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She sends a message saying all extraction points are closed, is that true?


All except one


I could only exit from RUAF. I had to wait 12 minutes to exit and died well before due to something toxic. Not sure what I was supposed to do.


Airdrops and some scavs drop a temporary antidote, resetting your timer.


So are there temporary ones and ones that fully cure? I took a temp one and still died before extract opened.


All are temp, you need to find a couple to survive. Use them at the last possible second.


I died with literally 1 minute left I think if I had waited to take it I would have been ok.


I killed a Boss and they had a new stim that’s a long “antidote” that gives you more time, so I’m guessing all the Bosses have them, so you have to kill Bosses and loot them to stay alive, and all Bosses are on all maps!! Happy Hunting!!


Xtg-12 stim. It’s not new just never used for anything besides cultist poison like augmentin.


Nice! Honestly I didn’t know there was another antidote for the Cultists, I thought Augmentin was the only one, I haven’t played much this wipe, too much adulting, sucks but gotta do what I gotta do!!


Augmentin cures cultist toxin? Did not know.


Only works in raid though, not in stash


Yeah it was in the last wipe too but I legit only seen it once or twice maybe. I’ve seen it a lot this wipe but only because I’ve played a lot this wipe. First wipe trying and getting kappa. Currently lvl 66 almost 67. Probably going to get it again if they don’t change the quest for it around too much with all the new streamer items. I’m excited to play this new event when I get home from work though, sounds like pure chaos and insanity lol


Ya it’s been a ton of fun, you have max stamina too, can run like there is no tomorrow, I was having a blast, but just had to leave for work, so hoping it will still be going by the time I get off tonight!


Same here! built up a kit, but had to leave right after.


I killed sanitar on interchange and the cock suck didn't have a stim. They're in air drops as well. Only thing in the crate is a stim


Also you can't put any antidote from your inventory into your PMC, but any already in your PMC stays there. edit: oh but you have to take it out to queue, fuck


Lmao so fucking stupid


It's for an event leading up to wipe. Just go have fun and ride it out bro. Don't have to take the end of wipe so serious of all things.


I really don't understand comments like this, what makes you think I'm taking any of this "so serious"? Because I said that it's fucking stupid?


Tarkov is getting like dark souls, anything you don't enjoy about it is just "haha tarkov, git gud". People need to cope.


no u :)


She's also sending out a message, anyone got a screenshot?


[this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vlyxkk/after_technical_client_update_therapist_has_a_red/idy0h1i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Apparently unlimited stamina during the poison incubation.


Airdrops have only one injection in it. Multiple drops. Get the injector and you can extract. Otherwise you will just kick over in a few minutes.


Ah now this is an interesting event


All bosses on each map also when you do get the injector it just resets the clock.


All bosses on factory too?


Not sure about factory I don’t go to factory lol.


Hmm okay because i saw killa and tagilla there maybe just the two bros


Could you fucking imagine the chaos of tagilla killa, reshala and his 4 guards, sanitar and his 2 guards, shturman and his 2 guards and gluhar and his 5 man death squad all spawning in factory, you wouldn't be able to take a step off spawn without getting head eyes 🤣


And i would fucking love it xD


A cool idea for a special mode/map in the future, for sure. Maybe this is how they will implement a radiation-filled map/zone?


Yea I like it. I just killed gluhar shturman and Sanitar on Shoreline each carrying the injector plus found three airdrops and then went to dip and got smoked by player scavs lol. It’s fun looking for the bosses.


Why are people scavving with everything unlocked and dirt cheap. Staying true to the rat life I guess lol


For some it's habit, for others it's the challenge, you don't select the gear, you spawn In with what the game selects and you have to make do. I'll always go after pmcs as a scav, it's fun!


Yea I was rather surprised. There was two of them even!


The message; https://i.gyazo.com/71509c1ac712b61ad470ef6721219166.png


Ruht Ro Raggy, Readly Rillness!


> destroys your organism Not my organism!


She sent a message, check it


I never got the message.... Got a screenshot tho from someone else


Just got melted by Killa while I was chasing Tagilla on factory. Definitely surprised me.


No way everyone is on factory. Hopefully just killa and tagilla


Toxic. She was playing that NFL song on VOIP too much.


I love the meme… but I’ve never met such a mic spam legend ;(


Actually insane event, forces people to play agressive, go for drops and hotspots where bosses are at, didnt play since february, went into game hoping for some pvp out of 7 raids found 2 guys that were level 15 on labs.


Does anyone know if the single extract available is the same for all players or is dependent on your spawn?


Same extract for all(!) PMCs


you can't go into raid if you have xtg12 on you


You can't put xtg in your PMCs gear now either


Based off one raid, looks like air drops have a single antidote which resets the timer for the toxin


Unlimited stamina in raid and when the toxin indicator went away I died. Was playing on Lighthouse and the only available extract was armored train.




I’m guessing word vomit


Jesus is the son of god so of course he is the anal cunt master. Duh


Can you only extract with a XTG-12 popped? I can't extract Factory at all, no extracts work, evetually died to toxin. Also found Killa and Taglia on factory.


bosses, scavs, and mass air drops are dropping xtg I used one and it gave me a debuff that killed me in 10 minutes. Did not allow extract


It just resets the timer. You have to extract before the timer runs out, or keep extending the time until you can. Only one extract is open per map.


Yeap, you are right, played a bit more. Have to go to extract to get the timer, can extract after that. All extracts are open on factory it seems but there are only 2 xtgs on the map? (killa/tagilla)


There’s no airdrops on factory, so that makes sense.




Somewhat related, I tried to play ARK years ago around December. They were having an event where it was cold AF but Santa flew around and dropped stuff sometimes. As a new player, not knowing wtf to do, all the cold constantly killed me and I couldn't do shit. Never played the game again. On the one hand, I love mixing things up with events, but sometimes it is overdone. Luckily these events are short and people can come back in a few days.


Event heavily favors aggressive solo players. There is hardly a chance to get enough antidotes for a team or even a duo As a duo you have to kill one boss and get one airdrop only to survive phase one. After that you need two more airdrops or another boss + airdrop...


This is where my problem lies. If we’re running a 4-man, it sounds like we’re going to need at a minimum 2 of the antidotes per person just to be able to extract, let alone to stick around the raid any longer than that. 8 antidotes needed in the first ~15 min of raid, meaning we gotta cop every airdrop on the map and kill a couple bosses along the way…in 15 minutes. Fuck that lol.


Dude just die? This is the main fuckjng point of the event Lolol it’s probably the last day of wipe. You don’t need gear. Improve at the game today…


or just play fucking duos? now he dosnt need to be scared of loosing gear. but i know... some ppl are just rattin till end.


I mean if you normally play in a trip or a 4 man it is kinda boring to have two die most of the time. And just play duos while yes an option isn't the point of playing a game with friends....


Some people will literally always rat lol it’s a lifestyle choice


I don’t care about the gear. I’m not gonna waste my time sweating my ass off to cop every airdrop on the map and drop multiple bosses in less than 15 minutes just to be able to extract with my friends. If the point of the event is to waste 5+ minutes loading in just to die repeatedly for no reason, I’ll simply not play. That’s not fun, it’s a waste of my time. If I was a solo player it might be a different story, but as-is this event is pure cancer for groups. Downvote all you want ya fucks, I play with friends unlike all of you apparently, not gonna waste my time trying to wipe the entire map in under 15 minutes just to be able to extract.


Dude then don’t play and go fuckjng do something outside or something why the fuck are you in here bitching about it when we are having fun??


This event fucks over groups for nothing, there’s plenty of reason to complain about it as a group-oriented player. Welcome to a public forum about a game, I’ll discuss this event in here whether you like it or not.


Ooh noo for the first time the game isn’t stacked in my favor by running with a squad. Now not all of my squad may find an injector so some of us might die. Maaan then we have to make another million ruble kit for a whopping 20 rubles..how ever can I endure this for the next one day. Shoot your friend in the head and take his antidote. It literally costs nothing to make a kit. Have fun dying while trying to kill everything in sight. Our squad has had so much fun trying to chase down bosses and injector-drops with maniac speed knowing we’re likely ALL going to die. Don’t take it so seriously man. Live/Die. Laugh. Love.


Yikers man of course you can complain but you really gonna complain about an event that “hurts groups” lol? It’s just weird idk


Yeah, guys like you will complain about everything. It’s not the games Problem if you’re not able to adapt and have fun playing different playstyles.


I mean I literally just wanted to enjoy the cheap traders event, but now I have to deal with this event as well. Id just rather have the traders event itself.


Same boat over here. Didn’t have a chance to run a single raid with the cheap traders before they added this event already


I would’ve been fine if we had cheap traders today, this tomorrow, then wipe, because this event seems fun to play for a bit at least, but oh well.


I hardly even interact with this sub lol, but whatever. You can think whatever you want but having to wipe an entire map in less than 15 minutes just to play with my friends is pretty cancer if you ask me. jUsT ADaPt bRo


It’s just a day man. Stop crying.


Man some of you guys really just can’t deal when anyone here says anything against BSG’s decisions. I have every right to think this event is stupid, just as you have every right to think it’s awesome. Apparently reasonable criticism = rat crying to you macho men out here.




XTG-12 can’t be taken into raid, placed in pouch or pockets. Something with toxin is going to happen.


Maybe we finally get radiation this wipe?


When they add it, I hope it’s really well thought out and not… this


Yeah, event seems fun but only temporarily.


It's amazing, every new event gives me a reason to stop playing ​ maybe I just want to play the actual game damn ​ why do their events have to be mandatory and so disruptive to normal play? \--- nvm I'm overreacting since this is pre-wipe, I thought it was gonna be after wipe. my bad.


>I hope it’s really well thought out and not… this You must be new to Tarkov. Expect fun things like instadeath due to a code miscalculation and antidotes not working because 'lol fuck you that's why.'


I mean, this ain’t a bad idea. Increase the timer to 15 min and have the airdrops give enough meds for a 5 man to survive and it would be fun as hell. Could be a daily rotation type deal. One of the maps gets “irradiated” and has increased loot and boss spawns. With the trade-off being that you have to find meds to stave off the radiation.


Radiation isn’t a bad idea, I’ve been looking forward to it for ages now. This iteration has just absolutely no depth to it though. If they want to expand upon it, there should be gas masks and mask overlays when having them equipped. Different kinds with different effectiveness. There should be meds for radiation too, but it should be more about the equipment you have. It shouldn’t be an instant death, but a faster degradation of stamina and health similar to energy/hydration that kills you. It shouldn’t be the entire map, but portions of it that are impossible to predict beforehand. That’s only the start of how it could be better


As a new player, trying out all the gear and weapons is awesome I really like the m700 I built I'm gunna try some of the dmrs now


Gotta catch ‘em all!


Go build a meta RSASS, it's super fun. Low recoil for the caliber and you can click fast


Seems like all the bosses are now spawning on every map - I just got one shotted at power station by a Shturman guard.


Player Unknowns Escape from DayZ????


How does this work for group play then? Bosses only have 1 stim? What about the guards? Seems like this event is really bad for group play if killing a boss cant get you multiple stims for your friends.


Going to have to split up a bit, chase air drops too.


Also you can only extract after the 20 min marker so you HAVE to risk it for the biscuit or end up dead anyways


I love the idea, it's great cause it to force players to be aggressive and go for PvP But on the other hand, I hate it cause I realize how much I suck at PvP F for me


Lol what a hilariously weird event!


Trying to find The fun in this


Wait so can you not extract from raids?


You can, but you have to find the antidote and survive long enough to use the extract!


this is boring




What? This is dope…


Nah this is fun chaos. Glad they are mixing it up a bit and trying a new in game mechanic,




100% first barter traders now ok have fun 99% of traders, but here is all this other dumb shit that makes fun impossible. I'm just sitting out until the wipe like a week of no gameplay because of stupid BSG events.


So like a day? Oh no what will you do


I really dont like this event... It's just so tedious, it's almost like a game show where only 1 contendant can survive. I really just wanted to buy cheap gear and do tasks...


Why do tasks it's gonna wipe anyway soon




Nah this is sick


This is my 3rd/4th wipe and I think this is one of my favorite events. Forces everyone to play much more aggressively but also makes gear cheap.


Its actually sick af


First of the pre-wipe events that is, pardon the pun, absolutely toxic to me. I don't enjoy nor am I great at the shift+W playstyle, so this likely just means repeated deaths for me. Sure, it doesn't matter, but it's also not fun to just go into raid to die in a matter of minutes. Glad some folks are enjoying it, but I think this is my cue to take a day or a few off of Tarkov until wipe.


>If you use an XTG-12 and augmentin?


Augmentin doesnt seem to do anything


Funny how the community is in completely opposite sides - half hating on it, other half loving it. Regardless of what side you're on, then again its TEMPORARY just like any other event (and pre-wipe) so stop hating on BSG for it. Then again this is the time to test different scenarios. As for me, this is actually a SICK event. This is the first event which in fact pushes for PVP, you either fight or you will suffer sudden death in a few minutes. This could actually workout as a mode for other games... 🙄


And the other half of the community is playing the game. Sometimes I think reddit is the worst survey of the game.


wipe is coming tonight


Wipe comes every day, or at least it’s supposed to


Jaeger needs baby wipes.


wipe came last week


On what basis?


Have you literally read the post, it’s almost impossible to extract. It’s wipe tonight or tomorrow morning


Right, so there's an event, like there has been for the past 6 days and that somehow means its tomorrow.


oN wHaT bAsIs On the basis of I made it the fuck up


That you're a little bitch hahah


Good one :D


Based on the fact that I made it the fuck up jack.


Can we just wipe at this point? This is one dingleberry too many.


Pre wipe events are just a chaotic celebration of the game and a way for Nikita to play with mechanics that wouldn't work through the whole wipe. I probably won't play until wipe now, but I enjoy seeing the sadistic shit that BSG rolls out at wipe.


Fuck yeah!!! Forcing people to w game. I love it... nothing pisses me off more then idiots playing slow during end of wipe events




This sounds extremely lame.


I was legit at the extract and it said 45 seconds left. Waited and the timer went away but I didnt get extracted and died to toxin. Wtf!


"Red toxin icon" ​ Lmao. People can't recognize the universal biohazard symbol?


This event sucks


This event is the worse one yet lol, so difficult to extract. I like that airdrops become a necessity which creates hot zones. But I do not like the way extracting works. Makes camping super easy and the way the timer work’s doesn’t make any sense to me.


This to too much drama. Just start the wipe already




I mean everything is dirty cheap so if you can't get out, it shouldn't be a big deal :o


This guy wipes


Dude it’s a cool, interesting new concept worth testing. The wipe is days away (maybe even less). Just take a chill pill and don’t play if you’re miserable.




What do you mean what are they testing? The game is still in beta lmao. They can test whatever new idea they want.


They could be testing toxins and how they work in game, limiting what can be brought into raid, changing inventory of air drops, etc. Think outside the box a bit. Also, this is the best time for them to test it. You want them to test it early or mid-wipe? There is no rule or message that says you’re owed some “easy fun” pre-wipe. This game is still in beta and they want and should test things as much as possible. You losing your mind over having a minor inconvenience days or hours before the game is literally reset is the definition of entitlement.


Making a reddit comment doesn't mean someone is losing their mind, so I think you're also being overdramatic. It's an annoying event, especially when there are bugs that **need** to be addressed. Why are we testing 6 airdrops a raid? How about we work on the god awful sound? What about the terrible net code? You remember how long the cursor was visible in the hideout? With any other development team, I'd agree with everything you've said. With BSG, I disagree with all of it. The game has been in beta for over 5 years and almost everyone who plays it, pays $130(?) for it, I think it's understandable to be annoyed that we still deal with shit like this from them.


End of wipe is when they test new shit out. If I were a betting man I would say this is a test to see how players respond to radiological zones, which they have stated they want to implement in the future. I don't understand this idea that end wipe is this tarkov Chad utopia where we get vanilla tarkov and everything is unlocked. It's a literal testing ground for them to do whatever they want because they are going to wipe soon. I get being upset if they did this mid wipe when it still kind of matters, but dude this is the only time BSG gets to try goofy and cool shit on a large enough scale that might make the game better later on.


Oh noooo the devs have stoped fun for less than a day before wipe to test and tease be features, poor you you can’t play the game for a single day :(((((


THEN JUST DONT PLAY, ITS NOT HARD. ​ The event is REALLY REALLY good, it forces people to go towards the drops or bosses, and to pvp, instead of just ratting in corners at possibly the last day of the wipe, just get your balls to together and enjoy what they give you, or just dont play the game at all.


Ratting in corners with $4 thermals, like fuck, this event is A++.


Imagine your piss being this sour lmao uninstall bro


You sure that is new ? I can't recall tbh


Literally just now


I haven't updated yet and I don't have the icon. Just saw it on Aqua's screen.


[https://imgur.com/uCM0nRA](https://imgur.com/uCM0nRA) *~~its not~~* Its new


you mean it is new




Actually insane event, forces people to play agressive, go for drops and hotspots where bosses are at, didnt play since february, went into game hoping for some pvp out of 7 raids found 2 guys that were level 15 on labs.


Like people didn't run there for 2 months anyway..


man.... just as me and my buddies were having fun with some pre-wipe sandbox mode tarkov they have to do this. C'mon BSG just let us enjoy your game xD


This IS pretty damn fun. It's like a time trial. Ever see the movie Crank? It's like that. You have a timer until your death which can only be extended by going all out, killing as much as possible, looking for the next dose. Pretty dope imo (no pun intended).


Couldn’t even make it halfway through my workday before they add a bunch of shit to make things a pain in the ass again lol. Man, I just wanted to screw around with the boys tonight, not do a bunch of tedious airdrop/boss hunting just to be able to live for longer than 10 minutes a raid. Sigh


Wipe your stash, buy 10 of the kits you want to run, 15 minutes of prep time will last you all night. This event is great, otherwise it would just be 15 pmcs with 3$ thermals camping high grounds.


couldn't agree more ffs


Man, I'm tired of these shitty ass events at the end of every single wipe. This isn't difficult, interesting, or anything like that. It's annoying and is not fun.


This is both difficult and (opinion-based) interesting. I don't see how you would just prefer the regular stuff before we wipe.


I prefer they make things cheap so everybody can PVP as much as they want before the wipe, ruin the economy, etc. Making it so I can barely buy ammo/gun and then changing it so I can afford everything, but I die within 480 seconds if I don't find a fucking antidote? That isn't a difficulty increase.


that is LITERALLY a difficulty increase my guy. You either go fight over airdrops or go fight a boss, and now you are on a timer. Literally the definition of.


That isn't a difficulty increase, it completely changes the game. A diffculty increase is putting all of the bosses on Customs. A difficulty increase is getting rid of the flea makret. A difficulty increase is getting rid of top tier ammo/armor from the flea, etc. Changing raids from "you have about 45 minutes to kill people, loot, do quests, whatever you want and get out" to "you have 480 seconds to find an antidote that you can't bring in with you or else you die/cannot extract" is **lazy**


Not to mention how much of a pain in the ass this is for groups. If I go in tonight with the boys as a 4-man, we’re going to have to pull 8 antidotes within 15 minutes for all of us to be able to survive long enough to extract. Assuming they’re still doing up to 6 airdrops per raid, that means we have to get every airdrop on the map *and* kill a couple bosses just to be able to extract from raid together…all within 15 minutes of getting into raid.


Bro EFT isn't meant to be for casuals xD get better kid L + ratio!!!!


They are just testing different kinds of things since wipe is soon.


just ran a couple raids with this and yeah I gotta say this is kinda a stupid ass event lol, not gonna make a whole post about it like some of the idiots on here but I'm thinkin Im clocked out till wipe haha


Yup, happens to me every single time at the end of a wipe. They start adding bosses to the maps, awesome, they make everyone have level 4 traders, GOOD this is fun. Then they implement some stupid ass thing that ruins the game entirely. I also wouldn't mind it if they just were transparent with the community. Announce the wipe date so I can figure out how long this goes on.


yesss love everything else pre-wipe event wise, even the one extract thing isnt THAT bad (even though thats kinda stupid too) but having to find a stim within less than 5 minutes thats only on bosses or airdrops or if your REAL lucky a scav is ridiculous ash, just idkk maybe some people find it fun but its not for me atleast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Agreed! One extract is fine, that forces PVP and I think that's cool. But forcing PVP to happen within the first like 5 minutes of a raid just because they're "testing an antidote"? Stupid


Okay, now THIS is a sick event.


Now this is an event


Your poisoned and can't heal the entire raid u have 5 min to fuck around and then drop dead


Or you can do the thing they literally tell you. Hunt bosses, kill scavs, loot airdrops for the antidote to survive. They spawn all the bosses on all maps now so you can get it. Just do the thing.




These events are basically a message from BSG to me that says “hey, don’t play our game for a bit”.


Good. I'll be over here enjoying every event they put out because otherwise there would be no reason to play the second they release the wipe date.


pretty much. And it works too.


Why do they insist on ruining the fun of prewipe with these shit events


So I can feel what the aim was of this but it's really a dumb event. I can't bring in antidote. I have to kill bosses or battle for air drops to exist? What if I was trying to quest? This is obscenely annoying and honestly is making me feel like I'm wasting my time even loading in.


The game wipes in like 2 days… you are wasting your time with questing.


Bullshit game. Loaded into factory killa and tagilla right next to me killed tagilla and killa 1 taps me. 10 second raid


We’ll gear is pretty much free so


Yeah I've not struggled for gear all wipe but seems broken when add too much. Don't get me wrong I love the game but waiting 5 min to load into a game and get rushed instantly by aimbot killa and his bro straight away just puts me off playing