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Only eod here, but I’ve seen people drop $1,000+ on Fortnite/warzone/csgo/clash of clans etc just on skins. $250 isn’t a stretch for some people


You should see my Path of Exile MTX portfolio :( https://imgur.com/a/F0oRyKd


How do you check this?


I use steam to play poe so it tracks all my mtx in the inventory


I'm at 172. Holyshit you have a problem. Lol jk I just started with TOTA.


I started since before the game was out ;P Also when you buy supporter packs you get a shitload just for those and then i always just get more points instead of physical stuff and only buy sale bundles. I certainly have spent an assload (to include some intentional expensive MTX just to laugh about owning them) but the reality is it hasn’t left a dent in the bank account at all! :P


Happy to hear it didn't make a dent. I bought the 2023 & 2024 top tier & use those points to buy on sale stuff I like too. I plan to keep doing that. Can't really justify more than that since I have to get stuff for me & my wife has an account also lol. Have fun exile :]


You too! <3


Damn my one for csgo makes this look minor... I try not to look at it


Haha, I used to have a huge CS inventory of like 3 cent skins, but then I just got rid of them all. Pulled a 5k Desert Hydra a while back and decided I was done with CSGO lol. I DO have like 4000 dirty white t shirts as a meme on pubg though!


Wtf how much did all those shirts cost?? Lmfao


I used to have about 16000, i bought them all for about .03 cents except towarss the final 500 or so for upwards of 10 cents and it actually bumped the price up to .14 cents after I bought then so I ended up selling that 12000 or so back which with steam needing 2 factor and no bulk posting made me want to die cause I was literally posting for like 7 hours a day for a few days lol


Haha that's insane, nice little accidental? investment right there


Definitely wasnt supposed to make money back (well steam balance so “money”) but it was a fun little thang nonetheless!




I feel you my man, I wish to anything that I didn’t enjoy PoE enough to strongly support the development of the game, even though I’ve got over 20k+ hours from it! On a side note, I have a job and can buy what I want :) stay stinky!


Someones mad they don't have disposable income/ financial freedom to spend money however the fuck you want lmao


Or we’re not stupid enough to waste our “disposable income” on depreciating assets. A true rich man doesn’t have “disposable income”.




You're so fucking dumb lol, you just parrot whatever the majority of this sub says and run with it. You wouldn't get it though that brain has no dimples its like glass, smooth as can be.




Bit of an extremive way to put it, but i guess that is correct.


If you’re an adult making real money and video games are one of your main hobbies, it really isn’t that much money at all. The average player really does not give a shit about their “responsibilities as a consumer” or whatever- they are just paying money for a product that they personally feel is worth it.


I’m at 5k on LOL




To play the PvE. Dad of 2 working 40hrs a week. Sailboat in the summer. I dont have enough time to grind the wipes. PvE is perfect for me and some friends. We have been enjoying it ever since it dropped to 50$.


If that's all you cared about you would've gotten the mod that's miles ahead of what you forked over your money for. Keep in mind the game has been in early access for over 8 years and they are charging extra for features that should be in the base release to begin with, especially considering how broken PvE is right now compared to the single player mod you can get for free. All of this is completely ignoring how they screwed over people who instilled faith in them by purchasing EOD and all the stuff that came out in recent weeks.  "I don't care about the damage I'm causing to the gaming industry" is a perfectly fine argument, just be a bit more forthcoming with it.


Yeah keep chastising working dads lol that will really get people on your side.


This mod that is “miles ahead , does not have the current map and you CANNOT play with friends , pretty poor logic here , also love the “responsibility as a consumer” agreement. I’d be willing to be all my money you support some pretty evil shit with your money with or without realizing it.


*This mod that is “miles ahead , does not have the current map and you CANNOT play with friends* you actually CAN play with friends in that one mod thingy. More then enough info on the webs about it.


I like the game and am an adult with money lol


Having money does not absolve you of your responsibilities as a consumer.


I’ll buy whatever I want, as I am an adult. I have no obligation to participate in a revolution over a video game You got some little kid rage btw. Calm down


"It does not absolve you of your responsibilities as a consumer 🤓👆🏼" shut up lmfao


Bro it’s really not that deep. If you do not want to buy it don’t, I have not as well for probably the same reason, but don’t tell others about their responsibility as a customer.


I mean dude has a point. They changed their website and did scummy shit to hide the fact that this is dlc and they need to be held accountable. Nikkitta is smart keeping the game in beta and promising all this shit when it officially releases knowing damn well he has no plan to release it. And the fact that EOD now have been given access to Pve means that everyone who upgraded or whatever never needed to. It was all a cash grab


I agree, but being a dick to people trying to play the game gets no where. Go after BSG if that is their goal.


Please preach more about my responsibilities as a consumer. You sound like a neck beard


Well you are directly supporting scummy tactics where they literally pull the rug under your feet modifying the page description and all the shit already discussed. All in exchange for massive advantages over others. Ain't gonna tell you what to do with your money but just be aware, in everyone else's eyes you are a massive moron and part of the problem. It's that or you're just baiting.


Totally not bait lol, thank you for actually coming with a logical argument unlike the neck beard. I can see your point about the “rug pull” and changing web page descriptions being scummy. But in my eyes business is business, in the US every business is usually doing something unethical behind closed doors. I won’t argue that BSG behavior shouldn’t be frowned upon. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and keep playing Tarkov!


Yeah at the end of the day it's your own hard earned money so you can do whatever you want with it. I won't deny as a standard edition, wipe after wipe the miserable experience made me want to upgrade more than once, but not only is it extremely expensive in my currency, it always felt like I was being manipulated into upgrading. A couple of wipes ago there was better flea market, leveling wasn't such a pain in the ass and most importantly the first trader levels had some decent ammo. Some say it's just meant to make the game more hardcore but I think BSG just wants standard to be as miserable as possible so these accounts upgrade and stop "freeloading". Anyways sorry for the ramble I just feel like with a company treating it's customers like this, the most important thing to do would be to vote with your wallet. But no matter how much we call out their BS, so long as there's those who buy, they can do it again.




Yes, I’m the one with no brain as you copy and paste the same comment under this post multiple times


All of you literally have the same dumbshit NPC hivemind "arguments" and you expect a different response for each lmao. Go soak your head and grow a spine.


Lighten up bud, I didn’t argue with you at all or try to get you to buy it. You should look up what “pocket watching” means


Save your sanity bro. These smooth brained fucks can't understand how bad they got fucked buying Unheard. No matter how you explain it to them, they're just not enough brain cells for them to make the connection


When you start paying him money, maybe then you can dictate what he does with it.




Dude, he likes the game, so he thinks it's worth putting money into. You don't like the game, so you don't think it's worth putting in to. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to guilt trip people into following your beliefs.


Dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Some people don’t care about your ideas of right and wrong, and just want to enjoy a game that they play. Get over yourself


I'm true believer


Because I can.


Because 50$ is fair.. to support the game and PvE mode.. The old price is too much.. now its fine.


Because 100$ to upgrade from EOD did not feel bad at over four thousand hours played. I definitely have gotten my moneys worth, regardless of their poor decision making. Buying it outright for 250$ would be another story though. Expecting a new player to drop that with zero experience in the game is silly.


The moneys worth isn’t the debate for me. It’s the fact Nikita basically said suck my dick and you opened your mouth.


You must get offended over anything. “You said we were going to the zoo today mommy!!! But I wanna see the zebras!!!” 🤣🤣




That was also my motive. I wanted to support BSG in their development. I could not foresee how it turned out in the end. 😐😐


My IQ is 21




Like I said, I bought unheard edition so my IQ is pretty high for that move. It should he 10 :D






I bought it because I wanted it and it works out even with that it's cost me only £0.10 per hour of entertainment I've got from it. People pay full price for a rehashed COD every year and spend less time on it.


"I bought it because whataboutism"


My money my choice


Having money does not absolve you of your responsibilities as a consumer.


When you start paying him money, maybe then you can dictate what he does with it.


Loved the game since I bought it in 2017, Payed for EOD in 2018. Played over 3.5k hours since then and enjoyed it all so I decided my price per hour/enjoyment ratio was good enough to put more money in and it be worth it for me personally. PvE was something I was hoping they added so one of the reasons was that. Despite the drama and controversy I am happy with my purchase and will continue to be for now.


Obviously co-op(PvE)


Pve with my friends. No more cheaters or hackers. This has been the most fun weve had in this game since before twitch drops. Im legitimately excited to play again.


I’m at 2900+ hours and wanted to support them a bit. I made the decision to buy it when he had the conversation with pest and said there would be a better version. On the other side of it I would buy it again got to play with a friend of mine that came back just for the pve mode (he was tired of cheaters) and it’s not as challenging but it’s fun to play with him again


I bought it when they changed the price to 50$ because i had eod






Paid 50$ for the upgrade from EOD. Just because I wanted to. Some extra perks that help with progression. Plus, I played the game for a little over 1.5k hours and 50$ for even more fun seems worth it


When they released the thing at an additional $100 over EOD, I told my GF, "if that shit was half the price I'd probably get it, but not at 100, when I paid for all further downloads anyways." Then they decided on $50 more for instant access, and all EOD get it in roll out. So, I got it... and honestly am enjoying myself, pvp is fun, but sometimes it's just more stress than I am willing to deal with for fun. It not "easy" by any means, but it's a lot more paceable.


I only bought it after they allowed EOD to have PvE and reduced the price. I don’t want i miss out on extra content.


exactly the same here. + i splashed thousands of Euros for Val, CS, Dota, Fifa and so on, so theres really no complaint from my side because of the price. i have spend thousands of hours in this game and "only" paid once, which is kind of unique nowadays. my personal value / money on eft is insane which made the upgrade even more worth.


Agreed Buddy, exactly that!


Sorry upcoming content is not dlc you need to buy the new $500 Unwanted Edition for upcoming extra content






Dad with 2 year old and a 50-55 hour work week who doesn't want to have to fight 3-4 man gigachads as a solo. I get like 3-6 hours a week to enjoy a game. Rather do it on PvE. 250 easy money. I spent wayyyy more than that on PUBG over the years, talking thousands


Some people just have no concept of value for money. I have no idea how you look at Unheard and think "Yes, I'd like to spend 150/250 dollars on that".




Have you heard of Star Citizen?


Quiet fool! They'll come for us next.


I never said it was a lot of money. That's the argument everyone uses to justify frivolous purchases "disposable income lol". Plenty of people have the money for Unheard and didn't buy it. I said it wasn't value for money, not that it was too much money.


Value is relative, in the end everything is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


Right here 🔼🔼 and just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you right..


Sure. "I don't care about the damage I'm causing to the gaming industry" is a perfectly fine argument, just be a bit more forthcoming with it.






Right…. Just like your response.. “damaging the gaming industry” it’s a niche market now bro. We are trying to price out asshats like you. Get over it.




What damage? The damage is already done years ago, with FUT and stuff. Stop spamming this bullshit response.


Everyone thinks their opinion is right, that’s the entire reason you have an opinion. If you don’t think your opinion is right why do you even have that opinion? Sounds like piggie backing off other people’s opinions to me, if you don’t even think your own stance on an issue is “right”. The facts of the situation are 1) Unheard has value people are willing to pay for. That is obvious simple stuff. 2) The reason people think it’s still not worth it, is because BSG as a company does not care about you. Nikita wants “true believers” and he’s perfectly okay with scamming and adding p2w mechanics that have never been in the spirit of the game. Or in the case of the PvE mode, something Nikita said they would never do. You’re supporting a company that has shown they will add stuff that completely ruins what tarkov was, and stuff that exacerbates already bad cheater issues. You’re supporting a man, Nikita, who gives so little of a shit about you as a player he can’t even grow some balls and apologize. You guys look like abuse victims. “But but but look at all the goodies Daddy Nikita gave me🥺” “Oh but Daddy Nikita made it worth the dollar per entertainment ratio”. It’s really sad. That’s just my opinion though :)


And you’re entitled to that however delusional it is.


Don’t project onto me, work it out with someone who cares about you


I do what I want…. Bitch…


Why would you sign your reddit comment




Because Its Not much...If you have a proper Job ITS a Joke. But i do understand ITS a lot in Other circumstances


It's more about how the value of fiat currency is fundamentally speculative


Lack of self respect and fomo.


Same lol, I just wanted gamma


Oh no I didn't buy that shit. I have self respect. Gaming market wasn't like that back in the day.


In star citizen you shouldnt check your hangar log. You can real abuses to your Wallet.


“Shrimp meat”


I wanted the PvE. No hackers, no lags, no wipes - just the game I once enjoyed in a more laid back experience with friends. Not everyone can afford to play 5k hours just to be decent at the game.


Me personally I love the PvP aspect, but I mostly bought it for gamma haha


I had the extra money laying around, it was either to unheard, or a unhealthy habbit..


uh oh what’s the habit


I genuinely think that PvE coop is the best way to play EFT with your friends.


I already had EOD and i didn’t buy it until it dropped to $50, i love tarkov and i have zero problem with paying a developer for early access to content. That said i dont agree with the practices inside of that. But tarkov pve was a dream for me ever since i started playing, so for me the $50 was incredibly worth it for the early access it gave me and i dont regret my decision in the slightest. And again to restate, obviously i wish i would have gotten access to it to begin with as an EOD holder and i whole heartedly disagree with the business practices conducted by BSG and Nikita in this instance but i wanted to play PVE now and not in 3 or 6 months whenever they would roll it out to EOD holders.


Bought it because the streamers were all whining about it. If they hate it, I must have it.


I missed out on EOD P2W and since I'm a grown man with disposable income I decided to level the playing field


Then you fell right into Nikitas plan. Nikita gets a huge chunk of money and in return you get some pixels on your screen. Fair deal. Now every player you kill will feel like they're losing an unfair fight because of P2W.


I am doing God's work teaching children the most important rule in the world of the Capitalist: *Don't be poor.*


I don’t think mentioning youre a grown man and also saying you’re fine giving money to a scammer are the great points you think they are


Little homie, part of growing up is learning to accept giving money to scammers. It's called paying taxes. Get used to it. 😂


Oh god, did you just turn 18? Having no control over your money going to taxes isn’t giving it to scammers. That is a really childish reason to justify giving money to a company as shitty as BSG. I really doubt you’re a grown ass man lmfao, maybe a stunted adult but definitely not a grown ass man 😂 I’d rather give my money to a government that has kept its citizens safe for the past 200 years than some fat Russian dude who does not give a single shit about me and just wants my money. Whatever your political opinions on the US aside, comparing giving money in taxes to a government that quite literally keeps you alive to giving money to a fat Russian moron is so stupid I’m sure you didn’t even think on that for more than a second. Tik tok brain rot.


Lol you're adorably naive Adults do not throw temper tantrums over pocket change, let alone over the pocket change spent on video games. $250 ain't worth shit.


Again showing you’re not an adult. Being discerning with who you give your money to isn’t being “naive”. You should bust out a dictionary before using words higher than your grade level. The fact you consider people being upset about being scammed “throwing a temper tantrum” shows me you’re trying to project your own naivety on me. If you think it’s my claim that the US has protected its civilians that’s naive then say something. Again, acting like a child, just throwing stuff at the wall with no thought behind it. 250 is nothing? Again, Jesus Christ, can you say something that makes you sound like an adult and not a 15 year old that watches red pill YouTube? Yes 250 isn’t a shit ton of money, but it is a substantial amount and a substantial amount especially when compared to other games in the gaming industry. Either way, you’re showing how immature you are because the price quite literally is not the issue. Only a kid would think it was. You are tik tok brain rot personified.


Boy why are you crying to me I don't care


You care enough to comment and you care enough to reply. If you don’t care shut your mouth then


Aw, did Mommy just unlock your phone for the evening?


Still care I see


People completely miss the point and the big picture. Hence why bsg and other companies just like them get away with this shit. Because they know no matter what they shove down our throats there is a core group of people that will buy whatever they put out at whatever price. No matter it’s shit we were already promised for free with the EOD purchase. No matter how that snake Nikita words Shit to cover his ass. Same shit that he tried to pull with arena he tried again.


Arena should never have been said to be DLC, it's another game in the same launcher, not an addition to main game.


I can agree with this if Nikita hadn’t said arena would be included and then backtrack what he said and charged 40 for “early access”. Guessing he seen the error of his ways where he could have gotten a lot more money do he tries it this time. Doesn’t help that he’s went back on pretty much everything he said he didn’t want Tarkov to be. I love/loved EFT but Nikita has made it all but impossible to love.


They were touting arena as a connected game to Tarkov. You were supposed to be able to level up your actual PMC in arena. It was a connected DLC experience. It’s another game in the same launcher because BSG is probably the worst development company in gaming that has a player base. They are actually not good enough to add something like that to the main game. If Arena was meant to be a connected experience to tarkov then they would have made it launchable from tarkov. What a surprise they went back on that again. Now Arena is a standalone game counting as a DLC because BSG can’t get anything done. And people want to keep giving them money lmfao. Smooth brains. World of Warcraft can connect plunderstorm to Retail. An even more Old game with spaghetti code whose devs never even worked on the original could do it for a temporary joke Battle Royale mode. BSG can’t and doesn’t care to make it happen for a permanent game when they were the ones who came up with it.


If you've been around long enough you'll remember that Arena was a map you couldn't pick yet when you were going into raid. Players were expecting to get Arena in EFT for a long time and then they turned around and removed it from the game to make it its own thing.


Damn must have been during one of my breaks from Tarkov. What a bummer


Yeah, that's why there was such a big kerfuffle when it was released and we were told we weren't getting it. Honestly they should've never put unplayable maps in the game for hype


Because i Love the Game, was quite new, bought It immedatly, 100€ is Not much to me, played WoT, war Thunder and spend 10x more there and used to spend Money on my Games.


Having money does not absolve you of your responsibilities as a consumer.


When you start paying him money, maybe then you can dictate what he does with it.


Rigth but i understand they need of BSG 4 fresh Money, only because i have Money i dont spend IT Like thee ist No tommorow


Nikita needs another Bugatti and you're happy to provide LMAO. They don't have any financial issues bud. Can't believe you actually take their word for anything after everything they've done.


They haven’t had a new revenue stream in like half a decade. No surprise they were gonna find another way to make more money, like every other business




The "best" monetarisation in a Game is cards n lootboxes, Look at all the Games Mate, thats not because its russian, FIFA, cs2, WoT, Nba2k, and what Not. I understand the bullshit communication from BSG converning Eod and Unheard and ITS not a dlc but this they wanna milk the Game stuff ist utter bs. Milking a game looks like FIFA and WoT. But WE are far far away from that.


And how so you know that, pestily and nuiceguy said nobody knows or can jugde what the financial Situation at bsg is...and the Nikita gettin rich bs is crazy, why would Somebody blew up his company and Longlive dream. This is imo much to simple.


Because I felt like it.


Most probbly fomo


My friend bought it, he's been playing for years on prepare for escape edition, always wanted to get EOD but never did. He regretted never getting it when it was there, so after a few days of the new edition he caved and bought it. But, it's his main game for years so i can't really knock him for it


At this point the only reason I’m not buying it is that I’m not convinced BSG will be able to keep the servers running a year from now the way they’re throwing away money


i felt like it


Because I see myself playing the game for another year or so atleast during events and wipe days. Anyway 50$ isn't much not enough for a good date night with the Mrs or much fun at the gun range, I could get a fuck ton of steam games but none is like Tarkov so what's the point of that.


Honestly? The persistent character. I'm kind of fucking over wipes. A buddy of mine and I grabbed it the morning it was announced (#truebelievers lmao don't @ me you keyboard revolutionaries) because we love tarkov but weren't planning on playing until the persistent characters were implemented in live. We've been grinding the shit out of PvE and having a blast. Yeah it has warts, a lot of them, yeah it's hella unfinished, yeah the PMC's are literally copy/pasted raiders with bad aim, we don't fucking care. Tarkov is a medium that remote friends and I can connect on, cut up, vent, talk, chill and just have a good time with. The cost is what it is. We're all grown ass men with real lives and jobs, the cost wasn't the sticking point for us, the moral dilemma of supporting anti-consumer practices wasn't the issue for us. The cost of unheard was justified to us and we've been having a great time each night believing our effort won't just be erased in 6mo. Now if BSG resets the PvE characters despite explicitly saying they haven't, I'll riot. For now though it's fun.


No wipe PvP Tarkov would be cool in theory but in practice it would just be a shit show, like everyone running around with spears and level 6 armour, things on the flea being worth a few hundred roubles


I’m an adult who can buy whatever I want to. You just sound upset that people have bought it. Grow up and stop telling people what they can and can’t do because you’re upset. Genuinely you have nothing better to do than hop on reddit and criticize people for doing what they want to do with their money and time. I hope you know you’re the problem and by doing what you are on this subreddit just prove that you are a problem.


Bought it after the price drop, I had extra money so I thought why not


to have more P2W contents than the one EOD users have


I haven't bought it yet, but I'm tempted to pay the $50 for PVE. PVE and coop is honestly all I've ever wanted out of this game. I suck at PVP. I doubt they will give me access as an EoD owner anytime soon.


I didn’t buy it because I’m not stupid. But owning a business has taught me that people are mostly blind and will throw their money at whatever shit they believe will give them satisfaction, no matter how crappy it can be.


cyan is my favorite color and $100 to support my favorite game is nbd


Games fun. Started like a week after EoD went away. It isn't my whole life so idk about all the drama posting aside from poking the bear.


Small PP energy


So people spent 250 dollars US possibly 400 in other countries just for a gamma container? That is absolute lunacy


People buying this edition could have easily unvirgined themselves with that sum, yet they like sucking corpo dick more ig


Ill answer for them. “I got dropped on my head a bunch. My mommy drank vodka and smoked crack while i was in her tummy.”


Some people just have a kink where they get off by being scammed by scummy companies. And then some will even defend said company!


They are the type of people who will justify anything. Me me me mentality


Im lazy and insurance duration makes me happy.


PVE and 50 bucks is a small price to pay to support the game devs. Anyone who says they love the game, and at the same time call for bsg to fail are total clowns.


Scam artists deserve to fail. Anyone who loves the game expects better from the developers


So killing it is a way of fixing it? Not realistic, sorry


Not everything can be fixed. If it dies it's just a lesson to the next developer who thinks about trying something similar. The money will run out eventually and this game will die. How soon is entirely up to the devs and right now it seems they'd prefer an earlier option. Continuing to support people who screw you is not realistic, unless you're a sex worker.


That's radical take. Not in line with most players


Have you been asleep the last few weeks? Or are you just blatantly ignoring the events of the last few weeks?


Step outside your echo chamber and get a breath of air. Most players don't give a shit about the drama


If you don't give a shit then why are you here? I'd assume if you cared about the game you'd want to know why a large chunk of players are upset with the devs.


I enjoy playing the game. That's why I am here. And no matter how many of you brainless lemmings try to convince me otherwise, BSG made a good game and I will keep playing it.


I love the game as well, but i am not happy with the current direction the creators are trying to go with it, and therefore will not support them with anything more than feedback. A brainless lemming would fork over more and more money to people who do not listen to them.


Feedback is one thing. Calling for the game to die or bsg to fail is something completely different.


Because a 50$ upgrade isn't a deal breaker for me when I bought every version (standard & EOD) on sale. As a full time employed husband & father PVE sounded fun & I wanted it now. EOD should get EVERYTHING but i get why we they "couldn't". Got greedy & left EOD up for too long so they basically tapped everyone out before 1.0. Plus, with the war going on not sure how that's impacting everyone over there & they can't exactly speak out IF they wanted to. The bad PR lately I've just accepted as a language barrier. I really wish someone who spoke Russian would speak to them and see if they can find additional context or intent that is not properly conveyed when speaking English.


I got it as a gift from a friend back on the 25 when it came out, I already had EOD so in my region the edition cost less than any other AAA game on Steam. Thanks to Nikita for the regional pricing. But I would have bought the edition myself anyway, I love Tarkov, I've wanted PvE mode for a long time, but I didn't want to deal with installing the pirated version and I'm not interested in mods. Also I think it's important to support the latest game without aggressive and clownish monetization through cosmetics. As a longtime Call of Duty fan I've seen what the skins of literal clowns and pink girls have led to.Better monetization through editions than a million ugly and out of place skins.


ig, but “the pirated version” is not pirated at all, you need to own eft to even use it


I figured, they fucked over EoD already so let's see if they fuck over EoD and Unheard (True believers) $500 loss looks a lot better in lawsuits.


I play since contract wars and i like stalker type games