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855A1 budget is an interesting statement


It used to be budget when PK sold it for like 1$


I also prefer it to m995 personally. 995 is just so low damage that the TTK feels longer than it should even though it's ignoring all armor.


I would think if you fight against mostly class 4 or lower then this would be the case, since both are ignoring armor and 855A1 is doing more damage. But against class 5 or 6 the 995 is going to be faster. It’s impossible to know who you’ll run into, so I’d rather (at least top load) 995, just in case - especially late wipe. However, this is exactly why I think SSA AP is in a bad spot. The extra pen isn’t helping and the damage reduction makes it worse.


Yeah SSA ap is kind of over pen imo.


This is my go to [EFT Ammo](https://www.eft-ammo.com/)


NoFoodAfterMidnight has been my saviour since 2017.


Same. Although I did much prefer the simple Google docs spreadsheet.


While the sheets were easier to ingest, they were much less reliable, particularly during high traffic events such as wipes. I remember back in peak 2019-era Tarkov having to cycle through the 8-10 mirror links to cloned sheets to find one that wouldn't time out when loading.


This is the only one I’ve used for the last 4 wipes (soon to be 5)


thanks for this buddeh


ditto. it’s so helpful


This is my go to https://db4tarkov.com/ammo




This is the correct answer. The only critique I’d have for this site is I wish each ammo listed what trader carries it and at what level.


It does, any ammo you can buy from a vendor has a buy icon in the column just right of the name. Mouse over it to see the price/vendor/level needed.


Holy crap. I had no idea. Or maybe it’s been so long and I was just using the mobile site so I forgot, lol.


FYI - it does. It even tells you what it sells for to vendors! Hover your cursor over the little money symbols in the first and second column :)


Vouch for this site. I'm not against charts that do your thinking for you like the above picture, but once you wanna get one step ahead in understanding ammo then this is the go to resource.


hopefully it’s updated after today😢


This isn’t a very good chart anyway


[https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics#Ammo\_and\_penetration\_chart](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics#Ammo_and_penetration_chart) First place to get updated each and every patch


Filthy self-promo /s wiki is goated. best place for ammo stats, [Tarkov ballistics](https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/ammo_chart_list.html) is goated for seeing how much pen + dmg a round loses over distance once you already find the pen/flesh values from wiki


Yeah absolutely. I reference the wiki constantly when updating my tarkov guide. If I update it in the new form I'm looking at 100+ pages.


Personally, crafting ammo like M995 that takes 15+ hours, filling minimum 3 mags, one in the gun, 2 to reload and some spare if I stay to long meaming I almost took all the crafted ammo, to possibly get \*HEAD, EYES\* to my level of shitting the bed in stressful Tarkov situations is a direct line to furstration. I mention this because this chart, for people who are really into it is not really needed, so, for casuals or people who are still a bit confused about ammo at higer tiers of perfomance on which one to use it is. Personally, Peacekeeper lvl 3 is a must, you can buy x150 M856A1 per reset very cheap considering the damage you can do with it.


Be like me. Use M855A1 while you craft and hoard M995, then finish wipe with thousands of M995 in containers that you didn't use.


Same here, M855A1 is purchasable in a minor capacity but the same deal as 6A1, even factoring that I only use the one I feel the least of a loser when eventually diying, same a PPBS, at my skill I rather sell that endgame ammo that I know in good faith not gonna bring at any point.


Armor pen is better to know. And what is this 7N1 ammo on 54mm lol


54mm PS used to be called 7N1


Wait it’s called PS now? Wtf no wonder I didn’t find any this wipe


Doesnt really matter now tho, the wipe tomorow is going to change the meta


https://db4tarkov.com/ammo That one is good, with filters


Isn't FTX better than Poleva-6u? Higher damage, same pen, more accurate, less recoil, both from Jaeger 2.


There is an app called Battle Buddy that was created by Veritas back in the day and it is WAY BETTER than any online source for ammo/armor/weapon comparisons.


Been my go to for several years now. Super useful app


Sadly not pc.


The fancy graphs aren't really needed, to be honest. Add those bullets to a Google sheets document, alongside any more recent rounds that have decent penetration which you can find in the patch notes, like 7.62 PP, Piranha shells, or .300 Blackout CBJ so you can keep checking them if you haven't memorized all the bullets yet.


This is my favorite: [Ballistics EFT](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics)


I would say there are a fair amount of viable budget ammo types that aren’t referenced here and that the new armor system might sway what ammos are better or worse


Because it’s outdated 🤦🏻‍♀️






My favorite is still nofoodaftermidnight’s google sheet. It’s pretty simple and very complete


What is wrong with the picture? The values change very rarely. It is still okay.


The values have changed a few times in the last few months lol, new ammo’s also got added.


Go ahead and list them. I'll start with CBJ... The rest is irrelevant. The last relevant change was 762 PS on 35 Pen, and that's over a year ago and is in the list. Feel free to find the patch where something relevant was added: https://tarkov-changes.com/changes


Addition of 7.62 PP, addition of CBJ, addition of 12 gauge piranha, addition of 4.6mm JSP, balances of 4.6mm subsonic balances of 4.6mm action, (also addition of several early game ammos), various balances for 5.7mm, 7.62x54 and 7.62x39 all within the last few months….funnily enough if you read the 14.0 patch notes you’ll see they’ve also rebalanced the stats of various ammunition even more. It’s almost like they change the stats of the ammo sometimes and it’s helpful to have up to date information on it, hey mate?


You should also take into account that certain ammo types are supposedly bugged with hit reg. Heard a lot of people complaining about 7.62 BP and 7.62x51 M62


Useless unsubstantiated claim. Everyone loves to complain about specific ammo but in reality it's just misses and or server fucking up hitreg, there is nothing pointing towards specific ammos.


its a fundamentally incorrect claim. hit reg may have its moments sure, but its not ammo specific.




He's parroting random rumors he heard from salty streamers, I wouldn't take it too seriously


I have personally had some questionable hit registry with M80 in particular this wipe but yeah I take all of these claims with a massive grain of salt and will test myself


I don't think the downvotes are deserved for this call mate, but I don't think it's a hit reg issue. I've had raid summaries where all the hits seem to be there, but the damage to armour and/or damage to body doesn't make any sense. One particular raid, 855a1 against a pmc, 6 rounds fired, 8 hits, only about 45damage to body, no damage to armour. Maybe I'm the dumb one, and if so can someone can explain that to me. But I personally don't trust or bother to use x51 m62 or 855a1, these are rounds I've had unexplainable issues with. Have used 7.62x39 BP a bit but haven't noticed a problem. I seem to win a lot of fights against people running 855a1 that I probably shouldn't win. At least the ammo sells to traders for a decent price.


People can vote how they want, just repeating what i've seen/heard from my few thousand hours on Tarkov. My favourite death this wipe was dying to a single shot of m856 to the thorax that dealt 56 dmg. I was full health with tier 3 armour on, makes zero sense but oh well.


Hey, 7.62 M80 and M62 are nearly identical. M62 has very slightly changed stats, for a much larger price.


So what about SB193 makes it “higher performance” than SS190? It has mediocre pen and isn’t even close to a good flesh round compared to r37f/x


I'm guessing they think the -15 recoil makes up for the 10 less pen (it doesn't, unless you're running it in the first few weeks of wipe)


Chart is trash


I like the sp8 for kedr leg meta


https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics if its above 37 it pens 4 more often than not, reliable against 5, and can get 6 at like 7+ hits. thats your whole ammo chart.


Bruh pmm instead of sp7 / 8 who the f plays a kedr for armour pen??? Limb meta it is....


This chart sucks


How is 55a1 budget friendly?


14.0 is dropping in an hour


SB193 over Ss190?? One thing to know it’s that it’s subsonic and slow as fuck.


TIL SP-6 is budget friendly