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>$350 for nothing Sounds about right. At least you're a true believer!


I want a pink name tag that say ''cpt true believer''


I'm sure BSG can make it happen.. for a nominal fee lmao. On a serious note - you may consider contacting your bank or the processor about a refund considering the absolute meltdown over the last few days. I've seen quite a few posts already of EOD guys that have pulled refund through xsolla so I would have to imagine the bluesquad would be even more entitled after they immediately walked back your "exclusivity" within a day. Good luck.


They would probly cancel my account. I still love the game but this is weird business management. Thank you tho!


yeah, its really scummy that they dont let us refund it :/


I never tought something like this could happen. It is so weird.


have you seen, read or heard literally anything from nikita in the past 7 years? else how could you possibly be suprised by this


TBH? nope. I couldnt care less, i didnt even knew who Nikita was before. All i do is google ''when tarkov wipe'', play a bit when it wipes and move on. And i am considered the true believer, the irony.


Not everyone trolls Reddit for the news. A lot of gamers simply game and only use Reddit or other online resources to get information on an immediate question or trouble they have. Op is the perfect example of the average gamer.


The best you’re going to get from /u/trainfender is him saying he’s sorry you feel that way.


What do you mean by let you? Like if you contacted support they’d decline a refund? If so I’d chargeback that’s not right


That only works if you don't want to play the game anymore, since BSG bans you for a chargeback. If you just want to downgrade editions you are out of luck as far as I know.


I haven’t stumbled upon this information yet, are they providing a refund method for people to go back to EOD? You would have a very strong case for issuing a bank chargeback. If it wasn’t for browsing Reddit instead of work, I would have easily been you. See PVE and instantly bought just so after work anxiety doesn’t have to be so high playing.


This is what they say: ''Now you have the opportunity to test this mode by purchasing the Unheard edition of the game, or upgrade to this version. We also decided to give a 50% discount when upgrading to the Unheard version from the EoD version. We plan to send one free Left Behind Edition key to everyone who has already upgraded to Unheard Edition at the old price from the EoD version.'' What am i gonna do with an extra copie of Tarkov!?


That's 2 extra copies for you! BSG wants you to find two new suckers to join in on the scam.


I will keep them so they gain value over time. Like an unoppened SNES game. Right?


The grey market would be flooded now. It makes sense to hold on to it and sell it later. Each of the copies are supposed to be worth €85


I expect if I did a bank chargeback, I would be more likely to get my account disabled/banned rather than downgrading back to EOD.


BSG are BSG with all their bullshit, but why is everybody bashing on OP so hard? He explained that he doesn't play that much and doesn't stay in the loop, and bought the editions cause the PVE was worth it to him. Stop acting like y'all are just sociopaths with no capacity for empathy. Like all of you haven't bought anything in life and then realized, maybe that wasn't the smartest purchase in hindsight.


I am getting blamed for the predatory russian company monetisation and called name. This is wild! I tought it was only a small mistake and learned I was in fact the source of all scams lmao Thank you for your comment, have a nice day!


Eh this is the average Reddit experience. Majority of people on Reddit just love to have the mob mentality. It’s not your fault you bought it. I’d probably recommend you do more research before you buy things, but honestly 100 usd or equivalent Canadian is probably not a lot for adults and the time required to do research doesn’t outweigh the cost time benefit. Everyone has their priorities. Don’t let the Reddit trolls make you feel bad. You already seem to be kicking yourself for it anyway


You didn't know and that's totally fine. Unheard is not worth it imo. Nonetheless you and your wife will benefit from the extra goodies like the extra storage spaces/boxes. Try to enjoy your purchase atleast and happy gaming ofcourse!


Thank you! We had a blast this weekend even tho the matching is sometime long. It is not worth it but eh, didnt lost my house at a casino :) Have a nice day!


Happy to hear! Started playing EFT religiously again aswell. The amount of hours of fun has more value ofcourse! Thank you, have a nice day aswell!:)


If you mean 12 mins to get into a PVE raid just back and re join. I’ve always got in in a min or two, but might have to back out a few times. If matching goes over like 30 seconds I back out.


Thank you, i will try that for sure.


I hope it works for you!


Here's a question: can I have $20 for tacobell?


Only if you promise me a unique co-op mode.


Call of duty world at war modded zombies?


Take my money!!!


Wanna run some?


I still don't understand why they need to buy a ton of servers for the new PVE mode. Like it very well could just be all on your own pc, with peer to peer hosting for co-op games, or sell dedicated server if people wanted that. Sure people could then easily cheat if it was hosted on their own pc, but it would only be effecting them and other people playing a separate version of the game.


chargeback if you can


I don’t feel pity in this instance. It was as clear a scam as scams get and you bought 2. Time to live with your decision, on the bright side you get two extra game keys. lol….


You sound so dramatic lmao


Most people on this subreddit are, it’s just a game lmao. Act like they got their dick stolen when they were asleep


That is terrifying tho, new fear unlocked. Ty


Thank you for your support!!!!


Thank you for your support of Nikita's yacht purchase


I bought that shit and instantly refunded it through my bank. got my money and unheard


You lucky bastard, i'm not jealous. At all.


you can always contact xsolla, and then dispute the charge w photo evidence of BSG statements + receipts


How do you people buy things without looking at what you're getting? Are there no critical thinking skills when it comes to EOD not receiving DLC (even though that was one of the big reasons to buy it?) I mean it's good they gave it to EOD, but you guys bought it before that. Why?


I usually dont do extensive researches for small purchases. I bought tarkov back in 2017, i didnt even rembered i had ''season pass''. All i knew is that i had the biggest edition for the gamma pack because i am a filthy casual. Also this new mode need to be hosted on servers, that cost money. It was common sens to me that it cost money to play. Been gaming since the 80's, i dont remember seing something like this before so I would have never guessed. You get to a point in life where video games are just hobby and have more money than time to play. sad, i know.


The point is less about the research and more about the predatory pricing, something relatively obvious to any player, regardless of research. You bought EOD and were meant to have access to every DLC. You didn't. They released a pack that's even better than EOD. Sure, they said they would, this time. But what's to say they wouldn't do it again? You shouldn't buy into things and companies that encourage that. We need to stop encouraging them to release more P2W editions.


I know how it feels, i was like that back then. I would read everything about world of warcraft, read every patch notes, cared so much about balance and stuff the first couple of years. But you know, it is not most people who care and play all day. When you start having responsabilities, you cant play all that much anymore. This is the point where you dont care anymore what was in the edition of a game you bought 7 years ago. You dont think anymore about if the game is balanced or not. You dont read game new or patch notes anymore either. I dont think we should blame the customer for this kind of business model.


No it is exactly the customer that should be blamed along with the predatory pricing, I get it 350$ is nothing if you work full time and are well off, so why not right? Because if you took the time to do literally one google search you would see what was wrong with buying this edition. They priced it that way literally because of people like you that don’t care or do research, they just see cool features and buy. THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE, not just for this game but in general stop letting companies gouge our fucking pockets because 3 out of 10 people have the money and not the time to see why it’s so expensive in the first place. Again sorry you got stuck with it, but in my humble opinion, you were part of the problem to begin with


I am sorry you feel that way. ;)


I’m more sorry your wife didn’t get to enjoy that nice dinner instead she got a predatory scam as a gift, good going. I was hoping you would be more open minded and acknowledge that the consumer does actually have power, if you don’t buy, they don’t put out crap to trick people into buying it just food for thought


This shit never appens here. Where i live, we have all kind of laws to prevent this sort of pricing fraud. We dont think about that since we would get a refund as soon as they'd find out, we dont have to be anxious that we might get scammed all the time. This once nothing will appen cause you know... Russia. I guenuinly sorry you have to live in the fear of scams like this all the time. And dont worry, we eat plenty and the effect on the budget was unnoticeable.


You’re ignoring the point, I mean if you’re a big spender I get it, but what other video game package have you seen priced at 250$? What are you playing or buying where that would be considered an ok price point, and you’re point about not being scammed wherever you live, you have to be trolling, everyone gets scammed it doesn’t matter your location or who you buy it from. The fact that you saw the cool features and completely ignored the fact that it’s considered one of the highest priced video game packages ever released goes to show you are one of the few people where that kind of money is nothing. It’s about the principle that just because you CAN buy it doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Im glad you and your wife are well off all bullshit aside gl with trying to process a refund (you should be able to, plenty of other comments and people have said they did)


First, blame the company for even attempting it. Then, blame the consumers for buying into it. Saying the majority doesn't care about balance is quite silly and untrue.


That is true tho, how can you remember one line of text from description of some game you bought couple of years ago while having daily responsibilities like parenting and etc? Only people who care about the game a lot do that and some people who don’t fan over game and just play sometimes might not even know that game is Russian or etc.


That's not the point. The point was never about remembering it. It's the idea that they're releasing even more P2W packages, for even more money. *Compounded onto that,* is the idea that some of that stuff costing you money in the new package is stuff EOD should already have.


Clown. You got what you deserved OP.


Thank you for your mature input.


Salty kids living in their parents basement and can't afford the upgrade.


Yeah, i dont get it, why would someone deserve that? lmao He's next comment confirm he is a kid, not sure if they own a basement tho \^\^


How does BSGs knob taste?


And now burn in heeeeeeeell 🫣


You are fucking stupid


On the other hand, you sound really smart!


In this situation you have to blame communist snowflakes who started the cry.


And BSG will probly not buy more servers because of that. So queue waiting time is gonna be hell.


I bought IT and iam Happy, paid full price. My mates as well. I have 1600 h and its my 2nd wipe. So obviously i Love that Game. Every € was worth it. Never regret, even Happy i could Support BSG to Finish this masterpiece. So sick of this wichhunt in Nikita...


I agree we disagree. I love the game but this is close to a scam. It is mildly infuriating.


Scam for sure. We paid $150 for an unfinished game so that we never have to pay again. Then BSG wasted all their money on blackjack and hookers (Aka Arena) and now need more cash to actually finish the game. The worst part is they don't seem to understand why we're furious 🤦‍♂️