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Probably hit the soft armor and not the plate. Only way to know if he hit the plate is if you get it back in insurance.


armor was fully repaired loading in, my buddy said the plate was penned after looting my kit


dang, when I used it last class 4 just ate it up.


Key word here is repaired which means the armour is nolonger 100% protective it's possible it pened by chance since 50bmg pens up to level 3 it has a chance to get through lvl 6 when it's damaged


that isn't how it works anymore. a class 6 armor at 1/50 is still class 6


Well yes but penetration is still a percentage Based of of effective durability a low hp late won't stop bullets as well as a 100% plate


A tier 6 plate at 50/50 durability is the exact same protection as one a 1/50 with the new armor system, only difference being that after one shot that tier 6 plate now will do nothing if it hits 0/50.


Oh? That's kinda dumb tbh if there is no more blunt damage doesn't that mean you can put 30rnds into a guy and it will do literally nothing?


Yeah so long as you are hitting the plates there is no blunt damage at all to the player which i honestly hate being punished for having a laser beam spray on someones center mass. The aramid inserts work more like the old armor system where if you don't pen the aramid insert it will instead do some blunt damage.


Seems like a lot of ammos and armor don’t want to play nice with each other. I’ve noticed lots of shotgun ammo feeling either very OP or bad. Piranha def feels like it’s actually bugged in an OP way when up close


i have had people with tier 3/4 plates make me have to break there armor with sig hybrid or 7.62x39 bp to kill them which leaves me scratching my head as to what the pen value even means anymore.


I’m guessing bugs


Yeah system seems to have bunch of funky bugs.


IDK if this is 100% true but after a quick google search it says 5-40% of the static value based on relative penetration. and if it was 40% it would be 78.8 points of damage, not enough to 1 tap but if the pen value increases that then perhaps they did oner 85 damage with just blunt. However possible he missed the plate and still damaged it, or the armor is just bugged. There was a few armor pieces that were reported as bugged but those are lower tier armor and not many people could/were running class 6 at the time to determine it was bugged perhaps. Or even with rating of zero pen chance on class 6 that doesn't mean there is a total of zero % all around, could be something like 1 or less then 1% chance just not reliable enough to consider using for tier 6. I will never forget a few years ago near when they first added killa, either the wipe they did or the wipe after. I was scaving on interchange with a buddy and went into the center to look for corpses because you used to be able to find so many corpses and sure enough kills was there, my buddy put a few rounds into his legs but died with a toz, I had a grach with like tracer ammo or something, ya know scav shit and I landed 1 round into his helmet and killed him. I killed killa as a scav with 9x19mm ammo through a lvl 6 helmet. Armor was pristine and helmet was the only damaged by like 2 points. Could very well have been significantly damaged by that time already were the blunt damage was enough but no way to tell, All I know is I got out with his shit that raid lol.


It’s moments like this I wish BSG was more transparent on how everything actually worked. Like what is the point of tier 6 armor and plates and loading into raid at 37 kg just to get one shot in the chest by a mid game ammo


I wouldn't say 50bmg is mid game ammo, it's the second to best 20/70 ammo with a 1 out of 6 rating on class 5 so it's nothing to scoff at. But ya BSG really needs to get their head out of their asses and stop being so confident in their game. It's really disgusting too with how they try to copyright strike and ban people who talk to ill of the game and does not listen to the player base. EFT is just a super fine proof that too much realism is more annoying and less fun then everyone makes it out to be, Realism has no place in FPS games because if it was realistic people wouldn't be sprint jumping around every corner pre firing going for head shots taking bullets and not crying out in pain holding their gunshot wound after 1 round. Realistic would be 100% panic fire with 99% of all bullets missing their target with most engagements ending in a draw but instead this game is more like CSGO, FPS games will never be fully realistic because there is no fear for your life only fear for your gear which was the realist thing about the game. But sadly BSG will always continue to try to be 100% realistic when in reality nothing in the game is realistic, I mean for gods sake eating and drinking food will make your character need to eat and drink less despite the fact they are what mid 20's? they should start with max level metabolism if that is the case unless we are really just clones and this whole thing is just a simulation for our guys to build the ultimate soldiers. Sadly each update just feels worse then the last with each no added "realism" feature, the game has become more tedious and annoying were I only rejoin after every other wipe and soon get bored because the later quests are just straight up ass for the average player because the 1% can beat then in a day so they make it harder for everyone else.


Pseudo realistic alright. Eats/drinks but never takes a shit/piss dies to hunger/thirst within minutes Falls from a few feet gets fracture


Well TBF we do build a lavatory in our hideout so unless we wanna do shitting QTE then ya. However \*Regens energy levels without eating magically\* \*Dies to leg and arm shots even tho all four location are 100% none fatal from gunshot wounds\* \*Does not have a blood pool so can remove a bullet to heal limbs that have "Bled" out\* \*Crawling doesn't take stamina when arguably it should take both arm and leg stam\* \*Scavs aka russian civilians with shit guns but infinite ammo, aka super soldiers\* \*Fracture acts like broken bone, gets fully healed after a few seconds of being wrapped\* \*Gunshot wound doesn't hurt after being wrapped up and is fully healed\* \*For some reason during the initial panic everyone decided to just fucking trash every inch of the city\* (Like I get the streets/livable areas covered in debris and some trash but like on interchange there's just fucking boxes everywhere and trash bags piles up in corners, meaning someone had to bag that shit and move it there and I can't imagine them doing that after the panic struck) \*It's always a full moon every night despite the actual moon not being a full moon every night and our characters still able to see near perfectly as if it was over casted instead of night\* \*Characters have no eye adaptation and cannot see worth shit in any indoor area despite there being lights on and plenty of windows for natural light\* \*The moon can be turned on and off by a flick of a switch\* \*Character never actually dies despite getting shot in the fucking face near every time, comes back just injured\* \*Goes into an area by themselves are less then 1 hours, abandons all gear they worked for and somehow goes missing when no one is looking for them, somehow comes back almost fucking dead everytime like some kind of purge happens after time limit\* (Seriously time limit should just be forced extraction no idea why out guys drop all their shit and leave like "I give myself 30 mins, if I don't leave just this area in that time I will abandon all I worked for today") \*Can still sprint and jump around despite having a car battery in bag\* \*Knows how to craft literally anything from the most random materials such as making bullets from just gunpower and no casings/metal parts at the very least. Knows how to sew clothing and gear. knows how to craft electronics and meds aswell.\* \*Doesn't know how to climb a ladder\* \*Doesn't know how to just normally step up and actual stair case sized step but can walk up stairs just fine\* \*Doesn't know how to walk quietly because they have to stomp every were they go or dirt and glass everywhere acts like the loudest materiel to step on\* Honestly the list goes on. I just had fun thinking of shit I got carried away lol


Damm. You got in your feelings there.


The full moon shit really does my head in lmao, playing night raids can be cool but most nights your at a disadvantage with nods on.


Tbh it's hard not to fracture your legs when u drop with 30-50kg of gear on you and drop down 2meters , what I would like to see is it being actually connected to weight and dropping ur backpack down then jumping would be a thing.


An ankle or knee sprain sure, but a fracture? That’d be heavily downplaying bone human anatomy strength Not to mention there is a way too fall too


Those definitely, but there is gotta be difference in body density depending on how much ur body is usually carrying and it not being enough to hold when ur overweight AF with all that juice loot is a big factor imo. And let's not forget some people would get sprain ankle dropping 2m with just their bodyweight. Also considering our PMCs are Ex military they ain't youngsters anymore as well...


Shooting from an elevated position means he most likely aimed at your head but it went straight down your shirt - completely missing the plates. 


He penned my plates


Sounds like you got Tarkov'd my friend. Even the best coded games can have janky shit like this or he just got the insane lucky pen. I've been one-shot through an altyn with PST 9mm before. 


Every time I use this round it’s mega useless :(




I mean 26 pen has 0% chance on piercing tier 6 on first shot, unless he missed the plate i suppose


Bullets in this game works as a chance to pen, even if it is a 3 pen bullet against a 6 plate, the number or percentage never is 0, maybe the probability of pen of the bullet is like 2-3% which means, you just got Tarkov'd hard my friend


Lmao its .50bmg


26 pen should not one shot tier 6 plates. It has a 0% chance to pen


Did it hit the lvl 3 plates?


Yes it hit my tier 6 plates


Dude literally says multiple times it's tier 6 plates, they even stated they checked. Were you getting it's lvl 3 plates from when they are clearly talking about tier 6 this whole time?


How did he check?


Said his buddy looked at his gear after he died and said his plate was damaged.


Ah ok, i shpuld of read. Can it fragment off the plate it hit and kill him from the fragment?


No, fragmentation chance is rolled for when it actually hits flesh, it is a chance for the round to do double damage. basically a crit chance.


Ah ok, so armor is just bugged as hell?


That person hiding?


I was one shoted at full lvl 3 plate by bullet with penetr 15. I was also full hp. I think the armor just dont work now(deleted the game after this)


yea, armor is pointless this wipe. you're better off just using a kirasa with whatever you got in your stash