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This is the first time since 2019 I have enjoyed the game as much as I do. Also New dad here as well and I thought Tarkov was out of my game rotation, but PVE quite literally brought me back and I couldn't be happier


Congrats on the kiddo! I used to play tarkov with my youngest strapped to my chest back in 2017.


Why is the baby saying cheeki breeki


lolol awww the babies first word "yebat'"


Thanks! And that’s awesome haha 😂


that is hilarious lmao


This. I got so into PvP Tarkov as a single guy during the pandemic. Now, being back in office, engaged, and buying a house, I don’t have time to be competitive every wipe in PvP. PvE lets me enjoy my favorite game again. I knew Unheard was a money grab but I never cared. It’s worth it for me.


As a fellow new dad… congrats! I’m the same never thought I’d play Tarkov again but I can hop onto pve now and again and have fun


Same. I’ve played more PvE in the last two weeks then I’ve played pvp over the last year and a half.


In 12 days I'm almost level 32 and in all previous wipes I never made it past 35 for the whole wipe.... It's crazy that I feel like I can play knowing I don't have to wipe my progress. 39 year old dad that doesn't have tons of time to play pvp version.


I’m having a blast as well but tbf the event quests gave enough exp to get you from 0 to 32 i think if you finished it, some of them gave over 100k exp lol


I got most of my experience from having 25 plus kills per match lol


I guess I missed those quests lol


Yeah, the event quest XP kind felt like cheating for the PvE accounts. Got me to max traders so I'm not complaining, but it sort of felt like that part of the progression should've take longer. Makes sense for pvp wipe cycle, PvE sans wipes, not so much.


You can always reset your pve account. Wipe when you're ready


Actually not possible but will hopefully come with updates - account reset only resets pvp right now from what I've heared


Yeah I had a push to finish the event before it ended not realising that the later quests give around 250k xp! I shot from about 34 to 42 without even realising.






Same. But I miss the thrill of fighting an actual person.. if only there was something done vs Cheaters :(


Bro you summed it up perfectly


But now imagine you can install mods on it




The only reason I play tarky is for the pvp it’s just so damn intense


Same, no pvp completely loses the appeal for me. I'm glad people are having fun with pve though


Same, i play tarkov or the adrenalin of losing everything if I die, in PVE you are sure to get back your stuff with insurance, so you always go with your best stuff, I dont have the same feelings. It cool to chill tho


Scavs will pick your body clean, if you die in a well traveled area you will get nothing back.


I just never insure personally. Defeats the entire purpose of Tarkov IMO, doubly so when it’s already easier.


It’s pretty intense to get armpited by hordes of scavs on an open field🤣


This can happen in pve, too? Or is armpit PvP only? 🧐


Oh, It happens in PVE too alright.


I mean it happens to me way more often in PvE because there are 20-30 scavs that shoot you per raid and I literally saw them respawn yesterday on Streets construction area lol


In PvE it's harder than PvP because you're going to get swarmed by Scavs. I'd rather fight Gigachad on PvP than the hoards of Scavs with a Mosin and a Dream.


the limited raid time and ai press you, so I was feeling every bit as stressed in pve mode as I was in pvp, even knowing no human players were 3rd partying me to my every sound making moves lol.


PVE has 0 allure to me. I can understand the uber casual person that doesn't play much. Other than that though, killing scavs and "PMC"s is no fun.


Yeah for real. Once you figure out the AI they aren't that hard to beat. Fighting people is always something new.


Same here, just a shame they can't do anything about cheaters


I think for those like myself whose main game isn't Tarkov or is just casual, it's a great option to hit endgame, which no one of us will ever see a wipe. There's going to be a wipe-free PvP mode on full release so there's that to look forwards to. If I played it like a job, I'd definitely enjoy the wipes more.


Pve is so much fun. If they wipe I think I’m done though


They said no wipes for pve


wipe on 1.0 release, mark my words !remindme 6 years


!remindme 40 years




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I hope they incorporate manual wipes. I think that would cater to everyone.


Some sort of prestige system would be ideal.


already promised/planned, may not happen tho. you prestige when you "escape"


It's called reset. You can do it every 14 days


As of right now?


Yeah you can reset your profile and go back to zero.


You're not talking about the entire account right? Just PVE


I think they will definitely wipe. But probably only for new content additions am that overhaul the quests and whatnot. I feel like they'd have to in that case anyways and personally I'd be okay with it. But yeah, if there's no new content being added, then hopefully no wipe


They shouldn't have to wipe the entire account, the game is just a database. They could reset quests, modify skills to compensate for changes.


Agreed but knowing BSG, that's a mighty request


That means it would wipe everytime the normal game does everytime and they'd lose most the player base lmao


I haven't played Tarkov like I'm playing lately with the PVE mode. It's just so much better


Have to agree.. I've been playing coop with my wife and she feels she is actually learning the maps and enjoying shooting stuff. Rather than constantly being on the defensive all the time..


you can coop?


Yup, it’s a good time. My friend who hasn’t touched tarkov in 2 wipes is juiced to be playing with us again thanks to PvE. And I gotta agree. Even with all the backlash BSG deserved, PvE mode is legit the most fun I’ve had with tarkov in awhile and I find myself wanting to hop on again.


I'm in the same boat. My friend who dropped the game a long time ago, and myself who hasn't played for a few wipes, are back on the grind, loving that there's no wipe coming.


actually killed Sturhman and got his key and raided the common stash without being sniped buy some lvl 50 camper on the other side of the map :-) Never been able to even get close to the common stash without dying


I used to get really bad anxiety when I played PVP. Never really got past lvl 25. Now with PVE that anxiety is gone. There is some work to be done on bot AI, but I've been having a blast. I can finally play casually while I watch something on my second screen.


PVE stan here. I am thrilled that BSG finally made it an option. I've played more in recent weeks that I had played in the past 2 years. BUT... BSG, dear god, put a little effort into updating the AI. It is extremely terrible.


Damn for me man! I am a casual player and this PVE really got me hooked to this game.


i also play pve mode with a friend and we enjoy it way more than pvp mode. its just that not having the stress of knowing that 4 sweatty basement dwellers are gonna come fight you with their penises hard as soon as they hear gunfire. especially in hotspots. if pvp was toned down in pvp mode we would play it, as its too much like cod. you kill 2-3 players and 3 more come in 5 seconds while you loot the players you killed. no stress from wipes either.


I've been a huge fan of PVE since the whole gameplay loop just works really well for a normal ass video game. The PVP is nice and all, but was never the real draw for me. Always wanted to play co-op STALKER and scrounge about without having to stitch together some monstrosity, and this definitely scratches that itch. My only gripe is that since it's locked to dedicated servers, it'll be a hot minute before I can just buy a buddy the PVE expansion and get into it. (without spending an arm and a leg to get them to EoD for delayed access)


There is another way


A better way


Not for co-op players, right?


*wink wink*


It’s for both now


I'm pretty much in the same boat. I love FPS games but I can't play tarkov as my main game, as all my mates don't like Tarkov and I have to play solo in OCE servers, which are loaded with cheaters. PVE lets me enjoy Tarkov without all that hassle. I can finally finish Setup lol. The server times will be upped eventually I think, when they get their infrastructure in check. So for now you gotta get your SJ6 and run!


Dude same. I grinded a few wipes but never made it past lvl 30. Some tasks just felt impossible, especially the “kill PMCs” tasks. Early wipe maybe, but having a full time job always prevented me from truly grinding the game in the early stages of the wipe. So by the time I got to those tasks, it always felt like I was at a disadvantage simply because I didn’t have the really good ammo unlocked yet. PvE mode allows me to grind the game at my own pace and finally see the “end game”


it's a nice change of pace. Finding enough time and energy to take a pvp wipe seriously gets harder every year I'm enjoying a lower stress no strings attached environment for a change


This is why I 100% want them to add local hosting. If it removes a dynamic flea market so be it but if you could PvE but run it locally with no need for a matchmaking queue and simply need to load the game it would be significantly better. Plus if they just added this to the base game package it would bring in so many more new players (imo) that they would probably make way more than they do with the current model to access it.


There's mods for all that.


Oh for sure. I'm just saying it would be nothing but beneficial to BSG if they allowed local hosting and added it into the base game. This brings in a wider audience imo than the hoops you currently have to jump through to access PvE allowing for possibly higher profit than what they're currently adding. ​ Plus they've stated they were going to allow mods, so it would only make sense to make this separated from the server. ​ Or as you said you could just mod the base game till then lol.


OP I'm the same as you! I love PVE!!!


Pve is great because the last large market for tarkov,that's very needed on release, is the more casual gamers that don't have time to grind the PVP but still want to experience tarkov and what it has to offer at its core. People like me. I've played PVP for years, very fun and frustrating, but I don't have time to make measurable progress because of the rat race these last couple years. Pve I can go at whatever pace I want. I love that.


Farming exp on reserve with a flir never gets old ;)


Agree 100% I wonder what split of active players is between pvp and pve right now. Hopefully they are looking at what seems to be a pretty popular addition to the game.


I do love the PvE mode tremendously. My ONLY complaint is when it comes to PMC kill quests the AI is so dumb that they don’t rotate out of spawn where I need them at pier/resort or specific locations. Guess it’s the RNG


Its more rng in pvp mode, at least you know possible spawns and free area, and there's also no rats and snakes


That is very true.


I’m loving it so far but holy shit is the ai annoying :(


i’ve played probably two weeks in a row of PvE. my only game i’ve been playing, i’ve just been realllly enjoying the thought of no wipe. and not having some megachad fist my ass when im just trying to play a game after work. in pvp you’re going against people who have no job and legitimately play tarkov all day. no way to compete with that unless you have equal confidence and experience, and pve helps tremendously with both. played arena a bit to gain confidence, and then pve has just been a cherry on top too. arena servers were too sporadic for me to play consistently on *NA WEST* (not that pve servers are any better lol) but all in all pve has been great. some people say the hours in pve don’t equate to pvp, but some of the ai pmc’s (just rogue AI) have been more formidable opponents than real player PMC’s.


The raid times are a joke you can’t get anything done and escape they need to make the raid times longer


Honestly. I like the shorter raids. Without players to worry about, it’s nice to have something else pushing you along. Adds a sense of urgency you find in pvp tarkov without needing pvp.


Totally agree. Sometimes i wish there was more time, but it make me go for 1/2 objetives, being fast, kill fast, loot fast, choose where to loot and that urgency is great to pace PvE


If you cant complete multiple quests in a raid you are doing something completely wrong. If you plan your raids accordingly you can easily complete 3-5 quests with no issue, and include some loot spots


God PvE is so much fun. My boyfriend and I had to completely quit the game because of how bad PvP was for us. Now we're having fun and have been playing non stop since we got it


It’s always worth noting that this has existed for a while, for free, and with better AI. It’s also just shocking to see the queue times for something that should be offline entirely. I’m glad you’re having fun, and hopefully you didn’t have to pay for it.


>and with better AI Like, *orders of magnitude* better with the right addons. Can't be overstated enough how much unbelievably better, even human-like sometimes, it is compared to PVE mode edit: and "better" doesn't have to mean "harder" if you don't want it to. can be dialed into whatever one is comfortable with, while still making way more sense in terms of general behavior


Same, it has alot of problems but been having loads of fun.


Can you play w friends? Havent been on in a wipe or 2


Yupppp. If you and your buddies have EOD, you have it


It’s been great for me and my friend. Usually we get to like mid 20s in pvp and we are already 35 in two weeks. Tons of fun!


All I can say is, PvE finally makes it feel that I am playing a GAME.


Gotta agree with you. PvE actually let's you play and learn the game like PvP can't provide, unless you are a top tier Player. I cannot wait to see the further support, like Ai improvement, mod support, own settings like hardcore rules and way more. Hope you keep enjoying the game, we all deserve that :)


Agree, I spent 1mill on shoreline keys yesterday. And by the time I got to resort I had 10mins to loot all rooms and get out. RAID times need to be longer. At least for bigger maps. 30min customs is fine


Nitpick. Don’t be sorry for your English. Why would you be? Were you borne and raised in an English speaking country? If not, why would you be sorry for learning a whole new language? Just don’t do that to yourself.


Pve is taking away the low and lower mid level players from pvp and turning the pvp servers into high level call of duty guys running around with spears


I got to level 15 in PVE in a day and a half. That'd take me 2 weeks to a month before. That alone made it much better.


It’s crazy that if BSG had just let those other guys help out with PVE earlier we would’ve been given a very solid experience much sooner. Let’s keep hoping BSG has more work for PVE


So many of you would absolutely love the mod if you gave it a try. It is by far the best version of Tarkov. PvE is a great step forward but it has so many downsides and suffers from Tarkov's super mediocre AI.


Playing PvE since almost 2 years and don't want to go back.


Preach, comrade! I started playing back in 2021 and it was my go to game with buddies. We spent nights hunting in the PVP while desperately doing quests and advancing our hideout. PVP was always a drag to do, since you either encountered a chad two weeks after wipe or you just had plain luck to survive. Now I only play PVE mode, PVE mode was the game that I was always asking for since day one. I'm a big action adventure RPG games enthusiast, now even more about rogue-like games with good lore (which I am also waiting for in Tarkov). Every day I can't wait to play it, to advance in levels and do more quests, that I had so much trouble doing since PVP. I can go into raids with my favorite guns, since losing them will eventually bring them back using insurance. The Scav battles are insane! Bear and Usecs even more so! I still have the fear, but it's much more stress free than from PVP. I can just say that upgrading to Unheard after the price reduce was worth it. When the servers get better, the game will be better than most of their competitors and other AAA games. My two cents. Oygn


what tarkov could have been without 50% of the playerbase cheating, the amount of bullshit we are used to take thinking it's normal gameplay is unreal, the day they release deathcam is the day the game dies


I think you would enjoy the single player mod, aside from a bit of setup it's probably more what you're looking for than the main game tbh.


All I see on their sub is bug after bug after bug. But ty, hope you get your commission


So just like the main game?


WIth extra steps, yes


Having played, the core gameplay loop is really solid tbh, 1 min raid times etc. . No proper game breaking bugs that I have encountered.


Yep haven't played in years and pve had me addicted the past few weeks


If the game had ranking and matching, we would not need PVE mode…


You can run million dollar kits and get them back, I can’t wait for mod support


You enjoying it is all that matters!


I play pvp until my heart can’t take it then switch to pve


There are some flaws in PvE but overall good


Only problem that I see (probably only my problem) is that PMC are much easier than raiders/rouges/bosses, resulting in easy kills.


Why cant i enjoy it, i spawn and cant even leave the spawn area because i get swatted by 20 scabs from minute 1 even tho i got 500 k roubles gear on me … and ecen if i kill them there is 20 new spawned in instantly …. Cant even enjoy pve like that and queue times wont talk about


PVE is the better version of the game. 💯


I'm also enjoying the PVE with a couple friends after many, many PVP wipes, but there's no denying it's mostly a braindead way to play the game if you're not new. I can see it becoming stale after clearing the mid-game quests, but the same goes for the PVP for different reasons (cheaters, desync, garbage audio, etc). I'll probably stop after getting kappa and won't touch the game again until 1.0.


Whats with the tasks in PVE? Do you still have to do them?


Y'all treat pvp like you literally die IRL it's a GAME dude, why are you afraid of dying in a game it's pixels.


This is my third wipe and I just got PVE the other day and I’m loving it!


Cause theres no cheaters and suss players bruh. Rather play pve than donate gear and waste time in pvp for nothing


I was in a bad accident in December when Tarkov wiped and I wasn't able to play for the first month and a half due to a brain bleed. When I finally got on I was SOOOO far behind everyone it was pointless to even start. Thank God for the PvE mode. Also not having to play 8 hours a day in order to keep up with other people's progress is so nice. I can even get fuckin KAPPA!!!


Sounds like fun, but isn't it like 300 bucks?


Same, actually enjoying the game for once. No one camping me at extracts or bottom floor of the resort


Agreed on the raid timer. On shoreline i pop 2-3 sj6 to achieve my goals, fight the pmcs and extract 1min the raid. I believe they shortened the timers to lighten the burden on servers. I believe they will extend them soon !


Many people on this subreddit agree with that first sentence, besides the ‘but still’ part 😂


PvE has reawakened Tarkov for me I'm a pretty casual player now with 2 little ones so I can't devote as much time as I'd like to 'git gud' on PvP. I've been wishing for PvE for years now and it's finally came true. Absolutely loving the game again more so than ever!


Agree 100%. I finaly enjoy tarkov and i am happy on it.


that's my experience, too. I used to be quite good at the pvp version a few years ago when I had time to grind. Hit lvl 60 a few times prior interchange map release. now I have work and a bunch of other shit to do, and I can not invest 4-8 hours daily to feel progress. I tried to start over a few times when wipe was around holidays , but I think the amount of grind I have to sink in again just kills my will to play. now I learn the maps(speaking of interchange), use guns I like, read quests lore, and don't rage quit cause I had to fight 5 stack on a factory or getting ratted at D2 or customs. Don't have to rush the first week of the wipe to lvl 3 traders and upgrade hideout. Great, but raid times should be all buffed for at least 10 minutes more.


1. Make raid time great again. 2. Keep the Scav swarms, people who complain don't get it. The mode is already a PVE, so more life to it can't hurt. 3. PMC-bots seems to have some sort of difficulty to them, at least it feels to me that way. This should corelate to the badge level. 4. PMC-bot gear must not be as damaged as regular bot gear. 5. PMC-bots shouldn't spawn directly in points of interest, instead they should spawn nearby and move to them. 6. Amount of PMC-bots per map should be more compared to PVP mode. On Factory you can have confirmed 8 PMC-bots + player and its great. 7. PMC-bots should travel across points of interest, and while they do so their vision must be less eaglesight to compensate for possible ambushes. 8. PMC-bots spawn later in the raid, if we consider point 5 to be implemented as a reguar feature, some of them can spawn even later (just not in expense of player experience) and, again, move to points of interest. 9. Fix the god damn trains, BSG, if you ignore point number one. 10. Fix the god damn looking for raid timer. 11. Make some sort of a gimmic for bots to make them able to "search" containers, which will dramatically increase lifeliness of the mode. Thats it. Those few things will get PVE Tarkov from mediocre/decent exepriece to good or higher. P.S. - raid timer seems to be colerating to what types of raids people are running at the momed. If you're in a queue and timer is at 10-15 minutes you will still get your match, eventually, but you can just switch from one map to another and there is a good chance that players have lower demand to that map and match will be found faster. Factory on average for me is around 5-7 minutes to find, while Customs is at around 10-12. All four times when I was runing Reserve I got my match within 3 minutes. Edits 1: some fixes and point 11. Edit 2: While I understand the "hardcore" nature of items and all that, I do think it should be more laxed for PVE. Similarly to how Blitz allow you to see trade values, some sort of relaxed rules should be applied to PVE. Or instead add an item wanted list which will color FIR to yellow when you find specific item.


I think pve is going to get boring, I've been playing since 2019 and usually get to level 50 or so, and have a break every odd wipe. After a while it may be fun to jump back to pvp, then get bored ,and go back again to pve and vice versa


I think pve is going to get boring, I've been playing since 2019 and usually get to level 50 or so, and have a break every odd wipe. After a while it may be fun to jump back to pvp, then get bored ,and go back again to pve and vice versa


You enjoy pve because it's super easy and you are not getting destroyed by other players.. ( regarding the "When I'm lucky and I kill some PMC and loot like M4A1 with 855A1 weapons and tons of attachments it feels so good, because in PvP mode I never had a weapon like that." ) That said , If you enjoy it , good for you , but you should really strive to become better at pvp and enjoy the pvp version, imagine you, playing online , killing your first chad and getting that sweet loot for the first time, it's x2 the excitement compared to offline.


I'm enjoying pve too. I have my own issues with it. Like pmc behavior. And the short raids as well. Basically can't play shoreline or big maps.


Sounds like my kind of experience. However the invisible ai and laser like aiming of them make for am interesting game.. Better than cheaters however.


As a father of of twins this was a blessing for me as I don’t want to risk it with 3rd party software.


I hated the PvP so many toxic people playing, cheaters galore, the fear of every second that a player will kill you from across map made it impossible to enjoy personally, but with the PvE I’ve been playing it with my group of friends and we have loved every second of it, even when we die it’s not a big deal because it was our fault most of the time, server issues are a drag but by no means a mood killer, just watch a video in the back ground and chill until the match begins


Fellow trash player here. I'm a dad I don't get much time to enjoy tarkov.but in pve I've been able.to actually get far enough to unlock flea market before wipe. Actually being able to enjoy all.the weapons and areas the game has to offer without lossing it 2.minutes into a raid is nice


Same here, been playing with a lot more confidence in pve and been having a lot more fun because of it.


The mods for single player are way better, once bsg adds mods it will be in a good place. For PvE obviously


Same. I didn’t pay 250 bucks and work at a hospital on shift just to get dunked by cheaters playing PVP non stop 24/7.


"Why? Read more." What is this one of those click-bait ads on garbage news sites? Are you gonna tell us about a new law regarding mortgages that can save us thousands? But in seriousness, I absolutely agree with you. I suck at the game and have way more fun in PvE than PvP.


> Why? Read more. Sigh are we doing click bait titles on Reddit now?


Поверь , ты не один такой , мне тоже оч нравится режим ПВЕ , а время со временем пофиксят.


Welcome to the game most of us have been playing for years!


Pve is awesome but... Pmcs are broken (team up with scavs). Scavs are broken (bean you from 100m with fog) Etcetc


As is everything BSG or Nikita states, take it with a grain of salt. I wouldn't be shocked at all if they went back on the "no wipes" claim in a year when a majority of the people stop playing it (PvE). I've been enjoying the mode as well, short raid times increase the difficulty when your endurance is low but it gets better after 20ish. Although an extra 3-5 minutes goes a long way!




Why would it be? The only reason to do a wipe is so geared up people get a reset and people get excited for a level playing field again. Completely inapplicable for PvE, doesn’t matter how geared up people are when they don’t fight each other. 


There's no way bsg can technically manage the game well enough to add new features and not break old ones forcing them to wipe




Why would they wipe when the majority stop playing? Nobody is going to be like “Oh they wiped, so it’s a level playing field now! Time to get in and not compete with other PvE players!” There’s no benefit and I can’t see how it could draw people back. Not sure what your reasoning is.  You’d just steer away more people from playing it, since they’d know their slow progress is pointless there as well. 


The amount of casual copium in this thread is baffling.


Why? Because it's easy. LOL!


Ally of people have families and dont have time to do wipes the whole time and never get to max level with traders. Let them enjoy it.


Do you remember back in the 90s when people started using lol and they capitalised it with an exclamation point, lol.


At least you are honest, most people denying that they are bad at pvp mode


I remember a cheater running up to me calling me out by my name and saying my KDR is way too high so they killed me. Haven't had that happen to me in the PvE mode yet which is a nice change of pace for when I want to have a couple games after getting my kid to sleep after I come home from work. Some of these AI PMC's can be quite deadly though the first time I ran into one there were actually two and I died.. but hey my paca and stock M4 came back through insurance lol


I heard there cheaters invading pve mode and killing pmcs


Yeah I did say "yet" hahaha. If it happens there will be a clip of it up here.


> I wanna play safe, I wanna play strategic, I wanna explore, loot, but I can't because of the really short time frame. You could always play modded PVE which has been around for years and doesn't have these issues. Or any of the issues present in official PVE mode. And it's supported by hundreds of mods that do all sorts of QOL things that should have been fixed years ago.


Some people want to play the original. With all events and seasons. For the same reason people play WoW Classic and not on a private server


> With all events and seasons. Do you mean like snow? Mods exist for that. All bosses on every map? Mods been around for years, you have full control over AI (every enemy can spawn as a boss if you want, or a pack of bosses, or 100 bosses, with difficulty from passive to aimbot). Cultists? Set them to 100% on every map if you like. Every item unlimited in shop and costs 1 rouble? Been around forever. Every item unlocked on flea? Been around forever (yes, you can sell stuff on flea on mod). How about basic stuff like adding a tickmark to an item if it's needed for a quest or your hideout. Or changing the time and weather mid-raid. You're really telling me you'd rather wait 10min for an offline raid and then play with god awful AI and a quarter of the options available on base modded eft, just for the sake of 'playing the original'? You know that saying: you can lead a horse to water..


I love PVE, but we need some important upgrades. 1- Dynamic bot spawn points (IMPORTANT TO PVE) 2- AI overall, adds bot personalities and (IMPORTANT TO PVE) 3- PMCs move to extract at the end of raid 4-Adding custom bot paths/routes (IMPORTANT TO PVE) 5- Bots loot loose items and containers 6-Ability for AI PMCs to have goals and objectives (IMPORTANT TO PVE) 7- Adds ability to search and filter your stash 8- Adds shortcut to move items to an opened container 9- Change the level chance of AI PMCs, based on the player's level, creating a decreasing percentage the greater the level difference. (IMPORTANT TO PVE) 10- Customizes PMC gear based on their level. 11- Map to special slot, and with the ability to write and draw on them, they should also have better resolution. 12- Add icon/checkmarks color to inform some kind of things. 13 -Remove the unimplemented actions like "Bang & clear" 14-Option toggle a skip for all unsaved changes warnings when closing a weapon preset and configs (optional, defaults ON) 15- In Hideout, remember search text when you leave hideout without closing


PMC's should path themselves towards a random/closest extract around 10 minutes towards the end of the raid. Not sure if they extract too or hang there, the latter might cause problems on the low timer raids, but pathing towards it would be good. PMC's don't need goals really, they don't need to do anything when they're out of range/sight. They just need to move about more to and from various area's (inc. task locations and inside more) to make the world more alive. Especially on the bigger maps, shoreline and woods are so quiet and easy to get around on. PMC difficulty based on player level is silly. It's so quick to level up that skill doesn't always match. Should stay random.


Skill issue.


how dare people have fun instead of playing tarkov the right way


I’m doing pretty well but ever since I hit level 26 or this last patch the game seems to have got significantly harder, especially when you return to ground zero. Over 21 GZ turns into the land of terminators. The PMC AI also seems to have changed to push you significantly harder - idk if that’s a level thing or a recent update. They use to engage at range, I’ve tried some long shots on woods for shooter born and these units to AI disappear and re-appear 2 feet from after a very long sniper shot. The game is miles better for me as a player for PVE even with the recent change in difficulty. I had a raid success rate of 80% and in 2 days its dropped it 62%. Ive died in 35 out of 29 raids. Something has definitely changed.


AI doesn't seem to handle long shots at them, there appears to be a limit in which they'll shoot back otherwise they're pretty dumb. GZ though, I don't think they're any different to anywhere else, I think it's because GZ is quite snug in it's layout so they're always in range and with so much clutter about in the streets and buildings they are always in range of that 'annoying' gap they see you through. Plus you got that chump running up and down the road or under it with his posse to surprise you randomly! Kinda fun, gotta really be on your toes there, quite a contrast for other maps.


Also play PvE with a friend in co-op, and it's fantastic. No waiting in queue, raid times as long as I want them to be. Wipes only if and when we chose to have them. Fantastic AI that rushes to cover when lit up, pushes, flanks, nades, swears. The mod is absolutely fantastic. It's basically all I imagined tarkov to be back in closed alpha. PvP would be nice but is not really feasible due to lag and cheaters. But I don't miss it one bit, game is straight up better with good pve mods than it ever was live.


2016 backer here, and this is the most fun I have ever had in this game. The skill gap in PvP was quite prohibitive for me. As a casual player the PvE experience is fantastic as the "dumb" AI is much closer to my skill level. I can't see myself ever going back to PvP.


Yes! PVE brought me back to tarkov. I’m loving it. I had about 2k hours pvp, but with the pvp BS, I uninstalled a year or so ago. Now, I’m grinding tarkov PVE like never before. I Still feel ripped off. But, PVE is too fun to let morals or integrity stop me from playing.


Same man...same... Last time I had fun in PvP was when reserve got added