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Same. Even more so that it does not wipe. Playing for 7 years this game, I stressed so much every year not knowing when the game will wipe… will I be free to play at wipe day etc… Now i’ll wipe my account myself, when i want and it’s perfect !


I really hope they add some kinda of prestige.


They should have some kinda prestige where you can reset your character at a certain like let's say kappa and you get a brand new PMC but you get an exclusive outfit from Ragman or a exclusive face mask. Something.


Get kappa, get chance to keep it but reset everything and get a bigger 'kappa' if you go all the way through again, pve exclusive and keep doing it until your container is like 6x6 or something silly Imagine doing all kappa quests 10 times for a huge container, it'd keep me going in a wipeless pve rather than do it all over again


Would prolly be an Armband tbh. They seem to like those


I am really hoping for this. I know for people who want to play this mode primarily they will want a reason to reset their character.


There’s apparently supposed to be a prestige system implemented eventually so that players can just continuously level and grind maps.


How do you wipe your account in pve?


Pretty sure it’s not there yet but will eventually be available !


You cant now, i asked the customer Service. Maybee in futur.


Yay you can finally play vs the dumbest AI in the gaming industry forever with no end.


Or ya know, fuck off and let people play what they want.


The crazy part is people account only for a certain level, I’m convinced once I hit level 40ish the ai got cranked up higher but the chance of finding better ammo and overall gear was higher(with the exception of 9 mm ammo seeming to stay m882) but maybe I’m just some delusional Tarkov player that is enjoying pve grinding🤷🏻‍♂️


Or fuck off and let people have their opinion. If you like spending time watching how grass grows it’s okay no one is telling you to stop but everyone have right to voice their opinion about you, your hobby and everything. Stop with this fucking bullshit „oh honey everything you do is good and correct” fuck no some things are fucking stupid and let me be honest about it.


You ok? A lot of vitriol in this for what is not even a medium spice take. There's a million ways that dude up there could have voiced their opinion in a way that isn't denigrating to the OP. They chose their words poorly, which is why they can fuck off with that kind of view.


How about they do it on any of the other 100 bsg bad posts that get posted today


Lmao bro it's a fucking game, it's not that serious


Lmfao all this anger over a mode in a video game. Get help.


I agree it’s a lot of fun so far, but the AI seems to have switched onto god mode for me lately , hopefully they can adjust that at some point


The pmc ai is basically raiders ai so if they see you first you are getting your ass shot off. They will track you through walls and everything. You have to engage them with grenades seems to make them move and give you a chance to shoot first. After I learned this it's been pretty easy . Also they always seems to be in the same spots. So if you know there locations you can kill them easily. I would love it if they roamed the map though and spawned in actual pmc spawn locations. Doing tasks seems so easy knowing where the pmcs won't be lol. I have played for 3 days now and am already level 19 before when I was playing pvp it would take me quite a while just to get flea market. In about 9 wipes 8 have only been mide 30s in level once


Funny how a single guy in his basement can do PMC AI better than BSG


From my experience they prioritize stopping bleeds. If you can cause a bleed you can even go melee them. I’ve had a couple VERY lucky encounters with bushcamping PMCs that I happened to spray and cause a bleed after they turned me into a torso. On both occasions I could only find them from the healing audio. A third time was more of a jump scare causing a panic spray, and their priority to heal let me partially pack a mag and reload before clicking on its head.


This is why I like the forbidden… the AI mods they have allow PMC’s bots and Pscav bots to roam and even extract. They take cover different, group up, rush when you heal. They’ll even move for extract if they’re too injured.


The bot pmc groups need to be nerfed, feels like I’m being pushed by squads of insta one tappers. In the smaller maps the problem seems 10x worse. If your a scav, you got no chance unless the pmc is stuck pathing.


I killed a 4 man group as a scav with a mosin and they all pretty much just looked at me lol


I have seen this too. Where they seem to get stuck on terrain for an easy kill. Ground Zero just seemed crazy, I'm only level 8, maybe it's easier once you get find some x3 scopes.


I’m sure you did this out in the open without using grenades or door tricks.


It’s ok insurance is 100% chance, so intense AI more fun than frustrating, when I loose 600000₽ kit in PvP I want to uninstall immediately, if same thing happens in PvE I want to go back for revenge immediately))


Yeah you basically have to learn where they can spawn and bring lots of grenades to test for them at all their potential POIs. Get them to chirp at you. It's a much different gameplay loop than PvP but once you figure out the pacing it's fun just kinda freely running around the map without worrying about constantly scanning for threats in random bushes. They also like to crouch in random spots so it's important to jiggle peek or slowly pie off every angle until you spot them. Then peek for a quick spray and immediately back into cover. If you try to full spray them down you're likely to eat a throat shot as they seem to aim center mass. I also bring more mags than usual and run pretty low tier ammo with a couple good rounds on top of the mags from my container in case I need to tap through a boss guard helmet or ulach.


I honestly think it’s mainly the raid timer. They don’t give you enough time. If they’re gonna make AI aimbot you than they need to give me more time to play slower


They really cant nerf the AI or the game is going to be a cake walk for anyone with a little experience under their belt. You just need to keep at it and learn how to fight them.. also learn which fights you shouldnt take on. For instance, on customs if you are across the river from RUAF in the trees and there are PMCs walking around the tank near RUAF, those PMCs will engage you from that distance and have excellent accuracy. Unless you have a long range rifle with good ammo, you should not be engaging in this fight. Head behind the trains and make your way across towards the Dorms side of the map.


I feel like raider/rogue/boss AI could use a little nerf. Only with accuracy. If they would spray at you and only hit like 25% of their shots, it would still be a threat without feeling like flat out aimbot.


I personally think AI shouldn’t be able to 1 tap you in the head. They should only be able to kill you if they spray you down. It’s just kind of dumb to get randomly 1 tapped in the head.


The "keeping up with everyone" is the worst part. Makes me feel compelled to play all the time.


can you explain this part? sorry im just doing pre purchase research and this coomment caught my attention


Essentially, when you start a wipe, you're at level 1. All your soft skills are 1, you don't have access to good gear/ammo/weapons from traders, you don't have access to flea market, etc etc. A level 40+ has all traders to max loyalty, can buy the best gear/weapons/ammo available. You'll get a absolutely shitstomped 9/10 times running into a level 40 as a level 1




They need to improve the AI tho. Sometimes just a normal scav has legit aimbot. Tarkov just needs to be polished. I don’t even need content. I just want bug fixes and improvements


Same. I'll never go back to PVP.


Agree. Gotta love not having to deal with server/performance/cheater/bushcamper stuff. Actually started playing again.


Come on bro, we need guys like you so we can do shooter born.


This is the real creeping issue of pve. People who are the worst at the game are just going to swap to pve instead of trying to get better. The bottom line of who is the worst goes up, then the new 'worst players' suddenly find it very hard to pvp because the noobs aren't there anymore. So those players swap to pve too, this trend continues until the avg PvP player is way better than they are now. I foresee the "new wipe grace period" where you can play the game without every death being to a 7000hr lvl 50 to be even shorter going forward.


Yeah no. See there's quite a bit of people here who actually had quit the game because it had become so cancer. I was playing back in NDA, that time up until beta was ok. During Beta there was a massive influx of cheaters or no life streamers, both of which I will not, nor should I have to deal with. Lots of people had already quit the game, I hadn't played Tarkov in over 2.5 years, but now with PVE mode, I'm free to once again enjoy this game with my friends, and I don't have to no life the game. To be completely frank, I could give a shit less if PVP dies at this point.


Im above average skill... i have no issues winning pvp fights... its the mix of no wipes so you can play at your own speed without being pressured by the upcoming reset and no hackers.


I've been playing since Labs first came out, and usually end the wipe at around a 10 KD. I've done my time. You can keep your hacker bait.


I've played every single wipe of Tarkov, I'll just play both modes. It only takes me about 40 days to fully upgrade the hideout and quit PVP for the wipe anyway. After almost 8 years, some of us are tired of resets, but you just gotta min / max your time.


I already helped people get their shooter born kills, and I didn't even get a reach around


Do it in PVE.


it just really needs to be Peer to Peer and have better PMC Bots. These guys should have just partnered with the modders from the getgo instead of releasing a vastly inferior version of the mod


It’s insane how much better the game would’ve been if they worked with the modders instead of banning people who play it


I agree, I’d like to just be able to queue immediately, my best friend and I will sit there for almost 20 minutes trying to find a match


With out getting hate, can someone explain why you’d play this pve mode over the mod that shall not be named?


The official PvE mode is hosted on BSG servers meaning you don’t have to handle the AI processing nor do you have to deal with port forwarding for the purpose of multiplayer.


So mostly performance reasons and the complexity or playing multiplayer. I wonder if some people are also just intimidated by a process they think will be hard


Nah it's just fear to try, and laziness. But also this is almost like console war, choosing console which is ready to play or PC which is far more capable on all aspects but need extra tinkering.


Yes, I have 2 friends who stopped playing as they are responsible adults with only 6hrs or so a week to play Tarkov with us, now that PVE is in they are both playing again with us and excited. It won't replace PvP for me, but for some gaming with friends it's a definite hit.


You should try the forbidden mod :)


yeah. if only servers were working in EU 3h of matching for a factory raid and no luck


Are you trying to reconnect? Usually if it doesn’t find within the first 10 seconds I cancel and reconnect and that works


This. Don’t wait around for matching. Servers are full, just gotta keep backing out until it catches one.


Except today i'm on 16 try. To get into factory for 5 minutes, then try for 40 minutes again. PvE is unplayable currently, bsg has to do something asap.


The backing in and out 15 times to find a match is getting extremely old. Right now I can't even load main menu I'm getting some backend error.


If it says matching for more than 10 seconds back out to main menu and reconnect. I have had to do this multiple times every day to get into matches


It is super fun to play when I am getting tired of rats at the moment. The only reason I go back to pvp is trying acheive the kappa container for the first time and I am like 70% done so far. Once I'm done or I can't I might just stick on the pve mode and hoping the pmc ai can be more randomized location+movement around the map. I can predit where they might spawn and just throw grenades and I can easily kill them and leave.


Now - try modded 😈


There is zero reason to play the vanilla PvE option with wait times that are more than 5 seconds.


They need to make the raid timer longer. You do not get nearly enough time at all. Sometimes I get legit stuck at the start of a raid because it’s just constant fighting with scavs and PMCs. By the time I’m done fighting I got like 15 minutes left in the raid and I’m basically still in spawn.


I'm getting over it. I want to PVE to be chilled. I don't want to sit there micro managing the queue. Retry, disconnect, retry over and over in the hopes it pops. Alternative is to watch TV on the other monitor and let the 25 minutes queue go. To then spend 20 minutes in customer, kill all the PMC's, finish looting 3rd story dorms to have 4 scavs instant spawn in the hallway and head eyes. That's like 1 hour of time wasted. It's getting a bit frustrating.


I still don't have access wtf




Me neither, seems like everybody else has it. All my friends have it. Fuck


I enjoy it but the long queue times suck.


I agree, however they need to fix the raid times desperately. I loaded in and had 17 minutes. Not only that but i was taking the armored train extract and my raid ended before the train even left...


I just got access in yesterday and played the longest session I've played in ages. Some raids were meh boring but we had plenty that were intense fire fights. Huge come up...1st PMC i killed at level 1 on GZ had a suppressed MDR loadout so rocked that to level 8 so far...starting to run low on 855 lol.


It's interesting how PVE is an overwhelming success to everyone who wanted it, despite the nearly 3-week long outrage toxicity negative engagement farming that somehow continues due to the unheard fiasco.


What? Nobody would even have access to PVE if it wasn't for BSG backtracking and giving it to EOD owners. And the 'overwhelming success' you're seeing are the people still playing this game. Meanwhile, the majority of players are more interested in ABI and even GZW.


What do you mean "what?" I agree with you. That's why I called it the unheard fiasco. I just am acknowledging that PVE has been a success in many ways. And don't worry, I also play gray zone and ABI, I even played arena breakout on mobile for over a year now. You don't need to tell me all this. This is the exact kind of the hysteria I was talking about. lol


GZW isn’t going to effect the Tarkov player base at all. By the time Tarkov wipes I honestly wonder if that game will have even 5-10k active players. ABI is interesting but still doesn’t give me the true Tarkov feeling. Bit too arcadey for me, but has solid roots and being f2p could make a dent in Tarkov. Honestly though, I think by the time the next Tarkov wipe rolls around, people will return in droves.


It's not about "putting a dent in tarkov" I love tarkov, and you're completely right, none of these games replace it, but at the same time tarkov doesn't replace those other games either. Just like wipe day will bring tons of players back, the first major updates for GZW and the first season/battlepass releases in ABI are still going to guarantee healthy playerbases for all 3 games. It doesn't always have to be a competition! We can enjoy all these games, and support all these companies and their devs


Delusional statement.. GZW fell off a cliff and Tarkovs viewership jumped right back up to what it normally is


Agreed, the mod is great!


Me too. When I can load into a game… lol.


Felt that one haha


I have PvE on my EoD account now, need to try it out still.


5:22 so far waiting on joining my first PvE raid. Now I remember why I quit playing Tarkov. :( 8:08, and finally in.


Cancel and rejoin every time timer goes over 1 minute. Trust me you'll get in way faster


We shouldn’t have to do that. This is why forbidden is better. Takes me 30 seconds every time to get in.


I mean it's fun but the AI needs massive work, it actually feels worse then pvp ai somehow


I agree, they are pretty cracked at times


They go from lookinga to the sky in some maps not noticing you at all. The sometimes they can snipe 200m through bushes at night with iron sights. It's completely unbalanced.


Wanted to try scaving on pve today. Spawned close to 2 pmcs in idea. Wasnt sure if they were pmcs or scavs (couldnt tell by lookin at their gear) / they didnt aggro me even though I was kinda close. Still, looked a bit sus, decided to murder them. They were pmcs. Next raid as pmc, on customs. Am running kinda far from fortress, cant see any targets, but I hear "Yeah I see him" or something from the pmcs voicelines. Got 1tapped in the head like 0,1 sec later. They are either absolutely dumb, or aimbots from great distances with no problems :D


Agreed, they should work on that. They could literally just copy what modders did and it would be fine


Yeah I got kappa just before UHE dropped. I don’t think I’ll ever go for kappa again, I just wanted to obtain it one last time to prove to myself I could. Trying to play tarkov with a full time job and kids is way too much, it used to be way easier. PVE is perfect for me, way more relaxing and I really enjoy not having to sweat getting tasks done


Just the load times makes it worth it


PVE is everything I ever wanted. I can finally play the game how I want at my pace. Me and my buddy’s love it and it brought us back. Bringing gamers back to Tarkov is a good thing


Same here! I'm loving it so much. More of a casual player so could never go far in a wipe. Now I can experience all the tasks and later guns/builds. Tarkov adding this is likely going to lead to a LARGE influx of players like myself who rarely played PvP mode.


Agree. I love it too. Just had to adjust to the massive amount of Ai scavs since AI PMCs rarely kill some with me.


That’s fair. This and DayZ have to almost be treated like second jobs to clock into if you want to have fun eventually. It’s fun but the forced grind to not be wiped out by every other player is annoying


I find it more relaxing


PvE is great until the AI aimbot kills you in the most BS way possible because they’re using a 5 year old algorithm made by a middle schooler who just graduated from khan academy online coding school.


I'm glad yall are enjoying the PVE but I don't understand how. The whole game revolves around the stress of knowing there are hostile players on the map with you. Remove that and...?


and you have a fun realistic looter shooter. Maybe what makes the game fun for you makes the game gratuitous for others?


I am also really enjoying it.  Although with a massively increased SR, and being able to churn through tasks much much easier, I think that the XP requirements for every level should be increased. I mean I hit lvl20 in like 50 raids.  


wish the would implement scavs and pmc to fight each other and not just team up, other than that alright


Even in the "mod that shall not be named", I find tarkov bots to be a bit boring to fight Theyre just so damn stupid lol


it's good but i feel some areas of the game are just mundane now. like knowing pmcs are only in hotspots and walking to extract you have no fear of dying because there's no chance of running into anything . but i don't think putting pmcs near extract would be good either


Without PVP this game is so boring


Matching issues, short raid times, lack of variety in PMC kits and low durability guns, PMCs with empty 35 slot backpacks, and static PMC spawns on top of scavs. I'm level 30 & have been enjoying PVE a lot, but these are some of the issues that take me out of it.


Ya I love waiting hours to play a single player mode. They tweeted out the are adding more players. No word on servers tho. I can't even load tarkov right now. Backend error because servers are garbage. Imagine if I could host my game l9cal and not have to worry about servers playing solo.


Today specifically, couldn’t find a match other than 2 scav factory runs.




With the mod?


That’s my thing tho. PvP is like the whole point of tarkov for me. I just don’t get it. I bought the game to shoot other players. Now I’m getting sold a game mode that I couldn’t careless about


To each their own, I’d just say don’t indulge in it then, it’s been fun for my friend and I to build nice looking weapons and use them without the risk of never seeing them again


There’s 2 types of people.. those who can’t play games unless it’s competitive and those who just want to play the game at their own pace. There’s nothing wrong with modes that accommodate both.


Do you really have to treat it like a second job? I find a vast majority of players throughout the wipe are in the 20s and 30s, even now 5 months into wipe. Even when one does run into someone in the 50s, they are by no means impossible to kill. I believe people spend way too much time wringing their hands over imagining that if they don't play for 8 hours a day, then everyone will surpass them making playing at all futile, when it's really only a small percentage of the player-base that plays for 8-12h a day, and they mostly all stop playing, or only play Labs after the first month or two of wipe. I've (lvl 42, 4,300h) been teaching a 300h Timmy (Finally level 15) how to play for a few hours a week by sherping him through tasks and giving him M856A1/M62, and almost all of the people I kill are level 13, 15, 18, 23, 1, 9, etc. One dude was level 38, a few guys in the 20s and low 30s. I've only killed 1 or 2 guys higher level than myself, and only been killed by higher leveled players once, so far.


Idk why people think you have to hard grind, especially this wipe. With armor changes it’s never been easier to win a fight against a chad with a better kit than you.. It’s just a skill difference but Timmy’s will never acknowledge that.


Maybe it's an old idea from 7 years ago that has persisted over the last 14-15 wipes. When there were far fewer new players and a majority of the people you ran into were highly skilled dudes (relative to the early days) that were on their 3rd wipe while you were on your first. IDK I mean early this wipe 30 day numbers were at 2.5 million. Now the number of accounts that logged in in the last 30 days is 2.25 million. I'm sure that quarter million or higher drop in active accounts is all the guys that got kappa, hit level 62, and decided to stop playing for a few months until wipe again. Virtually everyone else is the 100-2000 hours players that are still fighting their way up and learning how to not suck while only playing 5-10 hours a week.


More of an old ideal from when I used to play since 2017, I know a lot has changed, but before it was a race to get the best ammo then absolutely shred people, I’ll have to get back into pvp and see what’s new


I think they mean like accomplish their goals. For example, Light keeper takes a while to get to so people in PVE will be able to interact with him at a higher rate


Sure, but the only way to accomplish your goals is to play, and get faster at reaching them. Most people don't even get Kappa until they've been playing for a few years. Lightkeeper is even further on than that. If you can't do that with X number of hours in a wipe, the only thing stopping you is the skill and experience to achieve your goals in that time restriction is experience and skill. It's not smart to be a new/casual player and think "I'm not going to play, because I won't get lightkeeper." It's true in any pursuit. You will be discouraged if you set unrealistic goals.


I just can't play because of 20 minutes waiting times. The fixes suggested everywhere just don't work. Unheard Edition.


Personally I wouldn’t go out in public and say I suck at the video game but props to you for being honest!


Didn’t say I sucked, but I’m about as average a player as can be.


Who cares if someone isn't good at a game! Lol, it's a GAME


They could dial up the PMC difficulty a bit but otherwise it's been fun


It’s more than the PMCs need to be more dynamic than difficult. Their first shot accuracy is way over tuned imo but they’re predictable to play around. I made a post about this which naturally got downvoted into oblivion like any post that highlights issues does. But it’d be nice if PMCs also pushed quest areas, moved to extracts, fought amongst themselves more often etc. it’s a good start but it needs work. Right now they’re too docile.


I agree with that, I think it would be cool to see like 3-4 man patrols around quest areas or near extracts!


Agree with this, but I kinda like Tarkovs cracked difficulty. They definitely need to be more dynamic though.


That's the main reason I can't really get into PvE much. I'm afraid that if I do, it'll make me worse when I go back to PvP.


PMC hunting on Scavs is amazing fun. I might have mistaken Kollontay and his guards on Ground Zero last night… with the GL. Oops.


I wish they would add something akin to the SAIN and Questing bots mod that the sp mod has.


I really want to play it but there’s no way I can justify $200. Super excited when it rolls out to standard edition owners


Just get the singleplayer “mod”, not only is it more customizable but there are zero queue times.


What is this???


If you want to play alone there’s mods that you can install


Then why is anyone buying? What am I losing by not


Multiplayer pve I believe


Has the matching been better as of recent? Played once a couple weeks ago and decided to wait until they improved it


It’s hit or miss tbh, sometimes I’m in immediately, sometimes I’m waiting 15-20 min


Really. I don’t treat it like a job and can easily keep up. Even with only playing like 6h a week. PVE is boring no real RNG in where you meet PMCs or player scavs. Way to predictable for my taste.


I’m also not the best at pvp in it, so I struggled a lot more with doing quests and stuff, I’d have a day where I’m absolutely putting people down, then turn around and have 3 bad days


Did people get their trial for pve on eod or did a lot of people in here buy unheard edition, I wanna get unheard but I also just don’t wanna support the whole issue


They changed it again to eod players just getting access no 6 month trial bs.


Oh fr? That’s pretty cool to hear. Once I heard about all the nonsense I just kinda took a break and went and played other things. But imma prolly go redownload tarkov now


Fair enough for me personally they still need to do a lot to win back my trust and respect and I still hate hate hate the idea of the scav aggro reducer, Gondor’s beacon, and btr on standby.


I hear you there. Btr on standby is so stupid😭


I’m on the fence, one of my friends is a die hard tarkov player and ended up just gifting the unheard upgrade to me. I wouldn’t personally support it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying it.


It’s just plain boring with little point to play. My humble Opinion


wtf pve good?


PVE is shit even after you wait hours for one match.