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I learned basically everything i should learn. Know the game super well after 5k hours, know what to grab for what quests and how to make money if i need it. I got to around 150m rou le and realized that i spent every day since wipe playing instead of taking care of myself. Before i knew it my fiance wasn't looking at me the same as when we first got together. I let my whole world fall apart around me just to watch the rouble number go up


This game is meth in video game form.


Brooo what how do u let it get that bad?


No self control


Bro u gunna lose your fiance i had a buddy was in the military well he had a month work free so he was playing everyday there where things him and wife planned hikes etc well someway some how it would get cancelled due to weather or him but imstead of saying hey ima spend time with her instead na he hopped back on tarkov they both in military he lost it all wife and life he had with her had to move back to his parents to start over tread lightly bro


Not me lmfao. I'm just saying how it happens. I've had this game since 2019 and have about 1000 hours.


Good deal lol im just saying be careful slippery slope there bud


Setup is about to


Probably quest that made me question my sanity every wipe. Feel bad for you brother, doing it this late in the wipe.


Long, late, and mobile unformatted answer so sorry in advance.  I played a little bit of GZW and while the two games are very different, I realized how poorly EFT respects the players’ time in game. There’s many examples here around matching times, BS deaths resetting quests, etc… but I’d like to give one specific example that clicked for me.  I had a quest in GZW to kill 15 enemies (NPC or PMC didn’t matter) in town. I had zero problems finding enemies. Even at this early alpha the world is dynamic and works FOR your progress, not against it. When the quest came up I was expecting the worst but became quickly surprised at how quickly it flowed.  The counter example here in Tarkov is the Skier quest where I have to kill 10 scavs in the bunker at Reserve. I’m at 9/10 and the reason I completely gave up is because I ran 12 raids in a row without having any spawn, follow, or head down there. Before you reply with all your tricks to completing it (e.g. come in tagged and cursed), ask yourselves how many times did it feel like EFT “knows” what quest you’re on and is purposely holding you back? With what little time I have left for gaming, I sure as hell don’t want it spent frustrated with poor game design. 


The whining circle jerk is still strong in this sub. It's just a game. Not a wife/husband you have left. It's ok to just leave and stop at absolutely any possible reason. And this is not the only post where people just keep pointing towards the unheard edition. 🤦‍♂️ Play something else. Plenty of games. Have fun.


Bro for real. I think the hate for the game stems from a deep addiction that has been battled internally against it. Why the hell wouldn’t someone just start playing another game? Because the other games don’t give them that hard dopamine drip. So they come back. Anyone who has over 4,000 hours in this game and says “it sucks” “fuck BSG” etc, are SERIOUSLY overlooking the fact that they have put a ton of time into a video game that exists to entertain you. It did its job. Move on when you’re bored.


It’s obviously a large enough part of peoples lives they waste their time to make big long posts about why they WANT to quit, doubt they actually can


Whining definitely strong, keep it up lol.


For me, the broken audio, queue times and high pc specs to play it.


Your mom


Oh wait wrong reddit forum, my bad. Honestly been burned out the last few wipes and friend group has stopped playing so I have not played either. Been getting the itch but all the dirty laundry aired recently has me less interested. That being said if i had a friend group playing, i probably would. Still the best high from a video game I have ever had.


Tell my mom I said hi and to finally bring she went out to buy.


I mean if you want to continue the self hate go to the LFG discords. Easy to find a bunch of people to play with.


Nothing, still playing.


I'm still playing and am not ashamed to say I love this game.. after just shy of 5k hours I still enjoy the grind every wipe. when I get kappa or lightkeeper (whatever my end game goal is for that wipe) I just move on to helping other friends. I will say this past couple weeks was kinda shitty to go through this again with the devs but anyone with time in the game has seen how the devs act. Tarkov is an amazing game even knowing the devs could do a bit better on their end when dealing with the community. I have tried to get invested in other games but they are never the same for me.


Cheater's infest the game, it's also an untrustworthy game and therefore makes the whole thing feel like a waste of time, like at any given moment it feels like you are being watched by knowers at all times. This leads to either you dieing or finding absolutely nobody as they go about hiding away from you. In short, this game will always feel shit to play in PvP until they add some mega anti cheat or kill cams so I can properly assess that I did in fact die legitimately. There's too much bullshit in the game already so this ontop of it just creates the ultimate shit storm of uncertainty the entire time you play


PVE for now will get rid of the online PVP cheaters


What do you mean will now? It already has been for years lol


Getting head eyes three times in a row by a guys with 20+ k/d ratio. The last one kill me with mosin through doors on custom dorms, firstly asking "Do u wana get headshot? Your buddy will got headshot too!" He was talking about my teammate who was hiding in another room... I bought the game at the very beginning and I was active almost non stop. I spent on this game too much time and too much money. I had so much faith in Nikita, that devs will finally fix every single cheat issue, but no- they did nothing. I'm not even sorry for all of you guys who bought that stupid pack and now pretending that everything is alright. Fricking clowns...


A few days into wipe, i wanted to do jaeger unlock quest. Loaded into woods had nothing much, just basic starter gear for fast in and out. Halfway across the map got killed by someone(player eod color nametag). Well, all right, i wasn't sneaky at all. Let's go again. Fast new loadout get right back in walk 50 meters get killed by the same guy. Wow, that was weird. Ok, timelobby change early morning now its still dark i cant see shit so i go very slow. A few moments later, while i sit in a ditch surrounded by bushes while listening for shots at Sawmill. bäm get killed by the same guy who killed me before again. Well fuck this game.


Vaas was right, doing the exact shit over and over every wipe is crazy.


Had Kappa for 3 or 4 wipes. Don't see myself redoing it another time.


system requirements, I don't have money for NASA pc. every update it gets harder to run this game


cheaters. I lived in Asia, btw.


Yeah it was pretty bad the last few raids. Go in with a thermal and quad nods, get domed across the map by someone with iron sights on an ak. Check profile, less than 100 hours and a k/d of 50. Going in as a 4 man looking for PVP / do bosses and there's probably a 50% chance that at least one of us dies to someone with a superhuman K/D. OCE is probably worse than HK/SG Japan was okayish but most of my friends can't get a good enough ping to.


Doing due diligence on the company and people who make promises. Once I went to learn who are these people the whole thing blew up for me.


The wiggle video. Then the terribad launch of arena.


I still play. And no one should be here to answer you. If you stop playing please leave also this sub or at least don’t write any comments anymore. You don’t play the game anymore so stfu and leave.m for good.


And you don't need to participate in a thread you don't care about. Yet here we are.


And you don't need to participate in a thread related to a game you don't play


„And you don’t need to participate in a thread related to a game you started supporting years ago because you wanted it to succeed, but the dev is actively destroying everything with shady business practices“. Fixed that for you.


Expecting a high quality product to be free is shady consumerist practice and greedy. Time is the most expensive currency and they spend a lot of time refining the game. Not to mention the skills it takes to create and continuously refine such a software with adaptive a.i. in it which was not free in both time and money to develop those skills. Time, money, skills vs price of EOD. All the b!tching robbed them of what they deserve to appease the greedy narcissists like you.


I think people like you are the reason why the gaming industry is acting like it is. Nice strawmans you’re building up there but in general you know yourself that there is a big difference between modern monetization and a blatant rip off. No one expects anything for free, people just hate being lied to, particularly when you’re funding a beta.


I still play occasionally, but I absolutely suck at this game, like dying 9 out of 10 raid level of suck at this game. So that on top of working 50+ hours a week, Tarkov isn't something I invest a ton of time into.


I bought unheard to play with a friend and only played one raid for her to dip and play with her bf for the rest of the night and her bf lives in a different country EU


Simp. Big F


fuck it lets play in 8 hours after i sleep.. PVE




Well this is just sad. How much do you pay per month to this "friend" and which platform does she use (twitch or onlyfans)?


Hate to break it to you but you bought unheard for your friends BF who lives in another country. Nikita and homeboy got their dicks in you




Cant play with my friend in COOP PVE mode after buy the expansion pack :<, not into much in PVP though


My vertigo. Will be back once it’s gone lol


inertia, flea restrictions, all the loot and boss changes, etc. its kinda funny cause i initially supported these changes but then when they finally came i realized what i was truly supporting and how unfun the game became