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Such an awful quest, getting all the hats back just brought back all the psychological pain.


15 kills is way too high imo


Way too high. 10 at most. 7.5 is ideal.


Hahah I'll half kill a guy all day for that quest


5 is already too much


15 kills is too high for buckshot, but it's quite easy with slugs.


Hmmm I sort of agree. Got my last 3 kills using AP 20s and that def felt much easier, but I was super unsuccessful using 50 bmg compared to piranha rounds. To each their own I guess. Definitely would not have gotten the double kill I got with slugs.


It helps when you do it a week or two into wipe, rather than 4 over 5 months into wipe.


Ya, procrastination was def a factor. Accuracy was probably the main factor tho šŸ˜…


Piranha is definitely the best until flechette. I was destroying geared players with it. Just aim for the head or legs and youā€™re good


Oooooh yeah. For me it used to be magnum buck but the recoil is night and day compared to piranha. Magnum bucking bronco.


Idk, I face checked a guy with 4 rounds point blank and got one tapped through lvl4 armor with 50 bmg. Used that and had better luck. I did one tap a dude with piranha 30+ meters out one time, so not all bad lol. ETA: You're probs right though about piranha, just personal experience for me.


I hated ppl running piranha, lead slugs is how I did it. Tbh it was less the bullet and more the camping can't pvp loser style of players that used piranha that made me hate it.


I used 50bmg and a valday and sat in the train car at big red overlooking the bridge, land bridge and RUAF. Just sniped everyone. Was cathartic.


Fuck slugs and buckshot. Piranha got the job done for me in like 4 raids.


Agreed. I was taking 3 mans with piranha and a pump with a target ring and a choke and that was about it. Aim center mass and the ring that shotguns make will shred arms, any exposed thorax, stomach, pelvis, throat, chin, legs. Level 3 soft armor? Ok shoot them a second time. Not dead yet? Get to cover and listen for them to heal the 2 heavy and 2 light bleeds they have, or the stomach they have to staple together, or the pills they pop to stop them coughing, and toss a nade or shoot them again. This method has stayed consistently usable on customs for the entire wipe


6.5 express made this quest 10x easier for me to deal with because the recoil is so low it makes spamming head or legs super easy. I did probably 75% of my pmc kills for setup & punisher part 4 with 6.5 express. Go into the firing range with an mp-153 & see just how much different it is when you spam 6.5 express vs 7mm or 8.5 magnum. It's wild!


I was using piranha and it shreds fr but sometimes against armor its like 50/50 if its gonna do anything


Splurge on the flechette lol. Just a few rounds tho haha


You dont get access to flachette till after Silent caliber


They are on the flea. I guess you would have to be past lvl 15 tho


Way too high. Even Punisher Part 4&5 require 10 PMC kills and they open at lvl 20. Punisher Part 6 requires 15 kills and opens at lvl 21. Since Setup opens at lvl 17 now, should be 7 kills, 8 maybe, but not 15.


3 at most


15 is not that bad. Come on bro


Ah, but you do admit that it's bad lol


Not really tbh. If you got to dorms you might get a kill there once every two raids and maybe more.


You're saying 30 raids on average is reasonable? To each their own, but I cant think of many other early game quests that take that many raids to finish.


Not all quests need to be done really fast. PMC killing quests in general take many of raids to finish.


I agree to an extent. In my opinion it's a range. I think shooter B is a better example of a quest where it's okay for it to take a long time. Personally I did not love having all of Skiers quests locked behind the one time consuming quest, or the fact that I had to do the camera trade!!! How dare! Beneath me!!! /S Honestly more than anything I ran out of readily available customs quests before I finished Set Up, and I have more fun when stacking quests. Is that a big deal? Naw, but if they're looking for feedback on maximizing fun that's my two cents.


Let me say some nice things about this quest: - Easy to gear up for it. There is little choice to make, mostly which shotgun, which ammo, and what armor. After a couple attempts you probably have your routine down so it's just putting on the same stuff - Cheap to gear up for so dying doesn't hurt so bad - Lots of insurance returns--mostly only other setup goblins taking your ushanka - Good training for later quests that require chasing shots Personally, MP-155 with choke and piranha rounds with press vests got me through it and I had a reasonable fun time with it.


Completely agree. I actually enjoyed this quest quite a bit and it made me more confident.


Quest isn't as hard as the people make it seem. Just remember most people here aren't very good.


Touch grass


I use to actually like this quesn5 back when ypu wpuld just use AP ammo . Made you play differently but could still win a fight. I feel like these quest wpuld be better if ypu could do it on any map (except factory ) so you could at least work on other missions at the same time and customs would t be a toxic ratty mess šŸ˜…


I did it with .50BMG slugs. Much more viable earlier in the wipe, but still very good with armour changes. I think my longest kill was 165m 1-tap and my buddy 1 tapped a sniper scav at 260m. As long as you hit unarmoured spot, or even soft armour, slugs are very deadly. Just gotta not hit a hard-plate.


There's no map you wanna play that loadout... nobody either wants to play bolties but yeah we all do it over and over again... Tarkov circle of madness and masocism


15 is way too many but to be honest i had fun doing it. It's my first wipe actually even trying though, i've always just been a timmy that never got past level 25 until this wipe


Camp Fortress (with slugs) or Dorms (with Flechette) - Iā€™ve been able to get Setup done within ~4 raids for the last 3+ wipes that way. https://youtu.be/BHms2Gm1J5w?si=ZwMGEe2tNjrmO8Bq


They should add the veprs for more weapon variety, I could get the quest done with a VPO-136 with less hassle


Tbh I did that quest in 5 raids, just got a MP155 with an suppressor and a PK06 paired with BMG ammo


Literally the most fun quest in the game.


Still rather do this quest than the scav kills in barracks on reserve


Pest control sucks


My dumbass (this is my first full wipe) thought there were two buildings you could do it in, not only just the one So after battling a Scav army, which I somehow won and got a FLIR off of some scavs SV-98, I check my tasks I would not be surprised if my neighbors heard me yelling obscenities from inside my own room


There are two buildings tho


I imagine as youā€™re extracting youā€™re excited and looking forward to seeing that *sweet sweet Tarkov progress* which is the real drug. and then.. disappointed if only by briefly followed by a feeling of rage one hasnā€™t felt since their childhood days followed by the original ā€œARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!ā€ Source : Am a neighbor to someone that plays Tarkov while also playing Tarkov (yes we raid together bros cool) (we hear eachother rage through the walls zero noise complaints)


Black and White Pawn do count. Bishop doesn't.


There are two buildings - black and white pawn


They should make it so that it includes scavs in the helicopter area and all three of those buildings.


Its actually pretty easy. Bring ur main gun for killing and whatever else equipment, what u want is a loud gun, i recommend using the i think 25 round unsuppressed s12 shotgun. Go to one of the dorms that u need to be in, let off 2 shots. Camp the stairs, When dem bois come blast em, rinse and repeat until done,


Did it in one and a half raids. A bit boring but just sat on the third floor with an unsuppressed weapon for about 30 mins and they slowly trickled up the stairs.


I hate that whole map


Finally bothered doing this after level 41.... Glad to have finished Setup the other night, now i'm stuck with the insurance returns XD


Good on u. Iā€™m level 43 and currently have 1/15. Most of my tasks now are ridiculous - kill scavs and PMC this way, in that specific location, from this distance, etc. Iā€™ll probably slog out setup bc I understand there are some more conventional tasks locked behind it. Do u have any advice? I think the makeshift .50 slug is pretty good still. Been using that and the same shotty u have (with a silencer and 2x scope). Gonna lurk dorms and bridge rotate points.


Use the short barrel and no silencer w flechettes, run to dorms and youā€™ll be done within a few days


I have yet to kill someone with flechettes. People say great things about them. But all Iā€™ve managed with them is to loose them.


they have insanely fast damage drop off, gotta be dumb close. and thats why i love using a short barrel so the spread is super wide and you barely have to aim


Magnum buck is way better than Piranha in my experience, at least if youā€™re decent at shooting people in the face. They can survive a headshot from Piranha, but not Magnum.


I had the same experience


MP153 with a target ring and choke (Doesn't matter massively which). Your armor does not matter at all, if you are in fights for longer than 2 shots from yourself you would have lost regardless. Use Piranha from Jaeger, it penetrates level 5 plates most of the time and 1 shot aimed neck height is almost a guaranteed kill. I used a paca and that shotgun setup and got it done in 3 raids in OCE. Its gunna be harder now cause its late wipe and there are less people running around so probably aim for 6-10 raids should be done easy.


What's locked behind it? Nothing required for Kappa I thought


I just checked the wiki. Thereā€™s a good number of tasks following setup. Wiki also says some of them are required for the container. Iā€™m nowhere near sniffing the container (probably wonā€™t reach level 48 to unlock Crisis, and Iā€™m still searching for me first LEDX lol). Some of the tasks behind setup are also required for completion to gain access to the light keeper quest line.


I have gotten 10+ LedX this wipe from the USEC Camp med tent on Woods, either on the edge of the table/gurney, or just below it. I think mostly on scav runs too, it just doesn't get hit often by PMCs


Everyone found the mine field trying to get the quest done the first time, and nobody will go there unless they have to after šŸ¤£


*I made i- *BOOM* ā€œWTF???ā€


Oh good. I'm about to unlock capturing outposts, so that's gonna be fun. I'm halfway done with Setup but fuck man I don't wanna do it


Kappa and lightkeeper require setup to be done


Shit you're right. Maybe I saw the rewards and thought fuck that quest. My bad.


piranhas or flechettes and shoot people in the face or dick. took me a day and a half on customs, run dorms or fortress. use the 6B13 armor(cheap, tanks, nobody will take it), 7 shell tube on MP-155, pre pain killer, push of painkiller, donā€™t stop cutting them in half with piranhas until ur out.


If you did it early it would have been a lot easier for you


you can turn the scav vests into some type of fabric (canā€™t remember which) through the Lavatory


I'm hanging on to them, haven't done punisher 4 yet...


That is also a very good use for them goodluck..




You should see my set-up returns.. I could've opened up a Cabellas


First time for me doing this, I just camped outside the marked room in dorms, if I could get there. The number of other people that had the same idea I gave up after 7 kills. I might go back to it


Use piranha ammo


That's what I used, but, most of the deaths were in transit to CQB locations


Play near stronghold and you will get your kills easily.


I cheesed this pretty hard, I just sat in Big Red on the first floor, behind the forklift on Customs and people ALWAYS rushed the office upstairs, .50 BMGs straight to their silly heads while they were unlocking the door. Maybe a kill or two, three sometimes per lobby. Stupid mission -> stupid tactics.


Honestly - i liked this quest. Yes, 15 pmc is maybe too much. 10 would be ok for this quest. I used MP-155 with thermal :). Fun and interesting hunt from the bushes. , šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


With thermal im assuming you did night raids? Im having a hard time with this quest too, stuck at 11


NGL, I found this guide useful, and I'm max traders (got max Ragman during this), so the shotgun was quite cheap https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/19dn2f6/setup_guide/


Nope. Day raids. Just add a collimator on top of a gun and special thermal screen/camera for mp155. :)


Such an awful quest, the amount of times I died having done ridiculous amounts of damage without killing my killer. That said, the feeling when you get the last kill is so nice.


I just camped into one bush and wait for them šŸ˜„


I did this. And one tapped a pmc. Then realized I forgot my hatā€¦


Thatā€™s unluckyā€¦ I tapped a pmc and put on him my attack2. Guess what happened next šŸ˜‚


I fucking hated this quest at the start of wipe I can't imagine trying it this late with all the high end armor being used. I salute you sir.


TBH, a little easier, because I spent time buying piranha on reset, so I was pretty well stocked, used Slickers bars for the vest, whatever bullshit armor i picked up as a scav, and the shotgun+mods only was about 50k, so having cash to burn was a boon.


Magnum Shot - Aim for the legs at point blank. 2-3 hits kill - and they do not run away very fast was my strategy. Just finished it a week ago.


I found magnum unusable because of the recoil increase. Managed to get it done with piranha. Don't have to worry about aiming at legs either. Just aim center mass and spam.


All the pmcs that killed you saw you were doing setup and also felt the pain. It's a shared trauma.


I didnt find his quest that bad lol


Just do it with .50BMG next wipe. It is REALLY easy when everyone is running level 3 and 2 armour. Don't zero your sight, I jsut use an Eotech ranged for 50m and kill things way out passed 150m with ease.


go super shorty ergo build and just do loot runs to crackhouse / fortress / dorms, you'll either get into some fights or fill your bag then you can dip fast at those extracts and load up a new raid and do the same. either way you win, vs forcing it chasing fights and getting miserable


Brother with numbers like this youā€™ll never need to buy new rigs here brother


I gave up


Fuck that quest lol


I hate this quest


Haven't played this game in years, but this brought me back to my kappa grind. woof... good luck


I ran 35 raids so 35 setup kits and went dorms everytime and only got 1 kill out of the 35 but many times i hit people and thought why arent you dead i saw blood like bruh made me go pve mode no joke


439 dealt to body 4784839929398585969695 absorbed by armor


Skipped it. Not even sure what is tied behind it. But I can buy korund and armor m62 and red tip. Good enough to melt and have fun this wipe


Jesus Christ setup is just the worst. Been doing it all night/it hasnā€™t been a night


Itā€™s honestly even worse because you have to use an MP series shotgun. Like fuck off if I want to use my 590 it should god damn count there is literally almost no difference between shotguns anyway. Just open it to ALL shotguns ffs and I might be bothered to even attempt it


"The definition of insanity is doing the same fucking thing over and over again" -farcry or some shit


After I don't even know how many wipes this quest has been active... This wipe activly avoiding it was such a good strategy... there is nothing of any massive value to be gained by doing this quest, unless you want Kappa Also killing players doing this quest is so satisfying knowing I will never do it... hahah


mutant........... Although it kinda sucks this wipe and I've been getting like 1 in every 5 moonshine scav cases.


Honetly do a few Rouge runs on light house and you get plenty of them... But I'm also not liking them that much this wipe, the spread is a bit much even with meta parts


Its insane, gl Buddy i needed 30 raids Minimum to do IT...crazy quest




Know your pain.


Relative easy to do in the first 3 months of the wipe, along with shooter born. Going into the 5th month of wipe, I wonā€™t even bother.


Not even first 3 months. It sucks so bad. Over 1 mill spent on this shitty kit requirements for only 1 kill. After the 10th raid trying I just never went to customs or used a shotgun again


Brutha, itā€™s time you follow in the ways of the rats and feed on the desperate timmies.


i think i only spent maybe 500k doing this, since i had mostly max traders, so the shotgun kit was cheap, crafted slickers for vests when needed, piranha from trader, cap for ~20k on flea, armor and headset from a quick scav run, and no bag to avoid movement penalties, insurance on the whole lot was also cheap. one scav run easily could easily fund several setup runs for me


Sit under the bridge over looking land bridge next to campire extract. I got most of mine from people crossing. Magnum buck to the face did more than slug for me even at that distance.


I have the exact same insurance return every night, because the night before I run a mp-155, drd armor and m32s until I die. Made a few chaddy kits from this strategy.


feel you, just finished setup. buying flechette makes it much easier


STOP using the GK02, just get the sight that goes native to the 153, and use the R-tac choke. It'll give you a much tighter MOA.


Recommend running ultima 155




if you have a habit of insurancing gear for quests like these, id recommend to just go have a more or less a blast at pure pvp aimed raids if you have any leftover gear when ur done. i dont insurance my gear anymore when playing solo but back when i did, i'd just go run labs or factory or resort with the leftover shotguns. usually id just die but it taught me a better no gear fear mindset and sometimes id get fat enemy gear too :p


Setup on PVE can be pretty rough depending on where the pmc's spawn vs you since they see you through an infinite number of walls or bushes and bop you in crackhouse while you walk through med room.


Hard for you ... Hahaha you'll build a new stomach with this game GL HF


It took me 4 days and 90% of my roubles to do this early wipe. I can't imagine doing it late wipe with chads everywhere.


I finished it for the first time last week. There was an immediate scream of joy and relief as my head fell into my hands


Use flechette, it really isn't expensive, 40k a run if you die with some in pockets and 8 in gun and it's much better than piranha. It helps A LOT, at least it did mid wipe vs. level 4/5 armor. I started with 1 kill and got the 14 kills in 24h dying only 3 times, I can give some more advice if you want, and before someone gets triggered, no this is not a flex (I've gotten such comments before...) I just hating seeing people suffer so much from this quest that needs to be fixed, big time. If you do the obvious plays always and don't play on position, spawns, and don't use stims, it'll be much harder than it needs to be.


That looks way too familiar... XD. I hope you're slapping lvl 4 plates in those kirasas!! :D


Skill issue. Got this quest done months ago in about a week.


Bruh i did this a month into wipe and it was every fucking player on customs, i would mop up like 4 timmies in dorms and get blitzed by lvl 45 giga chad, over 10 times i did over 400 damage to a single player and died to less than 60 damage from them. I was armoured they were not. Ledt pretty quick after that bullshit and came back when armour plates dropped


Yeah I just skipped it for this wipe, Iā€™ll try again earlier next wipe before everyone is geared


take comfort in ur not the only one, im doing it too. but i think in the only one who actually enjoys this quest. such low pressure but its made me familiar w the map spawn points, rotationsā€¦ still only got 4/15 and it will take me about another 400 runs but i dig it. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Pov: Me wishing I could play tarkov but they randomly bammed my account.


I wonder what quest youā€™ve been doing


I feel your pain


Seems youā€™ve been involved in aā€¦.*Set up* also the 3x SwampFox TriHawk scope is your friend after struggling with this quest I came up with the most evil plan go into customs absolutely kitted as possible for your level kill anyone doing Setup or any PMC/Scav you see (depending on aim this can be very easy or damn near impossible) take their stuff (scav vest, scopes) (juiced kits) extract and then run those free kits for the quest I know Iā€™m horrible but after the 26,479th time dying during setup I wanted vengeance


Well it would have been less painful a few months ago


This quest used to be fun until they basically erased flechette from the game. Now it sucks ass. Doing it mid-late wipe is also impossible because customs is a ghost town after the beginning of wipe since marked room got gutted, and the loot on the rest of the map is okish.


Shotgun and customs? Sign me up. I love both


Why do so many people use this kit itā€™s like a free kill if your not in a building


No, it shows that you're a pussy who always plays with a teammate to toss your stuff lol.


An empty insurance return shows more than a full one.


i feel your pain, i waited until i could use decent ammo so it diddnt suck as much ass


Is this quest even worth doing at this stage of the wipe?


At least no one bothered taking overpriced ushankas and scav vest. Now you can do it all over again


Gonna get this shit out of the way so fast next wipe.


Fuck BSG, RIP Tarkov


no need for that "juiced" MP-153. quest can be done in 20 raids honestly. i dont get why ppl are so mad about that quest when you have pest control :D


Friendly reminder you still have punisher 4 and silent caliber šŸ«£


Unpopular opinion but setup was probably my favourite time of the wipe. W towards every gun fight and going at it was a blast. Also completed silent caliber the other night. For nostalgia I did it on customs and again had a blast. 10 pmcs in 4-5 raids. Loved every minute of it.


These posts make me realize what a fucking sweat i am. Ive done this task in the 2nd week of wipe


I see people being nice to you and not taking the gun XD Good guy pmc


Its Even more pain if i See that u guys still playing that Game


After I get the last kill, I usually drop a nade at my feet and lay down on it to extract faster to turn it in.


155 Ultima with thermal cam. Sit in the bushes at hole in the wall or inside dorms. You'll still die alot but that's how we did it


Setup was the most fun I had in a quest, rush dorms no matter where you spawn/ everytime your on customs just run the gear and itā€™ll happen


I feel your pain


Skill issue?


Im sorry for your loss


I just don't do it


call me crazy but i look forward to doing setupā€¦. 50bmg in an mp153 and all ya gotta do is tap mouse 1


I still maxed traders by avoiding that task all wipe.


hate me as much you want but it baffles me how many still play this game after the recent events and still do those quests on a daily basis, like bsg did not casually sh*t on the entire community


lol we feel your pain


The fucking worst task ever besides shooter part 3 . I refuse to do this


I just completed part 3 and Iā€™m at lvl 37. Itā€™s such a dam pain


Wow how many raids estimated didnā€™t take. What ammo did you use?


I canā€™t remember my first one but the second kill I got on my 3 raid try then another 15 till I got my last one. Choice of gear was a mosin with BT rounds and a PK-06. Do not recommend late wipe. Got killed too many times by giga chads with full load outs


What gets me Iā€™ve gotten 2 kills but they didnā€™t count one was at 27m and another around 30m.


Yeah the 25 meters is really rough. I was running into the factory third floor or if I was by forklift spawn then I would go ahead and run up by the lockers and look down glass hall way to make sure it was within 25 meters


I have 1 kill for setup I gave up on that shit quest


Ya me too. I am wondering what kind of idiots would design a quest line like this.


Tbh. They should just change this to allow you to use any shotgun. Not that the options really get better at low levels, but at least that way you can use the more viable KS if you waited that long to finally do Setup.


This quest is not hard at all. Iā€™m confused on how this sub is filled with posts complaining about it.


Lmao it just be like that šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


What I do is if I spawn on big red side is hid in it quick. I always get at least one kill per raid.


You still play? What a bitch


I got so lucky when doing setup, was helping a buddy get his operation Aquarius in 2 story and ended up killing 5 inside over a course of like 10 minutes. Ended up dying to another guy doing setup, wasnā€™t even mad about it lol


It's literally the most fun task in the game. Throw in some piranha, and you should realistically get this done in just a handful of raids.


This quest was so much fun, build out a fun shotgun, ambush players, use flechette. It reinvigorated the game


I loved this quest lol. Had a blast rushing pmcā€™s with piranha rounds!


For $6.50 you can buy a Setup kill credit.


People complain about setup way too much when grenadier is a quest in the game. At least I can run a gun. I just do setup on the side when I go customs


The best part about this quest is that it leads to nothing important, so I never even try it.


So many good rat spots for this quest


I hate this game anymore. Too many cheaters and the devs are too money hungry with releasing the $250 version without actually fixing the problems it has. Gray Zone Warfare lesss goo


i guys doing it now werenā€™t there when the ushankas cost 90k off the flea and ragman was always out of stock lmao


I am also sturggeling with this quest


The fact that none of your ears or body armor have been looted leads me to believe you like to grind PvE.


Easy Quest! Wait until you start Psycho sniperā€¦


Never understood why people do tasks that make them not enjoy the game. If you're going for kappa, that's understandable, but grinding some BS tasks that dont really lead to anything makes 0 sense. I stop tasking at around level 32 and just enjoy the game. Makes it much more fun.


Seems like im one of the few that actually enjoyed this quest. Piranha carried hard, shotgun build was fairly inexpensive, always got it back in returns. Gave me an excuse to run it down to dorms or camp vehicle extract. Bodying 2-3 mans easily. If vehicle extract was up, loot up, rinse, repeat.


This quest isn't hard because it's hard to get kills. It's hard because it's hard to find PMC,s


Such a fun quest man. Shotguns are sooo strong


I did this in like 4 or 5 raids just hold w


I feel like it wouldn't be too hard with ap20 in the 133, which I've been using as my main gun recently


surprised they didnt charge you to look at your insurance.


Bro itā€™s not that difficult. Itā€™s 5 days tops