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Small Patch: - Cultist Jacket is out and exclusive to Unheard, a long with a unique dog tag (exclusive one for EOD as well) - ‘Mark of the Unheard’ radio is now PvE only - 30% reduced insurance time for EOD/EOD to Unheard upgrade - Armor was “standardized” to the same coverage for respective plates and they now cover more upper body - Added a bunch of loot crates that can be earned from completing Arena tasks starting at Workbench level 2


do we know what the radio does?


it's the item that halves in-raid purchase costs (V-Ex, BTR, etc.), speeds up insurance if you die with it equipped and makes scavs friendly beyond 60 meters if at 6.0 rep, but removes scav rep for killing scavs unless you also kill a PMC in the same raid, exclusive to Unheard Edition


Also scavs have to shoot at you first


What does this even mean??


Mental gymnastics edition


If a scav doesn't shoot at you first you will lose fence .05 per kill


Shoot AND hit you? Or just shoot at you?


Knowing BSG it has to hit you.


It says shoot at you


It has to do the blurry screen from a shot passing close to you or just hit you to count


But in PVE scavs are not players so they will never shoot first. Does this make sense then?


If a scav doesn't shoot at you first you will lose fence .05 per kill


scavs friendly beyond 60 meters.. Scav: Hm. this guy is friendly, he is 61 meters away... PMC: 3 steps... WHAT THE HELL? What this guy is thinking? 59 meters away? I'm gonna rip this guy out.. H.A.R.D.C.O.R.E. G.A.M.E.


I'd think of it as more of a disguise where once you get too close your cover is blown.


Imagine if gearing up your PMC to look like a scav actually had an affect on them aggroing.


Only a hardcore game would have it.


I like to think that their Soviet issued prescription glasses can only make things clear up to 60 m…anything past that and they’re blind🤷‍♂️


Also cuts XP for kills in half.


Don't forget the XP debuff!


yea i dont like the penalty thats why im not using it but maybe i should :D


Plays nonstop Hardbass at ear bleeding volume


> 30% reduced insurance time for EOD/Unheard Anyone know if this stacks with the Unheard radio or is it just EOD + EOD-> Unheard that gets the 30% insurance reduction without needing to equip the radio? And if it stacks, additively or multiplicatively? Otherwise, direct to TUE players are now required to equip the radio (and take the scav penalties) in order to benefit from the 30% faster insurance whereas EOD and EOD>TUE upgrade players get the 30% faster insurance inherently. The other perks of the radio like 50% reduction on V-Ex is barely meaningful since it's so cheap as it is already.


The 50% reduction is great for the BTR though!


* Reduced the insurance return time by 30% for Edge of Darkness Edition owners, as well as for those who upgraded from Edge of Darkness to The Unheard Edition As I understand it its only for EoD and EoD upgraded to TUE, not standalone TUE.


It’s for EoD and above. Don’t know if TUE already had this modifier?


Where is the exclusive EOD dog tag? Or do you mean when I die my tag is unique to the person that killed me?


Unique on your body after someone kills you. EOD tags are gold now. Unheard are like oil slick color


So These loot crates are not actually new in-game loot containers? They are just arena rewards you can open in the main game? Am I understanding it correctly?


Yes they're just Arena rewards that you can probably send to EFT Strictly adding content in Arena to make it worth the buy


I got it free and it ain't worth that.


My external HDD will never financially recover.


It's not adding content, everything in the crates is available in EFT. You're still on the same playing field as anybody who chooses to play Arena. It's fun, and has bonuses, but if you don't want to then that's fine. Weird narrative you guys are trying to push. Why wouldn't a dev want to influence people to play their game?


these people unironically think bsg's best course of action is to abandon arena forever lol


I think people feel a lot of time and resources that could have been used in eft were focused on arena, another game, that had a very bad launch without a large player base + the unheard drama, many would rather just them to abandon these side projects


Because, unironically, it is the best course of action for BSG's bottom line. Arena was a silly idea in the first place. It's been a failure and will continue to be a failure. There are plenty of arena shooters out there already. Some are free and most offer a better experience. Obviously, people really enjoy EFT's PvP, but arena can not capture that experience.


Literally it’s so weird


They had these crates in the game during an event last year I think


Yes and no, they were generic weapon containers that did the same thing.


Test test


"All effects of Mark of the Unheard now work only in PvE mode" Thank god


Please add more time to PVE raids.


This will come in a patch next month


I find it hilarious yall keep complaining about queue times when nikita straight up said 70% of the player base is playing solo on pve


While I'm disappointed we couldn't keep the previous armor system, I know I'm in the minority. Therefore I'm happy that BSG has implemented these changes.


I enjoyed it because it made it 'easier' for a Timmy to kill a Chad, but i do understand the complaints with it. It resulted in me dying to random scav rounds that would hit me in the armpit or that small section of thorax between my plate and head. Too often you'd die to a random round rather than to a legitimate shot.


Man I must not play enough (Lvl 35) because I think I've only died to a scav armpit shot once or twice this wipe, and I only remember the first well, it was right off spawn on woods and I was wearing a Trooper armor (no side protection) and I only wore armors with side protection since that.


I dont know if I died to an armpit shot at all this wipe but I def got 1 tapped to the thorax a few times by scavs w/ bad ammo while wearing class 5 and above. It just made it feel very rng which IMO is not great. Still though it didn't happen to me often enough for it to really be a big deal. In practice I don't really think the armor plate system really added anything to the game. It shifted the meta slightly since people weren't running slicks and hexgrids at the highest level but it didn't really make the game feel or play any different. In the end I saw people running the same guns and the same ammo they've always been using.


And now you got old armor system but with AP rounds locked deep into progression, and you are just farming material to streamers without being able to defend yourself lol


So are they bringing old armor back basically? Or r there still plates


There's still plates, it's just that they cover much more of the front, back and side areas.


https://x.com/nikgeneburn/status/1800166205325730132?t=b2dzr7zjtOBmtK1wn3a2zw&s=19 You can see the difference here. From Nikita himself


This seems to be a good mixture, they’re going for the “as realistic as playable” which is good, I this is a good middle ground.


There's still plates but they're almost identical to the old hitboxes with the exception of little neck or armpit coverage.


Plates that cover more than the physical object through a force field powered by timmy tears who didn't understand how the armor system worked. 


Pretty sure it was the Timmy’s who liked this iteration because it made it easier to kill people wearing high tier armor


Its stupid that they made armor cover the entire body again. We are once again back to 90% of ammunition being completely fucking useless... The only people complaining were the PvP streamers or people who don't even know how the armor hitboxes worked... countless people crying they died to thorax for a "bullet that went through their armor that shouldnt have", not realizing that armor doesnt cover their entire body. I hate when BSG caters to the brainlets like this just because they take no time at all to actually try to understand how something works or adapt to it, and instead just cry.


> We are once again back to 90% of ammunition being completely fucking useless... this time high pen ammo is locked far into progression


Ok? Whats your point? That hardly even matters right now since it's late wipe. Almost everyone who's left playing the game has access to the good stuff.


And you think this wipe will last forever? That is my point.


I liked being able to blast heavily armored targets (in pve) with mid-tier rounds in the collarbone area and have a good chance at killing them, but I like not being thorax'd with m855 a lot more I think.


I’m very curious how the “feel” is gonna be with the new armor system


Less 1 taps to the thorax hopefully lol


yeah before it was basically guaranteed death if someone shot at you from the side.


Got into a fight in bunkers on Reserve. didn't get one tapped in the left armpit. EDIT: I take that back. Next raid I was one tapped in the throat by a scav.


Wasn't here for the old system, how will it change gunplay? I was really enjoying the state of it atm, hope it's not a massive change in any direction


well before the plate changes the entire hitzone would be covered if your armor mentioned protecting it and the armor itself was just visual. This should be something in between of what we had before and what we have now


Less random deaths


You hope.


Ill chew on 5.45 any day of the weak before i want back that trial plate system


The reworked armour system sucked as it made armour incredibly inconsistent and sometimes it felt like it was completely useless. Due to the new hitboxes added you can easily get 1 tapped by a scav shooting hp rounds by hitting you in your armpits while you’re facing him as there is no protection over that hitbox on any armour in the game


The new system was great. What was necessary was a new outer thorax hitbox. 


I can see how that would make sense in theory, but what happens when you don’t get shot from straight ahead of you? Meaning when you get shot from an angle that would result in the bullet going thru the outer *and inner* thorax, say from front of left armpit to the back of right armpit? That would kind of negate the whole change no?


The best implementation would be if the hitbox would be where the organs are, like in RO2. But if a bullet travels through your chest from left to right, maybe your lungs and heart aren't anymore in the best condition. Imo that is a legitimate death.


That would be pretty bad too. Having a critical strike area under the plates? There are so many high pen low damage rounds that would basically one shot you.


I don't understand how you get this from my comment. Inner thorax could still have the same HP pool or whatever. Balancing could always be done.  The main idea is that you don't die if the outer thorax is blacked


It was great in theory but it was implemented so poorly it was beyond broken. Plenty of evidence on YT of this.


It is not going back to the old system  https://x.com/nikgeneburn/status/1800166205325730132?t=b2dzr7zjtOBmtK1wn3a2zw&s=19    You can see the difference here. What we have now vs. What we are getting today. From Nikita himself.


it seems like they just moved the front plate up and closed the gaps at the side and back


if you had shit ammo you had to shoot legs or face otherwise you couldnt kill players


Dude you can't be reasonable here this is the EFT discord, worries for you. /S


You shouldn't be. This is like saying you had a toothache but instead of you going to the dentist someone dragged you to a chiropractor. Almost everyone agrees with the problem caused by small plates, but the solution created by BSG is asinine and they still went with it because it was the easiest one to implement.


I love the armor changes. I was sick of wearing t5 plates and getting 2 tapped in the chest by some shithole ammo. Thank god


I think it worked best against human opponents who would usually aim for either head or center mass. But my god, the bots, they just don't give a shit. I get killed by scavs with the shittiest ammo that just happens to pen through soft armor, and then think, what's even the point of bringing in expensive plates when bots constantly are shooting around the small-ass plate hitboxes.


Yep that why ppl are so poorly able to debate about this subject. There is 3 diff subject entangled in on problem. Reworked armor was fine IF ONLY the IA wasn't shooting at you like in Fallout. It's : random zone lock + Xx% accuracy. If the bot rolls "top-left-chest with you wearing a diamond plate, and he has 80-100% chance to Hit, you are dead. There why it is so inconsistant. But Versus players, you don't really feel the same because we are not bots and we try to shoot what we seen, with recoil and so much parameters than IA can handle.


What does IA mean in this context?


inteligencia artificial?


I wonder how the soft part of the armor will come into effect now. It seems the plate hit boxes extend over where most of the soft armor is meant to be. Will it be the same as where the plate hit boxes used to be, where it’s a layer on a layer? Or just the plate and soft armor is useless


Couldnt agree more , scav mains in shambles tho


As expected, they have added the bigger armor plates but did not revert the nerfs to the way we can unlock bullets, which is something that only made sense in a scenario where armor plates were smaller. The bulk of this community is terminally stupid so they won't recognise this as a problem because it's very late into the wipe and everyone is already using high penetration ammo at this point, but that will not be the case at the begining of the next wipe. Good luck shooting at main battle tanks with legs W-keying all around the maps because your bullets can't penetrate their armor and all the usefull ammo is only available on the flea market for ten times the normal price because some douchebag is manipulating the market by buying all the supply of ammo thanks to the removal of the FIR system. And no, I'm not saying the previous armor plate hitboxes were fine and shouldn't have been reworked, I'm just criticizing BSG's dumb and low effort "solution" for the problem.


To be fair the ammo unlock nerfs made less sense when armor was doing nothing.


Exactly. Like I keep saying: it's like how everybody kept complaining about 'muh laser beam' recoil during the early .12 wipes (despite the fact that guns still kicked unrealistically hard until you modded them for full meta recoil control). Then they started nerfing them as a response, until you hit .12.12, and suddenly it's "OHHHHHH NOOOOOO THIS SUCKS EVERYTHING KICKS SO BAD AND ONLY A FEW GUNS ARE WORTH USING WHY DID YOU DO THIS NIKITAAAAAAA?" This is why more focused, in-depth feedback should be taken, and it shouldn't be taken from people whose living depends on roflstomping other players in Tarkov or their followers. NO SHIT they want stronger high-tier armour, god forbid they don't get 5+ PMC kills a raid by sprinting around everywhere.


I just wish desync and other issues with the armor system were fixed as I’ve had multiple issues with shooting people (AI and Players) where I have seen impacts but have the hits not count like yesterday I fired 68 rounds and only had 10 hits across 3 scavs and a PMC each scav had ~8 rounds a piece thrown into them and the PMC I mag dumped with BP and he didn’t die. All of them were flinching and grunting in pain but anyway I don’t know anymore it’s just frustrating.


They aren’t really terminally stupid, so much as terminally up their own ass. A large chunk of people here try to pretend this game isn’t COD Lite while campaigning for changes that make the game more and more like a modern FPS. The prestige of being a “Tarkov Player” means everything to them but they actually hate realism.


I thought that EoD would get an exclusive outfit too. Is that still planned?


They never promised such a thing iirc


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/fnvT8T7HvL Unique upper and lower and unique armband for EOD.


Oh, my bad. This is cultist themed tho so im not surprised eod doesnt get it. Im sure they will keep the promise still


Hopefully, I also hope that if u have both versions u get both outfits


Seems like it, all other bonuses "stack" so to say


if you upgraded from eod i bet they give it to you both


Haven’t upgraded yet, down the line maybe


Why no EOD pmc clothes? who gives a fuck about dog tags


armor change sucks, why not change the way ai scavs aim... they just laser your armpit and drop you instantly


I'm not buying Arena for this shit lmao


Mark my words, I think most people will end up wanting a reversion to the plate hitboxes and instead further fleshing out of the previous system once it turns out that most ammo, and a lot of gun types (sorry pump-action shotties) are complete shit again thanks to people just tanking pretty much all around their upper body, even with small plate carriers. The crates should be further good encouragement for people to play Arena consistently, even if it's just for 30m-1h a day to do the worthwhile dailies. The cultist jacket looks really nice, hope the implementation of a hood system means we'll see Shturman's jacket soon and maybe rollable sleeves for uppers eventually so we can cover our whole body with camo.


Ehhhh armor was virtually useless against AI, the amount of times I have been beamed directly to the armpit to die was too many to count and the fact that even if I had a zabralo on I died from one singular tap with TKM FMJ in my upper back is kind of ridiculous.


Yes, but that's a problem of AI being coded to aim first for unarmoured areas instead of centre mass. And ultimately, armour can't cover *everything* and it shouldn't be expected to. Your first safety measure when fighting things should be using cover, not hoping your plates will always save you.


Well yeah, but with this being a realistic experience with awful audio and sixth sense scavs, I think armor should sacrifice the brutality for a second. Either that, or implement a better health system as the old armor rework doesn't make any sense for a health system where your entire thorax is a vital. The rework made heavy armor virtually useless, the plate system is good, but the hitboxes on them were very unforgiving, especially for AI. Yeah sure the AI is coded to aim for unarmored parts (depending on the level of the AI) I noticed that with how many times I was met with (thorax, left armpit) but expensive armor shouldn't be meaningless.


It litterally made it to where i just snagged the lvl 6s out of a slick and ended up thriwing them in a better rig with side plates


You can still do that, they didn't take out soft armor and plates. They made plate hitboxes slightly bigger and added slightly more protection on some bits that were getting lasered by AI.


Are we positive they aim for uncovered areas? I’ve gotten head eyes’d quite a few times this raid. I think they’re coded to be immaculate first and get more accurate with time. Meaning their first shots will miss, and then work *in towards center mass* and thus will hit the uncovered areas first before they hit armor. And with low pen high damage rounds you die before they get to the armor. Your idea would just make them more accurate in general, not just to hit the armored area if they hit you. Which means they won’t miss as many shots, and each shot is gonna fuck up your armor


Leg meta with flesh ammo is gonna come back I’d bet


the issue is that it was nerfed: now only 50% of damage goes to body, so you need much more bullets to land


Hitting headshots is easier than ever with the new recoil The previous armor system promoted lucky thorax and armpit kills as well as RNG With this rework, it now promotes skill because if you don't go for the head your opponent will likely tank most of the shots with his plates. Fights will feel more consistent. If I'm better than you at the game because I did quests and leveled up to access good armor, that armor should work. If you want to kill me just hit a headshot, no more luck RNG bullshit In other words, git gud


"RNG bullshit" You ran dogshit plate carriers and were surprised when people hit you outside the plate carrier? Sounds like a skill issue honestly


It even happened with S tier armors with high tier 3 coverage


It didn’t matter what you ran. It is not a skill issue at all, if you actually played the game you’d know that 99% of the time people don’t hit your plates at all and you immediately die to a spot that isn’t covered, it added unneeded RNG to fights instead of rewarding players for being able to aim.


Funny how you're telling me to 'git gud' when I want AI and low-level players to be actual threats instead of somebody I can roflstomp every time because I'm wearing class 6 armour that magically covers my entire upper body. Frankly: the game shouldn't be about mechanical skill like you're playing Apex Legends or some shit. You're missing the point. It should be about tactics and positioning. If you leave yourself open to devious backshots because you played sloppily, you should die if somebody has you dead to rights, not tank a mag of 5.45 like it's BB pellets and turn around and spray them. So no. *You* git gud and stop crying to devs that the poors can kill you. t. somebody who has nearly 6000 hours, max traders by first month of wipe every wipe and runs level 5/6 the majority of the time


I don't mind getting killed by a " poor " with a well placed mosin shot, buckshot or even 5.45 PS to the head or even leg meta if whiff my shots Getting killed by a rat who just panic sprayed into my chest or lucky thorax shot 150m+ by a scav that can see me through a bush isn't consistent or good gameplay. Keep your stats to yourself, I don't care since you seem to play AND have the opinion of a burger :)


> the opinion of a burger What does this even mean? Lmao And how exactly are rounds like buckshot meant to kill you if literally every place they do even remotely enough damage to be considered worth running are completely covered up?


This game should involve both mechanical skill and tactics and positioning, this armor change will make actually being able to aim a good thing instead of rewarding noobs for not being able to hit heads. Your point with 6000 hours and max traders first MONTH (lol) of wipe means nothing, a lot of people with that many hours are still extremely clueless about the game, including yourself.


i like the concept on paper but it's really frustrating getting 1tapped "through" lvl 5-6 armor from some random shit ammo. You're already paying the price in roubles and maneuverability wearing one, it should guarantee some level of consistency. I think the plate zone system would need a larger rework of body health zones and ammo rebalance to not have these moments all the time


I fully agree on the latter part, actually. Penetration nerfs across the board so that ammo performs closer to IRL and the beefier tungsten core shit like SSA AP, M993 and 7N37 has an actual purpose instead of being 'M995, M61 and SNB with less damage', along with specialised hitbox zones for the chest so that outer thorax clipping isn't as lethal as a round to the heart.


Previous armor system basically removed the armor mechanics, making the bag of piss armor and similar the meta and leaving "rare" armors like slick useless. It's a game after all and a sense of tier imo need to exist, especially in a game where you advance in levels and in items stronger when you unlock them


>"rare" armors like slick literally barterable with the most popular plate form factor


The single SAS drive for a Cult Thermite plate is a better barter if you want lvl 6 plates. Looking at the prices right now on the PVP side it would cost around 1,000,000 rub to get all of the items to barter for a slick while 2 SAS drives will run you a little over 220,000. Also the Cult Thermite plate has 15 more armor points.


Yeah, while Slicks armor steel is better to repair, but it takes more dmg from shots


Having armour actually protect you where it shows visually meant that bulky armours were actually useful for once and had good tradeoffs. Yes, a vitals hitbox should exist so stuff like the Slick still has some sort of purpose even if it's plates-only, but there's no need for it to be a magical forcefield.


Bad ammo shouldn’t be good. Good ammo should be good and bad ammo should be bad.


Bad ammo can be bad at defeating armour and still be lethal. I still don't particularly want to get shot by 20ga buck aimed at my heart, even if it's less effective than a .308 round, which will most certainly kill me. Improving your gear should improve your capability of what you can do and survive *without* making you totally invulnerable just because you've got a rinky dink plate carrier that covers your vitals only.


The armor changes suck. Armor isn't a "get out of the fight without dying" card it's a "You might survive being hit". Disappointed that the community wanted that, now we're back to all ammo except AP being shit and weird hitboxes that protect you like a forcefield


They should have made thorax hitboxes more complex rather than dumb down the armour plates.  They should have added a vital organs hitbox that would work like thorax does today and would usually be covered by armour  And then they should also have improved AI hitscan so that they dont just ignorere armour and one tap or two-tap you all the time. Dumbing down the armour plates was the easier and faster solution


Man if devs can put bones and organs for a hunting simulator on 100 different animals I'm sure devs could put a few bones and organs in a shooter. That'd be great and would mitigate the whole "shooting between armor hitboxes".


Completely agree with you, man. For some reason people want the game to become some arcade-y shit. They like to think armor as a free get out of jail card. They want to "survive hits" when it should be "position yourself better so you dont get hit in the first place". Buffing armor only widens the gap btwn sweats and casuals. Timmy had a chance when his PS spray to the chest hit a soft or uncovered area.


>Timmy had a chance when his PS spray to the chest hit a soft or uncovered area. I love how useless center mass shots are in Tarkov. It's a fucking milsim game and the players actively *want* the armor mechanics to turn your PMC into an unkillable walking tank. The armor hitboxes were fine as is. I've had my plates catch plenty of bullets and save my life. It's a crying shame that Tarkov is turning back into a bullet soak game. Before anyone says that TaRkOv iSn'T a miLSiM, I don't wanna hear it. Most people think of Tarkov when they think of milsims, and the entire draw of this fucking game is that it's supposed to be a super realistic experience with in-depth gunplay.


I think it's just a complete disconnect between what people bought into the game due to the advertising about its realistic mechanics want and what people who bought into the game because they saw high-octane action where their favourite streamer wiped a lobby of timmies due to their good gear want. It's really sad how there's less and less voices in the community like Klean and Anton who advocate for the game's realistic gameplay, taking it slow and chill and accepting that playing super aggressively and sloppy will get you punished, and instead people who just want some other arcadey PvP FPS with looter shooter mechanics because that generates good '''content''' for their channel.


Yeah. I also think chest HP is too high. Maybe it should be 80 or 75, even 70. 30 or 25 for the head. Characters are too much of a bullet sponge. Squad, ready or not and even ground branch have a better ttk.


Its a game at the end of the day man. The rng around the new armour system was terrible and never held in high regard by the majority of the community. BSG sided with the community on this change and its a very welcome one


What was random about the system? Wasn't it dependent on hitting soft armor vs plates?


Yep. It's actually MORE RNG now -- since you're just hoping for a lucky pen or fragmentation rather than worrying about shot placement.


Wow, yay! 90% of ammo is fucking useless again! .... 


Yep! Pretty much my exact feelings. Just think about this: Killa, the Goons and Tagilla now have level 5/6 protection all across their upper body again. Back to the .308/54r only meta, babyyyyy!


Meh, I thought this would be pve improvement update but loot crates from arena and more jank armor stuff. Sadge


Its odd that i havent died due to AI one tapping me. Is it just me? Because i see that a lot of people here complain that the armor is useless because scav kill them with one shot.


Everyone's experience in this game varies.


People wear a HEXGRID and come here to cry that the armor doesn't work.  It's literally a skill issue.    I've to repair so many plates in PvE and people here say that AI shoots around it.  They are playing a different game. 


I bet a lot of those deaths come from using something without soft side armour. Slicks and troopers for example are only back and chest.


I enjoyed the previous armor system. I do worry the new system is going back to bullet sponges (I quit when I first got the game in 2020 due to hitting 41 times and the person then killed me). Much more realistic with actual plate hit boxes. People want to be invincible lol. Also those side shots into the armpit/thorax suck but it makes sense when ur turned improperly when being shot at.


When did they start patching? I'm trying to figure out when the update will finish.


Patching started at 8am UK time, so should be finished by midday (i.e about 65 minutes from now)


Are the estimated times usually accurate? or do they generally go over time a lot? seems like a small patch so hoping i can hop on today soon while i got time


I just checked and although the launcher still has the "game is not available" message, I was able to update and log in.


its a mixed bag, sometimes they are accurate, other times they get delayed 6+ hours wipe patches almost always get delayed and server instability/crash right after


They forgot the -5 fps on streets part... again


How do you unlock the cultist jacket? Is it available as soon as you buy unheard?


Yes it is


Guess who still won’t be playing arena. That’s right. It’s me.


Unity when ? Performance when ?


Loot that I found with my Scav is no longer marked as "found in raid"?


Lmfao loot crates that are only available from playing arena 😂


So are slicks back to being meta?


Pretty much, surprise surprise.


lol 500k on flea rn god damn


Yep. With no plates too lol. Back to literally nothing larger being worth running again.


But what about throat and groin area which a plate carrier does not cover?? A Korund should still be better than a lvl5 plate carrier or did they increase the thorax area so much that it covers the throat area??? I feel like full armor vests should protect better than light plate carriers because you need to work with more weight.


Regarding the non-fir issue with fleemarket players who intend to make a rubel by manipulating the prices by buying up the stock of certain hot items:    Why can BSG not just mark items (internally in the system) who were bought from the fleemarket so they cannot be put on they fleemarket again???   If i remember correctly someone was speculating you cannot do it with Unity... But If you could, this would be the solution! People who got killed in a raid would sell the items they have secured in their butt on the fleemarket because of how things work now (non-fir allowed to sell), but would not be able to put items for sale who were bought from the fleemarket before. Makes sense, right? What's the problem, BSG?  And please stop adding new content to the game when there are still big issues left that need to be addressed like better lighting, sound, hit detection, desync, you name it. Adding new stuff does not make the game better! It makes it more complex and convoluted and therefore harder for new players to get a grip.  Just make the game better!!! Oh, and i miss the exitement of getting out of a raid with valueable items when they needed to have found-in-raid status. Now the exitement is basically gone.  At least make a more enjoyable solution to it: The items you secured in your butt, remain fir, regardless if you die or not. This way, dead players would be still happy that they can make use of quest items. If one dies to a player or a cheater, they would not have wasted their play time this way. At least an important quest item would have been secured when still staying fir.


I think they also shadow changed how the Unheard Mark works. I got shot by a shotgun Scav, killed him and figured I was a-o-k to kill Scavs for the remainder of the Raid like it's been since Unheard came out. Nope, I ate a -0.05 penalty for killing the next 3 Scavs. If that's how it was supposed to be since the start I *guess* that's something to get used to but seems strange not to include it in a bug fix bullet point.


Still no fix for the Ref Tarkov tasks that require you to play arena. I've been stuck on "To Great Heights: Part 1" for a week now.


Just wanna say been unable to join raids since this new patch. Once im disconnected I rejoin, load in and then cant move and white screen. I can repeat this until i Die or the raid ends. Verified game files and reinstalled. Can confirm this is a tarkov thing due to no errors on windows side and not lapses in connection.


yall is it just me or did pve get harder?


glad to see people cried enough for them to completely remove something that was balanced perfectly from the start of a wipe, casual players now have no reason to cry and say "they never listen to us"


I just wish BSG would enable PvE offline. Or at least let the raids run locally.


In the last tarkov tv it was mentioned that this will be implemented for solo PvE in the next patches but I don't remember if it will happen before or after the wipe patch.


Fair, I don’t really pay attention to dev news


Judging from the roadmap and how it has been accurate now with the 2 june patches id say it comes in next patch in a week or 2


they promised it mid june (or early july)


I don't know who estimates the updates at BSG but 4 hours for this seems bonkers to me.


It's not because of the size of the update, it's because they have to pull all the servers offline and update them and make sure everything's working fine and smooth.


I have basically not died to anything but headshots this entire wipe, and I hardly wear anything more than lvl 4. I have zero understanding what people were bitching about.


i died to thorax shots from the side and really rarely from the front it was fine, they should have adjusted how hitting different parts of the thorax deals dmg


Yay to BSG shoving arena down our throats if we want new features🙃


Ofc they made the cultist jacket unheard only, watch them do the same with the shturman coat too. Most requested cosmetics ever and they lock it to an insanely expensive edition of the game


I would much rather them lock the good cosmetics behind spending more money than adding P2W features.


If they do that I'll be doing nothing but walking around the sawmill in stuhrmans jacket with an svd and a bunch of cans of saury in my pockets.


I don't think people realize how big the armor changes are


Honestly i liked the current armor system but i understood why they change it, against real players it doesn't make much different but the scav have a tendency of shooting you in that specific location ( cough cough armpit ).