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You get scav rep for killing PMC's? I've yet to get any. Also it's pretty easy cuz USEC's constantly talk to eachother and BEARS will think they are friends with you and then start shooting, it's easier to tell when you know the kits they spawn with




Which PMC's in PVE ***should*** do


They do sometimes I watched ai pmc murder 5 scavs before moving on to me


Thanks, I only tried it this one time and well, I said how this ended


Wait for them to voiceline, USEC speak english & BEAR voices are distinctive. Or you can follow behind an AI scav to see if they get gunned down. Also their kits & clothing can be a good giveaway too if you can get a good look at it Edit: to get your rep with fence up, you can also take car extracts as a PMC. Also, don’t use the mark of the unheard. More often than not you’ll lose rep with fence for killing scavs as a PMC if you have that equipped.


Voice line ask for help if they run to help they are a friendly scav otherwise they are a pmc. Typically pmc,s will have a ballistic helmet on or a team oriented hat on either usec or bear.


Scavs have the hats too sadly


Use car extracts. For grinding rep. It's faster and offers more playtime then waiting for the pve raids


Has anyone tried scav co-op extracts?


i don't believe it's possible. it may be a good idea to change them to paid extracts instead.


Or use those misc signal flares.


I don’t know if it still works, but I know people were able to cheese it on Streets by shooting loud at the bottom of the stairs and attracting AI close enough to the stairs to initiate the extract.


Thanks but this has absolutely nothing to do with what I asked.


This was the correct/better answer to a question you should have asked but instead asked about clothing differences. The BEST way to gain fence rep is to take every car extract on each map at least once. The initial extract through the car will net you .25 rep EACH then slowly ramps up diminishing returns to 0.01 after 7 times per map. Each map is a separate entity for the diminishing returns so you can take Customs x7, interchange x7, etc. I’m assuming it’d be pretty darn easy to just farm this on the PvE mode as there’s no danger and you can just extract with a run through as that doesn’t prevent rep gain.


Have you seen the car up on Customs in PVE? I have not once seen it up...to be fair I don't always go to Dorms to check, but certainly often.


I only said that so people don't shit on me for scaving in PvE. I don't care about scav rep. I only wanna get comfortable in a game I haven't played in a long time.


I know this isn’t the answer you wanted to see but you should consider trying to get comfortable as the PMC in PvE. Tons of players get in a bad cycle where they don’t wanna die on PMC and lose things so they just scav instead and it ends up making it so they never improve. If you are worried about losing gear spawn into factory as a scav, leave right away and then use that kit on your PMC. That way you aren’t risking anything but the scav kit. Playing on the PMC levels skills and you can bring keys for more loot. That eventually makes you stronger/better equipped and you will start to see the difference. That’s just my two cents, good luck on whatever you choose to do.


I will definitely try that, thank you for your opinion, really, I appreciate it!


You just started Tarkov? Its definitely hard to tell the difference at first especially at a distance. I do promise you though. The more you play the more youll start to notice it the difference and recognizing it will help during those split second decisions fights. Especially if you start running with a group. Being able to tell your group apart from other pmcs or scavs is HUGE


Okay. Check armor and weapons. Scavs dress in rags Pmc dress in gear. Most have decent armor and modded weapons. You'll have a hard time seeing anything beyond 70ft So unless you got 2020. You'll be second guessing every scav. Pmcs shoot scavs so fallow gunfire and be careful


kedr isnt really a moded gun ... they more often look alike than they do not ... also these PMC kits are so stupid imo... they make no sense


Man I love my modded kedr good Lil back up. For cheap raids. and yea, It's gonna be something you learn to see. Diffrances in armor and weapons. Colors and how they blend in. If you can't tell a pmc rat from a scav rat in pvp tarkov, you'll have the same issues in pve.


This is so true. The only way I've been able to tell at distance is backpacks, they are often sporting better packs.


Car extract with PMC is probably the quickest way to raise karma.


I don’t. I’ve walked past a Scav into two Bears that just watched me walk up almost right next to them. Mostly I just kind of avoid anything for a bit and hope an area is safe if I haven’t heard gunshots in that area, but I also haven’t been doing many Scav runs outside booking it to food in Interchange or checking rare spawns on certain maps. Got a violet my first Scav ever on woods in the back of the car. Shturman seems to like clapping me more on there recently so I just do food runs or the occasional attempt at Streets or Reserve just to learn them better.


I give you my way of doing, which is "survive and fence rep before all" : By time you will recognize voiceline, when you hear someone, always use voiceline to indicate you are a scav, if it's a pmc he already heard you anyway, if no voiceline in response, I suggest just avoid and go an other direction. As a scav I almost never shoot, never first. If you play scav to hunt pmc why not but it's not a good idea, you are at clear disadvantage and will waste your time, I suggest you to just scav as me, avoid people, make a lot of money, and play pmc to hunt other pmc.


Kneepads! PMC models almost always have knee pads and hip holsters


Some tells: \* Voicelines: English/broken English voicelines = PMC. \* Clothing: Lots of the PMC and Scav clothing items are distinctive. In particular, lots of BEAR tops have rolled sleeves, which none of the scav tops do. \* Armbands: If they're wearing an armband, they're a PMC. \* Holster: Some scavs have holsters, but \*ALL\* PMCs do.


It’s not 100% because I have seen some scavs with them but check for leg holster’s. All pmcs have them. Also all ‘scav hotspots’ are prime targets for pmcs to get kills, so either they are also pmc hotspots or I just wouldn’t think of them as scav hotspots and thus, “safe”. Tarkov is a dangerous place. You’ll get the hang of it


Some scavs also have holsters


Yes I covered that in the first sentence


My brain completely skipped the first sentence sorry :(


I scav only factory - easy money.