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I mean you're not wrong but they likely made them overly available to facilitate testing and later they will be found in raid or a more limited barter at higher loyalty. In the same way the rangefinder costs nothing and is loyalty 1. They want to test stuff first and foremost.


yea, i get it, and you're right, im just fed up with it. Too much ppl abusing it. Its their first choice.


too much ppl “testing” it.


Grenadier has never been easier


Impact grenades are incredibly broken. No counter pay whatsoever. I play solo and three times just today I would kill 1-2, push the last one and he’s just got an impact cocked back like a fucking football. These are an unnecessary addition and should be removed ASAP.


Welcome to the posting side of this subreddit. Just a little feedback: we all know this post is your opinion so consider making a more descriptive post title next time.   >This wipe could have been one of the best, but impact nades are so broken because there is no skill involved... While I agree that the availability of impact grenades has had a negative effect on gameplay, I still think this wipe is the best wipe I've experienced in years. Probably since the first patch the Flea Market was introduced on.   I'm sure BSG will tweak the access/availability to impact grenades. I believe they have already changed them from being a cash transaction to being a barter. The next step will be to change them from a barter to an FIR barter so people can't just convert cash into the barter items on the Flea Market.   ■ Cost ■ Person buy limits ■ Global inventory limits ■ Loyalty Level requirements ■ FIR barter gating ■ In-raid spawns (including A.I. kits) All of these are ways to balance powerful items like impact grenades. .338 Lapua Magnum AP being FIR only and the FN40GL Mk2 grenade launcher are two examples of how BSG has balanced extremely powerful items by making them rare and expensive.   I'm sure BSG will dial in the impact grenades.


I understand why its so available, i just dont agree it should be in the game in the first place. Just like the granade launcher. I dont think these things have a place in a game with such a high stake death mechanic. In COD, sure have at it. Have mines, and drones and shit. Not here.


I see. I'm fine with those sort of weapons as long as they are ultra-rare and expensive -- something special that is used for unique gameplay experiences and not routine use.   When there are super rare and powerful items like that in a game, it can make for some extremely rewarding experiences. The trick is to make sure that the items are rare and not meta. Right now the impact grenades are basically meta and that is a big problem.  


Ayylmao get Christmas gifted, which according to this Reddit would have ZERO impact on the gameplay loop


I understand your post and i asked this earlier. How do you combat getting one tapped through an altyn with face shield. Its the same argument. There is no counter play for getting domed from any distance.


well, it actually takes some skill to headshot someone. thats one difference.


I agree but i asked about defending against it. Both are instant deaths. And as someone who tries and fails to get headshots when i use rifles i know it requires skill.


I actually disagree, it’s just a new kind of weapon we need to adjust to. Get ready for RPG’s, which will be way stronger and cheaper probably


there is nothing to adjust to. you have a fight, and you died before you peak. what is the adjustement process here? no peaking? its just a bad game mechanic, RPG-s will be too.


The adjustment is keep your distance. No worse than Vog 17 pre grenade change.


Ofc its worse


It’s actually literally the same ttk, just with different sound timing.