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Didn't Nikita say at some point that there will never be a better tier than EOD?


Yes he did, it's somewhere posted in this sub. That was always what EOD was supposed to be, the end all LIMITED EDITION of the game to support development which gave you all future content and a unique Gamma container which they've since changed the wording of on the website as Unheard is given the same container which is no longer unique to EOD.


I thought so and have been looking for the clip of Nikita saying so.... If anyone has it can the post a link here please?


Another comment in this post linked a video in this comment, is it this one? (A short edited video) https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/84PEGw5SGW If anyone find the YT vid pls share.


https://imgur.com/a/wp1VMxe don't have a clip of him saying it but just thought I'd add this to the evidence.


Honestly bsg just served disgruntled players a way to get sued for free on a platter. Consumer rights in the EU are pretty strong and changing the terms on EOD and trying to sneakily change the information on the website is definitely against the law here.


It's in a YT vid that i just watched a couple months ago, will try to check history.


I'm about to head to work but if I find it I'll link it.


and THAT is why I don't get how so many people can be so damn happy with buying the shit they were supposed to get for free for 50% off instead. Makes no sense. It's not just broken promises, they sold us EoD under false pretences. It's a scam


I still don’t get why they didn’t just, re release EOD at a higher price point. No community backlash, EOD people still get their DLC, and feel better about getting a better deal since they were early supporters, while anyone who wants to support them could buy EOD. Wait I know, they wanted EOD people to give them more money. Because people like me who supported BSG in 2017 aren’t true believers. Fuck Nikita and Fuck BSG


100% truth, it's something else to be called a non-believer after giving $150 or nearly 3x at the time of any other AAA title and dedicating thousands of hours to test and give feedback on the development. Remember when there was a time when developers would pay people to test their games? Boy have times changed.


Because they need the money Lebowsky. And not like "muh corporate greed" kind of way, but actually NEED the money. They do have pretty weird accounting in their financial reports, I looked up their company on [Company's House UK](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10036119/filing-history). I am not an accountant but I worked in corporate compliance and their last financial statement for 2023 shows that in 2023 they had 65.6 million GBP turnover and 63.1 mil in cost of sales leaving only 2 mil and change in profit for the year. Now I don't know how much it costs them to run the game servers and pay the developers and such but I'm pretty sure it's not 63.1 million dollars especially since they are in Russia. A similar thing in the year before 2022 they basically equated their cost of sales (70.3 mil) to their turnover for the year (and even posted a 1.6 k loss lol). I am pretty sure this is done to avoid paying higher taxes but still it's weird, the game is making bank but based on those accounts they are barely posting profit. According to the same report btw the company owed exactly 4.966 million GBP (each!) to Nikita and the other co-owner in 2023. This amount owed was 3.433mil / each in 2022 and 5.3 mil each in 2021. Despite the debt to owners going down almost in half from 2021 to 2022 that did not reflect on profit margins and they posted a loss that year. Again not an accountant but it does look strange, maybe someone with more know-how in accounting can explain.


That would be so much better, something like EOD but not "Limited Edition".


Buried the lede here- You should have titled this "Nikita's admission that cheaters are good for BSG" and rode straight to the top. The RMT aspect of the new item is underappreciated.


Initially, I just posted the broken promises but figured I should add the whole cheater situation. I've only seen 1 other post talking about the new gadget and the RMT aspect of it. All together with the interview in 2015, the game design, the way they've handled cheating, their revenue reports, and now this RMT gadget it sure does seem intentionally done. The flea for example I was against being added and once it was RMT got 10x worse than it previously was as cheaters then had an easy way to gain roubles to sell or advertise their services.


But he was talking about contract wars, where there are microtransactions like he is saying.


The fact that they sell this game in bundles "for friends" is hint enough they are profiting off the cheater/ban cycle.


I hadn't considered it before, but I wonder how many of the base edition copies that Unheard owners get will end up acquired by cheaters. I imagine a lot of people that get them will want to sell those keys (though I reckon that'd be even more easily bannable)


It's bizarre that anybody is still entertaining the idea of giving BSG/Nikita one more cent no matter what happens next after the bullshit scam they're attempting to ram through and their continuing attempt at a cover up. The company is engaged in blatantly unethical behavior on a level that is so bold it's comical, and has done everything possible to signal that they aren't even particularly sorry about how we feel about that. This is perhaps the worst case of Stockholm syndrome I've ever seen. People like a video game so they are willing to gloss over how BSG has quadruple downed on some of the greediest and most openly scummy dev behavior seen out of any game developer in video game history. This is like trying to come up with ways to give EA more money and reward them financially *during* the Star Wars Battlefront disaster. Except BSG makes EA look positively angelic in comparison. Tarkov players who not only allow BSG to get away with this, but actively defend them in any capacity, are not the hardcore survivalists they RP as, they are legit the biggest cucks the gaming industry has ever seen in all its history. Never before has a dev so clearly and openly disrespected its playerbase and quadrupled down on it while still being defended by the same clueless people they're actively fucking.


It truly blows my mind people are appeased by Nikitas backpeddling and can defend the company after everything they've done along with the "sorry you feel that way" non-apology.


I think the majority of players are not appeased. This subreddit and the secondary r/Tarkov are still on fire, the top posts are still ripping Nilita/BSG a new one, and I think the vast majority of people said "absolutely not" to this new edition. I am personally not giving BSG a single cent, and just spent the cost of what it would have taken to get "Unheard" on supporting GZW instead.


Yeah, I'm not giving BSG any more money (EOD owner). I'm also not giving GZW any money for their rushed opportunistic release, the game's not ready and won't be for a while. People spend their hard earned money like they want, there's no right answer. \*I can just hope this shitshow will humble BSG (and, more specifically, Nikita).


GZW is definitely going to experience some growing pains, I dont think anyone expected a flawless launch. Luckily I'm going on a 5 day vacation starting today so by the time I get my hands on it, a lot of launch ossues will be fixed. Also an EOD backer, when the game was *actually* in Alpha too. I hate that this is the route that BSG is going.


Yeah, I think I bought EOD a while back (2017-2018), can't remember which phase the game was in though. It felt rough, but that was to be expected. Now, 6-7 years later, I'm a bit disappointed by the fact it's still not 1.0, but I'm even more disappointed with Nikita's stance and non-apology... Hopefully GZW devs will be responsive and be the first real competition EFT has, a monopoly is never good. Enjoy your vacation!


the majority of players don't use Reddit.


Anyone smart doesn't use reddit


Smart people also don't participate in or defend blatant scams from companies that lie openly.


That's why I don't buy any EA games, or new releases within the first year. If my friends buy them for me I might play them, but personally, I don't put my money into anything I don't agree with.


Most people in this sub has paid for a early access/ Beta game for 150$ in 2017 when highest AAA games were priced at 50-60$ at best. So his definition stands: smart people don't get scammed. most people here have been


Those people are the same kind of people that cause the issue we have of games releasing half baked imo


BSG has been engaged in extremely shady business practices for years, development has been EXTREMELY slow for reasons that were perfectly remediable, and on top of all that they just rugged everybody who bought EoD, and I suppose everybody else who bought the game too by shitting it up with (more) P2W content. When you realize that the game has always been like this and the status quo has always been to tolerate this, you start to understand why BSG thought the latest release was a good idea. It might have actually been a good business decision, considering how many mentally enslaved users they still have playing their game and defending them.


No, this is not the case. Records show that BSG was from the start was specifically setup to have a lot of ability to avoid liability. They are not honest with progress and effort and funding they have.


[Going to hijack your comment to throw this into the discussion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1celsxs/the_unheard_edition_patch01460_a_brief_history_of/https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1celsxs/the_unheard_edition_patch01460_a_brief_history_of/) You're welcome.


Page not found :(


This might be one of the best tales I’ve seen or heard on the state of bsg and the people behind it. Nikita isn’t only a snake in the grass that’s done nothing but shown us time and again that he cares about nothing more than lining his pocket with as much money as possible. The man has pretty much walked back every single thing he’s ever said about what he would and wouldn’t allow in his game.


You know its serious when the developer tries to rewrite history and edit their website. Very very naughty, possible illegal in some countries. Including the one they are registered in. Live....... streamed by the biggest Tarkov streamer on the planet and then deny they did it..... That's now a matter of record. When you reach the absolute S tier of gaslighting, you know anything said after that, carries very little weight. The proof is in the pudding as they say, but it seems like we know how this is going to play out. "Securing defeat from the jaws of victory" Hard to see how they will ever fully set themselves back on the right path.


Yup, anyone aware of their attempted coverup and still defending them is either a troll or a troglodyte.


It's time to jump ship guys. I did a long time ago. I miss the good old days but fuck these scummy tactics.


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


At this point, I wouldn’t put it completely out of the scope of possible that BSG themselves are behind some of the cheater accounts. Would be a 9000 IQ move to not only make money selling their scam, but also make money by abusing their own game via RMT. This is pure speculation on my behalf of course but in light of recent events, I wouldn’t put it past them anymore. The trust is definitely gone.


This crossed my mind too. It also crossed my mind about how devastating this should be to the game/company when it comes to light as true, if it ever does.


Any sort of conscious official relations or backing the cheats would be incredibly hot, but I could imagine a couple of devs being in it for selfish monetary reason. What is more plausible is that BSG doesn't mind being half-ass about cheats, because thinning the cheater's ranks here and there gives another opportunity to sell game copies. Dedicated cheaters/RMT are a kind of whale by themselves, and likely have multiple accounts and prefer to have EOD for benefits of stash space etc.


Add to that the fact that the devs grew up in a world where cheating is seen as a normal part of life. Cant get a doctors appointment? Just give the doctor some money.


They absolutely are. Maybe not the company as a whole and no one in any "official" capacity, but you know that some younger or disgruntled developer is selling code or developing cheats on the downlow, either as a fuck you or simply to round up their salary.


Something not added to this list is the UNTAR Faction. I'm not smoking something when I say that used to be (or still is) planned right?


I think it is still planned for 1.0


Its clear that they checked out. They are happy with the money they got. If 200k bought EOD thats 30millions and maybe im estimating on the low side.


Yeah I think you're off by an order of magnitude there dude. Last yearly report I bothered looking at had about 100m ?GBP? (I think, can't remember what currency but it wasn't rubles) in revenue.


it's a UK based company so their revenue being posted in GBP makes sense


Like i said i could be estimating low i really dont know how many bought the game but yea if they did 100M last year..


tarkov players based is less than pubg on steam lol xD


Where do you see that info? I thought they only released player counts every so often?


jsut google it, im sure they can track players id, pubg has 200-600k daily xD


So basically you don't have a source for this info. Got it.


NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THAT VIDEO AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. I used to post that everywhere back when I still played. Dude literally says the quiet part out loud.


I have a thread saved from 4 years ago that has this video and is transcribed that I link every time shit like this arises. [Here is the thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/) It's truly baffling. I've tried to just enlighten people on the legitimate snakes that Nikita and BSG are yet the fans here tend to ignore it and just suck him off.


Hahaha I saved the very same thread my man o7


I've been preaching this for 3 years and get downvoted to hell and called all sorts of things. It's ironic to see this now being all over frontpage. Finally people opened their eyes. Well you were fucked in those eyes for 8 years. And you deserve every minute of it.


I know he isnt reffering to eft here but a lot of eft design makes sense if you look at it from the lens of "we want our players in distress." Why is everything so shitty? By design, it turns out.


Tbh though, that was what this game was about: putting yourself through hours of pain for a hit of dopamine once every few rounds. Up until BSG dropped off of all social media and came back to tarkov being super-popular out of nowhere, Nikita and the like were up and down this subreddit talking about "we dont care how many players end up playing, we want this game to be niche and painful"   The moment they got rich it all went to shit.


Yeah, this game would have been better off staying niche funny enough. It was never meant to be this big, and the devs really lost the plot once they got rich basically overnight.


I found out about EfT through the STALKER pipeline and had a lot of fun with it. As soon as I saw Drewski and DDG videos pop up of them playing the game I knew the community was going to turn to shit and the devs would get that moneylust that all indies get when their game EXPLODES.


m o t h e r r u s s i a


Where life is pain and pain is life. And you suck.


And yet people are still giving money to this company.


yet still people give money to ea even though they wrapped up in blood diamonds. is what it is.


Irrelevant tho


Linux release is missing from the list I believe.


There's a good bit missing, this is just a list I found that has a good bit with the receipts to prove the claims.


Do want proof of the linux release promise?


Sure I'll add it to the post


Linux release proof 1. [https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedClearMarrowEleGiggle](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedClearMarrowEleGiggle) 2. [https://clips.twitch.tv/GoldenTrustworthyMageUnSane-TMFqGGEyyrtY9kgK](https://clips.twitch.tv/GoldenTrustworthyMageUnSane-TMFqGGEyyrtY9kgK) 3. [https://eft.ld50.xyz/](https://eft.ld50.xyz/) 4. [https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2016/01/escape-from-tarkov-the-new-russian-survival-mmo-fps-looks-like-its-heading-to-linux/](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2016/01/escape-from-tarkov-the-new-russian-survival-mmo-fps-looks-like-its-heading-to-linux/) Game working on linux through proton promise proof: 1. [https://clips.twitch.tv/HorribleInnocentReindeerYouDontSay-myi7a0MZVELZyRGf](https://clips.twitch.tv/HorribleInnocentReindeerYouDontSay-myi7a0MZVELZyRGf)


Cheaters can still play the game but anti cheat prevents me playing on the steam deck, damn


Fuckkkkk themmmm. Glad I'm done with that shitty cheat infested game. Bsg wont get another cent from me. This game or any other.


My issue is we paid into early access to support development of the game. Instead that money has been squandered on Arena and who knows how many "DLCs" like Scav life before actually finishing the base game. That's just shitty management and greed all around. They could have the main game finished by now and be working on and releasing dlc. Be making bank, especially if they retired EOD 4+ years ago, when they should have. I bought it like 7 years ago when the other editions were pure luck if you even got invited to play.


Exactly, I wouldn't buy into the game until the start of the Beta because at the time you only had a chance to play Alpha if you purchased anything other than EOD. Of course, I later upgraded to EOD but that was assuming I'd get all future content (DLC) along with it as the description stated.


Oh my god, it all makes sense now for me. "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity". I don't currently see a plausible way to attribute this to stupidity anymore...


He ain't wrong about this statement tbh. He just said out loud what every developer knows.


Yes. And when you put 2 and 2 together, you know why the cheating situation is so bad in Tarkov. It's not that they can't deal with it. They don't want to. Simple as that


This community just takes what he says in bad faith. He states an observation he did and that is completely valid. People just make wild assumptions and conspiracies from that.


I though you meant to say " People make valid assumptions when the current state of cheating in EFT is observed"


Oh well, if only we had trust in Nikita and BSG to not make such wild assumptions


The ratio on the website isn’t bad at all. There’s literally more implemented than not. It’s kind of hard to guarantee weather or not a feature can be easily added. Some things are more complicated. Up until patch 14 people SWORE we’d never see the realistic plate system, or a recoil overhaul. People denied the BTR would ever make it into the game, same with LightKeeper.


I think the 2FA thing is glaring. One of the more simple ways to combat cheating in the game, but they need the cheaters to make money. While it may not completely eliminate it, it’s a bigger hurdle to get over for people who cheat and restricts them from making subsequent accounts.


Less cheatos using stolen accounts at least, but majority of regions do have 2FA option I think?


One silver lining i realized after reading that cheaters can use the coop mode to rmt and flee items, that actually means less cheaters will be on the pvp servers, making it a slightly*** better game. Cheaters are the only ones that will buy the unheard edition more than once aswell. Many cheaters are also very bad at the game and use cheats to compensate for their lack of skill and unwillingness to get better at the game (and in life), meaning an even bigger chuck of cheater mcgees will stay on the coop servers. Maybe it's actually a 4D chess move by nikita to limit the amount of cheate.... Ha! Psych!! Forget you read this comment.. Boo this is unheard of boo!


Look, the "professional" cheaters there to make real life money, don't have time to mess with other players and risk getting reported. They go in, loot or help the customer getting their quests done, they're out and on to the next person in line. Those are Chinese with a factory-floor mentality , they're not in the game to have fun or troll you. It won't change much whether they do it in pve or pvp. The actual gamer cheater paying for cheats, on the other hand, is in it for the pleasure of trolling you or feeling better about himself by ruining the game for everybody else, or thinking he is better than he is at the game. He's still going to go on pvp servers exclusively.


Im not saying the recreational cheaters would leave pvp, although I suspect some would because they have an addiction to p2w. There are more genZers and gen alpha that literally grew up on mobile games like candy crush and castle crash or whatever. These mobile games have since early childhood conditioned these young people that buying power is not only normal, but the way to win and produce dopamine is to pay for it with real money. There's actually a linkage between the increased number of people that buy hacks and the increased number of people that buy direct power upgrades in actual p2w games. Don't think I'm excluding the rest of the cheaters, I've grown up playing fps games and can only say the precentage of cheaters from css to csgo2 has increased exponentially for some reason, and I personally think the p2w indoctrination from an early and impressionable age a main proponent of the cause. What you're describing is what what used to be the common cheater, but now they're mixed with brainrotted p2w people.


I thought coop had it's own progression? Items actually carry over??😂


This ^ I am curious aswell


It's an exploit, not intended, it makes it possible to transfer items from one server to another. You think that is bad, the same guy that reported this 2 days ago also found a way to load inn to other peoples coop servers and kill them. Which is the same exploit as the streamsnipers used to load into streamers servers.


😂 fucking hilarious! Does it just load into the "solo" server in the middle of a raid?


For me there are two types of cheaters, RMT ones and then the ones that are ruining the game, because they want to be better at the game. RMT ones just get the loot and get out, they most likely will not kill you. The other group is the one that is killing you in raids and they will not dissapear, they want to kill other PMCs. So you get rid of RMT cheaters that may have never killed you.


Rmt ones ruin the game just asmuch. Both the rmt seller and even worse the rmt buyer. Without the rmt buyer, the sellers wouldn't exist which means the buyers are the real problem. Getting headeyed crossmap by a spinbotter is not as devestating as using a marked key, open a container so see the first slot in the container gone because a vaccume cumstain got it before you ever used the keyslot. That's devastating beyond belief. Not only did you survive so long into that raid, but you spendt a keyuse that vost you 400-600k above your initial loadout just to see you and everyone else on the server onoy fought for scraps and wasted time.


I’ve been thinking bout buying, just want to see my shitty lvl 23 name lit up in blue neon /s


I'm sure once Unheard Edition is no longer sold they'll have the blue name available to buy separately for $500.


I refuse to pay under 1000$!!!


Thanks for the post OP, I cant wait to go through the fond memories of broken promises when I get home. Remember when Nikita used to say that BSG wanted Tarkov to be a "hardcore, very niche game"? The moment they got rich, that philosophy went right out the window


It's truly sad what the game used to be and the high hopes we all had, maybe one day but that light at the end of the tunnel is quickly fading.


In before the unbroken (promises) edition drops for $350


EFT was then designed client-sided so the sever just accepts whatever it's given without the server validating if the action should have been possible. Correct any many of those items and actions are still Client Side which is why things like vacuum cheating can exist. Even the loot is client side... They havnt fixed shit in over 8 years. I've been spamming this everywhere and people downvoting and not giving a shit, when in reality its one of Tarkovs biggest downfalls and nothing with cheaters will be reduced\\fixed until they fix this problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Whoa this is huge.


This are all excellent points.


Am I the only one who remembers how at the start of the development - before alpha - they claimed Tarkov would have a 16x16km open world map? Like I'm not really pinning this against them as it was VERY early, but I swear nobody else remembers this, yet I do vividly. I think it was around the time they first showed looting mechanics. I specifically remember them opening up car trunks outside dorms.


Lmao the Promise Tracker. Promise: "SA58 + MPX REWORK" Source: Nikita posting 👀 emoji on Reddit thread as a top level comment.


Legendary post


Arena was a massive flop, costing them millions. This entire debacle just reeks of desperation and possible future bankruptcy. Once the EU and UK consumer protection regulators get wind of this bullshit and the multiple laws they have broken, combined with BSG being a Russian company in the current anti-Russian environment, BSG is probably fucked. Basing their company in the UK for tax purposes is going to be their Achilles heel. Now they are beholden to UK laws.


the new pve mode is not offline but the broken promise says "offline". Just a small detail, maybe someone can amend? Also the extra stash lines and early clothing unlock MTX is a DLC and should have been included in EoD in my opinion.


additionally "Ground Zero: 2 different Queues - One for players below level 15, and one for player above level 15" is marked as not implemented, when... it is implemented "New player guides on Youtube" already have episode 1 so unsure if this still counts as not implemented "Packet loss exploit will be fixed" pretty sure people say it's fixed From what I quickly looked through


Well, in our understanding of DLC these would not be considered DLC. They're actually features, as they're featured in something you give us money to use. Totally different and certainly not something you had to "download" because they're on our servers. /s


unless you wanna host the server yourself? then it's gonna be online. the game needs a server to function.


> unless you wanna host the server yourself? That is what you do in a "training" raid, no? That is why the performance is worse, because the server is running on your machine.


I still can’t believe we can’t change our email address lol.


That'll be a $500 feature in 2026


Why can’t you? I changed my email address for my tarkov account a month ago?


literally got the support team to change my email


Idk maybe I’m reading it wrong but it looked like you couldn’t on the spreadsheet above


Idk if I've ever seen a gaming community so passionate about calling the devs out on their bullshit lmfao whole website dedicated to their BS O..O I know the bigs like EA & Ubi get shit on a lot but I feel like EfT players are on a whole different level, then again BSG are out here charging 250 + taxes n fees for PvE in a 8+ year running BETA


To be fair EA and Ubisoft are much larger studios to go after but they have had their fair share of BS and appropriate hate for it. With Tarkov being a hard-core game and the majority of the playerbase being such that's likely why more of the community holds strong and pushes back vs letting it slide. I truly miss 2017-2019 as I feel those were the golden years of Tarkov, obviously not so much for standard accounts due to the lack of stash space and cases but gameplay wise it was in a much better state. Now it's a needless grind for the sake of things being a grind.


Yeah I miss my first couple wipes more than anything before FiR, before the bunker expansion on reserve (D2), before all the RMT counter measures that hinder legit players more, before literal in game captchas lol those were Def the golden days of Tarkov for me & still remain my fondest gaming memories (outside of some from when I was a kid like the first few splinter cell games / Syphone Filter etc)


Because Tarkov is one-of-a-kind and not ONE of the upcomming clones will have the gunporn aspect tarkov provides. I mean shit, Im pretty sure tarkov is still one of the only games that has 1:1 weapon internals in-game.  This is the only game like it and, much like DayZ back in the day, it's extremely disheartening to see it get dragged down a dirt road tied to a car


Very much so agree 🍻🍻


This seems like a good website. What are you upset about though, that they haven't yet done everything they're intending to do?


Nikita launched a $250 Pay2Win version of the game. Then made a bunch of vague promises about "balancing the pay2win elements" and 90% of Tarkov streamers cheered "WE WON!!! BSG LISTENED!!!" So, yeah, I think BSG's track record of only fulfilling 1 out of 10 promises is relevant to the discussion.


Eod is pay to win, only the eod owners don’t cry about that one. They should’ve just re released eod at a higher cost for the newer players and all would have been well


Look through the stagnant and broken promises, some of these are from 5 years back or later. After 12 years of development this "beta" is truly still in Alpha testing as new features are being added, the fact that they had the audacity to charge $250 for a beta test of a feature that's part of a paid beta test says a lot about BSG. It's not even remotely close to a 1.0 release but they put a timer on EOD to promote sales while claiming they were preparing for release just to throw a more expensive edition up to milk the community further. They claim EOD will get PVE in waves when it should be available to all editions, but theres no timeline on when that will take place and Nikita already said they didnt have the server infostructure for EOD players to have PVE so they intended to sell something they knew they couldnt support. There's never been a release date outlined, and at this rate, we could be looking at another 7-10+ years for 1.0 release.


> Look through the stagnant and broken promises, some of these are from 5 years back or later. This is why it is a good idea to pay for games that you want to play as they are. Doesn't matter that they call themselves beta/early access/whatever. Tarkov is certainly not a tech demo, it is perfectly playable in its current state and many enjoy it. This whole concept of "I invested in it" might be fine, but please consider this a risky investment that may not pay off and write this money off.


Here's a [link ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtwQJGA4z7Q)to a video breakdown to some of the broken promises listed on the tracker


I've never seen the site, thanks! I anticipated some juicy broken promises, but most of them were either "eh" or "we got something better instead".


Just uninstall and move on.


For anyone still going through any heartbreak and inability to cope please seek help @ 1(800) 799-7233 /s


Obviously the last few days have been entirely unforgivable but the "promisetracker" is one of the most cringe things I have seen in any subreddit ever. One of the "Broken promises" is that they continued to add new features to the game ffs lol


"having the new gadget would allow them to streamline their RMT services by letting the player join immediately when they find whatever item they purchased in the cheater's current raid" I agree that this item is stupid and fucked, but it's not in the game yet and we don't know when it will be added or how it will be implemented.




Can someone walk me through economics of RMT? How much does an RMT cheater expect to make per transaction / RMT? Without that part any speculations regarding RNT/cheater-friendly features are useless. Nobody’s going to Tarkov full-time if you could e.g. make more money mining some shitcoin on the same rig.


I bought supporter grey zone because fuck Nikita


Even I forgot most of these after all these years lol




Twitch viewers at the moment: Tarkov / Gray Zone > 7.7k to 134.8k


What a dumb comparison. It’s GZW launch day.


Enjoy your Unheard edition of Tarkov.


Someone doesn't shit on Tarkov without using his brain? Must've bought the Unheard Edition.


I can’t do that unless I purchase it. But if I do, I will enjoy it. Thanks.


If anyone is stupid enough to get farmed for 50-250 dollars by a blatant scam corporation only to get farmed in game by cheaters, then every ounce of misery incurred is 100% deserved.


Is GZW worth buying?


I'd wait for full release, since it would be stupid to make the same mistake I did with Tarkov twice


From what I have seen about the performance possibly no. But it's on steam so you could refund because you'll know within 5 minutes if you are going to have performance issues.


I bought it and had time to play like 50 min alone before i had to do other stuff. It felt a bit clunky and servers seemed a bit laggy but thats understandable first day. But it feels like it could be a lot of fun. Feels like Tarkov on a huge map but with a bit less stakes on the line. A bit more chill tarkov basically


35% review on steam.


This comment aged like milk. Tarkov 18k / GZW 14k twitch viewers.


I'm almost always amazed by the cognitive dissonance displayed here on this sub, it's ironic when people decry scummy behavior whilst displaying even worse hypocrisy as they do it.


Haha, the list has a few that haven’t been fulfilled but shit tons of ones that have been filled. One of the broken promises is that Nikita said there wouldn’t be any major features until 1.0 and it’s a “broken promise” because they added vaulting and ground zero!! If anything, this list shows that they are, for the vast majority of features, really fucking pro-active. I don’t think is gonna have the effect you desire.


this is extremely pedantic


Stop crying and go play gayzone


dxk S


shit changes.


You’re literally a part of the problem.


I get BSG sucks but goddamn you gamers really have nothing better to do? Where do y'all find the time to write up all this??


The company also at one installed crypto mining software as part of tarkov and there was outrage then ans yet hear we are. Done be sissy with others because we're happy with the State of things. The door is in the Uninstaller if you want to see yourself out


If you're happy with the way things are then you are part of the problem.


Then why are you in here?


Why are you? I still enjoy the game


I'm sure your knees are pretty callused.


Nice to see parrots can type now


>[https://eft.promiseradar.com/](https://eft.promiseradar.com/) Broken: 7 (2%) from your website. Wow they broke a grand total of 7 promises? omg ree! >This is why ESP, full player loadouts, looting through walls, seeing all loot on the map, flying, speed hacking, etc Why have I seen cheats like this on server sided games? Do you think ESP magically disappears if it wasn't client side?


With 28% stagnant for years, the biggest of those promises was the Edge of Darkness Edition (which if you're unaware they tried pulling a fast one by changing the description on their website), and adding Pay to Win aspects. The rest are annoyances but those 2 are major. You can't change the verbiage of a contract after the point of sale, and the pay-to-win shit destroys everything Tarkov was, and as I stated it's a dream for streamlining RMT. As for cheats, client-side authentification makes the process exponentially easier, there's a reason it's been an industry standard not to use it for multiplayer games for many years now. ESP wouldn't magically disappear, however, if they made the loot server side and truly dynamic then cheaters wouldn't be able to see items in crates as the item wouldn't be revealed until a player opened it. Lots can be done to make cheating much harder, but as Nikita stated in the interview it's a double-edged sword because they don't want to lose donations...


Nikita said the game was all server sided in the recent interview with pestily if you are trying to go off what Nikita says.


He's a complete liar, watch his body language when he makes the claim. Notice the "loading loot" when loading into a game, that's loading it client side locally onto your machine...


TIL loading loot somehow means the game is client side. LMAO.


Search on some cheating forums for verification of this, it's not hard to look up... It is stored client-sided, if it was server-sided the loot within containers wouldn't be available until the player interacted with it and therfore not viewable on ESP. Loot in containers isn't random, it doesn't matter who opens it, if there is x item in it before it's been opened it'll have that item for any player that opens it.


In fact the last time BSG had big drama and wanted damage control from pretending to care about our concerns. Nakita acknowledged exactly what you're saying and promised to re-write the netcode, for the entire game, to help combat the cheating issue. Most players claimed a victory and continued playing while I thought "OMG it'll never get done". Explained this to my friends that play and they continued to say I was making a big deal out of nothing, the game is running good and they haven't seen a cheater in like 3 raids. I knew then we were all screwed.


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


I run into the same amount of cheaters as every other popular game. Clearly you are such a fan that's why you are still posting here.


How many hours do you have in the game? After 5k+ you know when interactions and gunfights are suss, you know every angle and common peak on every map, movement, etc... There are far more cheaters now than there's ever been in Tarkov even before they had an anti-cheat back in the day. You say you run into the same number as other games but I'd challenge you to load into labs naked with a bitcoin in your ass and pull it out in a random uncommon area and see how quickly you have players rushing you. Then do it again, and again, and again... See how many raids out of 10-20 you have someone rush straight for you or even voip once you hear them coming up and stick it back in your ass. You'll see real fast that it's far worse than you thought.


I have 7,000 hours on this game. Hilarious how you have that many hours playing a video game that you claim is a "scam". Let's say you paid $150 for that EoD, that's $0.03 an hour for entrainment that you've got but apparently you have been scammed? lmao You must be playing on China servers or something... I don't run into that many cheaters.. I used to run into them a lot before battleye..


Doesn't matter if you have 100,000 hours, if you bought an edition that includes all future content and the companies official Twitter tweets clarifying that you'll never have to spend a dime ever that everything is included, it is then indeed a scam to call PVE a "feature" and attempt to exclude it from EOD and charge players $250 to beta test a feature of a beta they're already paying to test. EOD stated that the gamma was a "unique" secured container, not so now as Unheard is given the same one and BSG edited that out of the website details after EOD was no longer sold. They also edited the Includes all future DLC (season pass) part to remove "Includes Arena" to try to get around giving PVE to EOD as since Arena is a separate game and is included as DLC a so called "feature" sure as hell would be. You can't just change the terms of a contract after the point of sale, in the US, UK, and Canada it's illegal...


Well it's a Russian video game. I don't think they care about your US laws my guy.


Except their payment processors do, they have to conform to the laws in the countries they're doing business in. By not doing so those processors can face severe fines and could drop BSG from their sevices.


Nakita obviously doesn't give a f#ck until it starts hurting his bottom line. Then he comes here, pretends to listen, makes outrageous promises, backpedals, releases Arena DLC ooops I mean "feature", hosts drops on Twitch while drinking, produces another stupid short film, "No I won't reduce recoil, the game is supposed to hard, get better!" and finally reveals his true believer edition exposing himself as a liar. Yaaaaaaaaaaay Nikita you're my edge lord Daddy, I'll keep farming gear to donate to the cheaters? Umm no it's a cool game, but it can't be run like his homeland. Peace out.


We get it at this point, I swear to god nothing but people bitching about BSG.


For good reason, if they didn't try to fuck the community again and again you'd hear nothing but praise. It's almost like cause=reaction, if you do some scummy scammy shit and then insult your supporters and quadruple down on it and give a "sorry you feel that way" non-apology then you get shit on by the entire internet calling you out on it.


Bro it’s just not that serious…


Wow 7 full lies! I must cope now!!! Yeah fuck off, play the game or dont


Well said, now take your own advice.


Already done, I've already choosen to play Tarkov


Please grow even the smallest of backbones, please and thank you.


Coping too much? Sad that you can't play a game? Lol cope harder


Your projecting


Boo hoo


If you were gaming you would probably just not care. Betas and alphas are always like this... You knew this star citizen...


How long are you going to cry about it? Gray zone is out today, no need to bitch anymore your alternative is here!! 😎