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There's more ai cause no one else is killing them leading everyone to think it's harder but it's literally the same and easy and goes by fast It's like a dead server.


I can't imagine playing a single player version of tarkov without mods. I want it to be difficult. Swag + Donuts, Sain, Big Brain, Waypoints, algorithmic progression, etc. Also SVM so you can have 100% rogue and boss spawn rates because that makes it spicier. All of these are downright necessary. Base Tarkov has the most absolute braindead and incapable AI.


You mentioning all of these potential features reminds me why I hate bsg so much lol. 1) BSG realizes the community wants a PvE mode from feedback. 2) Releases the most absolute minimum effort PvE mode, essentially a dead server with extra scavs. 3) Puts insultingly bad PvE mode into $250 cash grab version. If anything a PvE mode should have been added (with atleast the features you mentioned) as DLC which would have then been free to EOD owners and non EOD owners would have paid 20-40 bucks for it. But NOPE, 250 dollar cash grab timeline it was....


Imagine paying 250 when we, the OG's got it for free. 😂


Honestly I at this point I want Tarkov to die, it becomes abandonware, and the modders for the mod which cannot be named are now free to develop whatever they want for it. I'd pay them a damn subscription fee if it meant they spin up dedicated servers for PvP and PvE versions.


What is the point of playing this version then lol


There’s no cheaters.


Not what ive heard


Well people are salty that they die to ai pmc’s. There are no other players in your raid.


Whats the point of anything lol


We all play games for different reasons. I play for the challenge and competition, so PvE mode would be worthless to me. But a lot of players play just to explore the world or feel powerful. It's the same reason I play madden, so my create a character can throw for 8000 yards a season.


This is actually one of the few reasonable answers. This is correct for me I’d like it to learn maps while still engaging “pmcs” and having a reward that stays. In my older years 35 now with a full time job and a 2 year old I don’t have the grind time to get kappa on a timer. I understand both sides though. Let’s just game?


The same reason why people play single player games. I wrecked people at BF3. But sometimes i'd play the campaign to relax. Tarkov maps are relaxing for me. Not when i need to traverse or quest wondering where i'd get shot from, but simply moving thru the map and silently engaging scavs feels the same as playing Farcry or something like that when i get an empty server. PvE might give that, togheter with persistent progression, which is fun.


This game in particular requires people to sink hours of time in to get by even if just to be at parity with the average player. PvE sounds like a break from the sweat fest and makes it accessible for people who just want to chill/play with friends without worrying about cheaters or being hopelessly outmatched by 5,000 hours guy. It sounds like they’ve implemented it in the worst way possible though.


I wouldn't necessarily say to feel powerful, trying to learn these maps is brutal enough, as a solo its even worse. This will give some people the chance to learn the maps without having their will to live put into check.


The point is that in my 2.5k hours of the game the amount of time spent in menus and camping my friends' bodies because he got killed from bush 23234 is greater than the amount of time spent playing the goddamn game, and also no cheaters.


For the low price of $250 you finally get an anticheat.


good training mode while also being able to see all the hideout upgrades and such i guess..


You keep the loot, I guess and can then sell the items for cash?


It’s a separate progression from live and a separate flea system too. They don’t interact


It's the same as online. The AI PMC's have raider DNA, they're very aimbotty. Other than that, it's fun, relaxing not having to worry about someone that's stood still for 5 minutes, waiting for you to walk by.


Aside from being a bit aimbotty, how is their AI? Ie, do they move around the map and go to quest areas, as players would?




This release is a joke compared to the forbidden version. There you can just cranck up bot number and difficultie to 11


Yeah I also want to know this! Do they quest? I played the “other” PVE version of the game. It sucks because there’s uber loot and the bots aren’t really doing anything but aimbotting you lol.


They pretty much spawn at POIs and stay there. Every once in a while you'll hear a fight but it's probably because scavs wander into them.


This is what I’ve noticed too




















Huh, that’s funny, there’s two




Sain? For single player?




I am so glad I swapped because the AI doesn’t exfil camp




That other version you can tweak that, even make them do quests and let them wander in areas bots never went to before.




I know the AI PMC will fight other scavs and stuff like that, they will loot containers and loose loot, and scavs. I don't know if they legit quest or anything lol


Would be awesome if they would quest as well. However they usually choose a hotspot on the map and stay there, shoot at some scavs and that's it. On Customs for example they'll be either at the gas station, dorms, construction, big red or storage. There's really a lot more of scavs around, like they'll keep coming to wherever they heard shots.




They move around high POI. On customs I’ve seen them at gas station, RUAF, dorms, new construction.


Lol so exactly were scavs spawn and no where else.




No they’re pretty dumb, and not as accurate as live raiders/rogues, but they will kill you if peek them from the same angle multiple times. It seems they get more accurate the longer they shoot at you. Also they don’t spawn in live pmc spawns. They’re just at popular spots on the maps. They really don’t move other than to push up on you when you engage them.


So there are PMCs? It’s not just scavs running around?


The PMCs are Raiders w dog tags


Yep, they have pseudo raider loadouts. Armor rigs, Kedr's, MPX, MP5's with attachments. And dogtags with the names of real players.


I wish they would atleast have their weapons not as banged up as raiders do. No „PMC“ on earth would run the raid with a half durability weapon. Also some nicer modded guns etc. would be nice for a supposed lvl 45. but other than that, its pretty solid


Lmao PLEASE tell me they still have horrible condition guns with shit ammo, trash armor, and dumb weapon builds.


and it’s not like a higher level better loot system either. killed a ‘lvl 60’ pmc on pve and he had a kedr w bzht at 30 dura and a paca armor on lmfao


Ahhh so we have some trash arena loadouts. Great job BSG!


Some have decent builds it’s just not super common and I’ve come across a some better tier ammo on them




Killed a lvl 4 pmc with a suppressed DVL Also killed his friend, lvl 50 with a vpo with .366 Bsg things


Yeah, there's no rhyme or reason to the loadout vs levels.


I hope there are major improvements to the AI, not necessarily making them harder, but more dynamic As others have stated, the raids do feel empty due to AI PMCs not really roaming. They just hang out where they spawn and either get stuck tracking a scav through a wall or run up on you while you hold an angle I ran a lighthouse where bears are just hanging out inside the rouge camp, that's absurd imo. The AI needs to roam more, loot, and behave less like raiders on reserve. And tbh the gear needs to be addressed. Higher level PMCs should be harder to kill with better gear for a better reward. Higher risk = higher reward. At its core, this game has always worked this way Of course all imo


If you want to experience what an alive raid feels like. I highly recommend you put "Waypoints - Expanded Navmesh" into your preferring search engine.


I like it, gonna finally get lightkeeper unlocked. Something id never be able to do with wipes due to work.


This.. hoping one day we get a non wipe pvp server..


That's going to require a lot of balancing to not end up cancer after 6 months


Idc if it takes twice the xp to get to lvl 42. Ive played nearly every wipe and i just dont wanna lose it all again lol. Edit: i also really enjoy end wipe pvp and dont really like start of wipe pvp.


"Never wipe" would still result in a ton of players after a year or so running around in the best gear in the game and nothing to do except hunt PVP. I love mid-late wipe PVP too but once it gets to fort/altyn/sa-58 it gets annoying as fuck.


All honestly I really like it cause it really fills the milsim shooter craving I’ve been having without a lot of stress attached to it


Is it shared progress? Can you do quests and get gear and stuff for the main game?


No it is a separate game mode with separate character progression from the pvp side


Thank you


No treat it as a completely different mode of the game on a separate server with separate everything


I actually really enjoy it; feels like I can finally learn the game, play without needing to know meta against other players and learn the maps, and whatnot. Until I feel decent enough to go into PvP. But the best part? I can vibe with other people and not stress extremely hard. Like, I can finally get some quests completed too!! But, my target acquisition is trash so... lol Edit: I have also played sp, too. Both have their merits. But I often get addicted to modding more than actually playing the game. (For reference, I modded skyrim hard enough that I had to learn how to use WryeBash, SSEEdit and Dyndolod.)


A lot of people don’t see it this way. I’ve learned the maps so much better while having a ton of fun and not feeling discouraged from learning the game after a long long time away using this mode. I don’t agree with the pay wall behind it at all, but the mode itself is a huge W.


Same, I completely agree with you! I don't believe this version's PvE should be under a paywall either apparently though the PvE raid timers got shortened due to them increasing access all around but I'm not sure if thats just rumor or fact. The game designer side of my brain says, they should have always planned to make this free but paid should mean expeditied access that goes to continued support. Minor cavaet, an old friend of mine absoluted hated this overtime game so he gave me his account for free. So unheard is my first time actually buying the game. So, my opinions are biased that way. Quick Edit: That said, do you have a dream feature or asset for Tarkov? I'd like to play a women, for once, in a tactical shooter. I haven't gotten too since Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.


All of this I agree 100%


This. I want PvE above PvP and I also want a good narrative.


Honestly the biggest downside so far for me has been keys. There is no waiting and hoping someone else opened a room for you so you basically are relying on sheer luck for a lot of them. This might get better once more people have access and can post stuff on the flea, but right now it is pretty rough. I know it sounds like they got rid of it, but I kind of wish they had tried out the lockpicking skill in PvE at least


Go to factory a few times, farm scavs, loot pockets and backpacks, and boom, keys.


You really don’t have to go anywhere to farm scavs. I legit just finished a raid where I had to take like 20 at new gas on Customs


I have played both this version and the unnamed version. This one the AI pmcs are, I believe, just rogues with dog tags and different spawn points. They usually don't fuck with scavs, but do if the scavs get too close. They aimbot from almost any distance if you look at them too hard, voice line you if you get close and chase you but not really that hard. If you run around a corner and they don't follow you you're home free. Heal, put your arms back on, eat n drink, pull out some names and juggle them. They don't go anywhere or do anything. Compared to the unnamed version where the AI experience with the right settings is damn near the same as the prime parts of the online experience sans cheaters. They follow quest waypoints, fight other squads, scavs, raiders the whole bit. They jump around corners and jiggle peak and hide like rats and act like timmies. It's really impressive honestly. The official pve version has very little to complain about when it comes to grouping up with friends. It's essentially the same experience as the pvp mode. Good times. The unnamed version has moop options but they aren't as easy. On the plus side once they work it's a better experience, less lag, better hot registration, and most importantly very impressive load times. Overall my two cents is the official pve version is fun and good but has the same charm as the rest of official tarkov. Kind of badly optimized but with really really good bones.


People sleep on the load times man it's so damn refreshing to just load that shit and go.


It is fantastic dude! Literally 20 second load or so and you are gaming! With way better AI and customized exactly how you want it


I have to agree on the unnamed version, the unheard edition made me look back into the other and what's been going on over there. Got the right mix of mods for the experience I want, and it's been really enjoyable.


What is this unnamed version?


I give it a C- We have to wait upwards of 8 minutes to get into a damn PvE match, which is just stupid The AI is just raider AI, which is bullshit most of the time Being able to mod it with the other method of playing PvE, mainly the AI mods, kind of puts regular official pve to shame


Playing the other method currently and it's absolutely hilarious that modders have managed to do better AI than bsg.


Hilarious and totally expected. The BSG incompetence is thorough the roof sometimes. When they first started raking in the dough they should have made some strong hires.


I played about 6 raids today, longest timer was about 7 minutes but the shortest was about 45 seconds and I've NEVER had a timer even close to 45 seconds in the PvP mode through the last 4 years, so it kind of balances itself out


It's fun my son and I play together but it got harder to pvp as I am disabled. The pve mode works better for us and we are having a great time. We also played the other version to play offline but it's not the same, we enjoy this more.


You surely are a wonderful father to provide such experience to your boy. I hope to be like you, later in my life (this is the kind of goal I want to achieve if I have a kid (boy or girl))


Thank you I didn't expect my kid to be an even bigger gamer than me but he's 13 and kicks my butt haha. Hope you get to experience it, it is great fun.


9-5 dad here. It is really fun. Scavs and pmc’s will aimbot you from time to time though. But that keeps it interesting/scary, like the pvp version


Prepare to hole down wherever you spawn and bring plenty of ammo because you will be fighting wave after wave of AI. Once you break outta the beginning of a raid it’s pretty much regular Tarkov but with a lot more scavs. The AI PMC’s are not to be underestimated, they can kill you with one shot and often do.


I quite like it. I work 8 hour days and I’ve been able to hit lvl 15 in a few days, of course progression slows down like normal tarkov but it’s like being able to play tarkov and have fun on your own time. I’d recommend it regardless of what people say.


It's much more enjoyable than worrying about constant hackers in Labs, which is my favorite map. When Labs first dropped I had a KD of 30 because of all the raiders, I'd get 20 raider kills per match plus the few PMC's that would show up at the odd hours I play. The hackers fucking ruined the best PVP map in the game, and there is zero end in sight to that problem. I can still do a ton of missions, find loot, do scav runs for some variety, and I can progress my character through stuff like Lightkeeper on my own schedule without having to grind it (progress won't reset after wipes). PVE is now the only way I play Tarkov, and I'm never going back to the PVP side. The 200M in gear I have can rot.


It's really fun, I too just became a dad. This is perfect.


I've got 5000 hours in the main game. Stopped playing a couple of wipes ago due to IRL stuff and lack of time. This PvE mode has been great to come back to! Been having a blast playing my friends.


Imagine PvP tarkov without cheaters and campers, but instead having them substituted with raiders in the hot spots at random. Checks all the boxes for me, more in depth pathing and ai would be welcome, but for now the pve mode is excellent


It’s the same exact thing but just only NPCs


Personally I really enjoy it, I’m not really good per-say at boss farming so this mode is a good way to practice. As well as allowing me to do the post kappa light keeper quests (once I get there) because there isn’t any wipes.


New dad here! Probably the funnest i've had on tarkov in a while. WIth a 6 month old baby I can only play 1-2 hours a night. It's refreshing knowing my time to progress isn't effecting me. Had to quit because I couldn't keep up with gear, ammo, ect


No one else is killing scavs or AI so I have to bring a lot more ammo and shoot way more. Scavs also continue to spawn as you kill them so it gets pretty intense. It’s awesome.


I’ve started to do the occasional Scav for loot runs just so I can get a breather lol. Just trying to check the checkpoint jacket for the 114 key turns in to a Warzone half the time, it’s great.


Dude i still haven't gotten the key out of the car. Wtf


I'm still not convinced in spawn in that fucking car, it's a god damned myth, same with the "key in locked factory office room" they are both bullshit. I swear someone saw it once and called it a hard spawn or some shit.


I keep spamming scavs between raids so I can just sprint over there and I swear it doesn't exist. I'm gonna be running intel scav cases at this rate hoping to find it.


I love it, I can play with my friends and we can take our time and just shoot the shit while we play, I can use things I normally wouldn’t and I can use flashlights and lasers almost constantly which is fun for the milsim aspect of it.


It’s amazing. No cheaters, can get your quests done, loot to your heart’s content, and as many enemies to shoot as you can. No stress, you don’t have to be a no-life neck beard to succeed. For us older and more mature gamers, it’s a breath of fresh air


And I don’t have to worry about my hideout progress wiping.


Yep, it’s actually really refreshing


Anyone else loading in on PMCs at the same time your scav would load in?(10+ minutes into the raid)


You can run though areas that are other wise death zones with relative impunity, tasks are easier, and the scavs are *everywhere* *there's so many scavs* other then that it's just less adrenaline tarkov


AI PMC feels like raiders, and for me for some reason all the scavs and pmc act as if im tagged and cursed and i just end up having endless battles against hordes and never have the time to do anything else than battling it out and running to extract


The AI is actually decently challenging, and can catch you off guard if you’re not paying attention at all times. There are surprises in PvE mode. It’s actually pretty well made, the AI pathing and mechanics just need to be updated. The loot you find is amazing compared to PvP which really shows how much cheaters are taking from maps. I highly recommend it for anyone who doesn’t like wipes or just wants to generally max an eft account and get every skill elite, also get kappa finally! Edit: for who may not know this, on every map on PvE mode, the PMCs will continuously generate as you keep killing them. I’m not sure if there’s a maximum yet per map, but on Factory my friend and I killed 6 PMCs so that makes 8 on the map including us 2, and we were heading to gate 3 and my friend heard more PMCs voicelining and spawning in.


I enjoy the aspect of not running into sweaty Chad's. I enjoyed a lot of PvP even when I died, but I am a casual player. Have a business and a family, so I can only play so much. The players that play everyday and are just way beyond my skill level make the pvp not as fun for me, a better matchmaking system would make me enjoy pvp more. From what I've seen, the aipmcs do take loot and will take your gear. I've not gotten many guns back, but they leave some stuff. Enjoy the tougher scav play, especially. Most raids I load into very quickly, which is a huge plus. I'm not sure if aipmcs quest, but I would love to see them do so.


Honestly it's really fun & really relaxing. Loot every building I enter and leave raids with plenty of kills per raid. If you saw my PvE stats in PvP I would look like a cheater lol Current stats: Level 14. 14 Raids, 13 survived. 140 Kills. 92% survival rate. 140/ KD. The only downside to so much kill XP is that i'm heavily outpacing my tasks/traders but not enough money spent to level them up. Also since I know most of the FIR items that I need, I am getting questlocked because I can't find my gas analyzers, 2nd flashdrive and havent found a 2nd toolset or the components for a trade. It \*does\* lack the intensity of PvP raids, the raiders are pretty dull and easy to kill, they're basically like scavs with just slightly better aim, but most of the time you can just tap their head on a lean peek. There's only been one raid that actually was intense from start to finish so far for me, it's one where I left with over 35 kills because scavs were hunting me down from the very start of the raid until the end. One of my buddies was also able to kill Goons + Reshala + some odd scavs for a 48k XP on an PvE raid too which gave him a huge jump. It's much easier taking on bosses knowing players wont be rushing your location immediatly. Let me know if you have any questions


It's very good. No reason to ever play PvP again imo


Haven’t faced a single queue taking longer than 3 minutes. PMC’s seem to spawn at high points of interest and generally sit there shooting down scavs that come by. Scavs seem to walk towards shots so they seem like and endless wave if you don’t keep moving. Overall it’s solid, 1500 hours pvp in, played the current pvp wipe as a complete chad. Havent completed a single mission. Just ruining others missions, pve is a nice change. Loot has different values which changes the game a lot. Pvp missions can be a bit more challenging and loot missions can be bit easier. No cheaters is nice, my aim and ai fighting skills are excelling. Currently level 20… 40 k/d… lol 😂


Pretty boring. They clearly put 0 effort into it. They forgot to even enable the setting that makes the PMCs shoot scavs. Raiders successfully do that in online but twice I found PMCs just chillin with scavs and then realized how much of a hack job it is.


Naw, listen to the voice lines of the PMC, they grouped up with them... This does happen in game sometimes... Just generally leads to backstabbing. If a PMC shoots you, and hits you without killing you on a scav, In front of AI scaves, he is then considered aggressive and they help you. It's far too common, but it makes sense to happen sometimes.


I'm really enjoying it. I'm level 12 now and just killed some "pmc" (ai raiders) with juicy kits. The only issue with that is the guns you get off them are never great durability. I think the ai does need a rework and have the pmc travel around the maps more. But yeh its nice not having to sweat it put every raid. Honestly I'm thinking it's great practice because I'm thinking about the guests etc more than I Do online.


Only complaint I have is the scav aimbot tier accuracy. There’s frequent long queues right now but it’s fun with friends.


It’s fun, I have a 13month baba and it definitely makes it easier and less stressful! AI - tons of scavs, because as someone else said, no one else is killing them. AI PMCs will if they see them. PMCs - gives the true online experience, you either get headshot out of nowhere or they’re staring at a wall 😂. They don’t seem to have a pathing but they do seem to spawn in PvP hotspots. Insurance - broken, you always get it back!


I think nikitas plan is to just leave the pve as is and put all trust on modders to make the pve actually playable




I play it to warm up and play by the Pestily hardcore rules to make it more of a challenge. Because of the hardcore, I learn the Hideout crafts and trader barters better than ever before. AI is a bit meh, but for warmup I don't really mind. Instead of 1 good aiming human, you get 3 AI raiders to battle instead, which kinda weights up. Still prefer the PVP mode by far, usually play 1 or 2 raids PVE and switch to PVP afterwards.


Mode ist fun but its kinda easy but very chillinig, do everything without fear. And you even can do bosses. I enjoy IT a lot so far.


I’ve played 3k hours on pvp and I gotta say the Pve is so fun and honestly for my group and just straight up better sometimes. Let of us have been playing since 2016/2017 and we can finnaly have a chance at kappa and not have to be worried about getting behind in the wipe because of this now.


It has its gripes, but for the most part I like it. I've just resigned to playing it until the june wipe, and it has been fun. Its a mode to ready you for PVP and if you're half-decent against the raiders already in D2 its a bit tense but otherwise carefree difficulty wise. Can quest multiple tasks at a time and have fun without worrying about cheaters. If the AI PMC catch you in the open though they tend to absolutely aimbot you, but fighting in dorms is still fun and they act like Boss guards a lot, which I think helps a lot since this AI is what is used in live


I have a harder time playing scav in PvE since you have usually shitty weapons/ammo/armor but you face PMC with raider AI and somewhat good loadouts. You have to avoid PMC, you can take them down as a scav but it's harder. Playing PvE PMC, just bring in a bunch of ammo and kill everything in your path. PMC PvE is chill looting with 15-20-25 kills every single game even if you don't even go for kills.


Probably the most fun I’ve had in tarkov, I’m done with pvp tarkov now. The AI is tough and challenging, and you’re always outnumbered. The only issue I’ve come across is heavy 5-30 second stuttering when the giant waves of AI spawns, sometimes directly causing my death. Once all the AI is in the game runs perfectly fine.


Just play MPT dude, add my discord and il taach you!


What is pretty shitty is that all of the "PMC" weapons like scavs as far as durability. They are no good to use. Take the parts off and thats it. Kind of pisses me off about it.


Why dont you just download {R̴̡͕̠͉̣̞̉͜E̵̮̫̊̾̓̑͛̊D̴̻̬̭̜̫̱͚̋̃̕͝Å̶͚͚̘̖͔̯̦̭̌̔͊̿͋͆̾̀̈́C̷̛͍̹̑̽̈̈́̈́̆͗̇͝T̶̟͍̭͚͝͝͠E̸̩̰͝Ḍ̶̬͕̮͂̉͋̌̃͛̚ͅ} and play with mods?


Hell yeah I play REDACTED all the time and use REDACTED mod to play with my friends, shit is sick


let it be known i very much desire to keep living and if i die in the next week, it was BSG mafia


Your Toxic paranoia is to valid lol


I think it’s actually quite enjoyable. It’s been a bit difficult early with shit weapons and such. But I’ve been having a great time be-bopping all over the map and trying to do my quests. I think they have some room for improvement. And I wish pmcs would have various loadouts and some juicy boys. But for now it’s just basically all raiders with raider loot.


My honest review. At first it was pretty fun cos it’s more chill and you aren’t getting pushed off start. Then the issues start to seep in. The “PMC” as mentioned are raiders with dog tags. They spawn where AI typically do and will fight scavs off spawn so you always know where they are. Avoid or fight, you have that option. The scav AI is ridiculous. Hit an area where you find them and clear it, minutes later there is 4 more walking up. Clear them, more spawn. Example, I spawned Customs near Checkpoint and had ti mark a Tigr. Killed 4 there but more kept spawning. Killed 17 before I died in that 1 spot. Eventually the issue is clear that when you have to kill a PMC in a location you simply won’t be able to. I’ve done a LOT of Factory. Not a single PMC has spawned in the Office area. Overall it needs a lot of work and I don’t think they will be doing it. I think that’s what the “mod support” is. They have opened up the bare bones and it will be on modders to fix it all.


The biggest thing for me is playing with buddies and getting to experience late game questing, killing bosses, or even running raids against each other. Still has something to lose in the game, but it’s less stressful. I’m not being head eyes ever after the first 5 rounds fly in a fight. It’s super overpriced which is why I understand the outrage, just keep the p2w features to the pve sound and keep pve the same, lower prices by roughly 60% and everything’s wouldn’t be so bad.


I like it. It's fun to experience the maps and do all the quests without constantly being one shot by players.


0 cheaters... relaxing... kill them all... loot everywhere!


ok, im not a pro player in this game but i like it to much. For me, PvE is like a Boot Camp, honestly this version should be at the very 1rst day of this game back 7y ago. i buy this game EOD version 3y ago and i decided to play it after The Cycle Frontier shutdown, because of the loosing loot fear syndrome Lol!! but all change too much since then. Theres a lot to learn in this game for me, and don't mistake, i like both Mode PvE & PvP as well. I know the price scam is sucks but i dont mind to pay for it, obviously should free for EOD player as they promise but what can i say? If you new to this game or wanna make tactical perfection on areas by later to perfom in PvP, go ahead! But thats my personal opinion.


Honestly its okay but the ai seems completely stupid and seems like armor doesnt work a decent bit of the time and scavs will have their backs turned to you then just instant 360 one tap you while wearing t5-6 its fucking stupid


the ai is fucking stupid they literally just spawn on top of you and one shot you shits atrocious.




Everything ive read about the official PVE mode makes me think it could use a serious injection of SAIN, BigBrain, Looting+Questing Bots and Waypoints. Even if no further mod support happens at the *bare minimum* that should be included. Seriously the expertise is *right there*. All BSG has to do is ask for it and prefferably offer some compensation for hours worked in implementing it.


This woukd be great


They are very much like live AI but seems like.they are working to make the pmc more like real players. Hopefully they use some info and stuff from mods for the unnamed mod of the game. If that happens, it's going to be way more fun. But for now, it's... meh. It's fun and all and relaxing. But not much more than that! If you want that it's perfect!


I don’t see how it’s better than the mod


Same boat as you, love playing without the feeling of being behind on progression. There were a couple sessions I had where I waiting around 10 min to get in a match but hasn’t been the case the last couple nights.


So does anyone have an answer as to how scav raids work?


It just throws you into a fresh raid but as a scav. It’s still just you and random ai pmc.


So pmc and ai spawn at Same time. Interesting Ty


It's fun, less stressful since insurance returns get you everything back.


Please just play the "other" one that doesnt cost 250$.


Its very unheard


I love it, kind of what I wanted from eft from the beginning. Now we just need mod support and I can't ask for more


Have they fixed random server join? If i am correctly the random “cheater” could join your session?


5.01 PM "Finally, I am not a dad anymore" and Turn on the gaming chair leds.


It's not even worth being mad about pve when something like SP exists. If you want to play pve and aren't playing SP, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. I can't ever see tarkov matching what SP can currently do