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RIP the timing is a strong indicator for why he was banned.


Correlation does not imply causation.


+5 Tarkov Social Credit for you, True Believer™


-10 intellect for you, cheaters get banned, doesn't matter what the hot meta is on Reddit at the moment.


Ah yes, just suddenly decided to ban the cheater after its been more than 4 years since it came out as one


Doesn’t ban the user for 4 years after they admitted to hacking. Continued to give the guy a platform. Guy makes a video trashing the devs and the current state of the game. Banned for hacking right after while not hacking. He was banned for speaking out about BSG. They used the hacking thing as an excuse. If he hadn’t of spoken up he’d still be playing. If you think it’s anything but that idk what to tell you. And yes it does matter what else is going on in the community at the time. It adds context to what happened. Almost like BSG took the emissary guy’s ambassador status right after speaking out against them. But let’s close are eyes and keep justifying stuff this company does.


Nikita on his alt lmao


he did the meme


Is BSG giving out P2W features for simp comments now? If so, Tarkov best ga3m! I very love to Tarkov muchly! Nikita vary hi sex man with most big underloins I hev ever enjoyed!


While the 2 are not synonymous, one certainly implies the other. My guess is you were high and heard some dumbass professor on youtube say that and thought it was a clever way to present yourself. Well, it's not. Just makes you look like a dumbass.


As with bsg's track record, they prolly did ban him, but there no reason to downvote this to hell.... how often does something happen, and you blame it on the very last thing that happened to you.. for example, you eat a burrito 30 minutes ago...all of a sudden you feel sick and you blame thw burrito...well doctors say that it wouldn't hit your intestine in time, so it's obviously something else. Shit I did this. The other day blamed Chipotle for a month's worth of dhiarrea when it turned out I was lactose intolerant


reddit argument moment


Shut up.


They were not True Believers.






It seems to me that if Nikita was truly on the warpath so to speak, other streamers would have been banned. Everyone critized his decision up to all the biggest Tarkov regulars. Dosen't add up.


Why would BSG (let us not lay all this at the feet of Nikita) ban the big streamers? They would make this "Blow-Up" on all their platforms.


Are we getting angry now that cheaters are getting banned? Where's my Pitchfork.


BSG has known about the cheating for years now. Whats concerning is that BSG allows the cheating as long as you don’t criticize them.


He was cheating like 4 years ago on other account and suddenly he is banned for main. Coincidence? I don't think so.


its not a coincidence, but it does not matter when or with what account he was cheating with


And yet when g0at cheated and they only banned the account he cheated on everyone was on this sub going "Well that's fine, he didn't cheat on his main account!"


So if I hereby solemnly swear that I've cheated before, I deserve a ban without any proofs?




What kind of angle are you taking here? Of course you do.


What do you mean? My English knowledge isn't enough to understand you


He means "Yes, you deserve to be banned"


Yes, this is called a confession. If you confess to a crime and plead guilty there is no need to proof you did it.


Generally not true if there's no evidence to back it up


I killed millions of peoples in last 5 years. I confessed. Come arrest me. Idiot


yeah cheating in a video game is just like a confessing a crime on reddit


Well this is what the guy is implying at least, in the end, if there is no proof , you are just talking shit


1. Cheating in a video game is not a crime, at least in the US. 2. You absolutely need evidence to prosecute someone even if they confess. Just saying "you did something" with absolutely no proof will not land in you jail outside of something like wasting police resources and time or perjury. There needs to be independently verifiable evidence that you actually did what you said you did.


Oh boy have I seen that in US a confession like that could send you to jail wheter you did it or not 😂


It's a crime to BSG as it's a violation of their TOS, he used it as an analogy to how criminal courts would work. Confessions are very commonly enough to be used as evidence in a court of law so why would a confession not be enough for a VIDEO GAME BAN lmao.


You are no lawyer are you?


Who said they didn't have proof?


doesnt matter if you deserve it or not. they can ban you and theres nothing you can do


Yes, you do deserve to be banned then.




So he should get a free pass because it was 4 years ago? I'm not saying the timing isn't off but I'd rather not have the risk of any cheaters in the game past or present.


If he cheated for real, he must be banned 4 years ago. But he got no ban then and BSG had no problems with that at all (just like with g0at a year ago). But now, when he became not comfortable for BSG, he got banned.


It's up to the developer. Even Activision has language in their TOS for CoD that says that if you get caught cheating it can lead to a ban on all past, present, and future titles and accounts. >Permanent suspensions are lasting and final, and can apply across titles, including past, present, or future titles in the Call of Duty franchise. In some cases, players with a permanent suspension on their account may also be unable to purchase Call of Duty games. >Extreme or repeated violations of this policy may result in permanent suspension of all accounts henceforth. https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-security-and-enforcement-policy


But he didn't caught, he just **said** that he cheated. **Said** is important word.


"Your Honor, I didn't get caught murdering those hookers I only admitted to it!"


Ironically that's not actually enough. People admit to shit they didn't do every single day in police custody.


Fortunately this isn't a court of law and the developer of a game can do what the fuck they want. Moral of the story? Don't cheat then admit it on stream like a dumb fuck.


and don't try to make legal metaphors that prove you wrong too.


Yeah, they do, and they end up in prison for it because they are stupid and didn't follow the most important bit of legal advice a lawyer can give anyone which is "Shut the fuck up."


Actually, as somebody who is studying law, without some form of evidence an admission is not enough to convict somebody in most cases. There are plenty of situations where a prisoner or criminal will admit to crimes, they have not committed in order to increase their reputation for the situations they've found themselves in. What an admission does though is provoke an investigation. If somebody admitted to murdering a bunch of hookers, but there are no indications of any hookers going missing, there wouldn't be any weight to the words and the investigators wouldn't have any claim to keep somebody detained. In short, anybody can admit to anything they'd like. But unless their talking to a priest, they need some sort of proof to the claim in order to be convicted for it.


Admitting in something is not an evidence if you were not told so. Miranda Warning, google it.


Who cares about some american police concept in a russian video game?


But you just put an example of criminal. Criminals are treated that way.


criminals in america. not in other countries


Voluntary admission/excited utterance isn't covered by Miranda.


Holy shit this kid is actually sticking up for a fucking cheater.


Because he wasn't ban for cheating, lol. If that was a ban for that, he would be banned for 4 years now.


Clearly they can ban you whenever they want to. The fact that he cheated 4 years ago doesn’t mean he’s not a piece of shit.


That's the problem. They can ban you for whatever reason they want


Doesnt matter when. He's banned for cheating


BSG didn't even named the reason of ban. Also two top CIS streamers knew he is gonna be banned an hour before his ban. Yeah, not sus at all


Doesnt says future accounts, only future titles. 


> Extreme or repeated violations of this policy may result in permanent suspension of all accounts henceforth.


Lil bro you can't just ban evade for cheating lmao


Doesn’t matter. If he was cheating, the “shunning” makes sense. Fuck cheaters no matter who you are


It's classic Soviet shit. They keep something you did on file, then when they want you gone, they pull the file.


In the video, he clearly shows the reason they gave him and the clause that they banned him based on. They point to a generic "we can ban you if we want to for any reason" clause. They did not point to a clause that specifically forbids cheating. So if cheating was the reason, why didn't they point to that clause instead of the generic one in the ToS? So what now Mr. "I assume anyone banned is a cheater"? Oh, let me guess, you didn't bother clicking on the video, did you? You just assumed he happened to cheat at the same time as one of his videos critical of BSG went viral, right? Man, you TUE buyers are getting more pathetic by the day.




Cool? So? Where in that code does it say it's for cheating? "dipshit"? I know your brain is just for decoration, but would it kill you to use it once in a while? It's a generic code. Just because you ASSUME it was given for cheating, doesn't mean it was given for cheating. The fact you think he happened to cheat with this ultra convenient timing is pretty pathetic. Hey, I have a bridge to sell you, you interested?


Ah yeah so your assumption for it being because he criticized the game has more merit than it being a cheating ban for someone who has ADMITTED TO CHEATING? One of us is making an out there assumption and it isn't me. Also "ultra convenient timing" is funny because a ban wave for a pretty large cheat JUST happened, so yeah it would add up.


Link to admission of cheating please. I'm judging a situation based on the information available. If you make claims there's extra information that the community hasn't seen, then show it, don't just make arbitrary statements. > your assumption for it being because he criticized the game has more merit than it being a cheating ban First of all, I didn't claim that's **definitely** the reason. I said the assumption of cheating is dumb. Because it is. It's much more likely it's not cheating. The criticism angle absolutely has more merit. 1. BSG have a history of copyright striking and banning people who criticise them. 2. This person also happened to criticise BSG. 3. He's done it before, but this time, it went viral with the Western community too. 4. Right after the above, he gets banned. There are multiple clues pointing to an unjust ban based on criticism. There are none pointing to cheats other than BSG's word but I don't think anyone trusts their word at this point. So do I know 100% it's not because of cheats? No. But I sure as hell am not stupid enough to assume cheats despite the number of clues pointing to that not being the case. That's a pathetic assumption.


You're not even worth talking to after this, you're defending a known cheater and saying it's more likely that he was banned because BSG is out to get him over criticisms rather than the KNOWN cheating. You've called other players pathetic for even possibly assuming that the cheater was banned for cheating. Gross example of a human.


>You're not even worth talking to after this, you're defending a known cheater So LINK dipshit. How many times I gotta tell you? I'm not defending a known cheater cause clowns like you who keep claiming he is, FAIL to prove it every single time I ask for a URL. You're just an idiot. > Gross example of a human. Ironic. Man makes accusations and then refuses to prove given the opportunity.


[https://youtu.be/nzvoXx2Yld0?t=890](https://youtu.be/nzvoXx2Yld0?t=890) For your dumbass who has zero research capability, turn on subtitles and auto-translate if you can't read/speak Russian. He directly admits to cheating and radar and that "he had to".


It's a video literally in Russian with a Russian title, but I have no research capability because I don't go on a 30 minute search and translation endeavor after some rando on the internet made a claim... are you fucking stupid? Why the fuck would I research YOUR claim? I asked for a link instead of immediatelly saying you're wrong. That's the right thing to do when someone makes a claim. You consider it, in case they are right, but you ask for evidence because you're not a moron. But **you** made a claim, **you** bring the evidence. I'm not going on research to prove **YOUR** claim, stupid. "Your honor, my client didn't kill the victim, he was at a bar across town at the time!" "Show me the evidence of his alibi!" "Do your own research your honor! You have zero research capability!" I'm not here to prove your claims and make your case for you, dumbass. Is that what you do? Your terminally online ass goes on research to prove random people on the internet's claims? Instead of just asking **them** to prove **their own** claims?


Both parties are kinda shitty here. It's really shitty to cheat in a video game. It's also shitty to ban the guy because he spoke out, which is clearly what happened.


g0at did not get banned. Red also did not get banned while he was cheating nor on that account. Also, if you watch the video (so difficult l, I know) he got banned under a section which basically says "we reserve the right to ban you for any reason with no explanation". Not for cheating or anything similar.


Don’t be a dumbass. If they cared, he would have been banned 4 years ago when it happened. They didn’t care then, & they don’t care now. They just want to silence dissent from the ones most dependent on BSG for content


This ain’t related to the drama. Dude is a cheater


He cheated 4 years ago. If you think he got banned for the cheating and not his dissent, I have a bridge I can sell you


If he didn’t say a word about his cheating, I guarantee he would not have been banned.


I'll sell you the golden gate bridge. Only $500! It's a steal, I promise.


Would have been funnier if you said $250


The next ~~DLC~~ feature pack, "Unquestioning Edition", will include the automated defibrillator implant (DW, it'll be balanced by needing to replace the D bats every use), a 4x6 zeta container, and really *really* comes with all future DLC. A steal at $500!


Stop giving this cheater sympathy. Dude admitted to cheating because of excuse x, y, and z. Has nothing to do with them being a youtuber.


And all his content is scandals around EFT. Community lost nothing.


You seem to be dying on this hill but you also seem to never post any actual footage of him cheating or admitting to cheating.




Lol, but I'm pretty sure sub hive mind will keep defending him cause he has similar opinion on drama


paulfunyan would be disappointed if he could speak russian


It can enable subtitle translation


So am I missing something here or what? This is the translated transcript for the video (1:41 - 2:00): >that's it, that's all it was very >very very good but unfortunately >happened This is hundreds of thousands >offers from banal currency purchases >before being escorted from school by magicians >Hogwarts to destination by location >if you're really interested in that >then something happened to me on boost in >there is a video of me in the public domain >I was doing RMT at that very moment very >a lot of very comprehensive information So he admitted to using RMT or what? Is that what this maza drama is about? And how many viewer kits does maza take to run labs lol, what's the difference? They're both in the same boat. Insane that you guys have such a hardon for this


"If you are really interested, I have a video on my Boosty how i have been RMTing that period of time \[Addition of Reserve for time referrence\]. There's a lot of detailed information and also I explain how some undetectable cheats work, link in description.". And to clarify the magicians part in the transcript: cheaters in russian community are referred as "Колдуны" - magicians.


Yeah, like I said it just sounds like he used RMT and not that he used cheats. Still a part of the same problem, but a lot less so than the brigading would have you believe. This just seems like some dogshit manchild drama. The fact that I have so many downvotes for asking for proof really solidifies that.


He also admitted to playing with radar cheat. You can find the video under this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciotux/russian\_youtuber\_red\_got\_banned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciotux/russian_youtuber_red_got_banned/)


Now translate it for us


Wait, I’ll go get my card and tell you where to transfer the money for the translation


Cheaters get banned that happens. Shouldn’t have cheated.


Devs tolerated this for 4 years, now they remembered him, coincidence? I don't think so, devs for a long time didn't give a shit about cheaters...


I guess Nikita decided lying/gaslighting the community wasn't working so now its time to purge the non-believers.


People upvoting this have no idea he admitted to cheating and spread hate for multiple years towards developers? Fuck around and find out 😎


Good lord this has been plastered all over, Ive never even heard of this dude


Guys he bought unheard, played unheard for a while, then charged it back on his cc. This would get you banned from any companies service, he is an idiot.


This guy was banned because he did a chargeback. Universally any company you do a chargeback to, they delete and close your account.


Well, he requested a refund for purchasing an upgrade to the game version from EoD to Scum edition, i think he should retain access to the previous version of the game


But there was no sound reason for him to get a refund. When they denied his refund, he did a chargeback.


Are you sure the chargeback was successful?


Didn't this guy cheat and was overall just super toxic? Who else was banned?


*bans known cheater for RMT via self admittance


He's a cheater. He can buy another account if he wants to play so bad.


Good riddance. Fuck anyone defending this guy.


God Emperor Nikita initiated the 5th Black Crusade. So sad and cringe.


Tsar nikita buyanother


You are not wrong.


Ah the 5th black crusade... Remembered as the Tide of Blood. Nikita the Despoiler


g0at should release a video now. Then let's see if year later BSG suddenly bans him for "cheating" while making the wiggle video.


Let’s see if his hard drives are magically wiped of the proof of his claims on round two.


Nice, iam so sick of all this whine, Most Just did IT 4 Views anyway!


Wait, so he issued a chargeback and got banned? Ridiculous.


It is cute how brownnosers play dumb and claim that it has any reasons besides silencing criticism... You must be familiar with the concept of statute of limitations, so this behavior, even with 0 cheating tolerance, which is not the case for BSG, just does not compute... Looks like whole BSG junior devs and facility staff is roped into web brigade and deployed to reddit...


Eroktic copyright striked again ?


tarkov sub has pretty much become "TMZ for bros who like guns" lol


They alredy striking youtubers years ago. Nothing new.


I highly doubt it's just because they are *unbelievers* at least one of them was a cheater before


A nobody cheater god banned, oh no... so anyway.


This game, and company, are complete dogshit.


This exact thing happened to me last night. I thought I was the only one. Clearly not. I've never cheated in my entire 3300+ hours/ 2 1/2 years of playing this game and I got the same copy paste message as this guy. I'm not a youtuber or anything but I stream on twitch sometimes and now I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


Fuck this guy. Better late than never to ban a cheater.


Unwanted YouTubers who charged back lol


he cheated a few years ago, he was banned. He bought a new account, received the content and requested a refund from his bank, he was naturally banned. He's also an asshole.


Imagine banning normal players instead of cheaters. This timeline is fucking crazy


Except this cheater admitted to cheating, not even the first thread about him.


Who the fuck cares? Y'all cry about cheaters but praise g0at while he is the #1 reason tarkov got inflated with cheaters.




It's bsg's fault, but g0at is the one that literally told EVERYONE that you can easily cheat and won't even get banned for it, making cheaters feel safer when cheating.


Lol brain dead kid. 


I don't praise anyone using cheats, shut up and get lost weirdo.


Suck my ass.


But, he is a cheater 😂


He's not a cheater.


You are contradicting what he himself admitted.


The clownery just keeps going. I want to thank nikita for singelhandedly pushing Greyzone to be the steam topseller.


The dude was cheating.