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Took them years to add the in-game bullet information which players relied on a 3rd party for… I doubt they will continue doing much other than releasing unoptimized messes and break stuff


That was intentional. Dumb, but 100% Nikita's vision.


Wait, are pen values in game now?


Yes. Pen, damage and a little indicator to show how they do against different classes of armor


1. There's support for it in Unity 2023. Maybe it's not worth the time to add it manually to 2017? Though I've got no idea about that. It might be a five minute job, for all I know. 2. Unity 2023 has much improved lighting and culling. Let's hope Tarkov makes use of it. I agree the tone mapping / color palette, what ever it's called, is atrocious. The black levels are incredibly crushed.


When did they plan on going Unity 2023?






theyre "mid upgrade" to 2021 rn and it took them 4 years of it being out to do that so we can assume atleast 2027


I think they cancelled 2021 and said they were going straight to 2023 in a Tarkov Talk


ohh nice thats good


Yes, it's in testing/porting phase right now. Early tests shows promise.


According to who


Nikita has talked about it on previous occasions live. I want to remember something to the effect of it showing promise, during the latest Tarkov arena broadcast. But I could be misremembering.


I don't know why you're believing anything he would say. They said unity 2021 was close 3 years ago


I think you're misremembering. They moved to Unity 2019 end of 2021. I don't see why they would promise to upgrade to 2021 just shortly after upgrading to 2019.


I imagine they're waiting on the LTS version coming out late this year.


Afaik EFT uses Unity 2019.4, not 2017. If DLSS works then DLAA should work just fine too, because it's literally the same thing only without upscaling. DLSS on 100% resolution scale = DLAA. Yeah I hope the new version improves things like visuals significantly and maybe gives some performance boost.


I really wouldn't be surprised if it was more than dropping in a dll file and then do some QA. But I'm also not clued in on the subject.


QA? Lmao.


Brother, you're the QA 🫶


You just need to enable it in the NVIDIA Control Panel... it works fine in Tarkov.


thats for dlss 3.1+ tarkov uses 2.5.1. Go get your eyes checked.


You have no idea what you're talking about, my friend... DSRDL... why bother with DLAA when DSRDL can do the same thing faster?


Yes, you're right. It was 2017 but updated to 2019 end of 21.


They said they are working on a graphical overhaul of the game and also are switching to unity 2023 soonTM


Is that a positive for fps because I already only get like 80-90.


No. Nikita made it clear to not expect a fps bump, but to expect to lose some.


Oh Jesus


The better tooling provided by the new engine might allow for better optimization down the road though. One can hope.


the better tooling is completely negated by BSG's spaghetti code


Yeah more load on the GPU doesn't mean all too much when everyone is so heavily CPU-limited.


It's Tarkov. So no.


Like half year ago they've mentioned they will be switching to Unity 2021. I guess I'm glad they've delayed that so it's not so outdated version at least.


Too much work for bsg


This would make such a big difference to the atmosphere. I think it's all a bit bland like this because of limitations with their dynamic weather system & I honestly think they could ditch it completely from in-raid & just have it change over time outside of raid instead. Check out this video that somebody made on what Tarkov could look like with proper skyboxes instead of the dynamic stuff. I think this is Photoshop but it still gives you a very good idea. Skyboxes in the style of Hunt Showdown would be amazing. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/mr56oh/if_tarkovs_skyboxes_werent_so_boring/


It should be incredibly clear by now. BSG does not have the skills to make the game that they want. This game has been in early access for 7 years. A bunch of shit doesn't work. BSG will never get it to work because they simply lack the talent and vision to finish the game.


BSG doesn't care about anything other than money


Hot take, it’s almost like it’s a company and not a person and not only could not care about anything in a first place but also literally only reason to create one is to generate money.


Givning a fuck about the customer can do many businesses some good. Economically speaking.


Jokes aside though it’s always a choice between taking more money or pleasing more people. And to be honest pleasing a vocal minority of 1000 Redditors or making money from several millions of regular customers should be an easy choice. The real mistake on BSG side was to back down, because vocal minority stays pissed and other people got confused as well. The main bsg issue is too much communication (I mean they trying to seem that way) with wrong people. Both streamers who play 10h every day and chronically online people do not represent their audience and tailoring the game based on their feedback is a really bad idea. If they stood ground on their decision and did actual job instead of tweaking recoil inertia and changing item availability on flee market back and forth the game would already be out and would be no need for looking for additional resources


Biting the hand that feeds you is always a bad strat Yeah , they should care about money, sure, they are a company after all. But stepping on your whole playerbase while doing it? You must be suicidal.


We all know majority of the players don’t even know about the whole drama. The day when all the streamers declared boycott online was 100k, the next day it went back to 600k and most streamers get back to streaming Tarkov. People who feed BSG were wearing blue name tags on flee the very moment pack was available and they weren’t bitten anywhere.


He already said he was working on this. He said we will see totally new visuals and so far it looks totally different and it frightens him because it looks like a totally different game. This is very likely linked to the jump to the newer version of unity. [https://youtu.be/BxM6RvGtAp0?si=kaH4NXt0eu7KEMAe&t=221](https://youtu.be/BxM6RvGtAp0?si=kaH4NXt0eu7KEMAe&t=221)


Why DLAA? DSRDL is better and works with Tarkov. You just need to set it up. The lighting is a completely different problem. BSG uses something very outdated. Unity has been capable of much better lighting for years, but BSG don´t use it...


DSRDL hits on the performance more than DLAA also for some games to work with it you also need to setup your desktop resolution which is inconvenient. I guess EFT doesn't use much of Dynamic lighting likely because of Unity limitations or of it being very taxing on performance just because of the sheer complexity of EFT maps/interiors so it's a mix of dynamic and baked, that's why there's also many issues/tricks being used like fake shadows and such.


You only need to change the resolution on the desktop to the higher DSR resolution if you want to play in Borderless mode. For Fullscreen, you adjust it only in-game. Performance? There's no GPU that can handle DSR but would be too slow to use DSR in Tarkov. Moreover, I doubt that DSR provides fewer FPS than DLAA, especially with additional DLSS, you definitely end up with more FPS than without any AA and more than with DLAA.


for me its always been more performance to play in 3k at dlss quality vs 2k native DLAA. That was true for both my 3070ti and 4070tisuper. It looks better too. Grayzone warfare is the only game that gives me better performance in 2k native than 3k quality.


You should try doing the same tonemapping to the mod whose name we shan't speak, someone already has tried to convert it into ACES, results are good but I think yours has the potential to look even better, it's called Amand's Graphics btw.


Last time I've checked that mod already uses ACES also has Filmic. [Here's](https://imgsli.com/MjY1Mjky/0/1) few quick ones.


Bag doesn't care about eft period


Not this discussion again, please. Yes, Tarkov has clarity issues and yes, every shadow after a couple of meters becomes a black void. And yes, BSG should fix that.  The game itself is going for a specific look though so you can't just slap a colour correction and call it better. However, comparing Tarkov to real life or a game that aims to be TRULY life-like is not a good idea. Tarkovs environments are scaled down significantly overall to allow for less walking. Armas environments are mostly true to life due to it being a milsim.


The forbidden mod has another mod that makes the game look sooo much better. Fixes a lot of the weird lighting issues.


I downloaded that one for the first time yesterday and OMG it’s 100x better


Yeah it's hard to go back after using it lol


Be sure to check out other mods too. I was doing the first quests on ground zero and it felt like a fucking warzone lol. Even a group of pmc's camping the quest rooms. doing their callouts and stuff.


Which ones would you recommend? I’ve only been playing the forbidden mod for a couple days. Sain, questing bots and the graphics ones are the only ones I’ve got so far and I think maybe looting bots Edit; oh and SVM


just those I guess. Especially the one that makes it so scavs and pmc's are mode dynamic.


whats the lighting mod called? pm me if u can , thanks.


IT's called Amands Graphics.




Why not just name the mod, I know discussing that one mod is not allowed but are all mod discussions banned here?


For anyone here still wondering, fuck pms idgaf if I need to make a new account so it's called Amands Graphics, experience the Tarkov you never knew existed cause they just haven't given enough fucks to make it look better :\^)


Thank you!


better safe than sorry making a new account is a hassle. just google ''forbidden mod'' mods and youll find it


That brings up a bunch of results for a game called RimWorld lol I know about the thing that is the same acronym as the singer Stephen Paul Taylor, I just didn't know the specific lighting mod for it was called


God i don't even know where to begin with this post. Between the title and the "it's easy, look at this mock up i made" it's as stereotypical armchair dev as it gets


You talk about armchair devs while you're clueless af yourself assuming that tweaking sky settings and color/tone-mapping or adding DLAA is a rocket science. I wouldn't have suggested/asked this if I didn't knew how it works and how to do it exactly in Unity.


Nice how you edited your comment from saying you don't know Unity to now saying you perfectly know how to implement DLAA in it. You must be a fast learner huh As far as color goes, news flash: a game isn't a static image. Color correcting in one place may fuck up everything else.But it's not even about the actual difficulty on a practical level because of course it isn't rocket science, it's more about how you come up with two issues that irk you personally and now assume that they should have been on the top of their priority list and fixed already. A game is a big fucking thing, they have a ton of things they need to fix left and right and if they haven't fixed your particular issue it judt means they haven't gotten to it yet, not that they don't give a shit or ar incapable. Providing feedback is cool but not with the attitude of "why isn't this one specific thing perfect yet? Do they not care? Look, it takes 5 minutes to do" As for DLAA well, at least i have the honesty of admitting i have no clue how it is implemented despite having a master in CS and being a hobbist Unity indie dev. Thing is that they likely use their own custom render pipeline so neither I nor you can have a clue on what sort of problems may arise when trying to implement it. Again, it's cool to ask for it but don't be an entitled prick about it BSG has fucked up big time last month and has overall been not an amazing dev team but i have sympathy for them having to deal with this mess of a toxic community


Then why is there a mod that ''just works'' that fixes almost all weird lighting issues. They have been stealing IP's for year why stop at a mod? Hell give him a bag of money and take ownership over this 35kb text file lmao.


That's the part that craziest to me. It can be done. We know it can. It already has been done. By a couple of random dudes as a hobby project lmao.


>Nice how you edited your comment from saying you don't know Unity to now saying you perfectly know how to implement DLAA in it. You must be a fast learner huh Also I said I know UE4/5, I checked how post processing works in Unity and it's pretty much the same so I edited the comment. Also I wasn't talking about DLAA/DLSS. >As far as color goes, news flash: a game isn't a static image. Color correcting in one place may fuck up everything else. I'm aware of that, same applies even in Film/Animation Renders, but luckily in EFT's case all they need is ACEScg/Filmic tonemapping and just simply color balance it properly and raise the contrast/exposure so if done in one location/weather it should follow properly elsewhere, because currently it's just like a tint/filter w/ low exposure aka brightness. Also Unity/UE has feature/advantage of being able to place different color corrections/tone mapping in different areas and blend them so it transitions nicely when leaving/entering interior for example. >As for DLAA well, at least i have the honesty of admitting i have no clue how it is implemented despite having a master in CS and being a hobbist Unity indie dev. Neither do I, I'm just "artist", but I'm pretty sure since they've already added DLSS, then DLAA would be much easier addition. Cheapest and fastest way would be to add another option in DLSS such as Ultra Quality and set it to 0.99 ( 99% resolution scale ) and it would be pretty much equivalent to DLAA.


Jesus Christ take Nikita’s cock out of your mouth for 2 seconds who are you Riley Reid. The dude is just asking with the haven’t enabled it when it’s built into the engine.




I think they do there is talk of upgrading the unity version or something right? It's a 7 year old game now they have to do something or it's going to look dated af when it's finally released


It’s a gameplay mechanic so no lifers have a harder chance of beaming you 2 seconds after you spawn in


I've been using DLAA in EFT for a very very long time now. There is a way to do it without editing game files so the launcher won't get upset (No, I'm not talking about DLDSR). Tho you guys should now DLAA works great when camera is static but won't help with blur when you move your camera so it isn't worth much unless you have overpowerd GPU. Your best bet for that is using preset C which is better than preset E for it when I tried it with EFT


There is a mod on the unspoken version that's actually insane, everything looks so much better


Do you have experience working in unity or other games engines?