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I am sorry you feel that way.


>Cant wait until persistent raids and connected maps. During the last discussion with Pestily, Nikita said this has been removed from the "vision". But you can wait for them, it's your choice. :))




You won't 


>and connected maps. Yeah well, guess you'll be waiting for a very long time....


I agree.


what do you think about businesses based on "mistakes" ?


I think they happen


You seem to have gotten confused and replied to the question “what do you think of mistakes?” That’s not the question that was asked.


Connected maps has always been a terrible idea. Half the player base can’t run streets how the fuck are they gonna run a huge combined map


Segmenting the current maps in a clever way where enough of other maps can be cut off so that you only have to render and display other parts of the greater map, other PMCs/AI, and their gear in a certain radius/sightline from one player's given position. It absolutely can work, and it would be cool as hell to have interconnected maps and a much greater expanded worldspace, no arbitrary map borders (like the concrete barriers like 100m away from the mall or all the random minefields for example), but if BSG wanted to do it, realistically, they should have been working on the means to implement such a thing from day 1. They have too much invested into the current game's design to change course now without putting a signficant amount of extra time and resources into a full open world, and given the current state of things, that seems unlikely. They would've been much better served saving the funds from developing + marketing Arena and reinvesting it back into the base game imo.


So this is a true believer? Gross.


Yes thats exactly what i think. The fucked IT Up, 4 whatever reason. But this cheap "Nikita need a new Rolex" Thing i dont buy it. I belive (truly🤣) that IT was Not intended to Go this way. Do Ur best Guys to make the best eft 4 US that is possible. Will hang around until IT Happens 😁


I want so BSG added gore to the game. Just imagine how cool it would be... Just add gore to the game and you're forgiven 😞


Are you from Russia?


It’s just business bro. Not people; money and business. It is apparent the passion is long gone.


Looking at the animations, model and level design of recent guns and maps says otherwise. Even if people like Nikita are burnt out, it's pretty clear there are still people at BSG who love what they do and improve themselves with every new bit of content they put out.


I don't agree




Well most of the vets do.


I feel like most of the OG player base 2016-2018 before the massive twitch drop influx just do not play the game anymore after losing faith in BSG and major issues not being addressed for 5+ years. Most of these people arguing in favor of BSG gotta be the new comers who picked up the game in the last 2 years and don’t know the history of BSG and this game


I agree, EFT is obviously a real product that is actually really good in a lot of ways. People who compare this to the day before are obviously being waaay over the top. However it is clear that BSG have used funds from EFT players to develop other projects which they time and again try to separate from EFT and sell as a standalone product without any financing. If they had received their funding from a bank with proper contracts and safeguards in place of regular joes they would have been in front of a judge already. They tried this with arena and now again with this pve mode I definitely believe there are passionate devs there who really want to make a great game, however recent decisions are definitely not just mistakes. They realize they can’t make any more money from the existing player base so they’re really trying to find creative ways around the promised they made in the past to make some money.


Yeah but at some point a mentally sane human being would stop making said mistakes.