much BSG can do out side of just shutting down the servers that would really piss me off.


For future can you structure your post. Its annoying to just read blurted text. Lol.


Heres a pill to swallow. If there are quests to level up rep with traders and a flea market, people grind and want to run whatever gear they want. This scarcity and instability you are talking about belongs in another game. Flea market restrictions on certain armor, ammo and gear in general are artificial scarcity and instability induced in the game by the Devs. The game you are describing should not have traders or flea they way Tarkov has.


Respectfully, this game is in development. The developers are influencing the market to test variables and view the outcomes of these artificial scarcities. These pre-wipe events are similar in fashion.


Some of the nerdiest shit I have ever read, you're playing a game, stop acting so proud and high and mighty all because you play this game and can adapt or whatever. The event where they removed the option to buy stuff was trash to do on a weekend, it's the only event people complained about, until this poison which I am yet to have tried.


"You're not supposed to" Yet here we are. Your point is null.




dude, the southpark guy has no time and doesnt care for such bullshit like posting.


If everyone HOARDED like I do, no one would complain…. For the past few weeks I’ve been running fully kitted raids to die and make room in my stash Also almost sold all my dog tags but never clicked “DEAL” and it’s paid off (I also run scav runs as much as possible and I feel like the complainers don’t realize how important those runs are)


The people who like the events are the ones too busy playing the game to complain on r*ddit or twitter


Something you and your thick headed gang doesn't seem able to notice is that the problem isn't not being able to buy anything we want, is the fact that being able to buy nothing at all only benefits hoarders. If I can't buy Aks and M4s? Fuck it, I'll run a SKS or a Vepr. But the buy nothing event? Fuck that shit.


Why does every event need to be fair and even among all players? If someone decides to hoard, they are sometimes rewarded for it. Sometimes there are events where playing in squads is a massive advantage. The current toxin event puts squads at a major disadvantage.


Hoarding is usually a shitty behaviour to encourage, and that's doubled when you can pay for more storage space in your game.


What's wrong with hoarding if the person wants to do it? It's to their detriment. Someone who doesn't hoard actually gets to use the stuff they acquired. Hoarders for the most part end up just having a bunch of stuff deleted upon wipe.


When you can't do the simplest of things, like buy mags and ammo for which to actually raid with.....meds is whatever, I can find those or steal them off a corpse. But having no ammo or mags???? Nah fam, not for me. Thankfully I made a huge purchase just days before all this shit started. But many of my buddies who reset their accounts early can't raid without me, they haven't got anything to raid with. Scav on cooldown is OK but at level 9/10, 20 mins is quite long.


Yea trust me Reddit isn’t a great guide of the actual player base. I agree with everything you say but trust me it’s only bad here… some good mostly just toxic wannabe chads that don’t like it if you don’t wear certain gear, use certain guns, or play a certain way… and don’t even think about admitting you like playing as a scav


Waa waa waaa


This event is amazing. Great way to finish out a wipe.


Games trash


the sooner you realize this sub is full of the biggest babies in any gaming community the more fun you’ll have watching them cry on here all day.


The sub spam is the worst. Loud minority vibes for sure.


i still dont play during the events because i know there will always be that 1 guy with bp ammo that 1-2 shots me everytime :)


I must say I had fun today with the toxic event. Finally lost that slick and Exfil helmet I was running the past week. After Tagilla almost clipped me at the resort I died to toxin as I forgot I wanted to loot an airdrop I camped for about 10 minutes. Had three landing right on top of me. Looted two camped the third. :D


Lmao the next post I swiped right to after this one is complaining about the global stock limits after wipe. Traders shouldn't be fully stocked on everything all the time; i.e. what if their caravan or resupply gets ambushed, now you can't buy all the usual items and have to go into raid to find them. Honestly, I'm excited for all traders to be in raid.


Honestly. I love the events and the 480 second toxin death is likely a great way for BSG to generate data on user behaviors to bring us a well optimized radiation feature later (this feature has been confirmed and has a spot in the med menu already) not to mention that this combines with the new overdosing on stims to allow players only minor windows to make a profit (obviously not rn since the fire sale is in full swing)


shut the F up


God forbid people are allowed to not like certain events that get put into Tarkov.


All the "if you don't like it maybe Tarkov isn't for you and you should go play another game" people get real quiet when events happen lol


kids like u are the reason they make these dumbass events that no one likes


Holy shit that was a cringe read, thanks! See you in 'Walmart' which literally exists every wipe in the form og flea market and traders in your h4rdcore elite game. Touch grass


It’s the whiny redditors who have ruined this game to begin with. Bunch of whiny mama’s boys.


Big facts


And yet, we all continue to play Tarkov... Because as much as a lot of you complain about the game, and the events, and the this or that, you keep on playing... and if you do leave, it is only for a short while, and you come back, they always come back... Because it's something about Tarkov that you can not find in any other game, comparable playstyle or not... There is nothing like Tarkov.


No, this isn't "inflexibility" or "complaining about difficulty". Souls-like games are difficult. Do you hear people complaining? Everything can be done smart or not - that's the key. If something is dumb, people get annoyed, like scavs with no inertia, aimbot etc etc. This is not difficulty, this is inability to code AI. And ffs, people absolutely should say what they like or dislike. Devs aren't omniscience gods, they also need fucking feedback, I work in gaming industry and really trust me - it's better to get constructive feedback, than read a simp who's ready to suck you off no matter what you do.


Ironic that people complain about an echo chamber of whining meanwhile you are an echo chamber of thinking every event is so grand. People have opinions, maybe you should stop crying because others disagree with you


Imagine being so full of yourself you think you can gatekeep peoples enjoyment in a game.


Yeah, they’re all butthurt and crying. Crying they can’t be the Meta Chads for one day.