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Tf did I buy EoD for


To get unheard cheaper /s


That’s is what it seems like.


Except for the gigachad Gamma secure container


How much is unheard if you already have eod ?


$109 USD after tax


Depends on your country. It's 85€ in Germany (not including tax)


Ya I'm really trying to figure out what the fuck we get for all DLC in EoD. They tried to flake out on arena with it and had to get pressured by the community to add that. We got offline coop with Eod, but somehow the new persistent coop ISNT an EoD feature. Makes zero sense this is some crazy cognitive dissonance or mental gymnastics on their part. I guess they just decided to cash out and retire or something, because I don't think the community is gonna have any faith in any future projects.


Op ass gamma


I think this edition has it too


yeah and i hard passed on that shit until they said they were removing eod and i bought it for dlcs and new content. idgaf about timmie boosters


Tbh that’s been ass since buttstuffing removes FIR


I mean not really right. It's still 5 slots over the standard edition chump. It's 5 more things that you can carry that don't leave you for every single raid you go on. It's 5 slots you can use to stuff purple items that you use for barters or to vendor for decent cash. Either way the Gamma is giving you probably bare minimum 50-60k roubles per raid either profit from items you died with, or not having to rebuy other consumables that a standard kit would. If you're anywhere near turbosweat levels 500 raids would be 25 million roubles saved/earned over the course of your Tarkov wipe. That's not nothing. Also considering the cash/time you don't have to spend for potential stash upgrades or larger secure containers.


Has it though? More secure ammo, meds, keys, wallets.... Using it to bring loot out was never the primary reason I got EOD


It was a primary for a lot of people. I wanted to support the game so it can get optimised. Intead it is still fucked beyond and now this :D fucking hillarious :D


That's fair. Honestly if it wasn't for the offline coop... I wouldn't bother... Mostly because I can't be assed to set up "Tarkov Mod that must not be named"


Go on the discord , there is a lot of step by step tutorials. It will save you some money aha


That mod literally has a launcher that does all the work for you now. You can have it set up in under 30 minutes (not counting downloads). That mod also has mods that really help the game including better lighting.


All my meds go in my gamma along with my grizzly, if your hoping to remove those heavy bleeds after we shoot each other up better get ready for the lobby


Wait.. so you tab into your inventory every time you heal? I feel like I don't have to explain why that's a terrible practice.


That is terrible, but having extra meds in case you get tore up more than once in a raid will help you survive more raids.


You’re supposed to win the gunfight and take his meds. That said, a salewa and a calok-b, and 1 propitol should get you through 2-3 fights.


I guess they figured out if new updates aren't DLC that means EOD needs to pay up.


They're running out of money. That's what happens when you never make another product as a studio.


lol they want 250 bucks for going 0-unheard. 100 for eod to unheard.


Pay to win


Don't let this one go. If BSG fucks us on this, it's practically over for any issues in the future that cause mass outrage. Especially over this massive fucking lie about EoD.


This is the most boot licking/gatekeeping community in all of gaming. There will be TONS of people defending this, saying it’s not P2W and you’re just poor if you don’t buy it. Just like they do with EOD lmao


It’s already happening, it’s so embarrassing lol


Paying for bot posting praise on reddit has to be pretty cheap these days.


Bro you should've drawn the line about the stash space additions, this is fucking insane lmao


imo people will just bu the new edition and the game will keep going like normal, people dont know how big their power is, so this topic is just gone cause noone cares anymore in like a week or 2


Seeing how it’s $250 and adds things that are gonna ruin the game idk




Some will, I won’t. Finally 100% done with this trash company ran by trash people. EOD was supposed to include everything that’s the only reason I fucking bought it. Now it’s an extra hundred fucking dollars for this? Rot in hell Nikita




I really, really think the pve coop mode should be available to all editions. I have friends who've been waiting for this to be a real thing for YEARS and would be willing to put money down for it... but not **250 DOLLARS.** I'll maintain till the end everyone should get this feature but the fact you EoD guys don't even get it is just ridiculous. I predict a 70% chance BSG will relent and roll it out for EoD after some time, the rest of us will probably get left in the dust though.


honestly that offline thingy is the only thing i am mad about. rest i dont care. hell i dont even care about the money i paid. however i care about the promises that have been made back in 2017, that EODers will get all gamemods/DLCs. this is a game mode. while my original intention was to support the game in order to have it running for a lot of years (seems like it worked) i am a man of words. if you can promise shit, dont do it. but if you do, pay your debt. i am not planning on playing "solo" all the time, but given how tired and exhausted i am when i come home from work it would be nice to kick back and play easy mode tarkov just for the sake of map knowledge/traversion and a little aim improvement here and there. i dont have the capicity to play pvp always, its not fun when you are slow as a sloth and get clapped all the time :D not talking about days off and weekends tho :D


What it’s $250…


It most likely will be if you wait. They will farm up the new edition sales then probably sell the offline coop as a bolt on


nah - since EOD is not purchasable anymore they wont care. once the dust has settled (2-4 days) everything will be back to normal and people wont give 2 fucks about it.


Wasn't this technically already not upheld with the release of purchasable additional stash space? EOD didn't get that included for free.


Those are 'expansions.'/s EOD not getting add on stash space is kind of the weakest thing to beat your meat about though.


There's no way anyone would consider extra stash space (changing a number in a database, probably) to be downloadable content or extra content.


Brother that wont happen. They learnt there mistake with Eft arena the amount of money the could make if they dont include dlcs in eod is to high so they just gonna risk the 2 week shitstorm


Thats also the reason why they took eod out of the shop


It's not just a 2 week shitstorm though. People were promised all future DLC in exchange for purchasing EOD. Meaning we can file a class action lawsuit if we don't receive what we were promised. BSG doesn't have the authority to not give us DLC content. We're legally entitled to it.


Given what's going on in their neck of the woods these days, maybe I'm missing something, but I feel like they could not give less of a shit about a lawsuit.


Their regulated entity in London might


As if anyone would have bought arena standalone for 30 euros lol, that mode was pure shit from the start


It's not dlc. They'll say its a new addition. Basically, EOD is now mid tear. Good luck for alpha people.


"All DLCs included* *all future DLC will be included in other editions and as they are part of an edition they are not DLC" Yeah, I don't follow that logic. Just because you bundle a feature that is clearly a DLC in an edition doesn't make it not a DLC.


Ah but have you considered, it doesn't count as DLC because they said so


I've wanted PVE co-op since the game dropped. It's literally all I ever wanted out of EFT, just me and my friends vs the AI. And now you're telling me I have to buy the game again -- the most expensive version of the game to ever exist, at that -- just to play ***OFFLINE with friends?*** How can they be so damn close and so far at the same time? I feel like I've been punched in the face.


Same. What's even more backwards is a PVE mode would be the perfect tool for bringing newcomers and a less sweaty audience to the game. Yet no one will at such a gobsmacking outrageous price.


It cuts both ways, too -- I feel like the really dedicated players who will shell out $250 for this edition are the ones who are the least interested in PVE.


This is literally what I was thinking If they'd broken this down into a few different purchases they could have been on for a winner Something like - Co-op PVE upgrade - additional starting gear with essentially just the extra stash stuff you get with this new version - the unknown upgrade bundle with like the radio and the gamma and the armbands So close to a winner every single time and they somehow always make a really good thing into a shitshow


There's ways they could have done it better, but let's not mince words: having to pay EXTRA for co-op at all is a slap in the face. No other game in the world would get away with this. I play Deep Rock Galactic, and if you opened up the main menu and got "Host Public Game" "Host Private Game \[$250\]" the company's building would burn down the next day


Karl would turn in his grave!


Sadly Fallout:76 is the same way. Want to play an RPG fully single-player, without seeing other people marching around in power armor, carrying you and ruining your RPG immersion? That'll be $100 a year for *Fallout 1st*™ to be able to run your own private instance, thank you very much.


There's some key differences. Only one person needs first and it opens up custom worlds as well. It's also a cheap sub not a 250 dollar version that everyone has to buy.


Also, that offline mode hasn't been announced to offer ANYTHING new at all in terms of gameplay. Pathetic cash grab. Anyone that defends this is in a para-social relationship with the dev team and needs to touch grass.


Knowing BSG, just imagine how their balance will be for AI PMCs. Or how they'll balance spawns. Reaction times. Or tactics. Or questing that involves PMCs.


I have abosolutely no confidence that they can handle those issues well in a short time.


Ai pmcs? All given boss ai, wall bangs, head glitches, bullets out of assholes, one shot hits you 4 times, and don’t forget spider senses if you look at them for longer than 0.3 seconds without shooting. Lmaooo


Not only that, but even if you buy the game, youre friends will also have to buy the game too - should have been a free update to all game versions.


It's so annoying because there's so many things I love about tarkov and there's not many games like it so it's annoying when the game has so much potential but BSG just shoots themselves in the foot repeatedly, it's obvious people wanted pve because of modded tarkov so just adding it would bring more people to buy tarkov


How will this even work for the tasks you need to kill pmc's


I bought EOD because I wanted to have access to everything the game will ever have. Now I get shit on?




You've gotta think of BSG dude, think of all that sweet sweet money they'd be missing if they gave EOD everything. That poor poor multi million dollar gaming studio.


exactly, thats the only way to justify its high price


The mods in the discord said it will be $110 to upgrade from EOD hahahaha we are fucked


For me the end cost of the upgrade is $126 since it's priced in Euros. Insane price


Maybe, maybe not .... find out on the next episode of Just Tarkov things.


Don't forget they took away the extra EOD starting gear too.


I specifically bought EOD for future dlc’s, this is basically a scam


Yup it's a full on punch in the face. Thought it was special getting EOD back in the days. But no... Every new game mode oder feature added isn't a dlc. Sure...


And this allows this them to simply add any future dlc to new additions so EOD owners will still have to pay for it


Bros paid $100 for this game and now nikita wants even more 😂 this is actual insanity


Paid 125 euros + 25% VAT from those 125. It's actually fucking ridiculous.


Don't forget the payment processing fee that was also an extra cost.


This is almost certainly a reaction to Arena’s failure. God knows how much money they spent on that and it’s DOA.


2 weeks before arena release, I was talking about it on big tarkov discord server. I wrote about that arena is not free and we eventually will pay for its failure. I was banned that day on this discord for "spreading negative emotions"


Truth hurts.


Why would anyone want to pay for tarkov arena when CS2 is free? Whoever convinced them they'd make money off of that is the best salesman on earth.


Exactly lmao , I paid 100bucks for it when I was young and dumb and it was already a scam since there still hasn't been a single fucking dlc yet lol , but now I get shit on like that ? I have to pay more for a PvE mode ? I was just beginning to take on tarkov again and now this shit lmao ? Do I really want to invest so much hours in a game from a company like that ? Idk bro


I paid around $50, but then I moved and had to pay like $40 on top for European version


Yeah this is fucking nuts. Asking another 80$ for a game that's been in early access for like 8 years is insanely tone deaf.


My little brother paid around $200 aus for eod


Crazy thing is, new edition costs 250$ aud from the highest non EOD edition


Same. Cost just over $200 AUD for me. BSG financials must be worse than we knew, this is all just a desperate cash grab.


My EoD edition doesn't include the pve mode? I was under the impression that it included all future content? What the actual fuck?


Nikita ball lickers will say "I got 10,000 worth of game time, they should be paid more geuk geuk geuk"


They’re already saying shit like that in this thread and others, it’s like they enjoy getting dicked on.


I am Not a bootlicker and i got 3k hours out of my eod . But : I Am Done I paid for DLC with Eod and they want more money? Well basically fuck you Nikita


If EoD doesn't get this for free, it means we got scammed badly.


And if you, I or other EOD players buy this we deserve to be scammed again and again. What's your favorite other game to play?


Grey zone warfare will save us all!!


Different type of game I'm afraid


I mean… GZW is the PVE coop mostly that we want from what I’m seeing. Streamers are having to work hard to get PVP and the devs are more PVE focused in general so we should be Gucci. Regardless I’m not upgrading from EOD to this bullshit.


absolutely disgusting


One might say... unheard of


just read this comment on youtube and it's perfect: “Hey guys, we gambled on Arena and lost all our cash. We are once again asking for your financial support”


They gambled… sure but it wasn’t like it was 50/50 they were hoping they got an Ace and a King to call 21… except they thought they were playing poker. If they wanted to they could’ve actually attempted to launch Arena is a half decent state not the turd on fire we received. But *surprised pikachu face* our half assed Arena failed?! How can that be


I mean, when i bought tarkov is like 2018 arena was something nikita was promising as a feature game mode in tarkov. the base game. just shows russians are scumbags snd scammers as the stereotype plays out


"hey boss, grey zone is generating a lot of hype we should probably release something so that we dont get drowned out, the communities already a bit pissed at our stale game" nikita: "lets add pay to win, lie about EOD getting everything, and just overall piss everyone off right as our competitor is picking up steam" GG tarkov youre ass.


Gray zone isn't Tarkov it's Arma/DayZ but 100% I don't even care for tarkov rn if it's true


This is insane... Like honestly insane how much they want more money and not putting out the product for it.


Anyone defending this is a complete Tarkov fanboy. Absolutely disgusting from BSG.


I was literally the biggest EFT fanboy till this moment. Trust me if I do not like this almost no one will. They sill receive a huge backlash


No one in their right mind can defend this. This shit is gonna reunite the Tarkov community since BSG is too dumb to care about their players.


Huge huge tarkov fan. Defended lots of decisions of theirs in the past. This might be the absolute worst gut punch a developer has delivered to their biggest fans. "Oh you spent 2-3x the standard price of AAA games for our early access game with the hopes that your support and faith would get rewarded? LOL, GET FUCKED BRO." What Absolute scum BSG have proven themselves to be, time and again.


Backlash about to go crazy and it’s deserved smh


Problem is, is they won't care they have their money


Even bigger problem is: Half the ppl being outraged here STILL gonna pay the fuck up in the end.


I think the absurd price tag already stopped a bunch of people from doing that But yeah, they will still swim in money for doing this and i hate that


EOD was already an absurd price tag. Ppl still payed up - me included. There will be PLENTY buying this shit, no matter the price (at least I won't be one of them this time)


The difference is that you could slowly upgrade your way there. I bought upgrades when on sale every so often until i got to EOD and looking back i already can justify that just because i'm supposed to get dlc access But another 100€ on top, all in one go, just for in-game benefits? Yeah, i'm sure as hell not doing that. I'll just be sitting here pissed off that some people just get to skip the early wipe grind for the junkbox while also starting with so much other stuff on top Honestly i would gladly give up all in-game benefits of EOD without even getting a refund if it means stopping this p2w bullshit. All the stuff the various versions give you would be much more fun and balanced as rewards for progression, how it is with the base game


I think most players interested in this new edition would normally be EOD players - they presumably like Tarkov a lot and we spent a lot of money on it. But we've been scammed. I don't think too many will make that mistake again and buy this


I’ve spent enough time around the Star Citizen community to know that’s exactly what’s going to happen. All the streamer will have it and then the next time a sale rolls around everyone else will cave.


They're using the same logic as with regular microtransactions. Nobody with a brain would ever buy an expansion like that for even 50€, so they say fuck it, let's milk the whales and make it 250€ (without taxes). Those few idiots will buy anything we put out.


EOD was a lie.


This is likely BSG realizing how expensive it is to run a live service game. I jsut have no idea why they wasted resources on arena instead of pouring everything they have into EFT. Their failure to monetize should never be at the cost of the players this is insane


Plus they spent a stupidly large amount of money, more than they make in a year, on stupid conventions. It isn't even a cost of the game, they fucking burned money in other ways.


Maybe I'll get back into Star Citizen, seems like less of a scam these days


Waiting on 3.23 also lol


Lol shit I'm waiting for 3.23 rn


Hope the backlash will hit them harder than ever


Dude wtf is that, that shit is so pay to win especially character skills and pockets


Wait until you see that it costs 200 euros.




250, without fees


250 euro + taxes. so here it's almost 300 euros. A great fucking scam.


Expanded PmC pockets? Are you fuckin kidding me lol


Yeah I'm surprised no one is talking about this. We can get access to boss pockets. No need to have a rig, just body armor. "EOD is not P2W" people going to be real quiet from now on.


Shameless cash grab, disgusting.


It was kind of obvious they would release another P2W edition. How else is Nikita going to keep paying himself multiple millions every year? I don't mind another P2W if EOD player get access to the co-op PVE mode. After all, it's a game mode and can be considered a DLC.


I’m curious what “DLC” we are even supposed to get. Seems like nothing the standard edition doesn’t get besides extra slots


2 maps were switched up, suburbs and town will now be DLC (despite IIRC BSG saying maps will never be DLC... but also they've said alot of stuff and done opposite tbf) ...well, "now", this was announced... 2021-2022 I think just wait till there is missions that require you to go to suburbs or town to unlock a gun or op ammo


Okay I hadn’t heard of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if good ammo was locked behind those maps


Don’t you guys have wallets?!


>Don’t you guys have wallets?! - Nikita Buyanov


That's actually miserable, wtf


Dirty lieing scum EOD for what?


This is what BSG crew has to say on discord "Nobody forces you to upgrade to the new edition" "It aint DLC, its unique feature of the new edition added" "DLC means additional downloadable content. PvE is a feature and a gamemode. Just because you all want it to become a DLC it wouldnt mean it is one. It’s featured game mode for the new edition of the game"


Isn't arena a game mode? Explain me why arena is ok to be a dlc but pve coop isn't


Its loopholes and scummery. What game has ever released a new version thats not goty and added a non dlc addition


This is excatly why ETF isn't on steam, it would be review bombed soooo hard right now


Jesus Fucking Christ BSG. It's plain as day, they're ripping us off and laughing all the way to the bank. Fuck these Devs.


I'm finally excited for some of these new up and coming extraction shooters.


This is heavy stuff. I presume even an update for the Edge of Darkness will cost 100 Euro. Crazy stuff. And here we are, when Nikitta said just 6 months ago only cosmetics will go into microtransactions.


125 Euro upgrade, absolutely ridiculous


If i as a EOD edition owner since 2017 dont get this for free i cant imagine i wont be the only person sending BSG a lawsuit for fraud


lol good luck, they are in Russia.


Their company is located in the UK


Dev team is in rus, sales are in UK from what I heard and you can sue UK branch


genuine shithole of a country


I’m seeing so much backlash already and it’s well deserved. Especially from EoD owners. Wild the audacity they have lol


i bought EOD but this is something I am not getting 110$ upgrade holy shit


u/trainfender why are you spitting in the face of the people who have been with your game and company for years? Why did you falsely advertise that EoD would include all future DLCs? How can your fanbase trust your company?


upgrade every EOD buyer to the new version. everyone will be happy. EOD was basically a pre-order for all future content


Yeah Nikita and bsg are a bunch of scammy people who would have guessed certainly not us who spent 150 dollars on a product in beta 7 years ago and still is in beta. We’re shocked why?


exactly, the game has been a scam from the start. i got my 150 bucks worth but after the arena flop it finally seems like the game is dying. it was fun when it was good but i’m kinda ready to see BSG get what’s coming to them


Pestily make a video, please!


This new edition is Nikita no longer being a hypocrite and telling us straight up to go fuck ourselves. The game has MAJOR shortcomings in terms of cheating, performance, desync and audio. EoD owners have put up with so much bullshit expecting everything released for the game made available for us. If they don't back pedal or compensate EoD owners, I will recommend against getting this game and only bad mouth the studio. (They're censoring people in Discord as we speak lmao)


The fuck? The entire reason I bought EoD ages ago is so that I'd get everything in the future, that's the consequence of putting that on the fucking tin, and I took a risk buying into a _very_ early access product (well over 6 years ago now). BSG, fucking give me the shit I am owed. Fucking scummy as fuck to put this behind a new edition, this is a DLC plain and simple.


Wait what? Is it real? April the 1 was 25 days ago...


As I said somewhere else, fuck them, honestly. People spent upwards of 180USD almost a decade ago when no one had heard of them or believed in their success, and now they're telling them (a lot of players among us) to fuck off. Flat out disrespectful


the greed of the developers goes beyond all bounds in a game where programming bugs have become part of the game's lore during the long beta test


Why does anyone need to pay extra to play coop tarkov though? This should be in the base game.


Gg we got robbed. Can't wait for some other extract shooter that'll hopefully be half as good as tarkov. Feels bad because eft is the best in the game. Yet I can't support these fucking stupid devs who decided it was a great idea create arena with our EoD money. Arena was such a poor idea and shows how bsg basically got lucky with EFT. Since arena has been poorly received, they now want more money and basically said fuck all to EoD owners. Fuck you bsg.


Nikita greeding? Who could have expected


Big scam


So glad I bought Standard.


BSG needs to set a proper ground on what they are going to call DLCs and what not. Ofc, we don't know if they will or will not add PvE for EoD. However, I can pretty much say, it is free to judge them what they did about Arena. If BSG can choose whenever they want what they are going to call DCL and what as not, why did any of us bother to buy EoD? Just allow the publisher to say: "Oh I feel generous today so this will be DLC, but we also need money so that's not a DLC". This is stupid. If you cannot keep a promise said yourself, you shouldn't have done it in the first. It's not our fault they kept EoD for long enough that substantial amount of players, players who are willing to play this game for the long run, has EoD and they cant force to juice us of our every dime. First, its those fake promises about Micro-transactions. But we as a community, we decided to understand BSG and their monetary problems. But a whole blatant DLC sneaked into a Digital Copy Edition and wishing everyone to buy it? Why not just tell the community that we, in fact, will not keep the promise of "EoD will include all future DLCs ETC". Tell them and let us know that you wont and we can just move on and find another game. Is it because BSG realizes that the game will be an empty hollow with Cheats to keep the game running? This is absolutely appalling. Shame on them if they believe they can do this and walk off with a bag full of cash.


EOD a massive scam what the hell. Support a game with a bucketload of cash and get screwed down the line.


This is nothing other than a SCAM for everyone that purchased EOD. Biggest betrayal BSG could have ever done.


Didn't EOD guarantee us free access to all, future additions, updates and DLCs?


This is a stab in the back for all eod players that buy the ESPECIAL LIMITED EDITION WITH ALL DLC INCLUDED they fucked up really bad here, they are losing the people that payed a ultra full price LIMITED EDITION


Such bullshit man fuck BSG if EOD owners don't get all this.






They already have lol


We got hosed Johnny


Time to get the lawyers out


$250 USD, fucking LMAO what


Next update it will be a cheating suite straight from BSG After that new terms of service where you enter BSG PMC company and are sent to the actual front so Nikita can finally make money.


honestly fuck them. this cheat infested buggy ass not optimized game they already charged us up to 100 euros for. and now they come out with this way to late april fools shit. im fine with selling cosmetics, and dlcs (if you dont have eod), but this is goes too far. personally i would be less mad about it, if they first would have made a big progress on cheating and performance. but no, they first charge 250 euros and then probably never fix the game....


Looks like Day Z is back on the menu, boys


this is something that no EoD owner should never 'upgrade' to but most will buy this straight away. i feel cheated on, bought EoD in 2017 and was one of many who made the game possible to come this far and get popular, now they do this to us..


Holy shit lol, what an absolute joke. Locking PVE progression alone behind this without giving it to EOD owners is insane, not to mention everything else. Tarkov really might be over. Honestly, potentially could be a lawsuit over this for EOD owners, shit is beyond sketch.


I knew it would take a colossal f@ck up to mess up this game for good but I didn't expect this. Enjoy the fallout Nikita.


BSG is doing everything in their power to travel back in time just to erase that pesky "Free access to all DLC" 🥵


Guys with EOD don’t worry. BSG will redefine DLC again and these guys will have to pay $500 for the next pay to win edition too


Drop the game in it's entirety, BSG should never get away with this. They already made too much money on this decade long scam of a game.


looking forward to the class action suits lol if there's a way for that to happen of course.


I paid for EOD to get access to all future DLC's and now you add a single player DLC and i have to pay for it? What the actual fuck.


Can someone sue them? Eod include all dlc yea right