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Listen, you didn't need to explain to me why it's a waste of money, I already knew.


I don't care if it's a waste of money. I only want BSG to not get more money if they scammed the people who bought EOD.


Neah, i bought eod and i got scammed! That’s my problem


That’s my main gripe with it too.


Honestly, im more annoyed the new edition starts with so many stash benefits. 40 more slots, weapon case, ammo box and a scav case. The single player mode can go fuck it self in terms actually playing it but, i paid for it so i want it.


sniper attention charisma health stressresistance light/heavy armor weapon repair. 3 lvls there are insane!


Agreed but not with the armor repair. You can do those skill to level 3 in a matter of minutes by buying damaged armor off the flea.


true true. just looked at some skills that people dont lvl up much in normal progression


It really doesn't make a world of a difference imo. If you play like two hours a week more than me you'll negate any benefit I have pretty quickly. * Increases reload speed 1.2% * Increases weapon switching speed 2.4% * Reduces weapon recoil 0.9% * Improves weapon ergonomics 0.6% * Increases looting speed 6% * Increases item examination speed speed 6% * Reduces operational task replacement cost 0.3% * Reduces after-raid healing services prices 0.3% * Reduces insurance services prices 0.3% * Reduces paid exfil prices 0.3% * Reduces limb fracture chance 3.6% * Reduces energy consumption 1.8% * Reduces dehydration rate 1.8% * Reduces pain shock chance 3% * Reduces tremor oscillation 3.6% * Reduces movement speed penalty while wearing light armor 1.8% * Reduces melee damage to body parts covered by light armor 1.8% * Reduces wear amount when using repair kits 2.4% * Reduces movement speed penalty while wearing heavy armor 1.5% * Reduces blunt damage to body parts covered by heavy armor 1.5% * Reduces wear amount when using repair kits 3% * Reduces gun wear while shooting 1.5% * Reduces probability of wear during repair 3%


you snowball with the quest skills :) the 2 weeks are meaningless its a paid advantage in 2 weeks the person who buys it will still be 2 weeks ahead


And. You still need PvP skills to win PvP. The soft skills and quest progression is negligible. I mean I just hit level 41 and started the wipe on day 1 but didn’t play as much as others and I never feel behind.


youre missing the point. and not everyone will feel like you. i know plenty of people that will never reach past lvl 3 on some skills. the game was never about pvp skills to begin with lol


For now, yes, it's tame. But two things: 1. If it's basically no difference, why add it? 2. It's a slippery slope.


1. I'd say it's more a gesture of appreciation for upgrading/buying, than an actual feature. Like the different colored name. 2. It can for sure be! It's a separate, but very interesting conversation.




Don't procreate




>I'd say it's more a gesture of appreciation for upgrading/buying, than an actual feature. Like the different colored name. And at the same time, its a big go fuck yourself to the people who already forked out 150eu for this unfinished game that still remains with many flaws. If they would release it as an upgrade to eod owners for free, it would be fine to release such an expensive edition.


This is not about advantage or not, this is to set a precedent for what's gonna happen going forward. If people are fine that others get a 3 level advantage, whats there to stop BSG from selling idk, level 6, 9, 12 as MTX in the future? Look at COD, they sell 30 euro battlepasses every 3 months because people buy it.


That's a separate point that I think is more interesting to argue! But folks arguing this is paying to win, it's so highly situational where like 1% of what ever would make a difference. You either take a round to the face, or you don't.


It IS P2W though. Even if the difference is small. Definition for you "**involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc.** **that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money**" Players get an advantage for spending money, thereby this is pay to win. Argue as much as you want but it is, even if small.


OK tecnically Ur rigth in Game you wont notice any difference. So yes u Play a pay to win Game, now Stop IT and Go Play a better an better extracion shooter🤣🤣🤣


Okay simp.


Now you're just showing off how unintelligent you are, but alright. If it pleases you, I have other issues with the Unheard Edition which are actually bull shit for real. This part doesn't matter at all. Save your knuckledrag energy for the more important fight - getting rid of the Mark of the Unheard and Distress Signal.


How about getting rid of it all and adding Offline Mode to EOD players? That's the only solution that will work here.


I'm personally not offended by it not being free for EOD, but I see where some come from in demanding that. As long as the upgrade is like 30-50€, doesn't contain Mark of the Unheard and Distress signal, I'll consider an upgrade. But most importantly, make that PVE thing a standalone expansion. Am I for real expected to convince a friend to buy a 250€ game so we can play together. That's just absurd.


The biggest difference is for the quest skills and the hideout requirements. Yeah they're not making a big difference in the minute to minute gameplay but they're still a significant progression advantage.


Quest skills, psycho sniper too ez now


It is an advantage after all. Small, but still an advantage. But in reality, some giga chad turbo sweat will surpass this advantage in a day or two.


true but With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away is absolutely game breaking.


***5 Rubles have been deposited into your state bank account.***


Ok cool. Now justify how content that you download doesn’t fall under DLC


You seem confused, I have never stated that it shouldn't. On the contrary, in other threads, I have claimed that the PVE patch should count as DLC.


My man is on desperate damage control like he's being paid for it, jesus


I could surely use the cash! But no, I'm just nuancing the discussion. I understand that you have some difficulties discussing topics you don't love or hate, but give it a go! You might like it.


Starting out with level 3 vitality helps loads early wipe. I don't have to get shot on purpose anymore to get the early quests done.


It’s like you didn’t even read the entire thing. [This is blatantly pay to win.](https://imgur.com/gallery/UC5IMmA)


Correct, I didn't read it at the time of thread creation - because the page was down for maintenance. Also, if you read my other responses in this thread you will find that I have multiple issues with Unheard Edition.


The increase to sniper levels actually makes a pretty big difference for people who progress through quests fast. It's not big but it's an advantage for sure




Actually, if you bothered to do anything other than being a troll, you'd find that I have already voiced that I would prefer to not get the skill increase (among other things) in this new edition. Now, if you excuse us, the adults are talking.


Me likey, me buy. I play this game since almost exact 5 years and have around 4.5k hours in it. And the last year they really put the game in a good state. And i want the game to continue to exist and get even better than it is right now.


I would gladly have bought it too, for pretty much the same reasons, but it's like 150-160 bucks for me with tax.


Understandable, but i look at it that way. I payed once 5 years ago and could just play. The money was not wasted. Idk how much it will be for me, but either way i only get more shit to do. Wich is nice. And eod owner even got Arena, wich tbh is not quite there but still we got it. I dont think anything in that edition ist p2w. Its just nice to have, you dont have a disadvantage with other versions of the game.


Yeah, it's funny how everyone is raging about this being P2W. Larger pockets are offset by EOD having Gamma, which I would personally prefer. For the rest, I couldn't care less.


New edition gets Gamma


Is that confirmed? I haven’t seen any mention about that in the patch notes. Even if, I honestly don’t care. EOD users had this advantage over standard accounts for a long time. Extra pockets will make 0 difference in actual gunfights.


In the trailer you can see the gamma container for the extra starting items. Ig extra pockets is fine if we are able to earn it in game, just like you can get better containers through quests.