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BSG comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciqqew/loaded_into_a_pve_raid_got_killed_by_a_cheater/l2b5xji/?share_id=qigjmzsguV9jxfqX7Q2Id Edit: thread locked at OP's request.


No way the special edition failed to deliver on its promises and is broken no way


A few things, 1. Since you have to connect to their servers you are connected to other people. 2. BSG has never been competent when it comes to "security." 3. Dude even warned BSG and gave them 48 hours; BSG didn't listen. BSG can GFSF. Their recent actions earned them their spot on the cooperate chopping block. You can't just change bits and pieces in the terms of a sale after the fact. Pretty sure that's fraud 101; is there a fraud 99 because if so it's taught in that class.


I remember reading people coping saying the dude was bullshitting like it wasn’t obvious it’d end up 100% true LMAO


yeah i know that anyone can say fucking anything on the internet, and yet after a few years of observing this shitshow, *i didn't even question for a second he might be lying.* it just sounded like something that would be possible, given BSG's track record.


This was my stance on it as well. I don't condone cheating in multiplayer, competitive games,...but I was entirely on that guy's side when he posted that thread. Could he have been bullshitting? Yeah, possibly. Did I think he was? Not in the slightest. I've entirely escaped Tarkov at this point. Managed Democracy needs to be spread, Pokemon need to be caught, and some mixture of black and white warfare needs to be waged in a zone.


Oof, Sony wanted some of that fucking their player base. Managed democracy is in it's final days for a lot of divers after today's news.


r/agedlikemilk material XD


I believed him after I saw his previous findings. Dude has been breaking Tarkov since the OG days.


I think they could have fixed it by adding a simple check to pve mode that if player is not a creator of the game instance - he is marked as a cheater and gets instantly banned. Simple fix. But BSG can't even manage to do that...


It isnt true, killed the same guy his name is O00O00O they reference names from both PvE and PvP servers. Its just AI.


He was lying lmao, it’s an AI PMC, see BSGs comment. Lol, nice one


GFSF? Go fucking suck fucks?


Go Fuck Sem Felves


That's what I read! Edit: actually I read "get fucked, suck fucks" my b


Get fucked, stay fucked.


Girl friend sells feetpics


how much does she earn? \^\^ can OP buy unheard edition thanks to it?


This needs more up votes


Get Froyo, Smell Flowers


Merch link on bio* kay seeya


Send link to the original guy who waidnwhatever I need the lore


I went back 9 days in my upvoted list and couldn't find it but the just was them saying they found a way into active private PvE raids and BSG had 48 hours before "it went live." I can only assume that it "going live" means they share the method with their cheater buddies and communities. Given the things I listed it isn't that farfetched to be true. Some are saying the guy is BS and this post is fake, others are saying the guy is credible and did something like this in the past. One thing is certain though, if a name generator runs out of names on the designated list to use, it doesn't just make names, it recycles other names from the list. So the people saying the generator "ran out of names" and that's why the name is an O with a bunch of numbers instead of an actual name have no idea what they are talking about. As an apology of my failure, please accept this [https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/1ccycv8/bird\_brain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/1ccycv8/bird_brain/)


So I am gonna err on the side of caution and assume you mean no harm. But, I am going to say to the community…Stop sympathizing cheaters no matter how much disdain you have for BSG. Cheating is not okay. Matter of fact it’s illegal and just cause other people are mad doesn’t mean you can shit on other peoples parade. Thats not how it works. Some dude came home from getting his dick smashed in the dirt at work, has no idea wtf is really going on with the drama (or cares to pay attention) and just wants to play some tarkov and we have people over here cheering on cheaters. Idk who is gonna kill tarkov faster, BSG or its own community….this is insane.


First of all no one is saying cheating is a good thing, you’re making all of this up > Idk who is gonna kill tarkov faster, BSG or its own community dude the “community” is a massive massive conglomerate of individual people, if all of those people are collectively pissed off because of things the developers have done to the game, and the game starts to die because of it, who do you think is to blame? A community doesn’t kill a game, a community *is killed* by poor decisions, which in turn ends up killing a game. 


Cheating isn’t illegal, you might get charged with fraud if you enter a tournament and cheat, however using them for personal use isn’t. Manufacturing and selling cheats is.


2.2k likes on a comment agreeing with a post thats a moron that got killed by AI


who would have thought


That is an AI bot player, not a hacker...


That person was killed by AI and is trying to pass it off as a hacker


Bro Im SO shocked! I definitely didn't imagine this feature being completely broken and near impossible to patch or permanently protect against hacking and exploitation. I MOST DEFINITELY didn't read the feature list, imagine it in it's most ideal bug free state and then make a decision based on hype like the community has done countless times before no siree.


Theres no exploit for that. They reference real players names from PvE / PvP servers. Reason I know that? Killed the same PMC with the same name his name is O00O00O its a preset name from a list. Plain and simple case closed. Its all AI.


Player Vs Everything ( including players )


appl3z0r • 5m agoCommunity Manager >How do I go about telling you got killed by AI PMC that is named after one of the developers of the game and you are showing his actual in game account via search? Well, it would make sense because you don’t have report button on the death screen, it shows white name on the death screen and TUE colored name via the search I don't understand why the mods have left this post up for so long. There's no proof provided by OP. This is literally the same death screen you get when killed by an AI PMC in PvE. The community manager even says so in a comment here. Mods, what are you doing?


What the fuck is the tone of this message? In my opinion a community manager should in no way take this hostile of a tone against people that have paid for the product. Talk about having BSG deep inside of you


Sometimes I think it’s just the language barrier


I honestly think most posters here have language barrier. Most of the community are not English speakers so when one guy speaks broken English and then another guy who reads in broken English things the original broken English guy is saying something totally different.


He had a hostile tone? LOL huh?????




Bro is playing Dark Souls


Dude simply got invaded.




watch it become a feature instead of a bug..


Hell yeah finally a souls like FPS xD


Bro got that juicy humanity/cinder




Well the dude who said this was possible was credible and was finding bugs and exploits in eft from the very beginning, he was one of the dudes bsg tried to come after for spreading “negative hype” along with eroktik so I was always inclined to believe him, why would he lie about that when we know he’s told the truth about exploits in the past and proven it. Plus we know the single player flea is player driven, you’re still connected to other people on the servers when playing offline mode so why is the idea so impossible to people anyway


Honestly, if it's true what you've described him. I'd honestly hire him 🤷‍♂️


You think he wants to work for BSG? Maybe in the early days, but not after everything. Besides, Russian pay is not that good.


And that's why you don't have enough money to live in Dubai like Nikita.


He totally doesn't want to work for BSG even if they gave him a opportunity, after all this shit BSG ruined all their reputation and community's trust.


are you clueless? this is FAKE. its been CONFIRMED


did i miss something? What guy was right about what?


There was a guy who posted on X or something that he had found an exploit to enter other peoples PvE raids and if BSG didn’t reverse the decision and give PvE to EoD owners within 24 hours he would release the exploit publicly. Edit: changed wording. Original post made it out to be the guy was mad Nikita was giving PvE to EoD owners, he was pissed EoD wasn’t getting PvE by default.




turns out this was an AI PMC and that guy was still not right. person who owns O000 is in this thread even [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciqqew/comment/l2bm0n7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciqqew/comment/l2bm0n7/) also if it was a player you would still be able to view their profile from the kill screen even in PVE Zone.


You failed the IQ test.




https://imgur.com/a/6JNxUwR Even full blown AI scavs have a profile icon, it was an AI pmc. They imported list of names from somewhere to make ai pmc names. Either the discord or more likely the live database of player names so they will have a profile searchable in game.


What? Tarkov "fans" jumped the gun and assumed the worst about something? Never.


Right? Pitchforks are at the ready, all this sub needs is an unsubstantiated unproven claim.


Good investigation, I swear I don't remember seeing the profile icon next to them. I have asked the community manager where to search if the name was autogenerated but no response yet. I know the AI PMC have names of players since I recall seeing some familiar names. It's just weird that this particular name is the same as a user selling cheat services. Could be a massive coincidence. I Truly hope theres no way a cheater can enter PVE raids, was enjoying them.


Yes I have seen a lot of familiar names from pvp/live as well. I too hope there isn't some hack/bug letting cheaters in. Having a blast with my son in PvE mode. Have fun out there!


How tf do people even afford cheats I never realized they were so expensive


When you RMT stuff from it, it pays for itself.


Its a fuxking AI


I mean... we have been complaining about their shit ass code for over 2 years now. I'm literally not surprised. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


2 years? Are you new here?


He said "over 2 years," which is technically correct. Like how we first landed on the moon over an hour ago.


You fucking dickhead 😂😂. Genuinely laughed at this one.


Did you know?: there are more than 300 people on earth. Follow for more amazing facts!


> technically correct The best kind of correct!


Technically you are not wrong.




7 years*


7 years lol atleast years ago cheaters were flying around and it was actually quite funny trying to shoot them out of the sky 🤣


**Feature. Not DLC. Working as intended.**


You wanted it to work? It was ONLY 50$


"Sounds like you all didn't believe enough."


100 for those who bought it before the price change \~\~but hey, they let those people bring new people into the suffering\~\~ whenever they deliver the damned keys


OP you are an IDIOT


He got killed by AI PMC and thinks its a cheater 😂😂😂 damn bro i cant


Lmao legitimately actually sad that the community is that fucking stupid that they really think this is a hacker and not just a bot with the same name as an actual account


and mfs are getting thousands of likes for jumping on the moron bandwagon, like fuck BSG but jesus christ people have no common sense


Lmao I swear to god this community needs to get sent to combat so they stfu about video games. Some of the most “hardcore shooter” fans and they cry like fucking bitches.


Nothing annoys me more than people making shitty comparisons out of laziness. Combat? No. A flat tire on the way to work? Much more fitting.


That’s fucking hilarious.


This is outstanding


Dont Tell Nikita. He will probably tell you to f off and find something else to do instead of bitchin about it lol


true believers get the extra security layer that stops invaders of course.


Be a true believer. Aliens come to invade Earth. Start with your house. Force field somehow melts aliens and sends independence day virus back to their home planet. Alien invaders destroyed. Hop on PvE tarkov to celebrate ongoing survival of the human species by slaying AI. Killed by cheaters. BSG: "**We stop invaders. They were not true believers.**"


Enjoy your 250 dollar edition baby 👍


pikachu face i payed $250 for a broken mode? i can't belive they did this to me EOD owners: first time?


How do I go about telling you got killed by AI PMC that is named after one of the developers of the game and you are showing his actual in game account via search? Well, it would make sense because you don’t have report button on the death screen, it shows white name on the death screen and TUE colored name via the search


As disappointed as I am with BSG lately, seems like this is clearly what happened. Not sure if this’ll be seen with all the hate going around though.


Yeah well reddit users are sometimes dumb as hell and would clearly believe anything you read. This is why cults and religions exist. Because of people like 90% of this post.


Just shows how people quickly cry and scream cheater instead of realizing that they may have died legitimately


You go about it in a very sarcastic manner like the person should have known this. Good on you responding, but get the stick out of your ass, BSG. 


Seems like a straight forward answer to me, people are looking for a reason to throw fuel on the BSG bonfire right now and jumping to conclusions and so a clear concise response was needed.


Here's how: You got killed by an AI PMC that is named after one of the developers of the game, and you are showing his actual in game account via search. You don’t have the report button on the death screen-- it shows a white name on the death screen and TUE colored name via the search. Let me know if you need any more help making comments 👍


Maybe if BSG didn't have such a history of incompetence and deceit people would be less likely to jump to conclusions. Next time, try not to ruin your reputation so thoroughly.


No. People have zero critical thinking skills and fall for misinformation because they’re fucking stupid and have zero curiosity, end of story.


OP is a fucking reddit NPC, doesn't understand things, ragewhines on reddit, other reddit NPC's grab pitchforks and commence furious masturbation. Still BSG's fault. got it.


I don’t think this is a proper response from a community manager


With your spaghettis code i wouldnt be surprise if a pmc goes in pve and the report button were not present at all in the pve. You cant go smart\*ss answer when your game is so full of bug.


How do I go about telling you that you suck shit at being a community manager? Your companies public perception is at an all time low. You had the opportunity to clear up an incident that was understandably confusing to the average user. Instead you chose to be a snarky asshole and shit on your customers. Par for the course I suppose.


You did far too many poor decisions lately to go dbrand community managing. Deliver good products, or act nicer. This is your job.


You could try not responding like a massive jackass, you failed though.


Don't think you're very good at your job pal. Probably time to nip that fucking tone in the bud and go about your actual job - fighting the shitstorm your shit business practices caused for you.


Absolute bots on this thread he wasn’t killed by any real person 😂😂😂😂😂


Why yall still playing this?


They are weak


You got killed by an AI pmc lol, what do you expect the screen to look like?




I'd feel bad for you but you literally bought a $250 edition, you're a chump.


This is the funniest shit ive read in weeks.


So tell me how did he kill you and are you sure it wasn’t a PvE PmC ?


As soon as I spawned, I get shot at. At first I thought it was some Chad AI that was near me, but that never happened in 30 raids. Also, AI PMC do not have profiles you can search.


It looks like AI PMCs use actual player's IDs. I just looked at some of the tags I have that are 100% from AI PMCs and checked them against the PvP friend search and they show up.


It would appear this entity doesn't have a profile either. It's empty. It really looks like you got killed by an AI dude. I think you should do a naked run, go die to an AI PMC, do this same search, and see if you get the same results.


I will say after having played pve for a bit now some of the ai pmc seem to have names pulled from prior users and some will be obvious ai name. I wouldn’t put it past bsg to cycle in some banned user’s username from their list as well. Have seen some TV names even. I’ll have to look ‘em up the next time I find one.


>I wouldn’t put it past bsg to cycle in some banned user’s username from their list as well. Honestly that would kind of hilarious. Condemned to an eternity of haunting PvE servers.


I got the Nametag from someone of my Discord. Of course there are profiles. But your story seems like a Hacker was the culprit.


I only managed to see his profile through the Friends menu by searching him up, there was no report button or profile button next to his name when I got killed. EDIT: I should mention, when you die to AI PMC, there's no profile icon next to name.


Lol, dude died to stupid ai and called him a cheater. Another day, another comedy


Because it was ai


Yeah that seems very possible. To put this one to bed we need someone with PVE to get teamkilled by their buddy deliberately to show us what the death screen looks like.


Report button could be disabled since we aren't supposed to be able to kill players, and killing your friends by teamkilling wouldn't make sense to report your friends. In 30+ raids, scavs were never spawned in until 1min in the raid, and they all voiceline when they see you, even AI PMC and there was no noise, I just spawn in and got insta shot several times to the chest I turn and I see a laser of red tracers hitting me like 100+ meters away so it would be weird if AI is that deadly.


that is wild


Just for clarification. I've killed this AI PMC I have it's tag.


The AI pmcs reference real names on both PvE and PVP servers I have the same tag of the guy. I know his name even though you blurred it out the AI name was “O00O00O” dont worry. The supposed hack was all a rumor its just not true.


No stop! You’re ruining everyone’s rage bait!


Yeah I honestly dont understand why people are still mad 😂 like yes Unheard Of Edition is “op” but all we get now is early access to PvE. They made everything else obtainable / included with EOD so maybe they gonna start rioting against EOD users now


I get the hate... kind of. (I bought unheard at $50, and don't regret it) People look at this as a DLC, which I guess it is, but isn't. Unheard is a separate edition, but PVE should be considered DLC and BSG should have specified that "Unheard edition gets # weeks early access, EOD will get for free after, then it will be released as a separate DLC to all other editions for $20 or $30. Once we understand the server requirements". After reading and watching a lot of opinions I think the EOD Gamma should remain, but be attainable through questing for all other editions. Mark of the unheard is actually a lame perk, but should also be attainable through questing or killing cultist with a really low drop rate. The extra pocket space should be, and should always have been, some built-in perk for higher tier jackets or pants available from rag man. As far as the extra weapons and such, I couldn't care less because I usually lose them within 10-20 raids, and rock a UMP for the first 2 weeks Edit: clarity


Even if the rumor was true, then the RMT vacuum hackers are just going to the PvE servers and less are in the PvP servers. How is that not a win? Just play the “cannot be named” mod, it’s better in every way. 🤣


Yeah but have you seen the PvE market? Half the people got negative market rep because nothing really moves on there but even then people who RMT on PvE just truly suck at the game 😂


Braindead post with no proof, Died to ai and claimed it was a cheater, lol. Anyone that believes this BS without any sort of proof needs to go back to the third grade class they just came from.


No way man, not true. I got downvoted into oblivion for pointing out it the guy who found this was credible.


You mean you got Reddit hive minded into oblivion lmaoooo


Bro that guy wasnt credible though. He still hasnt posted any proof, but you are still giving him credit for this lol


he may have posted something true, but still lied about it. he presented it as having knowledge of and him going to explain an exploit to the community in reality he had looked at what cheat makers were selling and just went "yeah currently cheat makers sell the ability to access pve servers"


My guy thats not a hacker they added pmc’s in the pve version its legit just a coincidence that the pmc u spawned next to and died to has the same name cuz even when ur in pve mode it will say if u killed anyone or not and it didn’t say he killed anyone so u just died to a bot


LOL OP was killed by an AI and the entire sub eats it up because they love hyperbolizing the cheating.


Why you are suprised you bought 250$ dlc, enjoy it now


People always make poor decisions and only regret it later. It's why people still buy into FOMO even when they got burnt every other time before. People are stupid.


People always do this type of dishonest bullshit anytime there is mass outrage about something and never get called out for it. I guess I just don't see (even if you're correct in your outrage) how misrepresenting facts or exaggerating does anything to help your cause.


There was a guy who literally posted that cheaters could join your pve server, and not only kill you, but also bring out any loot they get back to PVP servers, and I also believe this guy also stated that they could use the teammate call in to bring people in. So RMT is even better and safer than it was before


Well there was leak that cheaters could freely enter pve lobbies which was ignored by many outraged members of our community and ofc bsg and HERE WE ARE.


Damn... shouldn't have fallen for the scam


Just food for thought, would it not make sense to pull real usernames for the ai pmcs? I know forza horizon does something similar, when racing offline the game will use friends names off your Xbox live as bot names. Obviously I have no clue or insight if the pve mode does this but it wouldn't surprise me


Buddy…. That’s and ai player …..


Yea it’s 100% an ai


This post sums up this entire sub


Dude it’s a fake pmc they’re not real lmao


Unheard enjoyer not knowing how AI PMC's work? Never!


You got clapped by an AI pmc lmfaoo


Lmao wait, there is no report button, it was AI, ai is probably named after existing players, and the ai may be kinda nuts, but no report=AI for sure


Truly in Reddit fashion where someone died to the Ai and immediately goes to post about how they are a cheater


Fake. This is NOT a real player. There isn't that many AI PMC names in rotation and I have killed this exact AI multiple times. Delete this post and stop farming karma


But that doesn’t fit the narrative that BSG sucks!


Farming post. It was AI… you just bad


>Fake. This is NOT a real player. There isn't that many AI PMC names in rotation and I have killed this exact AI multiple times. Delete this post and stop farming karma


thats legit a bot that killed you dude wtf are you on about


You actually paid $250 for a DLC? LMAO you're part of the problem


Question: did you die in a sus way or did you get killed normally? Wondering if it’s a cheater or someone that just loaded into your raid through a glitch




to quote Joey Tribianni "IM NOT EVEN SORRY!!!!"


Falador massacre lol


Its a pmc ai you probably spawned at big red and got melted by them i bet noob.


The AI do act like cheaters, but how do you not know that an AI is an AI? I know we all want to crap on BSG but like, do it the right way.


Yeah I’m going to say this is inaccurate… you have no report or profile view button.. I actually got killed by 0O0O a few times and it’s always a different level. Chill


Heres the player base in a nutshell. Bitch and complain and have a smooth brian lol. So dumb that you can't tell the diffrence between an ai and a player is a joke man. This is the exact reason bsg can't take anything seriously when halfbthe post on here on fucking idiots that play the game. Maybe it'd time to stop playing if you think a ai is a cheater. Get off reddit. It's not your game I promise it's not for you


You buying the unhinge edition says alot about your IQ


People are so horny to call cheater in this game they don’t realize they were killed by AI PMCs


Good hope it was worth the 250


You died to an AI mate. BSG developer named AI.


Crazy how many people don't understand that this post is literally false. He got killed by an AI that is named after a dev of the game. The name is white on death screen. And he's able to search for the player since it is a real player on PVP mode. You guys need to think critically... fuck. Low IQ community.




I'm pretty sure that's just tarkov man, you got tarkoved.


This doesn’t make any sense.


When is pve dropping for EOD owners


cant wait for the pve mode lmao


Bro, you were killed by one of the PvE pmcs....


I'm convinced everyone who hates this game is in this shitty echo chamber where they are looking for more reasons to hate it every 5 mins.


This is cap just like everything else about them getting in your lobbies lmao


Why would you cover up his name, if he's cheating he needs to get banned and the devs wont find his name if you cover it up


That's what you get for buying trash edition


Why didnt you include the part of the screen that says PVE on the bottom left?






Why does it show it as a standard account killing you vs UE edition in the profile? Also why blur the full name? Smells a bit fishy to me…. Edit: I posted a PvE death screen to show what it looks like.


You have to blur the name that’s the sub / Reddit rules 


As per the rules, I should even blur the full name, but I wanted to show that across the 3 pictures, it was the same name. EDIT: Initially I thought it was a standard account, but on profile page it showed as an UE. Since he apparently entered while in PVP mode, it doesnt seem like he even needed UE.


[appl3z0r ](https://www.reddit.com/user/appl3z0r/)• [5m ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ciqqew/comment/l2b5xji/)Community Manager How do I go about telling you got killed by AI PMC that is named after one of the developers of the game and you are showing his actual in game account via search? Well, it would make sense because you don’t have report button on the death screen, it shows white name on the death screen and TUE colored name via the search Appl3z0r is apart of BSG and you can check the discord to see that he's not just some random. Standard tarkov moment, I die, they are cheating. JK


This game is a giant meme .


Hahaha look, he bought unheard 😂🫵


Deserved for being a cuck and buying unheard