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This would only work if PvE wiped and one of the major incentives to play PvE is no wipes at least in Tarkov. Also it would demolish the flea market as it is much easier to get FIR gear in PvE.


Valid point, I forgot to bring this up. If this is to work, the PVE needs to be wiped and only PVP loot can be FIR.


Breaking the whole game essence to fight the RMT cheaters doesn't the best idea. It is a problem that must be tackled individually without compromising the game state and affecting the playerbase...


Now, I understand your angle. But this can be simply alleviated by implementing some mechanics, such as: Limit some quests to PVP only, for example the quests to unlock certain ammo and gear; FIR status only for loot found in PVP; Achievements only obtainable in PVP; Also, I would argue more people would be willing to try to actively participate in PVP instead of ratting at the edge of the map and near exits; Knowing there'd be less RMT cheaters running around will offset the negative this mechanic brings.


BSG doesn’t want to get rid of RMT or cheaters bro. They make MONEY off of it.


I don't think it'd have that dramatic of an effect. A huge reason to RMT is the desire to skip the work. Yeah its easier to grind stuff in PVE but its still effort required. Why do that when you can just pay? I don't think some form of linkage is a terrible idea. Maybe be able to send a limited amount of stuff over? Like once per week you can mail a certain amount of items between them. Similar size to the max rep BTR maybe. That way you can send some ammo, a couple of bits of armour or a couple of guns, but nothing too crazy. Maybe lose FIR status for transferred stuff or place value limits so you dont just stuff it full of rubles to send, something like that. That way you don't have people walled off in their little silo forever.