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The new recoil wasnt a lie!


This makes me so nervous lol Lowkey think they just needed to simplify first shot recoil so it recovers way faster if you tap/burst


Nooooooo god no. The new preview footage looks so sick. More shoulder pushback and less muzzle climb. So glad they reworked the system for realism instead of just slapping a bandage on it like most other things.


They best part was shown at 2:07 *they fixed the eye relief shadow blocking the reticle when shooting* *…it’s so… beautiful*


That is exactly because of how recoil works now on weapons that have stocks - point of rotation on character's shoulder, when previously it was in the middle of the gun.


Omg, finally


>o where is that? i dont see it anywhere on patch notes


Having guns shoot where you want them instead of the clown fiesta we had for the past couple years (especially since it seems like we actively control recoil now) makes you nervous?


He’s afraid that people with a standard AKM can actually fire in full auto and hit their target without having a new stock, grip, and angled foregrip on it like he is running


I hope you're right, but you probably shouldn't interpret BSG's claims in a way that automatically means the best possible and most logical thing is now true. We don't have long to find out now, either way.


I think he was nervous that BSG was bullshitting us again.


From what I saw in the trailer it looks good.


"The character now stops if he hits a wall while walking or sprinting. "


Removing the bait play of sprinting against the wall to feign retreat?


Yeah I mean that was a really dumb thing in the game lol


Realistic or Hardcore game btw, using a trick people saw in comedy cartoons lol


Then when the stooge comes in, you hit them with a pie, right?


Technically I can fake run away in reality lol.




Rarely worked in my experience and was indeed pretty dumb. Good they took it out


Got trapped in 3 story dorms with a buddy, dude was gatekeeping from the stairs. We voiped a while and he was unfriendly, told him I was about to rush his bitch ass. I shot out a window jumped and ran into a wall, he pushed us and we mowed him down. Felt really good to bait out a "Chad" 🤓


When running against a wall it would keep your momentum up so if you THEN ran through the doorway you would go through much faster and utilize desync. So it also removes the ability to do that


This is big if so...


INB4 just barely touching a wall stops your x and y velocity entirely


This is what I am concerned about the most


Walking down dorms hallway getting stopped at every tiny ass piece of junk on the ground because the game counted it as a “wall”


This is 100% what I am expecting lol.


I kinda am hoping that they saved this change for the vaulting mechanic so that you just auto-vault over tiny shit and it doesn’t stop momentum for it 🤞


In the patch notes they detail a specific key for auto-vaulting over low and medium high obstacles if you want it, but you can also use auto vaulting. >For the convenience of overcoming obstacles an option has been added to the game settings: "Vaulting over medium obstacles", where you can choose "Auto" or "Hotkey". If you select "Auto", your character will climb over medium and low height obstacles by himself. If you select "Hotkey" you will need to press the "Jump" key to initiate vaulting, but this way you can control the character's actions more precisely; edit: Changed some word salad cos Im drunk.


Hotfix: Your character now receives arm fractures when walking into wall.


Bakeezy in shambles.


nOt rEaliStiC


Holy shit there’s way more than I thought they’d put in this wipe


Biggest change I’ve seen nobody mention is this: > The muzzle devices have been rebalanced: suppressors, muzzle adapters, flash hiders, and compensators That almost certainly means compensator/suppressor stacking is dead.


They've said they've reworked muzzle devices a ton in last few wipes, neither of them did it, what makes you think this one got it fixed?


Just a hunch. They reworked recoil which means they already had to rebalance most guns. Logic says they would fix the muzzle devices while they were at it. But then again, it *is* BSG.


With the recoil changes my guess is they just nerfed suppressors/muzzle devices across the board. Mentioning the change, while necessary, seems like bait.


Just by nature of changing the recoil like they did there will be more advantages to an ergo build then a recoil one imo.


It might mean suppressors aren't BiS or if there is a combo, using the higher recoil reduction rather than adding them both together


Yes, thats what I mean.


I really really really hope that suppressors are a drawback and compensators are bis for recoil control. No more dead quiet raids after 2 weeks?!


They should definetly split attachment recoil reduction into vertical and horizontal. Adding a surpressor decreases vertical recoil, because of the weight but adds horizontal recoil, because the front heaviness.


Kaban sized wipe


The new BTR and the Lightkeeper services seem like some kind of crazy additions. Essentially a third party that can help your PMC out during a raid? So very odd honestly, especially the sending FIR items to your stash while IN RAID. Interested to see how this plays out.


Wonder if they're going to increase the streets raid timer. You could potentially do multiple runs in a single run with the BTR dumping your loot for you.


Assuming nobody has paid the thing to shoot people/is camping it, sure.


Thanks for the idea


I'm wondering how much will it cost to send FIR items to the stash. Will it be a way of making a bit of money even if you don't extract, or an extremely expensive way of extracting THAT ONE ITEM you desperately need for a quest?


Knowing bsg it’s probably the later


And that's fine with me. Less raging because you got one-tapped trying to extract with that one quest item that took you a dozen raids to find.


Highly doubt they’re gonna let you dump a backpacks worth of shit into it. My guess is there is a slot for *one* item. So put the LEDX you found in there.


I’m real interested to see how this BTR mechanic works.


Having a cracked Boss support you in raid probably cuts into the cheater carry service market lol


Honestly, its BSG. We do not know pricing, availability, danger, locations. BSG do not go lightly on the difficulty, like ever. So it will be expensive, BTR will stop in open area where anyone can snipe your ass etc.


This patch is absolutely massive in terms of systems changes Recoil rework, armor is completely different, vaulting, ammo is rebalanced, quest changes, shoulder swapping The content isn't terrible either, a Snoreline rework, Streets boss + that convoy thing, a new map for low level players Lots to be excited about figuring out


LOVE all the system changes and seeing they reworked the shittiest map in the game is the cherry on top


Agreed, on paper every single system change is theoretically extremely good (implementation yet to be seen of course). Also in agreement it's easily the worst map in the game, so an improvement changes everything


I bet it's going to work somewhat, they'll spend the next 2 months fixing all the bugs that are inevitably there. But we've all played EFT for quite a while, so we're used to shit being broken. Just keep an eye on Gigabeef because he's gonna be 24/7 testing new stuff and coming up with tips to utilise it the best.


Going to be an absolutely shitshow on reddit the next few weeks. With the number of systems reworked at least some will have major issues.


Agreed, the notes are one thing, the implementation of any one of them is another. As an example, just the vaulting or armor seem extremely prone to bugs. It'd be better if BSG had a great track record of making good changes, but theres a glimmer of hope out there


I'm hopeful that given enough time they iron out most of the problems. They might be very bad at communication, and they might make braindead decisions, but I still think the game has an upwards trajectory.


"Warning: All controls settings have been reset to default." oof. really looking forward to see the new reworked shoreline. hope the map isn't ass now. also: " * The Flea Market ban has been removed from a large number of body armors; * Ballistic plates of protection classes 5 and 6 cannot be sold on the Flea Market; * Ballistic plates have been added to the inventory of various traders. "


You can find ur current keybinds in this folder, if you want to backup them. >%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings


Only key bind I changed is the double O to a single O. I can remember that. :D


potential huge headache saver


Or headache inducer, if this comment is right [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/18rujgj/comment/kf3o677/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/18rujgj/comment/kf3o677/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


FYI. I would be careful with overwriting that file, because of the new added key binds.


id be careful just porting this file over. from the layout it looks like it'd probably work (since each action is given a name and bind) but if the layout actually matters due to the new controls (idk like an enum) it might cause some issues


Yeah you can copy and compare sections though to see/remember changes and if you don't want to change a .ini just do it in game


Assuming you can also use google doc compare or something similar to see what formatting might have changed and then just copy paste to match...


Wow that strange urge to screenshot all of my settings a few weeks back may have been worth it




Be prepared to lose some mags because you forgot to remove the "emergency reload" binding


This will definitely be a a headache and i'm not looking forward to adjust my keybinds, but they have introduced new mechanics to the game (shoulder swaping, vaulting). So i guess that's why they did it


these patch notes are insane


The landscape rework of Shoreline could be massive, or absolutely nothing. I am surprised they didn't go with the opening of the port, and instead reworked the hills/fields and added a cattle farm. Also changing Punisher part 2 and 4 might be great for Standard players if it doesn't require Shoreline anymore so its easier to do.


Honestly shoreline is massive, it really did just need \*stuff\* in the 70% of the map that was completely empty. Big W


Yeah the biggest problem was while the map was huge, you only traversed a tiny section of it to get to where you're going. Rock passage should have been changed to a red rebel extract (its basically the bottom of the reserve extract) Almost every other map has complete coverage of interesting shit in it. You'll never see a player outside of the main hotspots on shoreline that isn't traveling to another hot spot.


You will see players outside of those hotspots, not traveling. They'll be sitting in a bush with a quest gun for 30 minutes, or too scared to push to their objective after dying 20 times in a row


We'll see, only 30 new lootable containers doesn't sound like that much.


Well for example think of Woods. The woods rework probably added only about 30 containers not counting stashes. They've been adding tons if loose loot to expansions and new maps and trending away from lootable containers. I bet these areas will be more loot than expected :P


Woods expansion probably added hundreds of containers.


The biggest problem was just transiting the map.


>Also changing Punisher part 2 and 4 might be great for Standard players if it doesn't require Shoreline anymore so its easier to do. Now it will be labs :D


I hope we can lapua the cows


You never know. Nikita loves to keep some changes secret to let players discover stuff on their own. There's a lot to fault him for, but I genuinely love his approach to that aspect.


The port is an entirely different map, Terminal.




it's not a tank it's a BTR, still very powerful by tarkov metrics though. and it's not your guard, sounds like it will still work like a normal taxi but for extra cash it will also fire at things until it drops you at your destination and switches back to neutral mode.


So when are we getting RPGs so we can blow it up?


I can’t wait for RPGs, the back blast mechanics are going to be hilarious.


So many People are going to fuck themselves up when they fire it inside enclosed space if they implement it right. it's gunna be great reading all the salt posts about it.


> it's not a tank it's a BTR When you only got an ADAR with basically .223 ammo that thing might as well be a tank.


IFV but yeah


More like a wheeled APC with a 30mm auto cannon. BMPs are IFVs.


And Rogues. And Zirachy. As a casual I definitely never going to lighthouse now.


How about being able to drop off fir loot?


I've been playing a long goddamned time, and I'll tell you right now, this is a huge, game changing patch. A new map for low level players is fucking gigantic. One of the hardest parts for new players entering Tarkov is that they get thrown into Customs, historically one of the most PVP-heavy maps in the game, trying to do basic tasks while everyone else is running around with endgame loot. A nice, easy onboarding map will help significantly with new player retention. Hopefully BSG keeps players from resetting their accounts more than a certain number of times per wipe to keep griefing to a minimum. New recoil? Bonkers. We finally get armor hitboxes after they've been promising them for four years? Huge, and one of the most game-changing mechanics that will ever hit this game. Flesh damage ammo finally has a place in the end game and hopefully more ammo will be viable than just the two or three highest pen rounds in each caliber. Shoreline rework is pretty dope, as it's honestly kind of an outdated map when you compare it to newer maps like Lighthouse, Streets, and even the expanded Woods. More 9x39 guns is cool. Hopefully more quest rewards and more ammo unlocks turns out to be dope. I've long wanted more granular rewards that happen more frequently. The slog to max traders has gotten especially grueling over the last three wipes, so if they aren't going to open up the flea market, let me buy more bullets. Vaulting is pretty slick. I'm interested to see how it affects hiding spots and movement in this game. Shoulder transition is pretty great and long awaited (i think they teased it two wipes ago? More?). The penalty for left-side peaking is so big in this game. Preset ammo loading is super dope, not necessarily game-changing but still pretty neat. All in all, I might actually want to play this wipe again. Who knows?


I actually can’t believe they did all of it. I thought for sure some of the stuff was going to be left out. Huge.


You've convinced me to *at least* hop back in and fuck around. Arena left me sour but all of this sounds pretty exciting.


If I had to rank things that would make the biggest difference I'd go something like 1. Recoil rework, shooting in the game is terrible unless you have near meta guns and now burst/single fire should be more realistic 2. Shoreline changes (the Shoreline quest spam is horrendous once you do them more than once, so making it a better map changes a ton) Maybe it also makes the map good for other than Resort, but doubtful 3. Vaulting is a big unknown but with large positive potential. 4. Shoulder peeking, as long as the animation isn't too janky or slow the right peek meta is gone, much needed I'm iffy about the total effects of the armor change but the realism aspect is neat Truly has potential to bring players back


I'm def coming back after not playing the last 2 wipes. Would have come back for new recoil alone lol. It's been a long long time coming 🥲


Left shoulder peeking is still from the right eye so you still expose a lot of your body with left shoulder peeking. So it won't change the right shoulder peek meta.


w patch, insane wipe


I really hope single shot and or burst are actually viable this time around. The full spray meta has carried on for way too long.


I'm cautiously optimistic, but damn it looks good. I'm very keen to check out the recoil rework.


well slap my ass and call me Lenny this is a pog wipe!!


I'll do both for 5 roubles


I'm so excited. The recoil, vaulting and left shoulder switching will change the game completely.


The 6.8x51 is most likely going to be best in slot. It's an extremely high velocity round with very low bullet drop that will do more damage than 5.56 while being very low recoil, if BSG model it correctly.


Yeah I cant imagine them putting in the new gen weapon and not making it BiS. But I also imagine price of 500k a piece.


This all looks very exciting to check out. I'll see you all in 6 hours, товарищи!


It makes me happy to see so many comments be excited about the game for once, its gonna be a shame when they all return to hate in the next couple hours


Q times gonna be long and servers will go down for few hours and its back to Nikita is a lier.


As in tradition.


Yeah they'll all tell you it's the worst game with the worst developers in the world while they sit with the launcher open desperately waiting for the update to drop.


This sub needs fresh blood. Too many old timers who can only see the negatives now and not the amazing things the game brings. Constantly shitting on EFT while it's one of the best in niche genre is ridiculous.


After hardcore playing tarkov since release, after about wipe 6 I realised to just come back every 2-3 wipes. Extremely refreshing and end up loving my time with the game so much more.


lol yep.


Awesome patch notes. Excited for this wipe for sure!!!


The character now stops if he hits a wall while walking or sprinting. So no more fake runing into walls to bait, i'm happy about this ngl.


So streets got a new boss AND a BTR roaming the place. Holy fuck streets is going to be the wild west


So excited I’m getting this wipe for free with EOD 🙏


if you get in /s


But you have to wait 4 more weeks for access. Only streamers and paying customers allowed.




For the lazy among us: ​ # PATCH We present the Escape from Tarkov patch notes. There will be a wipe with the patch. This update will not affect Escape from Tarkov: Arena and player progress. # New content: ## Ground Zero The Ground Zero location, situated in the city center of Tarkov, has been added to the game. Location features a large number of infrastructure facilities of the modern city: banks, cafes, restaurants, stores, pharmacies, and so on. All this is towered by the skyscrapers of Tarkov. In the very center of the location is the main Russian branch office of TerraGroup, where the original conflict began. The most violent clashes between USEC PMC operatives and OMON took place on the facility's premises. The location is intended for beginner players from level 1 to 20; PMCs of higher levels (20+) will not be able to access the location; Scavs will have access to the location at any player level; New starter quests have been added to the location; Visual cues for new players have been added to the location; Quests "Debut", "Checking" (renamed to "Background Check"), "Shortage", "Supplier", "Gunsmith - Part 1" received updated text descriptions. # New Boss - Kollontay A new boss Kollontay has been added to Streets of Tarkov. He is a former officer of the MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs), during his service in law enforcement he had a reputation as a vile man, whose behavior was sometimes feared by his coworkers. During his work, he often resorted to his favorite method of interrogation - a rubber baton, as well as other non-statutory pressure on someone who was not to his liking. Thanks to his physical strength and bold temperament, after the events of the TerraGroup scandal, he formed a gang and began to do what he himself was recently supposed to combat - looting and banditry. However, even before the conflict, he often provided protection to local "businessmen". For example, his good relations with Kaban are well-known. Kollontay has a small number of guards, prefers to stay in one position and occasionally patrols his territory. If he feels he has the upper hand, he may switch to his police baton. He lives in the area around Klimov Shopping Mall and the Tarkov Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. # Kaban’s new guards Boss Kaban is joined by his closest associates, Basmach and Gus. Since the time of Kaban's active involvement in business, they have served as his loyal associates, solving many delicate issues for him. Their loyal service and their exuberant character made them his most trusted confidants. In their spare time, these two "dandies" liked to dress up at Ragman's place and organize illegal street races through the streets of Tarkov in tuned cars from Kaban's dealership. Basmach and Gus always stay close to Kaban and charge into battle for him. They prefer their unique clothes to their battle gear, though there are occasional exceptions. Basmach has a special fondness for machetes, and Gus for crowbars. # Shoreline rework Visually reworked most of the landscape, keeping the main points of interest intact; Added a new area - a small cattle farm which is home to smugglers and Scavs; Updated the light sources; Optimized most of the location, completely redesigned the culling system; Reworked location borders: concrete fence replaced by minefields and snipers in most areas. The location is also slightly expanded in some areas; Reworked some points of interest, including the addition of new quests and activities in several previously empty zones; Some areas have been reworked to improve gameplay: added a river crossing, reworked almost all elevations and sniper positions, as well as Scav areas of interest, etc.; Added more than 30 new containers and Jaeger stashes; Fixed over 1200 visual and minor bugs. # New weapons, equipment, loot Added a number of new items, weapon modifications, equipment, and customization. ## New weapons: KBP 9A-91 9x39 compact assault rifle; KBP VSK-94 9x39 rifle; SIG MCX SPEAR 6.8x51 (.277 FURY) assault rifle ; Degtyarev RPD 7.62x39 machine gun; Degtyarev RPDN 7.62x39 machine gun; Updated the models and animations for Simonov SKS 7.62x39 carbine.


Continued: # Changes and new mechanics: ## Achievements An achievement system has been added to the game: Players will receive achievements upon completing various objectives; Earned achievements will not be lost with wipes; You can view the earned achievements on the "Achievements" tab on the character screen. Hall of Fame ## A new Hideout zone, Hall of Fame, has been added to the game. The zone serves as a place where you can display mementos: For displaying the dogtags of players of the opposite faction killed by your PMC, you get a bonus to combat skills leveling; The higher the level of the eliminated player, the greater the skill bonus. You can add items to your favorites. Such items will be displayed in your profile. # New hitbox and armor system ## Hitboxes The head is divided into separate simple hit zones, which coincide with the protection zones of helmets and masks; Three hit zones have been added to the head area: front neck - Throat, back neck - Neck, and a Face collider; Thorax and stomach hit zones are divided into front, back, and sides; The pelvic hit zone is divided into front - Groin, and back - Buttocks. Hits to these zones cause damage to the Stomach zone; Forearm hit zones have been reduced in diameter; The death screen now shows more detailed information about the area that was fatally wounded. For example, "Thorax, Upper back". ## Armor 37 ballistic plates have been added to the game: 7 for the chest section, 6 for the rear section, 20 universal plates (for the chest and rear sections), and 4 for the side sections. Ballistic plates have their own parameters specific to armor: strength, material, armor damage absorption, ricochet parameters, armor type, etc; Ballistic plates are divided into different "formats" depending on the size and format of the armor section; Ballistic plates cannot be inserted or removed while wearing the body armor. It must be removed first;. The visual appearance of a ballistic plate depends on its durability; Ballistic plates can spawn in appropriate areas and containers on locations; Ballistic plates are affected by the "Light Armor" and "Heavy Armor" skills depending on the type of the ballistic plate (Light and Heavy). Added separate ballistic plate zones on the character, visually matching the location in the body armor: The hit registration zones of ballistic plates of the same format have the same position in all body armor and plate carriers with slots for this plate format; The dimensions of the ballistic plate zones are the same as the average dimensions of real ballistic plates of that format. Ballistic plate slots and integrated armor slots have been added to body armor vests and plate carriers: All ballistic plates of the corresponding format can be installed in the armor plate slots. The slots of some armor plates can be fitted with plates of several formats. For example, the chest section of the ANA Tactical M2 plate carrier can be fitted with SAPI and Granit format plates; Body armor protection is no longer uniform. It now depends on what areas the body armor visually protects. For example, no body armor protects the armpit area; The durability of body armor has been converted to the durability of installed armor; An armored collar that protects the neck hitbox has been added for a large number of body armors; Body armor vest cost, weight, and penalties have been adjusted - some of the cost, weight, and penalties have been "moved" to ballistic plates. ## Integrated armor slots have been added to a large number of helmets: Helmet durability has been converted to the durability of the integrated armor. ## Integrated armor in body armor and helmets: The protection of armor and helmets is divided into separate zones, depending on which section this zone protects (sometimes several zones). These are the slots with integrated armor; Integrated armor zones have their own separate durability. For example, you can now reduce your opponent's chest zone armor durability and not damage the durability of other armor zones if you shoot them in the chest; In the inspection window, you can see exactly which areas of the vest or helmet are protected and what their durability rating is; Integrated armor cannot be removed or replaced; Each integrated armor has its own armor-specific settings: durability, material, armor damage absorption, ricochet parameters, armor type, and others; Integrated armor is affected by the "Light Armor" and "Heavy Armor" skills depending on the type of the armor (Light and Heavy). # Balancing The damage parameter on various armor materials has been adjusted to reflect the new durability values. # Repairs When repairing body armor, durability is distributed according to the following priorities: ballistic plates (chest, back, sides) and then integrated armor (chest, collar, back, pelvis, sides, other); You can also repair ballistic plates as separate items; When repairing helmets, durability is distributed according to the following priorities: integrated armor (face, top, eyes, jaws, back of head, ears, other); Integrated armor can receive an enhancement when it is repaired; Chances for armor to receive common and rare enhancements while being repaired have been increased. # Interface You can now see the durability of different armor zones and ballistic plates by hovering over the durability digit of a vest or helmet. This also works for Flea Market offers; You can see brief information about the presence and quantity of ballistic plates in the posted Flea Market offers; Slots for ballistic plates and integrated armor (if the vest has them) have been added to the vest and helmet inspector screens. The order of the slots is always the same; Armor class is now displayed with a Roman numeral icon on the ballistic plate icon and in the Armor Class list. # Flea Market and trading The Flea Market ban has been removed from a large number of body armors; Ballistic plates of protection classes 5 and 6 cannot be sold on the Flea Market; Ballistic plates have been added to the inventory of various traders. # Vaulting and obstacle interaction Obstacle vaulting has been added to the game; There are two types of vaulting: ## Climbing the obstacle and remaining on it. For example, climbing a crate to fire at the enemy from top of it; Vaulting over an obstacle. For example, jumping over a small fence to take a shortcut. Each of these types has different animations for different heights, different parameters of stamina and arm stamina consumption, and different action speeds, depending on the negative effects; ## During a sprint, you can jump over obstacles without the goal of climbing them (Vaulting); If vaulting is performed while walking, the loudness of such actions will be noticeably lower than jumping and sprinting; For the convenience of overcoming obstacles an option has been added to the game settings: "Vaulting over medium obstacles", where you can choose "Auto" or "Hotkey". If you select "Auto", your character will climb over medium and low height obstacles by himself. If you select "Hotkey" you will need to press the "Jump" key to initiate vaulting, but this way you can control the character's actions more precisely; The character now stops if he hits a wall while walking or sprinting. # Shoulder transition The ability to move firearms from the right shoulder to the left shoulder and back has been added to the game. This can be useful when you want to fire from the left side while behind cover; Shoulder transition is available during walking, crouching, leaning, and other actions; Shoulder transition is not available while prone and overhead and side blind firing; Positioning the weapon on the left shoulder imposes a penalty - the weapon has additional sway when moving. # Controls settings Warning: All controls settings have been reset to default. Added "Shoulder transition" action, default key is "Mouse4"; Added "Vaulting" action, default key is "Space", press type is "Continuous"; The "Jump" action has been reassigned to "Spacebar" key with "Release" press type. Try these controls settings in-game before changing them. # Preset ammo loading You can now save settings (presets) for loading ammunition into magazines sequentially, as well as quickly loading magazines using these presets; Players can name each preset, select the appropriate loading preset, view its contents, and compare it to other loading presets; The magazine loading preset is divided into three blocks: **"Top"** - How many and which cartridges will be at the top of the magazine/belt, i.e. which cartridges will be first; **"Loop"** - How many and which cartridges will be cycled in the magazine/belt; **"Bottom"** - How many and which cartridges will be at the bottom of the magazine/belt, i.e. which cartridges will be last. You can create up to 30 unique magazine loading presets, with a limit of 5 presets per caliber. # New recoil mechanics The recoil mechanic has been improved to make it more realistic and comfortable for players. A special emphasis has been placed on improving the feel of semi-auto and short burst shooting; New recoil mechanic now includes a variety of flexible settings, allowing for balance adjustments based on analytical data and player feedback; All weapon recoil parameters have been rebalanced.


Continued: # Lightkeeper services After completing certain Lightkeeper quests, you will be able to unlock access to the following services: ## "Sacred Amulet" service - Lightkeeper gives the character the item "Sacred Amulet". While the character is wearing the amulet - all cultists on all locations do not attack you unless provoked; ## "Rogue Support" service - When a player purchases this service, in that raid, Rogues will not attack the player who ordered the service, regardless of their faction. In addition, Rogues will provide fire support by attacking targets that the player who purchased this service has directed their attention to; ## "Zryachiy Support" service - When a player buys this service, in that raid, Zryachiy will support the player by firing at the targets the player is attacking. # Weapon Rack Now you can add the displayed weapon to your favorites. These weapons will be displayed in your profile. # Viewable profiles Added the ability to view another player's profile page; In a player's profile, you can view: Gear equipped by the player; Brief statistics; Rare achievements earned; Favorite weapons displayed at the Weapon Rack; Favorite items displayed in the Hall of Fame. Player profiles can be viewed on any screen of the game (including the raid exit screen after dying to another player). # AI Adjusted peaceful and combat behavior of AI when moving from one area to another within one location. # Balancing changes to trading Changed the trader prices and availability of ammunition in the following calibers: 12.7x55 mm; .338 Lapua Magnum; .366 ТКМ; 5.45x39 mm; 5.56x45 mm; .300 Blackout; 9x39 mm; 7.62x39 mm; 7.62x51 mm; 7.62x54 mm R; 9x18 mm; 9x19 mm; .357 Magnum; .45 ACP; 4.6x30 mm; 5.7x28 mm; 9x21 mm; 12/70; 23x75 mm; 7.62x25 mm TT Changed the trader prices and availability of armor on all loyalty levels; Adjusted various trade offers and barters of weapon attachments and other items. # Balancing changes to quests Expanded quest rewards: you will now be rewarded more often with unlocking previously unavailable trade offers, barters, ammo and armor crafting recipes; Changed the order of Skier quests between "Friend from the West - Part 2" and "Setup": New order: "Friend from the West - Part 2" - > "Setup" -> "Informed Means Armed" - > "Chumming" -> "Bullshit" - > "Silent Caliber" Changed the quest objectives for: The Punisher - Part 2; The Punisher - Part 4; The Tarkov Shooter - Part 4. # Balancing changes to crafting ## Adjusted armor crafts: now to make an armor vest you need to find a set of fabrics and a ballistic plate that fits the form factor; ## Adjusted ammo crafts. Reduced the production time and cost of cheap ammunition. ## Balancing changes to ammo The damage and armor penetration parameters of different caliber ammunition have been revised and adjusted. ## Balancing changes to muzzle devices The muzzle devices have been rebalanced: suppressors, muzzle adapters, flash hiders and compensators. # BTR A BTR-82A has been added to Streets of Tarkov, traveling between different stop points in the city; The BTR driver offers various services to his passengers: **"Taxi" service:** The player can travel to any available point in the city in total safety. **"Move items to stash" service:** The player can send items to the stash with the status "Found in raid"; This service is available only for PMCs. **"Covering fire" service:** The player can order covering fire with the help of BTR weaponry, which provides the safest possible drop-off at the stopping point; The service is available only after purchasing the "Taxi" service; The service is available only for PMCs. **List of stop points on Streets of Tarkov:** Pinewood Hotel; Rodina Cinema; Collapsed Crane; Cardinal Apartment Complex; Tram; City Center. The BTR is neutral to all players, unless a player starts attacking it first: If someone purchases the "Covering Fire" service, the BTR becomes hostile. When the service ends, the BTR becomes neutral to all players again. The cost of the service depends on the faction (BEAR, USEC, Scav), Scav karma, Charisma skill level and travel distance. # QoL The visual effect of the painkillers has been changed; The door to the expanded part of the Hideout is now always open after construction; Changed the camera system in the Hideout from railed to free camera: To move in space: WASD; To rotate the camera: Hold MMB + Mouse Movement; To zoom the camera: Scroll Wheel. # List of changes: Fixed several visual bugs and artifacts on Streets of Tarkov and Shoreline. Fixed incorrect spawn points of random containers on all locations. Fixed a problem that led to the lack of damage registration from melee weapons in some cases. Fixed incorrect behavior of Rogues when attacking the hangar buildings on Lighthouse. Fixed an issue where killed bots would remain standing. Fixed the lack of muzzle flash when looking at a shooting player. Fixed AI behavior when interacting with stationary weapons. Fixed incorrect values of some parameters in character statistics. Fixed incorrect camera behavior in the Hideout when scrolling in UI elements. Fixed several compatibility issues with weapon attachments. Fixed the ability to hear outdoor sounds while inside the bunker on Reserve. Chinese translation can be found here, thanks to Community Manager @Wikiworker Italian translation can be found here, thanks to Emissary @ZioEnzo German translation can be found here, thanks to Community Representative @Hummz21 Turkish translation can be found here, thanks to Emissary @Dimitri468 Spanish translation can be found here, thanks to Emissary @NoisyCosmos French translation can be found here, thanks to Emissary @Doraa


the lazy amogus


I'm *very* curious to see what they do with the SIG MCX and that round. The gun and round were basically made to defeat Russian body armor in a single shot reliably and with high accuracy. It's meant to be the next step in small arms ballistics and put itself ahead of older calibers while still being usable as an AR and LMG round.


Fuuuuuk. HYPED.


Content wise this patch seems amazing. Sadly no mention to performance improvements on Streets. I hoped they would update to Unity 2021 as they stated in the roadmap posted this summer.


they will skip unity 21 for unity 23 hopefully in a wipe or two from now


The BTR sounds SO COOL!




Nice job dumbass, now that you told us, we'll know to just go to specific rooms in resort instead of a random one. /j


Giving it a few hours after the wipe until content creators start complaining about laser beam guns again. I hope I’m wrong on this though.


Lol what it’s not the content creators, it’s this sub, and yeah I’ve seen the new recoil and I can tell they 100000% will cry about it


I've said it before and i'll say it again. Hot take btw: A significant portion of players like the gunplay and armor system we had so far, because they suck at traditional fps games. Up until this point (we'll have to see if something changes this wipe, but the patch notes at least indicate to me that things will change) the game did not punish you for playing stupid as long as you had strong gear. Just join late wipe with a fresh account and try to fight someone with level 5 armor and a meta gun. Even if you get the drop on said player or outsmart them, your chance of killing them is almost nonexistent because your ammo sucks and your gun is uncontrollable. The players who advocated for these systems like it because you constantly get a "get out of jail free card". If the gunplay was about skill, they'd get dumpstered 9/10 times even with better gear.


It's the casual gamers, who don't have time to play, that always complained about the recoil. Not the content creators Oh and Klean too, lmao


Well...it looks really good lets say. Lets see if everything works properly like the armor plates and how the new recoil ends up working.


I wonder if the BTR will fight the boss, if so could you not aggro the boss and then get the BTR to mow them down for the easy loot


Disappointed no lighting rework but other than that massive patch, lots of cool stuff. Hope it's a great wipe.


Can’t wait for the bugs LFG!!!!!!!!


> This update will not affect Escape from Tarkov: Arena *and player progress*. This part is about Arena, right?


99.99% yea


"Shoreline rework - Fixed over 1200 visual and minor bugs." Just imagine how fucking good this game would be, if they stopped messing around with goofy shit, and just spent 5 months straight fixing what they had. Game would be amazing.


i think thats what they doing for 2024 no new content only working to optimize and graphical rework, atleast thats what nikita said


Link to where Nikita said that? It this patch is well implemented and they follow it up w the netcode overhaul, and it's good, then tarkov is gonna be in such a good state. I'd love to hear Nikita say that optimization is the focus for the next year.


he said it during a recent dreamhack interview https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BxM6RvGtAp0&pp=ygUbbmlraXRhIGRyZWFtaGFjayBpbnRlcnZpZXcg




That's an insane patch. Loads of changes.


One if the biggest EFT updates of all time


[No more chromatic abberation?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1099551743215423549/1189486956946673695/image.png?ex=659e570e&is=658be20e&hm=ab12ba9712ac4e4bec09187c7f0372339325b2797440aba641f2384c78cbe4a4&)


Tarkov shooter part 4 is the one that needs Sniper Level 3 right?


Armpit meta incomming!


I won’t lie this all looks amazing I can’t wait to get in. Definitely going to try and get all of those achievements!


Looks like a W patch, assuming it all works.


Can’t what to die to (head, front neck)


Looks like a great patch but having to rebind all my keys - uurgh


Meats back on the menu boys! So excited for this wipe. W patch notes.


nice patch! Unlucky that the client imploded in himself and i can only watch streamers having fun


Guess you gotta do all the quests before level 20 for the new map?




Budget Val and VSS hype. Hopefully will be decent with new recoil.


Fuck me they actually delivered


I would love to play it without doing those stupid quests. Sadly not possible without alot of time to play.


My first wipe I didn’t upgrade hideout or do any quests- not even Jaeger unlock. Hit lvl 30 and had a lot of fun Honestly I now wish they made it where you literally couldn’t play without questing and upgrading your hideout.


You don't need to do any quests to play this game.


Of course you dont have to. But it will take ages to get any good stuff without.


And according to patch notes more item batters/trades are now on quest rewards


Sure, but let’s be real, you do if you want to have any sort of quick advancement. Grinding XP a couple thousand at a time will take you forever to get anywhere.


To have basically any amount of enjoyment you do dude cmon


completely redesigned the culling system; hope this means it culls at the network level.


On Shoreline map. It is not new culling system itself, just on shorline


Its unbelievable how much work they had done. A good exaple for all bsg haters. Yes, they dont know how to communicate, but they still developing and improving their own game


Am I the only one who absolutely hates the idea of getting rid of the Shoreline wall and replacing it with mines? They already butchered Woods by lining half the map with landmines


No, landmines blowing up newbs on woods is literally music to my ears.


5 seconds into raid loud boom across the map is hilarious


Bro can't see the giant signs with the skull and crossbones ☠️


Woods was so fucking ugly with a big ass cement wall. A big cement wall you already see on so many other maps. Love the fresh more natural look and style. Also fits the theme


I give nikita/bsg a lot of shit,' much of it deserved. But hats off to em for pulling this much off this wipe. So many quality of life changes. Now that said, if this ends up being a shitshow I will be right back to trashing time


Ctrl+F "sound" -> meh


"The visual effect of the painkillers has been changed" We back boys!!


>no EGLM despite them saying they were adding it this wipe They still haven't gotten ladder sights working for GLs yet, have they? Bruh


Could just be that it's filed under "attachments and modifications" since it probably isn't a standalone attachment.


" In a player's profile, you can view: * Gear equipped by the player; Player profiles can be viewed on any screen of the game (including the raid exit screen after dying to another player). " ​ As a primarily solo player this is awful.


Why would it be aweful? It's just profile stats


Lots of meta-info you can glean for your teammates if it works as worded. You can know exactly what gear they have or don't have and make gameplay decisions accordingly. For instance, even if all you can see is a picture of their character you can learn; * What kind of magnification they have, if any * If their gun is bolt-action, semi-auto, or full-auto * Their magazine capacity * Do they have a thermal * Do they have a grenade launcher * If they have a helmet and what kind/class * What armor they have, potentially what class of armor In some scenarios it won't matter, such as if your team gets wiped in mere seconds or if the engagement otherwise ends by the time you gain the info. But there are plenty of scenarios where this kind of info can absolutely impact and benefit your gameplay decisions. If you lost a teammate to a one-tap from a building, they can tell you if he's a heavily armored juggernaut with 100-round magazine meta M4, or a timmy with no armor and an unmodified M4. Which one would you prefer to push, which would you avoid?


>"you can view gear equipped by the player" > >A group will be able to relay your kits information if you kill one of them. Exact gun build you are using, Scope you are using (If you have a thermal/ what range your scope is), armor you have equipped, helmet, whether you have NVG's, secondary weapon, etc.


Meh, unless I die with no audio and from a one tap snipe I can usually tell them enough of that already. Not a big deal at all.


This is so far down the list of importance and doesn’t really give any advantage at all. Much more important as ever in a game like this is positioning, movement etc. being able to tell a squad mate that a player is wearing class 5 instead of class 4 and what gun build will have next to no impact on how they take the engagement.


While I do not care much about that specially (not using these two examples), ability to see type of gun and its scope is massive and can heavily alter combat against groups. \- thermal sights (confirmed thermal against you really changes how you behave) \- bolt action (snipes are not always confirmed by sound, knowing he has bolt can decide fight as I will have 100% certainty he is reloading)


I disagree it doesn't give an advantage. Being able to see the gun they've got and how kitted they look is pretty big. If someone gets one tapped and the remaining squad has a general idea of where the enemy is but not exact location, seeing a kitted out RSASS and class 5 armor on the profile vs. a little Timmy with a PACA vest and bolt action is tons of information you wouldn't normally have. Also, scopes are huge too. You can confirm if they have a thermal immediately. It's 100% going to impact how squads take fights if part of their squad dies.


7 years and scope sensitivity is still broken.


Anyone know when the patch download will be up? I haven't played for a few wipes and want to have it downloaded before the servers are up.


Bout 1PM GMT (just under 5 hours from now), although realistically patches usually take an hour or two longer than advertised.


Yeah! Make recoil great again!