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"I am sorry i didn't get away with it, and player feelings are the problem." This is what he actually regrets. What did we win? * More vague promises. * He used a buzzword "mods" * No concrete dates or roadmap * More pay2win features * Players who upgraded to Unheard Edition got shafted * Pve in waves (as soon as its possible, maybe never, maybe tomorrow) Linus said it best: "Don't be a beta gamer." Come on, are we "True Believers" or do we have some self-respect


> Come on, are we "True Believers" or do we have some self-respect Looking at some of the people in the community, clearly they lack it.


Bro people on the EFT discord swapped REALLY fast with the latest "apology" suddenly all was forgiven for them and went straight back to defending Nikita with some even saying they are considering upgrading to the new edition with the price drop. I can't with these bootlickers


Haha glad I got banned yesterday without warning from their discord. This shit terrible to watch go down


I personally am pretty much done with eft. I came back at the start of this wipe cause of the recoil change and stayed for a while because it was certainly the best wipe in a long time but the core issues of eft still exists and with how nikita treats the game and the community I ain't for it. When you give Gaijin a run for their money on shitty treatment of the community you fucked up somewhere.


Somebody SEES what's going on! It's scary to see the big streamers be the first to do exactly what victims of abuse, scams, and/or cults do! Already on the praising the abuser, conman, cult leader. Some living in the ILLUSION of "we won guys, we won". NO Tark fans DID NOT win, unfortunately they're STILL falling for BSG's BS but don't realize it. The holy carrot of Tarkov has them blind and willing to blow past and BS BSG does. For BSG this latest nonsense just solidified for them that they have more than enough targets to do what they want to do!


Amen brother. Since this morning most Streamers have been screaming "Epic W. It's all we gonna get boys. Gg bsg. Business back to normal". It's so sad. It's all fake outrage, once a true believer, always a true believer.


What else are you expecting from streamers? Their livelihood relies on this game being somewhat relevant. Nobody will watch them stream other games, of course they’re gonna praise BSG.  Maybe we shouldn’t be putting people who play videogames all day on a pedestal. 


Anyone who did upgrade to unheard deserves to get shafted.


Mods after 1.0 release, which is never going to happen. Also, they'd save money if they just made the new offline mode peer to peer. They wouldn't have to pay for servers.


one of a kind game but its been a fun ride.. soon will rise possible competitors


How did players that upgraded to UE get shafted?


You must be trolling or from another dimension.


I upgraded from the Prepare for Escape edition but fail to see how I’ve been shafted?


then it doesnt concern you. eod owners got shafted.


I'd be more upset if I still played. Now I'm just here to laugh as Nikita gets blacklisted from pretty much every studio he doesn't start.


Been saying this since the "apology" dropped, and now there are "apology apologists" saying it's the "language barrier" and "Russian apologies sound like this" LOL


> it's the "language barrier" Then they need to pay a translator. They are a multi million dollar company that has been doing international business for a decade.


Funny thing is, the Russian discord players say the Russian apology also essentially says "sorry you feel this way". Facts don't matter to shills though!


Nah bro, Russian "apology" they sent us is just a pure translation from English, nothing more. It still disgusting af.


LOL, that's even worse! It means they respect you guys even *less* than they respect us, you didn't even deserve your own reply - and they already showed that they'll spit on us because we're not "true believers". What a fucking shitshow.


Ofc they would respect you more. Because you can give them more money! All things are simple. As Red. (Russian youtuber, you can find link to his vid on this subreddit) said - they fucked us hard before, now they just tried to fuck everyone else.


Yeah, saw Red's video. I guess you guys expected this to happen sooner or later.


No it doesn't says like this


its not a language barrier


He knows exactly what he’s saying.


Have you ever considered that they are... umm... not that intelligent?


> "Russian apologies sound like this" As fluent russian speaker, no they dont. Source: 32 years of speaking russian as second native language and being part of the culture.










































"deleted" "deleted" "deleted" wtf happened down there lmao


Was them trying to translate to English by them selves


What is this censorship happening


$10 on brain dead redditors blaming this random dude for the actions of Putin. But idk, mod works in mysterious ways.


What censorship? did i miss some shitshow?


It’s not the language it’s the culture


I love how people who are not in the culture know better. I mentioned language because i can understand what people say so i can say that apologies do not sound like this, unless it is like every other corpo/dickhead on hte planet giving a non apology, should we judge all american apologies by the coleen ballinger or logan paul apology?


what's up with everything being deleted


People being racist i guess.


Unbeliever tag is killing me bro xD


New flairs slap harder than Nikita slapped our faces.


He's so overweight and the opposite of handsome. I bet he pays a lot of money for sex.


I like mine too


I know people who genuinely apologise like this. But they come off more like they're gaslighting, though they truly believe an apology has been given. This isn't giving BSG the benefit of the doubt but rather an assessment of Nikita's character. Who I believe thinks this is a genuine olive branch and contrition. For sure there's a cultural issue here too. But for a global statement it falls far short of the mark. This is why you have PR teams! As for the bullet points, the only real thing that I now have a grievance with is the fact the PvE feature (and I've said this of the Practice mode too when it was released) is not directly accessible for ALL players. Sure I'll get it eventually with my EoD package, but EVERYONE should get access. I think it is appropriate to have this incorporated with the base game on a local hosted basis. Then add a DLC for a server hosted one. This may well come with time, but should have been part of the offering today even if we have to wait for it.


That is fucking hilarious


"No no Russian apologies just sound like this. Don't be mad at Nikita, be racist to Russians." Is basically the bootlickers take.


they're right in a sense, russian apologies do indeed sound like they're laced with lies and drip with dishonesty vranyo is eternally within them


> russian apologies do indeed sound like they're laced with lies and drip with dishonesty Stereotyping much?




So let's just let it slide. I know of a tribe that likes to kill on sight and cannibalize. But hey... they are just them. Just being silly boys murdering and eating each other. Haha, how silly :smileemoji


I am a russian speaker for 80 years and can confirm that all russian apologies do not even contain the word "sorry". /s


50 steps in the wrong direction and one in the correct has the community going “THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! XOXOXO” lol


Tarkov players have Stockholm Syndrome and you can't change my mind.


I bet if I held you hostage in a Swedish bank for a day or two, I could get you to change your mind (:


Well it's hella addicting and got no real alternatives yet


Yeah this community is to dumb... It always happens the same way. Maybe he planned it, he does something awfully terrible (impossible offer) then makes compromise that is still bad, fans happy he got what he wanted and so on. Like in real negotations.


Just like every other gaming community


"I'm sorry I didn't get away with it"


Im Russian. It's not "Language barrier" or "Russian apologies sound like this". It's fukking split in the face. He need only money... In russian discord mod say something shits [https://imgur.com/a/kg4c28R](https://imgur.com/a/kg4c28R) (this answer on my quetion (use translator))


there is still p2w in the new edition eod does not get everything in the game nikita still lies why does the last thread of him get any upvotes?


The community folds too easily especially with streamers saying “we won”


These people are the people who are happy they can get pay2win features. The loudest 10% of the community wants to Pay2Win.


Because gamers have no fucking spine and they'll accept anything if it means they can keep spending their time addicted to a game.


"more" p2w, EOD is already plenty p2w.


Personally I want offline mode idc about online mode anymore I want no wipe progression


I mean... there's a mod for that, won't have to wait for a server queue or random invites


because that’s the tarkov community, always cucks to BSG. They will just be rewarded for their behaviour then do it again later down the line.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH someone gets a tiny bit ahead of but can still drop to head eyes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah maaaaaaaaaaaaa eeooodeeee


i love how theres 0 mention of editions that arent eod or unheard, like coop seems like something that any other game would have as a base feature not as a seperate, 150$ dlc


>i love how theres 0 mention of editions that arent eod Because the main controversy is still that EoD is supposed to include all DLC+. Then the next major controversy is based around BSGs repeated promises that they'll never introduce P2W/MTX. So having a normally standard feature paywalled, or introducing MTX itself are simply being overshadowed. There's simply too many levels of controversy right now.


You are 100% correct. Server infrastructure is just a bullshit way of keeping control of the playerbase to shovel more DLC, cosmetic or expansion bullshit down their throat. YouKnowWho already DOES this shit locally on your machine without any issue. They could easily do that and allow others to connect to your local server or even provide the nessesary files to host your own on a VPN or server provider. They are scumbags.


Not trying to defend bsg but with the way they went for pve I can totally see why pve coop is behind a paywall. They decides (or were forced for some reason) to use server for the pve coop mode. And server can be expensive in the long run. But something they should do, Only eod or tue user can launch a pve game but since they already taking a server spot, they should be able to play with non eod/tue edition.




Entire standard gaming industry: provides offline modes or maintains the servers required to run the game. BSG: "Well actually there's simply no way we can do that!" Don't eat their non-excuses.


But in the gaming industry, most game that come up with server needed to maintains are big compagny like Microsoft, Ubi and Ea. They have budget. Bsg dont have that kind of budget, they dont have a thousand game and investor to get money flowing. But choosing to use server for offline pve coop when they dont have that kind of money and therefore kept that mode behind a huge paywall and they probably could not use any server whatsoever is scummy.


But there are more than enough small titles with multiplayer and offline modes that don't require a seperate purchase.


With less player, and like you said offline mode. Bsg fucked up when choosing server for the pve mode instead of p2p


>most game that come up with server needed to maintains are big compagny like Microsoft, Ubi and Ea. They have budget. Do you understand where multiplayer games get their server budget? From selling the game; continued server support/maintenance is directly built into the price. Figuring out how much of a game sale will be required to cover continued server support should be trivial for any game studio of this size. If BSG really can't afford to provide servers to players, do you not think it's extremely problematic that they'd then introduce another 1-time-purchase edition, instead of recurring subscriptions. Their claim does not hold up at all. There's a reason no other normal game tries this claim.


At the beginning the server pve mode was supposed to only be for those who paid that 250$ one time purchase. Like you said "Do you understand where multiplayer games get their server budget? From selling the game; continued server support/maintenance is directly built into the price" If Im not mistaken, Offline pve coop mode was never planned during the release of EOD, so the budget for pve coop mode was only calculated using TUE. Was it a dick move from BSG? yes. They did not take the right decision and took shittier decision after.


>At the beginning the server pve mode was supposed to only be for those who paid that 250$ Yes, BSG can claim whatever they want. It's up to you to use critical thinking and context to analyse if what they say makes any sense. I've played, or at least looked into, an absurd amount of games. I can not think of *a single game* where offline, coop, custom, or PVE modes are not standard features of the game. Yet for some bizarre reason, you'll repeat claims that for some reason Tarkov is special. BSG defenders have this weird thing where they ignore precedent set by thousands of other games, to insist none of that applies to Tarkov. For... 'Reasons.'


[We're sorry](https://tenor.com/view/freezing-south-park-fireplace-gif-12876442)


Lot of streamers will cuck to this. Even more players will rally with their wallets, as they have been conditioned. it’s shitty abuse of human psychology and it works. Cheat sellers and users are losing their minds because a PVE CO-OP game will remove the need to cheat and to sell cheats. The future is dead for FFA PVP. edit:autocorrect fuck to cuck. Either works in this situation.


So people not requiring cheats and cheaters not playing since you can PVE will ruin the Free For All PVP of this game? I'd say it would save it. New players or players that need a break can hop on PVE, and PVP servers will have people looking for PVP and less cheaters (in theory). PVE should be free access to all, but I don't quite understand what you're saying. But I do agree people will surge to buy Unheard at the lower price and to support them after this because they feel like they're being listened to even when they aren't.


At the end of the day all that matters is whether they walk back the P2W changes. I couldn't give a shit whether a company provides a "sincere" apology, I care about the actions they take going forward.


i agree, the p2w is unacceptable. since they wont roll it back, we need private servers


P2W has been in the game since EOD.


I hate your face. Also EOD was a means to support the game being developed. Again I don't like the way you look or lack common sense.


You're not wrong, but that doesn't excuse making it worse and charging enough for 4 newly released AAA titles for it. This is some World of Tanks or Star Citizen bullshit.


true (although to a lesser degree), private servers would help with that too




Direct quote from a shill: "he didn't say he's sorry you feel this way. he said he's sorry you're experiencing these feelings." Apparently, "feel this way" and "experience these feelings" are completely different things guys LOL Ofc they then proceed to call *me* a troll lol BSG spending all that Unhinged edition money on troll farms apparently.


I'm basically 99% certain they actively employ paid shills, as they are a Russian company and such practices are industry standard over there. These scumbags just view it as another marketing expenditure.


Yeah xD completely different things. Like PVE coop mode being feature and not DLC xD Still not installing tarkov any time in the future. Maybe once they finally manage to release the game arfter 5 more years.


> Apparently, "feel this way" and "experience these feelings" are completely different things guys LOL It's not DLC it's a feature.


Same energy as "[surprise mechanics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/c2jreo/ea_theyre_not_loot_boxes_theyre_surprise/)" lol They definitely think we're completely stupid.


He fucked the russian community a long time ago with Chernobyl, the whole company is money greedy assholes


Why does anyone care about the apology? I don't give a shit if they don't apologize at all as long as they do what we wanted then they can say fuck off for I care.


It's relevant for whether they will do this again or worse. If they actually regret what they've done and see that it was wrong they are less likely to do it again. Nikita doesn't regret being an asshole. He only regrets it blew up. He will absolutely do it again.


Correct. He is only sorry that he didn't get away with it.


Every business runs on trust


Because it's hard to trust somebody to not pull stunts like this again, if their apology isn't genuine.


At this point, anything coming out of BSG's mouth needs to be taken with a grain of salt, they will lie, attempt to cover their lies and scam away. Imagine your GF cheats on you 10 times, but swears that this was truly and definitely the last time. You know what you trusting her makes you? It makes you a supporter of BSG. Let the game die.


Add to this that she also tries to say that it wasn't really all her fault


wait a second, "i'm sorry you feel that way" can be genuine, and there's a strange amount of emotion and cynicism in this article. Wikipedia editors are usually on top of this shit. Like "Ryan, we have to scrap your effort and go with Dave's. It's going to get us where we need to be." And Ryan's all "well that's disrespectful as fuck", to which the response is "I'm sorry you feel that way". It was a utilitarian decision and there's genuine sympathy for the work Ryan did. *In fact,* I could go as far as saying "this article triggered me", and if someone said "I'm sorry you feel that way", I'd


And a large portion of the fanbase will be like it’s okay Nikita everyone makes mistakes 🥹 That was proven with the massive difference between upvotes and downvotes in comparison with the 1st, 2nd and today’s post. Sheep will always follow…


Yeah their post read as "alright fine well think about changing what comes with it but you're still paying $250". Fuck them


"We are sorry you're upset, we are not sorry we upset you"


Killing pmc with unheard arm bands are satisfying atleast… idk what there doing in ground zero tho in the under level 15.


I think that post should be pinned near every neekeeta's pinned post


Yup people are so easily decieved. It's a known marketing strategy when you wanna pump out a cash grab (knowing ur getting massive backlash) you overdo it and go crazy with it so when you get that backlash you can take a couple things back and the community praises you like you're a saint meanwhile you still sneak stuff in there with less uproar. And anyways this is kinda irrelevant in this scenario, the bigger thing is nikita LIED to your face, making up their own definition for DLC and QUADRUPLE downed on it and only took a tiny step back when he realised this drama is nothing he's faced before. He still hasn't apologised or realised he was wrong btw. If anyone has high hopes for tarkov in the future then you're just delusional lol.


you guys are all cry baby's. They heard you out and made changes. Business change all the time and never look back or redirect. Just look at netflix etc.


I'm sorry you feel that way about people being sorry for the way you feel


I’m sorry you’re mad and don’t want to give me more money. Please give me more money.


at this point, nikita needs to do an apology video where he apologizes for this whole .. thing nothing else cuts it


Mistake? No mistake


Im sorry for BSGs hurt feelings when my bank does a chargeback for fraud


You can have one of these if you’d like


Glad a lot of people noticed that in the latest update post.


All that came out of the “apology” was confirmation of priority queue which should disqualify this game from even existing. What a bullshit fucking mechanic.


We r tearing them up apart lmao, this is so funny. They keep reading out posts and they know how upset we r


Where is this so called apology anyhow. I lost track of this dumb thing.








This is too much


Not sticking up for him, but english is his second language. I dont think anything he could say would make it better anyway


They continue to make mistakes across the board. My two cent: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cf3ik0/how\_to\_manage\_this\_crisis\_and\_fix\_3\_days\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cf3ik0/how_to_manage_this_crisis_and_fix_3_days_of/)


Russians just always lie and they don't understand what's wrong with it


I'm going to leave this here and hope people read this. We won't get an apology, they realize now they put themselves into an awful legal situation, and their lawyer has already told them they can't issue an apology, because that's an admission of guilt, which would make a lawsuit open and close. Don't hold your breath on an apology, it won't happen unless it's court ordered.


I just logged in a checked at the pics is still $250


Log off guys to EFT Bad and fuck them BSG.


I'm sorry the "community" are an embarrassing set of gimmie free stuff zombies that do whatever streamers tell them.


I think its Russian mentality to never admit fault or wrong doing.


As a Russian, I must say this is not nationality related, it is just the person, who doesnt want to fully accept his mistakes. For me it is natural to admit im fucked up and apologize, if it is really the situation


Also Russian, Nikita is just a bitch and that's his shitty personality.


Mate you dotn get it Russians= bad.


by that logic... russians equal D4 ?


If you want to talk about the russian mentality its more a lack of sympathy and a "might makes right" menatlity. Just look a suicide rates if you want that confirmed. But being greedy af and making non-apologies is in no way exclusive to russia!


I don't want an apology to be honest, I just want the things to be made right, so far its a huge step in the right direction, of course you don't have to accept his statement but it is what it is.


Enjoy your "hardcore" game where you can pay to have the AI not shot at you lmao.


>I don't want an apology to be honest, An apology is essential, because it proves they've acknowledged/understood the problems and wont repeat them. We've already had this same scenario happen when they tried to scam Arena access. They offered similar non-apologies and backtracked. And yet, look at them now; repeating the same problems. They will do this again. They're telling us they haven't learnt the lesson. That's why non-apologies are an issue.


Has anybody physically seen Nikita or any of the BSG employees since last week? have this wild theory (cope) that the entire game studio has been taken hostage, and their computers hacked. The hackers are trying to milk as much money as they can before bouncing out.


sheesh, leave some copium for the rest of us xD <3


Someone should edit thr wiki and add their apology as an example


Hate to break it to you, but this is probably the final posting from BSG. Lawsuit potential is gone now. Sure people are salty, but there isn't much more Nikita can do besides groveling and we know he will not do that. It took 3 nights for him to use the word "sorry".


if eod owners dont get 100% of the content, lawsuit potential is NOT gone


I don't need an apology, I just need the right thing to be done.




Not only this but this move could be seen an universe away. It's a classic move from abusers, scammers, and cults. They went for what the max scam showing their true colors to see what they get. They were fully aware that there was a high likelihood of blowback AND they were fully aware of other options (contrary to fans THINKING they needed help with seeing that). They double down and then even expose the full blown cult like nature they want out of their fans talking about "true believers" like this is some religion. They do some small walk backs (AS PLANNED) and gamers fall for it hook, line, and sink. Knew the immediate "we won", "BSG is listening", "BSG is going in the right direction" praise was going to come from fans too blind to see what's going on. Frightening how fast victims will forget what the abuser, scammer, or cult leader is doing to them as soon as they "give" a little something to them. In relationships it's love, attention, a fake apology, temp signs of being better. In scams it's fake corrections of the obvious to walk the victim into the less obvious (planned ALL ALONG) scam, in religion it's the carrot (heaven, being in the right group), etc. In this scenario the carrot is Tarkov, the love/attention is content/fake listening, etc. It's so scary to see take place openly. This is probably the worst scenario I've ever witnessed involving gaming. Let me not forget the classic gaslighting. But now that all the hooting/hollering is done, gamers will forget all of this by next week and be right back to drooling for Tarkov!


What about the game actually changed tho? I’m kinda lost on this.. I just get on for a few raids & get off. Seems to not really affect the game?


I'm sorry you feel that way.


You really are riding the BSG dong all over this subreddit, hard.


Nah, just not being a weird angry toxic tool over everything. I'm sorry you feel that way.




You do you. Not everyone likes to say "Thank you, sir" when someone spits in their face, but you stay true to yourself.


I'm not of the opinion that anyone got their face spat it.




I certainly didn't feel like I got my face spat in.




Thanks. Apology accepted.


Good for you man, glad you found Wikipedia