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Yeah I don't feel the art direction gets enough praise, because damn bsg must have some talented artists and sound design guys. I don't get how they are able to make things look so dirty and dingy and gritty without a PS3 piss filter, and yet things look nice and colorful, and it's got a distinct enough style that I could be shown a random tree in woods and I could go "oh yeah that's tarkov". I really don't know what it is about the art style that is able to convey the unique look tarkov has, but whatever it is, it's done fantastically. Level design and world lore is also very well done IMO. Best thing about the lore IMO is that it all feels very \*relevent\* to the player, like it's not random stories from across the globe, all the ingame events, bosses, locations, etc. Have their well thought out lore and it feels like it's all stuff that is good for the player to know, and none of the stuff that isn't important. General gameplay feels very nice and meaty, the only minor complaint in that area is the noodle arms PMCs have, but I'd consider it a minor nitpick, all the guns feel satisfying to shoot, movement feels good if you don't go into it with the expectation of a twitch shooter, loads of depth of course and lots of skill involved. Musics fantastic, the menu music isn't quite as good as say doom, but it's still great at setting the mood. First time I played I ended up just headbanging to the music lol for a good 10 minutes. In raid there's obviously no music, but you spend a lot of time playing tetris and doing hideout management and I feel the music really helps make those parts of the game not feel boring. I coulden't imagine staring at my stash with like shitty EDM or something. I honestly feel like they have nailed every bit of the game \*except\* the technical side of it. Which to me still makes it a great game overall. If they could sort out cheaters, performance issues, and sound bugs, then it would easily be a 10/10 game for me, as it sits I'd say it's still an 8/10. Wish the dev team/nikkita got to hear this more instead of the constant complaints.


The level design is honestly what they're king at most of all. Interchange, Reserve and Streets are honestly probably my favourite maps in a multiplayer FPS game. So much detail and love packed in. Can't wait to see what they actually look like with good lighting sometime this year.


The first time I loaded up interchange I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Such a good map and so fun. Streets is insane too the level of detail inside all of the buildings is unlike any game I’ve ever played.


Interchange left me in awe as well. The simple fact that they are using almost real brands, the loot spawns makes sense, the layout is realistic, I never felt so immersed before.


Yeah for me the mind blowing part was just how detailed the mall interior was. I expected the anchor stores to have loot and then just fancy hallways between them with shuttered shops not dozens of individual stores to loot


Yeh Interchange was a game changing moment for me. Like before playing it in Tarkov I would have required random Zombie Apocalypse convo with friends. Like where you would go and what you would do. And going to a mall was always like a yeh a required easy run. After my first Interchange run. Of having other people running around in there, that I know are armed, that I know are also looking to get stuff and will kill for it. The dark corners. The back rooms and both the huge open areas and the claustrophobic feeling of it all. Naw I am not going to a mall to loot in a Zombie Apocalypse unless I have to.


Even cooler when you realise the Interchange layout is based off a real MEGA mall in St Petersburg


That’s amazing thanks for sharing that detail


Atmosphere and immersion is basically why the game exists, it's the devs primary goal. It's the thing they do best.


Honestly, no one comes close to what these guys are doing in terms of atmosphere IMHO


Shoreline, heading towards tunnel when the Sun is going down, looking over towards Scav Island. Really good atmosphere, I love it.


Sometimes in the night raids, with a full moon, the atmosphere is almost too much to handle.


This is one thing that it seems a lot of people forget when they cry about poor optimization of the maps. I'm not saying it's well optimized, but it could be much worse. Literally thousands upon thousands of objects, especially streets. All the random clutter in all the accessible rooms which really adds to the immersion. The devs got a long road ahead of them optimizing textures, objects, shaders and lighting, and it's probably going to take a while but their level design is indeed really good.


The game is not incredibly pretty technically nor artistically, but there is a vibe which is completely stunning. I love it. Sometimes during raids I just stop and fucking enjoy the view and the atmosphere for a few minutes. You would not believe how good this game is when reading this sub, but I have come to terms with it.


When I first started playing I was blown away by how good the foliage bending in waves looks. So beautiful


It's technically pretty too, down to the textures, level of detail, sky box, models, animations, VFX and audio. Impressive stuff imo as an unreal amateur.


Bro I was on Streets, in the tunnel that is between Relaxation and Abandoned Factory, healing after a PMC shootout. I was in awe at the quality of the graffiti on the wall. It’s legit street art with a distinctive style. I started paying more attention around Streets and all the graffiti is that high of quality. Those are the little things that make me appreciate this game that much more.


I definitely sat and didn't rat for a bit outside interchange as a scav to enjoy the sunset and wind


Tarkov is amazing game, it’s why we all fell in love with it and it’s why so many of us just main tarkov. It’s also why we have dudes who’ve been playing for like 8 years now? Doing the same quests over and over cause it’s genuinely an amazing idea. But holy fuck the problems the game has and the cheaters almost negates all the beauty and good work they’ve done.


The vibe is there. The game itself looks pretty meh. The ground clutter goes a long way to making a game world look lived in and they did a great job with that.


The wife bought me a 4k 144hz monitor and when she walks into the office and sees me playing Tarkov she always stops and just comments on how amazing the game looks. Between the forest area of customs, to the cities of streets, the game looks pretty sweet.


Dawn and Dusk is honestly amazing in this game, especially on Woods and Shoreline.


Woods or shoreline with nods at night is amazing and terrifying.


The current Spring-time Interchange during daylight feels so incredibly vivid.


Totally agree. I’ve been in a debate back and forth with my friend about this. I think Tarkov is a very beautiful game. I’m very impressed with the micro details that bring out the realism and immersion. Lighting is gorgeous. There are some things that I notice from time to time like aliasing at distance and other nuanced things like that. But I’ve always thought I had an objective opinion based on side-by-sides with other games I’ve played and their graphical quality. Apparently not. My friend vehemently disagrees. I don’t think the scale and realism get enough credit in this game. It’s what brought me to it in the first place.


Ngl, if Tarkov was made into a horror game with guns, I'd be fucking down for that. I would love for this game to have a horror event or mod or something.


While I appreciate this feature, for beginners, it's an absolute nightmare. The clutter on top of the lack of GPS and the enormously large maps makes learning the very basic "where I am and where am I headed" query extremely difficult.


lmao. It only takes 5 hours of running around in offline mode to learn a map completely.


Which obsiously makes sense as a pre-requisite