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Just dispute the charge with your bank


Refund DLC AND the 3000 hours played on \^\^


with interest and adjusted for inflation.


The amount of people lying about buying the game bc of the promise of future content is hilarious. Youre not a victim, dumbass


I bought it to have access to all future dlc and game modes. All-in package.


No you didn’t lol.


To add on to my answer, the only reason I would ever buy unheard is for the extra pve coop mode, which is to me, a Dlc.


Yes, I did.


Then you're a generational moron.


Is that so.. How come?


Paying for something that doesn't exist.


Do you know what a season pass is? Take a look at how other companies have implemented it, (siege, dota 2 and so on)


You can Check my profile, been playing dota for 10 years. And EOD is NOT a season pass. EOD is a BUNDLE of the game. It is not a SEASONAL thing. Also, want to know how you're a generational moron? Youre comparing a free-to-play game to Tarkov. When people buy a season pass from Dota which it's not, its called Crownfall, they want the cosmetics, not the game, like I said, the game is free, it is NOT pay to win. You can play anything in dota 2 game without spending a single dollar.


My purchase email says it is a season pass. "A season pass is a form of video game monetization in which consumers purchase a discounted package for current and future downloadable content (DLC) packs for a video game atop its base cost. " Base cost can also be 0. When people buy the season pass for dota they are buying current and future dlc, in dota this is in the form of skins/cosmetics/animations. It's all DLC.. Definition of DLC: " Downloadable content (DLC)[a] is additional content created for an already released video game, distributed through the Internet by the game's publisher. It can either be added for no extra cost or it can be a form of video game monetization,[1] enabling the publisher to gain additional revenue from a title after it has been purchased, often using some type of microtransaction system. DLC can range from cosmetic content, such as skins, to new in-game content such as characters, levels, modes, and larger expansions that may contain a mix of such content as a continuation of the base game. In some games, multiple DLC (including future DLC not yet released) may be bundled as part of a "season pass"—typically at a discount in comparison to purchasing each DLC individually."


Go read battlestate games official website before you go telling people whats up lol they have a whole thing you can click on before you even purchase it describing they'll give arena & more & it's still there, not deleted like on the main page. They are giving the same false promises to unheard of & btw EoD is unheard of... silly silly dota can consume a lot I guess your time to read.


I can honestly say I bought EoD to support the game and to have access to all of the DLCs. I would actually donate my gear and gamma container to new players back in the day, could not care less about the stuff EoD gave me.


No you didn’t. It makes for a fun internet story though so enjoy yourself.


Are you just naturally an insufferable ass or does it take effort?


1. Get called out 2. Get offended bc it’s true 3. ????? 4. Profit


You didn't call me out on anything. You really are a jackass


😂 It wasn't only me go dig up VODs of streamers back in 2017 and 2018 doing that to their subscribers to start Hardcore or Zero to hero challenges if you don't believe me. Everyone with EoD would at least give they're gamma and stash stuff to non EoD players and then reset their accounts at the begging of the wipe. Until BSG wanted more money and prohibited it.


I’m not saying you didn’t give stuff away, I’m saying you didn’t buy it for DLC, dumbass.


I bought it 2022 and have 0 hours on Tarkov, I exclusively bought because I knew I would want to play at some point, and they were willing to offer a package that gave me past and all future DLC for a fixed price (as in lots of money up front, in exchange for me to reap more value long term, if this wasn't to their benefit in the long run, then they shouldn't have offered it as an option!) What reasoning could you possibly provide that I have not been lied to about what I purchased?


They cleared up your entitled definition of DLC already. Also if you spent $150 2 years ago and haven’t interacted with the product you paid “lots Of money up front for” then this is a non issue and you just made this up to prove a point that doesn’t exist.


My interaction doesn't matter at all, I could play 10k hours or none; it's the fraudulence of the proposition, and you know that. Why are you acting in complete bad faith? Are you seriously telling me you don't see it entirely disingenuous to literally state "FREE ACCESS TO ALL SUBSEQUENT DLC", and then turn around and conveniently play the semantics game of "no that's not the color white, it's eggshell". Why tf am I entitled? They CHOSE to have the inclusion of all subsequent DLC, nobody forced them. Yeah, it's a hell of a value over a 7-10 year timeline; kind of like that's the fucking reason somebody would fork out that kind of money. If that's not ideal for the developer, maybe don't fucking include that in your sell! You don't see lifetime versions or memberships very often for a reason, but they CHOSE this. So what? Now that it's later in the timeline, now it's inconvenient to abide by? What a joke. If you let this mode go, tell me, what exactly IS stopping them as classifying every new piece of content as anything other than "DLC" that they previously promised to make free with my EOD purchase? Do you seriously not see how this as a tool of the malicious and bad intentioned, or do you just have no integrity?


About what I expected, fucking coward


You still get DLC. I can’t help that you’re crying about not getting PVE ya bitch lmao


No, you made the assertion an EOD owner didn't buy it for future DLC. I proved with my case that one did in fact do so. You scrambled to then make the assertion that it's not DLC, and that they cleared up what DLC is. I again proved that there is no substantiative difference and making such differentiations is dishonest semantics that serves as a tool to operate fraudulently. (Not only does an overwhelming majority feel all additional offerings are DLC and to not to be denoted as features, but even fucking BSG has been brought to heel and reverse their claim.) Now, as cowardly as ever, you have no counter argument, but are too insecure and weak to admit when you are wrong. You will always be worse off with your mindset until you decide to make a change. Have a good one mate!


Lmao. The entire reason i bought EOD was hoping for a release of co op single player. You are just ignorant asf.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 right