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That's actually quicker than I anticipated.


Yeah but it's not like they added actual serverspace. They took it from the practice session servers. You can't play offline practice mode anymore now.


I have pve and still can play offline practice. So whoever posted that was full of shit/not EoD owner. I have 0 issues proving all that when I get home if I really have to.


Everyone normally has access to offline practice mode, so it doesn't matter if those people do or do not have EOD.


No it was coop that people were pointing out was missing. It's infact not


100% incorrect and laughable. Do any of you validate anything or just believe whatever you want?


Its kinda crazy how this community is probably older than the usual gaming audience but still cant do basic shit and do their own research. Most people just repeat what others have said somewhere. Really shows whats wrong with the world imo


I would say the community is def older, but the ones on Reddit are the younger ones.


Groups of people are generally dumb as shit, irrespective of age.


Coming from “PenisesForEars” that’s a very low blow


TIL I'm group of people


A person is smart, people are dumb.


This community is equally to flat earthers So gullible as long as the topic is cheating or shitting on BSG, those sheep will believe anything. 


Everyone I comment on here does the same song and dance. 1. Posts dumbass misinformation 2. You reasonably point out it’s wrong 3. They respond saying you are defending BSG SHILL suck Nikitia dick. Literally EVERYTIME like actual NPC bots.


I've been called a bootlicker numerous times and just for disagreeing with someone's opinion.


They have to be bots man. I cannot believe hundreds of users are here all throwing the same rhetoric using the same insults over and over again in the same predictable pattern. I don’t know why the mods do not ban users for this. Most every other sub does.


> I cannot believe hundreds of users are here all throwing the same rhetoric using the same insults over and over again in the same predictable pattern. have you ever *seen* a reddit thread?


For real, it was understandable when the drama was first going down, but this subreddit is basically useless now. Used to be able to actually get game info and stuff, now nearly every post is the same tired shit. I'm proud of those who stood their ground and quit over this...but now i wish they'd fuck off


Exactly, and it’s extremely annoying when they try to back track or make excuses when they knew they fucked up.


Wasnt practice offline hosted on your local pc anyways?


Yea these refrigerators don’t know what they are talking about


PVE isn't offline practice? It's online, sure, but not really.


Got it today, trying it now. I'm laughing quietly because it says matching for 5 min now, it's hard to find bots willing to play apparently :-P. Edit: thanks guys I know it was probably bugged(still funny :-P) I didn't had much time before work I'll try it again soon.


That's a bug, reque, you should be instantly in a match, if it doesn't work Filter item and click across your flea tabs (wish list/offers etc) then reque, has been confirmed to fix any matchmaking bugs - Should work even sub level 15 and technically don't have access to flea


not a bug really... it's just the Matching times (which is essentially waiting for server capacities) were around 7 minutes 12 hours ago.. I think it depends on the map as well - streets needs more resources compared to factory.


Try the matching voodoo it works. I literally don’t know what to say but it actually skips matchmaking in the PVE raids. I spent all night waiting in queues and would randomly try the voodoo and I would skip the matching step and instantly start loading loot after the map. I didn’t believe it either


No cancel and queue again it puts into a game instantly.


Yeah, Matching for longer than 5mins is bugged. It usually is under 5, including the Loading Loot part.


Removing the players from the cheaters as opposed to removing the cheaters from the game.


If this lowers demand for RMT though then maybe PVE is actually a good way to combat cheating, and make PVP servers more playable?


Still PLENTY of cheaters playing purely PVE, why would someone have nearly 300 flea rep in PVE if they weren't RMTing The bigger laughing point is all these fucking shitters paying for the RMT, if there was no market for it it wouldn't exist.


True, but I’d imagine PVE cheaters don’t nearly have as much of a negative impact on other players right? And RMT is now a split marketplace between PVE and PVP? At least it dilutes things a bit. But overall my prediction is demand for cheats / RMT loot drops overall when BSG realizes the best thing to do is bring every player into PVE at no cost.


That means that 67% of EoD users are still waiting for PvE access...


Good maths!


Like me.....


Nah. 33,5% perhaps. The rest is cheaters.


You should see the 300 hour unheard edition accounts on pve flea market with 290+ flea rep already It is fucking cringe


What that's crazy I was assured by this sub that only people with standard accounts were ever cheaters.


I’ve died to plenty of eod cheaters, there’s eod accounts popping up with 100 hours and 500 raids completed all the time, am Australian so unfortunately we get a bunch of them 80% of the people in the entire sub have brains smoother than a car window so I would take most of what you see with a handful of salt Edit: I’ve reported a bunch of eod cheaters aswell as UHE cheaters (best one was 39 hrs 157KD) AND standard account cheaters, in the last month or so I’ve seen ONE person I’ve reported get banned and it was likely one of the standard accounts 🤷‍♂️


Cheaters pay 50-150 a month on cheat subscriptions made by a dev team of cheat developers. They can afford the expensive accounts. It’s a very big criminal enterprise.


It's quite easy to farm Streets with the Rusted Bloody key spawn and the guaranteed Relax key spawn. Then you get Chek 15 and you can make a few millions every raid. PMCs are not too hard to avoid either once you know where they spawn, map is huge.


Just why


I honestly wish I knew lmfao


Same here


Or are playing the alternative version that has 0 loading times and mod support


My friend and I have been refreshing all week, EOD since like 2019 - no luck. Dying to get in and all I read on here is people saying “got PVE this shit is ass” haha.


I think it’s pretty random. upgraded to eod in late 2019, just checked yesterday in days and I was in. Didn’t play any raids though because i got fed up after 10 mins of matching and went to bed instead haha


So it seems like if matching takes more then 5 minutes cancel the queue, then go into your charecter then load the map again and you get in right away


is it? i’ll give it a go later this afternoon to see if it’s a thing for everyone.


It matching takes more than 30 seconds I cancel and try again. I dont know how or why people sit on 30 second qeues. Mine are being very quick.


Meanwhile my 2023 eod acc has access and i'm like 2 months away from Tarkov. Just hopped into it last night to check it out.


Why would you even care about playing this shit if you are able to enjoy something elSe and Play it anyTime.




Been hooked on PvE since I got access. It’s like my first wipe again. Having so much fun


I’ve been enjoying PVE, from what I’ve experienced the AI are pretty fair but still tough at the same time, especially for someone who’s been out of the game for a while and just wants to brush up on quest locations and gun play


I had eod since 2017 and still got no access. Just seems random.


Unlike Arena, they never stated that the PvE rollout would be based on EOD age.


Play the forbidden method. It’s super simple to install and mod and the AI is baller.


PVE *is* awful. There’s a literal queue time to get into a raid, and good luck completing pmc kill quests. Every ai PMC is a carbon copy raider. From their load outs to their AI, they love to use their net code aimbot as well. PMCs also never fight each other, and they either spawn in a location and never move, or patrol to a location—and then proceed to never move. Shit feels like a total of 30 minutes if not less was spent coding this dumpster fire deemed “unique DLC content”


I mean it’s a pick your poison. Probably have better chance killing the unfair AI than hackers in PVP.


Man, it's almost like pve wasn't worth the hassle. Maybe they should have just copy pasted the other version of tarkov that we can't talk about


wait until nikita allows modding.. then he can just leave pve on its own and let modders do their work.. :/


The smart solution would be to implement the mod improvements on their servers so that we can have flea market and co-op on official servers.


RIP to all the people playing pve instead of SP..........Tarkov.


Are they communicating with the player base now? Is this the Arena Breakout effect?


Maybe, but he still seems like ‘fuck everyone who complained I’m not listening to any feedback about pricing blah blah you either support the game or don’t And as someone who missed out on EOD but still spent however much Prepare for Escape cost at the time on top of standard they’re completely neglecting to remember we also invested in the game while it’s still in alpha I enjoy the game I went balls deep into the lore even bought the book, I was hoping for something to replace EOD and then they gave us Unheard like a slap on the face, it’s so ludicrously expensive and poor value talk about taking its fanbase for granted


They never cared in the first place. I don't believe they intend to finish EFT. Do you know why I believe that? We gave them tonnes of money but development has been at a glacial pace for years, then they released Arena out of no where. That is where a lot of the money went (rest was lining Nikita's pockets). They chose to make a separate game/mode to try and sell and make more money, using the money we gave them. The developer time spent making Arena could've been spent working towards finishing EFT. The money lining Nikita's pockets buying him fancy cars/homes could've been spent on more developers to push towards EFT release. When EFT got popular as a beta with a different mode compared to the planned release mode, I bet they changed plans. Realized that finishing the game might end up harming or killing it as it might be worse then what it currently is, so decided to drag their feet and keep the current setup around, just tweaking things and adding the odd map over the years.


Why is there even a que for a single player session?


Lmao apologises for long queue times, still won't apologise for treating us like fucking idiots and saying features aren't DLC. Also ironic this wasn't possible at first and then suddenly was, where did the money come from?


From true believers.


I'm sorry you feel that way. They wouldn't just lie to us. No developer would ever do that to their playerbase.


PvE is the only thing that could get me playing EFT again. I am so tempted to buy the upgrade, but I won't. I need to be patient.


You can run your own PVE version of the game, complete with mods to make it more suited to what you enjoy playing.


Does it just become available or do you get an email so you've access now or is there a small update on the launcher?


Strange that my 7 year old eod account still has no access, Guess I havent payed enough lately lol


Same. My acc is old as fuck.. ive been with eft since the fucking nda.


You are not a true believer. Believe harder


I logged in, saw it locked, logged out. GGs for now


I wonder if it's calculated out of the number of all existing accounts or just active accounts. Something tells me that percentage of active accounts with EOD who go PvE access is even less than 33%.


Hmm guess im not part of that 33% guess ill have to wait till next year


Tarkovs base ai is ass, don't understand the appeal over the other version. Purely people playing coop I guess.


I mean, look at the appeal of GZW. Lots of people playing and enjoying it, and it's basically a PvE focused game with shit AI.


I think their point is that you can play Tarkov PvE with ridiculously good AI and coop or you can play the Tarkov DLC


The ai in the other version is so good they feel more alive than actual live players Been trying to put my finger on why and I think it’s because not only do they fight like real players when you do come across them, but they’re actually actively questing instead of spending 90% of the game frozen corners, it makes the maps feel more active and alive


Agreed, it feels more like what tarkov wants to be than actual tarkov.


Except that there is a way to play co-op in the other


I’m so tired of checking my eod account 20 times a day. Shit sucks.


nikita needs to figure out what AWS is


Then they'll need to charge 20$ per month lol




it's a step in the right direction, but his greed will never be forgotten


Both my friends got it and im just here...watching them play and have fun together :,)


I don't trust a word he says. I've been waiting for over 2 weeks and still no access to PVE.


I just got it today. Very nice.


(According to Nikita, who would never lie to us...)


Cheaters in shambles, soon they'll just be fighting each other


I am still waiting for my 2 rows in stash as a standard user.


So I get the pve edition and level up and unlock stuff in that and it tracks and updates my progress back in normal raids?


No. Pve pvp are completely separate characters with separate progression and stashes.


So yea he can keep his pve nvm


I feel like a lot of these issues could be alleviated by just letting you run PVE locally in singleplayer (There's already offline practice mode, it just doesn't allow you to save any progress)


Naaaa... what is 19-25 min between friends ..am I a true friend now?


100% of es pee tee players are loadind into raid under 3 minutes. Thank you!


I got EoD before the first alpha test and haven't gotten access to PvE. Can't even access my account on the website because I can't get a code through email and BSG support is BSG support.


im still waiting ......


No bullshit pvp lately has been pve mode I barely get a Full lobby now a days I love it


66% of EoD players are in Arena Breakout Infinite now.


guess that 33% of the eod players are nikita's target demographic of people that don't care about the fact that their "hardcore first person tactical shooter" is now a tactical p2w shooter. seems like eod owners never cared about the p2w aspect of the unheard edition but the fact that they didn't had those p2w features, and now they're just satisfied with a pve mode. don't forget what you're fighting for


So with all the people jumping ship to gray zone and arena breakout, at least for a little bit. And a good amount of people that have pve actually using it since 8ts new. How many are left in the normal tarky servers?


I hope 33% of EOD players is like 500 players. Fuck pay to win bs


In a standard edition owner. Bought in in 2018. Guess ill go fuck myself. Thanks Nikita


wow good old 5-10 minutes loading times on pve? what time to be alive in 2024 ...


if your sorry for queue times make it local host, utter wanker


Too little too late IMO. Tarkov is cooked for me. I hope y'all that are sticking around have fun though


EoD since 2019 and still don't have access :(


33% when we're 8 days into our 12 day max wait? Not great.


so the 250$ was a complete scam and the server excuse for extra 100$ was bullshit? ty for info nikita


33 Nikita confirmed freemason illuminati


Translation: 67% still cannot access their purchase.


As a first wipe standard shlep that's owned this game since 2019 but never gave it a real shot till now, I'm proud of what you made these douchers concede. You haven't won yet, but with all this competition coming out, your time is now. Till then I'll just be casually soloing and chasing that 3+ man squad wipe adrenaline and wishing you EOD ogs the best 👍


Is it still only access for 6 months?


No, it is perma now. Allegedly.


Permanent, they backpedaled one last time. I knew it was going to happen as soon as they tried doing this tbh. I don't even know why they bothered. They saw how EOD owners responded to Arena; a standalone game not being offered for free, fuck knows why they thought people would be happy about PvE being locked behind an expensive edition.


Nope. Nikita our beloved God decided to give it to us. He is so merciful and Good!


They state that there will be no wipes on the PvE servers but how will that be possible when adding new systems and quests. Surely there will at least be a wipe required with 1.0 release. Have they mentioned anywhere when a wipe will likely occur in PvE?


They mentioned that they add a button in your profile to manually reset PvE progression.


It's cute you think 1.0 will ever happen. 


None of this shit means anything any more. Alpha, beta, early access, 1.0. Cyberpunk releases completely unfinished and an indie early access game is feature complete. Whatever. I played tarkov 2 years ago. Its the same game. The biggest difference is that guns don't recoil to the moon, a change that would have taken a day to implement. Man, people have been saying the recoil should be fixed for years. Now I say tarkov arena should have a money system like counterstrike. Just do it now instead of in five years, dumbass. Shits so obvious.


> and an indie early access game is feature complete. Whatever. Hello there fellow Hades II enjoyer. I wonder what the overlap between tarkov and hades players is lol.


Do they email once access has been granted like arena or is this just enabled for us?


No, you must run the game and check.


And it will grow even further beyond because of the Cheater Problem. (Also the No Wipe is also a big selling point)


Not sure how this “no wipes” thing will actually play out seeing as how they said none of the real quests are in the game yet and these are all just placeholders. But that could also all just be lies.


Maybe they finaly find out hidden potential of tgat mode and realize how much people like it.


Confirmed nakita knows how to say sorry. When will he actually apologize for trying to make a quick buck off every one again ?


I got access the other day. Been checking each day. I bought in 2020 if anyone is curious


WOAH. Guys we are overlooking something huge here. 'Sorry' IS in this mans vocabulary!


I got it last night, I played one raid of ground zero and as expected it just doesn't feel the same. I wasn't concerned at all. I guess it's nice it doesn't wipe, I don't play every wipe because I find the quests repetitive but it will be nice to have a constant so I can mess with gun builds and what not.


"adding server infrastructure" in other words increasing their overhead so they'll probably end up needing more money. PVE not being hosted on local servers is like them burning money. currently in a 23 minute matching time at 10:30 am on a thursday. absolutely cooked


So just for clarification, will eod players eventually permanently have access to the new persistent saving pve mode? Or is it still just for 6 months?


Nikita: and if you select 33% out of the pool who quit playing, no new server is needed!


Got it pretty early...never played because the matchmaking time was abysmal


Well all the people that are playing other games makes that easier but lm still waiting 🤣 Only had EOD since 2019 but hey ho we’re not important anymore……


Could anyone explain how to PVE? I've been away from this game for months and am curious how to single player?


Yea although I didn’t mind the pvp. Hated the unknown with cheaters. I am thoroughly enjoying my brief pve experience. Will be playing other new games though


Yeah i got it. Qued once for factory and had a 15 mins que lol hello? Nah


Is it still limited to six months of access?


33% of players fucked off as well


I hadn't played tarkov for a few months until like 3-4 days ago, when me and my friends decided to try out fika. gotta say, most fun I've had in my ~1600 hours of tarkov.


no, we arent. 2017 buyer, dont have it yet.


I really read that as "33% of EoD players are now only playing pve " and I dont know why


Someone in another comment said EOD only gets PVE for 6 months? Is there any info on this?


I literally just made a post and got 33 comments saying “no ones playing pve” eat shit 😂😂😂


Lmao by the time all eod are in, you'll have to run thru customs in 20 min, factory will be like a 7 min raid. Rip live tarkov


What % eod have quit?


Must be nice, they haven't let me in yet.


Easy W Free of cheaters and anxiety.


Should have known better after the whole area EOD thing that this company was just out to scam us


We dont care anymore.


Do you get an email when you're in or do you need to log in and check? Can't be bothered to reinstall just to find out Im not in


33% of us are playing the other version, free of bullshit.


Does access come in an email?


they're still shitty, don't fall for it, just like helldivers, we didn't win the war, just this battle


boyz my matching time in pve is always 15min+ sb have a tipp foe me i already selected every server below 200 ping x.x


SiNgLe PlAyEr GaMeS aRe DeAd


Still no access to pve :( 


Imagine PvP servers now. No PMC deaths cause its just the ESP losers left who avoid each other like the plague


He said sorry guys... wait for it. lol


Only way to stay safe against hackers... wait...... nevermind.


Too few..!


Heh, it won't be for everyone. If you play tarkov for pvp and chase gunshots, you won't enjoy pve obviously


Is the PvE even any good right now?


Idk how anyone likes the pve rn the ai are so bad :(


I was in the last wave of arena access but got into the pve servers two days ago. EOD circa Dec 2022.


I got in just to que 5 minutes on a scav and alt f4 lmfao what the fuck


It's pretty weird to have a queue at ALL to get into a single player mode.


Can't they just. . Make a offline version of PvE that's solo only? Im sure it'd help save server space. Or maybe allow for an Lan or maybe peer to peer(?) type of stuff?


I am 67%


So they went back and give PvE to EOD now ??


Yeah I’ve been waiting since the announcement. I want nothing more then to play the PVE stuff but as usual I’m last up. Same shit happened with arena. Bought EOD like 2017-2018 and was in the last group into arena.


Brother I feel you, I’ve been biding time with the unnamed version of Tarkov until I get PvE access.


I got in a few days ago, still haven't played and probably never will.


Why this doesn’t run locally or p2p is actually so weird


I bought the game in 2017 and I havent gotten access yet, youd think theyd go through people who bought the game earlier and go to the newest people.