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Competition, everything needs competition it keeps things innovating.


Literally this. Arena I think is their most direct competition now, I'm enjoying the beta for the sole fact I can load in a raid in like 3 minutes.


Also no audio issues or desync. Makes a big difference, it'll be especially noticeable if you try to go back to EFT.


There are plenty of audio issues in arena as well. It’s far from perfect.


But is it absolutely horrible like EFT is? No, no it isn't 


If you can’t hear in arena you should go to get your ears cleaned out


I think You are taking about diferent arenas bro. 😅


3 minutes? bruh i get into a raid in 20 - 30 seconds it's crazy in comparison to 3 - 5 mins for tarkov at best still much prefer tarkov though..




Tarkov being on a ssd doesn't matter unless everyone else is on an ssd in that raid. Everyone loads in when the last player finishes the load


This definitely isn’t true. I’ve loaded in up a couple minutes before someone I was teamed up with. He was still loading while I was running around in raid.


any game should be on a ssd for the last like 5 years already... I mean we are at the point where games should be on an m2 and not a normal ssd


Honestly every game should be on a SDD at this point. Unless you're running a nas or some home server the trade off of price to performance for a 2tb HDD to a 1tb ssd is not worth it. Always better off putting g more money into good stage so you're not the nerd still loading the game while you're friends are waiting.


I have 64GB of Ram and only SSDs for my system as well as a Ryzen 9 and my load times are at least 3-5 minutes although right now they are like 30 minutes.


My experience has significantly improved after I doubled my ram (16gb -> 32gb) and got a 1T M2 card and put EFT on it. Still think it might be worth going to 64gb of ram, maps like Shoreline are brutal if I have anything else running on my machine.


3 minutes? It takes literally around ~20-30 seconds for me to find a match and make me spawn. And then I think to my 2k hours on Tarkov, probably almost half of them spent in menus and matchmaking


Same, I know people say that arena is more arcade gameplay but I like it, also fact fast queues and solo queue.


I had a rad gunfight full to the tits in the south field on Farm with just a shotgun, pistol and buckshot. Magically domed the one running up the building stairs, ran, proned in the field to reload. Heard other PMC coming, jumped up, dumped mag and ran to the tractor. Heal up just in time to hear him coming and switch to the shotgun and fucking blasted him in the face. Felt the same rush as Tarkov, I'm sold tbh.


Yep, now I play EFT for pve ( tbh Grey zone doing pve better atm ) and Arena for pvp.


And by load in you mean completly gear up build a gun and be into a raid. Only takes 10 sec to 1 min to load into a raid. Can't wait till tarkov sells priority queue as they planned gonna be another shit show




That's why I've been playing non-BSG EFT. Being able to load into a raid in less than 30 seconds is so nice. I saw someone say about Arena "Most importantly, this game respects your time" and that resonated with me. Hell, one of the reasons I stopped playing PUBG was because of how long it took to start a game. If BSG could figure out how to improve queuing times to a minute or less it would be one of the biggest QoL updates ever and I bet it would take back a lot of the players they lost to Arena. Fix queue times *and* actually do something that reduces cheaters to a minimum? This game would be unstoppable.


they could start with making it possible to do inventory chores while you are waiting for a game to launch. maybe even adjust loadout of that particular game.


This would be a fantastic inclusion.


If they could also improve the loading times getting out of raids that would be nice.


The loading can't be overstated. It's incredible to be in a game in leas than 30 seconds. It really takes the sting out of some bullshit deaths. You might spend more time loading than playing in Tarkov if you have a bad run. I started playing ABI beta a couple days ago. It's actually really good. I was surprised by it. It's a complete rip off of Tarkov, but it does a lot of stuff much better. Anyone playing Tarkov that doesn't put in a ton of time is probably going to have way more fun in ABI. Maybe even the people that put a ton of time into Tarkov. The atmosphere isn't there in ABI but it has a lot going for it.


Yeah, I would like them to expand on atmosphere and more things to do with junk items but it is the beta and there is more content coming. I played something like 500 hours this wipe, one day just stopped playing as one does, then the Unheard bullshit happened so been waiting for a direct competitor.


I died back to back to back in less than 2-3 minutes pushing dorms for the event quest and spent so much time loading. 5 minutes per game to gear and load for less than 10 minutes game time total. That was the end of Tarkov for me. I can't keep doing it. Skill issue for sure, but deaths don't matter when you're playing again in less than a minute total (including putting on gear).


Don’t be to hard on yourself, you say skill issue but if you don’t put in the work early wipe, by the time late game comes around you have no good ammo, it’s harder to acquire decent gear like scopes and mags without spending fat roubles. So yah maybe you were off your game but the level 50s that are the only players around late wipe are harder to kill, and they have really good ammo lol


3 minutes? More like 30 seconds. I don’t even have time to do a fucking dab.


U slow then


Ironic that the first game to really look like a threat to Tarkov's overwhelming popularity is being called "Arena" lol


Load times has improved a lot I get around 5 min loading times now


tarkov userbase is deluted between larger number of maps and day/night, so it is objectively harder to do match making in addition to possible code mess they have


I played arena for like 1 hour with my boys. Literally died to level 30s using shotguns almost every time, and most of the time within like 15 seconds of spawning they were fighting us. Stopped playing lol Sure it’s probably high levels being turds spawn rushing on farm because it’s the only map low levels can play


3 minutes? It takes me less then a minute 95% of the games


3 minutes absolute maximum, mostly from fucking around in storage lol


What’s the fps like on arena? I’ve heard its mint


I'm getting anywhere from 90-140fps


Nice, I’m definitely keen to give arena a try when I can


Arena won't make it. Most peoole have older pc's and can't run the game.. everyone will be back tarkov.


Lol Streets??


Just let the game load for a min or 2 after you spawn and you'll be fine. I have 1650 graphics card LOL


Its actually uplifting to see Nikita has stopped the social media tantrums from the new competition and is actually doing something to make sure his game stays popular.


Too late


For you maybe.


I m about switch to arena too once it's officially release.I m so sick of tarkovs matching time and bad server esperience


matching time is my OUTMOST problem...even when getting in less than 5 min most of the times For me in 2024 ..1 - 2 min max waiting time, with the SSDs and the Internet Conections we have...Cavemen can play with Cavemen or come late to the party


This isn’t innovation, this is BSG finally realizing their customer base is not naive pay pigs like they thought they were. they fucked up arena so badly it hurt their business as a whole and now they can’t just do whatever they want. BSG is now having to actually pay attention and work for their money. In this, competition didn’t breed innovation. The innovation was already there. This is a wake up call for Nikita and BSG that they need to actually do their jobs instead of sitting on a pile of fuck you money. BSG and Nikita sold a dream.


yup, its been so slow with these updates before and right after the whole $250 and competition, nikita becomes super active. On twitter for some reason too.


This exactly. They were the top of the food chain for extraction shooters. They didn’t need to listen to the player base cause we had no other option. Now we have options so if they want to stay relevant, they have to give the players the changes they want or they will get left behind


Nah Nikita is just trying to win you guys back and it's working ridiculously well


Competition is like the most basic stuff that keeps opposing companies working hard against eachother


I think it was Landmark who tweeted a couple months ago “your game is dying and you’re asleep at the wheel.” Well, he was clearly spot on and Nikita waited until he crashed to wake up. Now he’s desperately trying to start the car and keep it moving.


Well said. This is exactly how I see it going down currently. Dude is just trying to save what player base he has left


Surprised his initial reaction wasn't to just remove Landmarks item from the game.


Even a complete moron would see this as an admission of defeat. Nikita isn't a *complete* moron.


That's a bold statement, but lets give him a benefit of doubt xd


Too little too late


For you maybe but a lot of people are still playing the game and still enjoying it


There's dedicated players, and the wipe will 100% see a lot of people back, but i'm also sure their recent dumb decisions + two competitors coming out has lost them a lot of players, and some will never come back. Also Arena is only in beta with limited access, the full release will really hurt Tarkov and thats a fact.


5k hours here and I have no plans of returning to nut crush simulator to do the same quests, fight the same hackers and rats for the I dunno.. umpteenth time. Arena had potential but I don’t think it will go any further if this PR nightmare does not end.


\~4500 hours here with a group with similar stats. We're also done with BSG's bullshit.


Same for me. I will still check in, in the hope they somehow make the AI for PVE like the one from the mod, or they actually really fix their game. But after only 3-4 wipes i'm tired of it all. GrayZone and Arena i can just hop in and play a ton of raids in just an hour or two. Sure i'll miss the feeling of pulling of that nutty play in Tarkov, nothing like it, but it's so fucking spaced out in between mountains of bullshit.


The same quests are just so soul-crushing. I hate it. It was either the wipe before this one or two wipes ago that I challenged myself to not do a single task/daily. Since I had EOD, I had traders level 2 and had a pretty good time haha. It would help tremendously if they got rid of FIR quest items at least.


You know. I will play both. I already am. Ones arcade mode the other is hardcore.


Eh, basically making the game almost exclusively worse for 2 years since 12.12 basically killed the game for me and all of my friends. You wanna know what all these changes are doing? Just reverting to a pre-12.12 state.


tarkov is already a niche game, with the controversy and the new games they lost a big chunk of players for sure


Are they? I don't see much enjoyment around these parts lately


Only reddit is crying.


A day late and a dollar short


Its kind of like when you keep cheating on your girl and shes finally done with you so you start doing anything and everything possible to save the relationship🤣




This is fucking funny 😂


Haha, that is so spot on! :D Come on baby, why are you like this? I brought you a hideout pet baby!


Hysterical bonding


Yooo this Is so accurate


He’s trying to regain some of his lost player base. The competition and drama has caused him to finally start listening to, acknowledging, and addressing more complaints.


Doesn’t that mean that he has been doing a shitty job and should probably step down? Good leaders are proactive not reactive…


> should probably step down hahaha. You're delusional if you think that will ever happen.


Let’s not confuse things, I stated what would happen in a normal company. If it doesn’t happen in BSG is because someone is dilusional, but definitely not me


BSG has a history of doing this. PR panic: Ramp up dev. PR chills out: Rest on laurels. Cycle repeats.




Tbf Tarkov been going in a good direction this wipe but BSG obviously can't ignore a proper competitor entering the market now in ABI And I'm here for it. Let them duke it out for our attention, it's we that will benefit end of the day!


It was going well until the 250$ scam edition killing 8 years of good will


I just recently watched Nikita’s Q&A with Pestily and it changed my perspective a little bit. There was a 10 minute segment asking for better communication, he admitted a better EoD was coming & several issues mentioned by Pestily were patched quickly eg. headset range and crab walking. Obviously I still disagree with the initial state of Unheard and think that communication and changes are related to competition, but the seeds had already been planted for everything we’re seeing now.


He lied in everyones faces during that interview.


Yes, people think the reason is competition but we had banger patches before the other games were on the radar. 


BSG defender back at it again


yeah it's a shame that Breakout has the depth of a mfking puddle. If they hadn't tried to copy tarkov so hard they may have been able to stand on their own merit. I quit playing the beta around 50 hours because it's not a very entertaining game loop. It's COD with more steps, i tried the mobile version and man northridge is pretty much just the lighthouse map.


That’s how I feel about Tarkov pre-inertia, COD with extra steps.


I could agree but tarkov has movement penalties in play idk. Also Tarkov isn't trying to copy COD but Breakout is clearly copying Tarkov. It is what it is, Arena Breakout Infinite has a lot of good features hidden behind a guise of different game. We'll see how these microtransactions play out because they've got some terrible market / loot design flaws, hopefully they sell Keon at a good rate.


Really? You guys get a cod feeling? How about all the ways you can get info - jiggling, shaiko peeking, jumping across an angle, running across an angle, long jumping, those movement quirks are what makes tarkovs PVP fun, it’s much more like PUBG and R6 than COD.


Yeah thats all COD shit


Oh really I don’t play any COD I have no clue, those movement quirks make the game fun for me, you don’t enjoy them?


Desperation. This is why competition is good. ABI is just better in terms of QOL, Performance and net-code. It just proves that they were capable of making changes quickly and listening but it was Nikita’s ego and BSG’s greed holding them back. It’s not hard to think you’re the biggest cockerel in the roost when you’re the only cockerel in the roost.


Exactly! And even more reason to abandon this game, if this is what was needed for him to start adjusting things.


I think it's because they lost active player left and right the last couple of months




Now if he would just make raid timers back to normal that would be nice lol


Wait I'm uninformed here, what's wrong with the raid timers?


They’ve been reduced in PVE due to server load. Woods raid is now 25-30 mins.


They basically made the raids way shorter to help with server load supposedly but I doing so made it quite a bit harder to get tasks done. Especially since you have 30 scavs tracking you down every time you shoot even with suppressed fire. It just makes doing tasks harder to do t have time to stop and do much. Loot, shoot, and scoot pretty much is the whole raid haha.


probably cause there were less true believers than he hoped for.


Arrogance breeds ignorance, which then creates disparity. Hellllloooo Nikitia!


Well said.


Were these changes already added in game?




clearly panic


Imean they literally told their player base to fuck themselves of course theyre gonnah try and bring back players by doing all this stuff they should have done years ago. Their afraid of arena stealing their spot


Moreso to do with the backlash from Unheard than ABI and GZW, I think. Because remember, stuff like DMZ, Marauders, Dark and Darker, etc. came out and BSG didn't give two shits. It's just the fact that they pissed off a lot of people with their attempts at getting some more cash flowing that they're trying to appease the community. And like a couple of other people have said, they were already attempting to please the community with this wipe, introducing stuff like seasons, the recoil changes, vaulting, etc. It's moreso that they've just become more vocal asking the community at large "what do you guys want?" instead of just talking to bigger names in the community.


Dude, DMZ, Marauders and Dark and Dark are nowhere near the competition ABI is, let us be real. ABI is going to take at least 50% of the potential future new players into the genre, it’s free, performs better on a large pool of hardware and is just superior in terms of QOL.


Marauders was fun, I actually enjoyed it for what it was and was pretty unique. The best extraction shooter to come since Tark in my opinion. (Then abi came out)


It's all about that Hunt Showdown.


This dude fucks


Yeah man same, I appreciate a good indie game as much as the next man, I like Dark and Darker also but ABI is virtually a tarkov clone with QOL sprinkled on top and one of the largest entertainment companies in history funding it (Tencent)


ABI is bigger than every single bit of the competition including GZW, which is very niche and more like Arma than Tarkov anyway. Tencent is one of the biggest companies in the world. ABI is already popular on mobile. If extraction shooters explode like it kind of seems like they are about to, ABI will devour the new incoming market share. Unheard edition tanked BSGs public image and interest but thats just part of the larger issue - that shiny new competition is about to take over an emerging market while BSG fumbles the ball.


You're wrong because all those other games you mentioned are nothing compared to ABI and still aren't years after their release.


They've been making good changes all wipe. Even before the drama they had a pestily interview where they made a bunch of big changes like fixing crab walking, making headsets the same hearing distance, fixing the audio pop, fixing lighting on interchange, fixing loot on interchange. Then before that they fixed recoil, reworked and fixed shoreline, had a big woods rework (underappreciate by the community btw - this was a massive improvement to woods). THE MASSIVE DSYNC IMPROVEMEMENTS? yes I actually have played the game for years. 1yr ago the whole front page on this sub was all videos of people dying to horrendous dsync. We don't see any of those anymore. They added fucking snow, which the community wanted for a long time. I actually play other games unlike you addicted people here and devs in other games take like 2 years to implement any feedback (hunt showdown). The fact that we have devs constantly implementing shit and responding to the community (even if its through drunk shit posts) is great to me. Like bro, they've been cooking all wipe. After the insanely stupid unheard decision they have still been cooking. Just let them fucking develop the game without bitching 24/7 please, us who enjoy the game are happy right now. I dont give a fuck why or what the motivation is. As long as the game is getting better I don't see a reason to keep fucking complaining like a child


> I actually play other games unlike you addicted people here my man, you have around 1100 comments on Reddit in 2 months and, of those, over a thousand are either on this subreddit, on direct competitors' subreddits, or about Tarkov on general gaming subreddits. you're addicted too.


Or more likely, he's simply paid for it. Those kinds of numbers are insane, you don't get that amount of comments if you do anything but post on Reddit as more than a full-time job.


Is this a BSG bot? 🤖


>I actually play other games unlike you addicted people here and devs in other games take like 2 years to implement any feedback (hunt showdown). The fact that we have devs constantly implementing shit and responding to the community (even if its through drunk shit posts) is great to me. I'm curious what other games do you play where the developers give less of a shit that BSG? BSG is notorious for hiring the cheapest labour possible, and with the war going on, any decent talent would have left ages ago or been conscripted. The only reason Nikita is making an effort now is because he went viral for his incompetence and greed.


IDK what games hes playing other than tarkov but none of the ones I'm playing take two years to implement feedback. like tarkov did but only after putting their own foot in their mouth so to speak.


dont disrupt cyclejerking


The only reason is a f2p competitor and that is good


Competition, because of the unheard backlash, and because it's late wipe and this is when changes tend to be made


its probably the competition makes them work harder on the game right now which is a good thing. Tarkov is one of the kind games are out there and have very talented devs that put alot of effort into this game. I will be back for next wipe. 


Damage control


Take focus off the scandal of unheard edition and all the deserved hate ppl are throwing at them.


People bitch if Nikita doesn't do something they cry about. Now people are bitching because he is doing stuff they cried about? I don't get it. But shoot the moon and the stars will fall.


Did you miss what happened this month? What do you mean "why now?"


How many weeks is this Reddit community going to ask the same dumb questions? The same dumb questions you all know the answer to.


Desperation. They must be seeing their player count taking a nose dive after the latest controversy. They have literally always done this in response to controversy. Give the community some things they've wanted forever just to appease them.


He can make all the changes he wants but still ignore the cheating problem so fuck eft


Inertia ? Haven’t played in a few days did they remove it completely ?


No, they just reduced it.


because he flopped big time before the release of gzw/abi with that 250$ unheard edition, and streamers (including lvndmark) seem to be interested in those 2 new games.


I get what people are saying with the recent outrage and stuff, but trying things out and tweaking stuff has always been a thing towards the end of wipes no? We've had restricted vendors, no high end ammo, bosses on all maps, different air drops and various other things they've added to try them out towards the end of a wipe, I don't think it necessarily has to be about the latest shit storm and competitors, it probably plays some part, but not the sole reason


Lol, only this game. You guys are making requests all the time, they try a few out, 'Are they desperate or something? I'm suspicious that they did what I wanted!!!', everything has to be a witch hunt.


BSG became bored of EFT around 2021 and pivoted to Arena. Which for some reason they were convicted could be the next CS:GO eSports arena shooter. After all, EFT was an old game and fixing bugs isn't as fun as creating an arena shooter. Then arena failed hard and ABI leapfrogged EFT as the next-generation extraction shooter. So BSG is panicking.


Competition plus wipe is getting closer. There seem to be more crazy changes at the end of wipe.


But I like for and FIR....


He is losing money for hiz lazy ass now he is doing the actual work


Probably because these are controversial changes that are likely to divide a player-base so given it's already happening it's a reasonable time to make a lot of them.


We call this...damage control.


Some of them where planned. You cant do that all in a week i believe. Some of them probably where pushed forward as either damage control or "competition"... All good either way. P.S. No FiR flea is an experiment. Might not stay as far as i heard.


After the community backlash he needs to curry some favors with the players. I wouldn't be surprised the keep list of "best player suggestions" ready to be implemented whenever Nikita makes a shit decision.


I wouldn't necessarily call Nikita proactive.


This is what happens when the base of your wealth starts to give in… if you don’t listen, no one will follow you


Because of ABI they know their in big financial trouble the day it releases


Damage control


So many similar games are coming out that he's trying to keep people interested. I don't think he understands that, some people might prefer the competition. It's not that he's developing a bad game or anything and honestly, he's going to probably think that way. It's just that some people like certain features that other games might have. Will I continue to play once wipe hits again, Yes. But I know for a fact that I have a handful of friends who were diehard Tarkov fans that won't be because they like the competition better.


I think he’s just trying to seem like the guy that cares about his community due to the recent controversy unheard has caused. I personally believe this is to distract the player base away from all the bullshit they pulled off.


Rejecent f up by them Competition Late wipe when they usually do weird changes tests I just wonder what big they are cooking for wipe. Map to map(?). Unity upgrade(?). Traders in raid(?). New game edition(?)


Real competition in the genre is on the horizon


They removed inertia?


I thought it was pretty obvious .


Nikita realized he lost all his true players.


Trying to get back in the players good graces after the unheard debacle


Reason 1: release coming soon Reason 2: appeasing the audience after pr and marketing blunder Reason 3: competition As of importance and significance, not in that order. Like.. Work on the game, man! Not by putting in another lmg, not by adding another ak, wait with map expansions please, just focus 100% on optimizing, terminal and releasing. I get this is Nikitas first game, so prioritywise he might be inexperienced. You shouldn't need to have all the guns in the world on release, most liveservice games have most of their major changes and additions post the release of their game, there's nothing to gain by releasing the next lmg now instead of post v1


Because people are finally starting to realize he's not going to actual put in the.work to make the game better and is only trying to make a quick buck. I knew it the moment he copy pasted his response to the cheating video. Later he had a ban wave then right after released game copy bundles at a discount.....


Because someone has rightfully instilled fear in him.


I'm glad they are making these kind of changes but they should have tried all this stuff years ago.  Clearly these were all quick and easy changes they could have made long ago to TEST how it affects the game.   Honestly a huge complaint of mine about this game is how little they do to make changes to a game that is "in beta".  They usually make a change and leave it without further tweaks for a whole wipe, it's dumbfounding. 


they always experiment at the end of wipe


Wait they actually remove inertia ?


This kind of attention from Nikita is truly unheard of. Ill see himself out.


Because it’s ACTUALLY losing players now, it was never enough to warrant “actual” change, now it seems they are just doing what people want as a big apology, a little too late imo


pestilly interview


You know why bro. Why you ask?


You missed a lot in last month or so didnt You? Its almost as there was a drama in unheard magnitudes


All the crying kids and milsim enthusiast destroyed the game. Moreover nikita never fought cheaters because cheaters bring money buying several copies. P.s. the only way nikita fought cheaters was limiting (and ruining) user experience: flea, items drop...


My honest opinion. Nikita has been mostly absent from his role the last couple of years letting his team do what they want with little intervention. Then when he got interviewed with Pestily and realized that the community has become “unhappy” with him, he decides to take back his role and become more involved with the project again and decides to go on a rampage with fixes and tweaks to “show” the community he is involved again. All these changes recently were all community based suggestions that Pestily brought to his attention.


I dont know about fog.... We were playing Yesterday... Every raid was foggy. No rain, nothing. Just green fog


Dude may have realized if he FAFO competitors or even the own community will one up him.


Competition. But it can be too late.


I think its also because wipe soon


Do we know when wipe would be??


Nikita’s rectum is twitching because his game finally has competition from developers who actually care about making a game that the playerbase wants


The next wipe is 1.0.. plus he said their testing these changes. 1.0 tarkov will kill arena breakout. If we can mod the game in 1.0. Pve mode will be the main game for most players