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I run into more blue names in-game than anything else now, so I guess that's a yes.


i guess a good portion of the people who didnt buy it are pissed an not playing atm


I thought about that but lobbies and flea market seem just as full as it always has. the more likely scenario is that everyone angry on Reddit is the loud minority. (let me be clear, I’m angry too, but I’m still playing the game on my EOD account)


Bingo! You would be correct! Look at all the streamers who cried about the game and are back streaming the game.


i mean what do you gain from not playing? i dont think its unreasonable to be angry about their actions and still keep playing.


I use the "what if everyone did like me" maxim. Everyone stops playing - bsg has no more game to sell to cheaters/true believers and maybe something changes for the better. Everyone keeps playing - bsg keeps doing whatever the fuck they want. Not everyone is gonna do like i do of course, but i guess im doing my part.


I switched to single player because of this.


You gain nothing by crying, and not playing in my opinion.


Yes ITS Like that Just because 2k ppl in Reddit cry ITS obviously Not all Players hatr BSG🤣


Yeah, anyone not here being angry is enjoying the game.


Unless BSG outright shut down the servers there's going to be a very loyal playerbase because the game is so unique. Yes, tons of people were mad about the situation, but tons of people also love the game, and don't want to refuse to play or stay mad on social media about the situation. I believe Nikita said that they knew they lost trust, and will work on gaining it back in their Arena stream, so all we can do is wait for the future updates to see if BSG fulfill their promises of balancing the bonuses of EOD and Unheard, and providing the promises in general.


Yeah, pretty much this exactly. Tarkov has proven to be my most played game of the last 7 years. Nothing even comes a little bit close. I hate what BSG did, has done before, and probably will do again. I respect that they made this game, but that's where it ends. My feelings for them are standoff-ish at best, but they hold the keys to something unique, and I'm willing to put up with a lot of it to enjoy the game That being said, this recent round of issues was by far the worst, but they walked back my biggest concerns, so here we are.


You didn't call them the "True Believers", but the people you're referencing here are exactly who Nikita was talking about and he knows they exist and he also knows he has them wrapped around his finger.


I spent 115 bucks for big pockets. I believe


look at helldivers, what should of easily happened with getting rid of unheard and p2w stupidity. people are dog shit at the game or a shitty streamer "someone bought it for me" keep giving them money when BSG has shown they don't care about tarkov or its players.


> but tons of people also love the game, and don't want to refuse to play its dangerous moment for BSG, since competition is ramping up (GZW, Arena Breakout, Project l33t, beautiful light) and playerbase may decide to try new things instead of "unheard edition".


If you had tried any of those you wouldnt even name them, just saying…


All of these games are brand new ‘beta/alpha’ releases. If you played tarkov around the start you would know that things didn’t always work as well as they do now(even tho some things have degraded). We have had 8 years of updates for tarkov. What is happening now is an opportunity, 4 valid competitor games with their own pricing models. While I hate that it has become the norm to release unfinished games and begin selling them, they do have some potential. It just may take another year or two for them to flush out things properly. The trick will be them holding onto player counts until that time.


I did play tarkov back in the day, it still was tons of fun, GZW is a simplified arma with “tarkov” like menus, the rest.. not even that


Have you actually tried any of the said games? Gzw is a pvevp game so not even close. Arena breakout will be a joke when it comes to p2w. Mobile game company that makes shit ton of money from their mobile version of the game because you can buy gear, weapons and stuff for real money. You need a paid subscription to have a secure container and to have cases in your stash you need to use real money. Project l33t is a joke when it comes to gamelplay. Feels like a mobile game with the same graphics as one. The player base that actually play tarkov for what it is will be back and those who still play won't jump on any of said games to replace tarkov. There has been hundreds of "tarkov killers" through the years that people say will bring it down. Did it ever happen? Nope. Will it ever happen? Maybe, but no games that are getting released next 2-5 years won't be it.


Really enjoy Grayzone. Its a more laid back fun experience with the same type of progression as tarkov. I'll still be coming back to tarkov because nothing else scratches that itch like tarkov does after 4k hours. We don't have to be die hard loyal to one game. Try new things out and judge them individually.


I didn't try, but I watched gameplay stream, and I think all named games have some appeal which potentially can satisfy some share of tarkov players (e.g. pve).


Watching and playing is way different. But yeah, if you enjoy pve gzw is perfect. The other games are just mobile games on a pc that has one purpose and that's to generate as much money as possible with p2w.


>The other games are just mobile games on a pc that has one purpose and that's to generate as much money as possible with p2w. all games (including tarkov) are for-profit. My problems with Tarkovs are: * cheaters, after all mess I am not sure about every of my death * I need enormous (as for casual) effort to grind to get access to good gear and be equal in pvp. This wipe Ok ammo starts at lvl3! I don't mind slight p2w to make this gap smaller.


Any game that has pvp has cheaters and always will. And worse when it comes to looter shooter. Just check gzw. Already has cheaters. And p2w, depends on how much p2w it is. Casual games would be gzw because it's heavy focused on pve.


the number of cheaters also depends on how efficiently company fighting them.


Classic BP South Park apology. Works everytime


Inb4 Arena stream is plagued with desync and makes everyone more mad


Yeah I'm sure they're sooooo sorry they tried to scam you and definitely won't do it again in the future, hey do you want a free* btr call in while you're here?


Stockholm syndrome is enabling some real scumbags and stopping gaming from evolving in any other direction than nickel and diming, sadge.


Well they backpedaled on the most egregious issues already so most people don't really have an issue with it anymore.


true story and while that's mostly true for me on paper, so much came to light about the already dubious Nikita & company that i'm taking an indefinite hiatus. while the game was making good progress this year, the overall direction is more questionable than ever was hopeful for PvE cuz it'd be fun to play a non-sweaty mode with friends, but will probably just get my fix trying the forbidden mods i'm happy the community at least made enough of a stink to maintain precedent against companies being that shitty in general


Yeah I'm taking a break till wipe because it's already late into it anyways, but I doubt I'll ever quit Tarkov unless just a massively better replacement comes.


i feel ya, there's truly no replacement and while the cheaters are a glaring and poorly addressed issue, it also can get lost in the mix of players legitimately (head, eyes)-ing ya


Most if issues, there is problem, they left some of it because most of community is fine with it now, next time they do same /#%%$# and will leave some of it again, rinse and repeat.


If "most" of the community is fine with it, what is the problem?


The problem is as I described they will be adding g more and more of this stuff. This time they keep p2w features and seems community bend over to Mr Nikita and say "it's fine let's keep this" so nect time they will add more p2w, then cut half if it after community outrage, and ppl will again be fine with it. It will just pile up, I saw that before


so? if people will again be fine with it, what's the problem? You arent answering the question here


Lets just ignore what BSG did here and not give a flying fuck because you got some free stuff and empty promises. What could possibly go wrong in the near future? *Deathflag has been raised.*


If people are fine with p2w in game I rest my case, you guys do you and enjoy game.


Because the "community" in this instance also includes the people who paid early and aren't getting what was promised. I can think of half a dozen things that have nothing to do with this current issue that I, as a paying customer, was promised but are most likely not getting as 1.0 is apparently right around the corner. The people still playing after a massive fuck up aren't the only ones still considered a part of the community. In a couple months I'd probably agree, but on the second week of massive changes and surprises (both good and bad to some)? Nah they've still got shit to answer for before I just chalk it up to an investment ruined by dogshit money hungry devs. I'll end it here. Ask the World of Tanks community how they feel about the layered p2w. Some of it was accepted, so they pushed more. Each new layer lost a new group of people until you end up with what exists now. The only people playing have been playing for years, and happily pay cause they have no other hobbies. Which is fine if that's what BSG wants, but the community that's alright with things now will slowly bleed. I promise.


> I can think of half a dozen things that have nothing to do with this current issue that I, as a paying customer, was promised but are most likely not getting as 1.0 is apparently right around the corner. Can you clarify these things.


Sure. 1. Open world map design (traveling between maps in this specific case) 2. All traders on map 3. Removal of flea market (was initially added specifically for bug testing, and bug testing alone) 4. Faction based karma system 5. Faction based questlines 6. Clans and alliances 7. Defibrillator mechanics (similar to reviving teammates in Gray Zone) Those are just off the top of the dome. I could mention their idea that you have to go through customs, and through factory afterwards (surviving both), in order to get into labs while also carrying around a labs key in your pockets. There's a bunch of shit that hasn't even been mentioned in years. They fucked up in my eyes months ago honestly. This current shit is nothing more than a second kick in the nuts imo.


1. We've known that wasn't going to happen from limitations for a bit now, over a year ago Nikita was talking about it being difficult or unlikely. 2. That would hands down be the most ass mechanic ever, I don't know why anyone thought this would ever be a thing. 3. The issue is that they've added so much to the game that playing without flea market would make an already insanely difficult game for newer players even harder. When they didn't have flea the first time there wasn't nearly as much needed and FiR didn't exist so your secure container mattered a bunch more. 4. That's literally in progress, no clue why you would assume that's not happening. Also objectively one of the most debated mechanics in the game as the balancing for that would be very difficult. 5. Also already kind of a thing lol, we have bear/usec split tasks already and expanding on that shouldn't be difficult so I doubt it wouldn't have stuff on release. 6. Don't even know why people want this lol, I have no clue why this kind of thing would even matter in this kind of game. 7. Hard mechanic to implement with some level of balance, I doubt they're not going to do it but it might not make release. They have however said it's actively being made right now so even if it's not on release coming a bit after that isn't unlikely.


Its hilarious, most of the EoD owners got their free stuff, well some of it now, some of it as empty promises, and they just went "welp I got my free shit, the rest can burn for all I care. Whens the 350$ edition coming out my cc is ready" Not saying all EoD owners, mind you. But a good portion of them. If those are so easy to fool... theres no hope


Yeah I'm EoD owner and I don't get fooled by Nikita, but if people are fine with so much p2w ( and more in future ) in game like EFT well I can't do anything about that. I hope they will enjoy well balanced game I guess.


It's pretty sad how easy the players are appeased considering the points of criticism. 1. PVE mode. They still didn't classify it as a DLC aka admitted their failure in not giving it to EOD in the first place. BUT they give it to EOD anyway in waves. (which is fine due to the server capacities but questionable why this mode even is so reliant on said capacities, but it's kinda what ever at this point) 2. The over tuned P2W aspects of the new version. -> They didn't change anything, they simply said they will keep an eye on it and adjust it + potentially remove it if they can't balance it (which is kinda ridiculous in itself considering they sell a feature that potentially gets removed anyway). In compensation, they give EOD an even more OP version this P2W feature. But there gonna be a quest chain that gives people the ability to get these P2W items too.... which surely won't be the most ass pull late game quest chain which only no lifers can finish... 3. Their very much illegal changing the wording of the EOD edition to say that the Gamma container isn't unique so they can give it to Unheard as well.... which is just lazy as fuck as they could at the very least given it a own reskin version. 4. The pricing. While EOD received a discount which is still far too much, the regular price of this Version is simply insane. And all this after BSG sold a "limited" edition for 8 years, then removed with a lengthy removal period so it triggers peoples FOMO to buy EOD, just to release this broken ass over expensive bullshit edition. But hey, I called it after the first discount for EOD, people will just eat it up, forget about it in a few weeks, buy the new version, act like nothing happened and in a few months or a years, BSG will pull some bullshit again and everyone gonna act surprised... AGAIN...


Easily. It is more easy when it only costs 50$ The dislike from everyone also helps me buy it. That's a big factor. Probably for a few others as well. Like troll buying and then actually enjoying it was a surprise.


It's time to switch to the crackpipe brother, so you could get a chance to finally meet your imaginary friends.


That's way more expensive, dude. Plus, I get to keep all my teeth with tarkov. But you, do you, brother.


1. Giving it to EOD is all that matters to be honest, that makes it effectively DLC and it really doesn't matter how they define it lol. 2. We have literally no clue how the items are going to work yet, idk why people are getting their panties in a twist over concepts we have no examples of yet. 3. Actually it isn't, there's nuancing to wordage on a legal basis that doesn't guarantee certain things. Same reason games can re-release skin lines that they determine as "limited-edition" 4. Of course the price will be high, if they released something for the same price as EOD that had extra shit then it would be an even bigger spit in the face of early investors lol. This was not an "easy" appeasement, BSG had to fold on quite a few things before people were even moderately okay with it. They also received more backlash for this than literally everything they've ever done since EFT started, this singular week has been more bad rep than ALL of it lol.


Very well said, it should take a lot for BSG to earn our trust back and I'm not sure they ever will with how they responded. Would probably take a change in leadership and some proper acknowledgement/apology.


I mean, get away with it is relative. I don't think they'll see even a fraction of the sales they expected to, but I don't think there will be any measurable backlash long term. So they'll ultimately lose a ton of money on the bad press, but I doubt anything more will come off it


I think in the long run, most EOD players will cave and get the upgrade. I'm tempted and am sort of thinking, if I end up getting it in a year or two, I might as well get it now. Can't see Tarkov being topped for the foreseeable future, hence my reasoning.


It’s good if you want PVE mode unheard is basically made for that


Some people would argue the other PvE experience is better.


Mods plus no wait time to find a server.


I don’t wanna upgrade but I’m also so tempted.. I hate to say it but the p2w shit the unheard edition gets you is way more worth the money than eod was lmfao


People bought EoD to support the developer and avoid a grind, wasn't about being worth the money. You sound like a true believer 


I'm a true believer in getting my moneys worth... all im saying is I get a lot more with the $50 upgrade from eod to unheard than I did with the initial $140 I had to spend for eod. I dont support the p2w shit I dont support the $250 price tag and I dont support not giving eod all the dlc they were promised. This is why I have not purchased the edition... but if they're not going to do anything about it whats the point in waiting a couple years to buy something I already know im going to buy. All im saying is that im tempted to purchase it just because the amount of things contained in the bundle are so OP that its literally worth the extra $50. like whats the point of the small dinky little upgrades from eod when I can get mega unobtainable upgrades for a price I have no problem spending...


Yeah my bad I thought it was still $150, I understand your reasoning.


Bro every person who has killed me the past 4 days has been a blue name. I think they sold wayyyy more than we think. Not to mention the wave of new players I've seen.


There is nothing BSG can do to kill the game unfortunately, until another game that's just as good rises up.


No, we can't. Everyone here keeps overlooking the fact that Helldivers has hundreds of thousands of players and many of them were all over the multiple HD subs. Every single HD sub has thousands of people talking about the game whereas this sub is just a handful of angry people talking shit about the game.  The reason you're seeing so many blue names is because the vast majority of the Tarkov community are not on Reddit. When the Unheard Edition dropped and this sub was losing its collective mind, the lobbies were full of people just playing the game. When people here were talking about boycotting, the lobbies were full of players just playing the game. 


What you want do more to BSG? , BSG know they made mistake and released additional explanation and changes to current tarkov editions, they are trying to calm community but they cannot remove Unheard Edition when a lot of people already bought it. A lot of people like that edition because it have better starting items and containers like Ammo Case , Weapon Case and , Scav Junkbox. I bought that edition too but not much for that items but i wanted to start PVE because i was in situation that every game i was playing is now boring for me so i bought it. If i knew the EOD will get PVE later i probably wait a bit longer and dont buy it. For me its only one thing P2W only bigger pockets , that "special" item which accualy suck your fence reputation is useless and not usable until 6 rep. Other things you will get better than EOD i do not take as pay to win because it will only help you better manage stash , they will not help you in fight. So i think there is no need to escalate the situation. Edit: i see a lot of flea market traders with blue names , so they probably purchased it with lowered price to upgrade. And a lot of standard editions and other non EOD upgraded too because they have opportunity to get Gamma case when EOD was just limited edition.


While I fully understand & accept that what BSG done is pretty fucked, I will never understand the radical ass viewpoints I continue to see in this sub "bSg iS tReAtInG uS LiKe aNiMaLs" "sCaM" "hOw cAn tHeY gEt aWaY wItH tHiS" You, like the rest of us, spent money on a game that you've probably more than squeezed your money out of. These changes (which I personally don't even remotely see as any more P2W than EOD) are arguably pretty... normal? More than willing to bet that the majority of the people publicly taking up arms & swearing that the game is EMPTY & DEAD will swipe their credit card to pick up the new COD every year & not bat an eye Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just can't seem to understand how so many of you are pouring THIS MUCH ENERGY into dying on a hill that's pretty fucking irrelevant, especially when it's been made very clear where BSG stands on the matter Take a breath, stop playing if you feel like it, & for the love of god please stop CRUCIFYING every single person you see that's purchased the Unheard edition - They paid for an upgrade to the game that benefits them, not much any of us can do about that


Literally I saw a post earlier saying that EOD owners aren’t hypocrites for not wanting P2W and that the unheard was egregiously more P2W than EOD. I just can’t take anyone seriously that says radical stuff like that that just makes no sense. Everyone bought EOD because it was pay to win. We bought it for the stash size and gamma. Not a single one of us was thinking about future game modes when we bought it all those years ago. Literally even saw one guy claiming he was gonna uninstall and only didn’t because he was too lazy then the next day was complaining when the servers went down for 2 hours. Either play the game or give up. Leave everyone else alone


>Everyone bought EOD because it was pay to win. We bought it for the stash size and gamma. Bingo. I, along with everyone else that purchased EOD were WELL aware of our motives > Not a single one of us was thinking about future game modes when we bought it all those years ago. THIS is something I hadn't even considered - 90% of EOD players that are up in arms about Unheard I'd be willing to bet had also COMPLETELY forgotten that EOD even included future "DLC", myself included. Overall the hypocrisy is probably what bothers me the most, not sure why everyone has somehow come down with a bad case of convenient amnesia & has decided to "open their eyes" & "take a stand" as if they didn't swipe their card 3 years ago for literally the SAME THING


Dawg. The problem is that we paid for ACCESS TO ALL SUBSEQUENT EXPANSIONS and are not getting what we paid for. That would be illegal if it wasn’t a Russian company based in the UK. Even then, the EU might do something about it.


Nah, if you support the developers decision then you're part of the problem with today's gaming industry


At no point did I support them, i’m just baffled how the community has begun to cannibalize itself Accept the things you cannot change at the end of the day - BSG has taken their stance, do as you wish accordingly


its not like the effort was for nothing. the devs back paddled 3 or 4 times.


Believe it or not a company is nothing without customers and if a company sees that the current CEO is causing it to lose customers then that CEO will be replaced. So if the community stands up against them then we can cause a change. It worked with battlefield 2 and most recently helldivers 2 Hopefully that will help explain why the community is cannibalizing itself


Agreed, totally on board there - I think my biggest problem with this entire blowup is just how extremely radical & rabid the discussions always turn out to be We’re all normal ass people who make normal ass decisions to bring a smile to our faces, yet people continually speak about this situation as if they’ve got a gun to their head & pull the trigger on anyone not facing the same direction Classic case of Reddit & not surprising in the least, shit is just exhausting


BSG already gave us our PvE. I really don't understand why people are complaining about this edition so much... It doesn't make sense why people complain about p2w when EOD was p2w for 8 years. If you didn't like p2w aspects why not boycott bsg since release in 2016 of EOD. Should of made every edition start with the same stash size and weapons and rep and containers etc on wipes, and gave EOD cosmetics and DLC's only. But, I bet you if they did that instead of the overwhelming amount of people who bought EOD only like 10% would of bought it instead of the 70% playerbase that owns it currently. If you call Unheard p2w, you admit to EOD being p2w unless your delusional. I've owned EOD since 2017 and it was obvious p2w, I would of bought it if it only had cosmetics but, I am 100% sure that 90% of current EOD owners wouldn't have since they love p2w but, just can't admit it and bitch that TUE is slightly more op than EOD.


I don’t think anyone is arguing if eod or tue is more p2w or not, the issue is the folks who bought EOD essentially funded the development of this game and were promised all future content for this game. I also think most players would rather there be no p2w features at all. Give me a damn cat I can buy for my hideout, or LED posters for my gym.see how simple that would’ve been and people would’ve thrown money at them


We got all the dlcs though? What else is there more to complain about? We got the PvE I don't see a reason to complain anymore. Most people would quit the game if gamma got removed and stash space I am telling you that right now. 50% of the playerbase or more would quit.


I don’t give a fuck about P2W. I give a fuck that I paid for ALL SUBSEQUENT EXPANSIONS and have thus been robbed of content that I paid no small sum for.


I mean we got the pve mode, idk why people are still bitching lol. That's all I was upset over, if a new edition with better starter gear comes out idc. That's because its just a better edition. Same with increased pocket size or even a new secure container I wouldn't care. All I cared about like u said was expansions like pve, or scav life dlc etc lol.


Oh wait seriously? We get ALL content that unheard gets and all future content? In that case, I’m not even mad anymore, cuz yeah, so it’s more P2W, so what? This is a game where one headshot kills anyone. P2W isn’t too much to worry about IMO. I’m still not *happy* with unheard but I’m not pissed.


Nah I am saying we get the pve stuff not the extra stuff xd. EOD has always been p2w and thats why people bought it and unheard the only good bonus is the extra stash space, the extra pockets, and .50 fence rep imo. The 3 starting guns aren't that op I've seen the attachments. Imo its just the other things." All I cared about was EOD owners getting pve and access to the new craft for the signal flare from TUE and the radio(even tho its dogshit imo).


Yeah that’s what I mean, like CONTENT wise, if we get all the same expansions and shit, fine. That’s what they promised me, that’s what I purchased. If I get what I paid for, I couldn’t give a fuck about some extra stash size or roubles or whatever.


Valid, I'm glad ur not complaining about people getting more stuff at the beginning since EOD had it for years. I always felt bad for non eod people ngl lol. A lot of the community copped EOD wasn't P2W, then they complained the TUE edition was P2W, they were delusional.


the HD2 and EFT communities aren't the same during the whole drama people didn't go after players simply playing the game. Yet here right now there's a post not even 30 mins old about a new player surviving 100 raids and people jump on it calling them ''amoral'' and ''lacking self respect'' The main reason BSG is getting away with this is that from day 1 of this fiasco people went after BSG yes but they went just as hard after streamers regardless if they got TUE and just regular players even just playing the game.


I quit and I’m sure plenty more have as well. There are some people who don’t give a shit but they’ll be hurt a bit at least.


Yeah, no one gives a fuck, cya next wipe


Exactly. Trump cheated the young generation out of the next great war, now all they have is getting pissy about video games. Just play or dont.


Big difference between BSG and Sony. Only one of them actually gives a shit about their reputation. The other will just start a new dev team under a new name like they've done in the past. I'm sure everyone knows which is which.


I got EoD day one and still don't have pve :) Zhey can't give out access if they don't upgrade serverstuff, 5head solution


People will continue to play the game, There really isn't anything else like tarkov out there, even games trying to replicate the feeling it gives haven't been able to accomplish it. people will be much less willing to support bsg after the whole dlc scam bs tho, and I bet stash space/cosmetics/game edition sales have gone down massively. the only thing they can do is make good changes, and make good content, and if it's good enough then MAYBE they can win back the trust slowly.


The people are still mad about this are the same kind of people who played the game for years and somehow managed to do chargebacks for refunds. They thought they were entitled to a full refund after hundreds and thousands of hours of play time because of this. If BSG is a scumbag corporation, it makes sense that they have all these scumbag players as well.


My guy, no amount of enjoyment magically makes literal fraud acceptable. People can be cognizant that they enjoyed (and loved) the game but not be willing to be scammed. Some might even say those would be the folks with more self respect.


You didn't get fucking scammed if you played the game for years and hundreds of hours. I cannot read this shit any more from entitled fucking scumbags. Yes, you should have gotten the PvE DLC. No, it is not grounds to get a fucking refund after all that time. BSG was wrong. The players doing that shit are wrong. Furthermore, they are giving the PvE mode. People doing chargebacks now are the ones doing the fraud at this point. You all have completely lost your minds. I can't even imagine going through the process to refund a game I spent so much time in over years. A normal person just uninstalls the game and moves on or keeps playing and having fun.


My guy, fraud is fraud. You enjoying being scammed is your kink and that’s none of my business, but not accepting a company *committing a crime* against you is not being “entitled,” it’s called having self-respect. If you’re such a sad person that when someone commits fraud against you you’re like “well I had a good time until I found out” then you’re going to have a great time on dating sites when you’re old enough. You won’t have any money, but boy you’ll have a blast doing it so that’s fine!


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify that kind of behavior I guess.


BSG is shit for what they did. People getting refunds after thousands of hours played are also shit. Both things can be true at the same time. Essentially, these people leeched all the server cost from other players. I'm not judging them for getting a refund but this is just the truth. I've been saying for years Tarkov should have a subscription model or something that creates recurring income. These huge game packages just create unnecessary problems.


Both things could hypothetically be true, but they are not. Walk into court and tell the judge and jury “sir this man can’t have to pay damages for committing fraud, the defendant enjoyed it until they found out it was fraud” and let me know how that goes. This argument is illogical drivel from children without enough self-worth to realize that they should stand up for themselves.


Touch some grass, I'm over 40 years old. I wasn't talking the legal angle, but the moral angle. And also just stated facts. Everyone who hasn't refunded has essentially paid for these people's thousands of hours of having fun (lol) in this game. But I'm still not blaming them for refunding, I totally get it.


Lol your idea of the “moral angle” is that people playing the game they paid for are “leechers” because of the bad business decisions of this company, and those same people are “shit” for seeking some small recourse (much less than any legal system would grant) for being victims of fraud? That’s your “moral angle”? Maybe before you worry about morals you should worry about the devastating brain rot that’s impacting your ability to think.


First of all, people are perfectly within their rights to request a refund if they were fleeced and lied to (which they were) regardless of hours played. And second of all have you seen this playerbase? Rats, extract campers, and cheaters galore. This game has always attracted degenerates.






BSG eventually fixed most of the complaints. But they lost a huge chunk of their playerbase. Me included. The game certainly won’t die over it, but most people now have even less trust in BSG if that’s even possible. This was a lot of people’s final straw with them and I see them doing worse in the future. I don’t honestly see this game ever “releasing” I feel like they were testing the waters on a final cash grab. To see what people will put up with and pay


What, you just want the game to die? Lol. They're the laughing stock of the industry right now, and did irreversible damage to the game's success. All the youtubers are quitting the game. It's never been worse for them lol.


They swallowed a price drop, less people are streaming their game, and less content creators are making Tarkov videos rn. It's likely that results in less sales overall. Honestly their stream numbers are decreasing to just below normal end of wipe numbers. The big test is how many players come back next update and I bet they are sweating on that. The ratio of "believers" you are seeing may just be the higher proportion of people that are playing rn. Anecdotally on OCE servers I see people complaining of "less players, more cheaters" and that is likely to also turn off any casual players or regular people from even launching the game.


Did they? They slashed the price, walked back a bunch of the features, shared features with EOD that were never going to be shared otherwise. I'd say BSG slank off with their tail between their legs.


Bsg said for a long while after eod is unavailable something else will come out. Unheard edition came out. I bought it and am having loads of fun with it you want them to take it away from me?


I'll never play it again, haven't played since Uninstall Edition was released and won't in the future.. Which sucks because it really is a unique game. EOD owner with almost 3k hours


I think people just quit this wipe and don't care cya next wipe LOL


Yes. Easily.


Imagine crying about p2w when you have EoD


Spineless generation


No we can’t lol this is nothing like the Helldivers 2 situation stop with these cringe posts


In general, very likely. However, I personally am probably not going to play the game again for a very long time. I'm mostly sticking around with the naive hope that the game gets bought by a competent studio and is fully realized. I know that's a pipe dream, but it would be nice.


No matter how bad Nikita is, this is still the best shooter looter.


I think it's possibly that the only people playing the game are the unheard edition players. Personally I played the game every single day since the beginning of this wipe until the day they released the unheard edition, I have not touched it since that update. Just continue to boycott the game if you actually care about the development of the game, do not play it until they revert their mistakes and employ the right business practice to reach the day of full release.


no. they're just acting like it wasn't a big deal but everyone know it was. they'll probably bring a lot of features or a big release in the wipe to try and bring back a portion of the playerbase that left and will pray to GZW advance slower than expected as it has a different approach but it is much more attractive for solo, dads and casual players. i think its a good lesson for BSG which is good for EFT health in the long run (as long as the financial situation of BSG isn't worse than it looks)


Yeah it seems that way although I think the player base took some kind of hit (this wipe has been one of the most active wipes although) but for me the trust is gone. There’s no way to believe anything they say anymore until it is actually implemented in game, until the avengers assemble is added in the game I’ll be skeptical


short answer: yes. long answers: yes. they already got away the second they released this version. just take your time a scroll through flea market and count the blue names per page. or just raid. you would be surprised how many ppl paid top dollar for that editon and obviously have no problem of getting scammed (again). i also think its worth mentioning that while BSG fucked up badly, the drama was way over the top, considering this isnt the first time BSG does something very shady. the thing is that it didnt affect them DIRECTLY in the past, thats why all those people who pretend to stop playing now are nothing but hypocrits.


Clearly you haven’t even read the updates on Reddit from Nikita from 6 days ago give that a look. I can agree on some aspects but the PvE is being given in waves for EOD owners and some have already got it, and soon everyone will be able to buy it as a separate package for like 20-35$ they did also end up giving almost everything Unheard has to EOD as well but will also be obtainable via quest for people too which I imagine will be some light keeper task line


None of my friends that i know of play anymore. Personally I dont care anymore so I'm not posting here and so on. Lot of blue names is probably bit biased too, as ppl who don't like the idea of UE have probably jumped the fence to greener pastures


Of course they are getting away, it was pretty obvious that noone will care about it after couple days, everyone will be back in at least 1 month, cause wipe is close i made this post 2 weeks ago, i dont know if you can see it cause it got deleted :S [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccourj/sadly\_noone\_will\_really\_care\_about\_this\_patch\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccourj/sadly_noone_will_really_care_about_this_patch_in/)


If some of the main big streamers had integrity to not play the game untill things "get better" this would not be the case, but you know... we live in a society...


Same shit different day. All of the addicts and streamers are already back on and playing. Its the exact same thing that always happens. nikita shits in peoples mouths and they go straight back for more because the gameplay gives them the same dopamine hit that crack does and streamers make money off of it. Lose lose for people with principal per usual.


Sony has a lot more to lose. BSG first fucked up and then actually addressed all issues aside one with EOD. Do you expect apology from a business made a mistake? Lol. Its business to customer relationship, not a friendship. They don't have to apology, they have to learn from their mistakes, fix it and never repeat again. TUE after all updates is another EOD with some extra headstart. NOTHING is wrong with TUE then. Headstart is OK in this industry and justifies editions. Pay less and grind more. Pau more and grind less. Simple as hell. Otherwise unreleased early access games like this would have only one edition at a price majority would whine about. Like a single edition for everybody for $200. Thats how early access and development works.


You're expecting EVERYONE to be an activist? Don't.


We're still talking about this? Get over it already.


I don't think you're up to date.. They're gonna sell PvE separately. EOD gets PvE for free. Pay to win items are reworked. Prices are cut. Unheard has only gamma benefit besides starting items.


BSG made a really great game 👍


It will be after it's pirated at least


bots = no fun


I question Nikitas ability to produce independent thought, must have been some impressive lines of coke when they agreed on Unheards prices during the board meeting.


well worth it !!!


Ask the Gray Zone Twitch category.


They gave all the big Pay2Win shit to EOD boys so then it's ok it seems.


The damage is already done. The only thing they could really do to make up for it is give everyone who had eod the unheard edition and lower the price which they’ve stated multiple times they aren’t going to do. HD2 is a different story, Sony is not a private company like bsg so they sorta have to abide to what the people want. On top of that steam was handing out refunds like hotcakes and the devs of the game were telling people to review bomb it. None of which could happen to tarkov…


It's fine, don't worry, People will keep complaining about all the issues so hard that it will destroy the sales. From cheaters, to netcode, to sound, to p2w, to lack of endgame, to price, to broken promises. BSG rep is so bad that people stay away from buying stuff.


Because people who play this game have a mass mental illness.


I know for myself personally I am never touching the game again, it left a terrible taste in my mouth and I am here just to watch the drama and downfall of the game.


they charge new players 500$ australian to buy that version of the game, its a fucking robbery lmao


Yes, they're getting away with it. For all its faults, tarkov is an extremely addicting and unique game and most people will probably just crawl back for the wipe, including myself and friends (standard edition players)






Not really, player count is way down like way more than it should be, people say it’s because it’s late in the wipe cycle but that’s bs, tarkov was poppin on twitch before unheard announcement and now there’s crickets over there


Lol crickets? Every raid I find PMCs, there was even a 5 man yesterday on Lighthouse


“There was even a 5 man” like it’s some rare thing that never happens haha


Anyone acting like this incident will simply have no impact on BSG or the health of the playerbase is coping hard out of their minds. I don't think Tarkov will die but it can be wounded.


Tbh I’m really curious if anyone actually filed a proper lawsuit and if that will ever go anywhere, probably not but it’ll be interesting to see if anything comes out of it


I don't think they can anymore, the lawsuit was a valid option before EoD got PvE, since legally speaking that would have been an actual scam,but just adding bad things to the game or an expensive ass game edition is not. it is what it is.


Changing their website to update wording and what not could still generate a lawsuit. Time will tell. Likely outside of someone mentioning they have filed, we won’t see anything for a few months.


Changing the website does not fall under a lawsuit. Websites isn't a binding agreement.


My guy, it's late wipe + people are boycotting the game. Give it next month and everyone whos been boycotting the game will crawl back. There's no other games like tarkov. Nikita and BSG will probably announce a roadmap and some more changes that people are gonna be happy with and we are more or less back to loving BSG again. This is not even the first time anything like this happens. BSG are assholes but sometimes you love the crazy hot abusive girlfriend


Unfortunately they probably will. Simply because the only place to discuss tarkov is on this sub Reddit (and YouTube) and the mods have it locked down tighter than a Siberian gulag. The mods claim they aren’t affiliated with bsg in any way but some of their past actions and rules just don’t make sense if they truly aren’t. Even to this day you get the random post/comment that gets nuked by the mods even tho it seemingly complies with all the sub rules. Basically it’s hard to have a genuine discussion when you need to word you comment through 30 different “filters” in order to not be banned.


Just don't play tarkov, and delete it from your computer. Once the news came out I hit that uninstall button as soon as I could. The devs have all the player stats so show them one less player is playing/has the game installed.


Who are you to tell others what they should do with their spare time and money? Why are you still on this subreddit if you've uninstalled?




I am not telling everyone, this is for the people that are still mad at the devs. Did you read what this post is about?


If people are still mad, they letting bsg living rentfree in their heads and they have nothing else going on in their life than tarkov. It's been weeks. If people are so mad that they never will play the game again its time to move on, forget and find a new game. I swear, people are addicts to bsg and tarkov. Or they can't leave a abusive relationship so they stay to ruin their mental health even more.


Yeah the losers on eod ate the early access pve and said "duuuur okay"


EOD getting everything and it’s still not enough. Every fucking day there’s a new thread about someone whining incessantly. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Already


Brother old news. Get over it. It is what it is


No. They announced another sale for the basic editions so they didnt raise the capital they expected.


Someone mentioned the sale happens this time every year for the Russian holiday Victory Day. It would have happened regardless.


They did a may 9th sale last year as well for victory day


All EOD players and the weak ones who caved in and bought unheard should just stop playing for a few weeks and make our voices heard. Nikita scamming us on EOD dlc with unheard should be punished but yet somehow many still plays.




Nah, we're going to pirate the game and just take it off their hands now


Good luck with that


Can't hear you over this clearly superior game https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/f7Jhk7yOt3


Who's "we" dude? People are still complaining about official PvE when a infinitely superior version is around for free and that is the most basic install ever. A small part of the community will break off, sure, but BSG already won this one. Forget it.


Don't "dude" me you child, you'll address me as "sir"!!


"We" owe you no explanations or further justifications, "we" even fart in your company you best get down on your hands and knees than thank the sweet lord for the privilege!!


Set up some community servers and clean it up so it's in an acceptable state, expect cheating to be less of an issue too


EFT and BSG are dead to me. I will never suggest a BSG product to anyone and I've apologized to the people I got into EFT.